"It's like someone who cheats but doesn't think it's cheating if they don't get caught," Judge Marsha Revel saidin finding that Lohan had violated the terms of her probation forreckless driving and two DUI charges from 2007. Revel noted severalinstances over the last few years in which the actress lied about takingdrugs and drinking.
A teary Lohan addressed the court before being sentenced.. She said that "as far as I knew I was in compliancewith my programs."
"I wasn't trying to get special treatment," said the actress, whose credits include Mean Girls, FreakyFriday and Herbie Fully Loaded. "I have to provide formyself. I have to work. Having said that, I did everything to balance myjobs and showing up. I'm not taking this as a joke. It's my life. It'smy career. ... I take responsibility for my actions. I've tried to dothe best I can. It's been such a long haul, I don't want you to thinkthat I don't respect you."
After she's out of jail, Lohan must do 90 days in a rehab center. She'll surrender in two weeks.