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Texas couple sentenced for enslaving widowed Nigerian mother of six, for nine years

he was a widow in a Nigerian village trying to raise six children when she says she met a man who told her he and his wife needed a nanny for their newborn. If she came with them to Texas, they would help support her children financially, give her free room and board, and pay $100 a month, the woman says she was told.


For a mother who couldn't read or write, lived in poverty and needed to buy her eldest daughter medication for sickle-cell anemia, it seemed like a desperately needed opportunity.

Instead, the woman alleges the couple – fellow Nigerians Emmanuel and Ngozi Nnaji – took her travel documents when she arrived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on Dec. 11, 1997, and forced her to work 16 hours daily with no days off for nine years.

The couple monitored her calls to family in Nigeria, refused to let her return home, didn't pay her and failed to support her children as promised, authorities say. Emmanuel Nnaji also repeatedly raped her, according to a grand jury indictment handed up this week in Fort Worth.

Emmanuel and Ngozi Nnaji are charged with forced labor conspiracy, forced labor, harboring a domestic worker for financial gain, conspiracy to harbor for financial gain, document servitude and making false statements to federal agents. The indictment outlines the rape allegations as part of the forced labor conspiracy.

Attorneys for the couple did not immediately respond to messages Friday. A telephone listing for the Nnajis was disconnected.

Court documents show Ngozi Nnaji, 45, told investigators the woman, whom she knew from her native village, showed up at the couple's house in 1999 with a man named Charles. She ended up staying for seven years because Charles never came back. But the woman was not required to do any housework, Ngozi Nnaji told FBI agents.

Emmanuel Nnaji, 50, told agents the woman came to stay with them for two months in 1999, at the request of a relative. They allowed her to stay until she could "get on her feet." He also said she cared for one of his children in exchange for room and board but could "come and go as she pleased," according to a criminal complaint.

The woman, who The Associated Press is not naming because authorities say she is a victim of sexual assault, told investigators a starkly different story. She said she met Emmanuel Nnaji in 1996 while working as a nanny for his brother-in-law. Ngozi Nnaji's brother asked if she would go work for the couple in Texas and she agreed.

He then took her to the U.S. Embassy in Lagos and obtained a passport and visa for her in the name of Comfort Nnaji, court documents allege. Comfort is the name of Emmanuel Nnaji's mother, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The woman lived with the Nnajis first in their Irving apartment, then in their Arlington home, according to the complaint. After the couple had two more children, the woman cared for all three while also cooking and cleaning. She was not allowed to talk to anyone outside the home, according to the complaint.

Her family in Nigeria said they only occasionally received money, she told officials.

One day, the woman was able to hide in a closet and call her niece in Nigeria to tell her about her ordeal. The niece told a Nigerian priest who lived in Texas and was back home on vacation. He gave the niece his cell phone number and asked that she give it to her aunt, according to court documents.

The priest, identified in court documents as GU, returned to Texas in February 2006, established contact with the woman and helped plan her escape. On Feb. 24, 2006, the priest drove to Arlington, where the woman met him on a street corner and she fled in his car, the two told investigators.

It's unclear where the woman is now and the Justice Department won't disclose her location. The Nnajis each face up to 55 years in prison if convicted. Ngozi Nnaji faces deportation because she is a Nigerian citizen.
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War in Niger Delta: MEND threatens northerners in oil industry Careful Mr President MEND may just be what will MEND 9geria for good . This is sadness for a group that so far their activities have been laughable with respect to being called Terrorists or kidnappers.The escalation of this crises by threatning the northeners may spark another Controversial question as to who is pulling the shots .The FG,Shell or a 3rd party . 1.What does MEND Really want ? 2.Why would they sacrifice their lives for this ? (9gerians are not known to sacrifice their lives) 3.Why has this situation continued and exploded into a full scale war ? Their story is one of sadness while we enjoy the scraps that fall off the oil runners .Their Lands and livelihood have been scandalized by oil spillage , lack of jobs and general disregard for their environmental right to land and freedom. No one supports terrorism but no one supports injustice either .Bombing villages in 9geria ? Is that the way forward ? The FG has to come up with a solution that will stop the senseless killing of People who want their voices to be heard .People with rights to land to cultivate their farms and extract fish from their rivers. A people that is cast into despair that the only solution they can come up with is to put their very lives at stake .This shows an embittered people with a troubled psche that has failed to identify with the rest of a Nation.A Nation where democracy and the rule of Law has been replaced with an ambient Dictatorship. Who dares speak agains the Federal governtment.This is a strong Statement to Citizens that Resistance is Futile.Get with the program or die doing so. Yardua as Govenrnor belied a man of letters , a man of peace a man of absolute incorruptions to the tune of billions left in the coffers of the state when he assumed office as President of our nation. I am beginning to understand that this was a smokescreen .He kind of must have looked at it as a savings account .His peaceful mien has been re designed as NO president has carried out bombing attacks on its citizens since the Biafran War.Some one correct me if am wrong. Remember Osama bin Laden He was small FRY until his friends The USA turned him into what he is now . READ ON Umbrella body of the militants in the Niger Delta, Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), has sent out a chilling signal, threatening an impending attack on the Federal Government, and particularly, Northerners who occupy prominent positions in the oil industry. "Our message to the Northern Sultans and Emirs is this: The period of exploiting the Niger Delta is coming to an end. It is not the birth right of your people to rule the Federal Republic of Nigeria. "The war is just beginning and by the time it ends, Nigeria will practice true federalism such as fiscal federalism which will benefit the entire populace. Let your people brace themselves to develop their resources and such a bold change will be remembered," Jomo Gbomo, MEND's spokesman said in an electronic mail on Sunday. The threat came a few hours after the Special Adviser to the Rivers State Governor on Budget, Austin Ngor, was kidnapped and moved to an unknown destination. It was not clear what the demands of the kidnappers are, but the governor's Chief Press Secretary, Blessing Wikinaka, has warned them to free the man immediately as there was no just reason for his abduction. Meanwhile, MEND two of the hostages in their custody killed "in the course of the war". It said the remaining one has been relocated to an unnamed camp in Delta State. MEND dared the security outfit, Joint Task Force (JTF), to destroy all its (MEND's) camps, which it said, were spread in many places across Niger Delta region. The MEND's spokesman said, "The British hostage, Mr Matthew Maguire, has been relocated to Delta State and will be a guest of one of the camps there". He added: "Nigerians should now brace up for the worst from the decisions of an incompetent leadership. "The Niger Delta people who have endured injustice and genocide for over 50 years must be ready to fight for change as our destiny should not be in the hands of others but ourselves. The group said it was embarrassed at the "performance of the Nigerian Armed Forces who performed like poorly trained amateurs by bombing indiscriminately into civilian communities using helicopter gunships and fighter jet planes. "Civilians should have been allowed to leave the area before the attack. This simply has shown that the government is insensitive to the Niger Delta people. "If the Army's mission was to also rescue the hostages, then that again was a botched and ridiculous attempt because the hostages were not at any immediate risk except for their temporary freedom. "We regret to announce that two hostages have been killed by the indiscriminate shelling and two more are still in our custody. "We are happy that all of them were not killed by the Army. The bodies of the dead men will be handed over to the Red Cross. MEND deeply regrets the avoidable deaths". It denied claims that the Army captured a plane from one of its camps. "If my memory serves me right, the plane in question is a toy remote controlled plane which can be purchased from any toy shop. It is rather shameful that they cannot distinguish the difference between a toy plane and a drone. "As promised, we have begun nibbling again at the oil infrastructure. Already, two major trunk pipe and gas lines, which were recently repaired, have been blown up. This is just the tip of the series of attacks we plan to carry out. "For the Nigerian government to declare victory, troops must be able to secure every inch of pipelines and eliminate the over 500 camps stretching from Ondo to Akwa Ibom. "What the government has been successful in doing is committing genocide against the Ijaw communities whose offence, it seems, is discovering oil in their backyards," the group said.
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