The ambition and good fortune of this enterprising tyrant were alike remarkable.C.He cancelled all contracts by which the land or person of a debtor had been given as security; and he forbad for the future all loans in which the person of the debtor was pledged.In B.Megabazus, on his return to Sardis, where Darius awaited him, informed the Persian monarch that Histiaeus was collecting the elements of a power which might hereafter prove formidable to the Persian sovereignty, since Myrcinus commanded the navigation of the Strymon, and consequently the commerce with the interior of Thrace.The temples and houses on the Acropolis were pillaged and burnt; and Xerxes thus became undisputed master of Athens.
The Athenians succeeded in saving only 60 ships, or about half their fleet.Cyrus, who was present at his father's death, was charged by Tissaphernes with plotting against his elder brother Artaxerxes, who succeeded to the throne.429) Archidamus directed his whole force against the ill-fated town of Plataea.But Sparta having displayed symptoms of insubordination, Philopoemen marched against it in 188, and captured the city; when he put to death eighty of the leading men, razed the walls and fortifications, abolished the institutions of Lycurgus, and compelled the citizens to adopt the democratic constitution of the Achaeans.C.In one case a father slew even his own son.After spending two days in vain attempts to force this position, Nicias and Demosthenes resolved during the night to strike off to the left towards the sea.
Patroclus repulses the Trojans from the ships, but the god Apollo is against him, and he falls under the spear of Hector.The latter protested the greatest fidelity and friendship towards the Greeks, and promised to deliver to the Greek generals, on the following day, the calumniators who had set the two armies at variance.Meanwhile the provisions of the town were exhausted, and it was therefore resolved, as a last desperate expedient, to make a sally, and endeavour to raise the blockade.National Institutions.On the eastern and western sides of the city there run two small streams, which are nearly exhausted before they reach the sea, by the heats of summer and by the channels for artificial irrigation.
Those in Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace.It had its public meetings it levied rates, and was under the superintendence of an officer called DEMARCHUS.The Persians, fearful of being surprised, had stood under arms the whole night, so that the morning found them exhausted and dispirited.As long as the Greeks could maintain their ranks they repelled every attack; but when their spears were broken, and they had only their swords left, the enemy began to press in between them.This was the kingdom of Lydia, of which Sardis was the capital.C.The kingdom of Elis was given to Oxylus as a recompense for his services as their guide; and it was agreed that Temenus, Cresphontes, and Eurysthenes and Procles, the infant sons of Aristodemus (who had died at Naupactus), should draw lots for Argos, Sparta, and Messenia.