world’s (5)

China to create world’s largest city

Shenzhen-chinese-megacity-Paula-Bronstein-Getty-Images--main.jpgA city twice the size of .Wales and 26 times the size of London. In China it's not just possible, it's being planned

Construction in Shenzhen is underway for the creation of China's 42 million people mega city that will challenge Shanghai and Beijing as China's economic engine..
It would be a city bigger than Wales, but it’s perfectly in line with China’s building mantra: go big or go home.

Planners are proposing to merge nine cities around the Pearl River Delta in southern China, from Guangzhou to Shenzhen, just north of Hong Kong, reports The Telegraph.

Called the "Turn The Pearl River Delta Into One" plan, the proposal will create a 16,000 square mile area “that is 26 times larger geographically than Greater London, or twice the size of Wales,” according to the paper.

•More on CNNGo: China announces high-speed rail link to Singapore via Vietnam
China is creating its first mega city, which will challenge the dominance of China’s current main urban areas of Beijing/Tianjin and Shanghai.

The goal of the new city will be to integrate China’s manufacturing base, which will include the cities of Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Huizhou and Zhaoqing.

Together, according to the Telegraph, they account for nearly a tenth of the Chinese economy.

The new zone will be created over the next six years, and will connect the current cities’ transport, energy, water and telecommunications networks.

The area will also have an express rail line to Hong Kong.

If you’re having a difficult time imagining this, think of it as China’s version of Tokyo.

•More on CNNGo: New Jetstar route links Hanghzhou to Singapore
"The idea is that when the cities are integrated, the residents can travel around freely and use the health care and other facilities in the different areas," said Ma Xiangming, the chief planner at the Guangdong Rural and Urban Planning Institute and a senior consultant on the project.

This is not the only massive urbanization plan going on in the country. By 2025 China will have 221 mega cities with more than 1 million residents, and eight cities each with a population of more than 10 million.
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Mubarak is world’s richest dictator

With $70 billion, Mubarak is world’s richest dictator


With anti-government protests entering the 13th day yesterday in the North African country, the embattled 82-year-old Egyptian strongman, Hosni Mubarak, has been revealed as the world’s richest dictator.

Last week, RepublicReport broke the news that Mubarak stole between $20 and $40 billion from Egypt’s national treasuries since 1981, when he succeeded the late Anwar Sadat.

New emerging reports have ridiculously put the figure higher. The New York Post yesterday reported a whopping $70 billion (N10.5 trillion), making Mubarak the richest man in the world.

According to Bob Fredericks and Jeanie Macintosh; “Egypt strongman is laughing all the way to the cash bank”, so much of corruption across continential Africa, aided by western  industrialised nations and their compromised multilateral corporations.


The teetering tyrant’s family fortune is worth about $70 billion — stashed away in Swiss and other foreign bank accounts and shadowy real estate holdings in Manhattan, London and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. The Guardian also reported.

That puts the 82-year-old despot comfortably ahead of Mexican business magnate and New York Times sugar daddy, Carlos Slim Helu, who is worth about $53.5 billion, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the richest American with $53 billion, according to a list of the world’s richest men by

“Mubarak! This is not your money. You must return back every penny to Egypt,” a poster named Hassan commented on the Web site of PressTV, a Mideast-based broadcast.

“Leaders in the Arab world are the richest men in the world, while their people are poor and oppressed. The only peace is knowing these people will face justice when they meet Allah,” added Nazir, another poster.

The whereabouts of Mubarak’s properties in New York are shrouded in secrecy. Neither the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, DC, nor the consulate in New York would shed any light yesterday.

But, the dictator’s three decades of iron-fist rule as president put him in a perfect spot to get a piece of any government action, with the profits he skimmed quickly deposited in secret bank accounts or invested in luxury homes and hotels.

“There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain. This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators,” Princeton political- science Professor Amaney Jamal told ABC News..

“This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators so their wealth will not be taken during a transition, he added.”



US congressman: "We know He is a Son of a bitch but he used to be OUR Son of a "Bitch" ! "
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  • Mother of one, 49, urgently needs brain scan but is too big for an MRI machine
  • Bedbound for last three years after doctor changed medication

A woman believed to be the world's fattest at 50 stone (700lbs) is facing
a battle to shed weight after being told by doctors she could die.article-1337077-0C65BD2C000005DC-481_468x409.jpg

Terri Smith is confined to her bedroom in her Ohio home unable to move, stand or roll over by herself.

Suffering from severe headaches which doctors fear could stem from a brain
problem, Terri urgently needs a brain scan - but is too big to fit
inside an MRI machine...

To undergo the scan and receive the life-saving treatment she may require, Terri is now embarking on a weight loss regime of exercise and
healthy eating.

She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.

The 49-year-old must be washed, fed and dressed on the bed and wears nappies which her daughter and husband change.

'My husband is my guardian angel,' said Terri.

'He's stuck by me through everything. Most men would have left a long time
ago and who could blame them but Myron is a living saint.'

Terri was always large - at age seven she weighed almost eight stone (112lbs).

'My nickname at school was fatso,' she said. 'No one wanted me on their sports team and that didn't help the fat.

'We grew up on soul food and no one thought anything about it.

Devoted: Terri with loving husband Myron who changes her nappies


By the age of 20 Terri weighed 18 stone (252lbs) but she remained active
and held a job as a mental health care worker for 20 years.

'I used to help people wash, feed and dress themselves,' she said.

'Back then I never thought that the tables would turn and someone would be doing all that stuff for me.'

After marrying her husband in 1986 Terri was big but happy.

'I prayed for a man like Myron and he came to me,' she said 'He's kind, gentle and he loves me for who

'I am. Even now he tells me I'm pretty, that man is amazing.'

But she continued to eat the same diet and kept on growing, while her husband and daughter stayed slim.

Terri, who suffers severe headaches, needs an MRI scan to check for a
potential brain tumour but is too big to fit in any scanners or into the
doors of a hospital clinic.

She faces a race against time to lose weight in a bid to qualify for gastric surgery to save her life.

When Terri was 32 she developed severe arthritis in her knees and couldn't walk for more than a few steps.

She was given an electric wheelchair and the lack of exercise made the weight pile on.

'I used to walk everywhere and be on my feet at work but suddenly I was trapped,' she said.

As the years passed her weight ballooned until she could hardly stand. article-1337077-0C65BA43000005DC-622_468x286.jpg

Then, after her doctor changed her diuretic medication, she gained a
staggering 6.5 stone (91lb) in 30 days. She suddenly found herself
bedbound and has been trapped for almost three years.

Dr. Dariush Saghafi said: "I have been seeing Terri for six months.

'Caring for someone of Terri's size is very difficult. It is very hard to move
and transport her. Hospitals do not have equipment to hold someone of
her girth.

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Starcomms Plc has become the first Code Division Multiple Access operator in the world to provide its customers the opportunity of enjoying international roaming.

This, according to the telecoms company on Friday, became possible as a result of the agreement signed with two roaming service providers, Mach and Accuris networks in March, 2010.

With the agreement, pre-paid inter-standard roaming calls can be made to a GSM network by Starcomms CDMA customer.

According to the Chief Executive Officer, Starcomms, Mr. Maher Qubain, the over 3.2 million customers of the company now have the rare opportunity of a seamless access to international mobile roaming on all wireless technology networks.

He said this would greatly expand Starcomms network coverage outside Nigeria and simplify the roaming experience of such customers, who might have reasons to travel outside the country.

He said, ”The commitment of Starcomms to providing innovative products and services that simplify lives and enhance living for our customers is a tradition we hold dear. We know that many customers yearn for the high quality services of Starcomms everywhere they go. So, the pioneering step of adding inter-standard roaming capabilities to our portfolio as a CDMA network in this country is just an added evidence of our practice of always being the first to give customers the best.”

The solution, which can be implemented by using existing connections, offers end-users all of the services that are available on their home network, even when they are travelling. With end-to-end one-number interoperability, operators can provide complete voice and messaging services easily. .

”The seamless interoperability roaming access that MACH provides for over 600 networks all over the world is in line with the high quality services that Starcomms has been providing its customers in Nigeria,” Qubain said

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Olympic and world sprint champion Usain Bolt on Monday adopted a cheetah cub in Kenya’s Nairobi National Park. The head of the Kenya Wildlife Service, Julius Kipng’etich, described the event as “the first time in history where the fastest animal and the fastest man will meet.” Mr. Bolt, who had said previously he was scared of cheetahs as they could out-run him, said he changed his mind as he bottle-fed the two-month-old cub over his shoulder. Cheetahs are some of the world’s fastest and most skilled predators, able to reach speeds of up to 112 km (70 miles) per hour. The Jamaican sprinter’s new cub has been named Lightning Bolt. Mr. Bolt was accompanied by Welsh hurdler, Colin Jackson, who adopted an eland, and Kenyan Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, who has previously adopted two lions. Mr. Odinga used the occasion to remind Kenyans that it was their “civic duty” to preserve the country’s diverse wildlife, not just for tourism, but for future generations. He described the event as a “refreshing” opportunity to talk about sport and wildlife conservation rather than politics, in a country that has faced huge political challenges in recent years. Mr. Bolt has been touring Kenya since last Friday as a sports ambassador for The Zeitz Foundation of Germany.
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