Whatever's going on...the Earth Is Shaking! Shaking like never before!! Causing people to open their eyes.

I wonder why insurance companies call a thing like this mornings earthquake an “Act of God”? I’ve spoken to 5 people back home since the quake this morning, and all have unanimously agreed: it was terrifying, people are scared, questions are being asked and disbelief “that it could happen to me” is in the air. As it did happen, & as no one died, miraculously, where then do we find answers to the questions? Geologist’s, scientists, council members, civil defense…etc? I submit a higher source: God & His Son Jesus whose been given “All authority in heaven and on earth.” – Mt 28:18

In doing so we have to change our western mindset of Jesus to the real one. As Wesley said, “I want the whole Jesus & the whole Bible.” And as history (His story) belongs to Jesus (Is 46:8-10; Rev 1:8), this is our only key for correct interpretation of a 7.1 event like this mornings.

It’s not a nice subject to look at, nor is it politically correct or practical by our standards, but one of the main Biblical & historical self revelations of God & His Son Jesus, is that He is Judge: the Judge & only Judge, leading history, and doing as He pleases in His infinite goodness toward all (Ps 115;3; 145:16). Especially in the west, as a revolt against an over emphasized understanding of God as a Judge, we have let the pendulum swing way to far in the opposite direction. Now, for the most part, we’re told about a Jesus who is merely a sentimental King & nothing more than humble shepherd resembling a heavenly Santa Clause or Tinkerbell.

While Jesus truly is a good shepherd and a willing friend to all (Mt 26:50), He is also the righteous Judge of the earth who loves justice, hates sin & who patiently uses the least severe means to wake the most amount of people up to come to Him for life & grace (Gen 19; 2 Tim 4:1; Ps 5:5). He is described in scripture as the One who will administrate the end-time plan of God with specific fierceness to crush wicked & sinful nations in judgment (Rev 6-19). Also from the history of nations we learn that He is the One who claim’s sovereignty over national calamities: “If there is calamity in a city, have not I the LORD done it?” (Amos 3:6) He also says “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.’” Is 45:7. And in Romans 1, as the good news of salvation is framed, God reveals that His “wrath… is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men who suppress (hold back) the truth…in unrighteousness”. It is from this wrath that salvation is offered freely and fully to us in Christ.

Today, as of lunch time no one had died as a direct result the quake and only a few people were severely injured: this is, in light of His glory, His persistently scorned goodness, His command and our moral standing before Him, a light wake up call to us (Christchurch & New Zealand). This morning “He did not give as our sins desevred. (Ps 103:10)”. Rather, He gave us a city wide wake up call to a nation in need of His presence and power to save us.

But why earthquakes? Why shaking then? There is one purpose in His mind. He wants people woken from sin and into satisfying life with Him. He is looking to shake and expose dangerous foundations under our lives to draw us to Himself where we cannot be shaken: God Himself. He says in Haggai 2:7, “I will shake all nations, and THEN they will come to (Me, Jesus) the Desire of all nations.”

Hebrews 12:26 “he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”” 27 This phrase, “Yet once more” indicates the removal of things that (can be) shaken…in order that things that cannot be shaken may remain.

Things that remain are lives, hearts & choices built upon Him: His life, His truth & His Spirit. In a short while from now, life will likely go on as usual… for a time.

Where will you be building?

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