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Whatever's going on...the Earth Is Shaking! Shaking like never before!! Causing people to open their eyes.

I wonder why insurance companies call a thing like this mornings earthquake an “Act of God”? I’ve spoken to 5 people back home since the quake this morning, and all have unanimously agreed: it was terrifying, people are scared, questions are being asked and disbelief “that it could happen to me” is in the air. As it did happen, & as no one died, miraculously, where then do we find answers to the questions? Geologist’s, scientists, council members, civil defense…etc? I submit a higher source: God & His Son Jesus whose been given “All authority in heaven and on earth.” – Mt 28:18

In doing so we have to change our western mindset of Jesus to the real one. As Wesley said, “I want the whole Jesus & the whole Bible.” And as history (His story) belongs to Jesus (Is 46:8-10; Rev 1:8), this is our only key for correct interpretation of a 7.1 event like this mornings.

It’s not a nice subject to look at, nor is it politically correct or practical by our standards, but one of the main Biblical & historical self revelations of God & His Son Jesus, is that He is Judge: the Judge & only Judge, leading history, and doing as He pleases in His infinite goodness toward all (Ps 115;3; 145:16). Especially in the west, as a revolt against an over emphasized understanding of God as a Judge, we have let the pendulum swing way to far in the opposite direction. Now, for the most part, we’re told about a Jesus who is merely a sentimental King & nothing more than humble shepherd resembling a heavenly Santa Clause or Tinkerbell.

While Jesus truly is a good shepherd and a willing friend to all (Mt 26:50), He is also the righteous Judge of the earth who loves justice, hates sin & who patiently uses the least severe means to wake the most amount of people up to come to Him for life & grace (Gen 19; 2 Tim 4:1; Ps 5:5). He is described in scripture as the One who will administrate the end-time plan of God with specific fierceness to crush wicked & sinful nations in judgment (Rev 6-19). Also from the history of nations we learn that He is the One who claim’s sovereignty over national calamities: “If there is calamity in a city, have not I the LORD done it?” (Amos 3:6) He also says “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.’” Is 45:7. And in Romans 1, as the good news of salvation is framed, God reveals that His “wrath… is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men who suppress (hold back) the truth…in unrighteousness”. It is from this wrath that salvation is offered freely and fully to us in Christ.

Today, as of lunch time no one had died as a direct result the quake and only a few people were severely injured: this is, in light of His glory, His persistently scorned goodness, His command and our moral standing before Him, a light wake up call to us (Christchurch & New Zealand). This morning “He did not give as our sins desevred. (Ps 103:10)”. Rather, He gave us a city wide wake up call to a nation in need of His presence and power to save us.

But why earthquakes? Why shaking then? There is one purpose in His mind. He wants people woken from sin and into satisfying life with Him. He is looking to shake and expose dangerous foundations under our lives to draw us to Himself where we cannot be shaken: God Himself. He says in Haggai 2:7, “I will shake all nations, and THEN they will come to (Me, Jesus) the Desire of all nations.”

Hebrews 12:26 “he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”” 27 This phrase, “Yet once more” indicates the removal of things that (can be) shaken…in order that things that cannot be shaken may remain.

Things that remain are lives, hearts & choices built upon Him: His life, His truth & His Spirit. In a short while from now, life will likely go on as usual… for a time.

Where will you be building?

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An undated photograph of Ilich Ramírez Sánchez - Carlos the Jackal - who is suing a TV company over a three-part drama. Photograph: AP

Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, once described as 'most dangerous man alive', says biographical image could be violated.

Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, better known as Carlos the Jackal, is not known for shunning the spotlight and with the appearance of Newer 77virgin minded terrorists like Osama B Laden and Our own Farouk Abdul mutallab .The Jackal a regular in Frederick Forsyth's Novels like (the Day of the Jackal).One wonders while legend around Osama & co. have not created a cult following novel writing.Dan Brown should maybe look into this .

Looks like he wants the top spot in the News back.

For years the world's most wanted terrorist, he once claimed, in front of the television cameras, to have killed more than 1,500 people in the pursuit of Palestinian liberation.

But the Venezuelan revolutionary, serving life imprisonment for the murder of two French intelligence officials and their informant in 1975, seems to have decided that not all publicity is good publicity.

With the help of his wife, a French lawyer whom he married in prison, Sanchez – once described as "the most dangerous man alive" – is suing a Parisian production company over a three-part television drama he claims could violate his "biographical image".

Isabelle Coutant-Peyre has demanded that the producers hand over the master copy of the footage for her to check for errors and potentially make changes before it is broadcast on the French Canal+ channel.

Coutant-Peyre told a court in Nanterre last month that the drama, which has not yet been finished, would make her husband out to be the instigator of crimes for which he has not been found guilty.

"You'd have thought it was the prosecutor narrating ... it's a film against Ramírez Sánchez," she said.

Lawyers for Film en Stock, meanwhile, insisted that handing over the film would signify a violation of its creative rights.

"How could we tarnish the image of Carlos when he himself has claimed to be behind almost 2,000 deaths?" the company's lawyer, Richard Malka, asked.

Daniel Leconte, the firm's owner and the producer of the three-part drama, said he had never allowed any of his subjects access to his material before it was aired.

"For us, this would be catastrophic," he said. "It would mean that every time we make a film we are giving our subjects the right to direct their own lives."

He said the film be presented clearly as a fictional interpretation of a real man's life and could not be taken as an attempt at a factual biography.

"As far as the facts are concerned, we know almost everything about him already," he said. "Carlos' own life actions destroyed his name. He doesn't need me for that."

A verdict in the case is due tomorrow.

Ramírez Sánchez, who was given his nickname after a copy of Frederick Forsyth's novel The Day of the Jackal was found in his belongings and mistakenly believed to be his, was wanted in at least five European countries at the peak of his infamy.

Eventually captured by French police while recovering from surgery in Sudan in 1994, he has been in prison ever since, having been sentenced in absentia to life in jail.

The 60-year-old is awaiting a new trial before a special anti-terrorism tribunal for other attacks in the early 1980s.

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I see Adedibu in my dreams once in two weeks –Widow Our Sources say this edited version does not contain the chilling news of Adedibus warning from the Grave that HELL IS REAL ! Rumours are circulating in Ibadan that Adedibu appeared to his widow and says he is burning in Hell Fire ! Below is the edited version From AKEEB ALARAPE, Ibadan For upward of 20 years, Alhaja Modinat Abosede Adedibu bestrode the political circles of Oyo State , side by side with her beloved husband, late Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu. Popularly referred to as ‘Yeye’, Alhaja Bose was a force to be reckoned in the running of Molete political empire of Adedibu. Her words are laws and you dare not look her in the face if you don’t want to curry the anger of the ‘boys’. your advertisement http://www.naijalondon.com http://www.ask9ja.com classifieds At the death of her husband last year, the running of Molete naturally fell on her lap as Adedibu’s hangers-on departed Molete for greener pastures at the homes of other political leaders in the state. Preparatory to the commemoration of the one year anniversary of the death of the strongman of Ibadan politics, Alhaja Bose opened up to Daily Sun on the challenges facing her and how she has been coping with life after the demise of his godfather husband. Excerpts: By June 11, it will be one year that Baba departed to the world beyond. How has life been without Baba? Well, I thank God for everything. It has been okay, no matter what. We still miss him and we will miss him for life. I thank God for everything. Is there any plan to commemorate the one year of his death? So many people have their plans for remembering him, not only on Thursday or Friday; but those that he had touched their lives. They have their plans. I, too, have my plans. The children also have their own. I know my husband loved prayers too much. Yes, I know he loved to pray and I too do pray for him whenever I pray five times daily. But in commemoration of one year of his death, I will organize special prayers for him on Thursday and Friday. The prayers will continue but at least to mark those two days. On the plans by his political children, so many of them have contacted me but until that day I cannot say what they have up their sleeves. I can’t be asking them what they have for the man. But I think they know their responsibilities and rights. They know this man had touched their lives and they want to pay him back after his demise. So, there are too many plans that I cannot go into details. Whoever comes that day will be welcome. What has been your relationship with numerous political children left behind by Baba? Are they living up to expectations? No. No. I mean most of them. There is a Yoruba proverb that says ‘iwon ba ni awon to le se ehin’, meaning; ‘only a few can represent one in ones absence’. Have they been shutting their doors against you? Well, like my husband, I too believe so much in prayers. But those that know God very well among them and who also believe that one day we will all go to where this man has gone, are still with me and the family. Apart from being your husband, who was Adedibu to you? Everything. Did you know him? If you happen to sit down with him; if you happen to talk with him, what will you say about him? That is why I said he is everything to me. There is an adage that says ‘a kii rin ki ori ma mi’, meaning; ‘nobody can be perfect’. The man was a fantastic man. When it comes to prayers, you cannot beat him. In politics, he is yet to be surpassed. Whenever they called him the strongman of Ibadan politics, I just look at them. He was not a strongman of Ibadan politics, he was the strongman of Nigerian politics. Yes, the strongman of Nigerian politics. And he knew what he was doing. You know, he followed his masters faithfully and he learnt a lot from them. I thank God for his life because God was actually merciful to him. If there is room for re-incarnation and you happen to meet him again as an Adedibu, a politician, will you marry him? Yes. Yes. Honestly. Honestly, I will prefer to marry him if we meet again. Is it because of the fame, or the financial benefit you drive from him? Domestically, are you saying he was also a fantastic husband? Yes. He was a loving father and a caring husband. You people underrated him. With him and the children, you can never quantify him. As he had time for politics, he had time for the children also. I can say he even had time for the children more than politics. And he cared. What have been the challenges facing the family since the last one year of Baba’s death? So far, so good. That is why I say I thank God. So many challenges. So many things. For instance, there is a stupid boy that used to send text messages to my mobile phones even in the mid of the night. He will curse me and curse my children. And we did not know the boy. It was not until Friday, June 5 that we discovered him. I would have reported him but I was told to leave him to God. And I have decided to leave him to God because this particular boy is one of my handwork. So, for him to be sending text messages to me, cursing me in the absence of my husband; if my husband were to be alive, can he do that? That is one of the insults. But the boy will soon know that God is a God of justice. He will soon realize that God will reward his deeds very soon. What was his grouse? Nothing between me and him. He was sending text messages to me because he claimed he heard that I wanted to contest the Federal House of Representatives seat, which Hon. Folake Oshinowo is presently occupying. He didn’t ask me; I didn’t tell anybody I am going to contest. Maybe, he was trying to satisfy Hon. Folake; I don’t know. But Hon. Folake and I are in good terms. She is my very good sister and her husband too is my very good brother. We are very close. I don’t know the boy’s problem. You know, maybe he is benefiting something from Hon. Folake and he has to show that he is doing something in her favour in return. But I am very sure that very soon, he will meet his waterloo. You still look young and beautiful. Do you have any plan to remarry after Baba’s demise or you are contented living as his widow? (Laughs). How can I plan to remarry? Well, if I want to marry, I can still marry but it is not in my plan. My children are enough for me and they are doing fine. Did Baba give you any specific message or instruction before his death or a premonition of his death? No, he did not. He might have known that he was about to die but he did not tell me anything. Maybe, he had known that he wanted to die because his attitude changed even not three days before he died. That was why, before he died, I used to sit beside him; to monitor him and to correct him. What he was saying was the normal instructions and I did not see anything special about them. As husband and wife, we used to discuss a lot. Now that he had died, I tend to reflect on some of the things he told me and now connect them with his death. Then, it dawned on me that he might have seen his death coming. In the last one year, have you had the cause of seeing him in your dream? Yes, all the time. At least, once in two weeks, I will see him in my dream. He will give me instructions on those he used to assist with money when he was alive and that I should go and give them money. He will advise me about matters affecting the children and he will always admonish me not to fight. He also used to ask aftermembers of his political family, especially those who have stopped coming to see us. I don’t know how he got to know all these from his new abode. You have learnt a lot from Baba that you too can now be described as a politician, is it true you are planning to contest or you prefer to remain a godmother? Hmm. I don’t really want to contest. Initially, I wanted to contest before the arrival of my son-in-law, Senator Kamarudeen Adedibu; but since he has been there, I have dropped the idea. You still maintain all the domestic staff left behind by Baba Adedibu, how are you managing to cope with them? Thank God, I am doing my best. But I will say it is to God’s intervention. I am trying to cope. Is there any plan to immortalize Adedibu’s name in view of his contribution to the politics of the state? You mean in terms of a foundation in his name and all that? Well, there is. We are on it. The children and the government are putting something together. But I don’t know what Baba’s political children are doing to immortalize his names. However, the governor and the deputy-governor have been doing their best for the family of Adedibu. If the governor is not coming to Molete again that does not mean he is not doing what is expected of him. You know, he cannot satisfy everybody since the family is a very large one. To me, his not coming here (Molete) does not mean anything. Whenever I want to see him or any member of the family, he sees us at interval. The deputy-governor too has been doing fine. You know, his relationship is not based on politics. He is a son to Baba. So, he cannot afford to forget his father’s house.
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