Two corps members arrested over open sex

Two corps members serving in Lagos are now guests of the police after they were caught having sex in the open at the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Secretariat in Surulere on Thursday. While their colleagues were busy struggling to get posted to areas where they would do their primary assignment, the two suspects preferred to engage in sexual exercise at a corner around the secretariat in the afternoon from where they attracted the attention of the NYSC authorities. Saturday Independent learnt on Friday night that the police were immediately invited to pick them up after the male Corps member, who hails form Benue State, studied Psychology and graduated from the Kogi State University in Ayimgba, told the NYSC authorities that he had the right to have sex anywhere with his female lover. Sources said he told the NYSC authorities that there was no law in the country that indicated where lovers should have sexual intercourse. Although the female Corps member, a former student of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, who hails from Imo State, was said to have appeared remorseful, this newspaper learnt that her boyfriend told the NYSC Camp Commandant that he could not hold the sexual urge after not seeing his partner in a long while. Although our correspondent could not confirm how long they have been in the relationship and whether they have got a place for their primary assignment, sources said the NYSC authorities in Lagos are poised to set example with them, hence the police invitation. Contacted on Friday, the police promised to get back to our reporter, which they were yet to do till press time. Meanwhile, a Magistrate's Court in Osogbo on Friday sentenced 13 persons comprising 11 women and two men to a two-year jail term each for prostitution. They are Ebony Osale (29), Sandra Monchi (32), Bola Oni (21), Mercy Obiriki (29), Titilayo Olalere (24) and Blessing Ayo (21). Others are Joy Saji (24), Opeyemi Abioye (25), Linder Akpan (29), Happy Osaji (29) and Peace Uba (25). The males among them are Olaoluwa Gbuyibo (27) and Oseni Jelili (24). Police Prosecutor, Taiwo Adegoke, had earlier told the court that on April 11 the convicts paraded themselves for immoral purposes at Morak Hotel, Osogbo. They all pleaded guilty to the charge and Magistrate Adebayo Ajala gave them an option of N500 fine each. He, however, rejected their plea that the economic meltdown pushed them into prostitution and advised them to engage themselves in profitable businesses.
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