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Take an Advantage of Cancer Treatment India?

12166335873?profile=originalIt is the great opportunity for an individual that they are getting the best option of Cancer treatment which is to be done in India. In India each person will get an affordable treatment which they never cross in any part of the world. India is the best place where an individual will come across with different types of medical along with surgical remedies which are related to different diseases. By getting the best cancer treatment they are all free from the worries which will give them the benefits of the long time.

For Cancer Treatment India individual will come across with different treatments that they had to undergo in Cancer. Oncology is the treatment which is related to cancer. It will start from the diagnostic field where the person is fully diagnosed in order to find the type of cancer. Therapies related to radiography and chemotherapy also comes under this. When the treatment is conducted successfully then the patients are allowed to visit the doctors for a weekly or monthly checkup. This is done to find out the patients is not having any problem regarding that.

Apart from this aspect the, professionals also engaged in workshops where they are guiding the patients what care they have to taken while their cancer treatment. They are also indulged in finding out such questions which are also related to cancer care. The professionals also engage in screening efforts where the doctors are ready to find out the hereditary linkage. They will also give free tips and techniques on such areas where an individual can prevent themselves from such disease. They will help an individual in every matter starting from the diagnosing stage till the surgery stage and after that the free check up program.

12166336270?profile=originalCancer Surgery Hospital India is the best option where an individual will get the best and affordable treatment where they will never come across with any part of the world. Individuals will be getting the right treatment in different field. The individual will come across with radiation therapy along with different types of oncology which relate to interventions along with gynecologic oncology which are concerned with cancer of the reproductive system. It will also include pediatric oncology which will also deal with diagnosing the children fully. The individuals will also be getting the treatment from the latest tools and technological equipments which will make the work easier for doctors and patients where they will be getting painless treatments.


Meditrina is the famous health care organization where an individual will come across with trained and expert professionals who are working according to the needs of an individual. They have the best staff which are very supportive in nature and they create the friendly atmosphere for the people so that they may not feel any hesitation regarding their treatments . We can conclude that this health organization is the best one as an individual will get the treatments in an affordable manner with latest tools and equipments where they don’t across with any where else.

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In my last article I talked about Ali Baba the  character from the medieval Arabic literature Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.In the literature story   Ali Baba encountered 40 thieves and later became their  leader. In my last article, I also talked about the Ali Baba of Imo State of Nigeria and his 27 thieves. I told you with reasons why the Governor of Imo State Chief Rochas Okorocha is the   Ali Baba of Imo State  and why  Chief Benjamin Uwajumogu the Speaker of the  Imo House of Assembly and  the members of the  Imo  House of Assembly  are the 27 thieves.

I told you about the looting  of the 13 percent oil derivation fund of Ohaji/Egbema/Oguta ,the looting of the 27 LGA funds in Imo State and the looting of 400 million naira flood money of Ohaji/Egbema/Oguta flood victims.I  tried to open every  eyes to see and recognized the true identity of the  dishonorable men and women purporting to represent our collective interest in the Imo House of Assembly. We have 26 puppets and one grand puppeteer in the Imo House. As  expected the media aide of the Speaker of Imo House of Assembly took  a hard sweep on  me  calling for my  head. The said aide even went as far as attaching my cries  to Okigwe  2015 senatorial seat. Who cares about Okigwe senatorial seat? I am not even from Okigwe zone.

My anger is that the Imo State House of Assembly  has  connived  with Ali Baba , aided and abetted gross financial impropriety in Imo state and that is why I am calling them the 27 thieves. Who doesn’t know that the past government of Chief Ikedi Ohakim  left a total sum of N26.27billion in various bank accounts of the state namely: Balance of Imo bond proceeds in UBA Plc “ N13.3billion; SUBEB project accounts with BankPHB (now Keystone Bank Ltd) “ N3billion; VAT account in Zenith Bank Plc “ N488million; Internally generated Revenue account with Zenith BANK Plc “ N450million; Local Government Joint project account with BankPHB “N2.5Billion; Agric Loan Account with Access Bank Plc “ N500million; Fertilizer sales account with Oceanic Bank Plc “ N250million; JAAC Account with BankPHB “ N3.6billion; MDG Projects accounts with Fidelity Bank Plc “ N500million; Education Trust Fund (ETF) with Zenith Bank “ N1billion and Imo Children Education Funds “ N670million. The Total sum is N26.27billion  .

Where is the money?The entire N26.27billion has been criminally squandered by Chief Uwajumogu and Governor Okorocha. Is this not  a clear case of crass abuse of office, criminal conspiracy and outright stealing of public funds which should attract very serious sanctions ? Yet the speakers  media aide has the mouth to call me names.In  a propaganda to paint “all is well” picture of Imo State, Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State  is always on Africa Independent Television (AIT ) and ChannelS TV to buoy his  ego and selfish interests. The irony of this madness is that  our governor  who should cover his  face in shame for looting the resources  of Imo State  is  the one  dominating television stations  and  the pages of Newspapers  showing fake transformation in Imo State when nothing tangible is on ground in the 27 Local government of Imo State.

It is regrettable that rather than check the executive arm, the Imo state House of Assembly is criminally colluding with the executive in  fraudulent diversion of billions of  Imo people’s money.Who doesn’t know how  Okorocha and Chief Uwajumogu   criminally shared  n45billion and n28billion loans illegally secured with Imo LGA allocations .In the past, LGA funds in Imo State was used to develop certain vital social services in the grass root like education, health care and key investments on infrastructures like water, electricity, roads, industries, etc, all which severally and collectively positively impacted on the living standard of the ordinary working masses in the grassroot areas .

In sharp contrast, the current Okorocha’s so-called government, acting under the dictates and or in concert with imperialism has completely jettisoned the idea of government using local government funds and resources to better the lots of the local councils Instead, it has adopted a whole scale capitalist, neo-liberal strategy of looting of council funds. Currently there are  no single development going on in the 27 LGA’s of the state. Lack of basic amenities have  made these LGA’s  a ghost environment. Thanks to Okorocha and Uwajumogu.

Uwajumogu’s media aide should note that we know the various schemes perfected by Okorocha and  Uwajumogu to unwholesomely divert public funds and in fact share public funds among themselves as largesse. The duo also go through phantom award of road contracts without any contract documents.Many road projects in Imo state don’t have project design,no advertisement were placed, no bidding,no bills of quantities and specifications,no tender at all, no evidence of prequalification of contractors , no provision for the project in the State budget.

It is an open secret that the dishonourable speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly awarded  road construction contracts in the state and even installed his own Asphalt plant in Owerri from where almost all the asphalt used in the construction in the state are procured. Similarly, most of the dishonorable members of the Imo State House of Assembly abandoned their legitimate legislative duties and are in a mad rush to build hotels in Owerri such as the magnificent hotels being built by Honourable Mrs. Eudora Igwe, member, representing Ideato North State Constituency and Honourable Amuka (AKA Oshimiri), member, representing Ideato South state Constituency. Uwajumogu himself  has completed two hotels in  Owerri and Lagos and renovated the one in Umuahia with Imo tax payers money.

The financial rot in Imo State is enormous. Most Imo state money yielding corporations have been sold or leased to the governor for little or nothing in contravention of the Imo State Investment Promotion Agency Law. Part of Imo Hotel leased to Okorocha, Ada Palm sold to Okorocha for N3.5Billion, 18 General Hospitals sold to Lantech Solutions, Imo Transport Corporation leased to Global Ginikana Ltd for N250 million, Both Concorde Hotel and Oguta Lake Motel  leased for 20 years to ABM Global Nigeria Ltd. Enough looting in the state.

A breakdown of the allocation to states of the federation shows that Imo  State got over N127 billion between  2011 and 2013, this exclude  the  N135 billion accrued to  the 27 local governments area in Imo State  within the same period. This also exclude the N16 billion which is 13 percent Oil derivation fund for Imo State  oil producing areas within the same period.13 percent oil derivation to Imo oil areas is 500 million naira a month.Where are the monies? Yet some persons want us to keep quiet. Since the inauguration of  Chief Okorocha’s -led administration on the 29th of May, 2011, its  conducts and attitude towards the working people of  Imo State have clearly shown that his regime is  nothing but  a monumental waste.

First among the anti-workers  actions of the Okorocha’s  government was the sack of 10,000 Imo Civil servants. Close to three years after Okorocha   wickedly sacked  10,000  Imo  workers in order not to pay wages, he  has  shamelessly launched   IMO YOUTHS MUST WORK programme, a programme  where he boast to  employ 11,000  Imo  youths under  a  slave-driving  casualization of workers  scheme. With the IMO YOUTHS MUST WORK programme ,he plans to place the employees as casual workers  and give them  a  poverty wage and not allow them  to join trade union. They are  to be paid a ridiculous amount of N10,000 out of  which N2,000  will be allegedly deducted as tax.The height of the anti-worker disposition of  Chief Okorocha’s -led administration is the continued refusal to fully implement the paltry N18, 000 minimum wage which has been signed into law since March 25th, 2011 and the continuous refusal to absolve workers of Imo state that were sent home from Abia state civil service.

Here we are, almost three  years of this administration and we are seeing  unleashing of attacks on pay and conditions of workers, petty traders, road side mechanics, other artisans and unemployed youths are now groaning under brutal attack on their means of livelihood. In the name of beatification at strategic places while the interior and inner roads are deplorable,  buildings mainly used for different purposes like churches, houses, and shops in many parts of Owerri are  demolished without any provision of alternative.

Reminiscent of the inglorious era of military absolutism where culture of fear and intimidation is often imposed on the people, Chief Okorocha’s -led administration through the service of some gangs of uniformed thugs who masquerade as Government monitoring team has continued, under the guise of beautification and cleaning-up project, to use brute force to subject thousands of small traders and artisans at different areas of owerri  to all forms of harassment and physical assault.

To intensify the attack on the living condition of the suffering masses, the government introduced different extorting policies through levy, tax, fees etc. In Owerri, heavy taxes are imposed on houses,banks,hotels and shops in the name of Physical Planning and Infrastructural Development Fund. Worse still, the government does not use its legitimate machinery to collect these fees. It rather employs the services of thugs who do not only intimidate people but also wreak havoc in the process. A sanitation fee is forcefully collected from people who dispose wastes themselves in the nearest bush but have never set their eyes on a government waste bin van. Yet, there has been nothing fundamentally to show for the infrastructure levy collected from the masses.

We call on workers, students, writers, bloggers , the youth, peasant farmers, artisans, professionals, traders and other sections of the working people of Imo State to join us  as  we speak  out against the looting of Imo State treasury by the capitalist non performing military governor of Imo State in civilian clothing Chief Rochas Okorocha .  Save us Oh God.

-Kenneth Uwadi, Mmahu-Egbema, Imo State, Nigeria

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“Africa’s Diabolical Entrapment” is the title of the latest book written by Frisky Larr. To simplify the weight of the words chosen for this title, I will first attempt to explain the word Diabolic. Taken from the Latin word “Diabolicus” or the Greek “Diabolikos” or “Diabolos”, it is the equivalent of the English word “Devil” in both languages. Some sources describe the word as depicting activities enlisting the aid of the devil especially in witchcraft or sorcery. A character that is devilish or fiendish. Taken analogically, we will understand that Frisky Larr has set out to describe an Africa in his range of vision that is trapped within the Devil’s den.

Indeed, this title struck me as brutal and wantonly presumptuous. Without recourse to the writer, I was determined to read every bit of his submission to get to the root of this damning title on the reputation of Black Africa.

It did not take me long to figure out where the author was heading when he undertook a journey through history to identify the significance and meaning of witchcraft in other civilizations such as Europe and the Americas. The Celtic roots of the Halloween tradition, the Inquisition of the Middle Age and the grand witch-hunt of Harlem highlighted the understanding of witchcraft as a phenomenon that is not confined to Black Africa.

This is the challenge that is posed to the impatient reader in search of immediate sensation. The scientific-style qualitative analysis with which the author explains that there are believers and followers of witchcraft in Europe today will not make an easy reading for the average reader who has no academic background. Having gone through this analogy with all relevant details, the author devoted his time to identifying the understanding of witchcraft in Africa with a view to highlighting the differences in the cultural accentuation of beliefs. From this point on, the book makes easy reading for all classes of potential readers.

In fact, it was at this stage that I slowly began to understand why Africa was truly trapped in the devil’s den of its own volition. The narrative journey slowly transformed into an exposé on Africa’s pre-colonial past examining myths and fictions and comparing them with modern realities. The myth surrounding the hunger strike of Oba Ovonramwen under the British colonial administration was factually compared with the hunger strike of Bobby Sands of the Irish Republican Army under the democratic iron fist of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The abolition of the practice of human sacrifice predominantly at the West Coast of Africa by the colonialists and the modern-day resurgence of rituals involving human parts in Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria etc. clearly highlights the self-entrapment of Black Africa in the diabolical den.

Frisky Larr goes ahead to identify even one more modern incarceration of the mind in the psyche of the Black African. The relationship between dwindling economic fortunes and the breakdown of law and order as crucial factors in the mass shift towards higher acceptance of traditional values vis-à-vis traditional medicine intertwined with witchcraft and sorcery! This is explained in the typical Frisky Larr’s fashion. He further proceeds to identify precisely these hopelessly dwindling economic fortunes as the cause of another paradigm shift. The mass embrace of Christian beliefs often with the parallel but quiet (behind-the-scene) practice of animism! This time though, witch doctors are replaced by vision-seeing self-styled “overseers”, “Bishops” and “Vicars”. The story-telling narrative goes on to portray criminal activities in the name of Jesus much like fake witch doctors and healers roam the African streets.

I have no doubt that committed loyalists of traditional institutions and admirers of traditional rulers and their widely accepted supernatural powers will be clearly irritated by the author’s frank and blunt rejection of these notions as a factor of collective and mass stupefaction. In the same vein, faithful Christians that are stuck to the Gospel as taught by the Bible will have their fair share of irritation in the face of the author’s condemnation of what he describes as materialist Christianity holding believers hostage in Black Africa. In spite of all these irritations though, it will be very difficult to disagree with the author in the face of compelling evidences that truly seem to portray the continent as entangled in a fundamental trouble of mental deprivation. A problem that plays into the waiting hands of incompetent and inefficient political leadership that is not in a hurry to have it solved as long as it impedes the urgent need for public accountability!

The most impressive and fascinating aspect of Africa’s Diabolical Entrapment is the conclusion and projection for the future of Black Africa. The author makes a daring 30-year projection for developments in Black Africa.

A readable work described by the author as a “pseudo-scientific analysis” that is truly worth its while. It contains recommendations that may be useful to innovative political drives.

The book is currently available in Paperback at, Amazon and several online bookstores. It is yet to be released or launched in Nigeria.

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In all my years of active journalism, this is one highly impressive work that I have had the privilege of editing from the scratch. I have edited a countless number of books in my professional capacity. At the time I was called upon to edit yet another book on Olusegun Obasanjo, my initial reaction was of course “Oh no, not this again”.


It did not take long though, to give in to the temptation of engaging in a personal hobby. The hobby of taking pains to understand the passionate viewpoint of a fellow human who shows to the world that he has a message to impart on the rugged ears of history!

It was at this juncture that it dawned on me that the subject of Olusegun Obasanjo is one that will continue to live with Nigeria and Nigerians now and perhaps, many more years into the future.

As the title of this book implies, the failure of journalism was given more prominence than the

failure of political leadership. Customary approaches in the appraisal of Obasanjo’s years on the leadership throne of Nigeria are either putting blames squarely on Obasanjo himself for one failure or the other or in a few cases, eulogizing him in an attempt to understand the philosophy he represents and the benefits Nigeria reaped from him.

One of such meaningful presentations was made quite recently, by a retired British Professor of African History at Cambridge University Prof. John Ilife. In his book “Obasanjo, Nigeria and The World”, the author appreciated the groundwork laid by Olusegun Obasanjo in pushing this African country through a new path of modernity. He particularly emphasized that Olusegun Obasanjo was not a celebrated fan of jurisprudence, legality and judicial explorations. Prof. Ilife underscored that Obasanjo’s paramount concern was to push Nigeria forward politically. This is no doubt, a thesis that will incite an antithesis.

Frisky Larr however, took a unique approach by putting the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of an excessively militant and non-compromising media for all the outward perceptions that the world has today, of the years of Olusegun Obasanjo. In his attempt to measure the damages done by the media to the overall development of Nigeria, Frisky Larr kicks off some reawakening of consciousness for a form of journalistic ethic that should guide the profession through all future endeavors. He does not only chastise the poor professional quality of journalism in the country, he also identifies some leading figures spearheading the game in its failures and achievements.

While straying deeply into history and addressing very many details that we may believe we already know, Frisky Larr surprises and sometimes shocks his readers in his typical manner of skillfully linking up events to expose enormous similarities to very current experiences on the political scene. This inevitably leads to impressive revelations smoothened into a fluent narrative in divulging the manipulative damages of the North-South dichotomy and the mafia angle.

It is a political analysis seeking to provide a straight view of political events in Nigeria under the Presidency of Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999 to 2007. It is basically focused on the fierce altercation between this presidency and a large section of the Nigerian media with the latter planting a seeming eternally damning seed of condemnation on all that the presidency stood for through its eight years of service to the nation. The work is predicated on the central premise that the news media in Nigeria committed a grievous error of professional omission towards the presidency of Olusegun Obasanjo not necessarily in its conclusion on the government but basically, in the way and manner the attack was conducted. Part of the witch-hunt persists till the present day.

The purpose of Frisky’s treatise seems to be setting the records straight and positioning a minimum of one viewpoint in historical archives to permit perception from a somewhat “third-party’s position” for our future generation. Final judgment can then be left to history with a final peace of conscience.

The work comprises eleven chapters. It begins with a historical trip through the crucial event of 1976 that saw the unsolicited elevation of then Brigadier-General Olusegun Obasanjo to political prominence. The journey through history sought to document the sources and sequence of some of the huge problems that grew and accumulated in Nigeria over the years. It was therefore instructive to provide a not-too-detailed but compelling picture of successive military governments and the problems they left behind before the second-coming of the civilian President Obasanjo in 1999. This of course, includes the rough road of deceitfully imposed dissidence and subversion that Olusegun Obasanjo had to tread in ascension to the ultimate throne.

With a clear picture of the enormity of problems presented, the work sought to identify Obasanjo’s personal approach with conflicting psychological and political experiences.

One full chapter was devoted each way, to cataloging his achievements and failures.

Thereafter, the attitude of the press was highlighted with a view to understanding influences on the media as well as the operative elements steering the course of media perception.

Clear failings were identified from a purely subjective viewpoint. The final chapter then addressed suggestions – also from a purely subjective point of view – on moving the media forward and dislodging it from the grips of unhelpful interest groups.

Ten Annexes providing references for some comments made as well as other relevant articles previously released by the author on different platforms round up the complete work.

Even though the deep adventure into history (in Frisky Larr’s typical writing style of leading his readers through a less exciting build-up to a final “climax”) may pose a challenge to an impatient reader, Nigeria’s Journalistic Militantism is a must-read.

 Book Review  By Tony Abolo  

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Will Jonathan Blow up Nigeria for 2015?

It is not unusual in a democratic setting, to start laying the groundwork for electoral success two years ahead of an impending election. Many will agree however that it is highly unusual to spend good three years of a four-year tenure preparing for an election to usher in another four-year term. Since last year 2012, the race for 2015 in Nigeria seems to have overshadowed all forms of governance and every aspect of political reasoning to say the least of maturity. Today, it has gathered momentum in a seeming unstoppable pace to destruction.

Many users of the social media (Facebook, Twitter and several other comment forums on the Internet) woke up to a new reality in 2012 that President Jonathan has become the first Nigerian leader to appoint a Special Assistant on New Media. The young man thus appointed wasted no time making himself known to users and consumers of the social media services. This process of popularization was soon followed by a sudden surge in a hitherto marginal stock of aggressive sympathizers and praise singers of the President in a seeming invasion of several forums. Most surprising to observers like me was less the reality of the President’s supporters suddenly turning uncouth, militantistic and foul-mouthed than their numerical upsurge at a logically mistimed period. It was a time that the President attained a climax in his serial media gaffes. He would not declare his assets publicly and wouldn’t give a damn what the constitution says. The schoolboy stage fright and glaring insecurity of a Nigeria’s President fretting on a Christiane Amanpour’s show on CNN on the fringes of the World’s Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland was fresh in memories.

When rumored insinuations then made the round that an undisclosed sum of taxpayers’ money had been earmarked for laundering the President’s image in the social media, the sudden emergence of a Special Assistant and hike in popular support became easier to understand. Ever since, President Jonathan has recorded a huge success in gaining followers and buyers of his image product more than he has covered grounds in real governance and accomplishments.

At the center of all these efforts since 2012 has always been 2015 on the President’s mind. Ironically, the President is yet to state unequivocally that he seeks to be re-elected in 2015 even though this has meanwhile become the world’s most poorly guarded secret. In spite of all modesty and innocence in the President’s aura cladding his steps and body language en route to 2015, his deeply concealed sense of viciousness and brutal determination to cling on to power even at the cost of Armageddon is beginning to take observers by surprise as time passes by.

The veiled threat insinuated at the initial stage when hints were made of the President’s ambition, that the Niger Delta militancy may become difficult to control without Jonathan has since made way for an open threat by Asari Dokubo of Nigeria’s disintegration if Jonathan does not have his way.

Then came the judicial release of one Major Hamza Al-Mustapha from high-profile homicide charges, whose hanging many had thought was a done deal. The release of this once-dreaded young military dude from incarceration was less the surprise – after all, the judicial process is deemed independent – than the quiet insinuation that trailed the court judgment in a Nigeria of anything goes. Purported inside sources gave a sneak view into a tiny corridor that seems to have shown the project of Al-Mustapha’s release and rehabilitation as one that was dear to the President’s heart. It was difficult to believe. Today however, seeing the alliance between this former fugitive and the fire-brand creek fighter Asari Dokubo in the pooling of individual resources to salvage 2015 for President Jonathan, one hardly knows what to believe anymore between rumors and visual realities.

Worse still, was the completely botched project of disorganizing the Nigerian Governors’ Forum. The project ended up in absolute fiasco for the President who chose to offer an official reception for his favored Governor Jonah Jang – in the status of a laughing stock Chairman of the Governors’ Forum. Yet those social media supporters of the President who are partly sponsored and partly ethnically biased, always find arguments to package a dark, soiling coal as a bright, glittering gold. The caption was 16 greater than 19.

As if that was not enough, the Rivers State fracas followed with another embarrassing attempt to impeach the Speaker of the peripheral legislature. What transpired as another disaster for the image of President Jonathan was white-washed by his image makers as a by-product of Amaechi’s inordinate ambition. The caption was 5 is greater than 26.

It culminated in the formation of a “New PDP”, mediation efforts by an ostracized Obasanjo that was suddenly rediscovered as acceptable in polite society only to be ditched again with accusations of masterminding the split in the very first place.

Nigeria is now dancing to a theater of absurd lyrics in a political mess that couldn’t have come with worse tidings. Leaving no stone unturned in the catalog of consuming catastrophes, it is now becoming obvious that the nation is facing a serious financial crisis in the midst of huge oil earnings. Free-for-all looting of the oil sector in cash and crude oil has become the unenviable hallmark of the Jonathan Presidency. Illicit refineries reportedly litter the Niger Delta; they are run by people who are not unknown to the powers that be and the President declares openly that he lacks the courage to identify corrupt people by their names for fear of being attacked. The Federal government is unable to pay allocations to individual states thus breeding a time bomb that is waiting to explode. Yet we have a former Vice President of the World Bank as the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy. If anything, the biggest loser in the Jonathan equation has become Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala whose reputation has now taken a serious hit for complicity in a culture of cleptocratic impunity. A lady who commanded hope for many optimists after she quit the Obasanjo government on the basis of principles after engineering the feat of debt-repayment is now ending up rubbishing all hopes for a better Nigeria. Many including myself, saw a presidential material in Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Why she keeps on hanging to her position in a free-for-all looting government in which she is obviously unable to introduce any meaningful change simply beats all imaginations.

In spite of all these however, President Jonathan wants to hang on to power in 2015 and is prepared to go to any length to achieve this goal. The latest item conjured from his bag of tricks with a wield of the magic wand is called “National Conference”. It is indeed, pseudo-surprises of this sort that gives President Jonathan his unique position as the most unenviable, least intelligent President Nigeria has ever produced.

While many Nigerians will wholeheartedly welcome genuine discussions on charting the future path for the patchwork coexistence of Nigeria as designed by British colonial adventurism, President Jonathan’s transparent fraud packaged under this label is the least Nigeria needs at this very volatile stage. President Jonathan’s relatively amateurish presidency often loses respectability on account of the ease with which people see through his political designs, which he often thinks are packaged as surprises. His bleeding nose from the NGF surprise and Rivers Assembly surprise does not seem to hurt badly enough to impair another blunder in the valley of surprises.

In spite of the political and financial woes that the country is currently suffering, the President is setting up yet another Advisory Committee (one among countless and fruitless committees) to provide recommendations on a National Conference – not to organize the conference itself. Such recommendations will be subject to approval or rejection by the President – a President that has hitherto consistently rejected the notion of any conference on Nigeria’s sovereign existence pointing to the duties of elected representatives.

While it is easy to see through the President’s 2015 strategy in the establishment of this committee, he is obviously unable to see the uncontrollable implication of any inciting recommendation this committee may end up making. The President will have the ultimate prerogative of rejecting or approving any such recommendation by the committee but will be powerless nonetheless in approving or rejecting any public agitation that such recommendation may trigger.

In the end, the President will hold the four aces in confronting his opponents for the presidency while the committee would have successfully hacked off their “fair share of the national cake”. “Agree with my re-election or I will approve recommendations to start the process of splitting the country!” A trick of choice that may bear hazardous consequences. If parties are entrenched in obstinacy and stand their grounds, the worst case scenario will be designed to see Goodluck Jonathan reelected as President not of Nigeria but of a breakaway Niger Delta Republic.

It remains to be seen, if the theory will match practice. The current state of Nigeria is the type that would have long warranted military intervention in days gone by. Not today anymore. How the scenario plays out then will remain anybody’s guess but Goodluck Jonathan deserves all sincere wishes of good luck with the intense hope that he scales through the tempest unscathed.

Follow me on Twitter @FriskyLarrimore

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Started by you in Weboga:Technology & Science techstartup nigeria

0 55 minutes ago 

America: Daughter kills mother and brother, dad kills daughter

The Associated Press   This photo shows the location of Ashville, Pa., shooting at 643 Bottom Road. Investigators said the father found h…

Started by you in News of the world cnn allafrica nigeria

0 1 hour ago 

October 1st: President Goodluck Jonathan's Address - Commends Nigerians, Sets up Committee on National Dialogue

In an early morning Independence Day broadcast,Tuesday, President Goodluck Jonathan announced the setting up of an Advisory Committee to es…

Started by webmadam noelene in naijalife

0 1 hour ago 

China To Build $1.3 Billion Zungeru Power Plant In Nigeria

VENTURES AFRICA – Nigeria has signed a $1.3billion deal with two Chinese state companies, China National Electrical Equipment Corporatio…

Started by you in Construction

0 3 hours ago 

Happy Independence Day: Nigeria @ 53: How healthy is the country ?

From Olawale Raheed, Kunle Oderemi, Dare Adekanmbi, Jude Ossai and Anthony Ukpong MOST Nigerians usually shudder each time some institut…

Started by you in nigeriapedia 9jawiki

0 5 hours ago - See more at:


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advertisement n December 2010, an ambitious campaign was launched by the President tagged, "Bring Back the Book," in an effort to revitaliz...

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