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The '20' -'80' thing

Events had already dictated the tune of my blog this morning before I got round to writing.... So on my walk this morning, my mind mostly dwelt along the line of thought I am about to share....Some people posed a question to Jesus about a hypothetical woman who had married seven different men, wanting to know who her husband would be on the ressurrection day... Jesus’s answer was quite insightful for me... He said to them that there was nothing like marriage or being married after our life here.... Meaning basically, that marriage is for this plain... Spirits (which is what we’ll be when we lose this body) are not involved in marriages and do not get married.... All of the activities that have to do with marriage are strictly for this plain... My point is that, marriage is a physical thing that mirrors a spiritual truth.... It’s a mirror of the relationship of christ with the church and so on and so forth.... I have said all of this to say (and this is my opinion), that marrige is a physical thing and we are responsible for our choices.... We can prayerfully choose or outwardly choose, but the choice is ours.... God does not choose.. we can take our choice to him and have him bless it, we can involve him in our choice process (if we are tight with him like that) but he will not choose for us.... We make the choice...In making our choice, I have found out that a lot of dynamics come into play... And because we have all being primed, by our families, our faith, our beliefs, our society, our ‘status’, our spirituality, our experiences we have different tastes and diffeent proclivities... Our choices are really a product of all of these different conditions and while some pass people they meet through their ‘primed state’(and we all are primed) test without even realising it, others do it conciously and we who do it subconciously,(but who do it all the same) refer to those who do it deliberately as calculating.....It even gets more interesting because all of these factors that have primed us, we further divide into two categories so I have come to realise that we all have this 20- 80 rule thing going on..... Let me explain....The basic things you expect from a partner is your 80 but the things that sort of add ‘zest’ to those things, are the 20.... Take for instance, you are a guy.. You would like a gentle soft spoken woman for a wife... who is intelligent, cooks well,... kind, loving and bla bla bla... that’s your 80..But you also have this thing for busty women ..... You don’t know why, but you really do not find flat chested women attractive... they simply do not do it for you.... That’s your 20.... Or you are a woman, you would like a man who is spiritual, kind, considerate, respectful, visionary, hardworking, result producing...bla bla bla....That is your 80.. But style just does it for you.... You don’t know why, but you like guys with style... that’s your 20..... Your 20 can be a guy’s spirituality, it can be their shape and form, it can be their social skills, their use of language, their style, their cooking skills, their family, their jobs, their social status, their sexiness, can be anything...As funny as it may sound, 20’s have been know to determine the ‘do ableness’ (if there is such a word) of a relationship..... Sometimes, the 20’s can be worked on.. let me give an example... I had this close friend a while back, who had this close friend..(you know how it is) who was being chased by this guy.... And he was really serious... he was a christian(committed), he had a good job, he was nice...(now watch the 20 slowly creep in)...... But his english was bad.... You know it happens to the best of us... He just did not know where to use his tenses .. His 80’s just paled whenever he opened his mouth to speak... It used to upset her so much...So one day when the guy won’t give up and just kept coming.(and she not being completely blind to his 80’s),she told him he had to improve on his english for it to work out... He agreed .. and she bought lexis and structure textbooks and started to tutor him... (seriously, it happened).... She was willing to recognise that her 20 could be improved upon and he was willing to that scenerio worked out...There are some things that can be learnt (afterall, are we not here to improve on eachother) .The bible says Iron sharpeneth Iron... Social graces can be acquired... style can be acquired... It’s not always that simple though, because sometimes, some people’s 20 is something you can do nothing about.... If a guy’s 20 is busty women and you are flat chested, or a guy’s height doesn’t do it for you.. there is hardly anything they can do about that... having said that, we must all recognise where a shift can be made to balance out the equation and be prepared to make adjustments and sacrifices for the sake of our relationships....We all have our 80’s and 20’s wether we admit it to ourselves or not(and it’s usually better if we do).... But we should also watch out for times when we can work on our 20’s ..and if can’t be workedon,...Well what can I say..... You’ll both have to decide!!!....
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Pop star Michael Jackson has died after suffering a heart attack, it has been reported. Media reports have said the star, 50, was taken to hospital in Los Angeles after he was found not breathing in his Holmby Hills home earlier. Celebrity website TMZ said 911 operators received an emergency call about 12.12pm local time (5.12am AEST). "We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back," the website reported. Jackson is believed to have gone into cardiac arrest and paramedics performed CPR on him en route to UCLA hospital. The website quoted family members as saying the Thriller singer was in "really bad shape." "We just got off the phone with Joe Jackson, Michael's dad, who says 'he is not doing well.'' the website had earlier reported. Jackson was reportedly planning a comeback and was living in Los Angeles while rehearsing a series of 50 sold-out shows in London, the LATimes has reported. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics had rushed to the singer's $100,00-a-month rented home near Sunset Boulevard to find him not breathing, according to the newspaper
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My dear friend,That you decided to give this a try is a pointer that God has destined you to move away from the point where you are right now financially, to a level where your millions will begin to roll into your bank account effortlessly, and with little or no capital invested. Before I continue, let me assure you that the era of looking up to one uncle or brother and banks to provide some soft loan for you to start something is over because the secret I am about to unfold to you, will bring you out of a life of dependence on someone, to a lifetime of affluence and total financial freedom. If you follow my very easy instructions to the letter, in less than two weeks, everyone who knew you when you were dying in abject poverty would be surprised at the magical transformation, which you have undergone. The truth is, the fact that you have decided to unfold this secret makes you the luckiest person ever.To be able to operate this business, you must be able to communicate in writing (simple English) and as well, decipher what is sent to you through your e-mail. This program has nothing to do with Forex, or Yahoo Internet fraud, multi level marketing or some internet sit at home business that is frustrating to operate; this one is easy, not too demanding and not expensive. The followings are what you need to do this business.a. At least one (1) handset, fully operational with any of the functioning GSM networks.B. A bank accountc. Visit a cyber café regularly to check your mailbox – your ability to use the computer in checking you email box is important. You see that you need little or no capital (if you have all of these in starting this business).So friend, the ball is in you court, you need to check out the numerous testimonies we get daily pouring into our e-mail. One of these is the amazing story of 19 years old Kola who made 3.6 million in her first 2 months. Right now he has set up shop where he sells computers and also operates from there – can you beat that? (IF YOU CAN THINK IT YOU CAN MAKE IT).Temitope is a 33 years old retrenched banker with family members who depend on him for livelihood. He acted upon the information he saw on the newspaper advert about our package and, less than 2 months in this program has given him an excess income of 2.6 million naira.SO WHAT DO I DO?Simple to for a small price of five thousand (N5,000..00) only, a life-changing, easy to interpret instructional package will be sent to your e-mail box, for you to begin your fast rise into your millions. By the second quarter or much later in the year, this price will be subject to an upward review, so act fast and join the millionaires club.TO ORDER, DO THISMake your payment at any branch of DIAMONBANK in Nigeria toAccount name: NWANKWOR TOOCHUKWU JOAccount Number: 0592000006428Bank Name: DIAMONDBANKORAny Branch of GTBANKAccount name: OGUDEBE PETER NJAHAccount Number: 511249354110Bank Name: GTBANKThen notify us of your payment through SMS to 08061134101 or by e-mail to stating your name, Phone number, amount paid and e-mail address; delivery shall be made immediately after confirmation of your payment. Please it is worthy of note here that if after the subscription to this package and after implementation, you fail to make good money, you are free to ask for your money – we guarantee that. But when the money starts flowing, you must appreciate our contribution to your success with a minimum fee of N5,000.My friend your destiny is actually in your hands, subscribe for this package right away, and we believe by the end of two weeks, we will receive your testimonies. God bless you.__________________________________________________
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Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has denied allegations he paid prostitutes who attended parties at his official residencies. In an interview with Italian gossip magazine Chi, the 72-year-old leader insisted he had never paid for sex. He alleged a prostitute at the centre of the scandal had been paid to make false accusations against him. Mr Berlusconi's personal life has been under close public scrutiny since his wife filed for divorce last month. This is the first time Mr Berlusconi has spoken at length about some of the most serious accusations involving his private life. An Italian model, Patrizia D'Addario, said last week she had been paid more than $1,000 (£609, 720 euros) to attend a party in his residence in Rome, in the company of other women. I never understood where the satisfaction is when you're missing the pleasure of conquest Silvio Berlusconi Ms D'Addario alleged she was asked to return and eventually spent the night with the prime minister. In an interview with Chi, one of Italy's most popular gossip magazines, Mr Berlusconi said he had never paid for sex. He added: "I never understood where the satisfaction is when you're missing the pleasure of conquest." And he attacked Ms D'Addario, saying she had been "extremely well paid" by someone to produce false accusations against him. But she has denied this. "If Mr Berlusconi has the slightest proof backing his claims he must present them to legal authorities," she told the Ansa news agency. "If this is not the case, he should not be making such claims." Under pressure Mr Berlusconi has been under pressure since his wife, Veronica Lario, filed for divorce after 19 years of marriage, accusing him of improper relations with a young woman. She criticised her husband for "consorting with minors" and attacked his decision to attend the 18th birthday party of an aspiring TV actress and model. He has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. He faced further scandal when photos were published of topless women and a naked man at his villa on the island of Sardinia. The prime minister said he could not be blamed for the bad behaviour of others and there was nothing in his private life he should be ashamed of or should apologise for. Mr Berlusconi has not faced much public indignation in Italy, although the drama surrounding his private life is generating a lot of coverage in those parts of the media he does not control. Correspondents say many Italians admire Mr Berlusconi for his success - the power, the money and the chance to surround himself with beautiful women if he so chooses. In recent local and European elections, his Freedom People's party did well, grabbing a few cities from the opposition.
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Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua is due to publish details of an amnesty for militants in the Niger Delta later.The offer is an effort to end years of attacks on the region's oil industry.Under the plan, militants who agree to lay down arms would get a presidential pardon and be given a rehabilitation programme, education and training.The main group, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend), says it is waiting to see if there is anything new on offer.But one faction, the Niger Delta Vigilante Movement, has indicated it would take part in the programme.The president is due to present the proposal in the capital Abuja to the Council of State, composed of the country's 36 governors, as well as former presidents and chief justices.'Pre-dawn attack'As the final details were being thrashed out on Thursday, Mend said it had carried out a pre-dawn attack on an oil pipeline owned by Royal Dutch Shell in Rivers State in the south of the country.The militants said the attack, on the Billie/Krakama pipeline, was timed to coincide with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to Nigeria."This is the fate that awaits the gas pipelines you plan to invest in [in] Nigeria if justice is not factored in the whole process," Mend said in a message to Mr Medvedev, sent in a media statement, reported AFP news agency.Energy investment deals worth billions of dollars were signed during Wednesday's meeting between President Yar'Adua and his Russian counterpart.The Nigerian leader told a news conference with Mr Medvedev: "I am hopeful and confident that by the end of this year, we will have a secure and stable environment in the Niger Delta."Militant attacks in the region have reduced oil production to 1.3m barrels per day. Nigeria's Opec quota is 2m.The BBC's Abdullahi Kaura Abubakar in the Niger Delta says the government hopes an amnesty can help bring lasting peace to the region.But he says the militants have been expressing fears about their safety and whether after the amnesty, they would be free to walk the streets without being killed by law enforcement agents.Barrister Ikenna Enekweizu, a lawyer representing militant leaders, said he had received assurances from federal government officials about his clients' safety."The moment these things are done the militants will throw down their arms," he said.But he warned that the deal would collapse if these guarantees were not "concretised".It is not the first time the Nigerian government has offered an amnesty to militants, says our correspondent.Former President Olesegun Obasanjo also proposed one, but it did not succeed in ending the conflict.
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You got to respect the chinese ! Chin Chin wayo chung chin ! The textiles ministry has asked the commerce department to take up the issue of Chinese garments sporting fake "Made in India" tags being sold in Nigeria, a senior official said here on Wednesday. adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija "Garments with fake 'Made in India' tags are being sold in Nigeria," Textiles Secretary Rita Menon said. Recently, Nigerian authorities confiscated a shipment of drugs, with "Made in India" labels, which were found to have originated in China. "We are aware of the unfair and unjust practice," Menon said. "This is a serious matter. We have written to the commerce ministry and they will take it up through the diplomatic channels with the concerned governments (Nigeria and China)," she added. "Let my minister meet the commerce minister first and then we will decide what we have to do." Reacting to the development, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry said: "It is a cause for concern and we have to gauge its impact. China is the largest exporter of textiles, with 25 percent of market share. We have just 4 percent of market share. So they are a threat in the medium term." According to the Export Promotion Council for Handicraft (EPCH), export of textiles and ready-made garments - cotton, natural silk, woollen and man-made yarn - to Nigeria virtually halved from Rs.224.7 crore in 2006-07 to Rs.119.2 crore in 2007-08 because of the fake Chinese products. India's ambassador to Nigeria Mahesh Sachdeva has already alerted the commerce secretary about the consignment of Chinese-made medicines impounded in Nigeria with fake "Made in India" labels. Subsequently, the Indian government lodged a strong protest with the Chinese embassy in New Delhi and also with China's foreign trade ministry in Beijing. © 2009 The Times of India
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IT is one place in Kaduna where people of all ages visit to while away the time and catch some fun. adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija They call it Obalende, perhaps after the ever- bustling area in a Lagos suburb known for women, wine and other illicit acts which men commit under the darkness of the night. Kaduna’s Obalende is located in the heart of Kaduna North, along the ever- busy Bonny Road and Maiduguri Road. It is a place that, in recent times, carved a niche for itself as the last point standing in an area that once craved to be a religious enclave. To most city dwellers in the old crocodile city (Kaduna means Crocodiles), it is no longer news that Obalende is a place where fun seeking men could get women of easy virtue, beer or other alcoholic drink to buy and sneak into a nearby hotel for a short fling or a full length sexual adventure. Obalende has now turned into an area where, perhaps due to the global economic downturn and high unemployment rate, boys neatly dressed could be seen parading the area in anticipation of lady toasters who normally drive in big cars to pick such boys to hidden destinations after agreeing on fee. Hard as Sunday Tribune tried to talk to one Kusa who claimed to be in his early 20s, about his being a male prostitute in an area where even female prostitution is frowned at, the discussion could not last long because he demanded for beer and a roasted chicken before the discussion could continue. To him, it is an exciting adventure where apart from the economic benefit, “rich and healthy women from all religions and social strata patronise us under strict confidentiality.” He however explained further that it is an exciting experience to be involved in the oldest trade as a man, because even if one is not going to be paid, the frills and thrills are enough to provide one with all the joy and excitement one would need to convert loneliness and forget about being neglected in a world dominated by a lucky few. Big women with bulging handbags, some of them easily mistaken to be married, besiege the area at night to pick the young Turks on patrol for subsequent sexual adventure. Although Kusa tried to avoid questions since what he requested for were not forthcoming, he however expressed delight that he was able to save up to N37,000 in recent times from an exciting encounter with two able women who were,presumably sex starved by their spouses. “All we do is to get dressed at night, stay in a nearby corner and the women come in big, tinted-glass cars talking to us. They always pretend to get lost while driving and would cajole one of us to offer a helping hand. As soon as you get into their cars, negotiation proper begins and they offer as much as N2,000 for an erotic encounter.”adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija Kusa said they used to enjoy great patronage at the NAF Club area before they were forced to leave, adding that nothing could be so sweet than to be in the bosom of an healthy lady who dishes out cash to her young Romeo in appreciation of a sexual encounter. The NAF Club area, he remembered with nostalgia, was more lucrative because of its strategic nature and high brow status. Even young girls, he said, oftentime negotiate to them although they don’t pay as much. Corroborating what Kusa said, a manager of one of the hotels near the NAF Club area, who craved for anonymity, said male prostitution flourishes in the area. In spite of the constant harassment, such boys continue to find their ways into the area to try their luck especially when there are visiting artists who normally attract a large audience comprising of mainly ladies. The manager referred Sunday Tribune to a lady, Kristie who he said, would tell more on how the racket operates because some of the “gigolos” were her friends but the lady could not say much as she ran away to a nearby shop laughing. One good thing about Obalende is that business is always a 24-hour thing in the area. It houses several popular hotels and brothels where ladies from all parts of the country could be found. Interestingly, they always insist on condoms unless if the client is ready to pay extra charge before they zero their mind on what they call “suicide.”Some of the commercial sex workers, who flood the area, also agree on “petrol or gas.” Petrol, they say, means the normal pussy and dick game while gas is anal sex which in recent times, appears to be gaining much ground among those in the expensive enterprise. Petrol at its best, fetches nothing more than N2,000 per night but gas would attract from N20,000 to N30,000,according to investigation.Business, the ladies say, was good during the recent Kada games because the area is close to the Ahmadu Bello Stadium. Sex workers operating in the area could be full time or short time depending on the economic strength of the client, but the police in recent times have made sure that short flings in cars are not easily possible. Luckily for them, cheap hotels abound where one could pay a token of between N200 to N500 for an hour or two with his Juliet. According to an insider, those on short-time are the girls occupying the brothels who dress in skimpy clothes to attract customers by dancing to sweet pop and high life tunes to catch the attention of men. Business is however, not as usual as the police patrol the area regularly to make sure that it is not a hideout for men of the underworld.adv.ertisem.ent click for NollyWood videos on utube4naija
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Do You Believe in God???

A girl went to her friends house and she ended up staying longer thanplanned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn"t afraid because it was asmall COMMUNITY and she lived only a few blocks away.As she walked along under the bike trail Diane asked,"God to keep her safe from harm and danger".When she reached the alley, which was a shortcut to her house,she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley shenoticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for "God"s protection".Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and securitywrapped around her,she felt as though someone was walking with her.When she reached the end of the alley, she walkedright past the man and arrived home safely.T he following day, she read in the newspaper thata young girl had been raped,in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there.Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the factthat it could have been her, she began to weep.Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman,she decided to go to the police station.She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story.The police asked her if she would be willing to look ata lineup to see if she could identify him.She agreed and immediately pointed out the manshe had seen in the alley the night before.When the man was told he had been identified,he immediately broke down and confessed.The officer thanked Diane for her bravery andasked if there was anything they could do for her.She asked if they would ask the man one question.Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her.When the policeman a sked him, he answered,"Because she wasn"t alone".She had two tall men walking on either side of her."Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you"re not alone.(people) will not stand up for "God".......PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what"If you deny me in front of your friends,I shall deny you in front of my Father""STAND UP FOR HIM"
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United States beats Spain 2-0

The U.S. soccer team is in the final of the Confederations Cup, beating mighty Spain 2-0.Even more stunning, the Americans were on the verge of elimination and ready to head home last weekend before a reversal of fortune. On Wednesday, goals by Jozy Altidore and Clint Dempsey led to an upset of the planet’s top-ranked team.Altidore scored in the 27th minute and Dempsey added a goal in the 74th as the Americans became the first team to defeat Spain since Romania in November 2006.Now the U.S. will play defending champion Brazil or host South Africa in Sunday’s final, which concludes a two-week tournament designed to prepare the organizers of next year’s World Cup.Spain, the European champion, had set an international record with 15 straight victories and had tied Brazil’s record unbeaten streak of 35 games from December 1993 to January 1996.The United States had been 1-7-1 against No. 1 teams, beating Brazil in the 1998 CONCACAF Gold Cup and tying Argentina last summer in an exhibition at Giants StadiumAltidore got the first goal when he outmuscled Joan Capdevila, his teammate on Spain’s Villarreal, to send an 18-yard shot in off the hand of goalkeeper Iker Casillas.Dempsey sealed the victory, scoring from 6 yards when he pounced on Landon Donovan’s cross, which had bounced off Gerard Pique and the foot of Sergio Ramos.The U.S. opened the tournament with a 3-1 loss to world champion Italy, then was outclassed by South American champ Brazil in a 3-0 defeat. The Americans advanced over the Italians on the second tiebreaker—total goals—only by beating Egypt 3-0 on Sunday as Brazil defeated the Azzurri by the same score.Spain outshot the U.S. 29-9 in near-freezing conditions at the Free State Stadium, but Howard came up big every time he was needed.
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Reuben Abati vs BANKY W

Am sure we are all familiar with this story, well if you are not, you will be shortly. Let's have your views on what you make of this. Should we say Old School vs New School ......?Banky W's response to 'A Nation's Identity Crisis' by Reuben Abati response to the recent Guardian Newspaper Article by Mr Reuben AbatiThis is my response to the article entitled "A Nation's Identity Crisis" that recently ran in The Guardian Newspapers. It was written by Dr Reuben Abati, a well respected name in Nigerian Journalism. His original article can be found here: Sir,In the immortal words attributed to P.T. Barnum, "I don't care what the newspapers say about me, at least spell my name right." My name IS Banky W, full name being Olubankole Wellington. Not Willington, as you stated in your article entitled "A Nation's Identity Crisis". I read the piece repeatedly, and found that misspelling my name wasn’t the only error. At it's worst, the article seemed like an attempt to discredit and slander an entire generation of artistes and consumers, and at best it came across as having some valid points but being grossly misinformed, prejudiced, and hypocritical; definitely not what we would expect of a highly regarded publication as The Guardian, or from a person in Mr Abati's position.In the very least, the article warrants a well-informed response. I have little doubt in my mind that it will generate a slew of responses, positive and negative, and as one of the many subjects that was mentioned in the write-up, I feel compelled to voice my opinion (with all due respect) on some of the issues that were raised in your piece. What I'm going to attempt to do is to directly address issues that stood out and resonated most with me.The writer asked "What's in a name?" and went on to honor a "...generation which sang music under its real names, not abbreviations or slangs"; this would have been a valid point if he had not himself mentioned Greats like King Sunny Ade (real name: Sunday Adeniyi), I.K. Dairo (Isaiah Kehinde Dairo), and Ebenezer Obey (Real name: Ebenezer Remilekun Aremu Olasupo Fabiyi- Wow!!!). We could also point out other legends like Ras Kimono and Majek Fashek as others who, for creative or other reasons, saw it fit to have stage names that happen to differ from what's on their passports. Shortening of full names and/or the crafting of stage names is not something new from our generation of artistes that "lack the discipline or the patience to write complete sentences" as you said; rather, it's the creative right of an artiste to go by whatever moniker he sees fit. And if we want to talk about the names of today, we can highlight a few: Eldee - actually L.D. which stands for Lanre Dabiri, similar to Isaiah Kehinde Dairo's transition to I.K. Dairo. Naeto C and Banky W are simply short forms of their full names. In my case, my father's nickname among his friends is actually Banky as well.Furthermore, on the topic of Names and abbreviations let's set a few things straight. Nigerzie is actually spelt Nigezie and is not an abbreviation for Nigeria. It's a TV Show, much like Soundcity or Hip TV, except they choose to incorporate "representing Nigeria" in their name. It's like the "United Colors of Bennetton", or DKNY, both companies that choose to represent their locations or origins in their name. Also, for the record, Gidi doesn't mean Nigeria either. It's a term for Lagos... coined from "Las Gidi". And as far as the popular term "Naija" goes, who remembers Shina Peters singing "♫ Naija lo wa yi o o o, wa jo, afro juju lo gb'ode ♫" I hate to point out that our generation did not come up with that term... the "golden age" that you long for did.As an editorial head of a National Newspaper, you owe it to your public to at least do proper and accurate research before printing an article. The risk in not doing so, is you might unknowingly mislead your readers, and you might actually come across as being ignorant or out of touch. A quick look at all the reference names of artistes and songs mentioned in the article goes to show that the author was sadly way off base in his accusations and examples. For instance, to make a point on how today’s Nigerian artistes lyrics are meaningless and prurient, he referenced the Rooftop MC's song "La Gi Mo". What he failed to realize or crosscheck, is that the said song is probably one of the most meaningful and important songs that have been released in the last few years on the Nigerian Music Scene. The Rooftop MC's are actually a Rap Group that leans to the Gospel or at least Socially Conscious side of music, and their songs always have a positive message. That song itself talks about the errors we make by trying to take God's glory for our success... getting caught up in the limelight and asking God to bring you back to reality to know that HE deserves the praise for where you are.The author mentioned other songs like D'banj's "Fall in Love", and doesn't realize how hypocritical he sounds by attempting to ridicule some of our most popular love songs. Felix Liberty sang "Ifeoma, ifeoma, I want to marry you", D'banj sang "Omo U don make me fall in love" and Banky W sang "Till my dying day, I'll love you". Barring a difference in musical styling, are these songs not cut from the same cloth? Why can't someone in Mr Abati's position be proud of the fact that at Nigerian and African Weddings nowadays, couples are choosing these songs to mark their first dances instead of previous choices like “Endless Love”? Why can't we appreciate that the days of going to Nigerian Parties and clubs and celebrating to foreign music “all night long” are long gone? Despite these facts, you still see International festivals and concerts being held in Nigeria where the foreign acts are paid 30 to 40 times what some of our biggest stars are allowed to charge.I have to disagree with the author's views. We are not all one and the same, but we ARE artistes. We may sing, rap, dance, mime, perform, play instruments or whatever else; but we are artistes. And Composers. And musicians. We may not all play the piano or the guitar, but neither does Michael Jackson, arguably the world's greatest artiste/entertainer. That's why he teamed up with producer Quincy Jones to create some of the best music anyone had ever heard. We have our own producers that have shaped Nigerian sound...people like Cobhams Asuquo, Don Jazzy, I.D. Cabasa, Dr Frabz, Tee-Y mix, Eldee, Terry G etc. That list goes on. These music minds are no less credible than those of Mr Abati's time, like the great Laolu Akins.Far be it from us to claim that we are perfect and flawless in our art... we know that we are still growing and have lots of areas to improve, but the truth of the matter is we have worked very hard to create the industry we have now, and some people choose to criticize and lambaste most of us, instead of helping and teaching us. That is unfair. Yes, some artistes sag their jeans... however, a glance at the pages of THISDAY style or the recently concluded awards shows will show you very clearly that others wear three-piece suits and traditional attires just as proudly, myself included. This music industry that you have very clearly disapproved of has partnered with and given rise to the fashion industry in Nigeria as well. Just ask Designers like Mai, Babs Familusi (Exclamations Couture), the Okunorens, Muyiwa Osindero and countless others. Everything from the t-shirts and jeans rappers wear, to the shoes and suits are made by young Nigerians, where in previous years people preferred to shop in London. The youth-driven industries in Entertainment and Fashion have teamed up to thrust Nigeria into the world's positive spotlight, when for many years our dear country was mostly known for corruption, lack of infrastructure, and security issues.Our country has not yet given us steady electricity, adequate education, safety from armed robbers or standard healthcare, yet artistes have risen like the Roses that grow from Concrete... and these very artistes love and represent their country proudly on a global stage. This music industry has given hope, jobs and income to countless youth of today. We are Rappers, Singers, Producers, Sound Engineers, Managers, Promoters, Marketing Consultants, Record Label Owners and we will not apologize for making the best of our circumstances; and all this in spite of the fact that we have Marketers that exploit but refuse to pay for our Musical pieces, Royalties and Publishing income that hitherto has been non-existent, a Government that is just now very slowly starting to enforce anti-piracy laws, and Event Organizers that would rather pay 50 Cent One Million US Dollars than give D'banj or P-Square 5 Million Naira.You were right on some counts. We ARE businessmen and women, and we ARE interested in extending name recognition and brand extension. You were also right in that we look up to people like Jay-Z, who took their music and created multimillion-dollar empires. Since when did ambition and desire to succeed against all odds count against a person’s moral character? Shouldn’t we be encouraged to pay more attention to the business side of “Show Business”? Shouldn’t we want this music industry to provide for our future and the futures of our children?We know we have a moral responsibility when it comes to our Creative works. Some of us pay more attention to it than others, and there is lots of ground to cover up. But how about a little appreciation and help, instead of trying to tear us down and discredit us? Time will tell whose music will last and become evergreen, but it is not in anyone's place to judge; and for the record, can we just accept that fact that hip hop music is an artform that is probably here to stay... I mean for goodness sake the Grammy's has!! Instead of fighting the change, we should learn to embrace it. I thank God for people like the great Adewale Ayuba that have reached across to our generation to collaborate with, bridge the gap, and help us improve.We want to learn but your generation has to teach. We want to read but the Government must provide libraries. We want to go to school but the lecturers keep going on strike. We want to travel but previous generations messed up so they won’t give out visas. Most of prefer having our own live bands but the income needed to support that is not forthcoming.You speak of meaninglessness and prurience, identity crisis and moral turpitude. You praise Legends like Fela Anikulakpo-Kuti and you ridicule us. 9ice does not drink or smoke. eLDee is married to one wife. Olu Maintain does not drink. Naeto C is currently obtaining his Masters’ degree in England. The ironic thing is, we look up to and praise your generation too. You seem to forget that Baba Fela had 27 wives, smoked marijuana in public, was himself half naked at shows (as well as the women around him) and allegedly died of HIV. However we look past what some may consider shortcomings and respect and emulate the immense contributions he made to our history. We are in awe of him despite personal choices that some may or may not agree with. All we are asking for is to be appreciated and afforded similar tolerances.You danced to Shina Peters. Let us dance to our music. And for the record: for every "Anoti" by MI, he has a "Crowd Mentality" or a "Talk about it". For a Naeto C's "Ki Ni Big Deal", he has a "The Devil is a Liar". Just because an artiste uses a particular song to promote his album for commercial reasons, doesn't mean they should be judged on that alone. Anyone that is familiar with the cost of promoting an album (videos, press, etc) would know that you end up making hard decisions in terms of what you have to push and promote, for your best chance at success. I suggest that you buy whole albums and look at the body of work. Listen to the entire CD’s. I think you'll find that more often than not, Nigerian artistes are doing a pretty good job of representing this great Country of Nigeria. Naija Till We Die. Yes Boss.Sincerely,~ Banky W.
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...10. Cats' facial expressions9. The need for the same style of shoes in different colors8. Why bean sprouts aren't just weeds7. Fat clothes6. Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time5. The difference between beige, off-white, and eggshell4. Cutting your bangs to make them grow3. Eyelash curlers2. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made1. OTHER WOMEN
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10. Hey! It's my turn to sit in the front pew.9. I was so enthralled, I never noticed your sermon went 25 minutes over time.8. Personally I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.7. I've decided to give our church the $500 a month I used to send to TV evangelists.6. I volunteer to be the permanent teacher for the Junior High Sunday School class.5. Forget the denominational minimum salary, let's pay our pastor so he can live like we do.4. I love it when we sing hymns I've never heard before!3. Since we're all here, let's start the service early.2. Pastor, we'd like to send you to this Bible seminar in the Bahamas.1. Nothing inspires me and strengthens my commitment like our annual stewardship campaign!
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In the Hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber."I'm afraid I am the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces, "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, semi-risky, and you will have to pay for the brain yourselves."The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?" The Doctor quickly responded, "$5000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. A man, unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the male brain so much more?"The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and then to the entire group said, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've been used."
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In this life I'm a woman.In my next life, I'd like to come back as a bear. When you're a bear, you get to hibernate.You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that, too.When you're a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.If you're a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.Yup... gonna be a bear.
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A man asked his wife what she'd like for her 40th birthday. "I'd love to be six again," she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear, everything there was! Wow! Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right to a McDonald's they went, where her husband ordered her a Happy Meal along with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake. Then, it was off to a movie - the latest Disney and what a fabulous adventure!Finally, she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed. He leaned over and lovingly asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being six again?" One eye opened. "You idiot, I meant my dress size." The moral of this story is: When a woman speaks and a man is actually listening, he will still get it wrong.
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A teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Kathy said, "My father's a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the pickup when we hit a bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and madea mess." "And what's the moral of the story?" asked the teacher. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" "Very good," said the teacher.Next little Lucy raised a hand and said, "Our family are farmers, too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks and the moral to this story is, don't count your chickens until they're hatched." "That was a fine story Lucy. Johnny, do you have a story to share?""Yes, ma'am! My daddy told me this story about my Aunt Marge. She was a flight engineer during Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a Machete. So .. she drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break. Then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. She killed 70 of them with the machine gun until it ran out of bullets! Then she killed 20 more with the machete till the blade broke; then she killed the last 10 with her bare hands." "Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "what kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?" "Stay away from Aunt Marge when she's been drinking."
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different people, one human

3 guys were riding in a car: a hardware technician, a systems analyst, and a programmer. The systems analyst is driving and when they come to a steep hill he finds that the brakes have failed and the car is accelerating out of control.So, the driver pumps the emergency brake, downshifts the gears, and rubs the wheels' rims against the curb. He finally wrestles the car to a stop. The three climb out and assess the situation.Hardware tech: "Let's try and fix it. I'll crawl under the car and take a look. "Systems analyst: "No. I think we should get someone qualified to fix it, a specialist in brakes."Programmer: "Why don't we just get back in and see if it happens again?"
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the hornless cow

"Mister, why doesn't this cow have any horns?" asked the young lady from a nearby city. The farmer cocked his head for a moment, then began in a patient tone, "Well, ma'am, cattle can do a powerful lot of damage with horns. Sometimes we keep'em trimmed down with a hacksaw. Other times we can fix up the young 'uns by puttin' a couple drops of acid where their horns would grow in, and that stops 'em cold. Still, there are some breeds of cattle that never grow horns. But the reason this cow don't have no horns, ma'am, is 'cause it's a horse."
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IN MY LIFEToday, I have a few words to say, not about my self or my family, but about me!Yes about me just because, I can today stand the test of time and proclaim that I can actually do virtually all things through Christ that strengthens me. You want to know why?Let me let you into a bit of my life. …. ..I was born into a polygamous family oh! And so u said? Because you were too or probabably, you have watched FUJI HOUSE OF COMOTION severally or you have gotten personal experience about it? Any way, I just digressed, back to the track.I had polio my elitis when I was barely nine months old, I could not compete favourably well with others, then I thought life was cruel and that the Lord has played pranks with me.Things turn out best for those who make the best out of the way things turn out for them. I got determined to irrespective of my challenges become an achiever, though, it’s only achievable with God on ones side and I thank him because he is on my side .Today, I thank God for my life because; I am not only an achiever but also a great influence to the world. If you ask me what made me, I will simply tell u ‘MY DISABITY MADE ME THRU THE ONE I CALLED ALMIGHTY’What problems do you think you have that cant be surmounted? You too can, like I did, don’t limit yourself to your present situation; drag yourself out of your predicament and you will get there.Written byTokunbur
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