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News Flash ! Male movie star day and more

A message to all members of Hi 9jabook Family, We have decided that not only are we all members but we are also a family of Nigerians,Africans and Children of this world, ready to make a difference. This week is movie star week. Monday and Tuesday was Female Movie Star Week Wednesday and Thursday is for the guys ! We have for the guys Jim Iyke Ramsey Noah Segun Arinze Babes Omotola Jalade Ekeinde Stella Damascus Aboderin Genevieve Nnaji Just goto click on groups. We have created groups for the hottest movies stars if your star is not there be the first to create a group for them ! No double groups please, one star one group ! If you consider yourself an up and coming star then create a group ,if your group has less than five members by the next week Sorry o ! We go delete am ! No vex ! The up and coming star with the most members automatically gets a place in 9jabook bigbroda ! 9jabook says Congrats to princess Anyamele she is Miss 9jabook and the first Webmate on 9jabookbigbroda, the first Nigerian big broda on the web ! nominations for bigbroda 9jabook continues send to Also Mr 9jabook is coming soon Guys get ready to rumble. We have partnered with as our sole news provider.huhuonline is an investigative news service covering Nigeria. we also now have online games to knock you out ! In two weeks our Full scale Web University will take off online at ! Dont forget to invite your 5 unique friends or more to get the complimentary shares option and dont forget the 9jabook promise. "Making your social network really yours" Have fun ! Gongo Aso Weboga aka JB !
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movie star week

This week is movie star week. We have created groups for the hottest movies stars if your star is not there be the first to create it ! No double groups one star one group ! If you consider yourself an up and coming star then create a group ,if your group has less than ten members Sorry o ! We go delete am ! No vex ! 9jabook says Congrats to princess Anyamele she is Miss 9jabook ! Also Mr 9jabook is coming and nominations for bigbroda 9jabook continues send to Have fun ! Gongo Aso
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Beauty of Mathematics !!!!!!!

Absolutely amazing! Beauty of Mathematics !!!!!!! 1 x 8 + 1 = 9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321 1 x 9 + 2 = 11 12 x 9 + 3 = 111 123 x 9 + 4 = 1111 1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111 12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111 123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111 1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111 12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111 123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111 9 x 9 + 7 = 88 98 x 9 + 6 = 888 987 x 9 + 5 = 8888 9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888 98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888 987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888 9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888 98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888 Brilliant, isn't it? And look at this symmetry: 1 x 1 = 1 11 x 11 = 121 111 x 111 = 12321 1111 x 1111 = 1234321 11111 x 11111 = 123454321 111111 x 111111 = 12345654321 1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321 11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321 Now, take a look at this... 101% From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%. How about ACHIEVING 101%? What equals 100% in life? Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions: If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. If: H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K 8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98% And: K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E 11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96% But: A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E 1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100% THEN, look how far the love of God will take you: L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D 12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101% Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that: While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top! It's up to you if you share this with your friends & loved ones just the way I did.. Have a nice day & God bless!!
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Who Can Rescue This Rogue Republic?

The Piano Lounge of the Transcorp Hilton hotel, Abuja is perhaps the last place where a soul-stirring discussion about Nigeria and her myriads of challenges are expected to occur. The trappings of affluence, the conjured fantasies, and the recycled vanities on proud display, can almost leave you drowning in the waters of illusion – a false feeling that all is well, when so much is actually unwell.My first encounter with Nduka Otiono was during my undergraduate days at the University of Ibadan where he lectured my class as a visiting scholar to the Department of English, and successfully initiated us into the cult of Metaphysical poetry. Then he was still General Secretary of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) and had carved a niche for himself as one of the leading lights of the literary movement in Nigeria. Mr. Otiono’s stay with us at the department was short. He soon left the University, leaving us to battle with the wits and conceits of the metaphysical poets. That was four years ago, and I had lost touch with him until about two months ago when I located him on Facebook. So it was a meeting I eagerly looked forward to when I received a message from him last Friday 25 July, 2008 asking me to meet him the next day at the Transcorp Hilton on a brief visit to Nigeria from Canada where he recently relocated in the face of the depressing demands of the Nigerian system.I had anticipated a short meeting. But it was not to be. We spent over five hours sharing thoughts on the travails of the Nigerian nation. Our discussion moved from the poverty and hunger in the land to the Niger Delta crisis and then to the failure in leadership. For the first time in a long while, I was listening to an intellectually insightful dissection of the Nigerian conundrum. At a point, it became so emotional tears began to well up my eyes. We looked at the power sector in Nigeria, attempting a sincere analysis only to end up with an emotional paralysis. We had thought; if only Nigeria could just fix the energy problem, a large part of our problems would be solved. With $16 billion we could have generated 16, 000 megawatts of power, sufficient to help drive the Nigerian economy to unimaginable heights of economic rebirth. But today’s sad reality is a seemingly powerless probe on a power sector bedeviled by inefficiency, corruption and a harvest of scandals. What is the problem with us?In the course of our discussion, we were soon joined by one Mr. John, a friend of Mr. Otiono who works in one of the banks as a customer relations manager and then my good friend Ferdinand Adimefe, a youth corper serving at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) here in Abuja. Together, we all continued with this passionate talk about our national misfortunes. A little insight from the banking sector opened another can of worms. It was disturbing to hear how some of these financial houses had become homes to all kinds of immoral transactions. If you were not touched by the financial roguery, you only needed to hear how hundreds of Nigerian female graduates end up becoming sex merchants in some of these banks usually appearing bright and beautiful from the outside. No thanks to the proceeds of their ‘stinkingly’ rich interiors!At a point, we were joined by Mr. Toni Kan Onwordi, Head of Corporate Communications, Visafone who exchanged banters with Mr. Otiono and then moved on. I had heard so much about Toni Kan, read a few of his write-ups and had come to admire him just like my big brother Tolu Ogunlesi who works in the same outfit. I wondered how the likes of this young man survived the frightful and sleazy conditions of the Nigerian media where you are constantly confronted with the two unpleasant options of starvation or having to embrace the brown envelopes. I saluted his resilience and prayed for some of my friends in the media who are fighting to remain men and women of honour in this untidy rat race of what may be termed for want of better description, a voodoo republic that thrives on the ‘lootocratic’ orgies of a heartless hegemony! I immediately recalled that Mr. Otiono had been in the Nigerian media for over a decade and once sat on the editorial board of the now world-famous Thisday newspapers. I do not intend to write Mr. Otiono’s biography. But I am convinced that it was a good decision he made when he took a paradigm shift from the Nigerian arena, proceeding overseas in order to retain the sanity of his body and mind. What a system we operate, what a country we occupy!The statistics are horrifying. I shivered with righteous indignation when UNODC boss Mario Costa mentioned that between 1960 and the present day, Nigerian leaders had stolen over $400 billion! With just $10 billion, the city of Lagos can be transformed to the mega city status it deserves with all basic infrastructures in place. Yet, recent research and development indices have revealed that the city of Lagos is a looming catastrophe. Thus, while cities like Dubai and Hong Kong continue to amaze the world with their advancement prowess, the city of Lagos has been marked as one of the disaster megapolis of the century – waiting to happen! Why should this happen to a nation so richly blessed? Our education sector has not fared any better. When Prof. Niyi Osundare, in his valedictory lecture at the University of Ibadan remarked that the universe has left our Universities, it was a death knell that sounded loud and clear. What is the state of our tertiary education today? What kind of graduates are we producing? Are we producing assets or liabilities to society? What is happening to the infrastructure, the laboratories, the libraries, the lecture rooms and the hostels? Is it not pathetic how our Ivory Towers who society should rely on for the much desired intellectual re-engineering, have become in most cases, empty, helpless and idle towers of subsidized illiteracy?As if that is enough, Nigeria currently has about 10 million school age children out of school; 4.5 million are potential primary schools pupils and the other 5.5 million, young men and women who should be in secondary school. When you combine that with the 60 million adult illiterates in the country, you can imagine how many steps we have taken backwards all these years. Maternal mortality rate in the country is put at 1000 to 100, 000 births in our labour rooms. That is equivalent to 10 plane crashes everyday! The Nigerian situation is akin to a theatre with tragic renditions whose spectators are a heartless elite sitting, watching and satiated by this spectacle of gore, tears and sorrow.I come to one sad conclusion. The problems of this great country are man-made and if there will be any solutions, it will have to come from Nigerians themselves. But who is ready to bell the Cat? Who can rescue this rogue republic from the hands of these pirates? Here again lies the tragic irony. We have a nation populated by some of the brightest brains on the face of the earth who individually are geniuses in their own rights but have never been able to successfully fix any problem they collectively set out to solve. It is a tragedy that swings the way of pessimism, but history does not prove me wrong. We are confronted by a very strong cabal whose only interest in Nigeria is driven by their devious doctrine of self-preservation at all costs. They are deadly and dangerous. They are few in number, yet very powerful, and have resisted change in this great nation. They can get you sacked from your jobs, and make life unbearable when they think you have become a threat. That is why the efforts you and I have made so far amounts to little or nothing, because all this talk does little or nothing to them. They hardly even read you or hear you talk. But should we give up? A million times, NO! The change that we seek must prevail. It will not be an easy battle, but it must be fought and I believe we are going to conquer.
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Youth Wealth Initiative

We live in a time that it becomes imparative for youths to become self reliant and independent. That we live at a time when degrees, diplomas and certificate can hardly put food on your table is not far from the truth. The increasing rate of unemployment in the society coupled with the fact that the government are doing lesser than required to subvert the high rate of unemployment among the youths is another factor that should propel the youth of this great nation to start looking inward. this means that it is time for the youths to stand up for themselfs as the state has failed us in so many ways. We do not have to revert to dubious means or illegal means to counter the ill that the society has done to many a youth of this great nation.All hope is not lost, we can infact beyond all doubt do the unimaginable despite all the bottlenecks put in place by our leaders. all we need to do is stand up and take action by seeking wealth iniatives that will better position you for tomorrow.In lieu of the above, Youth Wealth Initiative is created to bring together Ideas, Skills and Knowledge required to enable youths create and foster ideas and initiative that will lead to Wealth Creation. This we hope to achieve through collaborative research on Business Startup, Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management Skills, Community Services, Leadership Training, Project Planning and Implementation, Advocacy etc.The membership of this organization is open to every youth in Nigeria and beyond.Collectively we can achieve it!!
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Big Brother 9jabook !

hi 9jabookers, well what can i say we have recieved a huge response on voting for miss 9jabook . you can see results at the voting page copy and paste or just click on this link. Well, voting will continue until tomorrow evening 6pm choose well ! Now to other things, 9jabook big broda will go live next week and we will do as we do on 9jabook.The people will vote ! no rigging . vote for ten individuals to be part of it. Requirements : working webcam blog on 9jabook no profanity no pornography must be registered on 9jabook with 5unique friends Big Brother 9jabook Ten People Ten Webcams Ten Blogs Ten different Lives Vote one off every week send your nominations to winner goes home with 200dollars ,one baaaad website,one webcamera payment by 10shares in 9jabook ! feature video on make una shout o ! na wa o ! na so we dey do here to your success JB Weboga keeping it real gongo aso no be beans we are on fire ! Visit at:
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Day X Female face of 9jabook and more !

Hi9jabookers, na me o JB the only African WebOga (nigerian webmaster) hope you had a good weekend ? mine was work,work and work .I wont complain because i like work. ok we have crossed the 700mark ! Hip Hop Hurrah. There is more to come but let noel my lepa friend(skinny pass victoria beckham) first tell you what is going on with the female face of 9jabook competition. "ok hi guys this is noel, This is the bomb we have some hot ladies ! very very hot 9ja princesses out there. goto the group page at we hope to start voting by launch date 26th where we will unveil the female face of 9jabook ! ok there is a prize too. oops, did i say that ! !lol .ok i got to go take care guys.JB don dey complain .ok back to Abi abi na JB the weboga ! lol ! " My sister thank you for your comments. ok the mechanic workshop don dey do something Newest additions to the site are 1.Set privacy see top right of page close to the can set your privacy here.dis na for all those toasters wey dey worry my fine naija sistas , we have a dating site so make una go do una underG moves there . oga babso and David take note una know ! 2.There are a lot of websites that are very useful and like 9jabook you have a share once you invite your five unique members to join see these sites at the topleft of the page! 3.The movie website is back, hold on, we are going to be giving quality nigerian movies and broadcasts via our internet TV!the site is up but we are still working on it , you can upload movies and audio there now 4.Now you can buy stuff from ebay from Nigeria not only ebay but a selection of websites from china too where you can order things direct from the manufacturers ! yes by this week we are launching .dont forget the official launch of 9jabook is for the 26th of July ! interested goto the group page . 5.Reminder to those that have not secured their five unique friends which adhere to the rules we have laid out for SHARING "MONEY" na una know o ! those shares will go to another person,simple. dem say many are called but few are ... . The rules are simple: "Each user gets equal share of 49percent of site Profits. to activate invite 5 unique people, 5people ! You have to make them your friends .They must not be people you met on 9jabook.and they must have a valid photo ID on their profile.You also get one advert credit when you join and that is not all ! U get a share of other 9jabook sites and your own free website." una don hear the gist o ! e dey happen here for 9jabook .Nigerian facebook wey you get your own share inside too . First in Nigeria,First in Africa,First in the Whole World ! no other social network gives you part of it to own ! and for awoof too ! ok see una soon. noel representing the babes JB representing d bobos gongo Aso no be beans no shaking no fighting no playing ..... trademark all parts of this website are subject to all forms of yawa no formal represntation by INEC EFCC , no more yahooze jamgbajitis plus all d othe smesme .yeparipa o !
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Female Face of 9jabook competition

Female Face of 9jabook competition .9jabook is doing a female face of 9jabook.The winner would not have to invite 5people to get their complimentary shares and if they have done that already that means they will have two complimentary shares Wow ! ten beautifull African princesses shall be shortlisted and from these ten all members of 9jabook will vote for the female face of 9jabook. the website is at join this group and upload your picture there Delete Comment
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Emeka, Nigerian Borat

Emeka, Nigerian Borat, cultural, commercial and Spiritual learnings to the world for make benefit glorious nation of Nigeria.. Part 1 Cultural learnings Borat, the movie must be a huge joke , most of all sacha baron cohen aka �ali G� the overly sexed rapping, woman loving, pot smoking, general all time idiot was at his best as Borat the envoy from Kazakhstan out to make cultural learnings for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhsan. Only the fellow that played Uri in the Smirnoff ice advert, who with his homeboy Gul can compare in this eastern gritty cold bizarre humour ,brrrrrrrrrrrr. Personal message from emeka. �World people kedu o ! I salot una well .My name na Emeka and after I watch the home video Borat by one man wey dem call mr sacha, as naija man u trust say na pirate copy I buy from one chinko girl for wooleech for South East. I come say chei ! this nna borat don get am for plenty money so I come try to find a way to tell the whole world say new nna borat dey for town na im I come meet nna Frank Adeche who come helep me write this for hin email. I tell am say make him no forget to put my website wey be emekanaijaborat@ for this email so that all my people for onitsha go no say I don arrive and dem go let me come marry nneka as money don plenty come.� That is the word from Emeka, Nigeria�s borat and just like borat you might not understand a lot of things he says, there is a small Emeka dictionary on the website or you can email him at Sometimes emeka may sound like frank and Frank like emeka but as both are Nigerians it is best to consider them one and unique just as all true borats are. I pronounce Emeka as haymaykar. I haven�t seen the movie borat yet but I hope to download it using bittorent, I will try to before I finish this article but from what I have read in the reviews, it is a real laugh with clear and concise learnings but what Borat does for me is to remember the first time I thought of writing for my country . In a way England, is a sort of America for me, I grew up the American way amongst an �American� Family with a near perfect southern accent complete with drawl n twang. So you might say I am an all English, all American plus a generous spattering of Nigerian to boot, quite a formidable DNA cocktail. I was gonna write this article and title it �I weep for my country� this was a few years ago I forget where the draft is, somewhere within one of my past lovers, oops sorry laptops yeah I have run thru quite a number of them things, well that is another story. I finally realised there was jack worth weeping about except to make learnings for the world to make benefit glorious nation of Nigeria . I am targeting the whole world with this article, it is for make benefit of all and also some age groups of the country Nigeria with this article, the ones I exempt should not take it to heart , I am good people. I will start with the unborn kids and foetuses, seeds of existence that need the special grace of God to survive in Nigeria and I think God�s grace is quite prevalent because church to Streets ratios in the world clearly put Nigeria in the top spot because there are at least two warring churches on every major street in Nigeria, I don�t know about the ratios of mosques and I aint gonna push it . Salman Rushdie was an idealist, I am a realist today , I can safely say that Kazakhstan is a holiday resort compared to some places in Nigeria. The term armed robbery might not become real to you until you visit Nigeria where these robbers have a liken for murder and highway robberies not pitying the wayfarers who have to put up with the abundant natural speedbreakers Nigerians call potholes that exist on most Nigerian motorways. So whilst travelling you also have to be on the lookout for gunslingers , it is the real wild west in that country. There is also the militant threats from budding osama bin ladens in the North and gun toting oil rebels in the south. This paints a gory picture but there are also some places in Abuja, Nigeria�s capital city that would make even Buckingham palace look like a shoebox and within these places live the middle corrupt rich and super corrupt rich who are turning their faces away from the �glory� that Nigeria is turning into and will typically ignore this attempt to make benefit the glorious nation of Nigeria. It is a really weird place, what still amazes me are the strange things that happen there the ability to buy your groceries from meat cuts to shaving cream and I hear recently to cars in the flipping traffic ! which can take up to 4hours in a typical God blessed day , it is a case of Wal mart and Tesco on wheels , who needs internet delivery ! So foetuses and unborn kids the choice and conclusion is simple, beg God to not let you be born in Nigeria but don�t choose America you might end up a marine ! I am also focussing on the Six to Twelve year olds because they pretty well know and are aware by now that they wished they was born elsewhere because of the great YAWA coming upon my glorious country in a few years time. by the age of six you should be able to juggle three jobs and when you talk about tough jobs no job beats the Nigerian childs. Go to school, Sell stuff on the highways in traffic , dodge through motorbikes or okada as they are called , perfect the art of begging for a living and sell cigarettes at night . All that under sixteen crap does not work in Nigeria and if you are a girl by the age of twelve start grooming for geisha duty minus the memoirs because no one likes to remember . Six to twelve year olds in China and India need not worry about anything because their economy is booming and growing and they will catch up with it minus the rickshaws and the rice paddy fields.(unborn naija kids take note) Now comes up the Thirteen to Nineteen folks the teenagers ,aw sorry guys because most of you are already in the Nigerian Culture of National cake eating and gangbanging which are called Secret cults , you must have earned your toothache holes from eating the sumptuous portions dealt out via the scratch my back and I will scratch your back policies ,and the kickback kickfront and all other kicks that even Jackie Chan will give an arm to know how to master. One of our former military presidents or dictators or whatever because it is a rule in Nigeria that once you have been a head of State,it is your born right to gun for democratic president . This same fellow was known to have been nicknamed Maradona because of his specialty in all kinds of kicks at the Aso Rock (Nigeria�s white House) football field . The ideas of globalization and reparation were created by a few individuals in a southern university in Nigeria . That the best way to repay the world for not selling their great grandfathers into slavery so that they would be born in America or anywhere but Nigeria. They created the mugu syndrome also popularly known as 419,advanced fee fraud and the fabled Nigerian Scam. Years ago, Emeka, once had the glorious pleasure of trying out the scam business and after some really tough times typing up a storm and writing letters, about a thousand letters a day, sealing them in envelopes ,addressing them and sending them by post abroad. This was the days when email was not prevalent in Nigeria back in the early 90s, when this was unsuccessful he thought better and shifted back to high seas trading importing containers from china etc for sale in Nigeria at a tidy profit. Then and now imports and only oil exports were the mainstay of the Nigerian economy . He figured the successful scammers were into drugs or where doing some real crazy stuff by cutting off their mothers heads or having relationships with insane women in dark graveyards or some other sort of devilry and were just using the scams as a front. These days all you had to do was send a lot of email and in a few weeks to months money comes , that was alice in wonderland stuff .Well much later he had the opportunity to observe a scam from origin to success and at the end of it told this fellow a well known nineteen guy who had just hammered an american mugu and done him in for 10thousand dollars and point blank told him that �I don�t believe it ! all that money for nothing � and yoda style the scammer calmly said �you don�t believe that is why you fail, told you I did� This is the age group that needs these learnings because they have come to accept education and scamming and corruptions as a way of life. Put them in a church and they will make the Pope look like a choir boy, or invite them to a mosque and even the Imam would ask them for an autograph. This group has adorned a certain smugness because this ideology was derived from previous skirmishes within the jungle called the Nigerian system. The gangbanging I talked about sure beats that on the mean new york streets at least there they do it for drugs and money. In Nigerian high schools and universities from my research I hear it is for fun and mostly it is not your average drive by shooting but a Gangs of Newyork cutlass and homemade pistols party. They call these orca, I wonder if the killer whales name had anything to do with it. Anyway kill they are used for and a darn business that would make The Departed movie look like a chick fight. It is these same folks after being trained in the rudiments of gangwarfare that graduate into the 419ers and scammers that Nigeria has become so gloriously beneficial to. There is also the satisfaction that this is the most important age group to consider because they have seen the �affluent poverty� of a nation and will not be able to fathom the �decadent poverty� looming in the horizon. Whatever learnings they have presently are apt to find them in hot peppersoup ouchie ! ( I miss naija peppersoup pure fire in liquid form). You see this group of Nigerians are the ones that will see what it is to live in a Nigeria that doesn�t have oil. The Americanising of Nigeria cum the vast influence of England during its colonial days has coined the terms Yankee and Jand as symbols of success. This is another white elephant dream because in both these places people actually WORK ! especially immigrants. China and especially India have used their brains to earn them a place as the sweatshops of the world and my glorious country Nigeria has a good portion of smarts to achieve this too. This is one of the learnings Emeka had when he came to the good peoples of oyinbo whiteman.After passing a one year course in two months his supervisor was amazed and asked him how come he could do that . Emeka replied �in country I come from this is small thing, the problem is get job first not book, in Nigeria too many book people .� Most youth in Nigeria consider the golden fleece as living in the united States or the united kingdom and would give one (not both they are Nigerians and not stupid) of their soon to be kickback legs to reside there with some occasional jaunts to good old bongo for some general Insanity ! Snoop Doggy Cat or dog or whatever he is called now would call it heaven .Lagos is just like the Bronx in Newyork only tougher ! the title of his hit song �rolling down the street smoking indo sipping on gin and juice lay back ������you can certainly do just that in lagos and get away with it , if caught just slip the equivalent of a dollar or two to the cops and who knows they might confiscate the indo for their own private use. The trouble is The Englanders and the Yanks don�t want people in their country especially Nigerians and the funny thing is that I wonder very much because Nigeria has a lot of Oil and if bushie and blairy invaded eyeraq for the oil yet don�t give a hoot about Nigerians coming to their country . You have to hear the stories going on in American and British embassies in the glorious nation of Nigeria even Abu Ghraib would look like Sunday school to these places because of the kind of treatment Nigerians take. My question to this age groups is simple. If Yankee and Jandon don�t give a hoot about your butts when you have Oil yanfu yanfu , why in the world do you think they would breakdance if your oil becomes irrelevant . You say to yourselves Nigerian oil reserves are gonna last for eternity, well emeka says that the key word here is �irrelevant� which well said emekaspeak �dem no go need una petrol weder una get 419 oil blocks to lease for 419naira even if una give them advance fee for the 419 blocks dem no go agree dem go say una be fraudsters� Well this is a scenario that looks farfetched, When Emeka told some of his nna buddies these make benefit scary theories, they all said �no shaking, emeka you too dey yarn� that he should be worrying about his rice container on the high seas. You dear reader also might say at least in the next 50years Nigeria will still be in business and afterall there is good old Naija Gas, �with gas, as the crooked Nigerian politicians will say �we still dey kampe .� Okedoke, wait for part 2 of this make benefit series, una go tire ! That was a long time ago that it looked like this but before I give an explanation of how things are gonna jump from frying pan into fire lemme address the last age groups. Ok twenty to twenty nine you are next. Like the age group before you , by Gods grace you must have graduated or are hoping to graduate from the weird system of A doo kay shun in my glorious country, excuse my English pronunciation of the word Education afterall my name is Emeka. I am from the ibo tribe of Nigeria and am apt to commerce and general motor spare parts production and sales, I also am very cunning in working out thingys and contraptions. In the 70�s bloody civil war in Nigeria the biafran Ibo were known to have made guided rockets which they called ogbunigwe, as dubious as they sounded I heard an oldwives tale that claimed local shamans did most of the guiding but o yes they worked and quite well too. I wonder why they lost the war there would have been no need to write this article, the Chinese and Japanese would just love the ibo . Just as Emeka has made a real snowballing of the word Education, so also Nigeria has turned education into a quagmire of sorts, that is you do get educated in the end but ummmm well sort of . There was even a popular rap star called Eedris that made up a song that was a hit in Nigeria about a university lecturers antics with his female students with respect to marks in Exams. �My name is bimbo ,bimbo owoyemi � was a particular part in the song that had a nice rhythm and this same eedris fellow also wrote another song about the glorious nation Nigeria in which he gloriously coined it �Nigeria Jaggar Jaggar, poor man dey suffer suffer, everything scatter scatter, Gbosa Gbosa , gun shot inna the air !� You get the drift in that babble of syllables and tones depicting controlled chaos. This eedris and a host of his music friends I wonder how they would have made any records if my glorious nation Nigeria had not made itself �glorious� if you know what I mean. These are cultural learnings for make glorious nation Nigeria .Sorry Mr Borat Nigerian English is not as convoluted as yours the problem is the fact that some Nigerian English accents can break mirrors , Haba ! Well twenty to twenty nines to tell you the truth if I were you I would join the long American embassy queue or any embassy for that matter, don�t worry the Iraqi embassy is an option as I can assure you that for a certainty there is no where in the world a Nigerian can not excel . Another piece of advice, I would take up Chinese mandarin or bengali as a second language the reasons are obvious China is taking over from the British and Americans the rape of our resources via CNOOC oil Company . Moreover mandarin will come in handy because for every five people on this here earth there is a chinaman and please when you get your visa make sure you don�t use Nigerian airways or is it Virgin Nigeria Airways because Nigerian planes are still virgins, no wonder they crash so often, too much load and tension. If I were you I would take a bus or walk , it is safer ! why the name Virgin Nigeria Airlines ? They could as well have called it Richard Branson Airlines, Sir Richard could have kicked the backs of President Obasanjo and his cronies some more, knowing full well that Nigeria within the airline name might not attract a lot of foreign tourists very much. I heard only Nigerians fly virgin Nigeria and I hear the service is very very gloriously shitty . There was this story I read in the English media that irked the living daylights out of me I aint no James bond but to use such a story to describe my glorious nation and call it sleeping giant to boot .kai ! they might as well have called it drugged sleeping giant ! The story goes that a commercial flight just after take off from one of the Nigerian airports all of a sudden bucked and amidst the momentary horror the plane had to land immediately to which all (Nigerian) the passengers broke into laughter when it safely touched down ! this was a few days after a plane crash that whacked out a lot of lives ! Now it comes to the thirty and upwards age group .The fact is that if you are still in Naija then there is a high certainty expressed by the equation below for X Where X ~ infinity =x2 + e=mc2 = B If the equation makes any meaning to you dear reader or any of the Science boffins out there because I aint no Einstein but using my common okoro sense. X is the certainty that good ole bongo might just be the place for you , just prepare for a nation without oils make benefits and hope for the best, expect the worst, in God we trust ! insha allah . In the Next few weeks I will present part two and it is gonna be a shocker this might spike the stats to the embassy queues or mosques or church, at least there are many of the latter in my glorious country Nigeria .We will speak about the spiritual learnings in the third part of this series! I hope these few cultural learnings have made for make benefit of the World for glorious nation of Nigeria. Tank you so mosh Emeka This article comes from TOKUMBO.COM ! home of NeTcHuRcH from naija nigeria ! The URL for this story is:
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Day X Letter from WebOga

9jabook enters it's x'th day of existence I GAURANTEE you will not regret this gesture. register NOW Hi Guys, 99 seconds .This is how long on the average you can take to do this .Read ON Thanks for the huge response to this group on facebook.As we all know it is a very very impossible statement ,I do not intend to become the president of Nigeria. I am certain some poor sod out there will jump at it . What i intend is that one of us from the number that teem social networks like facebook will one day do us all that huge favour . I and a few friends believe that it is only from forming strong coalitions that Nigeria can move forward .This is why I am requesting that a lot of us join . My reasons : 1.All facebook/myspace/ Advert revenues remain with facebook . 2.Even if it trickles out it wont leave America . 3.Obama will become president but will it change the plight of the black man especially Nigerians ? 4.The Oil Revenues in Nigeria have an end of life and my people it is soon, very soon.America is investing trillions in Biofuels.Even a country like Brazil is almost becoming crude oil non dependence compliant . 5.Places like Dubai, Qatar etc are taking very important steps to stave iff Crude depletion.please google this Before i bore you guys, my question is what are we going to leave for our children .Not everyone can do an Andrew and check out like i did 4years ago. Then what: It is a simple business solution.Me and my friends are offering you a stake in a huge stake (ALL of IT !). what "we" ( and this we, is YOU) want from you is simple , Just your passion to save a fallen Giant that never was. The chance that there really is an Audacity of hope where everyman can stand in this world and hold their head high, be it Me ,you,them or MR Barrack Hussein Obama. A situation where Nigerians can look around them and proudly say God bless Nigeria the way the americans do it . A time when we can proudly declare not only are we black but we are also Nigerians. Register NOW I leave with one statistic i calculated my own self based on the number of people i know one out of three young Nigerians between the age of 15-28 will get into the 419 business in their lifetime. I personally do not blame Nigerians for scamming (Poetic Justice, Reparation Balancing as far as i am concerned ) what i blame us for is that. nigerians should wake up and really invest in the Thing we have so much in abundance.We the Nigerians. There is more gist but let us register a this social money making Network Site and DECIDE. I have had enough of making money for the big guys when we the little guys just sit and look.When i was growing up i knew how the little guy felt because i was a little guy, most of my pals from secondary school can testify to this bit, now i is grown up and yep getting old.I have never heard of anyone who will say dem no go like some extra pounds for their retirement . This na all i can say for now I know you yourself will appreciate this gesture. IT IS ENOUGH . Thanks and God bless Nigeria I GAURANTEE you will not regret these next 99seconds of your life . register NOW I know there are many questions but then life would be worth less living if there were never questions. you can still stay on facebook but stay for the right reasons .YOUR POCKET Abiodun John Balogun Senior Analyst Founder new home of The Nigerian projeKT formerly and Frank Adeche Senior Analyst programmer Noelene Joshua Business Development and Accounting
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Julius Berger,RCC take over Lagos- Ibadan Expressway as FG cancels Indigenous Bi-Courtney N10bn concession deal

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new Movie coming out soon in Belgium and Nigeria. check the trailer out here The Same Day. Written and produced by Chika Uche .
The Same Day


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