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NBC Bans D’banj’s “Oliver” Song

According to news culled fromanother blog, NigerianBroadcasting Corporation (NBC)has ordered all broadcastingstations in Nigeria to stop airingD’banj’s latest album, Oliver, withimmediate effect.The song was banned because of themention of a locally madeaphrodisiac drink called “Alomo”which is believed to enhance libido.No words yet from Mo’Hits crew onthe ban. We will keep you posted onlatest developments.
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Wizkid: Pakurumo is my song, I did not steal it


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Tunde Bakare's "The Battle for National Survival" Speech! Now Transcribed!



Woman arrested for trying to set a church building in the Bauchi State capital ablaze


Wizkid: Pakurumo is my song, I did not steal it


12166324085?profile=originalModupe Ozolua Naija's Cosmetic Surgery Queen I have not had Sex in two years now a MFM ministries member

Durbar Festival Kano Cancelled over Bayero’s ill-health






Revealed! How Aregbesola Rules Osun From Lagos State



Press, Guests Tear Gassed As Mercy Johnson weds.half naked woman protests at Christ Embassy.
Halle Berry Wins Custody Of Her 3-Year-Old Daughter: Halle Berry’s ongoing custody battle with her ex-boyfriend ...
Obiwon steps out with his hot new Gospel Album.







Beyonce’s Baby Breaks Twitter & MTV Record!

Nige.ria Names Mastermind Behind UN Attack: RELATED CONTENT …


Paralysed man Pilot Flies Glider Plane From UK To Oztralia: A microlight pilot has landed in Australia after fl...
August: America's deadliest month in Afghanistan 66 dead.looks like august was (evil fest) all rou.nd the wo.rld




US Man cuts off his head in front of Policemen, firefighters after domestic dispute

Tunde Bakare's "The Battle for National Survival" Speech! Now Transcribed!



Woman arrested for trying to set a church building in the Bauchi State capital ablaze
9ja Islamic cleric murdered

Cute story : 2 American kids steal goat from Zoo


Buhari :stop reducing governance to child’s play, Unmask Boko Haram Now !
US Embassy Suspends Consular Services in Abuja Man cuts off his head in front of Policemen, firefighters after domestic dispute


10 Unusual Things I Didn’t Know About Steve Jobs

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The pleasant news of Beyonce’spregnancy literally set Twitter onfire on Sunday night at an averageof 8,900 tweets per second. The newscame as a big surprise to many andTwitter seems to be the only socialnetwork medium that can projectthat kind of news faster.The tweets break a new world recordupstaging the previous record of 7,196tweets per second that was set inJuly during the end of the Women’sWorld Cup final, when the U.S.A. losta penalty shoot out.In a related development, rapperKanye West has offered to be thegodfather to his friend’s child. Theparents-to-be (Beyonce and Jay-Z)are close friends to Kanye, and heis so happy about the news and haseven started ordering expensivegifts pending the baby’s arrival.That’s what (good) friends are for.
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Remember How to buy one!!!


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 God bless Nigeria 

Oranekwu Chidi




















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Since their union started in 2005,both Brad Pitt and Angelina Joliehave been bombarded by wild rumorsof marriage, pregnancy and moreadoptions. But the actress andmother of six has voiced out, sayingnothing like that has happened atleast for now.In an interview in the October issueof Vanity Fair Magazine,Angelina laughed off thespeculation that she was planningto marry Brad Pitt or waspregnant.“There is no secret wedding… I’mnot pregnant. I’m not adopting atthe moment.”They (Brad and Angelina) haveinsisted they would not marryuntil people of different sexualorientation were also free to wed.Next rumors please!
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FIVE days to the anniversary of theday rain wreaked havoc on Ibadan31 years ago, residents of the OyoState capital were, again, leftmourning, following disasterbrought upon them by a downpourthat lasted about six hours onFriday.Ibadan had been ravaged onSunday, August 31, 1980, with manylives and property lost to the rainwhich then a juju musician,Ebenezer Obey, in a dirge, called ‘ojoabami’ (strange downpour).The Friday re-enactment of therain of rage and flood of tearscame barely four weeks after thetown was flooded in a similarmanner, prompting governmentofficials to start clearing mostdrainages that had been choked upwith rubbish.Although the downpour affectedvirtually every area of Ibadan,areas that were mostly affectedwere communities in Oluyole, Iddo,Akinyele, Lagelu, Ibadan South West,Egbeda, North West, and North Eastlocal government areas.The downpour resulted in serioustraffic gridlock and commuterswere stranded on their way home.Many eventually slept in theirwork places hotels and accessibleplaces of abode of friends.Also, many motorists abandonedtheir vehicles on the road, either asa result of mechanical faults orout of fear of being washed away bythe flood.In Oluyole Estate, behind VineHospital, a man who was trying toescape through the ceilling when hishouse was flooded, got stuck andeventually died.In Agbowo/U.I area of the town, nofewer than 15 people, mostlychildren, lost their lives to thedownpour. Around Ile Eja/Carpenterarea of Agbowo, it was a gory sightand a tale of sorrow and tears asmany people could be seen swarminground dead bodies of children andgrown up victims of the flood.Sunday Tribune gathered that someof the dead victims included fourchildren of the same father andtheir grandfather, another set ofchildren and about five grown-ups.Attempts to speak with relatives ofsome of the deceased children wereunsuccessful, as they were not inthe right frame of mind to speak.One of them even fainted and wasresuscitated by sympathisers.One of the residents of the area,Isaac Adedeji, whose house was alsoaffected in the flood, stated thatthe area had not witnessedflooding in the past 12 years sincethe river around the area wasdredged. He laid the blame of theflooding at the doorsteps ofresidents whom he said were fondof dumping refuseindiscriminately.However, one of the miracle survivalwas that of a goat which waslocked in a building along withabout five others, which died as aresult of the flood.In Major Salawu and Quality areasof Agbowo, anger was in the air, aspeople gathered round flooded homesand two rivers in the communityblaming government for not doinganything to checkmate theincessant flooding of the areas.Sympathisers were also seen aroundthe home and corpse of a womanwho died in the flood. The son of thedeceased, who claimed to be a policeofficer, nearly threw caution intothe wind as he almost beat ourcorrespondent who went to cover thestory.When Sunday Tribune visited thearea, residents, led by a communityleader, Honourable Peter Oladitan,were seen trying to evacuate thosewho were still trapped in theirhouses.However, contrary to other reports,while speaking with SundayTribune, Honourable Oladitan, whois a former member of Ibadan NorthLocal Government Area caretakercommittee, said rescuers had beenable to retrieve 18 bodies, mostlythose of children as well as that ofa 76-year old who had drowned inher house.He added that the Bodija stream,which passes through thecommunity, overflowed its bank; asituation he said aided the flood,while also putting the blame onthos e who have formed the habbit ofdumping refuse in the stream.Family of eight loses six childrenin OluyoleA family of eight, on Saturday wassaid to have lost six children atOluyole area of Ibadan to the floodwhich submerged their house.As gathered, the father of thechildren, said to be on night duty,was not around when the incidenthappened, but the mother, said to beat home with the children, couldnot save the situation, as she couldonly wriggle herself out of thehouse.The bodies of the children have notbeen found as of press time, sincenobody could gain access to thewaterlogged house.Also, their parents were notavailable for comments, as theyhave already taken cover somewhereelse since there house was notinhabitable form.But a nearby resident, Deacon JohnOkatche of Christ Jubilee Church atAdewumi Layout, Oke Ayo area ofOluyole Estate, whose church wasadjacent to the victims' house, toldSunday Tribune that he had notencountered such problem in thearea since he got to Ibadan in 1986.“When we came in this morning, wediscovered a family living veryclose to the church, just right besideour toilet area; only the wifeescaped, the husband was on nightshift and their children, who sleptin the house, about seven of them,were nowhere to be found,” he said.Apart from this family, propertyworth millions of naira were lostto the flood by people living at OkeAyo, Alaafin Avenue, Rhema Chapelarea abd Sumal Foods area of theestate as most of the houses inthese areas were either submerged byflood or water-logged.Some of the affected residents, whospoke with Sunday Tribune,expressed shock, as they said theyhad never witnessed such flood tidesince over three decades that theyhad been living in the area.They blamed the situation on theoverflow of Eleiyele dam, which theysaid made the water to flow beyondits boundary. Lack of gooddrainage system was also said tobe one of the causes of the deluge.But an expert, Mr. Dupe Abimbola,who said he had worked at EleiyeleWater Works for years, said it couldnot have been as a result of the thefact that the dam was flushed outwhen it rained.According to him, “this problem isnot directly an Eleiyele problem, butchannelisation problem.“Eleiyele dam worksautomatically, once there is apressure builtdup on the dam, it hasautomatic valves that will open upand release water into Odo Ona. Itis a very simple thing.“But Odo Ona is not channeled toaccept that volume of water. So, itwill overflow into houses, spoilproperties and destroy lives as wehave seen today.“The only solution is to appeal togovernments to channelise Odo Onathe way they did to Ogunpa.”A bungalow was almost totallysubmerged at Oke Ayo area of OluyoleEstate.Fear of coffin during floodResidents of the area also becameapprehensive when they discoveredthat a coffin was floating on theflood that had taken over thestreet, raiding the suspicion thatcemeteries might have been affectedby the flood.Five swept away in OrogunAt the Orogun junction area of thecity, five people were said to havebeen swept away on Friday nightwhen a human chain formed by 20people broke in the middle of floodwater on UI-Ojoo road. Vehicles andother valuable property weresimilarly touched with electricpoles and cables lying dangerouslyon the road.The Celestial Church of Christ (CCC),Irapada Parish, which is located bythe roadside, was mostly affectedby the flood, even as the Shepherd-in-Charge and a survivor, MostSupreme Evangelist OnafujabiBabatunde, stated that about 57members of the church were trappedinside the auditorium while theflooding lasted. He revealed thatthey all ran for safety on thegalery of the auditorium, notingthat all of them survived.He called on the government to riseto the occasion by constructing areal bridge at the Orogun junction,instead of the box culvert whichwas constructed by the government,despite warnings that it might notcurtail erosion in the area.Indeed, most residents who spokewith Sunday Tribune attributed thesevere flooding to the habit of peoplewho dump refuse indiscriminately.While the flooding was ongoing onFriday night, many residents ofMokola-Roundabout area were seendumping refuse into the gutters.A community leader in Agbowo, PaLawal Ajibade, said the disasterwould persist if residents ofIbadan would not change theirattitude towards uncleanliness.Flood wrecks havoc in IbadanPolytechnicThe rain left a devastating effecton facilities at The Polytecnic,Ibadan as property worth millionsof naira were lost.When Sunday Tribune visited thepremises of the higher institution,some of the severly-affected werethe staff quarters, students’hostels, Bursary Department, thenewly-renovated assembly hall,registry department, Department ofMathematics and Statistics,lecture theatres and the Centre forInformation and DataManagement.Visibly worried about themagnitude of the damage, therector of the institution, ProfessorAyobami Odunola, assured studentsof the institution that effortswould be made to restore essentialservices lost to the flood.Five bodies recovered in NewGarageAt a community on the New Garage/Apata expressway, the chairman ofthe caretaker committee of OluyoleLocal Government Area of the state,Abass Aleshinloye, told SundayTribune that bodies of five peoplewere removed from different housesby youths in the community.In Maje, at Idi Mango area of Soka,an eyewitness told Sunday Tribunethat the flood swept away a carand killed a child.One swept away at Oje areaAt Temidire area of Oje, a family offour, which had been sacked by theflood and was looking for where tostay for the night, confided inSunday Tribune that the TemidireStream overflowed its bank andferried away one person.Woman lost poultry farm, fishpond to floodA poultry farm and a fish pondfilled with chicken and fishes werealso reportedly swept away by theflood on Friday at Onipon Estate,Podo area of Ibadan. The farm,which was reportedly owned by awoman, was said to be large withbirds fishes worth millions ofnaira.Corpse deposited in ApataThe corpse of a middle-aged womanwas also reportedly discovered atOke Ayo area of Apata on Saturday.According to a resident of the area,the people of the community foundthe body of the woman deposited atthe path of the flood.The resident added that efforts tolocate relatives of the womanproved abortive, while it wassuspected that the flood must havecarried the corpse from a fardistance.Family wiped out in IjokodoIn Ijokodo area, one of the peopleaffected was one Mr. KunleAkinyele, a member of ChristFamily Assembly WordCommunication Ministry (WOCOM)Onireke, Ibadan. He, alongside histwo daughters and his wife’snephew, who came to visit them, losthis life.He was said to be already in thehouse by the time the rain startedwith his daughters and his wife’snephew when the rain started.According to an eyewitness, a fenceclose to their residence fell on theirapartment killing everyone in thebuilding.Akinyele’s wife, Bukola, whoreturned home after the downpour,was said to have discovered theirbodies. Their bodies were said tohave been deposited at theUniversity College Hospital (UCH),Ibadan.Church, cars, buildings submergedin Odo OnaThe story was not different at OdoOna area of Ibadan on the Apataaxis as residents have only lossesto count. For Reverend EzekielOdunlade of Prepare Way for JesusEvangelical Church, it was a doubleloss as his church and propertywent with the rain. Speaking withSunday Tribune, Reverend Odunladesaid: “All that I was able to retrievewere some documents belonging tothe church. All other property havebeen trapped.”The rain did not spare the luxurybuilding and posh cars of Mr. IsaacAdebayo, whose three-year-old four-flat building was submerged toalmost to half of its entire height.While Sunday Tribune witnessedoccupants of the buildingsalvaging some property from theground floor, there was still no hopeof how to retrieve the three cars — aPathfinder , a Toyota Camry and aGolf — that were trapped in hisflooded compound.Ajibode community cut offThe Ajibode community, situatedbehind the University Of Ibadan,was completely cut off from thetown as the dreaded river in thecommunity overran its bank,shutting people at home, whilemany residents, who were outsidebefore the rain, could not go in. Eventhe new bridge, allegedly beingconstructed for the community bythe UI authorities, as tall as it is,was totally submerged by water.A resident of the community, Mr.Yomi Ogunsanya, told our reporterthat he could not get home, addingthat his wife, who was withinAjibode at the time of the rain, alsocould not sleep in their house.Sunday Tribune learnt that thosewho could brave it had to go throughOloguneru, along Eruwa-Eleyeleroad, to come out of the community.Police, student rescue woman inApeteAt Apete area, a combined team ofpolice and students of ThePolytechnic, Ibadan were able torescue a lady who had drowned.It was also gathered fromeyewitnesses that, at least, fivevehicles with unspecified number ofpassengers were submerged in theflood and they were yet to be rescuedor their corpses found as of the timeof writing this report. Some of thepeople who spoke with SundayTribune said some members of thecommunity were still missing,raising fear that the missingpersons might have been washedaway by the flood.Foodstuff prices soarAs a result of the complete cut off ofApete from the rest of Ibadan, owingto the total colapse of the linkingbridge, prices of foodstuff have beenhiked by traders in Apete areabecause of the sudden panic buyingby residents. Puqued by thedevelopment, students of ThePolytecnic Ibadan, who constitutethe bulk of the community,immediately issued a sternwarning to traders in the area tostop the arbitrary increase in theprices of goods or face the wrath ofthe students.When Sunday Tribune visited thearea early yesterday, commercialmotorcycle riders, popularly calledokada, were charging N500 perpassengers in and out of Apete,while buses were charging N200. Oneof them told Sunday Tribune thatthe increament became necessarybecause of the distance they neededto cover before getting out of Apete.Parts of Apata, Oluyole, Owode cutoffAlso, communities, such as Apata,Oluyole, Owode Estate and others,were completely cut off other partsof the Ibadan metropolis as a resultof the flood that overflowed bridgeslinking the communities.The Odo Ona Bridge that links thearea with Apata was completelyoverflowed by river, making theroad impassable. The bridgelinking 7UP area in Oluyole to Mobilarea also collapsed and cars couldbeen seen in the rivers.A resident, who sent a distress textmessage to Sunday Tribune said:“As I speak now, we at Oluyole havebeen cut off. A bridge has beentotally washed away. We neverknow how to link Ring Road now.God dey sha, we go survive.”Olubadan commiserate withresidentsThe Olubadan of Ibadan, ObaSamuel Odulana Odugade I, hascommiserated with residents ofIbadan over the flood that ravagedthe city on Friday.The monarch, who expressedsadness over the heavy loss of livesand property caused by the massiveflood that swept through the city,said the flood was unfortune.The Olubadan, in a press releasemade available to Sunday Tribune,symphatised with the victims,especially families who lost peopleand property to the disaster.He also prayed tha Almighty Godgrant the families of the departedthe fortitude to bear the irreparablelosses.The traditional ruler, however,called on the Oyo State governor,Senator Isiaka Ajimobi, to givematerial and financialassistance to the victims of theflood, in order to alleviate theirsuffering, while appealing to thestate government to intensifyefforts to clear the drainages inthe city.Oyo deploys helicopter, reliefmaterials to victims of floodingThe state governor, Senator Ajimobi,procured the services of an helicopterfor the rescue of citizens anddistribution of relief materials toall victims of the flooding havocwhich swept round some key placesin the state capital on Saturday.The government also enlisted thesupport of the GOC, 2nd MechanisedDivision, Major General Mubarak,for the provision of bailey bridgesover the two rivers whose bridgeswere swept off at Apete and Olomiareas.The governor, who orderedimmediate procurement of thehelicopter for an immediate rapidassessment of the affected areasand rescue of trapped victims of theflood, also ordered immediatesetting up of two camps at the Apeteand Odo Ona areas of the statecapital for immediate palliativemeasures towards the flooding.Governor Ajimobi also orderedimmediate procurement ofblankets, mattresses, drugs andfood to all affected areas, so as toensure that the sufferingencountered by the people werebrought to the barest minimum.Governor cuts short UmrahThe governor, who immediately cutshort his pilgrimage to Mecca forthe lesser Hadj and immediatelyheaded for the airport for the nextavailable flight to Nigeria, said helearnt with great shock andsadness of the flood disaster andexpressed sympathy to the familiesand victims of the disaster.On learning of the disaster,Governor Ajimobi immediatelydirected the deputy governor of thestate, Mr. Moses Alake Adeyemo,commissioners and all localgovernment chairmen of theaffected areas to immediatelybegin a massive coordination of therescue, assessment and palliativeexercise aimed at providing succourfor the victims of the flood.The team, which immediatelyembarked on the assessmentexercise, paid on-the-spot visits tothe Eleiyele dam, the collapsedbridge at Apete, Ijokodo junctionarea, the collapsed bridge at Olomi,the Parliament road leading toPremier Hotel and the bridge at OdoOna area of the state capital, wherethe deputy governor interviewedresidents of the area on thedisaster and their immediateneeds.The state government alsoimmediately contacted allrelevant state and federalagencies involved in rescueexercises, such as the NationalEmergency Management Agency(NEMA) and the State EmergencyManagement Agency (SEMA) whichofficials were deployed on the stategovernment-procured helicopter, aswell as house-to-house visits, so asto feel the pulse of the victims, aswell as ascertain the level ofdestruction occasioned by the flood.Governor Ajimobi used theopportunity to express his sympathyto the victims of the destructionoccasioned by the flood.He promised that government woulddo all within its powers to preventreoccurrence of sad incidences likethe flooding, stating thatflooding, like every naturaldisaster, was one of the dangersthat man was incapable ofpredicting.He said one of the plans that thegovernment had was to continuewith its massive drainageevacuation exercise which hadalready begun in all the roads ofthe state, as well as throughclearing all water channels,removing all illegal structuresblocking water channels andpassageways and water right ofway.Akinjide condoles withIbadan residentsThe Minister of State for FederalCapital Territory (FCT), Ms. JumokeAkinjide, also commiserated withvictims of the flood.In a release made available toSunday Tribune on Saturday,Akinjide, who is an indigene ofIbadan, said; “I, Oloye OlajumokeAkinjide, the Minister of State,FCT, use this medium to express myheartfelt condolences to theExecutive Governor of Oyo state,Senator Abiola Ajimobi, and thegood people of Oyo State, particularthe families and friends of thevictims of the unfortunate floodthat ravaged some parts of Ibadanyesterday in which, I was informed,valuable properties and lives werelost.
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Sunday Sermon on Netchurch: THE PERVERSION OF GRACE
The Divine grace in Christ has been grievously distorted and misapplied among us Gentiles. We do not understand that Paul was contrasting the works of the statutes and ordinances of Moses, such as circumcision, with the grace of God in Christ. Instead we are assuming Paul was contrasting godly behavior with the grace of God in Christ.



Usain Bolt beaten - by himself

Usain Bolt cruises to 10.05 seconds to win semi final 2 for the final later on. He is joined by Yohan Blake and Nesta Carter to make it three Jamaicans in the finals




Manchester United Vs Arsenal Today


12166322089?profile=originalKatsina Alu CJN Retires: Leaving the judiciary in turmoil


Maryland USA: Tens of thousands lose power as hurricane batters East coast of america City of Bowie Irene Update


Flood sacks Ibadan Scores feared dead


Barca can be beaten Guardiola laughs off claims


Bacherlor's Club - Single Ladies Men Don’t Like To Marry SHE WHO


Hurricane Irene lashes New York

Secrets of Michael Jordan Revealed


Ikebe Super cartoonist Morak Oguntade is back in the frame



Abuja Blast Conspiracy theory : 20 Children allegedly killed in Creche,150 reportedly were in conference Hall .Mortuaries cant fill with 18 ? or can they be






Sowore/Saharareporters Complaining Of Harassment "I didn’t study journalism, I studied just doing my
20110827_STP506.jpg?width=234BUSINESS AS USUAL: Is Nige.ria that bad? By Nmachi
The Northern War on the Southern People
Human Rights Watch slams EFCC in new report
Why Our Marriage is Solid – Jumobi (RMD’s Wife) former scandals forgottten ?

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According to plans earlier releasedby Nollywood actress, MercyJohnson, her court marriage wasscheduled to hold on Thursday,August 25, but according to reportsreaching us nothing of such tookplace.Mercy’s husband to-be, Prince Okojiewas said to have just secured anofficial documentation from thecourt finalizing the divorce fromhis estranged wife Lovely.According to a release from thecouple’s publicist, Bigsam Media,the divorce on a marriage that wasconducted in Italy was finalizedon Tuesday 23 August, 2011, at theIgueben Area Customary Court, inBenin, Edo State (Jokers).Now that the event that shouldlegalize the marriage has failed tohold, every other part of theceremony is just “come and chop”with no legal binding whatsoever.Now let’s see what moral groundChrist Embassy Church has to goahead with a marriage that isillegal.
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Being a wife to someone of RichardMofe-Damijo’s status shoulddefinitely take more than beautybut a lot of smartness. One wondershow RMD’s wife, Jumobi (NeeAdegbesan) has been able to cope allthese years.A lot has been heard about theirmarriage heading for the rocks dueto infidelity on both parties. Butthe love and stability in themarriage of the veteran actor andhis wife seems to be waxingstronger by the days.Recently the couple celebrated their10 years of marriage in a “low key”manner, which Jumobi was quotedto have told close friends it’s thesecret of her marital success; “Keepit out of the news” she was quoted.“Jumobi used to be in the limelighttoo, remember her days in AIT, butshe gradually eased herself out ofthat circle to avoid journalistmaking her and her marriage aheadline” said an anonymousfriend of Jumobi.
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Mercy Johnson is endowed: have mercy Mercy Johnson figure of eight pictures


My money won’t change me, says Karen, BBA prize winner


Don Jazzy & D’Banj "Oliver" Dance video competition win up to $2500 and more


QR CODE/MOBILE MARKETING In studying entrepreneurship last semester, I came across the concept of "creative destruction" which for example had eliminated the elevator man and made extinct the typewriter.



Siasia Names 25-Man Squad For Madagascar



energy-600x300.jpg?width=234BRAZILLIANS WANT PHCN FOR $ 100 BILLION


9ja replies Fokn Bois  : Thank God We're not Ghanians



 NDLEA intercepts Petrol tanker loaded with Indian
images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnegauyhkSxCX5Hr4F6pCPJ3UJ2V_CA7zKv_pwh1CwgOQsv3UgR4P_kw&width=123Goldie Susan Harvey:"I have NOT had SEX this year"





Dating Without Sex Is It Possible ? is it unhealthy ? Meet 105 year old virgin




Entertainment Gist:Beazy Does it do it Easy Beazy sets Rap Record12166321100?profile=original





Woman in Police net over sale of 6-yr-old boy: OWERRI-Imo State Police Command has rescued a six-year-old boy (n...


Ebenezer Obey's Wife (Juliana Obey-Fabiyi) passes on



 Lagos Boy, 17, gambles with school fee, Runs away from home: Boy, 17, gambles with school fee, abandons home Tem...


No money No Honey No BB No Black Babes , LAGOS RANT: Encounter with a BlackBerry babe


Nollywood Actor with Three University Degrees is now practicing Law



NDLEA intercepts Petrol tanker loaded with Indian
Goldie Susan Harvey:"Maybe why I’m loosing weight no Sex so far this year .” Intense Interview
Mercy Johnson's Mum Rains Curses On Haters: Wedding Scandal Story

3 million Chinese rush to attend Lectures on Happiness & Justice


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The music business has been and is undergoing crazy changes that is shaking up all the major and small players in the industry. The problem is not the evolution of a different way of manipulating and consuming media but the failure of the player to foresee and yield to these changes.


In studying entrepreneurship last semester, I came across the concept of "creative destruction" which for example had eliminated the elevator man and made extinct the typewriter. On the other hand, the same concept has improved the functionality of the cellular phones and mobile devices, which has become the "now" gadget of the 21st century and beyond. If these devices get smarter, they will start to walk.


Before I ramble off topic, I want to implore us not to be like some in the music industry and  ignore the mobile device revolution. Their enhanced functionality/usability has made these devices indispensable to us and their sheer convenience has made them more indispensable to our potential consumer,their new personal companion and 24/7 personal assistant, decision-maker and shopper.


As of today, in light of the confusion in the music industry and the advancement in communication technology, it may be wise to adopt the QR code/mobile marketing early. You don't have to be a sorcerer to  see the future as it is coded in black and white.


Bob Dylan said it right,"The times, they are a changing." We either embrace it or like the some in the music industry, face exinction, FOREVER.


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Joke: 2 Terrorists making letter bombs. 
Terrorist1:: "I'm not sure whether I put enough explosive in this envelope before I sealed it." 
Terrorist2 : "Well, then open it and look." 
Terrorist1: "But if I open it, it will explode!" 
Terrorist2: "Don't be stupid – it's not addressed to you !"



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No money No Honey No BB No Black Babes , LAGOS RANT: Encounter with a BlackBerry babe


Nollywood Actor with Three University Degrees is now practicing Law


Entertainment Gist:





Woman in Police net over sale of 6-yr-old boy: OWERRI-Imo State Police Command has rescued a six-year-old boy (n...


Ebenezer Obey's Wife (Juliana Obey-Fabiyi) passes on



 Lagos Boy, 17, gambles with school fee, Runs away from home: Boy, 17, gambles with school fee, abandons home Tem...


NDLEA intercepts Petrol tanker loaded with Indian
Goldie Susan Harvey:"Maybe why I’m loosing weight no Sex so far this year .” Intense Interview
Mercy Johnson's Mum Rains Curses On Haters: Wedding Scandal Story

3 million Chinese rush to attend Lectures on Happiness & Justice


9ja replies Fokn Bois  : Thank God We're not Ghanians







Police Commisioner disqualifies English graduate with 2nd class upper for speaking bad English and failing to spell
Dating Without Sex Is It Possible ? by Isabelle Praise
Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple meet Tim Cook: The New Steve Jobs
Nollywood Actor with Three University Degrees is now practicing Law



Lagos Father kidnaps son for N200,000 from Father's Brother the boy's guardian or uncle ! na wa o


Will Smith caught Jada and Marc Anthony in family home Intouch Magazine INSISTS ! J-Lo breakup involved 


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Thank God We're not Ghanians

Fokn Bois – Thank God We're Not A Nigerians (Lyrics)


Kofi is a common name, that’s what even I say

But a Ghana man will never call a child Friday

Thank God we’re not Nigerians

Always shouting very loud, don’t know how to whisper

And why say Mistor, instead of Mister

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

You like school more than any African I’ve seen

Simple thirteen, you still say tharteen

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

They ban the whole team, you can’t even play

Can’t you just say Hi, what is Ki lon sele

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

You barely qualify, then get stuck

President Goodluck but you still suck

Thank God we’re not Nigerians

Instead of Hamburger or Pizza with ham

You eat Egusi with pounded yam

Thank God we’re not Nigerians

Always trying to show off, even when you eat

One soup, no vegetable but twelve different meat

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

Fela was a great Musician, yes of course

(Inaudible) something drugs

Thank God we’re not Nigerians

You created Nollywood,yes more of it

But too many witches and wizards in your film

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

Always in traditional wear everywhere

Haven’t you hear of Armani wear

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

For example shining five piece agbada

You can look very good in Dolce and Gabbana

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

Not going anywhere fast, let’s just stroll

Traffic everywhere, many bad bad roads

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

No street light from Oregun to Ikeja

Four four, join join two two on okada

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

Extra page in your passport to pass and go

You have learn very well from Obasanjo

Thank God we’re not Nigerians

Email fraud, Pyramid, 419

Oh that’s not fine

Thank God we’re not a Nigerians

But at least you are better than Liberians

Thank God We’re Not Ghanaians





Can you imagine Ghanains abusing Nigeria, the giant of Africa, the sunshine, the mountain, and the golf of oil of Africa? Ghana, let us teach you some English, for there’s going to be some diplomatic brouhaha o, if President Atta Mills doesn’t call the Foka Sibe Boys to order


Which country in the world calls their friends “Charlie” and names all their men after weekdays and weekends, Kwado (Monday) Kwabena (Tuesday) Kwaku (Wednesday) Yau (Thursday) Kofi (Friday), Kwame (Saturday), Kwesi (Sunday)? Una too much o



And you are so laid back, you don’t even know, look at every bank around you, it is UBA, ECO-Bank and Zenith bank. Your mobile phones are routed through Lagos, MTN, Vodafone, Tigo and whatever! Charlie, Thank God we are not Ghanaians o


See your president worships in Lagos, pays tithes to Synagogue, even your under-something football team relies on Pastor T.B Joshua to win the world cup because there is no God in Ghana. Charlie, thank God I’m not a Ghanaian o


When was the last time Ghana had a national team after Abedi Pele and Tony Yeboah started hawking spicy Rob and puff-puff. Charlie, thank God we are not Ghanaians o


Instead of getting down on Amala, Pounded yams and orisirishi, you eat burnt rice three times a day and call it a funky name “Wache” as if we won’t understand…Thank God we are not Ghanaians


Since Fela left Ghana you only knew how to sing old highlife and wedding songs, who marries with a Ghanaian music anymore anyways… Thank God we are not Ghanaians


Remember Nigerians created Nollywood, but Ghanaians are stuck trying to create something, should we call it “Nannawood?” with the same characters- kofi, nana, kwabena and Elizabeth…you can’t even get near any wood, Charlie, thank God I’m not a Ghanaian o


And why did Obama come here and didn’t spend a second night, was it because Accra was too boring??? Thank God we are not Ghanaians.

Please if you can’t afford three-piece Nigerian agbada stop wearing the black and white stripe school uniform and call it a national attire, afterall you have discovered oil, please dress better, OK. Charlie, thank God we are not Ghanaians.


Our traditional rulers are cruising around in Bentley, Mercedes Benz, and BMW but yours are still hanging on wooden limos, Charlie, thank God we are not Ghanaians


We know you love to do 419 but tell me who will send you money when you send a dead chicken by FedEx in the name of Sakawa… Thank God we’re not Ghanaians o


Brothers, make una show some respect to the big brother next door, otherwise we will ask Lagosians to move over to Accra and overrun the place…


And as Fela taught, Fefe n’efe ntina obaa tu amirika a, ense na nofona yese, ebete ato ntia, ebete ato ntio, ebeti aton ti, abeti atontia, ebeti atonti, ebeti atonti e, ebeti atonti


Make una warn unaself o, na condition way make crayfish bend

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from left tweeting in Washington about the earthquake Tricia Umeh. One 9ja must dey there ! 



 Amnesty Niger Delta Militants Deported From Sri Lanka For Fighting In School 



Why more Nige.rians seek education in Ukraine - 
 17 human trafficking victims rescued 
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Your Opinion: My Aunt is remarrying a man 13 years her junior would you allow your son/brother or friend marry someone much older or vice versa ?



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 . P-Square Accused Of Song Theft by Popular Nollywood actress Steph-Nora Okere

Mercy Johnson’s Wedding To Hold As Scheduled says Publicist

President Jonathan Sued over Appointment of Federal Character Chairman





American Women Go TOPLESS to protest why women cant go bare chested like men in public on National Topless Day !



Teenage Prostitution goes crazy on Keffi Street Obalende near Dodan barracks, Lagos
12166316487?profile=originalDon Jazzy : I Taught Kanye west How To Eat Pounded Yam

Obasanjo Leads American Investor To Taraba



Morning Headlines:


P-Square Accused Of Song Theft by Popular Nollywood actress Steph-Nora Okere


Karen Igho on Thisday Style !


LWKMD: Man "Beats" Police officers in Lagos police Station  and Lives to Tell the Tale



Gay Ghanaian Man Why I am marrying another man ? My Penis mysteriously changed overnight


   Mercy Johnson Saturday Wedding Countdown: Christ Embassy Seeks Police Protection


Is Okonjo-Iweala 9ja's “de facto prime minister” as GJ threatens non cooperative ministers




Igbinedion: Esama of Benin clocks 77, Carnival & Festivities starts Sept 5 ALL ROADS Lead to Benghazi B side Edo State !


12166316061?profile=originalJohn Mikel Obi's Father Found Alive: Mikel's father Michael Obi told of his ordeal at a press conference   The ...


12166316463?profile=originalWizkid to WizDad . does WIZKID have a baby girl ?

Gaddafi son resurfaces, free and vowing to fight








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Wizkid to WizDad . does WIZKID have a baby girl

quote:"In life, you don’t get the people you want. You get the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you laugh. To make you exactly the person you should be."


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Karen Igho on Thisday Style ! 12166315084?profile=original


Lafta: Man "Beats" Police officers in Lagos police Station and Lives to Tell the Tale



Gay Ghanaian Man Why I am marrying another man ? My Penis mysteriously changed overnight


Mercy Johnson Saturday Wedding Countdown: Christ Embassy Seeks Police Protection


Is Okonjo-Iweala 9ja's “de facto prime minister” as GJ threatens non cooperative ministers




Igbinedion: Esama of Benin clocks 77, Carnival & Festivities starts Sept 5 ALL ROADS Lead to Benghazi B side Edo State !


12166316061?profile=originalJohn Mikel Obi's Father Found Alive: Mikel's father Michael Obi told of his ordeal at a press conference The ...


12166316463?profile=originalWizkid to WizDad . does WIZKID have a baby girl ?


President Jonathan Sued over Appointment of Federal Character Chairman


Previously on




Osuji: The man who made history for bribery as Adenuga's Chief of Bribery Affairs


Ghanaian "Pastor" Rapes Five Sisters


A foreigner's guide to keeping sane in 9ja








Nwando Achebe,made professor of History at 39 in the US and daughter of renowned writer and scholar







Shot in the leg after being falsely accused of prostitution. The scary story of Hannatu Idris in abuja
Local looters: General Danjuma's Wife Daisy nee Ehanire allegedly Bankrolls Lancelot Imaseun's $2m Movie: Related: Award...
Samuel Eto To Be The Highest Paid Footballer If
Niger.ian student arrested in sex sting in El Paso Texas with 16year old: A Nige.rian college student was arrested...


How Chinese firm sabotages power supply – FG



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The Libyan Uprising

An opposition fighter has told Al Jazeera up to 20 per cent of Tripoli is still under Muammar Gaddafi's control and fighting continues in pockets of the capital.
There have been reports that the Gaddafi camp is in talks with South Africa over where Gaddafi will take refuge. 
Zimbabwe or Angola have been cited as top options.

Senior Libyan rebel figure Mahmoud Jibril said early Monday there are still pockets of resistance in Tripoli from forces loyal to strongman Muammer Gaddafi, after rebels surged into the capital.
"I warn you, there are still pockets of resistance in and around Tripoli," Jibril said in a speech on the opposition television station al-Ahrar.The rebels have re-named the Green Square, Matyrs Square.

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