1993 (2)

Former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida, on Sunday, in Minna, explained why he did not retire General Sani Abacha, when he stepped aside in1993, following the annulment of June 12 presidential election of that year, insisting that he was concerned with the future security and peace of the nation.

Abacha was the only senior military officer holding political office, who escaped the mass purge in military that preceded the stepping aside of General Babangida.

Speaking in Minna on Sunday, Babangida took a critical look at the pacts he had with the two former heads of state, Generals Olusegun Obasanjo and Sani Abacha that enabled them to assume power at various periods in the country, insisting that he was concerned with the future security and unity of the nation.

He spoke at at interactive session with members of the Correspondent Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Niger State.

Babangida explained that General Abacha was spared from the mass retirement that hit the rank of senior military officers at the time he was stepping aside in 1993, based on the calculation that General Abacha would help to stabilise the Interim Government and douse the political tension that had mounted over the annulment of June 12 1993 election..

He explained that at the time he “stepped aside”, the situation was very fragile, adding that if the military profession was left in the hands of the young inexperienced officers, they would have tore the nation apart in coup d’états.”
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Goodluck Jonathan Vice president made a quote in this article : “ If we cannot correct the rot at the lowest level, then it would be cumbersome to do same at the top” wonders will never cease ! now blaming the people ! We do not want Sanni Abachas picture to scare our readers that is why it is not here. 1.who killed Dele Giwa ? 2.How did MKO Abiola Die ? 3.Shell,CIA Ken Saro Wiwa the real truth . and many more ! What editorial edited and recut from Thisday Former US Secretary State and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff of the American Armed Forces, General Colin Powell (rtd), has revealed that on the night the late General Sani Abacha was to overthrow the Interim National Government (ING), headed by Chief Ernest Shonekan, he was informed at 2 a.m. Powel said he had protested against the decision, but was ignored by the late head of state. but he did nothing as they allowed 9geria to slide back into Military Rule again.What kind of Strategic Partners are these americans.They folded their hands in Rwanda during the tutsi slaughter .powell a known admirer of the yahooze song by olu Maintain seems to be getting more and more ingrained within 9gerian politics since his retirement.close Sources say he is involved in a CIA plot to embed Top ranking former serving americans to a final solution of the 9gerian problem. The USA has had great interest in 9geria since Communist China planted tenterhooks within the countrys resources.China is secretly buying up half of Africa and America is not having that. Powell, who had supervised American involvement in 28 conflicts around the world including the Panama intervention, and Persian Gulf Operation Desert Storm, also noted that 9gerians do not trust their leaders. He said many do not consider the current 9geria democracy as that of the people. Powell made these remarks in his speech during the breakfast meeting organised by Tell Communications Limited (publishers of Tell Magazine) to mark 9geria’s 10 years of unbroken democracy (May 1999 – May 2009). “I have watched as someone who sees and believes in the great potential of 9geria as an economic power and a political leader in the region and the world- as someone who wants to see that potential realised,” said Powell. “Yes, I have seen the turmoil”, he added. “Shortly after I retired from the Army in 1993, I began getting letters from Sani Abacha, telling me of the problems in 9geria,” he told the audience. “His letters were disturbing, and foreboding,” he added. He continued: “Then, late one night, around 2 a.m, I got a phone call from him at my home that the situation, in his view had become so bad that he had to act. Said he: “I pleaded with him not to, that America and the world would not understand and would react badly. He did not listen, and you know the rest of that story.” Powell said in 1999 he was part of the election monitoring team in 9geria and had a profound experience. He regretted that by all independent accounts he had seen the irregularities and corruption seen in subsequent elections is deeply troubling, adding that there is a real danger, that the will of the people is not being determined, but instead is being manipulated and pushed aside in the quest for power. Vice-President Dr Goodluck Jonathan who also spoke at the event where he represented President Umar Yar’Adua said the government was committed towards ensuring that the votes of 9gerians count in all future elections. Jonathan stated that part of what the nation was celebrating was the successful transition of one civilian government to another. According to him: “ This is the first time the nation’s parliament has been in place for 10 years although the judiciary and executive existed throughout the period of military rule.” He further observed that 9gerian politicians had a tendency of challenging results of elections whenever they lost, noting that there was need for stability if the nation’s democracy would grow. The Vice-President enjoined the mass media to be more balanced in its reporting of political events in the country. Said he : “ It is not in all cases that the ruling party is on the wrong side during political developments in the country” . He cited the fraudulent manner in which state independent electoral commissions conduct local government polls in different states of the country where parties in power always swept the polls. He however regretted that the trend never attracted the attention of the media which only preferred bashing the Independent Electoral Commission ( INEC). Said he: “ If we cannot correct the rot at the lowest level, then it would be cumbersome to do same at the top” . i magine ! the cheek of the VP Are they trying to absolve themselves of their wrongs ? This is shifting of blame at the highest level .So so rotten ! Also, speaking at the event was Justice George Oguntade, a Judge of the Supreme Court of 9geria, who described the existence of the current 36 states structure as a drain pipe to the economy, and advocated that some states be merged.
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