Birthday (4)

Winnie Langley, who has died aged 102, is pictured here lighting what was thought to roughly be her 170,000 cigarette on her 100th birthday

Winnie Langley, who has died aged 102, is pictured here lighting what was thought to roughly be her 170,000 cigarette on her 100th birthday

The oldest smoker in Britain has died aged 102, after puffing her way through 170,000 cigarettes.

Winnie Langley started smoking only days after the First World War broke out in June 1914 when she was just seven-years-old - and had five a day until last year..

She even celebrated her 100th birthday by lighting up her 170,000th cigarette from a candle on her birthday cake.

The Croydon-based pensioner cut down from her five-a-day habit to just one cigarette last year because of the credit crunch. She then quit at Christmas due to her failing eyesight.

Family member Anne Gibbs paid a glowing tribute to her aunt.

'She only gave up because she could not see the end of the match to light it. She was fiesty and stubborn and she also had a wonderful sense of humour,' she told the Croydon Guardian.

Winnie, who was born in Croydon in 1907 claimed tobacco never made her ill because she didn't inhale, although she did successfully battle cancer in her nineties.

'There were not all the the health warnings like there are today when I started. It was the done thing,' she said at her 100th birthday party.

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Black and white twins celebrate 4th birthday * Their mom is of English-Nigerian heritage

THEY look like friends who met at nursery school but Kaydon and Layton Richardson are in fact twin brothers with different-coloured skin.

Black aand white twins, Kaydon, (left), and Layton Richardson, recently celebrated their fourth birthday. Photo: North News & Pictures Ltd

The twins' mother, 32-year-old Kerry, is of English-Nigerian heritage.

The boys celebrated their fourth birthday in the same week Nigerian couple, Ben and Angela Ihegboro, revealed their white daughter Nmachi to the world.

The genetic quirks make the children "two-in-a-million" rarities that have fascinated doctors.

After hearing of the Ihegboro family's incredible baby news, Kaydon and Layton's mother, Kerry, said skin colour had been on her mind when giving birth to daughter Tiyannah recently.

"I thought it was crazy. As much as it happened to me, the twins' dad is white, so for it to happen to a black couple seems even stranger," she said.

"When I was carrying Tiyannah I was wondering what colour she was going to be.

"Before the twins I would have expected that any child of mine would have my colour in them.

"But after Layton I wasn't sure what she was going to look like.

"When she was born she looked as though she was going to go dark but at about two weeks old it was clear she was white.

"I was a little surprised as I thought Layton was a one-off..

"Doctors can tell you what sex your baby is going to be but they can't tell you what colour!'

Kerry also fears the twins will stand out when they start primary school in September.

She said: "It's never been an issue up to now but I know that Layton notices the difference in their colour.

"I've tried to explain it to them in the past but last year we were in an airport in America when Layton shouted, "Mum, am I white like my dad and Kaydon's black like you?".

'That was the first time he had said that but everyone thought it was very funny.

"I hope it's not going to be a problem when they start school but kids can be cruel."
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China throws birthday bash for Mugabe

China said on Monday its embassy in Zimbabwe had thrown a birthday party for President Robert Mugabe, a rare sign of foreign support for a leader reviled by many Zimbabweans and criticised by the United States and Europe..

Mr. Mugabe celebrated his 86th birthday on Sunday and made time to attend a party held in his honour at the Chinese embassy in Harare, China’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Hailed as a saviour by fanatical supporters and praised throughout Africa for standing up to what many see as bullying by the West, Mugabe is hated in equal measure by opponents who accuse him of being a dictator.

Rights groups have repeatedly criticised China for propping up dictatorial and corrupt African nations. China counters it offers no-strings aid and that its pledge not to interfere in any country’s internal affairs is welcomed by African nations.

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