
MEN BEWARE! •More women buy love charm in lipstick, powder


Owerri Road in Asata area of Enugu is as popular as they come. A place where so many things take place, it is always a beehive of activities. On both sides of the road are various business concerns including Bureau de Change, bakeries, restaurants, suya spots among others.  However, one shop stands out from the rest. Situated at No 15, it has an inscription: Spiritual Shop. It is an old building with signs of wear and tear. The paint has faded and the structure begging for attention. Despite the condition of the building, customers are always trooping in and out of the shop. And most of them are women.


Saturday Sun investigation revealed that the shop is a place, where women solicit spiritual help to cage men. With the spiritual support as it were, the women ensnare men and turn them to toy to be manipulated at will. The patrons of the spiritual outfit target randy rich men in the society.  When the under cover reporter visited the shop, all the elements were in place. Pretending to be in need of the spiritual wares, she told the shop owner that she wanted a ‘package’ that would get her attracted to men and also open their purse.


The owner of the shop confided in her, assuring her that the stuff he deals in has the efficacy to achieve the desired result. Boasting that he has been helping women like her over the years to charm men, he maintained it is effective hence “a lot of girls are always coming here to do it”.  The man, who simply identified himself as Jonny, volunteered that he has different brands and specifications of the spiritual products. Explaining the various types available, he said some come in form of lipsticks. According to him, “ if you apply it and a man kissess your lips, he will give you whatever you ask from him”. The cost is N8000. 


When the reporter brought out some money from her purse and started counting same, Johnny became convinced that she was actually interested. He then suggested that there was another one called ‘Love me alone Kit’. The kit, which could be used in different ways, also costs N8000. He said that the content was in power form and usually applied on the private part “and any man who makes love to me would do whatever I request him to do. 


And if I want to have a man permanently, there is a mirror in the kit that would help me to achieve that. He said I would write the name of the man on a paper, call him seven times and place it in front of the mirror. I will also write my own name, call it seven times and place it at the back of the mirror. With this, the man would forget every other woman even if he is married.”The ‘spritualist’ described the product as “a bomb and that there is no day girls do not come here to get it”. While the reporter was there, young and not so young women were trooping into the shop to buy one product or another.





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The General Overseer of a pentecostal church in Port Harcourt, River State narrowly escaped being lynched on Monday night after he and an aide were caught attempting to bury charms in the home of a businessman. advertisement here classifieds He had intended to deceive the man and the crowd at a crusade that the charm was buried in the businessman’s house by enemies. Unfortunately, the evil plot of the general overseer whose church (name withheld) is located in the Diobu area of the capital city blew up in his face as his aide, also a pastor, was caught bringing out the calabash of charms from his clothes, while the ‘deliverance’ prayer was in progress. Incidentally, it was the businessman who in defiance of an order that all eyes remain closed while the charm was being dug out, caught the pastor in the act. The general overseer’s journey to disgrace began when he attended a three-day crusade of another church, Destiny Blenders Church at the Eagle Island area of the city as the guest preacher. It was gathered that during his ministration, the general overseer announced to the crowded congregation that he had a vision that a charm was buried in the residence of the businessman to destroy his wealth and health with the sole intention of killing him slowly. The senior clergyman who also preaches weekly on one of the local television stations, consequently arranged for his aassistant pastor to unearth the buried charm while the main crusade was in progress. On arrival in the home of the businessman, a deliverance prayer laced with speaking in tongues, commenced with all eyes closed while the assistant pastor started digging a particular spot already identified as where the destructive charm was supposedly buried. Unknown to all who were gathered at the ‘uprooting’ exercise, the businessman did not close his eyes and he saw the assistant pastor bringing out the satanic calabash from his pocket and raised alarm. The assistant pastor was alleged to have confessed that his General Overseer gave him the calabash to bury and pretend that it had been there long before the crusade. He was later led back to the crusade venue where the general overseer apparently oblivious that his dubious plot has been exposed, was still preaching. Both men were later beaten black and blue before they were handed over to some mobile policemen who led them away. When contacted, Police spokesperson in the state, Mrs Rita Inoma-Abbey (DSP), told Daily Sun that she was yet to be briefed on the incident.
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