Natural (4)

The body’s own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened and boosted by natural means, can resist or surmount an attack by any natural biological organism. Other deadly organisms exist today which are not natural in origin, but rather have been bioengineered in genetic engineering laboratories located mostly in the United States. These pathogens were intentionally designed to circumvent and cripple the body’s immune system and ensure the lethality of the disease. Two well known bioengineered diseases are AIDS and Ebola. There are some new ‘mystery’ diseases which have recently made their appearance and yet other virulent bioengineered diseases which are waiting in the wings for the ‘right time’ (see Population Control under New World Order ). Bioengineered organisms require special consideration and technologies to defeat them, but they are defeatable.

immunity.jpg?w=600The main focus of our organization is the promotion of non-pharmaceutical medicine. We all possess the innate ability to protect ourselves from disease. This wondrous disease prevention system is the immune system, which has been , much like the value of proper nutrition, largely forgotten and ignored. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to boost the immune system.

The overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, and the lack of information concerning immunity boosting has left the average American’s immune system efficiency level at 40% or 50%, at best. Some countries, like Japan, have a traditional diet that creates a stronger immune system and consequently Japanese people (who embrace the traditional diet) usually live a longer lifespan. It’s no coincidence that Japanese women are among the longest living people on the planet.

There is so much to be said about supplements that we will not even attempt to cover everything, as there are already a number of organizations who have constructed websites with a wealth of information on this topic (many of these can be found on our links page). However, we will provide you with information on a few of the more extraordinary supplements that we have found to be especially effective for general immunity boosting, as well as treatment of specific ailments:
Flax Seed Oil
Over-consumption of “bad” highly saturated fats, low in essential fatty acids (EFA’s) results in fat deposition causing obesity and fatty degeneration. When “good” unsaturated fats rich in EFA’s are added to the diet, food utilization and energy production are enhanced and less fat is deposited. The richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids is flax seed oil with 55-65% Omega 3 and 15-25% Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are essential but are less likely to be deficient in the American diet.

EFA’s and their derivatives serve a number of vital functions including transport and metabolism of both cholesterol and triglycerides, normal brain development and function, required in the structure of cell membranes, increase metabolic rate, oxygen uptake and energy production, slow down growth of cancer cells, candida and other anaerobic organisms, production of prostaglandins and replenish skin oils to combat dryness and wrinkling.

Conditions associated with fatty degeneration include cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, acne and other skin conditions, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibro-sis, glandular atrophy, asthma, kidney, liver and gall bladder problems. In addition to general immunity boosting, flax seed oil has proven to be effective in the following conditions: Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, tumors, Obesity, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Skin conditions, Glandular atrophy, Liver and gall bladder, Kidney problems, etc.

Our reccomended dosage is one or two teaspoons daily. Although taking flax seed oil by swigging it down or by the spoonful is not very palatable, so you may wish to add it to foods.

Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C)

Sodium Ascorbate powder is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has intrinsic antiviral and antibacterial activity though its main effect is improvement in host resistance. Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C Powder) may be beneficial in: General immunity boosting, helping to ward off or prevent colds & flus, assisting the healing of wounds, aiding the body in fighting infection, etc.

Unlike most animals that produce their own Vitamin C, the human body does not synthesize any. Whether for general immunity boosting or for the treatment of a specific condition, one requires more Vitamin C than our contemporary diet supplies. The amount of vitamin C you take daily determines its effectiveness. 60 mg per day is the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance for adults). This is easily obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. 500 mg to 5 gm (grams) per day has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of colds, and general immunity boosting. However, Vitamin C dosage of over 1 gm can realistically only be obtained through supplements.

Sodium Ascorbate provides, on average, between 4 and 5 gm of Vitamin C per teaspoon. Our reccomendation for general immunity boosting is one teaspoon (approximately 4.5 gm) daily. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, we suggest a dosage of 4 to 5 gm (usually one teaspoon) per hour. If this treatment is started in the early stages of a cold, it will often fail to develop. If the cold has already developed, this treatment will usually lessen the effect of the cold, and speed recovery. Dissolving the powder in water (or juice, if you find the taste especially unpleasant) is the preferred method of consumption.

Sodium Ascorbate appears to be the most well-known Vitamin C supplement, although there are a number of others available. They are as follows:

  • Calcium Ascorbate
    • This seems to be nearly as well-known as Sodium Ascorbate. If you cannot find Sodium Ascorbate, this will perform virtually the same effect. The proponents of calcium ascorbate claim that calcium in this form of vitamin C is well utilized.
  • Magnesium Ascorbate
    • Magnesium is essential for calcium utilization.
  • Potassium Ascorbate
    • The addition of potassium may lower blood pressure.
  • Zinc Ascorbate
    • The zinc may give an added boost to the immune system.
  • Manganese Ascorbate
  • Chromium Ascorbate
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)

Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum.

Cayenne is a pepper well known for its benefits to the circulatory system. It aids the body to balance pressure levels and resist abnormal bleeding. Cayenne is also used as an overall digestive aid: It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves metabolism, and even helps relieve gas. It appears to have a beneficial effect on blood fats as well. This plant assists in the body’s utilization of other herbs, when used in an herbal combination. When applied topically, it helps relieve minor discomfort.

According to a 1987 study published in the Journal of Bioscience, rats fed a diet high in cayenne experienced a significant reduction in blood triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol. Capsaicin, a compound found in cayenne that gives the spice its “kick,” is an antiinflammatory. Recently, cayenne has been used successfully to treat patients with cluster headaches, a particularly painful type of headache. Used externally, cayenne liniment can soothe the stiffness and pain of rheumatism and arthritis.

Cayenne will work nicely as a general immune booster, or as an addition to treatment of almost any ailment. Our reccomended dosage is as follows 1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, taken with plenty of water or juice at mealtime, unless instructed otherwise. If using Cayenne capsules, take 2-3 three times a day with with a large glass of water, unless instructed otherwise.

Peace & Relaxation

One of the best ways to lower your immune system and make yourself sick is stress. Similarly, negative emotions like worry and anger will also lower your immune system. So as you might expect, one good way to boost your immune system, as well as to improve the general quality of your life, is to eliminate these negative emotions.

The following are methods of doing this which we have found to be effective:

Meditation has become increasingly popular in the western world. It provides a simple way to relax yourself, relieve stress, boost your immune system, and create more well-being and happiness in your life. The method of meditation you choose is not so important as achieving the desired result–a quiet mind, which promotes inner peace and relaxation. There are many different types of meditation, and our suggestion to you is to choose whatever you enjoy and feels right. If you’re not very familiar with meditation, here are a few techniques we reccomend:

General Meditation:
“There’s nothing to it!” is something I often here when someone is describing general meditation, and franky, it’s absolutely true. General meditation is as simple as quieting your mind. Find a quiet place and time when you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear your mind of any thoughts. Sit like this, attempting to eliminate all thoughts and experience total peace, for whatever period of time feels comfortable. Often beginners find it difficult to meditate for more than five or ten minutes. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t despair. You will find yourself able to sit for longer and longer intervals as time progresses. If you have never meditated before, consider starting your meditations in intervals of five minutes. When you feel comfortable, increase your intervals to ten minutes. When you feel comfortable with that, try to move to fifteen minutes, and continue like this until you feel a length of time that suits you.

Focused Breathing:
Focused breathing is another very popular, yet tremendously simple, meditation. As in general meditation, find a quiet time and place where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear you mind of any thoughts. From there, focus on your breathing. Focus on the in-breath, and the out-breath. This is also commonly known as conscious breathing, because as opposed to our normal breathing which we do not focus on or attempt to control, “focused breathing” is consciously monitored and controlled. You simply “watch” yourself breath, so to speak, and attempt to bring your breaths to a slow, rhythmic pace (whatever pace feels comfortable to you). By focusing on your breath, you draw your attention to that, and eliminate random thoughts, which creates a feeling of inner peace. To help focus on their breath, people will often draw their attention to the air entering their nostrils, and the air leaving their mouth. You may also wish to draw your attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Use whatever method you feel comfortable with. As for controlling the pace of your breath, some people count a certain number of seconds between each breath and attempt to maintain this slow, rhythmic, controlled pace. Others prefer not to count. Other use different techniques still. We suggest you use whatever feels comfortable to you.
Excerpt taken from:

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The body’s own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened and boosted by natural means, can resist or surmount an attack by any natural biological organism. Other deadly organisms exist today which are not natural in origin, but rather have been bioengineered in genetic engineering laboratories located mostly in the United States. These pathogens were intentionally designed to circumvent and cripple the body’s immune system and ensure the lethality of the disease. Two well known bioengineered diseases are AIDS and Ebola. There are some new ‘mystery’ diseases which have recently made their appearance and yet other virulent bioengineered diseases which are waiting in the wings for the ‘right time’ (see Population Control under New World Order ). Bioengineered organisms require special consideration and technologies to defeat them, but they are defeatable.

immunity.jpg?w=600The main focus of our organization is the promotion of non-pharmaceutical medicine. We all possess the innate ability to protect ourselves from disease. This wondrous disease prevention system is the immune system, which has been , much like the value of proper nutrition, largely forgotten and ignored. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to boost the immune system.

The overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, and the lack of information concerning immunity boosting has left the average American’s immune system efficiency level at 40% or 50%, at best. Some countries, like Japan, have a traditional diet that creates a stronger immune system and consequently Japanese people (who embrace the traditional diet) usually live a longer lifespan. It’s no coincidence that Japanese women are among the longest living people on the planet.

There is so much to be said about supplements that we will not even attempt to cover everything, as there are already a number of organizations who have constructed websites with a wealth of information on this topic (many of these can be found on our links page). However, we will provide you with information on a few of the more extraordinary supplements that we have found to be especially effective for general immunity boosting, as well as treatment of specific ailments:
Flax Seed Oil
Over-consumption of “bad” highly saturated fats, low in essential fatty acids (EFA’s) results in fat deposition causing obesity and fatty degeneration. When “good” unsaturated fats rich in EFA’s are added to the diet, food utilization and energy production are enhanced and less fat is deposited. The richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids is flax seed oil with 55-65% Omega 3 and 15-25% Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are essential but are less likely to be deficient in the American diet.

EFA’s and their derivatives serve a number of vital functions including transport and metabolism of both cholesterol and triglycerides, normal brain development and function, required in the structure of cell membranes, increase metabolic rate, oxygen uptake and energy production, slow down growth of cancer cells, candida and other anaerobic organisms, production of prostaglandins and replenish skin oils to combat dryness and wrinkling.

Conditions associated with fatty degeneration include cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, acne and other skin conditions, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibro-sis, glandular atrophy, asthma, kidney, liver and gall bladder problems. In addition to general immunity boosting, flax seed oil has proven to be effective in the following conditions: Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, tumors, Obesity, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Skin conditions, Glandular atrophy, Liver and gall bladder, Kidney problems, etc.

Our reccomended dosage is one or two teaspoons daily. Although taking flax seed oil by swigging it down or by the spoonful is not very palatable, so you may wish to add it to foods.

Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C)

Sodium Ascorbate powder is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has intrinsic antiviral and antibacterial activity though its main effect is improvement in host resistance. Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C Powder) may be beneficial in: General immunity boosting, helping to ward off or prevent colds & flus, assisting the healing of wounds, aiding the body in fighting infection, etc.

Unlike most animals that produce their own Vitamin C, the human body does not synthesize any. Whether for general immunity boosting or for the treatment of a specific condition, one requires more Vitamin C than our contemporary diet supplies. The amount of vitamin C you take daily determines its effectiveness. 60 mg per day is the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance for adults). This is easily obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. 500 mg to 5 gm (grams) per day has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of colds, and general immunity boosting. However, Vitamin C dosage of over 1 gm can realistically only be obtained through supplements.

Sodium Ascorbate provides, on average, between 4 and 5 gm of Vitamin C per teaspoon. Our reccomendation for general immunity boosting is one teaspoon (approximately 4.5 gm) daily. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, we suggest a dosage of 4 to 5 gm (usually one teaspoon) per hour. If this treatment is started in the early stages of a cold, it will often fail to develop. If the cold has already developed, this treatment will usually lessen the effect of the cold, and speed recovery. Dissolving the powder in water (or juice, if you find the taste especially unpleasant) is the preferred method of consumption.

Sodium Ascorbate appears to be the most well-known Vitamin C supplement, although there are a number of others available. They are as follows:

  • Calcium Ascorbate
    • This seems to be nearly as well-known as Sodium Ascorbate. If you cannot find Sodium Ascorbate, this will perform virtually the same effect. The proponents of calcium ascorbate claim that calcium in this form of vitamin C is well utilized.
  • Magnesium Ascorbate
    • Magnesium is essential for calcium utilization.
  • Potassium Ascorbate
    • The addition of potassium may lower blood pressure.
  • Zinc Ascorbate
    • The zinc may give an added boost to the immune system.
  • Manganese Ascorbate
  • Chromium Ascorbate
Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)

Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum.

Cayenne is a pepper well known for its benefits to the circulatory system. It aids the body to balance pressure levels and resist abnormal bleeding. Cayenne is also used as an overall digestive aid: It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves metabolism, and even helps relieve gas. It appears to have a beneficial effect on blood fats as well. This plant assists in the body’s utilization of other herbs, when used in an herbal combination. When applied topically, it helps relieve minor discomfort.

According to a 1987 study published in the Journal of Bioscience, rats fed a diet high in cayenne experienced a significant reduction in blood triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol. Capsaicin, a compound found in cayenne that gives the spice its “kick,” is an antiinflammatory. Recently, cayenne has been used successfully to treat patients with cluster headaches, a particularly painful type of headache. Used externally, cayenne liniment can soothe the stiffness and pain of rheumatism and arthritis.

Cayenne will work nicely as a general immune booster, or as an addition to treatment of almost any ailment. Our reccomended dosage is as follows 1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, taken with plenty of water or juice at mealtime, unless instructed otherwise. If using Cayenne capsules, take 2-3 three times a day with with a large glass of water, unless instructed otherwise.

Peace & Relaxation

One of the best ways to lower your immune system and make yourself sick is stress. Similarly, negative emotions like worry and anger will also lower your immune system. So as you might expect, one good way to boost your immune system, as well as to improve the general quality of your life, is to eliminate these negative emotions.

The following are methods of doing this which we have found to be effective:

Meditation has become increasingly popular in the western world. It provides a simple way to relax yourself, relieve stress, boost your immune system, and create more well-being and happiness in your life. The method of meditation you choose is not so important as achieving the desired result–a quiet mind, which promotes inner peace and relaxation. There are many different types of meditation, and our suggestion to you is to choose whatever you enjoy and feels right. If you’re not very familiar with meditation, here are a few techniques we reccomend:

General Meditation:
“There’s nothing to it!” is something I often here when someone is describing general meditation, and franky, it’s absolutely true. General meditation is as simple as quieting your mind. Find a quiet place and time when you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear your mind of any thoughts. Sit like this, attempting to eliminate all thoughts and experience total peace, for whatever period of time feels comfortable. Often beginners find it difficult to meditate for more than five or ten minutes. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t despair. You will find yourself able to sit for longer and longer intervals as time progresses. If you have never meditated before, consider starting your meditations in intervals of five minutes. When you feel comfortable, increase your intervals to ten minutes. When you feel comfortable with that, try to move to fifteen minutes, and continue like this until you feel a length of time that suits you.

Focused Breathing:
Focused breathing is another very popular, yet tremendously simple, meditation. As in general meditation, find a quiet time and place where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and clear you mind of any thoughts. From there, focus on your breathing. Focus on the in-breath, and the out-breath. This is also commonly known as conscious breathing, because as opposed to our normal breathing which we do not focus on or attempt to control, “focused breathing” is consciously monitored and controlled. You simply “watch” yourself breath, so to speak, and attempt to bring your breaths to a slow, rhythmic pace (whatever pace feels comfortable to you). By focusing on your breath, you draw your attention to that, and eliminate random thoughts, which creates a feeling of inner peace. To help focus on their breath, people will often draw their attention to the air entering their nostrils, and the air leaving their mouth. You may also wish to draw your attention to the rising and falling of your chest. Use whatever method you feel comfortable with. As for controlling the pace of your breath, some people count a certain number of seconds between each breath and attempt to maintain this slow, rhythmic, controlled pace. Others prefer not to count. Other use different techniques still. We suggest you use whatever feels comfortable to you.
Excerpt taken from:

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5W-3i9r_NEUZ5N8bKwPpiNxbCfbklWHQtTMt2mDJVUJ1sskFata3fVAHuman parasites are disease-causing organisms that can infect and populate your body. These parasites can damage your body in many ways, causing everything from muscle pains to anemia. There are numerous parasites that can infect your body -- bacteria, viruses and intestinal worms being the most common types. If left untreated, these parasites can restrict your body's ability to absorb nutrition and cause tremendous discomfort. However, you can safely and successfully deworm and cleanse your body of parasites by employing all the natural remedies below.


1 Take echinacea capsules. This potent herb can eradicate numerous disease-causing microorganisms. It works by stimulating your immune system cells, including macrophages, which target these parasites. Take one 500-mg capsule once a day.

2 Take turmeric tablets. This powerful East Indian spice can cleanse your body of most disease-causing bacteria, especially bad intestinal bacteria and worms. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which destroys these bacteria internally or externally. Take two 500-mg twice daily.

3 Eat a lot of raw fresh garlic. This potent herb is composed of a substance called allicin. When ingested, your gastrointestinal tract turns into a hostile environment for many parasites. Chop two cloves of fresh garlic and swallow with a glass of water.

4 Take uva ursi (bearberry) tablets. This herb contains potent compounds called arbutin, which acts by destroying the cellular walls of numerous bacteria that can infect your body. The recommended dosage is one 800-mg tablet once a day with food.

5 Consume Vitaklenz capsules. This supplement contains 12 all-natural potent herbs which can cleanse your body by destroying intestinal parasites. It also detoxifies your liver. Take one capsule three times daily.

Article extracted from :
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NaturesPlatform- Man, like his fellow primates, has always used the squatting position for eliminationsitting-vs-squatting2-naturesplatform.gif. Infants of every culture instinctively adopt this posture to relieve themselves. Although it may seem strange to someone who has spent his entire life deprived of the experience, this is the way the human body was designed to function..

And this is the way our ancestors performed their bodily functions until the middle of the 19th century. Before that time, chair-like toilets had only been used by royalty and the disabled. But with the advent of indoor plumbing in the 1800’s, the throne-like water closet was invented 22 to give ordinary people the same “dignity” previously reserved for kings and queens. The plumber and cabinet maker who designed it had no knowledge of human physiology – and sincerely believed that they were improving people’s lives..

Seven Advantages of Squatting

# Makes elimination faster, easier and more complete. This helps prevent “fecal stagnation,” a prime factor in colon cancer, appendicitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
# Protects the nerves that control the prostate, bladder and uterus from becoming stretched and damaged.
# Securely seals the ileocecal valve, between the colon and the small intestine. In the conventional sitting position, this valve is unsupported and often leaks during evacuation, contaminating the small intestine.
# Relaxes the puborectalis muscle which normally chokes the rectum in order to maintain continence.
# Uses the thighs to support the colon and prevent straining. Chronic straining on the toilet can cause hernias, diverticulosis, and pelvic organ prolapse.
# A highly effective, non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids, as shown by published clinical research.
# For pregnant women, squatting avoids pressure on the uterus when using the toilet. Daily squatting helps prepare one for a more natural delivery.
  1. Nature%27s_Platform_toilet_converter.gif?width=251

The new device symbolized the “progress” and “creativity” of western civilization. It showed that Man could “improve” on Nature and transcend the primitive cultural practices followed by the poor “benighted” natives in the colonies. The “White Man’s Burden” typified the condescending Victorian attitude toward other races and cultures.

Squat appendages to home toilets are being reintroduced on recommendation of medical personnel.


The British plumbing industry moved quickly to install indoor plumbing and water closets throughout the country. The great benefits of improved sanitation caused people to overlook a major ergonomic blunder: The sitting position makes elimination difficult and incomplete, and forces one to strain.


Those who could not overlook this drawback had to keep silent, because the subject was considered unmentionable. Furthermore, how could they criticize the “necessary” used by Queen Victoria herself? (Hers was gold-plated, befitting the self-styled “Empress of India.”)


Sitting vs squatting {naturesplatform}

So, like the Emperor’s New Clothes, the water closet was tacitly accepted. It was a grudging acceptance, as evidenced by the popularity of “squatting stools” sold in the famous department store, Harrods of London. As shown below on the left, these footstools merely elevated one’s feet in a crude attempt to imitate squatting.

The rest of Western Europe, as well as Australia and North America, did not want to appear less civilized than Great Britain, whose vast empire at the time made it the most powerful country on Earth. So, within a few decades, most of the industrialized world had adopted “The Emperor’s New Throne.”

150 years ago, no one could have predicted how this change would affect the health of the population. But today, many physicians blame the modern toilet for the high incidence of a number of serious ailments. Westernized countries have much higher rates of colon and pelvic disease, as illustrated by this report in the Israel Journal of Medical Science:

The prevalences of bowel diseases (hemorrhoids, appendicitis, polyps, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, and colon cancer) are similar in South African whites and in populations of prosperous western countries. Among rural South African blacks with a traditional life style, these diseases are very uncommon or almost unknown.


Pictures of ancient public toilets tend to confuse westerners, who assume that they were used in the sitting position. This impression is often reinforced by the pose of a comical tourist. But, in reality, these are squat toilets. They are elevated, not for sitting, but because there is an open sewer underneath. The cutouts in the vertical wall allow people to clean themselves with water, which is done from the front when squatting. The last picture shows a typical tourist. He might be surprised to learn that, except for royalty and the disabled, everyone used the squatting position until the second half of the 19th century.
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