worm (2)

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5W-3i9r_NEUZ5N8bKwPpiNxbCfbklWHQtTMt2mDJVUJ1sskFata3fVAHuman parasites are disease-causing organisms that can infect and populate your body. These parasites can damage your body in many ways, causing everything from muscle pains to anemia. There are numerous parasites that can infect your body -- bacteria, viruses and intestinal worms being the most common types. If left untreated, these parasites can restrict your body's ability to absorb nutrition and cause tremendous discomfort. However, you can safely and successfully deworm and cleanse your body of parasites by employing all the natural remedies below.


1 Take echinacea capsules. This potent herb can eradicate numerous disease-causing microorganisms. It works by stimulating your immune system cells, including macrophages, which target these parasites. Take one 500-mg capsule once a day.

2 Take turmeric tablets. This powerful East Indian spice can cleanse your body of most disease-causing bacteria, especially bad intestinal bacteria and worms. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which destroys these bacteria internally or externally. Take two 500-mg twice daily.

3 Eat a lot of raw fresh garlic. This potent herb is composed of a substance called allicin. When ingested, your gastrointestinal tract turns into a hostile environment for many parasites. Chop two cloves of fresh garlic and swallow with a glass of water.

4 Take uva ursi (bearberry) tablets. This herb contains potent compounds called arbutin, which acts by destroying the cellular walls of numerous bacteria that can infect your body. The recommended dosage is one 800-mg tablet once a day with food.

5 Consume Vitaklenz capsules. This supplement contains 12 all-natural potent herbs which can cleanse your body by destroying intestinal parasites. It also detoxifies your liver. Take one capsule three times daily.

Article extracted from : http://www.ehow.com/how_5172719_cleanse-deworm-human-parasite.html
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Some experts say program's code might include reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them. Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimedat slowing Iran's race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be afleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale inwhich the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.

That use of the word "Myrtus" — which can be read as an allusion to Esther — toname a file inside the code is one of several murky clues that haveemerged as computer experts try to trace the origin and purpose of therogue Stuxnet program, which seeks out a specific kind of command modulefor industrial equipment.

There are many competing explanations for myrtus, which could simply signify myrtle, a plant important to manycultures in the region. But some security experts see the reference asan allusion to the Hebrew word for Esther, and as a warning in amounting technological and psychological battle as Israel and its alliestry to breach Iran's nuclear project. Others doubt the Israelis wereinvolved and say the word could have been inserted as deliberatemisinformation to implicate Israel.

Carol Newsom, an Old Testament scholar at Emory University, confirmed the linguistic connection,noting that Queen Esther's original name in Hebrew was Hadassah, whichis similar to the Hebrew word for myrtle. Perhaps, she said, "someonewas making a learned cross-linguistic wordplay."

"The Iranians are already paranoid about the fact that some of their scientists havedefected and several of their secret nuclear sites have been revealed,"one former intelligence official who still works on Iran issues saidrecently. "Whatever the origin and purpose of Stuxnet, it ramps up thepsychological pressure."

New U.S. sanctions.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration stepped up pressure against Iran's governmentWednesday, slapping financial and travel sanctions on eight Iranianofficials and accusing them of taking part in rampant human rightsabuses.

Under an executive order signed this week by President Barack Obama, the State and Treasury departments jointly announced thesanctions that target Iranians who "share responsibility for thesustained and severe violation of human rights in Iran," notably afterlast year's disputed presidential elections.

The move bars the eight Iranians from entering the United States, blocks any of their U.S.assets and prohibits Americans from doing business with them..

Additional material from The Associated Press.

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