remedy (8)


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRP1Mb5MHWP4iO6tHVStQl-86J_BUbaf944fKv_ZMydtsC9ZA9_PsWekbJjExercise and depression has been the focus of many scientific studies. This research has repeatedly shown that exercise really does help depression.


In fact exercise has been shown to be as helpful in reducing depression symptoms as...

  • antidepressants 
  • individual psychotherapy 
  • cognitive therapy 
  • group psychotherapy 
The book, The Healing Power of Exercise: Your Guide to Prevention and Treating Diabetes, Depression, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, and More states, "A universal finding in exercise studies is that people experience a greater sense of well-being." (p. 14)


In the book, it is explained, "Our cardiovascular system, endocrine glands, muscles, and bones still function best when the body is challenged by regularimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCRvL2P5WZlQOi7efGEcCzUaVTt067Je8SOzfIV_dILKeLmRTI071GB13t bouts of exertion." (p. 5)

You can, in fact, walk away from depression!

Walking is one of the best exercises for helping depression. But exercise and depression research has found that other exercises also work to help depression.

Exercise Helps Depression Quickly


Exercise and depression research has demonstrated that exercise helps depression quickly.

One exercise and depression study showed that the improvement in mood begins just ten minutes after you start exercising. Mood was found to continue to get better for up to twenty minutes. Another exercise and depression study found depression had improved after participants had walked on a treadmill for thirty minutes a day for only ten days. Antidepressant medication usually takes at least two to three weeks to begin improving mood.

More lasting change in mood was found to have occured after study participants exercised for just two to three weeks. 

The Benefits of Exercise Last


Exercise and depression research follow-up studies have found that the improvements in mood lasts for months.

An exercise and depression study in which participants walked daily for seven weeks found that the decrease in depressive mood and the improvement in vigor continued after five months.

Another exercise and depression study which compared exercise alone, medication alone, and exercise plus medication found lasting improvements after six months in participants who had exercised without medication.

When the participants continued to exercise the on going improvement was even greater. This study concluded that medication may produce quicker relief but exercise yields more long term benefit.

As has already been seen, however, medication may not even be faster. Certainly, exercise has fewer side-effects than medication.

Almost Anyone Can Benefit


Exercise and depression research shows almost anybody can benefit from12166318279?profile=original exercise. It works with...

  • children 
  • college students
  • minority women
  • older people
The benefits which were experienced by the participants in these exercise and depression studies included...
  • increased positive mood
  • decreased negative mood
  • improved vigor
  • less anxiety
  • less depression
  • less anger
  • less fatigue
  • less confusion
  • less stress
  • improved motivation
  • improved self-esteem
  • less cynical distrust
  • increased feelings of coherence
  • increased feelings of social integration
  • improved mental functioning
The botton line is...If you are depressed, exercise can help you feel better quickly and the results last.


Take Action


So, it's time to take action. The first thing I encourage you to do is talk with your doctor.

You shouldn't start a new exercise program without first making sure it is OK medically. Although exercise has few side-effects, there are some precautions which you may need to take.

For example, when taking certain medications, you are sensitive to sunlight. Thus, you should, in this example, avoid walking in the sun.

All-in-all, its best to be safe and talk to your doctor first.

Once you have been cleared medically, decide on which exercise you want to do. You may even want to pick several so that you can add variety to your routine.

On Monday you can walk, on Tuesday ride a bike, on Wednesday go to the YMCA and swim, and so on. Such change will make your exercise more enjoyable.

Also, having someone else exercise with you can make it more fun.Having another person exercise with you can help provide this support.

The next step is to set aside or schedule a time to exercise. You may want to exercise daily. Or you may want to exercise less often.

As a minimum, you need to exercise three days each week for thirty minutes.

Caution--don't start off at this level. Start slowly and gradually increase. At first you may want to exercise for just ten minutes...then move up to fifteen...then twenty...keep increasing until you reach your goal.


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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRP1Mb5MHWP4iO6tHVStQl-86J_BUbaf944fKv_ZMydtsC9ZA9_PsWekbJjExercise and depression has been the focus of many scientific studies. This research has repeatedly shown that exercise really does help depression.


In fact exercise has been shown to be as helpful in reducing depression symptoms as...

  • antidepressants 
  • individual psychotherapy 
  • cognitive therapy 
  • group psychotherapy 
The book, The Healing Power of Exercise: Your Guide to Prevention and Treating Diabetes, Depression, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, and More states, "A universal finding in exercise studies is that people experience a greater sense of well-being." (p. 14)


In the book, it is explained, "Our cardiovascular system, endocrine glands, muscles, and bones still function best when the body is challenged by regularimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCRvL2P5WZlQOi7efGEcCzUaVTt067Je8SOzfIV_dILKeLmRTI071GB13t bouts of exertion." (p. 5)

You can, in fact, walk away from depression!

Walking is one of the best exercises for helping depression. But exercise and depression research has found that other exercises also work to help depression.

Exercise Helps Depression Quickly


Exercise and depression research has demonstrated that exercise helps depression quickly.

One exercise and depression study showed that the improvement in mood begins just ten minutes after you start exercising. Mood was found to continue to get better for up to twenty minutes. Another exercise and depression study found depression had improved after participants had walked on a treadmill for thirty minutes a day for only ten days. Antidepressant medication usually takes at least two to three weeks to begin improving mood.

More lasting change in mood was found to have occured after study participants exercised for just two to three weeks. 

The Benefits of Exercise Last


Exercise and depression research follow-up studies have found that the improvements in mood lasts for months.

An exercise and depression study in which participants walked daily for seven weeks found that the decrease in depressive mood and the improvement in vigor continued after five months.

Another exercise and depression study which compared exercise alone, medication alone, and exercise plus medication found lasting improvements after six months in participants who had exercised without medication.

When the participants continued to exercise the on going improvement was even greater. This study concluded that medication may produce quicker relief but exercise yields more long term benefit.

As has already been seen, however, medication may not even be faster. Certainly, exercise has fewer side-effects than medication.

Almost Anyone Can Benefit


Exercise and depression research shows almost anybody can benefit from12166318279?profile=original exercise. It works with...

  • children 
  • college students
  • minority women
  • older people
The benefits which were experienced by the participants in these exercise and depression studies included...
  • increased positive mood
  • decreased negative mood
  • improved vigor
  • less anxiety
  • less depression
  • less anger
  • less fatigue
  • less confusion
  • less stress
  • improved motivation
  • improved self-esteem
  • less cynical distrust
  • increased feelings of coherence
  • increased feelings of social integration
  • improved mental functioning
The botton line is...If you are depressed, exercise can help you feel better quickly and the results last.


Take Action


So, it's time to take action. The first thing I encourage you to do is talk with your doctor.

You shouldn't start a new exercise program without first making sure it is OK medically. Although exercise has few side-effects, there are some precautions which you may need to take.

For example, when taking certain medications, you are sensitive to sunlight. Thus, you should, in this example, avoid walking in the sun.

All-in-all, its best to be safe and talk to your doctor first.

Once you have been cleared medically, decide on which exercise you want to do. You may even want to pick several so that you can add variety to your routine.

On Monday you can walk, on Tuesday ride a bike, on Wednesday go to the YMCA and swim, and so on. Such change will make your exercise more enjoyable.

Also, having someone else exercise with you can make it more fun.Having another person exercise with you can help provide this support.

The next step is to set aside or schedule a time to exercise. You may want to exercise daily. Or you may want to exercise less often.

As a minimum, you need to exercise three days each week for thirty minutes.

Caution--don't start off at this level. Start slowly and gradually increase. At first you may want to exercise for just ten minutes...then move up to fifteen...then twenty...keep increasing until you reach your goal.


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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5W-3i9r_NEUZ5N8bKwPpiNxbCfbklWHQtTMt2mDJVUJ1sskFata3fVAHuman parasites are disease-causing organisms that can infect and populate your body. These parasites can damage your body in many ways, causing everything from muscle pains to anemia. There are numerous parasites that can infect your body -- bacteria, viruses and intestinal worms being the most common types. If left untreated, these parasites can restrict your body's ability to absorb nutrition and cause tremendous discomfort. However, you can safely and successfully deworm and cleanse your body of parasites by employing all the natural remedies below.


1 Take echinacea capsules. This potent herb can eradicate numerous disease-causing microorganisms. It works by stimulating your immune system cells, including macrophages, which target these parasites. Take one 500-mg capsule once a day.

2 Take turmeric tablets. This powerful East Indian spice can cleanse your body of most disease-causing bacteria, especially bad intestinal bacteria and worms. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which destroys these bacteria internally or externally. Take two 500-mg twice daily.

3 Eat a lot of raw fresh garlic. This potent herb is composed of a substance called allicin. When ingested, your gastrointestinal tract turns into a hostile environment for many parasites. Chop two cloves of fresh garlic and swallow with a glass of water.

4 Take uva ursi (bearberry) tablets. This herb contains potent compounds called arbutin, which acts by destroying the cellular walls of numerous bacteria that can infect your body. The recommended dosage is one 800-mg tablet once a day with food.

5 Consume Vitaklenz capsules. This supplement contains 12 all-natural potent herbs which can cleanse your body by destroying intestinal parasites. It also detoxifies your liver. Take one capsule three times daily.

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It's a sad fact of growing older for the male species. Most men over the age of 60 (and some in their 50s) develop some symptoms of prostate problems. The three most common disorders are benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate; prostatitis, an inflammatory infection; and prostate cancer. BPH is so common that some physicians consider it a normal consequence of aging in males. 

The prostate's main role is to produce an essential portion of the seminal fluid that carries sperm. This walnut-shaped gland located just below a man's bladder starts to kick in near puberty and continues to grow and grow. This enlargement doesn't usually cause symptoms until after age 40, and it usually doesn't cause problems until age 60 or later.

An enlarged prostate is problematic because it presses on the urethra, creating difficulties with urination and weakening the bladder. Some of the symptoms of prostate problems include: 

  • difficulty urinating

  • frequent urination, especially at night

  • difficulty starting urination

  • an inability to empty the bladder

  • a dribble of urine despite the urgent need to urinate

  • a burning sensation when urinating

  • uncontrolled dribbling after urination

  • pain behind the scrotum

  • painful ejaculation
Ignoring prostate problems, as some men are wont to do, isn't a smart idea. Left untreated, prostate problems can get progressively worse, become more painful, and can lead to dangerous complications, including bladder and kidney infections. 

Changes in diet can help relieve some prostate discomforts and, in some cases, may reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer. Check out how home remedies from the kitchen can help. 

Home Remedies from the Cupboard

Pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are used by German doctors to treat difficult urination that accompanies an enlarged prostate that is not cancerous. The seeds contain diuretic properties and plenty of zinc, which helps repair and build the immune system. The tastiest way to enjoy pumpkin seeds is to eat them plain. Remove the shells and don't add salt. You can also try a tea. Crush a handful of fresh seeds and place in the bottom of a 1-pint jar. Fill with boiling water. Let cool to room temperature. Strain and drink a pint of pumpkin seed tea a day. 


Eating two servings of tomato per week can help men reduce their risk of prostate cancer by half.
©2007 Publications International, Ltd.
Eating two servings of tomato per week can help men reduce their risk of 
prostate cancer by half.


Home Remedies from the Refrigerator

Corn silk. The silk from corn has been used by Amish men for generations as a remedy for the symptoms of prostate enlargement. When fresh corn is in season, cut the silk from 6 ears of corn. (Corn silk can be dried for later use, too.) Put in 1 quart water, boil, and simmer for ten minutes. Strain and drink a cup. Drink 3 cups a week. 

Fish. From the deep comes a way to fight prostate cancer and tumor growth. Try to get 2 servings a week of fish high in omega-3 oils (the good oil), such as tuna, mackerel, or salmon. 

Soy. Learning to like and use soy foods is an easy and good way to help nip prostate problems in the bud. Soy-based foods contain phytoestrogens, which are thought to help reduce testosterone production, which is believed to aggravate prostate cancer growth. The phytoestrogens are believed to limit the growth of blood capillaries that form around tumors of the prostate.

Tomatoes. Seize that salsa! Pour on the spaghetti sauce! Down that tomato juice! Learn to add more tomatoes to your diet. Studies have shown that as little as 2 servings of tomatoes (including cooked tomatoes) a week can help men reduce their risk of prostate cancer by half. These red orbs are full of lycopene, an antioxidant compound that helps fight cancer. 

Watermelon seeds. The Amish use watermelon tea to flush out the system and help with bladder problems and prostate problems. Enjoy a slice of watermelon and spit the seeds in a cup. When you have1/8 cup fresh watermelon seeds, put them in a 1-pint jar and fill with boiling water. Let the tea cool, strain, and drink. Drink 1 pint of tea every day for ten days. 

Home Remedies from the Supplement Shelf

Saw palmetto. The extract of the berries of this plant has been shown to work as well or better than prescription drugs in improving urinary flow rates and reducing the symptoms of BPH, such as urinary hesitancy and weak flow. The extract works by altering certain hormone levels, thus reducing prostate enlargement. Palmetto extracts can be purchased at the health food store. Consult your physician for recommended dosages. 

Stinging nettle. Stinging nettle has been used in Europe for more than a decade, and studies have shown it to reduce symptoms of prostate problems. Nettle helps by inhibiting binding of testosterone-related proteins to their receptor sites on prostate cell membranes. Take stinging nettle in extract form (as capsules). Check with your physician for the correct dosage. 

Do Remember
  • Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Limit your intake of fatty foods and red meats.
  • Schedule an annual prostate exam. Catching problems early is vital.
  • Watch your alcohol intake. Studies have shown that beer can raise prolactin levels in the body, which in turn can eventually lead to prostate enlargement.   






For NAFDAC approved health supplements beneficial for Prostrate problems I recommend :

1. 40 Plus for men  & Omega Plus:40%20Plus.jpg OMega%20Plus.jpg

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Everyday it seems like there is another miracle pill or amazing exercise machine which will mostwoman-looking-at-food-300x180.jpg definitely make you look like Beyonce before the week is out. If I have to see one more infomercial promising to help me lose 10 pounds in 10 days, I will throw my TV out of the window. We all know that there is no miracle pill or exercise-free secret to losing weight, rather, weight loss is portion control, healthy eating and, hate to break it to you, exercise.

However, there are small tricks you can use, which, while not a miracle cure, can help you change your attitude to eating, without making you go into debt to pay off the ridiculously over-priced ab workout machines. We all know the trick of using a smaller serving plate, which gives you the illusion of eating a lot of food when in reality you’re really not, but did you know there are other just as effective small mind tricks which you can use? Shine published 4 great tips you can use to help you with portion control, to ensure you don’t over eat….

1. Light a vanilla scented candle.

Supposedly, the vanilla scent reduces dessert cravings. In fact, Shine report that one group of 160 volunteers actually lost an average of 4.5 pounds each by wearing vanilla-scented patches. Smells amazing, and you don’t intake useless calories on dessert. How can you beat that?

2. Paint your dining room blue.

Blue rooms help people to eat less, as the blue tinge makes the food look less appealing. In fact research has shown that people eat 33% less in a blue hued room. While no one is actually crazy enough to go all out and paint their walls blue, you can try to achieve the same mood by hanging blue lamp-shades and paintings, or using blue plates and napkins. Conversely, red, yellow and orange colors have been shown to promote appetite, so steer clear of these in your dining rooms if possible. I guess it’s no coincidence so many fast food chains use red and yellow in their color schemes is it?

3. Put on relaxing music.

Soft, slow background music helps you to slow down and relax normally doesn’t it? So logic holds that the same would apply when eating. It has been found that soft tunes playing in the background while eating actually encourage more leisurely chewing. It combats hurry-up, stress-related eating by naturally relaxing you, which means that you eat less, because instead of wolfing down an entire plate before you know it, your body has time to digest and work out that it’s actually full. Genius really!

4. Turn on the lights.

Nobody looks their best under full florescent lighting, and the same applies when eating. It has been found that low lighting seen in restaurants works to lower eating inhibitions, making people feel more comfortable with what they’re eating, which in turn makes them eat more. Turning up the lights works as a sort of “food shaming” by making people feel more self-conscious, which helps them to eat less.I don’t know about you, but sitting in a restaurant, (or even my kitchen) which resembles a hospital, would definitely stop me from lingering over the dessert plate and make me want to just get the hell out of there!


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Welding galvanized steel is common in the metal fabricating industry. Most welders will at some point in their career perform a weld on galvanized steel and encounter galvanize poisoning or "metal fume fever." Galvanize poisoning is a short-term reaction to overexposure of zinc oxide. Zinc oxide is produced when the steel's galvanized coating is heated and evaporates.

  1. What is Galvanized Steel

    • Galvanized steel is iron that is coated with zinc. When hot-dipped, the zinc chemically reacts with the base metal to form a corrosion resistant coating. The outer layer of the coating is pure zinc and subsequent layers gradually change in composition until they reach the iron base metal.

      Between the zinc outer layer and iron base metal, zinc oxide is present in varying percentages of zinc to iron. The zinc oxide has the same chemical make-up as the white powder used by lifeguards to protect their noses against sunburn.

    Signs of Galvanizing During Welding

    • Proper prep work to remove galvanizing from the weld area will reduce your exposure to zinc oxide fumes, but some galvanize will remain in the weld area. Yellowish-green smoke, white powdery particles floating in the air and white residue around the weld are sure signs that zinc oxide is present while welding.

      Exposure to large amounts of the yellowish-green zinc oxide fumes will result in galvanize poisoning, commonly referred to as metal fume fever. The amount of exposure will have a direct effect on the severity of your symptoms.

    Symptoms of Galvanize Poisoning (Metal Fume Fever)

    • Signs of galvanize poisoning are similar to flu symptoms. The onset of metal fume fever begins shortly after the body is exposed to zinc oxide and the symptoms include a slight headache and nausea. With increased exposure, flulike symptoms begin to set in.

      Moderate zinc oxide exposure results in chills, shaking, slight fever, vomiting, and cold sweats. When the listed symptoms begin, it is time to stop welding and get fresh air. The symptoms can quickly become debilitating and you may need to go home and let the symptoms subside.

      Fatalities have been associated with extreme cases of galvanize poisoning. Therefore when metal fume fever symptoms begin, you should immediately avoid further exposure.

    How Long "Metal Fume Fever" Lasts

    • Metal fume fever is short-lived and the symptoms begin to fade within four hours of exposure and generally completely fade within 24 hours. Extreme cases of overexposure may see metal fume fever symptoms last for as long as 48 hours.

      Drinking milk can quicken the recovery process as calcium helps remove the zinc build-up from your body.

      There have been studies performed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on the long-term effects of welding galvanized steel. No studies have shown long-term health problems due to continued exposure to zinc oxide fumes or repeated cases of metal fume fever.

    Avoiding Overexposure to Galvanize Fumes

    • Proper ventilation, avoiding direct contact with zinc oxide smoke, and proper pre-welding prep work will reduce the chances of your getting metal fume fever. Experienced welders that have had metal fume fever will tell you that drinking milk before, during and after welding galvanized steel will help eliminate the galvanize poisoning.

      There are specialized fresh air welding hoods available for welders who frequently weld galvanized steel.


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Can A Computer Screen Damage My Eye?

Twenty years ago, few offices workers used computers, let alone had computers. However
with the dramatic increase in home and office computer use, complaints of eye fatigue and
discomfort are commonplace. Many people assume increased computer use is the source
of these complaints. But extensive testing in government and private laboratories has not
produced scientific evidence that computer monitors will harm your eyes. Research has
established that computer monitors emit little or no hazardous radiation, such as x-ray, or
non-ionizing radiation, such as ultraviolet rays.

While computers have no known harmful effects on eyesight, computer users do often
complain of eye related symptoms such as eyestrain, headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, and
difficulty focusing, These symptoms (Computer Vision Syndrome - CVS) however are
caused not by the computer screen itself but rather by the conditions surrounding the
computer screen, such as poor lighting or improper placement of computer equipment
and computer furniture. In some instances, a pre-existing eye problem may be the cause.

Why Do We Get Eyestrain?

There are several different things that can lead to eyestrain symptoms. When the muscle
inside of the eye that controls focusing is overworked, symptoms can occur. In many
cases, these symptoms will not start immediately, but only after several hours of work.
When the muscle in the eye becomes fatigued, the eyes may feel uncomfortable or ache.
The vision may blur off and on. A mild headache can occur if the eyes continue to work.
In some cases, the muscle within the eye can become so fatigued that it cannot fully
unfocus, leading to blurred distance vision.

The following things can contribute to eyestrain:
  • Having to read or use a computer at a fixed, set distance for a long continuous
    period of time. Even if a person has more than adequate focusing ability, focusing at
    a set distance continuously can fatigue the lens.
  • Having to read or work at very close distances. This requires much more focusing
    and leads to more rapid fatigue.
  • Using inadequately powered reading glasses, or using an outdated glasses
  • Working in situations with inadequate lighting, or with glare from overhead lighting.
  • Having other underlying eye problems, such as ocular allergy or dry eye.
  • Having an imbalance in eye muscle alignment, so that the eyes have to fight to stay
    fixated on a near object.

What Can We Do About Eyestrain?
Eyestrain will not permanently damage the eyes or cause a loss of vision. However, it can
be very uncomfortable and lead to a loss of productivity. Anyone who uses a computer
can take measures to reduce eye discomfort.

Get An Eye Exam
The American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that you start with a comprehensive
eye exam. This is always a good staring point anytime you experience symptoms like
headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, eye irritation, double vision, excessive tears, dry
eyes, pain in the eyes, excessive blinking or squinting. The exam will help rule out any
ocular conditions that may exist that are causing eye symptoms.

Vision Correction
Getting an eye exam is especially important if you wear glasses or contact lenses. Let the
ophthalmologist know how often you are in front of a computer screen. Since most
glasses are made to correct for a reading distance of 16 inches, it is important that they
are adjusted for your particular work environment. It is recommended that the computer
screen should be 20 to 26 inches from your eyes, and your glasses can be made to
accommodate this distance. Your glasses can also receive special anti-reflective coatings
and tints to help reduce eyestrain. If you are over forty, you may require one pair of
glasses that corrects for your “normal” prescription and another pair that corrects your
vision when in front of a computer screen. If you are over forty and require reading
glasses or wear bifocals (with lines or without), the need for two separate pairs of glasses
may be even more necessary.

If you do not normally require a vision correction, computer eyeglasses with low power
plus lenses and sometimes a light tint is often helpful. The color of the tint depends upon
the screen background color, ambient room lighting, and your prescription. This should
be discussed with the optician.

Adjust The Equipment
Set the monitor, desk, and chair at comfortable distances and heights. Some of these
figures may be obtained in the documentation that came with the computer products.
Most users prefer a viewing distance of 20 to 26 inches, but this distance should be
between 18 and 28 inches; a little farther away than for reading printed text. The computer
screen should be placed slightly below eye level. A good rule of thumb is that the center
of the computer screen should be 4 to 9 inches below your eyes, enabling you to look
down slightly at your work. Adjust the brightness of the monitor to an intensity that is
comfortable to your eyes; not to bright and not to dim. Then adjust the contrast control so
that the characters on the monitor and the background so the letters are easily read.


Create Good Lighting And Reduce Glare
Try to modify the lighting eliminating glare and harsh reflections. If reading, having the
light source coming from behind, over your shoulder, helps to prevent glare problems. If
using a computer, dark print on a white or light gray background is less fatiguing to the
eyes than multicolored print. Sometimes a plastic or glass filter over a computer screen
with an anti-reflective coating can help with computer glare. These can be purchased from
any office supply store.

Rest Your Eyes Periodically
Take frequent, short breaks from near work by focusing on a distance object for a few
seconds. Every twenty minutes, get up, stretch your back and neck and look around.
Move your eyes and move your body, change your position.

Change the distance that you work frequently. If the eyes are feeling increasingly fatigued,
hold things further away rather than closer to you. Avoid getting very close to what you
are reading.

Avoid Dry Eyes
Blink! Studies have shown that when you look at the computer monitor, there is a natural
tendency toward a reduced blink rate. The less you blink, the more likely you are to
experience dry eye symptoms of burning, sand-in-the-eye, heavy lids, etc.

The normal blink rate is averages 12 times per minute. Computer users usually blink 5
times per minute. The longer the eye remains open between blinks, the more likely the
cornea is to dehydrate, burn or ache. Then, finally, you blink. But the damage, although
minor and easily repaired, is already done. Your eyes sting, burn, sting and otherwise feel
miserable. You tear, feel better, then start the process all over again. Eventually, the
disruption to the corneal tissue causes a blurred image to go along with the other
symptoms. You stop work, fall asleep and your body heals itself until the next time.

There are plenty of non-prescription tear replacement or rewetting drops available at your
local drug store but being aware of the need to blink is the real fix, especially if you wear
contact lenses.


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Sleep paralysis disorder is a serious sleep condition in which the sufferer feels incapable of movement. A person affected with sleep paralysis will usually experience the feeling that they are unable to execute voluntary physical movement at the onset of sleep - the hypnogogic period or just when waking - the hypnopompic period. Sufferers of paralysis sleeping disorder complain that they are unable to move their legs, arms and trunk upon waking or at falling asleep.


In many cases, sleep paralysis may be accompanied with strong dream related mentation, and sometimes even hallucinations. Some people even report the feeling of something or someone applying pressure on their chest.

Causes of Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis appears to be caused by a short termed episode of muscle paralysis. Fortunately, this sleep disorder does not appear to cause harm to a persons health. However, people who suffer from sleep paralysis often report feeling frightened at not being able to move, and experience considerable stress at not knowing when the effects of a sleep paralysis episode will subside, or when a new episode will occur.

Who is at risk of Sleep Paralysis Disorder

Research has shown that small children are more susceptible to the effects of sleep paralysis, although the condition can also occur in healthy adults.

People who suffer from other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, are much more likely to experience sleep paralysis. In fact, many episodes of sleep paralysis are as a direct result of complications from narcolepsy.


Narcolepsy is another chronic sleep disorder in which a person experiences bouts of uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. One of the main symptoms of narcolepsy is cataplexy which is paralysis experienced without the loss of consciousness. Thus, it is thought that sleep paralysis may be related to narcolepsy, although many people who suffer from sleep paralysis do not have narcolepsy.

What happens to your body

Polysomnography, or a sleep recording, indicates that the body demonstrates a lack of skeletal muscle tone during an episode of sleep paralysis. The brain appears to fall into a REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage sleep more quickly, and sleep tends to take on an overall dissociated nature.

What should you do

Many times, a person will regain consciousness from a sleep paralysis episode upon being touched or hearing a sound. Sufferers report that freedom of movement returns moments after awakening, once full consciousness has been restored.

Some doctors assert that one of the best methods of regaining consciousness during a sleep paralysis episode is to slowly attempt to move the outer edges of your body, beginning with blinking your eye, looking around the room, or fluttering your eyelashes. It is also recommended that you move your fingers.

If this gentle approach does not seem to work, some sufferers report considerable success with the 'shout and roll' method which consists of vocalizing as loud as you can while rolling your shoulders. Many sleep paralysis patients report 'snapping out' of an episode by sheer physical will.

Many people find that the prospect of future sleep paralysis episodes causes undue stress, and interferes with their ability to achieve restful sleep. While there are no cures for sleep paralysis, certain precautions can be taken to help prevent future episodes.

Preventing Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis can be prevented by -

  • Getting enough sleep every night
  • Going to sleep at the same time each night
  • Following a regular exercise regime although exercise should be avoided to close to bedtime
  • Avoiding stress, especially in the hours before bedtime

Many sleep paralysis patients report success with changing their sleeping position. This simple adjustment has been proven to help reduce the frequency of sleep paralysis episodes. Sleep paralysis appears more frequently while individuals sleep on their backs. Sleeping on one's side appears to be the best position for avoiding sleep paralysis episodes, although it is recommended that patients experiment with different sleeping positions.

If a person experiences weekly sleep paralysis episodes for six months or more, their condition may be described as severe. Severe cases of sleep paralysis may be treated with medication.

Anti depressants have been shown to be effective in preventing episodes of sleep paralysis in some cases. If sleep paralysis appears to be related to cataplexy brought on by narcolepsy, certain tricylic anti depressants and SSRIs have also been shown to help.


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For a vitamin/mineral/herbal supplement with antidepressant qualities that are helpful for dealing with sleep paralysis visit:  or call 08060778264 , 08023467737


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