Phone (7)

12166312067?profile=originalHere is an article from Natural News about research on electronics and sleep deprivation.
We have known this for years and I have been suggesting to people that they NOT have a TV in their bedroom and not play on the computer just before bed. Personally, I also use full spectrum lighting before bed and sleep on a Nikken magnetic mattress to reset my body’s natural rhythm during sleep. See my website st for information on these products

(NaturalNews) Do you use your computer, watch television, or mess around on your cell phone within the hour before you go to bed at night? If so, you might be altering your sleep cycle and preventing quality rest, according to a new study conducted as part of a National Sleep Foundation poll. Researchers say that staring at light-emitting screens during the hour before going to sleep inhibits the proper release of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s natural sleep cycles.

Roughly 95 percent of poll respondents indicated that they typically play video games, watch television, use the computer, or access their smart phones within the hour before they go to sleep. And 43 percent of respondents between the ages of 13 and 64 said they rarely ever get a good night’s sleep during an average work week.

“This study reveals that light-emitting screens are in heavy use within the pivotal hour before sleep,” said Charles Czeisler from Harvard Medical School, in a Breitbart piece. “Invasion of such alerting technologies into the bedroom may contribute to the high proportion of respondents who report that they routinely get less sleep than they need.”

While respondents in older generations tended more towards passively watching television before bed, younger respondents indicated participation in more active and brain-engaging activities like playing video games and using smart phones, which experts say may be even worse for sleep and overall health.

“Over the last 50 years, we’ve seen how television viewing has grown to be a near constant before bed, and now we are seeing new information technologies such as laptops, cell phones, video games and music devices rapidly gaining the same status,” said Lauren Hale of Stony Brook University Medical Center. “The higher use of these potentially more sleep-disruptive technologies among younger generations may have serious consequences for physical health, cognitive development, and other measures of well-being.”

Keeping mobile phones and other radiation-emitting devices away from your bed at night will also help improve sleep quality by limiting exposure to the “electro-smog” they emit that can disrupt restful sleep. Long-term exposure to even low levels of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) may cause serious health problems, so it is always a smart idea to limit their use and keep them away from your body whenever possible (…).

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You can use your Windows Mobile phone as a wireless modem by connecting to your laptop with a cable. This method is fast and simple and has a few benefits over the Bluetooth method; however, it does require a cable, so you have to carry one with you, which may be a hassle in some circumstances.The biggest advantage this method offers is that while your smartphone is connected to your laptop, it receives a battery charge—so when you disconnect it, your phone will have more of a charge than when you first started. I normally use the Bluetooth method, and it's very hard on the battery life of a phone, so I can't overstate how great it is to end up with a charged smartphone at the end of a laptop Internet access session.The downside to this method is that your laptop battery won't last quite as long because it has to charge the phone. The impact is really quite minimal, though; your laptop screen brightness will affect battery life much more than having your phone connected will. And, because you're using the smartphone as a modem, you can disable Wi-Fi on the laptop to conserve a bit of power, which probably offsets the battery load from charging the phone...Here's how to use your Windows Mobile phone as a modem for your laptop (these steps presume that your laptop is running Windows Vista):*Open the Internet Sharing program on your phone.The Internet Sharing program icon*Set the PC Connection to USB. The default connection should be fine for the Network Connection (it is the same connection your phone uses to check e-mail). The status line will say Check USB cable connection. This is normal.Internet Sharing window, with PC Connection set to USB*Connect your phone to your laptop by using the sync/charge cable. You may see a pop-up window telling you that device drivers are being installed. Just wait a few seconds for the process to finish, and then you can proceed to Step 4.Installing device driver software screen in Driver Software Installation window*After about 10 seconds or so, your laptop should be connected to the Internet. You can confirm this by opening a web site in your laptop’s web browser. On your phone, the Status line of the Internet Sharing program should say Connected.*When you're finished with the Internet access, disconnect the phone from the laptop, and in the Internet Sharing application, click Disconnect.The next time you do this procedure, the drivers won't need to be installed, so the connection will happen even more quickly.
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A 25-year-old law graduate from the University of Wales, Onyekwere Michael
Onyemaechi has been arraigned before the Ikeja Magistrate’s Court for using his
blackberry phone to take pictures of some police officers at their duty

When he was arraigned before Magistrate Botoku, who held brief for Magistrate A.O Komolafe, Michael, who just came into Nigeria nine days ago after
seven years of studying abroad to commence Law School in Abuja, pleaded not
guilty to the two-count charge brought against him by the police

The two-count charge brought against him bordered on assault and breach of peace by indiscriminately taking pictures at a public

The charge sheet read: “That you Onyekwere Michael Onyemaechi “m” on the 4/11/2010 at about 1800hrs at Acme Road junction, Ogba, Lagos, in the
Ikeja Magisterial District did conduct yourself in a manner likely to cause
breach of peace at Acme Road junction, being a public place, by using your
blackberry mobile phone to take photographs of people indiscriminately,
including that of two police officers namely Inspector Jerry Abuo and Cpl. Etim
Itoro, for a ill motive and thereby committed an offence contrary to and
punishable under Section 249(D) of the Criminal Code, Cap.17, Vol. 11 Laws of
Lagos State of Nigeria 2003.”....

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(CNN) -- At age 13, Hope Witsell struggled in middle school. Not because her class work at Shields Middle School in Ruskin, Florida, was challenging, but because Hope was being bullied.

Her friend, Kyla Stich, told CNN that fellow students would "walk up to her and call her 'slut,' 'whore,' and they would sometimes, they would call her 'skank' and just be really cruel to her.".

Another friend, Lexi Leber, said, "We had to make like a wall, we had people surrounding her, and she had to be in the middle because people would come by and try to hit her and push her into a locker or something.

"She was afraid to walk alone, she was afraid someone would do something to her, like verbally attack her, so she would always have someone with her," Leber added.

This all started in the spring of 2009 during the last week of school.

Friends and family say Hope had "sexted" a picture of her breasts to her boyfriend. Another girl from school, they say, got her hands on the photo and sent it to students at six different schools in the area.

Before Hope could do anything to stop it, that photo had gone viral.

The school alerted Hope's parents. Her mother, Donna Witsell, told CNN how she learned about the photo.

"The assistant principal had a meeting with my husband and I and pretty much told us that he did not see the image but that he had heard that it was Hope and when he confronted Hope, Hope did not deny it. She wasn't proud of it but she didn't lie," Hope's mother said.

Mrs. Witsell says she had warned her daughter about the dark side of technology, about "some of the pretty sexual images of young girls and guys."

She added, "Hope was very aware of that, of inappropriate dress and most definitely posing."

Still, because of that photo, Hope had become a target for 11-, 12-, and 13-year-old bullies.

But she didn't share her pain with her parents.

Even when bullies wrote horrible things about Hope on a MySpace page called the "Shields Middle School Burn Book" and started a "Hope Hater Page," the young girl kept silent.

Summer provided a bit of a break, but when the new school year began, the taunting was even worse.

On Saturday, September 12, 2009, Hope Witsell helped her father mow the lawn. They cooked a special seafood dinner together as a family. Then Hope disappeared to her room upstairs. Her parents stayed downstairs and watched TV.

Donna Witsell will never forget the moment she went to say goodnight to her daughter.

"I went upstairs to go in her room and kiss her goodnight. That was when I found her. I screamed for my husband. And started doing CPR."

It was too late. Hope was already dead. She had used her favorite scarves to hang herself from her canopy bed.

After Hope died, her mother learned her daughter had been summoned to meet with a school social worker. A spokesperson for the school says the social worker was concerned Hope might have been trying to hurt herself, so she had Hope sign what's called a "no harm" contract in which Hope agreed to talk to an adult if she wanted to harm herself..

Hope's mother says she was never told about the contract, which she found crumpled up in the garbage in her daughter's bedroom after she died.

School officials told CNN they believed the social worker had tried calling Hope's mother to alert her but weren't sure if she had left a message.

"The school dropped the ball," Donna Witsell said.

"The school did not call. We have the digital telephone; we have the cell phones that indicate when there was an incoming call and what number was calling in. We have a house phone, I have a cell phone, my husband has a cell phone. We have emergency contact numbers at the school which was my sister-in-law and her husband. There was no indication that the school called any of those numbers," Hope's mother said.

Days after Hope died, her older sister, Samantha Beattie, discovered the bullying was still going on. Even in death, Hope could not escape it.

"I knew she had MySpace and Facebook. There were people putting comments on there: 'Did Hope really kill herself?' 'I can't believe that whore did that.' Just obscene things that I would never expect from a 12-year-old or a 13-year-old," said Samantha.

In the year or so that has passed since Hope Witsell took her own life, her mother has started a group called Hope's Warriors. She hopes it will help combat bullying and save other moms from feeling the horrendous pain that she feels.

Donna Witsell has a message for parents: "It happened to my daughter, it can happen to yours too. No one is untouchable. No one is untouchable."

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Billions could have their mobile phone calls intercepted and recorded after computer hackers cracked the secret code used to protect 80 per cent of the world’s users. The code was posted on the internet by German scientist Karsten Nohl, who said he organised the breach to demonstrate the weakness of mobiles’ security measures.He claims an eavesdropper could be listening to calls within 15 minutes with just a laptop and two network cards.There are now fears that half the world’s population could be left vulnerable to crime including identity fraud.Nohl said: ‘We have given up hope that network operators will move to improve security on their own, but we are hoping that with this added attention, there will be increased demand from customers for them to do this.‘This vulnerability should have been fixed 15 years ago. People should now try it out at home and see how vulnerable their calls are.’The code, called A5/1, was devised by the GSM Association 22 years ago and is used by more than three billion people in 212 countries.It prevents calls being intercepted by forcing mobile phones and base stations to rapidly change frequencies. 3G phones are not affected as they are protected by a different code.Nohl and a team of experts took five months to unravel the complicated mathematical sequence – known as an algorithm – used to encrypt calls.Last night the GSM Association played down the risks to customers.Security director James Moran said: ‘We are concerned but we don’t believe it will result in widespread eavesdropping tomorrow, or next week or next month.'The reality is that a practical attack is beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of people.’But if he is wrong, mobile operators could be forced into expensive upgrades to base stations.
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(Memphis Egypt) Famed egyptologist Dr. Zany Hogwash announced to a stunned world that King Tutankhamun owned an Ipod and a cell phone. The items were discovered in 1922 by the Carter expedition but were misidentified as kitchen utensils. King Tut lived from 1341 BC to 1323 BC.Dr. Hogwash said the Ipod was damaged with age but the song selections were readable. It appears King Tut was like any normal teenager and loved rock music. His favorite song was Pyramid to Heaven by Ded Zeppelin. The young king was also very fond of the Dark Side of the Tomb album by Rosetta Floyd.The Rolling Stones were alive back then but no selections were on the Ipod. The same can be said for The Dung Beatles. The king didn't seem interested in the Hittite Invasion bands of the early 1330's BC.King Tut was fond of 'The Pharaoh of Ra and Roll'; probably because they both lived in Memphis. The recording of You Ain't Nothing but a Jackal was played numerous times.King Tut's cell phone also yielded much information. According to Dr. Hogwash the young king liked text messaging. The messages are very hard to read because they are abbreviated hieroglyphics; only a teenage egyptologist would be able to decipher them. The king had Queen Nefertiti and Queen Neferriti on speed dial so he wouldn't mix them up. He had Cleopatra on speed dial also but dropped her after a recent spat.Dr. Hogwash says they are looking at other items in King Tut's tomb more closely and hope to find his laptop or his Iphone.Nigerian AmeboIn futher confirmation of this strange occurence A renowned babalawo Baba Lamidi Egunjemide has claimed that The ancestor of the yoruba's, King Oduduwa had a microwave oven and a binatone blender used for preparing gbegiri and amala for the great king ! This came in very handy as he was migrating from Egypt ! possibly given to him by King Tut himself also a known gbegiri man but our sources claim he preffered poundy not amala .Also you can add your amebo gist and other more strange reports like this can be found at ERR is human but to gossip takes great skillby anonymous ancient amebo
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Beware! The handset being used by the man sitting next to you in the bus may be a weapon of destruction – gun. The mobile that calls you only once: Mafia gun was disguised as a phone Beware! The handset being used by the man sitting next to you in the bus may be a weapon of destruction – gun. The mobile that calls you only once: Mafia gun was disguised as a phone advertisement The invention of the mobile gun phone is already causing some ripples in the security circle, because of its propensity to increase crime rate such as armed robbery and murder/assassination. The gun phone was discovered recently by the Italian Police Force. The mobile phone was said to have been seized in an operation against the Camorra, the Naples-based mafia. It is described as a .22 calibre weapon, which is capable of firing four shots in quick succession through the antenna, using buttons on the keypad as the trigger. What is the implication of this deadly product to Nigeria and Nigerians? This is against the backdrop of Nigerians’ taste for ostentatious products and flamboyant life style. Another major source of worry is the increasing crime wave in the country, ranging from armed robbery, kidnappings, assassinations, political thuggery, among others. The pistol, which carries four bullets, can be fired from a button on the phone's keypad Killer call: A policeman demonstrates how the bullets were loaded Some people said if the Federal Government doesn’t take steps to prevent the importation of the killer-phone, the country is going to witness crime explosion. Those spoken to by Daily Sun are, however, pessimistic about the ability of the government to stop the deadly phone from finding its way into the country. Their reasons are as follows; Nigeria, being a large market and target of foreign investors and manufacturers, the producers of the gun would like to target Nigerian market. Second, like car manufacturers, who target Nigerian market for sale of very expensive and posh cars, the manufacturers of the killer-phone would like to penetrate Nigerian market because of high taste of its citizens, for expensive products. Third, the increase in crime wave is another reason the government should be concerned about the gun phone. Fourth, the porous nature of Nigerian borders and the corruption among the security agencies, especially, the Nigerian Customs, which was supposed to check the importation and exportation of goods into or out of the country. Products that were banned in the country, including arms and ammunition still find their way into the country on daily basis, because of corrupt securitymen who make fortunes from importers and allow any manner of product to come into the country. Recently, the Cross River State Police Commissioner, Mallam Mohammed Bala, alerted members of the public on the presence of the gun phone in the country. There is allegation that some of the militants already have gun phone in their possession. Bala Ahmed told Daily Sun in his office that intelligence reports have revealed that the deadly phone were manufactured in America and some countries in Europe. The Police Commissioner said the European law enforcement agencies, had condemned Global System Mobile phone manufacturers for inventing the decoy, which he said, security operatives were still battling to stop its production and distribution. The Police Public Relations Officer of the Cross River State Police Command, Mr. Etim Dickson, who took his turn to comment on the phone, said there was need for members of the public to be vigilant, in order to report any person found with the phone in Nigeria, to the nearest police station or any other security agency. Worried about the situation, Mr. Dickson said the Nigeria Police had already taken steps to check the distribution of the phones in the country, as security activities were said to have been beefed up at various airports, sea ports and other entry points, to screen every mobile phone that may be imported into the country. According to the police image maker, the keypad of the phone has digits number 5 to 8 as the trigger, with high destructive power. At first sight, he said, the gun appeared to be like normal cell phone, but has extra weight when handled, explaining that the weapon has an in-built bullet magazine. He said: “We want to draw the attention of members of the public to the existence of the mobile phone gun that is now being sold to armed robbers and other men of the under world. We are calling on members of the public to cooperate with the police in our stop-and-search operations at various checkpoints, in order to fish out those who may have acquired the deadly weapon.” He said another feature of the phones was, short barrels, which appeared like camera, phone lens, as well as short antenna, which was said to be one of the components of the gun. Mr. Charles Fakrogha, who also spoke with Daily Sun, however, said the gun phone would be useful to security operatives. He said if allowed to be imported into the country, its use should be restricted to the security agents. He said even if government wants to allow people to have access to the gun, it should be given to those who have licence. “Allowing such product into the country now is like making mess of the amnesty programme. The Customs should take full charge to prevent the item from getting into wrong hands. Also Pius Agbamukoro said it would be dangerous to allow such phone to get into the country. “Why will they tell militants in the Niger Delta to lay down their arms and still encourage the importation of such items,” he queried. To Chidi Chukwudubem, government should not give the product any chance to be imported into the counrty. advertisement The invention of the mobile gun phone is already causing some ripples in the security circle, because of its propensity to increase crime rate such as armed robbery and murder/assassination. The gun phone was discovered recently by the Italian Police Force. The mobile phone was said to have been seized in an operation against the Camorra, the Naples-based mafia. It is described as a .22 calibre weapon, which is capable of firing four shots in quick succession through the antenna, using buttons on the keypad as the trigger. What is the implication of this deadly product to Nigeria and Nigerians? This is against the backdrop of Nigerians’ taste for ostentatious products and flamboyant life style. Another major source of worry is the increasing crime wave in the country, ranging from armed robbery, kidnappings, assassinations, political thuggery, among others. The pistol, which carries four bullets, can be fired from a button on the phone's keypad Killer call: A policeman demonstrates how the bullets were loaded Some people said if the Federal Government doesn’t take steps to prevent the importation of the killer-phone, the country is going to witness crime explosion. Those spoken to by Daily Sun are, however, pessimistic about the ability of the government to stop the deadly phone from finding its way into the country. Their reasons are as follows; Nigeria, being a large market and target of foreign investors and manufacturers, the producers of the gun would like to target Nigerian market. Second, like car manufacturers, who target Nigerian market for sale of very expensive and posh cars, the manufacturers of the killer-phone would like to penetrate Nigerian market because of high taste of its citizens, for expensive products. Third, the increase in crime wave is another reason the government should be concerned about the gun phone. Fourth, the porous nature of Nigerian borders and the corruption among the security agencies, especially, the Nigerian Customs, which was supposed to check the importation and exportation of goods into or out of the country. Products that were banned in the country, including arms and ammunition still find their way into the country on daily basis, because of corrupt securitymen who make fortunes from importers and allow any manner of product to come into the country. Recently, the Cross River State Police Commissioner, Mallam Mohammed Bala, alerted members of the public on the presence of the gun phone in the country. There is allegation that some of the militants already have gun phone in their possession. Bala Ahmed told Daily Sun in his office that intelligence reports have revealed that the deadly phone were manufactured in America and some countries in Europe. The Police Commissioner said the European law enforcement agencies, had condemned Global System Mobile phone manufacturers for inventing the decoy, which he said, security operatives were still battling to stop its production and distribution. The Police Public Relations Officer of the Cross River State Police Command, Mr. Etim Dickson, who took his turn to comment on the phone, said there was need for members of the public to be vigilant, in order to report any person found with the phone in Nigeria, to the nearest police station or any other security agency. Worried about the situation, Mr. Dickson said the Nigeria Police had already taken steps to check the distribution of the phones in the country, as security activities were said to have been beefed up at various airports, sea ports and other entry points, to screen every mobile phone that may be imported into the country. According to the police image maker, the keypad of the phone has digits number 5 to 8 as the trigger, with high destructive power. At first sight, he said, the gun appeared to be like normal cell phone, but has extra weight when handled, explaining that the weapon has an in-built bullet magazine. He said: “We want to draw the attention of members of the public to the existence of the mobile phone gun that is now being sold to armed robbers and other men of the under world. We are calling on members of the public to cooperate with the police in our stop-and-search operations at various checkpoints, in order to fish out those who may have acquired the deadly weapon.” He said another feature of the phones was, short barrels, which appeared like camera, phone lens, as well as short antenna, which was said to be one of the components of the gun. Mr. Charles Fakrogha, who also spoke with Daily Sun, however, said the gun phone would be useful to security operatives. He said if allowed to be imported into the country, its use should be restricted to the security agents. He said even if government wants to allow people to have access to the gun, it should be given to those who have licence. “Allowing such product into the country now is like making mess of the amnesty programme. The Customs should take full charge to prevent the item from getting into wrong hands. Also Pius Agbamukoro said it would be dangerous to allow such phone to get into the country. “Why will they tell militants in the Niger Delta to lay down their arms and still encourage the importation of such items,” he queried. To Chidi Chukwudubem, government should not give the product any chance to be imported into the counrty.
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