mobile (8)


The music business has been and is undergoing crazy changes that is shaking up all the major and small players in the industry. The problem is not the evolution of a different way of manipulating and consuming media but the failure of the player to foresee and yield to these changes.


In studying entrepreneurship last semester, I came across the concept of "creative destruction" which for example had eliminated the elevator man and made extinct the typewriter. On the other hand, the same concept has improved the functionality of the cellular phones and mobile devices, which has become the "now" gadget of the 21st century and beyond. If these devices get smarter, they will start to walk.


Before I ramble off topic, I want to implore us not to be like some in the music industry and  ignore the mobile device revolution. Their enhanced functionality/usability has made these devices indispensable to us and their sheer convenience has made them more indispensable to our potential consumer,their new personal companion and 24/7 personal assistant, decision-maker and shopper.


As of today, in light of the confusion in the music industry and the advancement in communication technology, it may be wise to adopt the QR code/mobile marketing early. You don't have to be a sorcerer to  see the future as it is coded in black and white.


Bob Dylan said it right,"The times, they are a changing." We either embrace it or like the some in the music industry, face exinction, FOREVER.


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To enjoy cost effective internet, you need to activate an internet bundle for your internet browsing. If not you will be browsing at pay as you go, which is billed at per kb or per minute bases. Internet browsing on pay as you go is very expensive, so going for bundled internet access is recommended. Here we provide browsing activation codes for various internet bundles offered by networks in Nigeria. The aim is to provide easy access to Activation codes for internet browsing bundles across networks in Nigeria. To make it more useful, we also included the cost and data limit of the internet browsing bundles. You will also find info on checking your data balance.

Networks in Nigeria offer two forms of activation for their internet browsing bundles. One is the USSD method, where you dial a code ended with the hash key (#). Once you dial the code, you will receive a response if successful or unsuccessful. The second method involves sending a code to a number via SMS. You will receive an SMS if activation is successful. When using a modem, some come with software that makes it possible to activate browsing packages without any code, just click the button for the internet browsing bundle you are interested in on the software interface and it will be activated automatically...

Activation codes for Internet bundles in Nigeria

Here are activation codes for different internet browsing bundles in Nigeria. We focus on GSM networks as those are the ones we have activation codes for. If your CDMA network uses activation codes, you can share it via a comment.

Activation codes for Glo Internet bundles

Here are activation codes for Glo internet browsing bundles. Glo activation code involves sending an SMS containing a two-digit number to 127.

    * Glo Always Max (30 days) – N7,500 (6GB data limit) SMS 12 to 127
    * Glo Always Min (30 days) – N5,000 (1.5GB data limit) Send 11 to 127
    * Glo Always Micro (30 days) – N1,000 (150MB data limit) text 13 to 127
    * Glo Always Day (24 hours) – N500 (150MB data limit) send 10 to 127
    * Glo G300 (300 hours internet bundle) – N15,000 (4GB data limit) SMS 21 to 127
    * Glo G100 (100 hours internet bundle) – N6,000 (3GB data limit) send 20 to 127
    * Glo G Work (8am – 9pm) – N6,000 (3GB limit) send 31 to 127
    * Glo G Leisure (8pm – 9am + all day weekend) – N5,000 (3GB limit) SMS 30 to 127

To check your data balance, SMS info to 127.

Activation codes for MTN Internet browsing bundles

Here are activation codes for MTN internet browsing bundles. Like Glo, MTN activation code is done via SMS. However, in the case of MTN a three-digit number is used and 131 is the number to send the SMS to...

    * MTN Monthly for mobile, 100MB (24/7 30 days) - N1000 (text 106 to 131)
    * MTN Daily for mobile, 10MB (24 hours) - N100 (SMS 104 to 131)
    * MTN Weekly for mobile, 25MB (24/7, 7 days) - N500 (text 105 to 131)
    * MTN Daily Internet, 150MB (24 hours) - N500 (text 103 to 131)
    * MTN Monthly Internet, 5GB (24/7, 30 days) - N8,000 (text 101 to 131)
    * MTN Day Time Internet, 3GB (9am - 9pm, 30 days) - N6,000 (text 107 to 131)
    * MTN Night Internet, 3GB (9pm - 6am, 30 days) - N2,500 (text 102 to 131)
    * MTN Weekend, 3GB (9am Fri - 9pm Mon, 30 days) - N3,000 (text 108 to 131)

To check your data balance, SMS 2 to 131.

Activation codes for Airtel Internet bundles

Here are activation codes for Airtel (formally Zain) internet browsing bundles. Activation for Airtel internet is done via USSD.

    * Airtel Day Internet, 50MB, N500 – dial *141*712*3#
    * Airtel Lite, 100MB Internet, N1,000 – dial *141*712*4#
    * Airtel Plus, 1GB Internet, N5,000 – dial *141*712*1#
    * Airtel Max, 3GB Internet, N10,000 – dial *141*712*2#
    * Airtel Premium, 6GB, N15,000 – dial *141*712*5#

To check your data balance, dial *141*712*0#.

Activation codes for Etisalat Internet browsing bundles

Here are activation codes for Etisalat internet browsing bundles. Like Airtel, Etisalat's activation code is done via USSD.

    * Etisalat Flex 100MB Internet, N1,000 - *229*2*1#
    * Etisalat Flex 500MB Internet, N3,000 – *229*2*2#
    * Etisalat Flex 3GB Internet, N10,000 – *229*2*3#
    * Etisalat Daily Internet, N500 – *229*3*1#
    * Etisalat Night and weekend, N5,000 – *229*3*3#

To check your data balance, dial *228#.

That is the activation code. Hope you find it useful. Feel free to notify us of errors via comment. You can also notify us of activation codes for internet browsing bundles for other networks not included here.

Related Topics:

    * Cost of Internet Browsing Report, November 2010
    * Cheap Internet Browsing bundles in Nigeria
    * Value for Money Internet browsing bundles in Nigeria
    * MTN 100MB internet browsing bundle
    * Glo 150MB internet browsing bundle
    * MultiLinks internet browsing bundles
    * Etisalat 500MB internet browsing bundle
    * Glo 3G plus: pre-paid internet browsing packages
    * Breaking free from MTN free internet browsing cheats
    * MTN Night Browsing bundle
    * Airtel internet browsing bundles
    * Etisalat internet browsing bundles
    * Glo 3G plus: HSDPA high speed internet browsing

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glo mobile new tariff Glo Freedom ! 15k/sec

glo mobile has introduced a new tarrif called glo freedom.. 15k/sec on-net and 20k/sec of-net.without any daily rental or the first minute syndrome 'your special two' package that allows you to register and call for free two glo mobile numbers at 100naira per month it has also extended its midnight call hours from 11pm-5:59am and free calls on sundays glo-glo
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After the recent launching of the multi million dollar satellite and its eventual succesful failure to stay in the earths orbit , maybe Pluto will accept it some industry pundits say . So we can browse the internet and maybe an MTN base station in Mars ! .Now, Some brainiacs and original Naija Rocket Scientists have come up with another brilliant masterplan ! Let us make Handsets !

The Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT), plans to start producing handsets and computer hardware in the country in less than two years.


To this end, the company has completed and commissioned a locally made Printed Circuit Board Micro Electronics Centre, manned by NIGCOMSAT engineers.

The centre will focus mainly on the production of printed circuit board - which is the basis for electronic systems - for computers and handsets.

The Managing Director of the company, Ahmed Rufai, who disclosed this at the commissioning of the centre on Tuesday in Abuja, said it will have diverse implications on the electronic industry. "Imagine if all the basic electronics we use are produced in Nigeria. Everything you are holding today is imported. But our projection is that in less than two years, we will have standard handsets produced locally. We are also talking to some local computer assembly companies to use our mother boards produced here."

Manufacturing capacity

Mr. Rufai said that at the moment, the centre has the capacity to produce 500 handsets a day and can also produce good quality mother boards for computers. He added that within the next two years they will be able to perfect the products. "What we have here is the prototype. We just want to show the concept that it can be done," he said.

He explained that NIGCOMSAT engineers have been trained to produce these boards, utilising the best international standard to bridge the gap in the Information Communication Technology industry in Nigeria and Africa at large.

He also said that the technology is a spin off from the Know-How Technology Transfer and Training of over 100 Nigerian engineers in China, UK, US and the United Arab Emirates, adding that the satellite technology encompasses all engineering aspects. "It therefore affords these talented engineers the opportunity to look at this aspect of engineering, which is rare on this continent," he said.Mr. Rufai explained that this technological intervention is crucial in the achievement of Nigeria's vision to be amongst the top 20 economies of the world in the year 2020, and the realisation of the present administration's seven-point agenda since technology is the driver of every economy.

Furthermore, he said the revenue prospect for printed circuit board is high, as China has an annual production capacity of six million valued at $80billion (N12trillion), which if replicated in Nigeria will have a great impact on the socio-economic life of the nation.

Technological revolution

Alhassan Bako Zaku, the Minister of Science and Technology, while commissioning the project said the project has marked the onset of a technological revolution in Nigeria.

"It will not only impact on our technological advancement, but also, the socio-economic effect will be positively felt especially in the area of job creation for the youth. In the area of education, the microelectronic centre will also serve as a learning ground for our undergraduates to receive hands-on training and firsthand experience in electronics manufacturing, as the centre is fully equipped to meet their educational needs," he said.

The minister said the centre will also serve local manufacturers and reduce production time and costs - as before now, they had to import the circuit boards for the manufacture and assembling of local electronic products - thereby moving Nigeria from a resource to knowledge based economy.

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Activating Internet services on mobile phones GPRS 3G settingsAlthough a mobile phone may be internet ready, it will require activation before it can be used to browse the internet. In this page, you will find information on activating your mobile phone for internet browsing on MTN, Glo mobile, Zain, Etisalat, and so on.To access internet with a mobile phone you need to activate it by loading the mobile network’s internet settings to your mobile phone. This is done by sending an SMS command to the mobile network. On reception of your SMS, the network will send you your internet settings. You will then have to save the internet settings to your mobile phone. Some phones (usually newly launched mobile phones) may not accept automatic internet settings, in such a situation you will have to load your internet settings manually.In Nigeria, you do not worry about activating your mobile phone for internet access if you are using CDMA. This is because CDMA networks usually carry exclusive mobile phones, which are often preloaded with internet settings. When buying a mobile phone from network exclusive outlets, ask whether the mobile phone has been activated and if not request for internet configuration on the spot.Most often, you worry about configuration when you are using GSM or WCDMA. Here are internet, 3G or GPRS settings of MTN, Glo mobile, and Zain:Activating MTN mobile internetTo get your 3G/3.5G/GPRS internet settings, text SETTINGS to 3888 on an MTN Nigeria mobile phone. Save the internet settings.You can also use manual internet configuration:MTN manual 3G/3.5G/GPRS internet settings for WAPAccount name: MTN GPRSIP Address: 9201Username: webPassword: webAccess point name (APN): web.gprs.mtnnigeria.netMTN manual 3G/3.5G/GPRS internet settings for full internetAccount name: MTN GPRSIP Address: 8080Username: webPassword: webAccess point name (APN): web.gprs.mtnnigeria.netActivating Glo mobile internetTo get your Glo 3G internet settings SMS activate to 444 using a 3G mobile phone. Save the internet settings in your mobile phone. To get Glo WAP settings, SMS your phone name and model to 927. For example, to activate Nokia 2630, SMS Nokia 2630 to 927. Save the internet settings in your mobile phone.Glo manual 3G/3.5G internet settingsService name: Glo 3GIP Address: 3130Username: wapPassword: wapAccess point name (APN): glo3gvideoAuthentication: NormalHome page: http://cms.gloworld.comActivating Zain mobile internetTo get your Zain GPRS settings SMS Internet [space] [phone make] [space] [model number] to 232. For example, to activate Nokia 2360, SMS Internet Nokia 2360 to 232. Save the internet settings in your mobile phone.Zain manual GPRS settings for WAPPort: 8080Username:Password:Access point name (APN): NormalHome page: Etisalat mobile internetEtisalat manual 3G/3.5G internet settingsAccount name: Etisalat InternetIP Address: point name (APN): etisalatHome page: manual WAP internet settingsAccount name: Etisalat WAPIP Address: 8080Username:Password:Access point name (APN): etisalatHome page: CDMA mobile internet for Starcomms, Reltel, Multi-Links, VisafoneCDMA networks carry specific phones preloaded with network settings like internet settings. Hence, if you bought your CDMA phone with internet capability from an authorised outlet of CDMA networks like Starcomms, Visafone, Reltel, or Multi-Links it is likely to be preloaded with internet settings. However, inquire just to be sure.
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Billions could have their mobile phone calls intercepted and recorded after computer hackers cracked the secret code used to protect 80 per cent of the world’s users. The code was posted on the internet by German scientist Karsten Nohl, who said he organised the breach to demonstrate the weakness of mobiles’ security measures.He claims an eavesdropper could be listening to calls within 15 minutes with just a laptop and two network cards.There are now fears that half the world’s population could be left vulnerable to crime including identity fraud.Nohl said: ‘We have given up hope that network operators will move to improve security on their own, but we are hoping that with this added attention, there will be increased demand from customers for them to do this.‘This vulnerability should have been fixed 15 years ago. People should now try it out at home and see how vulnerable their calls are.’The code, called A5/1, was devised by the GSM Association 22 years ago and is used by more than three billion people in 212 countries.It prevents calls being intercepted by forcing mobile phones and base stations to rapidly change frequencies. 3G phones are not affected as they are protected by a different code.Nohl and a team of experts took five months to unravel the complicated mathematical sequence – known as an algorithm – used to encrypt calls.Last night the GSM Association played down the risks to customers.Security director James Moran said: ‘We are concerned but we don’t believe it will result in widespread eavesdropping tomorrow, or next week or next month.'The reality is that a practical attack is beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of people.’But if he is wrong, mobile operators could be forced into expensive upgrades to base stations.
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A NURSE has been suspended after allegedly chatting to a friend on a mobile phone while performing blood tests on a patient. Calista Ukaegbu is being investigated after apparently using hand gestures to direct the female patient because she was so engrossed in her conversation. When the patient a relative of former newspaper editor and radio station owner Kelvin Mackenzie made her displeasure clear, the nurse simply mouthed "sorry" and carried on chatting, it was claimed. She only stopped the call when a colleague walked in and "shamed" her into hanging up. It emerged today that bosses at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich had suspended the nurse. The incident happened when the patient, in her thirties, visited the hospital to have a blood test before undergoing minor surgery at a later date. She claimed she was greeted by Nurse Ukaegbu, talking on the phone in a foreign language, who indicated she should roll up her sleeve to have her blood pressure taken. Once the readings were taken she pointed to a wall chart indicating that she should measure herself, it was alleged. Mr Mackenzie said his relative, who did not want to be named, had wanted to ask the nurse questions as she had suffered from high blood pressure, but was denied the opportunity because of the six-minute phone call. He said: "Incredibly, for six minutes this nurse held a social conversation on her mobile phone while indicating to my relative through hand signals what to do. "All this went on while this nurse continued with her conversation with a friend. It was quite clear it was a social conversation from the tone of her voice. It was nothing to do with work." He said the call only ended when a second nurse came into the room and stared at Nurse Ukaegbu. Nurse Ukaegbu, from Woolwich, is understood to have arrived in Britain from Nigeria in 2000 and qualified to work in British hospital in 2002. A spokesman for the hospital said: "We have received a complaint and the actual allegations made are pretty appalling. "We have taken immediate action to look into this case and should be able to report on our findings within 25 days. "If proved the appropriate disciplinary action would be taken."
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