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12166303101?profile=originalSURGEONS at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) have successfully separated conjoined twins.
Dr. Auwal Abubakar, a paediatric surgeon, who led the team of experts on a 15-hour operation, told journalists yesterday in Maiduguri that the twins were joined at the pelvis.

Abubakar said the operation was conducted on Monday at the main theatre of the hospital.

His words: "I am happy to announce that we have successfully separated co-joined twins joined at the pelvis.
photo is strictly for illustration and not related to this story
"The separation of this kind of co-joined twins is one of the most difficult operations. In fact, this is the third to be carried out in Nigeria".

Abubakar explained that most surgical operations on co-joined

twins were carried out the world over on those joined at the chest because they were easier to separate...

"This type of co-joined twins is more difficult to separate but their chances of survival after the operation are higher than those who share a common heart or other vital organs", the surgeon said.

He disclosed that 20 medical experts, comprising paediatrics, orthopaedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, technicians and other specialists conducted the operation.

Abubakar, however, said that each of the separated babies would have to use a rubber limb to walk, as they grow older.

"The co-joined twins had only three legs before the operation, we left each of them with one leg after the operation because the third leg does not have a bone so it was cut off", he said.

Abubakar added that the reproductive system of one of the separated twins had also been changed to that of a female during the surgery.

He said: "They shared a single male genital before the operation but we realised that it was easier to leave one with the genital and construct a female genital for the other. The female will function normally like other persons but will not be able to bear children because she does not have a fallopian tube".

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that on August 30, 2010, surgeons at the hospital had a successful kidney transplant on 31-year-old Usman Suleiman.


Conjoined twins (also known as Siamese twins) are identical twins whose bodies are joined in utero. A rare phenomenon, the occurrence is estimated to range from 1 in 50,000 births to 1 in 100,000 births, with a somewhat higher incidence in Southwest Asia and Africa.[1] Approximately half are stillborn, and a smaller fraction of pairs born alive have abnormalities incompatible with life. The overall survival rate for conjoined twins is approximately 25%.[2] The condition is more frequently found among females, with a ratio of 3:1.[1]Two contradicting theories exist to explain the origins of conjoined twins. The older and most generally accepted theory is fission, in which the fertilized egg splits partially. The second theory is fusion, in which a fertilized egg completely separates, but stem cells (which search for similar cells) find like-stem cells on the other twin and fuse the twins together. Conjoined twins share a single common chorion, placenta, and amniotic sac, although these characteristics are not exclusive to conjoined twins as there are some monozygotic but non-conjoined twins that also share these structures in utero.[3]

source wikipedia

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(CNN) -- At age 13, Hope Witsell struggled in middle school. Not because her class work at Shields Middle School in Ruskin, Florida, was challenging, but because Hope was being bullied.

Her friend, Kyla Stich, told CNN that fellow students would "walk up to her and call her 'slut,' 'whore,' and they would sometimes, they would call her 'skank' and just be really cruel to her.".

Another friend, Lexi Leber, said, "We had to make like a wall, we had people surrounding her, and she had to be in the middle because people would come by and try to hit her and push her into a locker or something.

"She was afraid to walk alone, she was afraid someone would do something to her, like verbally attack her, so she would always have someone with her," Leber added.

This all started in the spring of 2009 during the last week of school.

Friends and family say Hope had "sexted" a picture of her breasts to her boyfriend. Another girl from school, they say, got her hands on the photo and sent it to students at six different schools in the area.

Before Hope could do anything to stop it, that photo had gone viral.

The school alerted Hope's parents. Her mother, Donna Witsell, told CNN how she learned about the photo.

"The assistant principal had a meeting with my husband and I and pretty much told us that he did not see the image but that he had heard that it was Hope and when he confronted Hope, Hope did not deny it. She wasn't proud of it but she didn't lie," Hope's mother said.

Mrs. Witsell says she had warned her daughter about the dark side of technology, about "some of the pretty sexual images of young girls and guys."

She added, "Hope was very aware of that, of inappropriate dress and most definitely posing."

Still, because of that photo, Hope had become a target for 11-, 12-, and 13-year-old bullies.

But she didn't share her pain with her parents.

Even when bullies wrote horrible things about Hope on a MySpace page called the "Shields Middle School Burn Book" and started a "Hope Hater Page," the young girl kept silent.

Summer provided a bit of a break, but when the new school year began, the taunting was even worse.

On Saturday, September 12, 2009, Hope Witsell helped her father mow the lawn. They cooked a special seafood dinner together as a family. Then Hope disappeared to her room upstairs. Her parents stayed downstairs and watched TV.

Donna Witsell will never forget the moment she went to say goodnight to her daughter.

"I went upstairs to go in her room and kiss her goodnight. That was when I found her. I screamed for my husband. And started doing CPR."

It was too late. Hope was already dead. She had used her favorite scarves to hang herself from her canopy bed.

After Hope died, her mother learned her daughter had been summoned to meet with a school social worker. A spokesperson for the school says the social worker was concerned Hope might have been trying to hurt herself, so she had Hope sign what's called a "no harm" contract in which Hope agreed to talk to an adult if she wanted to harm herself..

Hope's mother says she was never told about the contract, which she found crumpled up in the garbage in her daughter's bedroom after she died.

School officials told CNN they believed the social worker had tried calling Hope's mother to alert her but weren't sure if she had left a message.

"The school dropped the ball," Donna Witsell said.

"The school did not call. We have the digital telephone; we have the cell phones that indicate when there was an incoming call and what number was calling in. We have a house phone, I have a cell phone, my husband has a cell phone. We have emergency contact numbers at the school which was my sister-in-law and her husband. There was no indication that the school called any of those numbers," Hope's mother said.

Days after Hope died, her older sister, Samantha Beattie, discovered the bullying was still going on. Even in death, Hope could not escape it.

"I knew she had MySpace and Facebook. There were people putting comments on there: 'Did Hope really kill herself?' 'I can't believe that whore did that.' Just obscene things that I would never expect from a 12-year-old or a 13-year-old," said Samantha.

In the year or so that has passed since Hope Witsell took her own life, her mother has started a group called Hope's Warriors. She hopes it will help combat bullying and save other moms from feeling the horrendous pain that she feels.

Donna Witsell has a message for parents: "It happened to my daughter, it can happen to yours too. No one is untouchable. No one is untouchable."

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PHOTO:Crowd in front of one
the banks

THURSDAY, June17, 2010 would forever remain unforgettable in the memory of residents of Akure, Ondo State capital. Reasons: it was the day a violent movie was enacted right in their very eyes as all the security operatives in the state literally went on holidays. However, it was a field day for a gang of heavily-armed robbers who operated unhindered.

They took their time and left after clearing all the available monies in two new generation banks and those of customers inside the banks. Even the monies in the ATMs were not spared. In the melee, five persons were killed and no fewer than 20 others sustained gun shot wounds.

The day of rage

It was indeed, a sad day as Akure residents were held hostage for over one hour as policemen disappeared following the booming of different kinds of weapons in different locations. The eight-man gang had barred its fangs the previous day in Akure when it snatched an AK47 rifle from a constable in the Coca-Cola area in Ondo road and came out smoking the next day.

As they operated, the sound of gun shots rent the air, booming with a deafening crescendo in the state capital and many thought it was war time.

Indeed, in his first reaction to the incident, the Police Image-Maker in the state, Mr. Adeniran Aremu, said it was some miscreants in the town that were at work and that the police would soon round them up. Later, it dawned on all that it was more that what every one including the police could imagine.

Eye-witness account

Eye-witness account said the hoodlums arrived the two new generation banks in an 18-seater bus with number-plate XY 889 FST through the Owo/Benin road. The vehicle was said to have been snatched at the Maronu junction in the state capital. The driver of the bus, a father of five, was reportedly shot dead when he resisted the robbers attempt to disposses him of the bus.

The dare-devil gang then headed for their target - the two banks which were adjacently located in Ilemo Street off Oba Adesida Road in Akure metropolis.

Crime Alert learnt that the robbers were led by a 23 -year- old girl who had on her three bazooka guns. (comment:have they caught her or did she tell them her age ?)When they arrived the two banks, securitymen there and traders in the vicinity thought they were policemen who came for routine security checks. They later saw action when the hoodlums started shooting indiscriminately at the bank and other buildings in the vicinity to scar people away.

During the shoot out, three persons were shot dead from stray bullets while the robbers, moved to the entrance of the banks with dynamites with which they blew open the security doors, unchallenged.

They were said to have proceeded to the vaults after the bank workers had fled in different directions for dear lives. The female leader of the gang and another girl were strategically positioned outside while the boys were busy packing monies into several Ghana-Must- Go bags.

Police on the run

While the operation was going on, the streets were deserted. Policemen at the “A division” police station about 300 metres away reportedly took to their heels while some ran to the NUJ Press Centre, behind the station. In fact, it was as if the armed robbers paid for time as they operated unhindered for over an hour without any challenge from security operatives. A woman, identified as Mrs. Oluyi, a mother of four, with a baby girl strapped at her back was killed during the robbery.

Reports said the deceased, an hair-dresser, came to the bank to cash some money sent to her account by her husband who works in Abuja for her child’s school fees.

Police gun found at Ondo robbery scene

Twenty four hours after a brutal robbery incident shook Akure, the Ondo State capital to its foundation, Police authorities have recovered one of the guns believed to have been used for the crime. The AK-47 rifle recovered at the scene of crime turned out to be one of the weapons of the force.The gun, believed to have been abandoned by one of the robbers, has been deposited at the office of the State Anti-Robbery Squad, it was learnt yesterday..

Sad end for mother of 4

Sadly, she arrived the bank the same time the “action “started and in a bid to escape the shooting, hid herself in one of the security rooms attached to one of the banks. She decided to raise her head few minutes later when she thought the operation had ended only for one of the robbers, to shoot her at close range.

Perhaps, she was mistaken for one of the security men at the bank. Her brains littered the scene of the robbery and had to be covered with cloths by sympathisers. Her killer, it was learnt, helped her to remove the baby from her back, leaving her in a pool of blood while her vehicle, a Space Wagon with number-plate BG 95RSH was parked at the entrance of the bank.

Protests after action

After the incident, residents, mostly students stormed the streets and protested to the A Division Police Station with the corpse of the nursing mother and blamed the police for their insensitivity. Not a few of the policemen yanked off their uniforms to keep anonymity. However, the protesters threw stones at the station. They were later dispersed after reinforcement came from the state headquarters of the police command.

For two days after, banks in the Akure metropolis closed shops while those that opened frisked customers for fear of the unknown. Unconfirmed reports said the AK47 gun snatched from a police constable the previous day was recovered from the spot where the nursing mother was killed.

According to sources, the police constable attached to Fanibi Police Station was robbed of his gun on Wednesday and the following day after the robbery, the gun was reportedly picked up at the scene of the robbery.

But Aremu argued that the robbery and the murder of the nursing mother should not be linked to the snatching of the gun from the policeman. He told Crime Alert, “It is not true that the gun that was recovered at the scene was the same gun earlier snatched from a policeman.” He said no arrest has been made by the police after the hoodlums’ attacks on the banks.

Gov. Mimiko talks tough

Shocked by the incident, the Ondo State Governor, Mr. Olusegun Mimiko, summoned all security chiefs in the state to an emergency meeting where he reportedly gave a marching order to them to track down the robbers and review the state security strategies.

Mimiko described the robbery attack as ”an unfortunate incident and an undue infraction on the peace that has been enjoyed in the state since the inception of the administration, warning that the state would not be a safe haven for robbers as such infractions would be met with the stiffest preventive measures.

Police trade blames

However, not a few residents of the town argued that the State Police Command failed to foil the robbery operation or track down the thieves because the State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Magaji Nasarawa, was out of town, attending the Inspector- General of Police, IGP, conference in Abuja.

Police sources pointed out that “It was a bad day for the entire command. The CP was in Abuja attending IGP’s conference, leaving the deputy commissioner in charge of the command and in acting capacity. Again, the Special Anti-robbery squad, SARS, was on a special assignment at Ore town, to curb the spate of criminal activities in the highly- volatile and crime-rated town.

‘To everybody’s surprise, when this robbery operation was going on, no senior police officer, not even the DCP who was then the acting commissioner, was ready to give order and push other divisions and sections in the command out and trail the fleeing thives,” the source claimed.

Our source also alleged sabotage on the part of some unnamed police officers within the state police command but absolved the police commissioner.

According to him: “despite the absence of the team during the robbery operation, they hurriedly left Ore town for Akure that morning, but were unable to confront the fleeing robbers on Ondo Road, as military personnel barricaded the Akure-Ondo road at the frontage of the 323 Artillery Army Barracks. The team later went after the fleeing gang through Ilesa-Akure highway but the armed robbers made a detour into Ilara town and escaped to neighbouring Ilawe town in Ekiti State.
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