Richest (4)

One of the most memorable works of fiction I read as a pre-teen is a children’s story by Washington 12166327681?profile=originalIrving titled Rip Van Winkle. I still remember my excitement watching the cartoon version of the story on Lagos Weekend Television (LTV) in the 80’s. Seeing one of my favorite tales come to life before my eyes was a joy unparalleled! For those of you who’ve never heard of this classic fiction, I’ll do you the honour of summarizing the tale:

The story is set in the pre- American Revolution War. Its central character is a man, Rip Van Winkle, who lives in a village at the foot of the Kaatskill Mountains along with his kids and nagging wife (Dame Van Winkle). He is well loved by the kids in the village because he often gives toys and entertains them with stories. He enjoys solitude and has a penchant for idleness which often incurs the wrath of his nagging wife. She complains incessantly about his lack of industry and neglect for his farm land which is constantly in disarray.

On one fateful autumn day, Rip escapes into the mountains with his dog, Wolf, to escape a barrage of nagging from his wife. As he wanders along he hears someone calling his name. On proceeding towards the direction of the voice, he comes in contact with a man dressed in old fashioned Dutch clothing. The man asks Rip for help and without hesitation, he assists the stranger in carrying a keg of rum all the way into a hollow-like Amphitheatre in the mountain. There he meets other men similarly dressed like the stranger, playing ninepins and drinking rum boisterously. He soon joins them in their drinking and revelry and before long, falls into a deep sleep.

He awakens and it is morning. He skin is wrinkled, his beard is long, his gun is old and rusted and Wolf is nowhere to be found. He returns to the village to find out that he has been asleep for 20 long years; his wife is now late, the American Revolution has taken place and his close friends have all died in the war. Someone calls out to a man called Rip Van Winkle who turns out to be his son, now a grown man. He is eventually taken in by his daughter who’s also now a full grown adult.

Such was Rip Van Winkle’s fate; missed out on every detail of life for 2 decades. The last he remembered, he was a young man wandering into the mountains. And now he awakens an old man unable to account for the past 20 years of his life.

I can relate to Rip Van Winkles experience because I too feel like I have been in a coma for that long; I can’t really account for the past 20 years of my life. The last I remembered I was an enthusiastic youth looking forward to an exciting future, but I am now in a future far different from what I had anticipated. There are lot of things I ought to have accomplished by now which just didn’t matter to me. Why didn’t they matter until now? Why has my mind been oblivious to the opportunities of the day? What did I do with all that time? How did the grey hairs sneak up on me undetected? Why did I never have a strong desire to get married until now? Why am I living far less than my potential while others who had far less potential at the beginning have gone far ahead? Why was I so comfortable with my self-imposed limitations? What was it that put me to sleep? Why am I suddenly waking up to the harsh reality that the time is short? Why now and not earlier? Just wondering if I am the reincarnated Rip Van Winkle.

This reminds me of Sharru Nada’s account in the all-time classic, The Richest man in Babylon. 40 years ago he arrived at Babylon a slave, and saw some labourers toiling by the gateway leading into the city. 40 years later he returns to Babylon a wealthy free man and notices the same men still toiling by the same spot; they’d had made no progress for 40 years.  God forbid that should be my testimony!

I talked this over with a friend and told him of my painful awakening and he said to me, “anytime a man wakes up, that is morning for him. No need to wallow in regrets. Forge ahead! I have decided from this point on not to allow the latter part of my life become a reflection of my past.

I am going to redeem the time!

(For other inspiring articles on my blog you can visit: )


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Forbes 100 Richest


Rank   Name  Net Worth      Age     Source of Money      Country of Citizenship

1          Carlos Slim Helu & family   $74 B  71      telecom         Mexico

2          Bill Gates     $56 B  55      Microsoft       United States

3          Warren Buffett       $50 B  80      Berkshire Hathaway  United States

4          Bernard Arnault      $41 B  62      LVMH  France

5          Larry Ellison $39.5 B         66      Oracle United States

6          Lakshmi Mittal        $31.1 B         60      Steel   India

7          Amancio Ortega      $31 B  74      Zara   Spain

8          Eike Batista $30 B  54      mining, oil      Brazil

9          Mukesh Ambani      $27 B  53      petrochemicals, oil & gas     India

10        Christy Walton & family     $26.5 B         56      Walmart        United States

11        Li Ka-shing   $26 B  82      Diversified     Hong Kong

12        Karl Albrecht          $25.5 B         91      Aldi     Germany

13        Stefan Persson       $24.5 B         63      H&M    Sweden

14        Vladimir Lisin          $24 B  54      Steel   Russia

15        Liliane Bettencourt $23.5 B         88      L'Oreal France

16        Sheldon Adelson     $23.3 B         77      casinos          United States

17        David Thomson & family    $23 B  53      media  Canada

18        Charles Koch          $22 B  75      Diversified     United States

18        David Koch $22 B  70      Diversified     United States

20        Jim Walton   $21.3 B         63      Walmart        United States

21        Alice Walton           $21.2 B         61      Walmart        United States

22        S. Robson Walton   $21 B  67      Walmart        United States

23        Kwok Thomas & Raymond & family         $20 B  N/A     real estate     Hong Kong

24        Larry Page   $19.8 B         37      Google United States

24        Sergey Brin $19.8 B         37      Google United States

26        Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud    $19.6 B         56      Investments   Saudi Arabia

27        Iris Fontbona & family       $19.2 B         N/A     Mining Chile

28        Lee Shau Kee         $19 B  83      real estate     Hong Kong

29        Alexei Mordashov    $18.5 B         45      Steel   Russia

30        Michael Bloomberg $18.1 B         69      Bloomberg     United States

30        Jeff Bezos   $18.1 B         47      Amazon         United States

32        Michele Ferrero & family    $18 B  84      chocolates     Italy

32        Mikhail Prokhorov   $18 B  45      Investments   Russia

34        Vladimir Potanin      $17.8 B         50      nonferrous metals    Russia

35        Alisher Usmanov     $17.7 B         57      steel, telecom, stocks         Russia

36        Azim Premji           $16.8 B         65      Software       India

36        Oleg Deripaska       $16.8 B         43      aluminum      Russia

38        Michael Otto & family        $16.6 B         67      Retail  Germany

39       German Larrea Mota Velasco & family     $16 B  57      Mining Mexico

39        Rinat Akhmetov      $16 B  44      steel, coal mines       Ukraine

39        John Paulson          $16 B  55      hedge funds   United States

42        Shashi & Ravi Ruia $15.8 B         67      Diversified     India

43        Mikhail Fridman      $15.1 B         46      oil, banking, telecom Russia

44        Michael Dell $14.6 B         46      Dell     United States

44        Susanne Klatten     $14.6 B         48      BMW, pharmaceuticals        Germany

46        Steve Ballmer        $14.5 B         54      Microsoft       United States

46        George Soros         $14.5 B         80      hedge funds   United States

48        Berthold & Theo Jr. Albrecht & family      $14.4 B         N/A     Aldi, Trader Joes       Germany

49        Birgit Rausing & family      $14 B  87      packaging      Sweden

50        Vagit Alekperov      $13.9 B         60      Lukoil  Russia

51        Aliko Dangote         $13.8 B         53      sugar, flour, cement Nigeria

52        Mark Zuckerberg    $13.5 B         26      Facebook       United States

53        Anne Cox Chambers         $13.4 B         91      Cox Enterprises        United States

53        Roman Abramovich           $13.4 B         44      steel, investments     Russia

55        Jorge Paulo Lemann          $13.3 B         71      beer    Brazil

56        Savitri Jindal & family        $13.2 B         60      Steel   India

57        Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family      $13 B  59      real estate     United Kingdom

57        Paul Allen     $13 B  58      Microsoft, investments        United States

57        Viktor Vekselberg   $13 B  53      oil, metals      Russia

60        Phil Knight    $12.7 B         73      Nike    United States

61        Robert Kuok          $12.5 B         87      Diversified     Malaysia

61        Carl Icahn    $12.5 B         75      leveraged buyouts    United States

63        Mohammed Al Amoudi       $12.3 B         66      oil       Saudi Arabia

64        Donald Bren           $12 B  78      real estate     United States

64        Ron Perelman        $12 B  68      leveraged buyouts    United States

66        Alberto Bailleres Gonzalez & family         $11.9 B         79      Mining Mexico

67        Francois Pinault & family    $11.5 B         74      Retail  France

68        Joseph Safra         $11.4 B         72      banking         Brazil

69        Abigail Johnson       $11.3 B         49      Fidelity United States

70        Viktor Rashnikov     $11.2 B         62      Steel   Russia

71        Leonardo Del Vecchio        $11 B  75      eyewear        Italy

72        John Fredriksen      $10.7 B         66      shipping         Cyprus

72        Stefan Quandt        $10.7 B         44      BMW   Germany

74        James Simons        $10.6 B         72      hedge funds   United States

75        Luis Carlos Sarmiento        $10.5 B         78      banking         Colombia

75        Horst Paulmann & family    $10.5 B         76      Retail  Chile

77        Nasser Al-Kharafi & family $10.4 B         67      construction   Kuwait

77        Eliodoro, Bernardo & Patricia Matte         $10.4 B         N/A     paper  Chile

79        Sammy Ofer & family       $10.3 B         89      shipping         Israel

80        Len Blavatnik         $10.1 B         53      Access Industries      United States

81        Hans Rausing         $10 B  84      packaging      Sweden

81        Ernesto Bertarelli & family $10 B  45      biotech          Switzerland

81        John Mars    $10 B  74      candy, pet food        United States

81        Jacqueline Mars      $10 B  71      candy, pet food        United States

81        Forrest Mars          $10 B  79      candy, pet food        United States

81        Klaus-Michael Kuhne         $10 B  73      shipping         Germany

81        Gautam Adani        $10 B  48      commodities, infrastructure  India

88        Iskander Makhmudov        $9.9 B 47      mining, metals, machinery   Russia

89        Johanna Quandt      $9.8 B 84      BMW   Germany

89        George Kaiser        $9.8 B 68      oil & gas, banking     United States

89        Maria-Elisabeth & Georg Schaeffler         $9.8 B N/A     ball bearings   Germany

92        German Khan         $9.6 B 49      oil, banking, telecom Russia

93        Ananda Krishnan     $9.5 B 72      telecom         Malaysia

93        Dmitry Rybolovlev   $9.5 B 44      fertilizer        Russia

95        Robin Li       $9.4 B 42      Internet         China

96        Serge Dassault & family    $9.3 B 85      aviation         France

97        Kumar Birla  $9.2 B 43      commodities   India

97        Petr Kellner $9.2 B 46      insurance       Czech Republic

99        Leonid Mikhelson     $9.1 B 55      Natural gas    Russia

100       Cheng  Yu- tung     $9 B    85      real estate     Hong Kong


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Mubarak is world’s richest dictator

With $70 billion, Mubarak is world’s richest dictator


With anti-government protests entering the 13th day yesterday in the North African country, the embattled 82-year-old Egyptian strongman, Hosni Mubarak, has been revealed as the world’s richest dictator.

Last week, RepublicReport broke the news that Mubarak stole between $20 and $40 billion from Egypt’s national treasuries since 1981, when he succeeded the late Anwar Sadat.

New emerging reports have ridiculously put the figure higher. The New York Post yesterday reported a whopping $70 billion (N10.5 trillion), making Mubarak the richest man in the world.

According to Bob Fredericks and Jeanie Macintosh; “Egypt strongman is laughing all the way to the cash bank”, so much of corruption across continential Africa, aided by western  industrialised nations and their compromised multilateral corporations.


The teetering tyrant’s family fortune is worth about $70 billion — stashed away in Swiss and other foreign bank accounts and shadowy real estate holdings in Manhattan, London and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. The Guardian also reported.

That puts the 82-year-old despot comfortably ahead of Mexican business magnate and New York Times sugar daddy, Carlos Slim Helu, who is worth about $53.5 billion, and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the richest American with $53 billion, according to a list of the world’s richest men by

“Mubarak! This is not your money. You must return back every penny to Egypt,” a poster named Hassan commented on the Web site of PressTV, a Mideast-based broadcast.

“Leaders in the Arab world are the richest men in the world, while their people are poor and oppressed. The only peace is knowing these people will face justice when they meet Allah,” added Nazir, another poster.

The whereabouts of Mubarak’s properties in New York are shrouded in secrecy. Neither the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, DC, nor the consulate in New York would shed any light yesterday.

But, the dictator’s three decades of iron-fist rule as president put him in a perfect spot to get a piece of any government action, with the profits he skimmed quickly deposited in secret bank accounts or invested in luxury homes and hotels.

“There was a lot of corruption in this regime and stifling of public resources for personal gain. This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators,” Princeton political- science Professor Amaney Jamal told ABC News..

“This is the pattern of other Middle Eastern dictators so their wealth will not be taken during a transition, he added.”



US congressman: "We know He is a Son of a bitch but he used to be OUR Son of a "Bitch" ! "
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The richest man in India, Mukesh Ambani, has moved into his new home in Mumbai which is 27 storeys high and worth £630m.

Ambani, his wife and three children have moved into the building which is named Antilia, after a mythical Island. It contains a health club with a gym and dance studio, at least one studio, a ballroom, guestrooms and a range of
lounges and a 50 seater cinema.

There is even an elevated garden with ceiling space to accommodate small trees.

The roof has three helicopter pads and there is also underground parking for 160 cars, which will come in handy for guests at Ambani's forthcoming
housewarming party.

From the top floors of the 173m high property are spectacular views of Mumbai and of the Arabian Sea.

The 53 year-old tycoon is not only the richest man in India but the fourth richest man in the world. In total there is reported to be 37,000 square
metres of space, which is more than the Palace of Versailles.

To keep it running smoothly requires 600 staff.

According to Forbes magazine Ambani, who owns much of Reliance Industries, the oil, retail and biotechnologies conglomerate, is worth £18bn. He used to
help run the company before falling out with his brother.

The glass, steel and tiles used to make the building are reported to be from local sources.

Ambani does not appear to be influenced by calls by the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, for business leaders to be "role models of moderation"..


Antilia, is the proposed name for a twenty-seven floor (560 ft or 173 m) building presently under construction in Mumbai for Indian businessman, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries, whose family will occupy about 35,000 square feet (3,300 m2).

Named after the mythical island in the Atlantic, Antillia, it is designed by Chicago architects, Perkins & Will, is estimated to cost US$2 billion, and is inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Situated on a 4,532 square metres (48,780 sq ft) plot at Altamount Road on the famed Malabar Hill, where land prices are upward of US $10,000 per square meter, the building will house parking for 168 cars, a movie theatre for audience of fifty, living quarters on four floors and three helipads

Check out Mukesh Ambani’s new home pictures:

Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 01 of 10

1. Antilia, Mukesh Ambani New Home
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 01 of 10

2. Nine elevators dot the lobby floor: Two are designated for parking areas, three for guest quarters, two for the Ambani family residences and two for service. The lobby opens to numerous lounges, reception areas and powder rooms. Dual stairways lead from the lobby floor down to the ballroom, which is designed in an open layout with a two-story roof.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 03 of 10

3. Ballroom : The most striking features of the Antilla ballroom are the crystal chandeliers that will take up approximately 80% of the ceiling. The silver stairways lead to a central landing, behind which two retractable doors can open to display works of art. There is also a stage for entertainment or speeches, with a projection screen behind it. A kitchen, about the same size as the ballroom itself, can service hundreds of guests.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 04 of 10

4. Bathroom : One of Antilla’s key design themes is the mix of lavish features seen in worldwide homes and elements that are distinctly Indian. The Gingko-leaf sink designs are a good example. Native to India,
the leaves in the sinks are shaped in such a way that their stems guide water into the bowl created by the basket of the leaf.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 05 of 10

5. Traditional Lounge : Ambani’s home features countless lounges, offering Reliance Industries guests a quiet escape. Chandeliers and mirrors are a common feature of these rooms, as are finely woven Indian area rugs.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 06 of 10

6. Modern Lounge : Each space and floor uses materials not seen anywhere else. The idea is that spaces will blend into one another, giving the impression of consistency and flow, while at the same time displaying different influences and traditions. This furniture, floors, lines and dark woods of this lounge have a more minimalistic approach than the home’s other lounges.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 07 of 10

7. Entertainment Level : It’s very common in large homes to have a theater or screening room, but usually they’re just large projection screens with a few nice seats. The Ambani’s theater is more like those seen in
George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch or Frank Pritt’s Portabello Estate–a full-fledged theater, indistinguishable from a cinema. A wine room, snack bar and entertaining space, including couches and tables, fill out the room. This is a detail from a floor plan rendering.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 08 of 10

8. Health Level : The indoor/outdoor health level features a lap pool and Jacuzzi that take in views of the city skyline, as well as lounge chairs shaded by trees. Yoga and dance studios, changing rooms for men and women, gyms and a solarium with a juice bar fill out the interior space. There are plans to include an ice room in the center space, where the Ambanis could sit on a hot Mumbai day to cool off in a man-made snow flurry. This is a detail from a floor plan rendering.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 09 of 10

9. Garage : The first six floors of the residence will be dedicated to parking for the Ambani family, guests and employees. Hanging vertical gardens dot the exterior. While they make for good decoration, their key function has to do with energy efficiency: The hydroponic plants, grown in liquid nutrient solutions instead of soil, lower the energy footprint of the home by absorbing heat and sunlight and providing shade that helps keep it cool.
Mukesh Ambani's Rs 8000 crores Home Photo 10 of 10

10. Roof : The top floor features a covered, outdoor entertaining space with panoramic views of the Mumbai skyline as well as the Arabian Sea. On those days when it’s too hot, or cold, an interior space with floor-to-ceiling windows provides the same luxury.

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