entrepreneur (2)

Preparing for a Sure Business Plan

Click here to read the main articleThis will certainly interest you if you are writing a business projection/proposal.Before getting into business one should ask a warm up questions like:1. What is the type of business?2. How will I be classified?3. What is the purpose of this plan?4. Who are our target audience?5. How can we use the plan to advance?6. What market need are we satisfying?7. How is my approach better than existing products and services?8. My time table to get my offering to the marketplace.Click here to read the main articleTIPSBe sure of these tips if you are writing a business projection/proposal.1. Approach to be market driven rather than products driven.Investors are only interested on how the product will be received in the market.2. Quality is the competition.3. Present your distribution plan to the targeted audience.4. Exploit you company uniqueness. (Like traded secret)5. Emphasis to be on management strength.6. Present attractive projections – be realistic in you market data.7. Show possible funding source because banks interest always lies on stability, security, cash flow coverage & fund return8. Close with a bang – drive home your points that you are offering a good deal.“Until you are able to say where your money goes you are not qualified to handle money”Click here to read the main articleA MUST HAVE FOR ENTREPRENEURS1. Intelligent, brilliant and has potentials2. Has a forward looking disposition towards the market prospects3. Believe God is more or his side than with anyone else4. Is faced by the twin evil of poor basic infrastructures, small or no capital.5. Is not attuned to borrowing to leverage.6. May or may not keep adequate recordsClick here to read the main articleSCHEMES FOR THE ENTERPRENEURSThe scheme are mostly credit orientated a few offer capacity building/ training and infrastructure development for entrepreneurs. Some are for export while some are in form of tax incentives owned by state, federal government Private Sector foreign agencies, non governmental organization; schemes for groups, individuals, firms etc. Micro Credit approaches are adopted in certain cases a general problem of poor access to the schemesClick here to read the main article
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'The Power Of Attitude'

Dear Friend,I read something inspiring a couple of days ago. It wasn't as if up until then, I didn't have my perception about how to go through life or that I wasn't aware of the energy that emanated from me. When I started reading it, I thought to myself "Oh please, what else is new?" As I dug deeper into the article I realised that anyone can take a cue from this... regardless of your status or state of mind as at present. I will share the link to this article in a moment, but before I do, I want to dwell something that will provoke you to reflect.It is a simple and pretty straightforward question. So here goes... " What is your attitude like?" Another way of putting it, is to ask "What are you thoughts and feelings about?" You'll realise, after you take a moment to answer the question that you can actually expound on this. As you ponder deeper in your soul search, the answer becomes vaguely familiar with what you might have thought your answer would have been. A simpe assessment structure would be to ask where are your thoughts leading you to? Are they positive, are they constructive... is there hope? Does it make you feel confident about embracing your future or does it just spell choas, uncertainty... or ultimatey doom and gloom?Many times, we are oblivious of the "Law of Attraction". Believe it or not the universe is constantly throwing energies around us (whether good or bad), they work in a constant mix to bring balance and harmony to the world around us. What we don't know, is that we have the power to define what the law of attraction brings our way. People tend to subscribe to different belief systems. I bet even some of you reading this now may be thinking "hmm... metaphysics", "astrology" or outright "heresy". Let me assure you now, I am a believer of the word of God and even He teaches us about attitude in different forms... one of which is on "Vision" (Prov 29:18).Charles Swindoll wrote: "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill". It will make or break a company, a church... Juan Slater talks more about the power of attitude in his blog. You can read the rest of it here http://adjix.com/ptnvPunch line is, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain manner. We cannot change the inevitable, but we can influence how it comes. And the way to do it, is to regulate the one thing we have... our attitude. I'll leave at this for today. I hope you get the full benefit of this article. Have a great week (what's left of it) and I'll be back again by the weekend.Yours in success.Maveric-KMaverick Money Makershttp://www.9jabook.com/group/mmmFollow me on Twitter@http://twitter.com/kassimlive
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