success (6)

See every setback as a stepping-stone to achieve greater things in life.

Life may not be rosy all the time, especially when we have so much expectation regarding specific goals we have planned, but what really count in life is not how often we fail, but how we rise with each fall. We must see the bigger picture each time we experience setbacks in life.

 Be inspired by examples of men and women who experienced similar fate in life.

There are countless examples of individuals who failed in various field of endeavor, but yet bounced back to achieve amazing results in their chosen field. We too can draw inspiration from the likes of Henry Ford, Akio Morita, Bill Gates, Walt Disney and several others too numerous to mention.

 Failure and setbacks are part of success

We cannot divorce failure or setbacks from the success equation. Every individual in life must understand that it’s not strange to fail or experience failure as he/she aspires to become successful in life. We must always remember that without failure or setbacks, success can never be sweet. A good understanding of this relationship will enable the individual to remain motivated, even in the face of several setbacks.

 Isolate yourself from the Negatives and attach yourself to the positives

It’s absolutely important that you associate with people who can look you straight in the eyes and tell you well done for all your efforts made. Isolate yourself from those who condemn you to failure even before you start the race to success. Some individual don’t see anything good in others and they will do anything within their power to discourage others instead of motivating them towards their goal in life. Never associate with such individuals as they can destroy destinies fast.


Sadjere Clement is the founder of  He is a writer, motivational speaker and Information product sales marketer with a passion for sharing knowledge and life transforming ideas. You can reach him via mobile: +2348052790262 or email:


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448x252.jpgBill first wrote about digital money 15 years ago in his book “The Road Ahead”. These days, he’s excited about financial services being offered in Africa over mobile phones. They provide an easy, safe and affordable way for millions of poor people to send, receive and store money.

When I visited Kenya last December I had a chance to observe M-PESA, which is a mobile money service that is being used by more than 13 million people for storing and transferring money. Services like M-PESA are exciting because financial services of any kind have been available to only 10 percent of the 2.5 billion people who live on less than $2 per day. M-PESA showed me a new world of possibility brought by that great piece of technology, the mobile phone. A recent study found, among other things, that M-PESA allows users to maintain steady levels of consumption, particularly of food, through shocks such as job loss, illness, harvest failure and livestock deaths.

This sense of promise and excitement came through loudly in a recent foundation-hosted Global Savings Forum, which explored a number of approaches to solving the micro-savings challenge.

I participated in a panel discussion about the types of partnerships that can take financial services to every household in developing countries. We discussed how technology-enabled models can allow service providers to focus on particular services or customer segments, and scale them up quickly.

The panel included representatives of different kinds of financial service providers, including a national commercial bank (Equity of Kenya), a global association of community-based banks (World Council of Credit Unions), a promoter of informal village-level savings and loan associations (CARE), and the mobile phone company behind the most successful deployment of mobile financial services to date (Safaricom of Kenya). The panel also included representatives of a global online payments provider (PayPal) and solution providers (MPower Labs and Obopay)...

The discussion began with the dynamic duo of Michael Joseph, outgoing CEO of Safaricom, and James Mwangi, CEO of Equity Bank, talking about their prominent M-KESHO partnership. They have developed a jointly-branded service that connects Equity Bank accounts with M-PESA’s powerful network.

I was interested to hear from both Mr. Joseph and Mr. Mwangi about the challenges involved in such a competitive yet cooperative joint product offering. Both are extremely protective of the powerful brands they have created, and putting them together without diluting either is a concern. I very much welcomed their challenge to other telcos and banks to be bold in their approach.

I was also struck by how Brian Branch, CEO of the World Council of Credit Unions, recognized that scale is a problem for the smaller community-based banks he represents, but also an opportunity. They are seeking ways to band together to find common technology solutions and partner with bigger players with national payment platforms such as Safaricom. This way they can remain true to the interests of the local communities they serve, offering more services at a lower cost.

Technology can be a major force to advance financial inclusion, which can help improve the lives of the poor in the developing world. This is an important focus of the foundation’s efforts. At the Global Savings Forum, we pledged $500 million over five years to help create access to savings accounts that will help increase the financial security of the world’s poorest.

I’m personally very excited about these efforts, which have the potential to replicate in other key markets. As I mentioned at the forum, I look forward to seeing similar partnerships replicate at scale in big countries such as India, Ethiopia and Nigeria.
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Proverbs 18:16 (King James Version) :A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.

Proverbs 18:16 (Contemporary English Version):A gift will get you in to see anyone.

Proverbs 18:16 (Young’s Literal Translation):The gift of a man maketh room for him, And before the great it leadeth him.

Proverbs 18:16 (The Message Version):A gift gets attention; it buys the attention of eminent people.

For a long time I had read this verse of scripture. And most preachers I listened to implied that the “gift” was referring to inborn talent. I disagreed because it was obvious to me that the verse was written in the context of the “gift” being a present or some form of offering given to a person of higher status.

The more I heard Preachers emphasize the first interpretation, the more the conflict grew within. I just couldn’t accept that translation of the scripture. Until something happened…

And what was that thing that changed mind? Simple. Michael Jackson died!

I am sure you’re wondering. What does a secular artist like Michael Jackson have to do with something as spiritual as a bible verse right? Well, Michael Jackson’s life achievements and the way he was celebrated even in death, proved to me the authenticity of the pastoral interpretation I had resisted for many years.

How does one of the youngest sons of a steelmill worker born into a less than affluent family, become the world’s most celebrated entertainer, outselling any other artist in his whole career? How is it that his burial ceremony received a greater worldwide attention than any past world leader? It could only have been through the expression of his gifts -his inborn talent.

From the age of five Michael Jackson did nothing else but express his God-given talents (we could argue that he never honored God with his talents but I am not about to get into that debate). He could have lived for something else but he chose to entertain the world with dancing and singing. And that brought him before kings and earned him all the wealth and honor during and after his lifetime.

This was enough evidence to prove that truly ones gifts/inborn talents are certain to make a way for him/her. We can see similar evidence of these in the lives of Bill Gates, Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr, The Wright Brothers, Nelson Mandela, King Solomon and Moses. Their lives were a sum total of their commitment to a life of expressing their gifts. And this made them great and brought them before other great men.

My message to you today is start focusing on developing and expressing your god-given talents. For therein lie your wealth, honour and the fulfillment of your purpose! Your gift will make a way for you!

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How to be successful with a lady with whom you’re emotionally attracted to has posed a big problem to many men. This said successsimply requires certain set skills on the part of the man of which some menpossess some of such skills naturally and others can easily learn these skillsin basic simple analytic steps to be discussed in this write-up.

I know that many will be asking questions on how am I qualified to give advice on this issue but I will like to tell you that the skills that will be discussed here aremostly based on researches carried out over a couple of years, personalexperiences and the reports from surveys carried out through several means.Hence, I’ll go straight to my points.

Now to the business at hand, the first step is first impression. What impression did you leave in her memory at first sight?This includes the confidence in you, your body language and your physicalappearance. These can all be put under control by you. Remember that withconfidence, success is sure, be smart and show no sign of uneasiness/anxietyand dress nicely.

The second step is what I called a recognised potential compatibility in you and your prospective partner. Make room for herto see so many similarities in the two of you. This can be achieved when youwatch everything you do, every step you take and don’t be too forward. Let herbring suggestions that you will simply add compliments like: “That’s what I wasthinking”, “You took that from my mouth!” etc with these she’ll feel so safeand secured with you!

Thirdly, you must convince your partner. Let her be sure to be having a good deal. Do you think you have to be attractive to getwomen? Rippling biceps, six-pack stomach, chiselled jaw and all that? Perhapsthe revelations of the answers to you will surely surprise you! You don’treally need to have all the aforementioned to win a woman! Let her fell theseriousness in you even if you are lying. Be self sufficient; be sure you canfix all immediate little problems. Remember that all womenare the same!

Science has revealed to us that People fall in love with people in whose eyes theybehold the most ideal reflections of themselves. Make her feel as beautiful,strong, charmingand/or dynamic as she wants to be. Do whatever you can to make her feel goodand boost her personal ego.

Men and women think and communicate in a dramatically different ways. You must know this. All womenare half cured; those that cannot be cured are to be endured! It’ssimple. Most men believe that all women are exasperating while all womenbelieve that all men are insensitive. So the best solution is to understand thestatement in bold above, study your partner carefully and never pass your“elastic limit” with her.

The last point is to know her sexual point of convergence. That is you must know how to turn on the switchto her Sexual Electricity. Use your mind power and you may find out that herG-spot is in her brain! You need to fill her brain with things that will bringup her emotions. Have it at the back of your mind that women are controlled bytheir emotions. Hence, you now have the masterremote control to any woman of your choice!

On a final note, most men spoil the first sex experience with the prettiest lady with a common sexualdysfunction. This and many more could be found at: and . Youcan also laugh with me at

See you there!

Cheers and Good luck to you!!!

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Hi Guys,I ran into an online video last year of a Network Marketer/Personal development expert who was teaching on the process of personal development. According to this guy every book we read or audio program we listen to affects us on a subconscious level whether or not we are aware of it. He said the initial effect, though rarely noticeable, should not deter us from continued exposure as it will produce a cumulative effect resulting in an undeniable change in thought pattern and consequently our productivity. And so he suggested that we all be engaged in a continual process of reading and listening to books and audios regardless of whether or not we sense any significant change because we know that eventually it will produce the desired impact.That theory made lot of sense. Not sure I believed it completely but it made me feel like I wasn't wasting time feeding on all those books and audios. So I kept on reading and listening, buying and downloading anything that caught my attention. With each new material I gathered I got a better understanding but nothing significant happened for a period of three months. Then suddenly on the first day of 2010, I felt a degree of power I'd never felt before. Things I'd struggled to believe for months finally seemed possible. Fears I'd harbored in my heart for years, though not shrunken in size, seemed so surmountable. I saw myself bigger and better than I'd ever imagined I could be. I felt a desire for discipline stronger than my compulsive habits and the eagerness to exercise my will power. I'm even managing my time better and witnessing an increase in my productivity.I used to wake up in the morning listening to the audios just before any negative thoughts usually penetrate my mind. Unknown to me each of these materials; Think & Grow Rich, The Secret-The Law Of Attraction, Thought Vibrations by William Atkinson, The Message Bible, Science of Getting rich by Bob Proctor ,and the free podcasts from Roy Masters and others, were deprogramming my mind of negative thoughts and replacing them with empowering ones. What a blessing this exercise has been.I encourage you all to try it and reap the rewards of an empowered mind through personal development in 2010!
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'The Power Of Attitude'

Dear Friend,I read something inspiring a couple of days ago. It wasn't as if up until then, I didn't have my perception about how to go through life or that I wasn't aware of the energy that emanated from me. When I started reading it, I thought to myself "Oh please, what else is new?" As I dug deeper into the article I realised that anyone can take a cue from this... regardless of your status or state of mind as at present. I will share the link to this article in a moment, but before I do, I want to dwell something that will provoke you to reflect.It is a simple and pretty straightforward question. So here goes... " What is your attitude like?" Another way of putting it, is to ask "What are you thoughts and feelings about?" You'll realise, after you take a moment to answer the question that you can actually expound on this. As you ponder deeper in your soul search, the answer becomes vaguely familiar with what you might have thought your answer would have been. A simpe assessment structure would be to ask where are your thoughts leading you to? Are they positive, are they constructive... is there hope? Does it make you feel confident about embracing your future or does it just spell choas, uncertainty... or ultimatey doom and gloom?Many times, we are oblivious of the "Law of Attraction". Believe it or not the universe is constantly throwing energies around us (whether good or bad), they work in a constant mix to bring balance and harmony to the world around us. What we don't know, is that we have the power to define what the law of attraction brings our way. People tend to subscribe to different belief systems. I bet even some of you reading this now may be thinking "hmm... metaphysics", "astrology" or outright "heresy". Let me assure you now, I am a believer of the word of God and even He teaches us about attitude in different forms... one of which is on "Vision" (Prov 29:18).Charles Swindoll wrote: "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill". It will make or break a company, a church... Juan Slater talks more about the power of attitude in his blog. You can read the rest of it here line is, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain manner. We cannot change the inevitable, but we can influence how it comes. And the way to do it, is to regulate the one thing we have... our attitude. I'll leave at this for today. I hope you get the full benefit of this article. Have a great week (what's left of it) and I'll be back again by the weekend.Yours in success.Maveric-KMaverick Money Makers me on Twitter@
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