The Navy not all Mad dogs .
A conscientious naval officer has become the saviour of the Nigerian Navy in this bloggers eyes after a
recent Okada Accident at bonny camp Lagos.
With the continuous negative press the defenders of our nations Coastal/Inland Waters from the recent
Uzoma Okere and Admiral Arogundade Saga to the wife of an Ex chief of Naval Staff's abduction of a
whole Family including kids ! The Naija Navy has not been looking good until now (read story here )
As narrated by Mr Umaru a staff of Ecobank the victim of the Accident.He had taken an okada ride
Photos of Mr Umaru and injuries he sustained
over speeding and summarily cautioned him in english but the okada man apparently was not versed in
that tongue and he haplessly replying in hausa and still speeding suddenly lost control and rammed
into the body framework and door of a Mercedes benz S Class completely destroying the panel work .
Moreover, Had the Car not prevented their momentum they would have found themselves swimming at
the mercy of the Atlantic Ocean waves .
Now the Story at this juncture has now invloved a third innocent party who incidentally belongs to
those group of unheeding physical passion expenders .A naval officer stationed at the Naval
Dockyard at Ahamadu Bello way. victoria island Lagos .
Surprisingly the officer simply giving his name as Mr Lanre stood transfixed as he watched the
gruesome scenario .His beautiful and prized Mercedes Benz car doors were wrecked completely and
without resorting to the "feeding frenzy" many Law Enforcement officers wantonly display on our roads
when not even offended . He sprung into action
Helping the young Mr Umaru dis entangle himself from the smoking exhaust of the okada which had
inflicted serious burns on his leg .He quickly applied first aid which he produced from his car which
onlookers watching in disbelief said was done in military style speedily . Surveying the scene once
more and noticing the okada driver was no worse for wear immediately put the injured Mr Umaru in his
now battered automobile and sped off to the nearest hospital .
On getting there he made financial arrangements for his treatment and ensured the young man he
would be back later in the day .True to his word he was back later in the day and also deposited
another sum of money to alleviate the suffering of the young man and further gave him some recharge
card credit and told him he would call at Mr Umaru's Ecobank office the Next day .
He did just that and a continously surprised but appreciative Mr umaru has not stopped singing his
praises .Hear him: "i have met some nice peopl in my life but what this naval officer has done for me
has made me understand what an officer and a gentleman means in this country."
Mr Umaru is presently on sick leave from work and recieving treatment at home .Mr Lanre modestly has not given us ear yet to make any comments.
This Tells us there are many many citizens in least expected places that can redeem the image of our
dear country.
You can reach Mr Umaru on 0803686305