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Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing

American scientists are keenly studying the DNA of a 17-year-old girl who still has the body and behaviour of a baby

This 21'st century Peter Pan has defied scientists .A genetic condition (Anageria) opposite to progeria which some speculate Paris Hilton and many other women and MEN will kill for ! Brooke Greenberg is a miracle.

Scientists are hoping to gain new insights into the mysteries of ageing by sequencing the genome of a 17-year-old girl who has the body and behaviour of a tiny toddler.

PHOTO:Brooke Greenberg "baby", then aged 9, with sister Carly who was 6

Brooke Greenberg is old enough to drive a car and next year will be old enough to vote — but at 16lb in weight and just 30in tall, she is still the size of a one-year-old.

Until recently she had been regarded as a medical oddity but a preliminary study of her DNA has suggested her failure to grow could be linked to defects in the genes that make the rest of humanity grow old.

If confirmed, the research could give scientists a fresh understanding of ageing and even suggest new therapies for diseases linked to old age.

“We think that Brooke’s condition presents us with a unique opportunity to understand the process of ageing,” said Richard Walker, a professor at the University of South Florida School of Medicine, who is leading the research team.

“We think that she has a mutation in the genes that control her ageing and development so that she appears to have been frozen in time.

“If we can compare her genome to the normal version then we might be able to find those genes and see exactly what they do and how to control them.”

Such research will be the focus of a conference at the Royal Society in London this week to be attended by some of the world’s leading age researchers.

It follows a series of scientific breakthroughs showing that the life span of many animals can be dramatically extended by making minute changes in single genes.

The work began with tiny worms known as C elegans, which normally live for only about a fortnight. Researchers have been able to extend their life span by up to 10 weeks by making small changes in certain genes.

Scientists have gone on to discover that mutating the same genes in mice had the same effect.

“Mice are genetically very close to humans,” said Cynthia Kenyon, professor of biochemistry at the University of California, San Francisco, who is a key speaker at the Royal Society.

“The implication is that ageing is controlled by a relatively small number of genes and that we might be able to target these with new therapies that would improve the quality and length of human life.”

The laboratory findings have been supported by research into humans, focusing on families whose members are long-lived. In one recent study Eline Slagboom, professor of molecular epidemiology at Leiden University, Holland, collected data on 30,500 people in 500 long-lived families to find the metabolic and genetic factors that make them special.

“Such people simply age slower than the rest of us,” she said. “Their skin is better, they have less risk of diseases of old age like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension and their ability to metabolise lipids and other nutrients is better. The question is: what is controlling all these different manifestations of slow ageing?

“So far, the evidence suggests that there could be just a few key genes in charge of it all. If we can find out where they are and how they work, it opens the way to new therapies against the diseases of ageing that could work in all of us.”

Walker and other researchers, including Kenyon, believe that finding the cause of Brooke Greenberg’s condition could be one way to pinpoint some of those genes.

Superficially, Brooke, who lives with her parents Howard and Melanie Greenberg and her three sisters in Reisterstown, a Baltimore suburb, is frozen in time. She looks and acts as if she were a small toddler — for 17 years her family has changed her nappies, rocked her to sleep and given her cuddles.

Brooke has shown some development, including crawling, smiling and giggling when tickled but she has never learnt to speak and still has her infant teeth.

But she has also suffered a succession of life-threatening health problems, including strokes, seizures, ulcers and breathing difficulties — almost as if she were growing old despite not growing up.

Howard Greenberg, Brooke's father, said he wanted the genome research carried out in the hope it might help others.

He said: "Brooke is just a wonderful child. She is very pure. She still babbles just like a 6 month old baby but she still communicates and we always know just what she means."

Walker and his colleagues, who are working with Brooke’s parents to ensure she benefits from any research findings, have just published a research paper which suggests that in reality some parts of her body have indeed aged — but slowly and all at different rates.

“Our hypothesis is that she is suffering from damage in the gene or genes that co-ordinate the way the body develops and ages,” he said.

“If we can use her DNA to find that mutant gene then we can test it in laboratory animals to see if we can switch if off and slow down the ageing process at will.

“Just possibly it could give us an opportunity to answer the question of why we are mortal.”

Jerly Lyngdoh: World’s oldest baby:

Surgeons and pediatricians in India have been puzzled after discovering a 26-year-old man trapped inside the body and mind of a child aged between one and two years.Jerly Lyngdoh – who is still dressed in baby clothes by his parents – has a head circumference that babies 9-12 months old have, measures 84 cm like any two-year-old and weighs 22 pounds.

“Jerly’s infantile features are remarkable, and the only things he shares with an adult are his teeth,” Dr. J. Ryndong told the Hindustan Times.

According to the pediatrician, Lyngdoh suffers from poor secretion of growth hormones from the pituitary gland.

“His is a case opposite to progeria, which means advanced ageing, and we have reasons to say Jerly is a rarity,” Ryndong added. He ruled out the genetic factor, since all six of Jerly’s siblings have no physical or mental disability.

“We also plan to seek expertise from the medical world beyond to crack Jerly’s case,” the doctor said.

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CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: Tonight, we have Nigeria's acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, leader of Africa's most populous nation and its biggest oil exporter. 


Good evening, everyone. I'm Christiane Amanpour, and welcome to our program. 

Nigeria's acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, is in Washington for the nuclear security summit, and he gave us his first interview since assuming power. He took office in February after President Umaru Yar'Adua had been languishing from a mysterious illness since last November. 

And within weeks, he's had to deal with a new explosion of violence in a long-running land dispute near the city of Jos in which hundreds of people have been killed. And at the same time, he's faced an insurgency in the oil-rich delta region, fueled by small arms imported from the West. 

And when he met the U.S. president, Barack Obama, at the White House this week, Goodluck Jonathan was urged to tackle election reform and corruption. I sat down with the acting president after that meeting, and it's the first time he's given an interview to anyone since taking office. 

AMANPOUR: Can I ask you first, what an extraordinary name. How did "Goodluck" come to be your name?


AMANPOUR: You don't know? 


AMANPOUR: Have you had good luck? And do you think you'll need more than good luck to face down the incredible array of challenges that's on your plate? 

JONATHAN: Well, the issue of good luck, I don't really believe that the good luck is an issue. But as the president, I've been facing myriad of (ph) challenges. What some people will attribute to good luck could have been disastrous under some circumstances. 

AMANPOUR: Well, let me ask you this. You are now Acting President, because the President, Mr. Yar'Adua, is unwell. 


AMANPOUR: Have you seen him since he has come back from his medical absence in Saudi Arabia? 

JONATHAN: No, I have not seen him. 

AMANPOUR: Why not? 

JONATHAN: Well, when somebody is seriously ill, either the president or a citizen of Nigeria, and by virtue of being a president is a public figure, but still when you are seriously ill, we would respect the opinion of the family. And in the thinking of the family is that (inaudible) insulate him from (ph) most of the key actors in government (ph). 

I have not seen him. The Senate president (ph) has not seen him, Speaker of the House of Representatives has not seen him, and other senior government officials. 

AMANPOUR: Doesn't that cause, when all the senior members of government, including yourself -- doesn't that cause anxiety amongst the people? 

JONATHAN: Yes, it does. It does. Obviously, it does, but we cannot over-influence his family's thinking. 

AMANPOUR: Would you prefer that the family allowed you to visit him? 

JONATHAN: Yes, of course. But I will not want to force. 

AMANPOUR: What is his actual state of health? This also is a mystery. 

JONATHAN: I can't say exactly. It's only the medical doctors that can. 

AMANPOUR: Have they told you? 

JONATHAN: No, they haven't. 

AMANPOUR: Have they made any public statements? 

JONATHAN: Not quite. Not now. At the beginning, yes, but he left for Saudi Arabia, I think in the second week or so or within the first week we are told that he has acute pericarditis. After that, no other statement has been issued. 

AMANPOUR: So if he can receive religious leaders, why can he not receive at least the Acting President who's acting in his name? 

JONATHAN: Well, religious leaders are there for (inaudible) blessings. But probably that is why they asked the religious leaders to go and pray for him. We are a very, very religious society. 

AMANPOUR: Do you believe that those around him -- his family, his loyalists -- are trying to undermine you or your new cabinet or your efforts as acting president? 

JONATHAN: I wouldn't say they were trying to undermine me, because the laws of the land are very clear. 

AMANPOUR: Do you think he will ever come back to government? 

JONATHAN: I can't say that. It's difficult for any of us as mortals to say so. 

AMANPOUR: So you are now Acting President, and you have essentially a year, because elections will be held this time 2011. 


AMANPOUR: What is your most pressing issue? 

JONATHAN: The most pressing issue for Nigeria now, in terms of basic infrastructure, is power. What outside power. 

AMANPOUR: You mean electricity? 

JONATHAN: Electricity. But outside that, what is central to the minds of Nigerians now is an election that their votes will count, free and fair elections, because we've been accused of a country that our elections somehow questioned. And I promise Nigerians that they will surely get that, and I've done some experiments. The next thing that Nigerians get worried about is the issue of corruption. You know we've been accused of people who have privilege position in government amassing wealth at the expense of society. So they expect us to take these two issues seriously. 

AMANPOUR: So what can you do to take those issues seriously? Obviously, the issue of good governance, of free elections, free of corruption is central, and you heard the United States has also said just now that you must remove the head of the election commission, Mr. Maurice Iwu. Will you do that? 

JONATHAN: You see, the issue of the -- the electoral body -- the issue is that whether the president electoral body -- we called an Independent Electoral Commission, INEC -- can conduct free and fair election or not. And I told them that, yes, they can, because I have done it with the same people. 

But issue of the people is INEC, I told them that, look, between now and ending of June, most of the officials at the national level -- they're called commissioners -- their tenure will end, and we're going to review them on individual merit. And if some people still cannot go back, we have to replace them. 

AMANPOUR: Do you think he will stay or will he be removed? That's something that the U.S.. 


JONATHAN: ... among -- among the commissioners at the center that their tenure will end by June this year. And we are going to review...

AMANPOUR: So he will be out by June? 

JONATHAN: All of them we'll review. And any one of them that we feel is not competent definitely...

AMANPOUR: Do you feel that Mr. Iwu is competent? 

JONATHAN: (inaudible) I know that this question continues to come up. What I've said is the issue is beyond Mr. Iwu. 

AMANPOUR: I know. But I'm specifically talking about him, because it's come up in your meetings with U.S. officials. 

JONATHAN: Yes, I agree that within the period that he's chairing INEC, there are quite a number of controversies. I agree. There are quite a number of concerns. There are quite a number of controversies. There are a number -- the perception is that the feeling back home and in the international community is that he cannot conduct a free and fair election. 

So I know what I'm telling you, that this (inaudible) Iwu, I'm not trying to hold brief for him. The Iwu we are talking about has conducted free elections. These past three elections were credible. So the issue is -- because the issue is beyond Iwu (inaudible) set up an electoral system and our regulations and laws that will make sure that anybody who is appointed to that office should be able to conduct acceptable elections. And that is my focus. 

AMANPOUR: OK. Will you run in 2011? Will you present yourself as a presidential candidate? 

JONATHAN: For now, I don't want to think about it. I came in as the vice president (ph) to run with President Yar'Adua. Of course, getting close to -- to period of election he took ill, and I have to take over under somewhat controversial circumstances. Only last week, I reconstituted the cabinet. So let us see Nigeria move forward first. If the country is not moving, what -- what will I tell Nigerians I want to contest for? Yes, I'm a politician and I would be interested in politics, since I'm still relatively young. 

AMANPOUR: But the -- the reason I ask you is because...

JONATHAN: Yes, but I cannot even tell myself now. I must assess myself. 

AMANPOUR: I understand. 

JONATHAN: You cannot just wake up and say you want to contest an election to be the president of a country. First of all, you must say, can you really bring the dividends of (inaudible) three months after which we review ourselves. And I used to tell people, look, if I'm not satisfied with what is happening (inaudible) election? 

AMANPOUR: Well, I'm asking you because there is this informal agreement amongst various locations north and south which has been closely followed about taking turns at the presidency and that power must shift. For instance, Mr. Yar'Adua, who is from the north, has not even finished one term, and he should have a second term, according to your informal agreement. You're from the south. 


AMANPOUR: So it's kind of not your turn, so that's why I'm asking you -- and everybody's very interested as to whether you will present yourself for elections. 

JONATHAN: Yes, those interests are there. I was part of a lot of meetings in the ruling party (inaudible) even (inaudible) within the ruling party (inaudible) but, basically, the issue of whether I will contest or not is it (inaudible) I used to say that, if I contest elections, the elections in Nigeria are not only the presidency election, et cetera (inaudible) of Nigeria. 

There are options for me if I want to contest election. I recontest as a vice president to anybody. I can contest as a president, because the laws allow me. But that is not my own priority now. My priority now is to see how, within this little period left, what impact can we show? 

AMANPOUR: But let me just get something straight. You say that you can contest and it's possible that you will contest, yes? 

JONATHAN: It is, of course. 

AMANPOUR: Yes? It's possible that you will contest then? 

JONATHAN: These are options. I don't want to think about it. 

AMANPOUR: One other question on elections. Mr. Ibrahim Babangida, former Nigerian military leader who seized power, essentially, and ruled for about eight years in the late '80s and '90s, says that he wants to contest them again in 2011. Is that acceptable? 

JONATHAN: He's very free. There is no law stopping Babangida from contesting. Babaginda and any other military head of state are very free to contest. 

AMANPOUR: What would that say about modern Nigeria? 

JONATHAN: It depends on the people, and that's why we say that -- yes, it depends on -- I will say that the votes of the people must count. Babangida is a leader that has been head of state for about eight years plus, just like you said. Babangida has his friends. He has done some good jobs, even though some people may see -- nobody will be a leader that who will not see you from both left and right. But as an individual, Babangida is very free to contest the presidency. Other military leaders are interested in contesting the presidency, not only Babangida, and they are all free. On that 11th day, Nigerian votes will count, and not me.

AMANPOUR: Mr. Acting President, one of your big challenges, as well, is to try to re-energize the peace process, the amnesty process in, in fact, your homeland, isn't it, the Niger Delta area? 

JONATHAN: (inaudible)

AMANPOUR: Exactly. So there was a whole system set in place, but it seems to be fraying, and there's a lot of concern, particularly given how vital it is as an oil-producing part of the world. What are you going to do about that? 

JONATHAN: Well, the amnesty process (inaudible) what's happened is that people don't really understand the total concept of the amnesty. The amnesty is divided into three phases, the disarmament phase. That is the phase where militants surrender their weapons. Then rehabilitation phase and reintegration phase. 

Some of these militants have been in that armed struggle for a very long time. And when young people are involved in carrying weapons against the state for very long time, there is a tendency for them to go into some forms of aberration-type behavior (inaudible) excessive alcohol or some of them they even (inaudible) so you have a process that you must follow. 

After the disarmament, the next is rehabilitation. You have to rehabilitate them. Then you have to properly integrate them into the society. So during the process of rehabilitation, you must re-orientate their thinking and make them to learn some skills that will enable them and a decent living through the proper reintegration process. 

What's now -- we are trying to make the best -- up to this time, we have not gotten the kind of (inaudible) but now (inaudible) we (inaudible) Niger Delta before the minister of defense, who handled the disarmament, was also coordinating the rehabilitation, and that was giving us a lot of problems.

But now we are (inaudible) rehabilitation. The disarmament was the military exercise, so the minister of defense (inaudible) so the case of rehabilitation and reintegration has now moved into the hands of this president adviser to the president on the Niger Delta. We have a good program. 

So by the first batch of trainees (inaudible) or so are going to move to their camps in the crossover state (ph) by the third week of April, so we have to do them in batches. The total number of militants are about 20,191, little more than 20,000 (inaudible) so it's a lot of youth. And it's not easy to manage those number of people. 

AMANPOUR: What about Jos, which we just saw an explosion of violence there between Muslim and Christian? What can you do about that? 

JONATHAN: No, no, no, it's not a problem between Muslim and Christians. That is quite wrong, actually. The problem of Jos is -- Jos occupies a plateau, quite a high land area in Nigeria. And that's an area where a number of people settle outside the indigenous population (ph). In fact, even when Lagos was a federal capital territory, most -- most Europeans who came to Nigeria, they preferred to stay in Jos. 

Because of the elevation, the temperature is very low. It's like a sub-temperate climate where the temperature sometimes could drop up to minus two. No part of Nigeria that (inaudible) well, because of that climate and the mining of tin and others (inaudible) within that area. 

So there's a lot of settlers from the southeastern part of Nigeria, from the southwestern part of Nigeria, and from the extreme north, so most of these settlers now play big in the economy, local economy. So the indigenous population feels that they have been excluded from the economy, and that has been bringing conflict from the early '60s. 

AMANPOUR: But what can you do about it? 

JONATHAN: Of course, we have (inaudible) in terms of what we are doing, we are discussing with the traditional rulers (ph), we are discussing with religious leaders, we are discussing with opinion leaders. That is to appeal to them (ph), and they are responding. 

Of course, we're also providing security, because, first of all, you must provide adequate security to make sure that people don't carry weapons and intimidate or kill others, so that is being done. 

Then we also are appealing to their conscience using their leaders, both opinion leaders, both their religious leaders, both traditional leaders. And it is paying off. 

AMANPOUR: It is paying off? 


AMANPOUR: Do you think that kind of violence will stop? 

JONATHAN: (inaudible) I cannot say it will stop completely, but our commitment is to make sure that it stops. 

AMANPOUR: With issues like Jos or the Niger Delta, with the fact that, as you mentioned yourself, there's a severe power and electricity crisis, and all sorts of other issues, how do you make international investors feel confident? Even kidnappings there are, as you've said yourself, need to stop. 

JONATHAN: Realize Nigeria is a very big country. And some of these issues people raise in the media that makes it look as if the whole country is rampant (ph).

It's not quite so. We have a letter of international investors even in the Niger Delta, you have the oil companies everywhere. Yes, we have these occasional issues of kidnapping, but it doesn't stop (ph). But we are also strengthening the local security system, the police force. We are trying to set up a special fund to make sure that we're strengthening the police to maintain law and order. In addition to making sure that we provide what the people will need and appeal to different groups, to see reason why (inaudible) we are also doing what we think is right to increase the security, because you must secure the area. 

AMANPOUR: You've just had meetings with President Obama. What was the most important issue that you discussed? I know President Obama discussed many things, including the issue of a joint fight against terrorism. 

JONATHAN: Yes, of course...

AMANPOUR: It was the Nigerian youth who tried to set himself and set a plane on fire over the United States. 

JONATHAN: Of course, that is an unfortunate incident. But I know you know more than me. When that issue came up, it was a global issue, and everybody traced the history of a young man. This man -- this young man left Nigeria long ago, and he got indoctrinated in the West. 

AMANPOUR: But do you nonetheless think it's an issue that has to be combated, terrorism? 

JONATHAN: Of course. Nigeria -- you know that the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Nigeria is one of the countries that signed it. We believe that the whole globe must be peaceful. We cannot (inaudible) cannot encourage that. Nigerians are not terrorists. We know the problem as African leaders. We are suffering from the use of small arms and light weapons. In fact, in Africa, the use of small arms and light weapons is more devastating to us than even the issue of nuclear terrorism, because Africans have died from small arms and light weapons, more than the nuclear terrorism, because most of these weapons used in the former Soviet Union are no longer relevant, and they've all been shipped into Africa. 

Most of the small arms and light weapons manufactured in America and other -- in European countries are shipped down to Africa, and this is a cost of most of this crisis we're having, this insecurity we're having, so we totally support. 

AMANPOUR: You've got 12 months, essentially, to enact the reforms you're talking about, bringing about the changes, whether it's to election law, whether it's to the issue of peace. How much do you really think you can achieve in this short period of time? 

JONATHAN: We'll do our best. Some of this (inaudible) human issues that you can achieve significantly, like we talk about electoral reforms and conducting clean elections. We don't need 100 years to do that. We don't even need a year to do that, because they're human factors (ph). And a few months, we should be able to set up a system that can conduct free and fair elections. But all that is like basic infrastructure that needs a period that -- that you conceptualize it, you figure out the design, you figure the planning, environmental assessment, and so on before you the physical execution of the projects. Those ones will take some time. 

But still, people will see that you've set up a clear roadmap. If you think the most challenging infrastructure that we have, the power infrastructure, the electric power infrastructure, we must set up a clear agenda that people will know that we are moving forward and we have milestones that we can benchmark you. 

Definitely a government that -- we have 12 months, and especially -- especially it's an election period. Immediately after elections, government’s activities tend to slow down because of, of course, they are key positions that are in government. 

So we have that kind of a challenge. We don't really even have 12 months. We can't even claim to have 5 months. But what we promise is that within the shortest possible time, we take (inaudible) cannot take everything. We take the things that we believe we can leave some footprints, but most importantly for Nigerians to see that we are -- we are serious and we are committed. 

AMANPOUR: On that note, Acting President Goodluck Jonathan, thank you very much for joining us. 

JONATHAN: Thank you. 

AMANPOUR: And that was our conversation with Acting President Goodluck Jonathan. And that's it for us now today.

Courtesy of CNN.

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Acting President Dr Goodluck Jonathan and the United States President Mr. Barack Hussein Obama will tentatively hold a historic meeting at the White House this Sunday, this source comes from the US Department of State, Washington.

It will be the first meeting between Barack Obama and ANY Nigerian leader.A milestone achievement after the Ghana Snub visit fiasco during the ailing tenure of Umaru Y'aradua .

Though the meeting has not been formally announced, News Media and gravepine outlets like twitter and facebook are buzzing on the seeming good fortunes Goodluck Jonathan is bringing to the erstwhile battered relations between the two countries.From the botched Farouk Bombing which led to the inclusion of the country in the official US Terror list as Pakistan and Afghanistan .the leaders are expected to discuss issues of mutual importance to both nations including the just signed Bi-National agreement.

Obama, in March invited Jonathan and other world leaders to the Nuclear Summit in Washington DC holding between April 11th and 14th. The UK Prime Minister, Mr. Gordon Brown will however not be attending because of the elections in his country.

The US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano is to arrive on Saturday in a measure between the United States and Federal Government in the continous War against Terror.

Napolitano is to hold Briefings with various Security Arms.
Photo:janet Napolitano

Paul Adams & Akin Osunlaja reporting for 9jabook

More Reports From THISDAY:

In what would be his first major outing as Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan would be hosted by US President Barack Obama on Sunday at the White House in Washington D.C.
It would be a rare meeting between an American President and a non-substantive president of a country.
The high-level meeting has not been officially announced by both countries.
But sources at the Nigerian Embassy and the US Department of State told THISDAY that all necessary preparations had been made for this important parley.

It was reliably gathered that the meeting was finally sealed on Tuesday when the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) Alhaji Ahmed Yayale and US Secretary of State Senator Hillary Clinton met in Washington, D.C., to sign the Bi-national commission agreement between the two countries.
President Obama had sent an invitation to Jonathan last month to attend the Nuclear Security Summit which is taking place between April 11 and 14. Nigeria’s Ambassador to US Professor Adebowale Adefuye had told Obama while presenting his letter of credence at the White House two weeks ago that Jonathan has accepted his invitation.

It could however not be confirmed if the Acting President would stay throughout the duration of the summit especially when he does not have a Vice-President to take charge of affairs in his absence.
The two leaders are expected to discuss bilateral relations at the meeting which would take place by 5pm on Sunday. The Nigeria-US Bi-national Commission is on the agenda, in addition to global terrorism and counterterrorism measures.
Also to be discussed are issues of regional security and peace-keeping. Nigeria is Africa’s largest contributor to peace-keeping.
Working groups had been formed by the commission to address specific issues. These include: good governance; transparency and Integrity; energy and investment; food security and agriculture; Niger Delta and regional security co-operation.
The Good Governance, Transparency and Integrity working group will be launched first because of the preparations and reforms necessary to ensure that the 2011 elections are free and fair.

US had last week announced new enhanced aviation security measures and set aside the list of countries of interest (which Nigeria is part of) announced on January 3, 2010, as an emergency security measure after the botched Christmas Day bombing of an American aircraft by 23-year-old Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
Although, THISDAY could not get the itinerary of the Acting President's during the visit, it was gathered that he may hold a meeting with selected members of the Nigerian community in that country.
THISDAY also confirmed that the US Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, who announced the new enhanced aviation security measures last week, will arrive Nigeria on Saturday.

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Obasanjo, Danjuma snub each other at Murtala Muhammed International Airport

A case of when two Generals Fight
Like the Feud going on between Otedola and Dangote funny enough they both have the same last name initials and like Obasanjo and Danjuma both are from the West and North respectively .
But it seems Goodluck Jonathan aka GJ has roped both titans into his goodluck charms .OBJ is a known mentor to GJ and Ty danjuma was appointed as Presidential Advisory Chairman for GJ . Nice one GJ

Article :
The lingering frosty relationship between former president Olusegun Obasanjo and his former Defence Minister, Theophilus Danjuma came to the fore yesterday when they refused to see each other at the Presidential Lounge of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos.

Photo:Oloosegun & TY

Danjuma, who arrived earlier at the lounge in a black Mercedes S-500 car with registration number RX 547 AAA around 3:30pm and was ushered into one of the rest lounges, did not show any indication of the arrival of his former boss, Obasanjo who arrived at the lounge by 5pm.

The two former senior military officers were aware of their being at the lounge but made no attempt to meet each other.

Danjuma angrily rebuffed journalists with a wave of hand when he was approached and asked what he had to say about the state of the nation.

While he was waiting inside the lounge, a private jet, Hawker Sidley 125, with registration number ZS-5AH, conveying Obasanjo landed and the former President disembarked and was met by newsmen.

Obansanjo, who was coming from Dakar, Senegal, was informed by newsmen that Danjuma was at the lounge and he swiftly replied, “greet him,” with a frown crowding his face, as he walked away to his vehicle.

Expectations by newsmen that Danjuma would come out to greet his former boss never materialised and his aides who seemed aware of the ill-feeling between the duo, stood stiff with unfriendly looks.

When asked to compare Senegal and Nigeria as the West African country has turned 50 years, which Nigeria will attain on October 1, 2010, the former president retorted: “There is no comparison between Nigeria and Senegal because Senegal is a Francophone country while Nigeria is not.”

However, when a Federal Government’s Cessna Citation aircraft with registration number NAF 050 arrived at about 6:15, Danjuma, came out and boarded the flight.

The retired General again refused to talk with newsmen.

Danjuma was recently appointed Chairman, Presidential Advisory Committee, by the Acting President Goodluck Jonathan.

Photo: Otedola & Dangote still sparring in their own ring
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My son must not die -Yar'Adua's mother *Tells Turai to release her son *To meet with OBJ, Gowon

FOLLOWING the refusal of the First Lady, Hajia Turai Yar'Adua, to allow top politicians, including the relatives of the ailing President Umaru Yar'Adua to see her husband, who was secretly brought into the country after spending three months in a Saudi Arabian hospital, the mother of the president, Hajia Dada

Unusual disrespect to lead her husband in the religion they both practice, not to mention President of a nation


Yar'Adua, has called on eminent Nigerians to prevail on Hajia Turai to release her son to her.

Similarly, the president's mother has vowed to hold her daughter in-law responsible if anything unwholesome happens to her son.

A source close to the family in Katsina disclosed that the president's mother has started making frantic efforts to meet with former President Olusegun Obasanjo and former military head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, as well as other eminent Nigerians, who were close to President Yar'Adua's late brother, General Sheu Musa Yar'Adua, to help appeal to the first lady to drop her recalcitrant attitude, and bring home the ailing Nigerian leader.

According to the source, Turai had locked the door of Aso Rock against the president's mother, thus preventing her from seeing her son. He added that the woman, who had become troubled since her son took ill, had sent emissaries to Ota Farm to meet Chief Obasanjo in order to make him see her plight and prevail on the first lady to change her mind.

The woman, according to the source, revealed that the health status of president Yar'Adua had always been a source of worry to her, noting that the president had been battling with health challenges, as he was afflicted with a certain skin disease at birth, adding that the president's illness, which has been given much media attention in recent times, could be cured locally.

She said Turai's hard stance on access to her husband had made things worse, as President Yar'Adua's health condition had suffered in the process.

The source said that President Yar'Adua's mother did not want her son disgraced from office, noting that it was better for him to die and be given full presidential honours, than being disgraced out of office.

It will be recalled that the president's mother, in the wake of the president's latest sickness, after he was flown to Saudi Arabia, had urged the first lady to leave her son alone and allow him to resign from office on the grounds of his ill health.
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Honestly what were they talking about ? IBB is still related with extradition charges for his role involving money laundering and other nefarious activities and was purported to be on the US watch-list throughout the time he spent at his late wife's hospital bedside in the US .Johnnie Carson is even his personal friend hmmm ???


FormeR military president, General Ibrahim Babangida and officials of the United States of America (USA) met for almost two hours in Minna, the Niger State capital, on Wednesday.

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Photo Asst sec Of State Johnnie Carson
The meeting was held behind closed doors with the Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Matters, Mr. Jonnie Carson, and the American Ambassador to Nigeria, Ms Robin Sanders, in attendance.

Mr. Carson and Ms Sander arrived the Hill Top residence of General Babangida at about 10.30 a.m in a white Suburban space bus with registration number 140 CD151.

Two other vehicles of the same make but different colours conveyed the securitymen and personal staff of the envoys to Minna.

On arrival at the IBB residence, the former military president, who had been waiting for the visitors, ushered them into his office where the meeting was held.

The meeting ended at about 12.04 p.m after which the visitors returned to Abuja by road.

Newsmen were not allowed to either speak with the envoys or the former military president before and after the meeting because the Assistant Secretary of State did not want the visit in the press. Journalists were walked out of the IBB mansion so that they would not be within listening distance or position to take pictures.

However, a top aide of General Babangida told the Nigerian Tribune that the visit was "a condolence and private visit."

According to the aide, Mr. Carson is a personal friend of General Babangida and he visited the former first lady twice when she was in hospital in California.

Johnnie Carson
Assistant Secretary
Term of Appointment: 05/07/2009 to present

Ambassador Johnnie Carson was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of African Affairs, on May 7, 2009. Prior to this he was the National Intelligence Officer for Africa at the NIC, after serving as the Senior Vice President of the National Defense University in Washington D.C. (2003-2006).

Carson's 37-year Foreign Service career includes ambassadorships to Kenya (1999-2003), Zimbabwe (1995-1997), and Uganda (1991-1994); and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs (1997-1999). Earlier in his career he had assignments in Portugal (1982-1986), Botswana (1986-1990), Mozambique (1975-1978), and Nigeria (1969-1971). He has also served as desk officer in the Africa section at State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (1971-1974); Staff Officer for the Secretary of State (1978-1979), and Staff Director for the Africa Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives (1979-1982).

Before joining the Foreign Service, Ambassador Carson was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania from 1965-1968. He has a Bachelor of Arts in History and Political Science from Drake University and a Master of Arts in International Relations from the School of Oriental and Africa Studies at the University of London.

Ambassador Carson is the recipient of several Superior Honor Awards from the Department of State and a Meritorious Service Award from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The Centers for Disease Control presented Ambassador Carson its highest award, "Champion of Prevention Award," for his leadership in directing the U.S. Government's HIV/AIDS prevention efforts in Kenya.

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Why "GET" SIX children when you cant STAY as a FAMILY !HOLLYWOOD golden pair Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have seen DIVORCE lawyers and signed a £205 million split deal, we can reveal.The world's most famous couple legally agreed how to divide their fortune and who gets custody of their six kids.The megastars have agreed to equally divide their vast fortune - and to SHARE their six children.Dynamite legal papers secretly signed by the couple this month detail how all their homes and assets will be carved up.The agreement gives them joint custody of the kids - but all six will actually live full-time with their mum.Preparations for a split began in early December when "Brangelina" visited a top Los Angeles divorce firm to begin thrashing out the deal.An announcement of their separation is expected to be made soon - ending months of speculation that the five-year relationship is on the rocks.A source told the News of the World: "The document was signed in early January. Both Brad and Angelina had signed it."The contract was like a tailor-made version of a pre-nuptial agreement except for an unmarried couple's split."It seemed clear they want the world to know they'll both play a part in the upbringing of the children."But Angelina will actually be the one who lives with them full-time."The divorce lawyer they consulted is based in Beverly Hills and has worked on a string of celeb divorces and splits. He is widely regarded as "the best in the business".Our source added: "There's no date for when the contract would come into effect."But the paperwork is already organised for a break- up - and for it to be as unmessy for them as possible. It is clear it's a case of when they break up rather than if."The troubled couple have not been photographed together in public in recent days. On Friday night, Brad, 46, was snapped backstage at the Hope For Haiti concert in Los Angeles without Angelina, 34.His ex-wife Jennifer Aniston was there - although not with him."Brangelina" fell for each other when they played a warring couple in Mr and Mrs Smith in 2004. They have three adopted children (Maddox, eight, Pax, six, and Zahara, five), and three biological kids (Shiloh, three, and 17- month-old twins Knox and Vivienne).Both stars have been through high- profile splits before. Brad shocked the world when he split from Hollywood golden girl Jennifer, 40, in January 2005. They had been married for 4½ years.He was first photographed with Oscar-winner Angelina three months after the split. Before Jen, he was engaged to actress Gwyneth PaltrowJolie has been divorced twice - from Monster's Ball star Billy Bob Thornton in 2003, and Trainspotting actor Johnny Lee Miller in 1999.Her joint fortune with Brad of $322 million (£205 million) includes mansions in France, California and New Orleans. But rumours have been circulating for months that the couple's relationship is doomed.Last week they failed to show at the Golden Globe Awards even though Brad's film Inglourious Basterds was up for a several gongs.Instead he went to watch the American football team New Orleans Saints, while Changeling star Angelina stayed in California. Also last week, Pitt bought the mansion next door to the family's LA home for £800,000.His pals Guy Ritchie and wife Madonna famously bought their next-door pad in London before their split so they could share living space with their kids but keep away from each another.Earlier this month, Angelina was snapped looking tense with an unsmiling Brad in New York.And last month she said fidelity was over-rated - and if she or Brad had an affair it would not be a problem.She told German magazine Das Neue: "Neither Brad nor I have ever claimed that living together means to be chained together. We make sure that we never restrict each other.INGLORIOUS - At the premiereINGLORIOUS - At the premiere"I doubt that fidelity is absolutely essential for a relationship. It's worse to leave your partner and talk badly about him afterwards."Angelina, whose new film Salt is due in British cinemas this summer, also said: "The sparks fly at home if the nice Brad fails to see that he's wrong and reacts in a defiant way."Then I can get so angry that I tear his shirt."Also this month, best-selling American biographer Ian Halperin released a revelation- packed insight into the Jolie- Pitt relationship.He said when the couple first met they had 20-HOUR sex sessions.In his book Brangelina: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ian writes: "Brad had never had such incredible sex."My sources say that they sometimes spent 18 to 20 hours a day in bed. But sex eventually wears off."She has brought a lot of good things to him - the children, for example."But he didn't know what he was getting into, and that's why I think they're going to split."We asked Brad, Angelina and the legal firm for their comments but they did not respond.
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15-yr-old Nigerian records flying feat in U.S. From Laolu Akande, New York Since July 11 that she accomplished the feat, mainstream American media have been awash, especially in the last one week with the news of the Nigerian-American Major U.S. media like Cable News Network (CNN), Los Angeles Times, CBS, New York Daily News, and Philadelphia Inquirer, have been writing about Kimberly Anyadike. However, much as the U.S. media have been reporting her story, there has not been a mention of her's or her family's Nigerian nationality. All the headlines and the stories said nothing about her or her family hailing from Nigeria. Most of the U.S. media headlines have been calling "Los Angeles Teen," "15-year-old girl," "Youngest African-American female," etc. Speaking to reporters on July 11 as she landed the one-engine Cessna aircraft in Compton, California, after a 13-day flying spree from California on the West coast of the U.S. to Virginia on the East, the young Anyadike, who, hails from the eastern part of Nigeria, said she flew as a "messenger of hope" with expectations that her flight would inspire many more young people "out there." Anyadike is making waves not only on the airwaves and the press, but also online, where her own facebook has now been supplemented by a fans' page. Already there are talks and you tube videos speculating about her meeting with the U.S. President Barack Obama. She herself has confirmed on her facebook page that the Governor of California, her U.S. home state, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has already invited her to visit at the state capital. Anyadike's story started after she was enrolled into a flight programme in California having been targeted as an at-risk youth. But before then she had always wanted to fly, a passion that stuck with her until she joined the flight school that trained her under an intervention and mentoring programme. From there she received air flight instructions and took on the challenge to fly an aircraft across the US under a programme co-sponsored by the U.S. Tuskeegee Airmen, being a group of Black U.S. military pilots whose initial patriotic attempts to join the U.S. Armed Forces and fight in the Second World War were ridiculed with claims that black people lacked the physiological and cognitive developments to fly planes. She was trained at the Tomorrow's Aeronautical Museum, a flight school and youth mentoring centre in Compton, California. The aircraft she flew was named after the Tuskeegee Airmen and one of them, Levi Thornhill, now 87, actually flew with her across the U.S., and another safety pilot. Anyadike, according to U.S. media reports, said she wanted to use the history-making flight to honour the famous Tuskeegee Airmen for their service during the war. On the 13-day journey she landed in 13 US cities and met with Tuskeegee Airmen all over the country. She said meeting all the Tuskeegee airmen on the trip " was really inspiring to me, and gave me the incentive to keep flying." At all her stops, she was reported to have received a hero's welcome like it was on her return flight to California, which has been posted on youtube. Speaking on her return to California, from where the 13-day trip had started, Kimberly Anyadike who had been deemed an at-risk youth said: "I really appreciate everything that everyone has done for me." She thanked the Tuskeegee Airmen "for what they have done and what they have allowed me to overcome and to accomplish." According to her: "I am being a messenger of hope. I hope I am an inspiration to many people out there." She stated that her accomplishment as the youngest black female, perhaps youngest black person to fly an aircraft had been bigger than her imagination. "This is bigger than just me, larger than any accomplishments I could have ever made."
lagos..Port-Harcourt..Abuja..Kaduna.. Owerri..Edo.. AkwaIbom..Ibadan..Enugu
The 15-year old girl is expected to receive a pilot's licence in two years and she said she would like to become a cardiovascular surgeon with her eyes already set on such ivy league US schools like Harvard, Stanford and Yale. At 15 she is currently in high school and already taking college classes. She is also attending a dance academy, learning to read music in church and training on the piano, violin and guitar.
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