seduction (1)

How to be successful with a lady with whom you’re emotionally attracted to has posed a big problem to many men. This said successsimply requires certain set skills on the part of the man of which some menpossess some of such skills naturally and others can easily learn these skillsin basic simple analytic steps to be discussed in this write-up.

I know that many will be asking questions on how am I qualified to give advice on this issue but I will like to tell you that the skills that will be discussed here aremostly based on researches carried out over a couple of years, personalexperiences and the reports from surveys carried out through several means.Hence, I’ll go straight to my points.

Now to the business at hand, the first step is first impression. What impression did you leave in her memory at first sight?This includes the confidence in you, your body language and your physicalappearance. These can all be put under control by you. Remember that withconfidence, success is sure, be smart and show no sign of uneasiness/anxietyand dress nicely.

The second step is what I called a recognised potential compatibility in you and your prospective partner. Make room for herto see so many similarities in the two of you. This can be achieved when youwatch everything you do, every step you take and don’t be too forward. Let herbring suggestions that you will simply add compliments like: “That’s what I wasthinking”, “You took that from my mouth!” etc with these she’ll feel so safeand secured with you!

Thirdly, you must convince your partner. Let her be sure to be having a good deal. Do you think you have to be attractive to getwomen? Rippling biceps, six-pack stomach, chiselled jaw and all that? Perhapsthe revelations of the answers to you will surely surprise you! You don’treally need to have all the aforementioned to win a woman! Let her fell theseriousness in you even if you are lying. Be self sufficient; be sure you canfix all immediate little problems. Remember that all womenare the same!

Science has revealed to us that People fall in love with people in whose eyes theybehold the most ideal reflections of themselves. Make her feel as beautiful,strong, charmingand/or dynamic as she wants to be. Do whatever you can to make her feel goodand boost her personal ego.

Men and women think and communicate in a dramatically different ways. You must know this. All womenare half cured; those that cannot be cured are to be endured! It’ssimple. Most men believe that all women are exasperating while all womenbelieve that all men are insensitive. So the best solution is to understand thestatement in bold above, study your partner carefully and never pass your“elastic limit” with her.

The last point is to know her sexual point of convergence. That is you must know how to turn on the switchto her Sexual Electricity. Use your mind power and you may find out that herG-spot is in her brain! You need to fill her brain with things that will bringup her emotions. Have it at the back of your mind that women are controlled bytheir emotions. Hence, you now have the masterremote control to any woman of your choice!

On a final note, most men spoil the first sex experience with the prettiest lady with a common sexualdysfunction. This and many more could be found at: and . Youcan also laugh with me at

See you there!

Cheers and Good luck to you!!!

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