slavery (2)

Speaking of dysfunctional families, we'd now like to introduce you to one of the more unsavory of the bunch on this week's list: the Botsvynyuk brothers. 
The Botsvynyuks are five brothers from Ukraine, living in Philadelphia, who run a cleaning service.
Federal authorities were recently tipped off by "an international source" that the Botsvynyuks had a rather horrific way of stocking their business with employees.
Turns out that since 2000, the brothers had been engaging in human trafficking -- victimizing more than 30 immigrants in total.
Two of the brothers were still based in Ukraine, where they recruited victims, mostly men in their 20s and 30s, with promises of prosperity in America.
The brothers then helped sneak the workers into the country, where their eldest brother, 51-year-old Omelyan awaited his unwitting slaves, forcing them to work as part of his nighttime cleaning crew, which provided services at Targets, Kmarts, Wal-Marts, and various grocery chains throughout New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington D.C.
In one case, a woman signed-on with the brothers in 2000. When she arrived in the States, Omelyan forced her to clean houses for him during the day and offices at night, paying her nothing. 
She was forced to live with the other worker's in a small apartment owned by one of the brothers. If she tried to flee, Omelyan warned her that he'd track her down, tie her into a bag, and throw her into the ocean, where the fish could eat her. 
From 2001 to 2002, the victim claims that Omelyan repeatedly raped her and also let other men rape her once he was through with her. 
Her husband had also been recruited by the brothers and was often beaten into submission while working for them. 
On June 30, authorities finally caught up with Omelyan, who'd fled to Germany, and arrested him. Two of the brothers responsible for running the cleaning crews were also arrested, along with one more, who was tracked down in Canada.
Only one brother remains at large, and he is believed to still be in the Ukraine.
A federal indictment charges all five brothers with conspiracy to commit racketeering, as well as extortion.
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A rather curious development project is currently under way in Badagry, Nigeria. Not only is it to become a multi-billion theme park commemorating former slaves, but also, will be dedicated to the Jackson Five. Nigeria theme park Marlon Jackson, a former member of the world famous Jackson Five band and a brother to the legendary Michael Jackson has become associated with a rather curious development project. To commemorate all the slaves taken from its shores, a magnificent theme park is to be built in the port of Badagry, Nigeria. It is not to be an ordinary theme park though. The developer has revealed an intention to invest an incredible $ 3.4 billion into this project. The location is not just a randomly picked place. In fact, Badagry has been known as the major slave-trade port. Between 16th and 19th century, more than 10 million Africans were forced to leave their homes to be shipped away and enslaved for years. A replica of an old slave ship is to become part of the museum, which will be dedicated to a faithful portrayal of the slaves. African beats and sense for rhythm have had a massive influence on music, especially in the 20th century. This aspect is also celebrated in the museum, and part of the exhibition are holograms of the Jackson Five. Strangely enough, even though the project partially commemorates slavery in a humble and educational way - featuring exhibitions, a memorial, the slave ship, it is partially a luxurious resort. A golf course and multiple casinos as well as a five-star hotel will also become the major attractions here. The developer presents the Badagry Theme Park project as an attempt to raise awareness as well as attract those African Americans who wish to trace their roots and return to visit their homeland. As a secondary goal, the tourist flow is meant to increase massively in Nigeria, to some 1.4 million visitors in the first year only. The project critics point out that even though the cause seems noble, the theme park is about to become yet another money making business with no other objectives. Hopefully, the future months will reveal the real benefits of the theme park.
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