tests (3)

A second Nigerian has failed a drugs test at the Commonwealth Games. And he came 6th in the race ! is that 419 or 319 ?

Samuel Okon, 24, who was sixth in the 110m hurdles won by Andy Turner, tested positive for the same drug as women's 100m winner Damola Osayemi.

According to Commonwealth Games Federation president Mike Fennell, Okon is waiving his right to the B sample test but this has yet to be confirmed.

Okon has been provisionally suspended and will attend a provisional hearing later today.

Okon and Osayemi both tested positive for methylhexaneamine, which is a stimulant that was added in 2009 to the World Anti-Doping Agency's list of banned drugs.

However, it was reclassified earlier this year and from the start of 2011 it can be used with a therapeutic use exception certificate.

CWF chief Fennell said: "We are concerned with the number of incidents that are coming up with the same substance.

"At this stage I cannot speak very definitively as to where it's coming from but it appears that it may be coming from the use of supplements. .

"The supplements industry is by and large an unregulated industry worldwide and it is an industry that is a cause of great concern, not only for the fight against doping but also the protection of athletes. If people think a substance is not on the banned list, they take it, and sometimes they are caught out when it is added to the list
BBC athletics commentator Steve Cram

"There are are all sort of claims as to what is in them and we have found that in many cases the claims are inaccurate. So many are misled into using these supplements."

Asked when the results for Okon's B sample test would be known, Fennell replied: "We have been informed that the athlete is waiving the right to the B sample (test) but this has yet to be confirmed.

"We will confirm this at his hearing this afternoon."

The Nigerian team have been informed and are also investigating.

"We have already had discussions with the leadership of the Nigerian team, who are themselves taking it very seriously. They are very concerned about it," Fennell told a news conference.

Recently, several Jamaican sprinters and 11 Indian athletes tested positive for methylhexaneamine.

The drug, which has some performance-enhancing qualities, is commonly found but often not labelled in supplements and products such as nasal decongestants.

As the BBC's Steve Cram notes, the drug can therefore be taken by accident: "If people think a substance is not on the banned list, they take it, and sometimes they are caught out when it is added to the list."

Four of the Jamaican sprinters were given three-month suspensions and talking about Osayemi's potential punishment, Cram said: "I would expect a ban of between three and six months, which is probably proportionate to the crime."
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Jim Iyke is controversial in nature can not be contested. His fights, arrogance, women battering, to mention a few, during his teenage period, testified to the man he would grow up to be and he has wonderfully displayed this traits at adulthood, especially as an actor and one of the well to do dudes in the entertainment industry in Nigeria.
Jim’s secret lover, Sally, a Sierra Leonean based in Essen in Germany, is reported to have been tested positive to the dreaded disease, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus popularly referred as HIV. The highly controversial actor, Jim Iyke, before now, information at our disposal reveals, has been involved in a lovey-dovey with this married Sierra Leonean without the knowledge of the public until the affair now became a mumbo-jumbo.

Sally, we learnt, having got entangled in an illicit affair with Jim Iyke during one of his visits to Germany, couldn’t resist the crush she had on him. She became so attached to Jim to the extent that whenever Jim was in town, she would lie to her husband that she needed to
travel out of town, whereas, she would be locked in a hotel room with the brand Ambassador, Jim. In return of such good gesture, Sally, many times, would come to Nigeria to see her friend, Success, who is based in Lagos, but would sneaked out to see Jim without Success getting to know. Photo Above Jim Iyke & Sally .Photo Below Jim Iyke's Girl from the States Keturah

The relationship between Jim and Sally, later became public knowledge when the husband got wind of his wife’s adulterous moves with Jim and the quite but rich dude asked her to leave his house. The whole matter later became so complicated when the wife, Sally, told the husband that she was already carrying a baby for him.

The paternity of the baby was declined by the husband and that, we learnt, marked the beginning of her woes. After a lot of persuasions from friends and family, Sally, after she had been delivered of the baby, we gathered, opened up that Jim Iyke was responsible for the pregnancy and that he’s automatically the father of her baby. She further explained how she visited Jim in Nigeria three times without the knowledge of her husband or her friend’s, Success.
During the pregnancy period, rumour has it that, Sally contacted Jim in Nigeria to intimate him about the pregnancy only for Jim to have distanced himself immediately from her and warned her never to come to him or even call him for any reason again. Now, the baby is alive, an alleged split-image of Jim, but the sad tale about this whole story is that, Sally has now been diagnosed to be HIV positive and there is strong indication that Jim Iyke himself is likely to be sharing same status with Sally. Call it triple tragedy for Sally and you are not far from the truth. Effort to reach Jim Iyke to comment on this matter was aborted. .

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NYSC forces pregnancy tests on members

NYSC forces pregnancy tests on members One of the things that Lawal Taiwo (not real name) had to do when she reported at the camp for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Lagos State was to go for a pregnancy test. Ms. Taiwo, said the exercise, which is mandatory for female youth corps members, was characterised by coercion and neglect, especially as the test was process was conducted in the open. "They (male corps members) had the opportunity to easily take a peep at all us undressing as the registration process was taking place in a hall right in front of the make-shift shed and all young ladies were forced to squat and urinate into small bottles," she said. "Before being allowed to start the registration process, all females were requested to line up behind the lecture hall (in which the registration process was going on). I started queuing at about 8am but was unable to urinate due to the unhygienic and inadequate sanitary conditions. What awaited all females were three holes dug into the ground, merely covered up from one side by dirty mattresses." The National Youth Service Corps scheme, which was established in 1971 to unify Nigeria after the civil war, has run into several controversies. One of the more recent ones is the rule for conducting pregnancy test for female participants. Anyone who refuse to go for the compulsory test or is found pregnant in the course of the test is summarily sent out of the camp. Another female participant at the Lagos State camp, who spoke under anonymity, said the experience was the first time she had a pregnancy test. "I have never taken a pregnancy test in my life and the memory of it will stay stuck in my mind forever," she said. "The test was conducted in such a disgusting condition. When a woman takes a pregnancy test, she should be able to do it in the privacy of her home,or in a decent clinic. Not in a field behind a campsite." The tests were conducted all day. They started the pregnancy tests early in the morning and would end each evening once registration was closed for the day. We would line up in the sun, just for the test," another lady who just passed out of the camp, Joyce Nweze said. Joyce Madaki, the spokesperson for the Lagos State NYSC confirmed the test, but said she could not speak on it except with the directive of the state coordinator of the scheme. "I will have to talk to the state director and if he asked me to grant an interview, then I will and if he said I shouldn't I will let you know, but just note I am not permitted to talk to the press on my own," she said. Policy against women? But women activists are not amused at this practice. The Executive Director of Project Alert, a group promoting rights of women, Joshepine Chukwuma said any test that is gender based is wrong. "If pregnancy tests are conducted for women, then what would they now conduct for men? Such test were supposed to be conducted at one's will and not be forced and not under an unconducive environment." Anns Ajayi, a secondary school principal and self-proclaimed gender rights activist in Osun State said that, "It is all trash. Tell me what women have done again? I think the present NYSC director General should cover his face in shame and just resign. This has never been mentioned in the scheme and it was not part of the law that established it." Ms Taiwo, whose test came out negative, said she would not have participated in the process if not for the need to serve her fatherland. "Though I understand pregnant women and especially nursing mothers not being allowed to serve during this period, I do not find it appropriate to force all prospective female corps members to be treated like animals, to have to pee on command and be harassed by NYSC officials," she said. Missunderstood requirement Going by Decree 24 of 1993, the requirement for participating in the scheme do not include any special gender test but a general medical test that was expected to be carried out by the participants's school or a military hospital. A Millenium Development Goals instructor at one of the orientation camps, Felix Akinmejiwa said the tests were introduced for good reasons. "The tests are necessary, not just the pregnancy test, but it matters the way it is conducted. I find it hard to believe that Lagos camp could have conducted theirs in such a dirty environment, I think there should be an investigation into this," he said. "The truth still remains that some corps members lied about their status, and what they don't know is that it is all for their good. How would someone be pregnant and still be climbing ropes? I mean all their Para-military training? It is for their good."
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