Mother of five dies in hotel after sex romp

A 52-year-old housewife simply identified as Folorunsho was on Friday found dead in a guest house where she lodged with a male companion.advertisement hereFolorunsho, a mother of five, was said to have arrived Ayoola Guest House on Old Ota Road, Isale Odo, Agege, Lagos with the suspected lover at about 10pm.The man, whose identity is still unknown, was said to have sneaked out of the guest house apparently when he discovered that the woman had died.The corpse of the woman, who was said to be a mother of three sets of twins, was later discovered in one of the hotel rooms by attendants who were on routine check.At the time of the discovery, the deceased was said to be almost stark naked.The hotel management later reported the case at Elere Police Station from where detectives were drafted to the scene.The Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Frank Mba, confirmed the incident to our correspondent on Sunday.Mba, a superintendent of police, said that the woman died "in very controversial circumstances."He said it was suspected that the deceased and the male companion had lodged in the guest house for "some amorous games."The police spokesman said that the corpse had been deposited at Isolo General Hospital for autopsy.He added that the police had already launched a manhunt for the fleeing man.Our correspondent learnt that some hotel attendants who saw the man when he came in hand-in-hand with the deceased were said to have described him to policemen and were helping in the investigation.
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