Mother (10)

Nigeria's Lingua Franca

Is it me or something is truly wrong somewhere? Years have gone by and I’m yet to find someone to give me a good reasonable explanation for the belief in some quarters that Nigerian artistes’ delivery of songs in Pidgin English is a sign of illiteracy or better still to put it in their usual word “inability to speak good English”. Even with successes achieved by Nigerian music and musicians in recent years, some people just don’t get it! With due respect to the very many people who earn their living through their white collar jobs across different sectors of the Nigerian economy, I may be right to say only few of them can boast of higher educational qualification than many in the entertainment business and this observation also applies to their general command of the English language. What amazes me however is that when bankers, doctors, advertisers… speak Pidgin English, it is considered a matter of choice, simply code switching or code mixing as the case may be but for an average musician to do the same, he is labeled “razz” illiterate or whatever name you can think of. I don’t get it.

As much as I value speaking right, never wanting to compromise on it anywhere I find myself, I will not be deceived into believing that this is all that defines me, even if it helps to make the best first impression. Without any disrespect to the ladies, I will have to speak from the perspective of a young single and sexually conscious guy. I have met and chatted with many intelligent ladies who struggle with their spoken English, making few errors here and there, what Naija people will call bad English – depending on their “marking scheme” and I’m pretty sure many of us will have few jokes off such experiences too but ladies and gentlemen! Have you met a girl that speaks the entire phonetics in the world but can not maintain an intellectual dialogue for five minutes? The ones that speak bad English with American accent are even worse! Guys you don’t wanna go down there; it is simply injustice to a man!
Ladies please feel free to do the same check and see if you’re not better off with that intelligent guy that speaks that carefully put together English with his Ibo accent than the one with Queen’s or Yankee English but no quality mind or manners or ambition.

I still remember the over blown grammatical blunder of juju musician Sir Shina Peters’ “soonest recover” and the endless issue that was made of it, why then would it be hard for me to truly appreciate the modest eloquence of musicians like Pasuma, Salawa Abeni, K1 and Obesere who’s genre does not even necessarily require the language? As much as I will like to say that being a musician or entertainer is not an excuse for not having a good command of our lingua franca – a language taught in our schools and on which every other subject is taught, rather is the more reason why we need it as music require some elements of poetry, literature and figurative expressions; I am usually forced to come back to the question what really is Nigeria’s lingua franca?

Just the other day I was fixing my car at the mechanic’s somewhere in ibadan, then came along this young – very young boy with a hammer in his hand with which he constantly hit the small wooden box hanging on his shoulder and I beckoned on him to quickly shine my dusty shoes. As his tiny little fingers struggled with the weight of the shoes, I wondered if he had been at this all day or the time being around 4pm it was just another after school work done to support his parents as the child labor thing has always been a common sight in many poor and even average homes – that being a topic for another day. I couldn’t bear the sight any longer and decided to settle my curiosity.

In my usual self I asked “are you in school”?
I got neither a response nor a reaction after repeating the same question twice, then hoping this sounds common, I asked “what’s your name”?
Then he looked up at me, looked back at the shoes and smiled as he continued his task, apparently sorry for a young good looking man showing early symptoms of madness by talking all to himself – my dreadlocks off course did not help matters.

It was already getting embarrassing and not the type to smile about but more of “if ai ssslap you…” but then I still had an idea, I switched swiftly to the famous, wonder working Pidgin English. “wetin be your name”? Low and behold! His vocal cords came to life in a manner that reminds you of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s miracle crusades.
“Dawoudi” he replied in his concentrated northern accent.
“Wonderful! what a miracle” I said to myself, then pressed on “you dey go school”?
“Me I noo dey go” Now feeling a little vindicated, I asked him why
“My phapha I noo get…” and the discussion went on.

It is also common knowledge that an average person from the eastern part of the country even with absolutely no formal education will communicate with you in Pidgin English comfortably. Then I ask myself “does it make sense for a recording artiste hiding under the saying that music is a universal language to make all his songs in total English language and fail to communicate with the larger percentage of his society but please a few misguided minds? That is nothing but a myopic sentiment borne out of regrettable propagandas or perhaps deliberate bigotry on the history of the evolution of Nigeria’s pop music! When politicians want our votes; they go to villages to speak Pidgin English and it works! Now someone wants to tell me “pidgin na wowo language”? Even our Honorable Speaker Dimeji Bankole will not speak his Queen’s English to the people in his constituency! For what now?

This is my point; music is about telling a story, sending a message and if the language that reaches your primary market most widely is Pidgin English or your mother tongue, why avoid it? If Jamaicans had avoided their unique patois (patwa) would it have become so globally accepted that we even try to copy it? Whatever language you speak, make sense. That is music.

I learnt an international organization rated three songs by Nigerian musicians among the best 10 african songs of the past century;
- Water by Fela Anikulapo Kuti – sang mainly in pidgin and Yoruba language
- Sweet Mother by Prince Nico Nbaga – another legendary hit song recorded totally in Pidgin English.
- African Queen the monster hit by Tuface Idibia – the only song of Nigerian origin in this class recorded totally in English language.
Ironically Tuface happens to be one of the pop acts that have been worst hit by the Pidgin English criticism but then “nothing dey happen”.

Here the points are quite clear and obvious, pidgin English is not a barrier to international acceptability as long as we keep it simple and sensible; broken English or your mother tongue in music is not a proof of deficiency in speaking English as stated by a popular celebrity couple in an interview some years back, and let me state and be sure it is also not enough reason to say “Nigerian artistes do not go to school” considering how many of us has tried to go beyond the first degree. However, all said and done, make we too stop to dey misfire; the Nigerian artiste needs to draw the line between a formal and informal setting and learn to speak appropriately. Enough said… I think.

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The Ondo State police have arrested five persons in connection with the kidnap of Mafe Ibrahim, the mother of Jimoh Ibrahim. According to an assistant commissioner of police who prefers anonymity, the suspects were arrested in the environs of Igbotako and are helping the police in their investigations. The police officer told NEXT that the kidnap was not politically motivated.

The state police command had recently announced that the case has been transferred to the Criminal Investigation Department for further investigation.

Playing politics with the kidnap

While the PDP, Mr Ibrahim’s party alleged that the ruling Labour Party was behind the abduction, the state government advised Mr Ibrahim and his party men to look within themselves for the kidnappers.

The state government through the commissioner for information, Ranti Akerele, accused Mr Ibrahim of “playing politics” with the kidnap of his mother.

The commissioner faulted Mr Ibrahim’s account of the kidnap saying, “Ibrahim presented the case as if the kidnap was masterminded and executed by the state government, hence his demand for the declaration for a state of emergency in the state.” Mr Akerele added, “the security agencies that have already been drafted to effect the release of this woman should look beyond the ordinary and search the confines of Jimoh Ibrahim’s household.

“They should look among his political associates who seem to be rejoicing at the sad development and his myriad of business associates.

“It is the height of immorality for anybody to think of scoring cheap political goals with the kidnap of a 65-year-old woman.

“If a beneficiary of the kindness and love of one earlier victim could organise and mastermind the kidnap of his benefactor, who says desperate political rookies cannot plan and execute the kidnap of a poor old woman?” He asked.

The commissioner also noted that the act could be carried out by the PDP, “in order to create a band of phantom stakeholders whose only tangible solution to the incident is to call for a state of emergency in Ondo State.” He said: “With all the powers at the disposal of the peace-loving government of Ondo State, issues of security have been pursued with unprecedented focus since April 2009. Such that in all the reported cases of kidnap, not only have the victims returned to safety but the culprits have been apprehended to the eternal shame of those who cry wolf when there are none.”

They wanted Jimoh out

But the PDP in a statement by its Director of Publicity, Ayo Fadaka, alleged that the Labour Party carried out the act, “to discourage Jimoh Ibrahim from further participating in politics.” Mr Fadaka said, “Our attention has been drawn to the kidnap of Madam Ibrahim, the mother of Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim who is a solid pillar of our Party both in this state and nationally. It will be recalled that our state has been going through lots of security challenges in recent weeks and this is occasioned by the garrulity of Labour Party leaders and rank and file whose concept of politicking is to stand the laws on its head and use under the table tactics to secure victory. Their approach so far has led to the death of Emmanuel Adebayo in Ose and scores of brutalised and wounded people across the state. Their latest action is the kidnap of this old woman, this development is not only evil, but sadistic, comprehensively wicked and unacceptable.

“In their imagination it is the needed trump card that is needed to disorientate, disorganise and discourage Jimoh Ibrahim in his quest to join others in leading the party to victory in the forthcoming elections in Ondo State. But we want to assure them that their calculation is not only shallow but will fail to achieve their desired goal.” Mr Fadaka called on the law enforcement agents to treat the matter with urgency, adding that the culprits and their sponsors should be brought to book.

Mr Ibrahim’s mother was kidnapped from her Igbotako home on Sunday evening by four unidentified gunmen. It was gathered that the gunmen arrived at the house, a one-storey building located in the outskirts of the town around 8pm, and pretended to be customers who wanted to buy some locally made mats which the woman was selling.

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By Victor Ehikhamenor


.EXCUSE ME: My mother, information management czar

When I was growing up, my mother took me through some gruelling training in public behaviour and information management. I doubt if CIA, NSA, FBI, KGB or SSS operatives go through the kind of exercises my mother designed for me. Some of the poignant ones came to mind after I read WikiLeaks’ public laundering of the US envoy’s private conversations with my dear President Jonathan in the Yar’Adua dark days.

Growing up in the village, there were unwritten manuals on how to navigate the high wires of surviving a tough terrain. My mother started early on me because I was a bit exuberant and quick to trust people. She knew she needed a strong arm to manage me, so she would tell me to curb my enthusiasm whenever strangers were around. She focused on keeping secrets mainly because many embattled couples came around to my father to resolve their differences and at a young age I was privy t o all sorts of adult crises....

She also embarked on training me to read her unspoken language in public, like grunts, eye movements or outright rough handling. Many times when I failed, she would be left with no other option than to resort to her beautiful black hands. My mother’s hands were elastic in dishing out some Guantanamo Bay spanking, no matter how fast I tried to run from my crime scene.

As kids, when some aunties would come from the city with Cabin Biscuits and Goodie Goodie during Christmas, I’d get carried away by misguided excitement, knocking off tumblers and China. I’d forget myself and run my mouth without sifting the kind of information I wasn’t suppose to release. I’d also think my mother was in the same euphoric state at seeing my city aunties. When my excesses got too many, she would excuse herself from the visitor and arrest the situation by delivering justice faster than a Balogun market mob on a thief. In all fairness to her, she would have sent out all the warning signs like a few grunts, two seconds silence in the middle of her conversation, one minute stare without a blink, shuffling of her right foot on the floor, knuckle crackling, go-get-me-a-cup-of-water even if she had just drank the entire River Niger - warnings which I’d ignore because when the gods want to kill a dog, they inflict it with deafening insanity.

Seriously, nothing irked my mother more than you endangering the family with your basket mouth in the midst of strangers. A stranger by this definition was anybody other than my father, grandmother and four other siblings; these were the only people that got my mother’s high level security clearance. This meant if anything bothered us the children, we were to tell her or my father. She must not hear about it elsewhere or she would not spare her elastic hand.

For instance, I was ten years old when my brother got the elusive visa and admission to go and study in America and I couldn’t go screaming down our street telling all my friends that my brother will soon go to the white man’s land and start sending me toys and cool T-shirts and jeans. Do you know what it takes to contain such excitement for a ten-year-old? O my belly was on fire! And even later on when I could talk about my brother in America to neighbours, I was not to blab about every detail I read in his letters home. As my mother would say, you never know who would misuse information they receive – listen more and talk less. You could say she ran an air tight Costa Nostra, with her eyes and ears everywhere in the village and other places we her children went. So we never broke her rules.

And during those strenuous training sessions, which were so many, I couldn’t honestly tell you it was fun at all, but she balanced her stringencies with supersize love. She would buy me the coolest gifts, including an unforgettable silk bow tie and a blue velvet suit that I wore on my 11th birthday. So you can say my mother believed wholeheartedly in Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

The reason why I have gone into all this history about my mother’s training style (which by the way if she were to read now, she would give me one of her long looks of “did you not learn anything”?) is WikiLeaks’ revelation about President Jonathan. The information is not damning as such, it only shows a meek political lamb in a land filled with heartless hungry lions. Only if he knew that my mother would have considered Sanders a “stranger” and telling her his most kept secrets, what he would’nt tell us ordinary citizens, was like taking a leak in a public toilet built of glass. So to my good friend, President Jonathan, I would say, next time please bridle your tongue even in your innermost sanctuary because you never know when that innocent looking visitor would put uzonta in your mouth for ulterior motives.

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Story From Next : Photo a sorry looking "confesssed" Own Family Murderere Baba

Bello Garba Bello, the first son of the late senior official of the state security service killed on Monday in Kano, has allegedly confessed that he was the one who actually stabbed his father, Garba Bello, his mother, Habiba and his three siblings to death in a murder case that has shocked residents of the city.

Twenty-two-year-old Mr Bello (Baba) made this confession yesterday at the headquarters of the Kano State Police Command, Bompai Kano..

The state Police Commissioner, Mohammed J. Gana, showed journalists a handwritten confessional statement allegedly written by the suspect, in which he confessed to killing his family and said that after he killed them, he tried to commit suicide but couldn’t after realising the enormity of what he did.

Mr Bello, who is a 200 level Physics student of the Kano State University of Technology, Wudil (KSUT), had also all egedly confessed, in a hand written statement submitted to the state command of the State Security Service (SSS), that he single-handedly carried out the killings. He also claimed that his anger was that his father was going to die because of his terminal illness and that he could not bear the responsibilities of catering for his mother and siblings that would follow subsequently.

He said in the statement that he stabbed his parents and three of his siblings to death at about 2am on Monday this week. “My father cannot provide for my basic needs, so I killed them all with knives,” the statement to the police reads. “It was painful to me and the entire family. It was an unbearable, irreparable loss. My father has been bedridden and I know he is not going to survive. I did the job alone.

“The intention was to wipe out the entire family and after that, I called my neighbours, Isiaku and Buhari immediately after the incident.”

Speculations not at rest

Security officials say his confession puts to rest speculations about the motive behind the killing of 54-year-old Bello and four members of his family.

The incident also saw 40-year-old Habiba strangulated and three of their children, 16-year-old Hafsat; 14-year-old Khalifa and five-year-old Murjatu murdered in cold blood.

One Umar Danjani, who claimed to be a relation of the deceased SSS official, has, however, disagreed with the police and the said confessional statement of Mr Bello.

Mr Danjani said that Farouk, the other surviving son of the late Bello, told the family that he saw another man who was wearing a white singlet, called Aminu, kill his family members. He also said some neighbours heard the sound of a whistle and sound of many persons.

“This means that the younger Bello did not carry out the killings alone,” he said.

Story from Daily Trust

The eldest son of the slain assistant director of the State Security Service (SSS) yesterday confessed to the murder of his father, mother three siblings without the help of any accomplice.

Daily Trust gathered that 23-year-old Bello Garba Bello, popularly known as Baba, was whisked away by the operatives of the SSS shortly after the incident on Monday morning. And since the incident, there have been speculations that he was involved in the murder given his surprise escape.

Appearing in chains and shackles, visibly ruffled Baba told newsmen at the police headquarters yesterday that he attempted to wipe all the family members and then commit suicide.

“I killed my parents and my siblings alone without the help of anybody. It was a sad event. It was a great loss to our relations,” he said as he shook his head, adding that he killed them while they were at the father’s sick bed. According to Baba, he used two knives in the kitchen and stabbed the family members and in the process his brother Farouk escaped and hid in the bathroom. Although he was unable to give a coherent detail as to the sequence of the murder, he revealed that his ailing father died and then he killed the remaining family members. “I stabbed him after he died because I realised that life would be unbearable for the family members after our father’s death,” he said.

He noted that he refused to commit suicide because his 11-year-old brother was also alive. A security source however said the motive behind the young man’s act was because he wanted to inherit the house and a few other assets of the father.

When his younger brother, Faruq, who also escaped, hid in the bathroom, he attempted in vain to force open the door and kill him too. On realising that he could not kill his brother, Baba warned him not to confess to anybody that he (Baba) killed his parents and siblings.

Another security official who spoke with our correspondent under condition of anonymity said Baba was under the effect of drugs when they arrested him on Monday morning. Many neighbours also corroborated the security official’s remark, saying Baba was a drug addict.

“Investigations showed that the suspect is a drug addict, and as soon as I saw him in the morning I knew that the boy was part of the crime,” a security official told our reporter. Addressing the press yesterday, the Kano Commissioner of Police, Mohammed Gana, said the late SSS officer was on his sickbed and the family members were gathered around him praying for his recovery when Baba came into the compound and said since his father’s ailment had appeared terminal, he should be killed immediately.

The commissioner noted that after saying that the father should be killed for the family to rest, he went and picked a knife and began stabbing them. But the family spokesman, Umar Danjani Hadejia, said they were unhappy with the conduct of the investigation, saying Baba did not commit the murder alone without the hand of other accomplices. He said the family was surprised with the police and the SSS’s conclusion that Baba alone committed the murders.

“We are not ruling out Baba’s involvement in the murders but we believe there are some accomplices because when his mother put a distress call to her sister she told her ‘they are going to kill us’ not ‘he is going to kill us’, and when she asked her to disclose their identity, she said ‘Baba and others’,” said Alhaji Danjani.

The family also said that 11-year-old Faruq had confessed to them that he recognised one Aminu, who was wearing short knickers, among the killers. While further expressing the family’s dismay with the outcome of the investigation, he called on the SSS and the police to thoroughly investigate the matter and bring the accomplices to book. Bello Garba Bello, popularly known as Baba, dropped out from the Physics Department at the Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil.
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Eighty-seven year-old Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) woman leader in the defunct Bendel State and mother of an Edo State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain, Madam Grace Osaretin, was murdered, Tuesday night in Benin City.

This came just as the Edo State PDP chairman, Chief Dan Orbih called on the state governor, Adams Oshiomhole, to convey a security summit to address what he described as the increasing insecurity in the state.

Nigerian Tribune learnt on Wednesday, at the Benin City residence of Mr. Martin Osakue, the PDP chieftain and proprietor of Benin-City based Paragon Group of Schools that Madam Osaretin, his mother, was killed around 8 p.m on Tuesday.

The gunmen reportedly entered the deceased’s residence at Uwasota, a suburb of Benin City and enquired from the woman if she was the mother of Mr. Osakue.

When the woman answered in the affirmative, the yet-to-be identified gunmen were said to have shot her many times before leaving the house..

Mr. Osakue confirmed the development when the state PDP chairman and some of the state PDP leaders paid him a condolence visit and said even when no conclusions had been drawn yet, he wondered why some armed people would enter his mother’s house and killed her after she responded to their enquiry that she was his mother.

Chief Orbih, who advocated the conveyance of a security summit for all political parties and stakeholders in the state at a rally on Wednesday, in Ekpoma, where Chief Don Ehijiator, former Chief of Staff to Governor Oshiomhole and hundreds of his supporters defected to the PDP from the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) challenged security agencies to swing into action with a view to fishing out the killers of Madam Osaretin.

According to Orbih, the killing was a reflection of the level of insecurity in the state, which he claimed had long being compromised, adding that “Apart from total breakdown of law and order, there is breakdown of governance.”

The PDP chairman said this was the time to reject the ACN led government in Edo, pointing out that people were frustrated with the bad state of affairs brought about by the ACN administration.

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From Uzoma Okere to Mother & children !
It is usually not uncommon to hear certain unpleasant stories that touch the heart but it is thechildreninuniform.jpgexceptional when those involved as key players are supposedly highly placed personalities. Sad to note, though, is the fact that the story of Mrs. Paulynn Midalah

who narrates her ordeal in the hands of Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, wife of former Chief of Naval Staff has taken a toll on innocent and unsuspecting Nigerians. Unfortunately too, Nigerian security agencies are used as decoy to perpetrate these heinous acts.

Hear her:

My name is Mrs. Paulynn Midalah; I am married with two children. On Tuesday, 28th April 2010 my children; Favour and Marvel,whose pictures appear above, left home to their school Trinity Anglican Primary School , Gwagwalada, Abuja FCT.

?I left my house around 10.30am that day to buy something, and then I received a telephone call from my children?s Headmaster that a certain woman had come to the school with armed Naval officers to pick my children from school. I immediately, put a call through to my son Favour?s phone and he picked it and said ?Hello Mummy?, but soon after he had said hello Mummy, I guess some one had collected the phone from my child.

Continuing, she revealed that ?After that all attempts to reach him on that phone proved abortive as my phone tells me the number is switched off. I became very worried and rushed to the school and met the Headmaster who confirmed that a certain woman came with armed Naval officers to pick my children from school and bundled their bicycles into her bus vehicle, I was seriously alarmed and confused; who could this be? Is it a kidnap or something? These were the questions begging for answers in my mind.

?The Headmaster couldn?t remember the name of the woman who came to the school to whisk my kids away. I rushed to the school gate but couldn?t find any one to give me proper briefing. I rushed back to the house and the kids were not home, I was more confused and started running up and down our Estate at Phase 1, Gwagwalada Abuja FCT and somewhere around our estate I sited a white bus carrying the children?s bicycles. I later learnt that it was Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, Wife of a Former Chief of Naval Staff who came to my children?s school with armed Naval Officers to whisk my children away.

In tears, she explained further that ?My husband had worked for Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan before but he left them three (3) years ago after my family had a deadly motor accident on 17th March 2007 , where he sustained compound fracture and even lost his left elbow and my son Favour?s face was badly battered by glasses that we had to take him for plastic surgery. She abandoned us to our fate and my husband had to sell the house he just built then, to afford money for surgery on his badly fractured left hand. My husband still has about fifteen (15) iron screws in his left hand up till today and my son?s face, where surgeons removed glasses from 3 months, 6months and even 1 year after the accident is still there as prove of man?s inhumanity to man.

To her chagrin, according to Mrs. Paulynn Midalah, ?When I saw them, I confronted them that what is the problem? They said I need to go with them to the Gwagwalada Police Station which I did. On arrival at the Police Station, Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan started making some allegations against me and my husband and asked the Police to lock me and my children up and never to release me until my husband surfaces, that she has an unsettled issue with my husband.

Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, in her bid to oppress the innocent woman and her young children and as wife of former Chief of Naval Staff however ensured that they were unlawfully detained by the police.

?I told her that I didn?t work with her so what is my offence? She couldn?t answer me but kept raining abuses on me and said that I must sleep there at the Police Station. I and my children aged seven and nine years eventually slept at the Gwagwalada Police Station in their school Uniforms.

Narrating her traumatic experience, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah said ?The following morning my family friends and well wishers prevailed on the Police to release the children that it was unlawful for them to have allowed innocent children to sleep at the Police Station in their School Uniform for something they didn?t know anything about. Even before my children could be released, the Inspector Crime at Gwagwalada Police Station had to call Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan to obtain her permission.

?Soon after my children were released I was returned to the cell and all attempts by our family friends and well wishers including that of a Lawyer to bail me proved abortive as the police vehemently refused to grant me bail saying I must get clearance from Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan or my husband comes. I told them that my husband was out of town on a business trip but they would not listen.

Revealing more of her ordeals in the hands of the Nigeria police, she said ?In the police cell I was subjected to the most dehumanizing experience in my life as I had to lay down on bare floor that has been contaminated with urine and human excrement, with maggots scattered all over the room. I spent three days at Gwagwalada Police Station, that is 28th, 29th and 30th April, 2010 .

?By afternoon on Friday, 30th April, 2010 the Inspector Crime at Gwagwalada Police Station instructed a junior police officer to bring me from the cell and when I was brought out he said that Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan wanted to speak with me and he handed his mobile phone over to me.

?Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan then said since I have refused to tell them the whereabouts of my husband she has instructed the Police to transfer my case to Kuje where I would be jailed. Not too long after we spoke, the Police at Gwagwalada Police Station made arrangements and I was taken to Kuje Police Station where I was also put into a cell where my experience with urine, excrement, maggots and mosquitoes continued for another four (4) days.

?Again here at Kuje Police Station all attempts to bail me by my family members, friends and the Lawyer was denied because according to the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO) Kuje Police Station the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) was not around and also that Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan has not given them go ahead to release me.

Lamenting, she added that ?It was not until the fifth day when my family members threatened to bring my children back to the Police Station so that all of us can remain there that the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO) Kuje Police Station agreed that my family should bring someone with landed property at Kuje to bail me. When my family eventually brought someone with landed property, the old story of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan are unreachable at the moment please try later, continued.

?On Tuesday 4th May, 2010 , my brother came to the Police Station and told me that they had contacted Journalists who are ready to publish the story and already Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan was being contacted by the Journalists to hear her own side of the story. Soon afterwards, the Inspector Crime from Gwagwalada Police Station came to Kuje Police Station and my brother later informed me that surprisingly the man who strongly opposed that I be released on bail at Gwagwalada Police Station is now canvassing that I be released because Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan had communicated to them that she got a call from a Journalist who wanted to hear her story before publication and that I should be released to avert the Newspaper publication.

According to her, ?the Lawyer was with the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Kuje Police Station prevailing on him to either take the matter to Court or release me. I was later briefed by the Lawyer that the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) Kuje Police Station said they don?t think Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan is interested in taking the matter to Court and therefore I was released and asked to come with my husband in a week?s time.

?I spent a total of seven (7) days in Police custody between Gwagwalada and Kuje from 28th April, 2010 to 4th May, 2010 . But my family is crying foul to the entire country to come to our aid by telling Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan to leave us alone. Enough is enough! We have been pushed to the wall; enough of her torment over the years.

Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan?s past deeds

As if these acts being perpetrated by Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan and wife of the highly placed ex-Naval boss forms part of her traits, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah recalls that ?In the same manner two years ago she used Naval Ratings and abducted two of my husband?s younger brothers, beat them mercilessly and took them to her house at Maitama Abuja where she kept them in custody in her house for over one week; eventually we were contacted on phone because at that time my family was in Enugu where I was attending to both my husband and my son who had undergone an orthopedic and plastic surgeries respectively.

?At that time she said my husband was in custody of a Gwagwalada Land document which she gave to him for the purpose of verification at Abuja Geographic Information Systems (AGIS) and that once the paper is returned to her that would be okay. She spoke to my husband and I on phone and my husband got in touch with a man of God named Pastor Rabinson and in company of one of our family friend who is an Army Officer, Mr. Ayuba they retrieved the document from AGIS and took it to her. We later reconciled and she apologized and begged that we must not let her husband know of this matter. Since then, we have been on our own until this time when the devil just reminded Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan about us again.

?It is obvious now that there is a threat to my life and that of members of my family; and just incase anything happens to any member of my family, Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan should be held responsible. If she has any case against us, this is a democracy and not a military regime. Let her stop using military personnel to harass a civilian and his innocent wife and children. If she has any case against us why not take the case to a law court for the judge to decide who is guilty and who pays what and how much.

Last word

Following the seemingly unending torment in the hands of Mrs. Treasure Samuel Afolayan, Mrs. Paulynn Midalah has appealed to human rights agencies to step into the unwholesome treatment meted to her and her family.

?I hereby appeal to all human right agencies to come to the aid of my family and stop this injustice against us where some ?animals? are more equal than others; where a woman would use her husband?s position as a Former Chief of the Naval Staff to abduct people?s children from school and use money and influence to deny me bail from Police custody for seven (7) days even when I am innocent of any offence?, she begged.
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Naval Ratings have been known to descend heavily on our Citizens at the drop of a hat .The case of Uzoma Okere and Rear Admiral Harry Olufemi Arogundade where Okere, daughter of the sergeant at arms at the National Assembly Colonel Emmanuel Okere (rtd), was beaten black and blue by Dirty Harry Arogundade's minions of destruction,The Naval ratings of The Naija Navy.
It was once thought that the fear of Lasma was the beginning of wisdom but it is looking to be the Fear of Naija Naval Ratings is the ending of this wise saying lagosians are known to chant. Read on this pathetic story of oppression in high places on powerless citizens.

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Stern-looking military men recently stormed the Trinity Anglican Primary School, Gwagwalada, a suburb of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) in a commando style, abducted two pupils and fled. Panic seized teachers and pupils of the school when they sighted the unfriendly visitors, all naval officers, who were said to have demanded for the head teacher screaming, “who is the headmaster/mistress here?”

Photo:Mrs. Paulyn Midalah

The five armed men, according to eye-witnesse accounts, proceeded to whisk away Favour and Marvel Steve Midalah, both pupils of the school, in the full glare of the shell-shocked teachers and other pupils.

An eyewitness recounted: “A well-fed" woman was directing the officers on what to do. When our headmistress confronted them, the woman told her to ask the parents to come to police station in Gwagwalada and meet the children there.”

Mother of the abducted kids, Mrs. Paulyn Midalah alleged that the abduction of her children was carried out on the order of the wife of a retired top naval officer. She said the woman also gave order to the police to arrest her and detain her along with her children until her husband would come for them.

She said her children had left home for school in the morning of Tuesday, April 28, 2010: “Around 10.30am that day, I received a telephone call from my children’s headmaster that a certain woman had come to the school with armed naval officers to pick my children from school.

“I immediately put a call through to my son, Favour, and he picked it and said ‘Hello Mummy.’ Soon after, I guess someone had collected the phone from my child. “After that, all attempts to reach him on that phone proved abortive as my phone kept telling me the number was switched off. I became very worried and rushed to the school and met the headmaster who confirmed that a certain woman came with armed naval officers to pick my children from school and bundled their bicycles into her vehicle.

“The headmaster couldn’t remember the name of the woman that came to the school to whisk my kids away. I rushed to the school gate but couldn’t find anyone to give me proper briefing. I rushed back to the house and the kids were not home, I was more confused. and started running up and down our Estate at.

“Somewhere in our estate, Phase 1, Gwagwalada, I sighted a white bus carrying the children’s bicycles. I later learnt that it was the wife of a top naval chief (name witheld) who came to my children’s school with armed naval officers to whisk my children away.

“My husband had worked for her before, but he left them three years ago after my family had a motor accident on March 17, 2007. He sustained compound fracture and even lost his left elbow. My son Favour’s face was so badly battered by glasses that we had to take him for plastic surgery. She abandoned us to our fate and my husband had to sell the house he had just built then to raise the money for surgery on his badly fractured left hand.

“My husband still has about 15 iron screws in his left hand up till today. My son’s face, where surgeons removed glasses from three months, six months and even one year after the accident, is still there as proof of man’s inhumanity to man.

“When I saw them, I confronted them. They said I needed to go with them to the Gwagwalada Police Station, which I did. On arrival at the police station, the woman started making some allegations against my husband and me. She told the police to detain us and never to release me until my husband surfaced. That she had an unsettled issue with my husband. I told her that I didn’t work with her so what was my offence?

“She kept raining abuses on me and said that I must sleep at the police station. We eventually slept at the Gwagwalada Police Station.

“The following morning my family, friends and well wishers prevailed on the police to release the children. Before my children could be released, the Inspector Crime at the station had to call the naval chief’s wife and obtained her permission.

“All attempts by our family, friends and well wishers including that of a lawyer to bail me proved abortive. Police vehemently refused to grant me bail saying I must get clearance from the woman or my husband had to come. I told them that my husband was out of town on a business trip but they would not listen.

“In the police cell I was subjected to the most dehumanizing experience of my life. I had to lie on bare floor that had been contaminated with urine and human excretment, with maggots scattered all over the room. I spent three days at Gwagwalada Police Station.

“By afternoon on Friday, April 30, 2010, the Inspector, Crimes at the station instructed a junior police officer to bring me from the cell. When I was brought out he said the woman wanted to speak with me.

“She said since I had refused to tell them the whereabouts of my husband she has instructed the police to transfer my case to Kuje where I would be jailed. Not too long after we spoke, I was taken to Kuje Police Station and detained for another four days.

“All attempts to bail me were denied because according to the Divisional Crime Officer (DCO), besides that the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) was not around, the woman had not given them the go ahead.

“It was not until the fifth day when my family members threatened to bring my children back to the police station that the DCO agreed that my family should bring someone with landed property at Kuje to bail me. When my family eventually brought someone with landed property, the old story of the DPO that the woman was not reachable at the moment continued.

“On Tuesday, May 4, 2010, my brother came to the police station and told me that they had contacted the press. Later, the Inspector Crime from Gwagwalada Police Station came to Kuje Police Station. My brother informed me that surprisingly the man who strongly opposed my release on bail at Gwagwalada Police Station was now canvassing that I be released. He said the woman had communicated to them that she got a call from a journalist and that I should be released to avoid the press. I was released and asked to come with my husband in a week’s time. I spent seven days in police custody

“In the same manner two years ago, she used naval ratings and abducted two of my husband’s younger brothers. They beat them mercilessly and took them to her house where she kept them in custody for one week.

“I hereby appeal to all human rights agencies to come to the aid of my family and stop this injustice against us where some animals are more equal than others. Where a woman would use her husband’s position as a to abduct people’s children from school and use money and influence to deny me bail from police custody for seven days.”

However, all efforts to reach the retired naval chief’s wife on her cell phones proved abortive. She constantly evaded calls placed on her two phone lines. At other times, she picked her calls but once she heard the voice she cut the line and switched off immediately. FCT police spokesman, Jimoh Moshood, said he is not aware of the development. He promised to find out and later intimate the reporter but he never did.
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Kano: Boy, 11, stabs mother to death

Kano: Boy, 11, stabs mother to death Mustapha Salihu The police have arrested an 11-year-old boy who stabbed his mother to death in Rijiyar Lemo, Kano State. advertisement It was learnt that the deceased, Yaya, was scolding her son, Usman, for stealing when he killed her. The lad, who came home with a pair of sunglasses, which he allegedly got from their neighbours, pounced on his mother for daring to ask him where he got it from. According to eyewitness reports, when Yaya saw her child with the item that did not belong to him, she threatened to kill him with a knife should he continue to bring home strange objects which he does not own. Unfortunately, Usman did not take his mother's threats lightly as he grabbed the knife from her hand and stabbed her. Usman's younger sister, Nafisa, who was at the scene of the incident said that her brother first stabbed their mother in the hand, then her stomach and later stuck the knife in her eye. In his response to enquiries on the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer of the Kano State Police Command, Mr. Baba Mohammed, said that after the ugly incident, Yaya reported to the police, alleging that their mother had been murdered by his brother...
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After months of hide and seek, sick President Umaru Yar’Adua’s mother, Hajia Dada Yar’Adua was allowed access to him on Friday by the restrictive cabal led by Her daughter-in-law, Turai and Chief Security Officer (CSO), Yusuf Tilde. our source in Abuja revealed that few minutes after setting eyes on her son, shocked Hajia Dada broke down and wept like a baby, repeatedly calling him “Babangida, Babangida” her choice name for President Yar’Adua. The President never responded to his mother as he sat and looked at her in a manner that suggested he may have lost memories of her, according to a source. “Hajia was so shocked at his state of his health and the most painful was that even while she called him Babangida, the name she gave him from birth by which family members know Mr. President, he did not respond, he was just there looking at her like he doesn’t know who she is,” the source told us. For months Turai and her co-travelers restricted access to the sick President. They did not even allow his immediate family including his mother to see how he is doing. It was against this background that Hajia Dada called on the PDP, General Ibrahim Babangida, and Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo to prevail on Turai to allow her access. According to our source, on setting her eyes on her son, she repeatedly called out her favorite name she calls him. She named him Babangida after his paternal grand father. Our source said she kept calling “ Babangida, Babangida” , but her son just starred at her and could not utter a word. advertisement our source said after several minutes of trying to establish communication with her gravely ill son, with stone-faced Turai watching, Hajia Dada was taken away by security operatives. It was leant that the President’s mother returned to Katsina later Friday night, with the possibility of not seeing her son again, at the back of her mind. Our source also hinted that several times Hajia Dada had asked that her son be brought back to Katsina, where is expects marabouts to perform a miracle. Sources say shortly before Yar’Adua was evacuated to Saudi Arabia, the sick President had requested audience with his mother at the Presidential Villa. But Hajia Dada spent two days with the President and did not know why other brothers and sisters of President Yar’Adua never came around to see her. According to sources, Turai, wife of the President had instructed security operatives in the villa not to allow any of the President’s siblings around. An operative who is said to be very close to the Yar’adua’s had hinted the President’s mother. The President’s mother, it was gathered had told the president and for the first time, President Yar’Adua, according to a source “tongue lashed his wife and immediately ordered than his family members be granted unrestricted access anytime they want to see him.”
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My son must not die -Yar'Adua's mother *Tells Turai to release her son *To meet with OBJ, Gowon

FOLLOWING the refusal of the First Lady, Hajia Turai Yar'Adua, to allow top politicians, including the relatives of the ailing President Umaru Yar'Adua to see her husband, who was secretly brought into the country after spending three months in a Saudi Arabian hospital, the mother of the president, Hajia Dada

Unusual disrespect to lead her husband in the religion they both practice, not to mention President of a nation


Yar'Adua, has called on eminent Nigerians to prevail on Hajia Turai to release her son to her.

Similarly, the president's mother has vowed to hold her daughter in-law responsible if anything unwholesome happens to her son.

A source close to the family in Katsina disclosed that the president's mother has started making frantic efforts to meet with former President Olusegun Obasanjo and former military head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, as well as other eminent Nigerians, who were close to President Yar'Adua's late brother, General Sheu Musa Yar'Adua, to help appeal to the first lady to drop her recalcitrant attitude, and bring home the ailing Nigerian leader.

According to the source, Turai had locked the door of Aso Rock against the president's mother, thus preventing her from seeing her son. He added that the woman, who had become troubled since her son took ill, had sent emissaries to Ota Farm to meet Chief Obasanjo in order to make him see her plight and prevail on the first lady to change her mind.

The woman, according to the source, revealed that the health status of president Yar'Adua had always been a source of worry to her, noting that the president had been battling with health challenges, as he was afflicted with a certain skin disease at birth, adding that the president's illness, which has been given much media attention in recent times, could be cured locally.

She said Turai's hard stance on access to her husband had made things worse, as President Yar'Adua's health condition had suffered in the process.

The source said that President Yar'Adua's mother did not want her son disgraced from office, noting that it was better for him to die and be given full presidential honours, than being disgraced out of office.

It will be recalled that the president's mother, in the wake of the president's latest sickness, after he was flown to Saudi Arabia, had urged the first lady to leave her son alone and allow him to resign from office on the grounds of his ill health.
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