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Lagos, one of the worst cities to live in

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This was revealed in the latest summary of the EIU Liveability survey for the year 2010 where the state depreciated further from the fifth worst city it was ranked in 2009. With sub-indicators for each of factors such as the availability and quality of both private and public health care coupled with general health indicators, while prevalence of petty/violent crimes with threat of civil unrest/militancy are evaluated for the stability indicator.

The incessant rush-hour traffic congestion on major roads of the metropolis; insufficient low-cost housing, and its attendant impact on the housing needs of the rapidly growing population are glaring examples of the strained infrastructure needs of the city under the infrastructure indicators.

Lagos was ranked 137 in the list of 140 countries surveyed. The city with a population of 18million people had an overall rating of 39.0. The state also earned the score of 25 in stability, 33.3 in both education and health care and an above average score of 52.3 for culture and environment. The recent huge investments by the state government in infrastructure earned the state a score of 48.2.

However the deputy state governor, Sarah Sosan, who oversees the Ministry of Education disagreed with last year’s ranking stating that, “I don’t think the standard of education is low.” She said this during a press briefing held to mark the third anniversary of the current administration. “We need to improve on factors and we’ve been doing that through the rehabilitation of science laboratories, provision of libraries, putting of furniture in place, and so on. We are also aggressively putting structures in place to reduce congestion in our schools.”

On the first position of the worst city to live in the world is the Zimbabwean capital; Harare which was closely followed by Dhaka-the Bangladeshi capital which is currently hosting the cricket world cup and Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. Other cities on the bottom of the table are Algiers, Karachi, Tehran, Dakar and Colombo. The bottom list was populated mainly by African and Asian cities.

Vancouver again

Vancouver in Canada remained at the top of the ranking, as it did last year and according to the EIU; the position was maintained by the “successful hosting of the 2010 winter Olympics and Paralympics, which provided a boost to the infrastructure and culture and environment categories.”

The Australian city of Melbourne rises to become the second highest ranked city with Vienna; the Austrian capital coming third.

Two other Canadian cities; Toronto and Calgary completed the top five cities most suitable to live in the world according to the EIU liveability survey.

NEXT called up the senior special assistant to the Lagos state government on media; Hakeem Bello but he declined comment saying he will have to get across to the Ministry of Economic Planning which will be privy to such statements before the state government can adequately react to it.

Respondents who reacted to the previous ranking of Lagos were unanimous that the city has enjoyed a fairly stable atmosphere despite its peculiar characteristic as a meeting point for diverse ethnic groups. Yoruba residents in the state are particularly known for their goodwill and cheer, which gives rise to the numerous parties that dot the metropolis during weekends, and even, on some cases, work days. “Lagos is like a house of everything; a mix of everything,” said Justyna Kita, a Polish citizen from Krakow who was an intern at the Murtala Muhammed Foundation

“There is the traffic, the generators, and so much noise. But the people are very friendly and open. They shake my hands in the streets, and are always singing and dancing. I have made so many friends here, and I don’t miss my home for now.” A sociologist, Uwadiegwu Otisi, attributed the city’s stability as a factor responsible for its massive population growth. “Despite the aggression displayed by most Lagos residents, the city has won accolades as a peaceful city,” he said. “And I think it has been a major form of attraction to so many people who decided to relocate to Lagos. A lot of southerners have relocated to Lagos due to the incessant religious skirmishes in the north.”..

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Man kills himself during live internet broadcast

A 24-year-old man committed suicide live on the internet, Japanese police said Friday.

Some online chat forum users egged on the man after he posted that he was considering suicide, local media reported. Some chatters urged him not to, while others said he was lying, local media said.

The man started live-streaming his own hanging. Viewers called police.

The suicide was reported to police in the northern Japanese city of Sendai about 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, said the vice chief of the Sendai North Police.

Officers found the man at his home, after he had hanged himself. They determined his address with help from internet chat sites.

Police released no further information, citing privacy protections in cases of suicide.

An image has been floating around cyberspace, showing a person hanging from what looks like a fabric belt, looped across a horizontal pole or rod.

The streaming service Ustream said the image was not doctored and that it shows the man who killed himself....

Ustream removed the image after users flagged it, said spokesman Fumihiro Ito.

The company planned to beef up monitoring of user content following the suicide, Ito said.

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People crossing the flooded area through a wooden bridge from Ajiliti to Mile 12 area. Inset: Okada riders waiting for passengers. Photos: Sylvester Okoruwa

The recent flood that rendered a lot of Lagosians homeless, destroying property worth millions of naira, impoverished the victims, as reported by OWONIBI AYOMIDE.

THE Foursquare Gospel Church in Agiliti a suburb in Mile 12 still stands solidly on its foundation. Though the church is painted white to signify purity, the white paint is gradually peeling away, revealing the ash coloured plastered walls now green and slimy with algae..

Instead of devoted worshippers clapping and singing praises, the church is quiet and desolate. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of water seeping through some of the cracks in the walls. Occasionally, the stillness of the church is broken by the sound of a water creature going about its business as if it belongs there.

Outside the church is a long stretch of algae green water with rows of houses and shops on both sides. The stretch of water was once Oreofe Street. The houses are not like normal houses on dry land. Though once built on dry land, they are now submerged in water up to the window level or the roof as the case may be.

Where is my pot?
For many residents of Ikorodu, Ajegunle and other surrounding communities, the flood that ravaged the community last weekend, will always remain fresh in their memories, as many of them lost valuable properties accumulated after many years of hard work and labour. For Mrs. Theresa Adekanle, a widow living in a one room apartment in one of the streets submerged by water, the flood has reduced her to a beggar as she has to depend on kindhearted neighbours to provide food for her and her three children.

While speaking with the Nigerian Tribune, the widow recalled that she had gone to bed with her children around ten on Friday night, only to wake up two hours later to pray and discovered that somehow, water was seeping under her door.

“I initially thought that someone had mistakenly tripped over a bucket of water I normally keep in front of my door for toilet purposes. I opened the door to reprimand whoever it was, but was surprised to see that the whole passage was filled with water. I raised an alarm and the other tenants started trooping out of their rooms and salvaging their properties.”

Mrs. Adekanle noted with dismay that after making sure that her children were safely perched on the table she uses to display her tomatoes and pepper in front of the house, she discovered that the pot of soup which she allegedly spent N700 in preparing had drifted away to the backyard. She also lamented that the dry foodstuff she bought for the month were also destroyed by the flood waters.

“I am presently going through a lot, as I am living from hand to mouth. If not for my pastor and the little daily contribution I do, me and my children would have taken to the streets in search of our daily bread.”

Harvest of loss
Mrs. Adekanle is not the only one affected by the flood, as hundreds of people living in the area had to flee the area, living behind their property. A man shook his head sadly as he pointed to his car which was submerged in water and declined to give any comment, as his loss was evident enough.

Taking a canoe ride through the submerged street is not easy as the youngsters paddling the canoe have to battle with floating household utensils like pots, plastic plates, and what have you. The water has proved to be a litmus test for many houses which were constructed hurriedly without making sure that the foundations are strong enough to withstand the test of time.

According to a youth leader in the area, more than eight houses have collapsed since the flood began, while many others stand the risk of collapse once the water dry up.

A mechanic operating in the area said that he is only waiting for the water to dry up so that he can retrieve some of his tools that sank. “This is my shop,” he said pointing to what once used to be a wood structure. “I don’t live here, but I was more than shocked when I came to work in the morning and discovered that my shop has been submerged. As you can see, I am only waiting for the waters to dry up. He explained hopefully.

We must survive
A visit to the area revealed that some of the residents of the area who have no where to go; have continued to live in their swamped houses regardless of the dangers inherent in it. Borrowing a leaf from the Ilaje people who build their homes on water, many of them have constructed wooden platforms in their rooms, from where they sleep, cook and eat. Children who are of age are severely warned about the dangers lurking beneath the murky waters, so there is no fear of drowning or any other mishap.

One of the residents who simply identified himself as Sunday, said that some of the major problems they are currently facing is the smell of the water, the large number of mosquitoes and other flying insects, the difficulty in getting clean water to drink and worse of all, the presence of snakes.

“For me, getting water to drink is really not a problem because all I have to do is take a canoe to the other side and buy pure water.” He said, pointing to some bags of water stashed on the platform. “Initially, I didn’t want to abandon my house and go and squat with friends but I am currently rethinking the situation because of the snakes. Though I know they can’t bite while in water, what will happen when they manage to slide up my bed in the night?”

Another resident who continues to live in her house despite the swamped quarters complained about the cold and the difficulty of going to work.

“It is not as bad as people out there think. In life we must all learn to adapt to whatever situation we find ourselves. The only challenge I am having right now is the difficulty in getting to work. Getting a canoe is not easy, because the youngsters who paddle the canoe are afraid of my end, complaining that the snakes are too much.”

While many are lamenting bitterly, the canoe business is thriving beautifully, as the paddlers make as high as N2000 daily from ferrying people to and fro the flooded areas. Carpenters now have to work overtime because suddenly, every unemployed youth now wants to have a canoe because of the fringe benefits.

Echoes of help
Looking more like a ghost town, the submerged areas in Agiliti and Madan areas is so deserted and quiet that the voice of the few left behind, echo loudly, reverberating inside the abandoned houses now inhabited by water left to their fate by the former occupants. The playing ground of the schools located in the areas which was once filled with happy children is now a shadow of itself. The only living creatures are frogs and other water creatures.

Some of the residents who spoke with the Sunday Tribune pleaded with Governor Fashola to come to their rescue as they had been cut off from their means of livelihood. However, there was a twist in the whole plea for help as some of the residents said that they were not suffering and that nothing should be written about them or the government would come and demolish their houses.

“We don’t want any interference from the government. All we want from them is that they should give us good roads and find a way of channeling the dam from Ogun State to somewhere else. Governor Fashola cannot just come here and tell us to go somewhere else. This happens once in year and we are well prepared for it. We knew this was a water area when we bought our land.” One of the elders in the community yelled angrily.

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Research has consistently found that people who don't drink actually tend to die sooner than those who do. A newpaper suggests that abstainers' mortality rates are actually higher thanthose of heavy drinkers.

Even after controlling for many possible variables, such as socioeconomic status, level of physical activity, and number of closefriends, the researchers found that over a 20-year period, mortalityrates were highest for those who had never been drinkers.

One reason for this may be that low levels of ethanol in your bloodstream will prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietarymethanol. In fact, ethanol is used as the preferred antidote foraccidental methanol poisoning in an emergency for this reason.

Time Magazine reports:

“The authors of the new paper are careful to note that even if drinking is associated with longer life, it can be dangerous: it canimpair your memory severely and it can lead to nonlethal falls and othermishaps”.


Dr. Mercola's Comments:
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This is not the first time we’ve been told that drinking alcohol is actually good for you. What’s surprising however, not to mentionpotentially troublesome, are the scientific claims that moderate andeven heavy drinking is beneficial – in this case, more beneficial for your longevity than abstaining from alcohol entirely!

It’s difficult to reconcile this claim with everything we already know about the devastating health effects of excessive alcoholconsumption and the fact that ethyl alcohol is neurotoxic..

However, I will offer one potential explanation for this oxymoron a bit later in this article.

Moderate Drinkers Live Longer than Non-Drinkers, Study Finds

According to the recent study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Research, epidemiological research suggests that moderate to high alcohol consumption is associated with areduced overall mortality risk compared to non- and light drinkers.

Their study included over 1,800 people, aged 55 to 65 when the study began. Sixty-nine percent of the participants were men. The subjectswere followed for 20 years.

Surprisingly, the group with the lowest mortality rate was moderate drinkers, who had one to three alcoholic drinks per day, followed by heavy drinkers, and then light drinkers, while non-drinkers had the highest mortality rate of them all.

The study states:

“Controlling only for age and gender, compared to moderate drinkers, abstainers had a more than 2 times increased mortality risk,heavy drinkers had 70% increased risk, and light drinkers had 23%increased risk.

A model controlling for former problem drinking status, existing health problems, and key sociodemographic and social-behavioral factors,as well as for age and gender, substantially reduced the mortalityeffect for abstainers compared to moderate drinkers.

However, even after adjusting for all covariates, abstainers and heavy drinkers continued to show increased mortality risks of 51 and45%, respectively, compared to moderate drinkers.”

Time Magazine writes that “moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice isred wine) is thought to improve heart health, circulation andsociability.”

But is that enough to explain these findings?

I believe it’s unwise to ignore the big picture when it comes to health, and when it comes to alcohol, I’m just not convinced that thepotential benefits outweigh all the risks, particularly when it comes tohaving multiple drinks per day.

So I hope these latest findings will not be used as justification to further promote a dangerous and health-damaging habit that can easilylead to alcoholism.

The Health Hazards of Alcohol

Before we get into the potential benefits, it’s important to realize that alcohol is a neurotoxin that can poison your brain. It can alsodisrupt your hormonal balance, which could potentially explain why womendo not appear to reap the same health benefits from alcohol consumptionas men do.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, “moderate” consumption for women is just one drink per day, whereas“moderate” consumption for men is two drinks. Hence, women who consumetwo to three drinks a day will actually fall into the category of“heavy” drinkers.

Another important consideration is that wine or other alcoholic beverages will increase your insulin levels, which will eventually have a negative impact on your health. As I’ve stated on many previous occasions, insulin resistance is a hallmark of nearly every chronic disease there is.

Heavy drinkers also face increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, women who drink two or more drinks a day increase their risk of breast cancer by more than 40 percent!

Other types of cancer linked to excessive alcohol consumption include cancer of the:

  • Mouth, larynx and esophagus
  • Liver
  • Colon
  • Pancreas
  • Lungs

Alcohol consumption also inhibits your body’s natural stress response by reducing a key stress hormone, known as corticotropin-releasingfactor (CRF). CRF is produced by your hypothalamus and helps triggeryour body's reaction to stress.

If your stress response is impaired, your immune system will also be inhibited, which can have any number of health implications, from reducing your ability to fight infections to increasing your cancer risk.

Alcohol also clearly needs to be avoided during pregnancy.

Beyond Resveratrol – Explaining the Health Benefits of Alcohol

One of the most widely accepted health benefits of alcohol comes from resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine, which acts as a:

  • Cancer-preventing agent
  • Blood thinner
  • Vaso-expanding agent
  • Blood pressure lowering compound
  • Anti-aging chemical

But resveratrol cannot explain the health benefits ascribed to the moderate consumption of other types of alcohol (ethanol).

Interestingly, research into ethanol’s impact on dietary methanol may offer clues that could potentially rival the late breaking science into fructose and its devastating impact on health.

One possible explanation for why mortality rates are higher for non-drinkers may be that low levels of ethanol (alcohol) in yourbloodstream helps prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietarymethanol. (In fact, ethanol is used as the preferred antidote foraccidental methanol poisoning in an emergency for this reason.)

What is dietary methanol and how could this possibly have ANY significance?

New Concern in Your Food: Wood Alcohol (Methanol)

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of naturally-occurring methanol, and the artificial sweetener aspartameconverts into methanol in your body.

Normally this is not a problem as the methanol is typically bound to pectin, and since your body has no enzyme to metabolize that bond it issimply excreted in your stool and none of the methanol is absorbed intoyour body.

However, the problem occurs when you can or bottle fruit- or vegetable juice, as the methanol tends to then dissociate from thepectin into free methanol, which you do absorb.

The methanol you absorb readily passes the blood brain barrier where it can be converted to form formaldehyde, which is a potent toxin thatactually causes most of the damage.

Why Ethanol May Protect You From Methanol

An exciting paper that delves into this topic is food scientist Woody Monte’s “Methanol: A chemical Trojan horse as the root of the inscrutable U,” published in the March, 2010 issue of Medical Hypotheses.

In it, he explains that:

Very low levels of ethanol in your bloodstream would substantively prevent all formaldehyde production from dietary methanolanywhere in the body.

Protection from formaldehyde production may account for the yet unexplained dose region of apparent improvement in the U-shapedcurve of alcohol consumption.

Epidemiologic studies show moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction, dementia,lupus, and other diseases of civilization.

Low doses of ethanol appear to provide a preventative measure against the causes of diseases of civilization.

Recent studies of individuals who consumed at least one alcoholic drink per day show subjects had an additional 86 percent reduction inrisk of myocardial infarction if they were genetically endowed with agenotype of ADH I that was 2.5 times slower to metabolize ethanol thanthe control.

These findings were ‘‘consistent with the hypothesis that a slower rate of clearance of alcohol enhances the beneficial effect ofmoderate alcohol consumption on the risk of cardiovascular disease.””

It is important to understand that the primary treatment for methanol poisoning in the emergency room is to give them ethanol, for thereasons described above.

The ethanol will preferentially be broken down before the methanol. The methanol then remains unmetabolized, and in its base form it isrelatively nontoxic. It’s becomes a problem when your body breaks itdown to formaldehyde.

So while your body is breaking down the ethanol it has enough time to breathe out the methanol unchanged in your lungs and excrete itunchanged in your urine.

A Little Alcohol Might Be Good, But More is Definitely Dangerous

As I mentioned earlier, if this theory is correct, it could rival the scientific findings on fructose in terms of importance, and couldexplain not only the health benefits of low-to moderate alcoholconsumption, but also how aspartame affects some people more negativelythan others.

It may still be too early to draw definitive conclusions, but the arguments are compelling and I’ll be following this line of researchwith great interest in the years to come.

In his paper, Dr. Monte continues to connect the dots and shows how greater alcohol consumption ceases to be beneficial at a certain point, and instead starts to take its toll on your health:

“A compelling explanation of the dose region of adverse effects of the U-shaped curve with high ethanol consumption, which shows increased risk of these same diseases, could be themechanism by which humans habituate to high consumption of ethanol.

The induction of the P450 hepatic microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system results in a considerably higher clearance rate of ethanol fromthe bloodstream for an extended period of time, thus accounting for moreconsumption leading to statistically less time of protection.

Small amounts of supplemental alcohol not sufficient to induce P450 might be expected to prolong the residence time and avoid gaps inthe protection afforded by ethanol in preventing methanol-placedformaldehyde. “

P450 is a class, or family, of liver enzymes whose main functions include catalyzing the metabolism of drugs and the oxidation of organicsubstances.

In simplistic terms, higher alcohol consumption sends this system into high gear, and starts clearing ethanol from your system.

Again, a simplified explanation for how you become a habitual drinker (which also tends to lead to drinking increasing amounts of alcohol) isthat the more you drink, the more efficient this ethanol-clearingsystem becomes, and you begin to be able to drink more before you noticethe effects of the alcohol.

What this all means is that in order for the alcohol to provide you with the health benefit of preventing formaldehyde formation, it must below enough to not activate the P450 system.

Hence you get a U-shaped curve, where low- to moderate alcohol consumption gives you increasing amounts of health benefits, until youreach the “threshold,” at which point the more you drink, the more harmit causes.

It’s important to realize that formaldehyde is a class 1 carcinogen and a mutagen, and in the form of methanol, it can easily be transportedthroughout your entire body and brain.

Wherever you have a lot of ADH1 (the enzyme metabolizes methanol to formaldehyde), such as in your brain, methanol can be particularlytroublesome.

But as long as there’s just enough ethanol in your system to keep the methanol moving along, without ever being metabolized to formaldehyde,no damage is caused.

It’s worth noting here also that the average person typically has some naturally-occurring ethanol in their system, as it is also created through the fermentation process in your gut.

However, the addition of small amounts of ethanol in the form of alcohol may be able to more fully prevent formaldehyde from forming,which could explain why low- to moderate alcohol consumption appears tobe even more healthful than total abstinence…

How Can You Get the Same Benefits Without Drinking Alcohol?

It is not my recommendation to start drinking alcohol or to use this information as a justification to continue drinking alcohol. I am notconvinced it is physiologically beneficial for you in the long run.

The purpose of running this article was to merely inform you of a recent appreciation of methanol toxicity, and how ethanol can interactwith it. If this theory is true then the primary benefit of usingethanol would be to prevent methanol from converting to formaldehyde.

So what is the main source of methanol in your diet?

Remember that fresh fruits and vegetables have it but it’s harmless if you eat them fresh, as the methanol is then bound to pectin andcannot dissociate and cause you harm.

They key is to avoid ALL canned (or bottled) fruit or vegetable juices as they will have free methanol. Another large source of freemethanol would be aspartame which is 11 percent methanol by weight.

So if this theory is correct, you would likely receive very little benefit from consuming ethanol if you just avoid canned fruits andvegetables and asparatame….....

Do You Drink Too Much?

It’s dangerous to place too much weight on recommendations that include imbibing alcohol on a regular basis. And even if you do takethat recommendations to heart, it’s important to remember that healthbenefits have ONLY been found in people who drink small amounts ofalcohol on a daily basis, NOT a week’s worth of alcohol over theweekend...

This fact also further strengthens the theory that the benefit is derived from having low amounts of ethanol circulating almostcontinuously, or at least regularly, through your system, keepingformaldehyde from forming and doing any damage.

Unfortunately, alcohol abuse is a major problem in most countries, so I certainly hope you will not use this information as an excuse to hitthe bottle every day.

Most alcohol misuse and abuse stems from deep emotional challenges. Addressing these issues at a deep level is imperative to avoid thenegative health consequences--both physical and mental--that inevitablyresult from excessive drinking.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can be helpful if this is an issue for you. This psychologicalacupressure technique is routinely used in my clinic and it works betterthan any other traditional or alternative method I am currently awareof.

However, if you try the technique yourself and find that you are not improving, consider consulting a trained EFT therapist to facilitate theprocess. You can find a list of qualified EFT practitioners near you atthis link. For more information, feel free to review Pat Carrington’s site TappingCentral.

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Editor's Comment:Now what happened to hyped up GLO 1 Cable which docked many weeks ago on the shores of lekki Penisula ? It has been a while and Broadband prices are still UP ? with rumours of Mega rich Owner Mike Adenuga on the run from The EFCC.
Can the Main One do what GLOating 1 has not Done ? Mr Adeola has been "underground" to an extent over the years but with stellar performances at GTBank,Linkserve (the premier ISP),Fate Foundation and a host of pioneering services to the nigerian nation We await another iconic Businessman's foray into the Arena of BroadBand Comms.

Main Article:
Main One Cable Company Limited, the first submarine cable company offering open access and wholesale broadband capacity in West Africa, has been completed and commissioned, officials of the firm said yesterday.
The facility offers 1,920 gigabytes per second (Gbps) data capacity and is 7, 000 kilometres long. With landing stations in Nigeria and Ghana, and branching units in Morocco, Canary Islands, Senegal and Ivory Coast, the cable will deliver unprecedented broadband capacity to West Africa; more than ten times what is currently available..

With its cable system now turned on, the company is strategically positioned to champion the communications revolution in Africa, impacting businesses, governments, and individuals by providing higher bandwidth and exceptional speeds at a lower cost.

Though Nigeria's internet penetration is still at its lowest ebb, the much anticipated landing of Main One submarine cable this month would indeed crash the cost of internet access, bringing about the desirable digital revolution that the country has been yearning for, industry watchers say. They further expound that the considerable increase in available bandwidth from the Main One cable will provide telecommunications industry with the additional

capacity they require to expand networks and mobilize a broader range of services. The ramifications of the cable will be felt in all sectors; from education, to health, and entertainment, helping to drive economic growth and creating employment opportunities on the African continent.

Fola Adeola, chairman, Main One Cable Company stated: "Today is a historic day for West Africa. The arrival of the Main One cable proves that much good can be done by Africans for Africans. We are pleased to realise the fruit of our dedication and commitment in the past30 months.

"More importantly, we are happy to be a channel for driving growth in Africa, and changing the status quo for the average African as reliable internet connectivity becomes easily accessible and affordable for all", he concluded. Main One is wholly African and is the first privately owned submarine network cable in West Africa. A landmark achievement, Main One delivered its cable system on time and within budget, a rare occurrence with projects of this magnitude and complexity.

Industry watchers say that the system would also contribute to an immediate 50 percent drop in the price of bandwidth in Nigeria and Ghana, and continued price reduction was anticipated over time. BusinessDay gathered that GSM operator, MTN Nigeria, is the largest single user of bandwidth in the country. As at today, the company's bandwidth demand is put at 2 Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM).
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Behold Nigerians who live in Luxury!

All over the world living in luxury is strictly the preserve of the rich and famous. It takes millions of naira, thousands of pounds/dollars to finance the lifestyle of the people we are talking about. They drive state-of-the-art cars, own yachts, private jets, live in homes that inspire imagination, and holiday in the best resorts. Some of these individuals own or manage luxury brands. Correspondent, Kemi Yesufu, brings you this first part of Nigerians who live in luxury. They don't only know how to create wealth; they also know how to spend it. .
Fati Asebelua

She is the creative director of Muses of Modern Origin (MOMO), a high-class fashion outfit based in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

Fati, as she is simply called, came into the fashion industry a little over seven years ago. This woman with unmistakable exquisite taste is known for making eye-catching but sophisticated evening wear for women, and describes her style as "sporty glam look", adding that she designs for women with style that is "timeless, luxurious, and discerning".

A visit to either of her stores would convince you that this woman, who is the chairperson of glossy fashion magazine, Sleek, deserves a place in this list.

Dehinde Fernandez

He is Africa's gift to the world of class, high fashion and luxurious lifestyle. To begin to describe the way of life of this businessman, who is the Baron of Dudley, the Oluwo of Lagos, and the Garsan Fulani of Kano, is akin to writing a fairytale. However, the glamorous lifestyle of this Kano-based billionaire is there for all to see. From his beautiful yachts and jets, magnificent homes designed and built to suit his taste, there are indeed very few people who can match Fernandez's Èlan.

Otunba Subomi Balogun

By 1982 Otunba Subomi Balogun founded the First City Merchant Bank (FCMB). In moving with the times, after years of operating as a merchant bank, FCMB in January 2001, went into universal banking. The bank after re-engineering adopted a new name, First City Monument Bank. Born in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, he read law in England. But the philanthropist is better known for his trailblazing exploits in the financial sector. The life of the patriarch of the Balogun family is that of splendour. The Primrose tower head office of FCMB and some of its branch offices are architectural masterpieces. Otunba Balogun's private residences in Lagos and Ijebu-Ode, and his cars are a testament to the iconic status the renowned banker has achieved.

Alex Duduyemi

Chief Alex Duduyemi is a man a lot of young upwardly mobile guys look up to. His Ile-Ife mansion is a timeless architectural masterpiece, the same with his other homes across the globe. From his choice of clothes, his carriage and the cars he steps in and out from, it is easy to see why many regard him as a grand old man.

Aliko Dangote

He has been recognised by Forbes magazine as Nigeria's true billionaire. Alhaji Aliko Dangote has successful businesses that have made him stupendously rich. Though very much on the quiet side alongside his simple appearance, his palatial homes scream one word - luxury!

Chief Sunny Iwedika Odogwu

Ask us to define a lifestyle of luxury with two words, and we would say Sunny Dike Odogwu, the Ide Ahaba (Pillar of Asaba) has had decades of success in business spanning publishing, telecommunications, shipping and of recent, the hospitality industry.

Grand Hotel, Asaba, which is owned by this man of means, is rated among the very best in the country. These exploits have seen the Ide Ahaba, emerge as one of Africa's celebrated businessmen.

Chief Bayo Kuku

The Ogbeni-Oja of Ijebuland, Chief Bayo Kuku is one of the country's wealthiest men. He is not the flamboyant type, but the doyen of the Nigerian stock market is a man of high taste. His homes in Ijebu-Ode and Lagos are palatial. And for those who have been opportune to glimpse into Chief Kuku's Ikoyi residence at Old Warring Road, which has since been renamed after him as Bayo Kuku Road, would marvel at his taste. Chief Kuku has been around for decades, yet his wealth and energy haven't waned a bit. He can compete favourably with today's emerging billionaires.

Jim Ovia

The history of banking in Nigeria is incomplete without the mention of the Managing Director of Zenith Bank Plc, Mr. Jim Ovia. Ovia runs one of Nigeria's global brands. That he is a successful individual is stating the obvious, and with success comes his highflying lifestyle. Aside his love for exquisitely designed boats, Ovia lives in an eye-popping mansion - a testimony to his class. He is a member of the Lagos Boat Club.

Mike Adenuga

Billionaire businessman Otunba Mike Adenuga Jr., can't help but live a life of luxury. His homes and offices around the world speak volumes of the man, who is a major player in the African continent. Be it in oil and gas, telecom, banking, Adenuga is a force to reckon with. The helipad on the roof of Globacom headquarters is one example of how he lives in luxury; why get held up in the Lagos traffic jam when you can fly to your office? The Guru, as he is fondly called, must have asked himself before investing in the helipad.

Eyimofe And Dorothy Atake

Dr. Eyimofe Atake (SAN) and his pretty wife, Dorothy, make a lovely pair. Born in 1958, the learned gentleman did most of his schooling in England, where he obtained LL.M from the London School of Economics, a PhD from Darwin College, University of Cambridge, in 1987. He has over 20 years experience in legal profession having been called to the bar in Nigerian in 1983. Atake and Dorothy, who is also a lawyer, for many younger folks is a model couple. Their lifestyle is classy without being ostentatious.

Leo Stan Ekeh

Unarguably one of Nigeria's most distinguished personalities, Ekeh, though having interest in insurance, banking and manufacturing, is best known as the Chairman of Task Systems and Zinox Computers. The Imo State-born businessman's home has no rival when it comes to state-of-the-art IT equipment. This has made it possible for the entire Ekeh mansion to be controlled electronically.

Moses Ayum

He started out in Abuja with an upscale interior dÈcor outfit, Cherrywood. Now, this Benue State-born businessman is better known for his luxury hotels in highbrow areas. They include Bay Dorchester Hotel in Victoria Island, Lagos; Edge Water Resorts, Cherrywoods and Kaduna Lodge in Lagos and Abuja. These hotels are for only those who can afford to pay for luxury.

Chief Razaq Akanni Okoya

Chief Razaq Okoya (CON) personifies the Nigerian dream; his story is that of from grass to grace. Chief Okoya is a business colossus; a man of means this Eleganza boss. Despite not being born rich, he is among Nigeria's most successful industrialists and has impeccable taste. His birthday parties and other family functions make the headlines in society magazines. Other ways to measure the level of luxury Okoya and his family lives is through his investment in properties in different parts of Lagos. Okoya's Oluwaninsola Estate at Lekki/Ajah Expressway, his Eleganza Gardens and Shopping Mall also in Ajah, all point to the fact that Okoya does nothing in half measures.

John Obayuwana

John Obayuwana is the brain behind Polo, Nigeria's number one designer wristwatch store. His clientele is made up of the highly sophisticated, those who appreciate what it means to own luxury brands.

Tony Elumelu

This United Bank for Africa (UBA) CEO needs little or no introduction. Many young men in business schools all over want to be like Tony Elumelu. His rise in the banking industry has shattered all records and stereotypes. Despite this, Elumelu has remained a simple guy; he probably wouldn't have made this list if his bank did not blaze the trail in luxury banking. Yes, the UBA Prestige bank is a luxury brand, strictly for those who have made it and can afford tailor-made banking services.

Andre Herrenschmidt

He is the General Manger of Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. Since its over 20 years of doing business in Nigeria, the Hilton Hotel has catered for world leaders, captains of industry, celebrities and wealthy entrepreneurs.

It is a well-known fact that only the highly placed in the society enjoys the luxury of being a regular guest at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

Tajudeen Dantata

He is the Group Managing Director of Dantata Group of Companies. Though not one to show off, Dantata, a +2 handicap, loves the game of polo. And don't be deceived; this game is as energy-sapping as it is money-guzzling.

Chief Chris Ogunbanjo

Born in Erunwon, Ijebu-Ode, a lawyer and highly revered corporate player, Chief Chris Ogunbanjo, for many, epitomises nobility. The Olotu of Ijebuland is stupendously rich. He has over the years represented a lifestyle of panache and finesse. Many younger corporate players are emulating his lifestyle.

Adekunle Ojora

This 77-year-old magnate's investments in various companies add up to billions of naira. From his signature outfits to his automobiles, and his homes in different parts of the world, Otunba Adekunle Ojora, a Lagos aristocrat, is one man who has lived a life of luxury.

Chief Richard Akinjide

Be it in politics, business or the legal profession, Chief Richard Akinjide is a successful man, who had often been described as an Ibadan elite. Those who call Akinjide patriarch elite do so because of his trailblazing exploits, having represented Ibadan South East at the age of 27, and became a minister in his 30s. Akinjide's home in Jericho, Ibadan, is intimidating.

Willie and Nkiru Anumudu

This couple lights up the Lagos social scene. Nkiru is unarguably one of Nigeria's most fashionable women. She has a wealthy husband in Willie, who owns Globe Motors, to make sure she is constantly decked in clothes from major labels of the world. To say that Willie and Nkiru live a life of luxury is stating the obvious.

Tayo Ayeni

Want to buy a car that will make heads turn? Talk to Tayo Ayeni, but be armed with your cheque book, of course. He is one of the leading auto dealers in Nigeria. He is Chairman/CEO of Skymit Motors. Majority of the wonder-on-wheels you see in the country were bought from this man. Now, you understand why he is one of the kings of luxury.

Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas

Many over time have come to define success with the life of Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas. This Chairman of CFAO is a doyen of African business. Okoya-Thomas is also chairman of other companies with French origin. He is a recipient of the Chevalier De La Legion D'Honneur, the highest national honour given by the French to a foreigner. Though not on the flambouyant side, the CFAO chairman certainly lives a life of luxury.

Oba Otudeko

President, Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Oba Otudeko, is one of the wealthiest investors in Nigeria. An industrialist, he is chairman of Honeywell Group, which comprises eight companies with interest in flour milling, oil and gas, engineering, real estate and marine transport. Oba Otudeko, who is a role model to a large number of younger businessmen, can't help but live a life of luxury because he can afford it.

Tunde Folawiyo

He is the son of Alhaji Wahab Iyanda Folawiyo, the late Baba Adini of Nigeria. Though the younger Folawiyo lives his life far away from limelight, his lifestyle is very much similar to that of a prince.

Sunny Asemota

Chief Sunny Omoregie Asemota, chairman of Sunny Motors, belongs to the Lagos high society. A man of style and panache, he is not one to be associated with anything that has no class. Extremely wealthy, the Sunny Motors boss is one man those who hope to live a lifestyle of luxury must emulate. His homes, cars, wardrobes speak the language of luxury.

Otega Emerhor

Businessman and former banker, Otega Emerhor and his lovely wife, Rita, are one of the powerful couples in Lagos. They have all it takes to live a life of luxury.
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Contrary to all the hype that Lagos is being transformed into a world class city, a recent survey on global cities has shown that Lagos is the fifth worst city to live in the world.
In the annual survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Lagos was only surpassed by Harare (Zimbabwe), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Algiers (Algeria) and Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) as greater hell holes on earth.

In the opposite end of the spectrum, Vancouver (Canada) for another successive year topped a list of the top ten most liveable cities in the world, giving the Canadian west coast city an extra boost as it opened the 2010 Winter Olympics yesterday.

Vancouver scored 98 percent on a combination of stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure – a score unchanged from last year. The city has also topped the index since at least 2007.

In the 2010 ranking, there was little change in the top positions with Vienna, Melbourne and Toronto still taking the second, third and fourth positions and the top ten dominated by Canadian and Australian cities which took seven of the ten slots.

Johannesburg, which is hosting the soccer World Cup finals in June, came in 92nd place, the highest score in sub-Saharan Africa.

"Vancouver scores well across all categories in the survey and the on going Winter Games contribute to a strong score in the cultural and sporting events category,” said Jon Copestake, editor of the report, in a statement.
“Johannesburg has had well-documented crime problems, but performs better in other categories, with the highest overall livability rating in sub-Saharan Africa."

The EIU survey ranked 140 cities on 30 factors such as healthcare, culture and environment, and education and personal safety, using research involving resident experts and its own analysts.

It said in a statement that these rankings were used by employers assigning hardship allowances as part of expatriate relocation packages.

New York was ranked 56th, two slots behind London which was at number 54, while Los Angeles ranked at number 47.

Zimbabwe's capital Harare scored the least, making it the list's worst city, with a rating of 37.5.

Following is a list of the top 10 most liveable cities as ranked by The Economist: 1. Vancouver, Canada, 2. Vie-nna, Austria, 3. Melbourne, Australia, 4. Toronto, Canada, 5. Calgary, Canada, 6. Hel-sinki, Finland, 7. Sydney, Australia, 8. Perth, Australia, 9. Adelaide, Australia, 10. Auckland, New Zealand.

The bottom 10 cities were: 1. Harare, Zimbabwe, 2. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3. Algiers, Algeria, 4. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 5. Lagos, Nigeria, 6. Karachi, Pakistan, 7. Douala, Cameroon, 8. Kathmandu, Nepal, 9. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 10. Dakar, Senegal
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