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pix201104092465251.jpgScriptwriter and actress, Nuella Njubigbo, is gradually becoming a household name but her success is not without a scent of scandals, with one of them being her alleged romance with top movie director cum producer, Iyke Odife. In this interview with ADA ONYEMA, she talks about her career and her relationship with Odife What’s new about Nuella Njubigbo?

I’m writing a script that will be shot in Spain. It will be an Afro-Spanish film. We’re going to use two Spanish actors – a female and a male – and Nigerian actors will also be there.

Why Spanish?

It is going to be a mixed script fusing the two parties together. Although they don’t speak English Language, we have sent the script to them and they are translating it. They are working on it and I’m still trying to inject the particular theme that I want into it. For now, we’re having conferences and correcting ourselves. They already have the idea of what we want and everything is being done to achieve it.

What is the story line?

The story is about a girl that was taken out of this country at a very early age, simply because she lost her parents at a very tender age. It paints the picture of all her struggle in Europe, how she went through negative experiences. It is about child trafficking and the movie is for the cinema; it is not the regular kind of movie that I used to do. We’re not limiting it to Nigeria; it will go to about five to 10 countries of the world.

Are you producing the movie?

No. I’m just writing the script and I will also act in it.

How come you have not done any movie that went to the cinema before now?

Actually, I have done one and the film was entitled, Room Service, and I acted alongside Mercy Johnson. The truth is that I have stopped doing anything that comes my way, but I still have other blockbuster movies in the market now. I’m very choosy when it comes to taking scripts, because I’m a writer and should be able to determine a good script. I’m having more demands from people who want me to write scripts for them, but I can’t do that because I have to get myself involved with acting too. I’m choosy and can’t do anything I see.

You once told us that you have slowed down in writing. When did you pick it up again?

I slowed down in writing because I wanted to start working on special scripts. I want to write a script that can be of Hollywood standard. I want to do something that people out there will reckon with. I don’t write like before again; anything that I’m coming out with now will be a blockbuster. I can’t stop writing, it is in me and sometimes I miss it.

Where does your passion really lie? Is it in acting or writing?

I can’t really say because I love the two creative professions. I can’t point my finger and say that I love this one more than the other; it is just that acting for me is more demanding than writing. I have passion for the two.

Are you in any relationship now?

Yes, I’m and I don’t want to talk about the person now. You will know at the right time.

Many people still believe that Iyke Odife is the man in your life. Can you clear the air on this?

I have made this statement a number of times: I’m not dating Iyke Odife, simple. Iyke Odife brought me into the industry and he is my very good friend. He will remain my very good friend.

We learnt you dumped him for another rich guy.

I have never had any romantic relationship with Iyke, so how can I dump him? I’m in a relationship, but it is not with (Iyke) Odife. I’m in relationship with a young man and I don’t want to talk about it. 

Is he an industry practitioner?

No, he is not an industry person. (Laughs) Just leave it; I don’t want to talk about him now.

Many people believe that Nuella is now glamorous. What is the secret?

It’s true, the industry has changed my life so much and a lot of good things are beginning to happen to me now. Although acting has its low moments as a result of the controversial side of it, there are things you can’t do freely anymore because you will not want people to see you in a wrong direction, but the industry has helped me. It has helped me financially, socially, and in every sense of it. I will say that it has really helped me in life. I have got a lot of things since I became an actress, and I can go to places now. Before, I was into the supply business and it wasn’t easy at all, but now it is easier for me. Acting opens doors for you anywhere and anytime. Things that would have been hard for you to get are made easier. Things come your way easily because people will always want to help or do things for you.

Apart from this business and acting, what other things are you into?

I’m an actress, movie scriptwriter and a business woman. I don’t do anything else, but what I do has been satisfying me financially.

Were you removed from President Jonathan’s campaign list? Your name was there but we didn’t hear your jingles or see you on the screen.

I didn’t drop out along the way. I was giving my own support in my own way. We need support in what we do, and anybody who supports what I do; I will definitely support that person because it is my career. If anybody wants to help me grow, I will help the person to grow also.

So, what really happened, how are you giving your own support to him?

I don’t what to talk about it.

You are now wearing tattoos, why?

I have had this tattoo for two years now. I got it in 2009; maybe it’s very small that is why you have not noticed it. It is just a normal tattoo and it is a butterfly and I love butterflies because they signify tenderness. Butterflies are very colourful and most of them are very beautiful. They symbolise beauty and tenderness. 

But it looks very new; how much did it cost?

(Laughs) Forget it, I won’t tell you that.

Do you have other ones in other parts of your body?

(Laughs) Please next question. Anyway, I don’t have another tattoo on my body. 

What is fashion for you?

Fashion is anybody’s personal style; I don’t believe that there is anything called fashion with the meaning that something must go in a particular way. You might dress in one style and I will decide to dress in another style. It is all about what suits everybody. For me, fashion is my style and my fashion is my style.

What are the labels that you wear now?

I still wear Nigerian labels and they look good on me. I wear a lot of foreign brands, but I still wear Nigerian labels. In perfumes, I like Marc Jacobs and Tom Ford. I don’t think that I can wear any other kind of perfume now.

How was growing up like for you?

Growing up was very normal and I was a happy child. It was a small family of my parents and two younger brothers. I was taken care of but not pampered; I had sweet parents who taught me the right things at the proper time.

What are those things that acting has deprived you from doing?

There are just a few things because I’m still myself, but I’m very careful of where I enter and what I do. Before I enter any crowd, I have to make sure of what is happening and the people inside. I have stopped attending events and parties anyhow. I have to be careful now and I must be officially invited before stepping into any gathering.

Don’t your parents feel that you are tarnishing their image and name with scandals?

They have always supported me even when I am at the low moment. They have always lifted me up when I am down. If I complain too much about scandals, they will tell me that I should have known that such things will come up before going into acting. Anytime there is a scandal, the first thing that comes to my mind is my family and I will ask myself, who knows how they will feel if they see this? Surprisingly, they have supported me in these periods because they know what I can do and what I can’t do.

How come you are not close to other actresses?

I’m very friendly with all of them, but I’m just being myself. I have people who I hang out with, but naturally, I’m just myself. I am neither here or there, just like a jelly fish and you can’t hold me down. I keep friends who are real and can open up to me. I don’t like fake friends who cannot be loyal to me.
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LAGOS – Nigeria’s Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, standing trial for attempted bombing of an American airline on Christmas day in 2009 had considered launching the strike in the skies above Houston or Chicago but he could not afford the flight tickets to these cities. He therefore refocussed the mission on a cheaper destination: Detroit, United States, current and former counter-terrorism officials have said.

The report showed that Yemen’s branch of Al-Qaida does not strike at symbolic places but any place of opportunity.

There had been questions on why Abdulmutallab chose to bomb Detroit. Abdulmutallab considered Houston, where he attended an Islamic conference in 2008, current and former counter-terrorism officials told the AP. Another person with knowledge of the case said Abdulmutallab also considered Chicago but was discouraged by the cost. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the case.

While the target and timing were unimportant, the mission itself was a highly organised plot that involved one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists and al-Qaida’s go-to bomb maker, current and former officials said. Before Abdulmutallab set off on his mission, he visited the home of al-Qaida manager Fahd al-Quso to discuss the plot and the workings of the bomb.

Al-Quso, 36, is one of the most senior al-Qaida leaders publicly linked to the Christmas plot. His association with al-Qaida stretches back more than a decade to his days in Afghanistan when, prosecutors said, bin Laden implored him to “eliminate the infidels from the Arabian Peninsula.”

From there he rose through the ranks. He was assigned the job in Aden to videotape the 1998 suicide bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others, but fell asleep. Despite the lapse, he is now a mid-level manager in the organisation. Al-Quso is from the same tribe as radical U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who had an operational role in the botched Christmas attack.

In December, Al-Quso was designated a global terrorist by the State Department, a possible indication that his role in al-Qaida’s Yemen franchise has grown more dangerous.

Al-Quso was indicted on 50 terrorism counts in New York for his role preparing for the Cole attack and served more than five years in prison in Yemen before he was released in 2007. On the FBI’s list, al-Quso ranks behind only bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri among the most sought-after al-Qaida terrorists.

After meeting with al-Quso, Abdulmutallab left Yemen in December 2009 and made his way to Ghana, where he paid $2,831 in cash for a round-trip ticket from Nigeria to Amsterdam to Detroit and back.

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By AbdulSalam Muhammad
KANO - Police authority in Kano yesterday paraded a 20 years old suspected rapist believed to be contracted by a landlord to rape his tenant following the expiration of a tenancy agreement.

The rapist who was identified as Shamsudeen Musa in conspiracy with 4 others at large, allegedly broke into the residence and engaged the two female occupants in marathon sex.
Briefing reporters on the incident, Tambari Muhammad Yabo, Kano Police Commissioner, said the suspected rapists who were armed with dangerous weapons, also carted away cash and other valuables from their victims..
He said: “they went to the house at around 0100hrs with cutlasses and knives, forced their way into the resident and raped them serially. After the act they stole the sum of N15,000, a mattress, two handsets, a China Nokia and Visaphone from the victims, and fled before the long arm of the law cut up with them.”
The CP stated that while effort had been intensified to arrest the fleeing rapists, the only suspect on the net would be charged to court alongside the landlord for 'criminal conspiracy and armed robbery'.
In a chat with Vanguard Shamsudeen Musa confirmed he was involved in the indecent act with the female occupants, adding that “we were contracted by the landlord to force them out of the residence.
“We sealed a deal with the landlord, and at the time we forced our way in we certainly cannot resist the temptation of doing what we did to achieve the goal of sending them packing.”
The landlord, Sale Yunusa, in a separate chat denied ever entering into any deal with the hoodlums to violate his tenants, pointing out that the hoodlums cashed in on the crisis of confidence between him and the female occupants to execute their dastardly act.
Sale Yunusa said: “I employed legitimate means to eject them following the expirations of their tenancy and I see no reason why I should get out of my way when the verdict by rent tribunal favoured me.”
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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwooNQZMqahK0dwcKPd_sRBsbMDEqO3w3WDjK4exfMwFUl2Q9K&width=18212166299869?profile=original12166300259?profile=originalDressed in a brown cleavage-revealing fitted top and a pair of blue denim jeans, with absolutely no make-up, the 32-year old mother-of-four is preparing for her child's birthday. She needs to buy all sorts of stuff to make the birthday colourful, so as to retain her name as the best mother in the world (at least to the celebrant). Yet she was in a mood to chat with us. We're at her Ikeja GRA office. Face-to-face in a little cubicle, Omosexy – as she is fondly called by both her husband and her fans opened up like someone who had been bottled up for a while. She smiled warmly, chose her words carefully and took time to stress her points, even though her eldest child waits impatiently in the reception area – waiting for us to get the interview over with, so that the birthday shopping can begin. But the minute-counter on the recorder only reads two minutes five seconds; which means the interview is just beginning.

We traced the story of her life, probing without borders, digging deeper than a Julius Berger drill, and almost giving her goose pimples.

From her days on Molue buses, preaching away like a career evangelist, to her cross over from movie to music, her alleged snobbish attitude, and that celebrated enmity with fellow movie star Genevieve Nnaji, she spoke with Dimeji Ogedengbe until the recorder batteries were completely exhausted...

To start with, do you still find time to cook your hubby's meal?

I do all the time. I always cook in bulk if I am travelling. They bring it out and warm from the microwave. Even if I'm in the middle of a shoot, if I have to, I'll come back, especially if something urgent comes up. It hardly happens. Basically, I cook in large quantities. It's something I've trained myself for. The only problem is NEPA. There are times when there's no light or the generator is bad. Then they have to turn out stuff. I don't like de-frozen food.

Before Ije, We had stopped seeing you in movies. We only heard about you in the music industry; is music conflicting with your movie career?

No. Absolutely not. I'm just chilling not to be in too many movies at this period; because there are not too many projects out there right now that I really want to do. There are a few movies that I love and recently I've have shot about four of them, that's straight to video movies. Otherwise I'm also looking more to shoot movies like 'IJE' and also to encourage the producers and directors of such movies. You know, promoting such movies takes a lot of time; you have to travel around and all that. I really have been travelling to promote other movies. I have another project called 'Mind game' and I've been promoting that since last year as well, just as i did 'IJE' . So, that's what I've mostly been doing with the movie side of my life but otherwise I've shot other movies on the local scene.images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdoEbDDnCssW4tQmm6OZzLPIUJqYZe2KC78SXVO5A1y98AllAE

You have one album to your credit and the second one is coming out; has it been promising so far? {EDITOR'S NOTE: Omotola's second album Me, Myself and Eyes, has since been released}

Absolutely! Extremely, in fact. I've always known that nothing good comes easy so I'm not one of those people who come in and think everything has to go their way. I know most times that you really have to work hard to get things and I know that if nothing else, something has to give you a fight. I know that I have to be strong-willed, confident and hardworking. I know exactly what to expect. I think I'm surprised that things are catching up quickly and faster than I thought it would. I'm really bracing up for a big fight not only in Nollywood but around the world. It's never been easy for people to cross over from movies to music likewise from music to movies. I envisaged a very tough fight and very hard terrain. You know, a lot of people think it's just something you do to pass time because you are bored or there is something else you are looking for..

But what can you say is your priority Music or Movie?

None necessarily. My priority is entertainment first and foremost because that's the profession I've chosen to do. It's like asking a doctor – GP has to be your specialty. I mean they can decide to take another course and do other parts of medicine. My specialty is entertainment. I could be a poet, a dancer, stage act, singer or an actor. It's all within entertainment.

You and Genny – Is this the first time you are doing a movie together?


Why does 'Ije' seem to be more pronounced?

Well, that's because it's actually a big movie. Other movies we've done like 'Games Women Play' and 'Sister in love' were big too, 'Blood Sisters', is one of the biggest African movies in the world till date. So, I mean we've done a couple of movies together but I guess 'Ije' is just on another level. It's big, it's a film and it's well promoted.

A lot of people see you two as rivals; with 'Ije' it would seem you both have a robust relationship. Are you guys quite close? Did you get along well while on set?

That's the irony. There is nothing to get along and nothing not to get along. The idea is actually in peoples mind. People read meaning to everything. The point is we are not best friends or close friends and we are not enemies too. We are just colleagues and we are cool. I mean if I see her somewhere, I would be like 'hello hello' and we'll go our separate ways like every other person. I really don't understand what the fantasy is with me and Genevieve in particular. She's not the first person I'm acting a sisterly role with and she will definitely not be the last but I know, somebody or people just have feelings of those two brands. I don't even think we look alike so it's an irony why people keep tagging us as sisters. It's weird but it's what it is.

You were alleged to have snobbed a male fan who offered you a handshake on the red carpet of Ije premiere in Lagos. Are you truly a snob?

Wow, I'm hearing this for the first time. I don't remember anything of that nature happening. Are you sure I saw this person? There was no way anyone could have even come up to me because I had a bodyguard with me. Are you sure he was trying to shake me or he was giving me something? That's not possible. To everybody who said 'hello' to me that day, I said 'hello' back. I was even over friendly. We even had a situation where i was playing with the area boys. So if I could play with area boys outside my car why would someone try to shake me on the red carpet and I won't respond to the gesture? That's strange..
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Uche Okafor was murdered – FBI

Breaking News: Uche Okafor The Federal Bureau of Investigation believes former Super Eagles defender Uche Okafor was murdered. According to ghanamma.com on Tuesday the FBI said the former Kansas City Wizards player, who was found dead in an upstairs hallway in his United States home on January 7, might not have killed himself as believed. His family and the Nigerian community in the US rejected an earlier police report that Okafor committed suicide and demanded a proper investigation by the police. The Federal Government also said on Monday that it would not act until the FBI released its report. The FBI has said investigation is still ongoing.
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he Convener, Save Nigeria Group, Pastor Tunde Bakare, has said he will run for political office in the 2011 general elections if God permits him to do so.

Bakare said this shortly before delivering his Sunday sermon on the Principle and Power of Hounour at the Latter Rain Assembly, Lagos, where he is the overseer.

The cleric, however, did not confirm or deny media reports in two national newspapers (not THE PUNCH), that he might be tipped as the running mate to former Head of State, Gen. Mohammed Buhari, who is the presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change.

Bakare, who had repeatedly denied belonging to any political party, declared that he would offer himself for political office if God permitted him to do so.

The SNG convener, who said “nothing has been decided yet” on the reported development, asked the congregation to pray for him in order for him to make the “right choice” on the issue.

12166207275?profile=original“It is good that this has been published in the newspapers before I have the opportunity to speak with you,” said the outspoken pastor after reading the reports of the newspapers.

“I have told you several times that my destiny is intertwined with that of Nigeria, but I have never struggled to do that on my own. I told you when God asked me to organise the SNG and you have been able to see the impact. This is another chapter. I’m a Nigerian and qualified to vote and be voted for. I’m ready to run if God asked me to do so.

“I have never prayed about it despite all the pressure and suggestions around me but if God is asking you to do a thing, you have to obey. The only thing that I need you (congregation) to do for me is to pray for me as the next one week is crucial. I need to do what God asked me to do.”

The cleric had raised a little dust in 2010 when he described Buhari as the most credible individual among presidential aspirants in the country who had made their intention known.

He opined that the former head of state was the only person who did not have any trace of corruption on his neck either in or out of government....

Bakare warned members of the church, who failed to produce their voter’s card in the church, that they risked being thrown out of the church auditorium...

“I have registered and so are many other people. If you show up in this church after the registration and you cannot produce your card, you will not be allowed to stay in this (church) auditorium; you can stay in the extension,” said the cleric, who said it would be very difficult to vote twice in the coming elections.
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Islamic Banking Soon – Sanusi

Abuja-The CBN governor, Mr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, on Thursday in Abuja said that that Islamic banking would soon begin in Nigeria.Sanusi said this at an award dinner to mark the 20th anniversary of the Abuja Muslim Forum.He noted that the non-interest banking system will help improve and develop the nation’s economy .According to him, other countries such as the United Kingdom and South Africa are already successfully operating the system.He called on Nigerians to help make the project a success.The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Sanusi was one of the recipients of the Forum’s award.Earlier, the Amir, Abuja Muslim Forum, Mr Musa Aliyu, said the award was meant to recognise and celebrate Muslims who have contributed to the development of Islam and the nation.Other recipients of the award include the Minister for Education, Prof. Ruqayyatu Rufa’I and some Islamic scholars and public servants.The event was attended by Islamic scholars, public servants, students, NGOs and religious organisationsThe forum was established in 1991 with the aim of enhancing unity, education and promotion of the welfare of Muslims. (NAN)..
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12166297683?profile=originalMoves to pacify and unite aggrieved stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic 12166297469?profile=originalParty (PDP) following the bitterness and divide over the party’s Presidential ticket has begun, according to the Special Adviser to the President on Media and publicity, Mr. Ima Niboro.

The aide, during a chat with State House Correspondents said President Jonathan would use the meeting with Presidential opponents and stakeholders of the PDP as a step towards unifying the party ahead of April’s general elections.

Coincidentally, all the aspirants are from the Northern region.  They are: Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Mrs. Sarah Jibril, former military dictator, General Ibrahim Babangida; former National Security Adviser, General Aliyu Mohammed Gusau and Kwara State Governor, Dr. Bukola Saraki.

Recall that Babangida, Gusau and Saraki withdrew from the race for Atiku as part of a northern consensus agreement of the (NPLF).

“The president’s immediate pre-occupation now is to heal every perceived political wounds and injuries inflicted or sustained preparatory to the primaries, as part of his promise to unite the PDP and Nigeria. The process of healing has begun already. The President is reaching out, aiming to bind wounds from the sometimes-bruising campaign for the primaries.

“Of course there will be a series of meetings, and we hope that at the end of it all, we would have united everyone for the contest ahead,” Niboro said.

“For us, there is no victor, no vanquished,” he added...

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Emerging indication shows that Nigerian leaders do not learn from history. Like Late President Yar`adua`s health saga, Emeka Odimegwu Ojukwu health status is now shrouded in secrecy. Thus giving room for speculation that the former warlord has died. In response to rumour of his demise, the Anambra state government, who hitherto had been very economical with words, were quick to dispel the rumour. In a text message to the media, the governor, Mr Peter Obi, said, “Ojukwu is still alive and responding to treatment in a hospital in London”. Continuing, he said, the attention paid to Chief Ojukwu's health is an expression of the great affection that many Nigerians have for him”. “I have been speaking to Ojukwu's doctors on an hourly basis and can confirm that Mr Ojukwu is very much alive” Gov. Obi affirmed. .. Attempt to reach Chief Ojukwu`s immediate family members were unsuccessful, neither his wife Bianca or his sons, Emeka Ojukwu Jnr and Sylvester Odumegwu Ojukwu had returned our call or text messages as at press time.
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Video: Wizkid – Holla At Your Boy

Video: Wizkid – Holla At Your Boy

Blazing red hot on our radar is Wizkid. His debut single, Holla At Your Boy has been hot from the first time it hit our earphones and speakers. The young lad has been on the biggest features since we first heard him on M.I‘s Fast Money, Fast Cars off his first album – Talk About It. He’s since been signed with Banky W‘s label - ..EME.

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Contrary to speculations in the media that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission was set to prosecute former Vice-President of United States, Dick Cheney, over the multi-million dollar Halliburton bribe scandal, the Commission has said that it is unlikely that Cheney will be charged.

The Commission’s spokesman, Femi Babafemi, on Monday told THE PUNCH that though the Commission was investigating the Halliburton scandal, it had not found any evidence that might warrant charging Cheney for any corruption offence.

“Yes, we are investigating the Halliburton bribery scandal and I told some foreign media so. But so far we have not uncovered any evidence of Dick Cheney’s complicity to warrant bringing charges. In fact, there is a remote chance that we will charge him,” Babafemi said...

He said whatever the Commission uncovered in its investigations would be made public.

Local and international media had been awashed with reports that the EFCC was planning to charge Cheney for alleged involvement in the $180m scandal.

The EFCC last week raided Halliburton’s office in Nigeria and invited several of its senior employees for questioning. One senior employee each from Saipem Contracting Nigeria Ltd and Technip Offshore Nigeria Ltd were also questioned by the EFCC along with the 10 Halliburton staff arrested during the last week’s raid...

Halliburton is being investigated for allegedly bribing prominent Nigerian officials with over N27b to facilitate winning of the contract to build the Nigerian Liquefied Gas plant in Bonny Island, Rivers State by its consortium, TSKJ. The bribery saga was said to have spanned over 20 years and allegedly involved even some heads of states and their cronies.

But Halliburton said last year that it had “reason to believe” payments may have been made to Nigerian officials by agents of its TSKJ consortium, which built the Bonny Island facility.

Albert “Jack” Stanley, a former KBR [Kellog, Brown and Roots] chief executive officer who had worked under Cheney when he headed Halliburton, pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges stemming from a scheme to bribe Nigerian officials for work on the Bonny Island plant.

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Mercy Johnson To Insure Hips http://bit.ly/hJYHjtNew track by Project Fame http://bit.ly/hN9B4sIbori’s wife gets five-years http://bit.ly/hE5WzUbuy UK prepaid Cards http://bit.ly/prepaidcards

MTN Project Fame West Africa III is over ..but the music plays on…
The top 6 finalists from the season have just released the lead single from the Project Fame West Africa Season 3 compilation album.
The song is titled ‘Winner‘ and was produced by Cobhams Asuquo.
The singers on the track are PFWA3 winner Chidinma, 1st runner up Kesse from Ghana, Eyo, Yetunde, Tolu and Ochuko.
The compilation album will be released in December 2010 and will contain solo songs from the final 6 contestants.

Project Fame West Africa III winner Chidinma is being managed by the Goretti Company. She is currently in the studio recording her debut album and working with notable producers includingCobhams Asuquo, Tee Y Mix, J Martins and eLDee. Her album is scheduled to drop in the first quarter of 2011.

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Meet the Top 7 of Glo Naija Sings – Find Out Who Is On TOP & Decide Who will EXIT this week

The new season of Glo Naija Sings is heating up!
Only 7 contestants are left in the competition and as the weeks go by, each contestant seems to be stepping up their game.
The theme of Sunday’s show was ‘Favourite Bands’, so all the contestants chose one song by their favourite duo or group and performed
for the Glo Naija Sings audience.

Before the performances began, the elimination took place – Shedrack was sent home as he had the lowest number of viewer votes last week.

The performances kicked off with Rasine. Rasine was rocking a pair of red leggings paired with a black and gold top with trimmings. She sang Westlife’s version of “You Raise Me Up”.

Up next were Da Brodas. The duo performed K-Ci & Jojo’s All My Life. Their performance was well received by the audience. Boma looked pretty in a knee-length draped blue dress and she sang “Stand Up For Love” by Destiny’s Child. Not sure if it was the song choice or
Boma, but this was one of our favourites that night.

Casey went for classic RnB and performed Shai’s “If I Ever Fall In Love”. Peace delivered a serene performance of Boyz II Men’s hit song “On Bended Knee” while Najite picked up the tempo when she sang En Vogue’s “Don’t Let Go” – her performance got the crowd quite excited as illustrated by one audience
member’s comment – “Najite, your energy performance was just intact“. The audience comments on Glo Naija Sings deserve their own show!

Ekeng closed the show with his rendition of Lighthouse Family’s “High”. Ekeng is one of our favourites on Glo Naija Sings and this is one of our favourite
songs, but the rearrangement of the track did not work well.

What were your thoughts on this episode?

View the videos, find out more about the final 7 and VOTE for your favorites below.
Age: 24
Hometown: Umoji
Biography: Peace has been singing since the age of 5, and entered Glo Naija Sings because the show is “a place for me to express what has been hidden in
me for so many years”.

Peace – Boyz II Men – “On Bended Knee”

Age: 17
Hometown: Abi
Biography: She’s always loved singing, but started in earnest about 3 and a halfyears ago. When she is singing, Rasine really feels connected to the

Rasine – “Raise You Up” by Westlife

Age: 23
Hometown: Sapele
Biography: She’s been singing from a young age and entered Glo Naija Sings becauseshe feels that she has something which the world has got to see and

Najite – En Vogue – “What’s It Gonna Be?”

Age: 27
Hometown: Calabar
Biography: Ekeng’s not sure when he started singing, but remembers his first stageperformance happening at the tender age of 9. When he’s on stage
singing, he says it feels “like heaven”.

Ekeng – Lighthouse Family – “High”

Da Brodas
Age: 14 & 20
Hometown: Ibaji
Biography: Jeff (14 yrs old) is the youngest finalist on Glo Naija Sings and willshare the stage with older brother Fred (20 yrs old), an undergraduate
student at K.S.U.

Da Brodas – All My Life by K-Ci & JoJo

Age: 27
Hometown: Warri
Biography: Casey is a student with a Diploma in Music from Nnamdi AzikiweUniversity. He is proud to be part of Glo Naija Sings because of the
platform and opportunity it has given him.

Casey – Shai – “If I Ever Fall In Love”

Age: 22
Hometown: Bonny
Biography: She started singing when she was a child and thinks that audiencesshould vote for her because she brings something fresh, new and exciting
to the show.

Boma – Destiny’s Child – “Standing Up For Love”

The Judges’ Comments

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The dedicated numbers for each contestant:
Boma – 1
Casey – 2
Da Brodas – 3
Ekeng – 4
Najite – 5
Peace – 8
Rasine – 9

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Actress Mercy Johnson who was reportedly in a showdown with her older colleague, Patience Ozokwor on location in Asaba few weeks back, has blamed her uncontrollable outburst on Ozokwor’s repeated utterances referring to her as an ‘ashawo’- a hoochie.
In a telephone interview, Mercy recounted her side of the story. She noted that Patience Ozokwor was given a revealing clothe to wear on that location, apparently to depict a character in the movie that was in the making and Patience allegedly refused the outfit, stating that she is not Mercy Johnson, not an ‘ashawo’.
“I’m not a love-peddler. I don’t like the name. I told her I didn’t like it”. According to her, the faceoff was escalated when Mama Gee refused to stop calling her by unpleasant name..
By last week, there were unconfirmed reports that the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) might take a disciplinary action against Mercy Johnson and Patience Ozokwor but when we contacted the AGN president, Segun Arinze via SMS, he simply stated that the issue has been sorted out in-house..
The text message read “Hello sir, I just want to know if the AGN is taking any disciplinary action against Mercy Johnson and Patience Ozokwor”.
“No it’s sorted out. Thanks”, he replied. Arinze would not comment further.
Arinze, sources said, has instructed both parties not to make any further comments on the matter.
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My hands are clean
By Henry Umoru, Abuja

The Director-General, Ibrahim Babangida Presidential Campaign Organisation, Chief Raymond Dokpesi said yesterday that security agencies now investigating the Abuja bomb blasts should look elsewhere for the brains behind the explosions as he knew nothing about the blasts that killed at least 10 Nigerians on the occasion of the nation’s 50th Independence Day anniversary..

He was arrested and detained for 24 hours by the State Security Services, SSS, to explain how an SMS message purportedly from him was found in the handset of a suspect in security custody.

Chief Dokpesi, speaking in Abuja for the first time since his release by the SSS, said he had never met or discussed with MEND leader, Henry Okah or anyone suspected of involvement in the Abuja bomb blasts.

“I have never corresponded with him through either directly or communicated with him through any third party. Nor has my principal, General Ibrahim Babangida in anyway associated or collaborated with anybody”, he said.

“Let me say that I am still at a loss myself why I was invited. Because I have nothing to do with the bomb blast. But let me simply state the fact that on Monday, the 3rd of October, I received a telephone call on my way from Jigawa asking me to report at the SSS headquarters at 10:00 am in the morning.

“And I asked the name of the person that was calling and he gave me the name that he is an official of the SSS. I was at the SSS headquarters diligently at 10 a.m. on Monday, 3rd October. When I came in, I was shown a handset where somebody was asking whether he had collected the N4 million from Dokpesi. And whether I knew anything about this text message.

“And I said, to start with, I am not the owner of the handset. The message was not sent to me. I don’t even know who the party, who and who is exchanging this text message. I was told that it is one Edo Aroh from Bayelsa State. And I was asked if I have any financial contact or any financial agreement with anybody that bears that name. However, I have appointed in Bayelsa State Hon. Okokeno as the IBB 2011 State Co-ordinator in Bayelsa State.

“And with Okokeno I have a relationship. I released the sum of N4 million to him to be able to secure an office in Bayelsa State. And that is the extent to which I have had a contact and they called me further to say do I know the Niger Delta Renaissance Network and I said Yes. I do recall clearly that when I was still Chairman of Daar Communication PLC, about the 26th of August prior to my acceptance of being the Director General of the campaign of IBB 2011, that a group, about five gentlemen wrote a letter, seeking an appointment to see me.

“And that these five gentlemen said they were representatives of the Niger Delta Renaissance Network. They had placed advertorials from the end of July in The Nation, Daily Trust, This Day. They had appeared on AIT and on Channels TV. And the main trust of their advertorial was that they are in support of the PDP zoning. They are in support of the fact that we should have justice and fairness in the polity that PDP members should respect the zoning formula of the party. And these their views they have been promoting. They have appeared twice on AIT and on Focus Nigeria.

“And each time they have paid the sum of N1 million. Now that they were speculating in the papers to the effort that I was going to be DG of the IBB 2011 presidential campaign and coupled with the fact that I am a leader of the South-South that they were stranded in Abuja and that they wanted some sort of financial assistance to be able to go back.

“I went ahead and I said yes as a leader of the South-South I can try to see how I can help you, but the truth of the matter is that what you have paid to AIT you have paid to AIT I cannot go and call anybody to assist. And I called my Executive Assistant to explain to him and I said my assistant should give N500,000. So that everyone of them could have N100,000. I had a concurrent meeting going on in my main office, so I met them in my guest waiting room.

“So I left them and that was all the discussion. There was no politics, there was nothing that was there apart from the fact that they needed financial assistance and I gave them N500,000. Thereafter I never had any contact with them until 1st September when I was appointed DG of the IBB campaign organisation”.

Reflecting on what happened before then he said: “And by 1st September I had cause to write a letter to the then Inspector-General of Police drawing attention to very unfortunate developments that were taking place in the polity. The South –South Leaders and Elders Committee had met under the chairmanship of Chief Clark. According to newspaper of reports, I understand that the former Chief of General Staff, Admiral Mike Akhigbe (rtd), Minister of Petroleum, Alison Madueke, former Deputy Speaker of House of representative, Mr Chibudum, Chief Graham Douglas was present, former Governor of Edo State Prof Osunbor, Minister of environment, John Odey and Minister of State work were present at the meeting where I was purportedly expelled or suspended from the South-South Peoples Assembly as advertised in the papers.

“This was a statement. I am not saying these people were the ones plotting to kill me. I never said so. My letter to the Inspector General of Police has been very explicit to the effect that I did state very clearly that I understand from newspaper report, that these people were the ones present at the meeting where I was said to have been expelled. Less than 24 hours later a joint Revolutionary Council (JRC) which says it comprises of an alliance of MEND, active combat unit of the Niger Delta People Volunteer Force declared me persona non grata in the Niger Delta. And that publication that was sent was signed by Cynthia Wyte and it was widely published throughout Nigeria and on the wire services across the whole world .

“Having taken this position against me, I wrote to the Inspector General of Police coupled with the fact that my son and members of my entire house hold started receiving telephone calls and threats; I wrote to the IGP asking that I should be protected, that the members of my family be protected. That my company , AIT and anybody who transact with it, should be protected.

“That the people who deal with Daar Communication should also be protected. It is worthy of note that letter to the IGP was on 1st September 2010. I also addressed it to the Director Central State Security Services(SSS). I also directed it to all National Security Adviser, the NIA and all the security agencies. But up till today, they have not invited me or responded to the matter, only for me to now get the invitation to come in for interrogation. Now that was squarely on the issue of interrogation. After the questioning of my giving money to the members of the Niger Delta Renaissance Network, I again asked questions about my relationship with Henry Okah. And said Henry Okah I have never met before

“Henry Okah I have never dealt with. I have never communicated with him. I’m not even sure that if I see him I will recognise him. I have never had any transaction with him either directly or through a third party.

“I think on Wednesday at about almost 10 or 11 in the night, they brought one Eduware before me. And I said yes, I have seen this face on three or four occasions. I have seen him when he came with the Renaissance Network Group people. I have seen him when he came with my coordinator in Bayelsa State, Hon. Okokeme.

“ I also saw him when I was to meet with the lawyer of the Renaissance Network at General IBB’s Guest House in Maitama, he came along with him. I saw him alight from a taxi together with the lawyer and I invited the lawyer in. And that is the only time. I have never had any type of financial transaction with him or exchanged any other thing order than the fact that he was in the company of these people I have mentioned.

“The N4 million that is being referred to is money that was released for the acquisition of the office in Bayelsa State. And it was not only Bayelsa state that benefited from that initial grant of getting offices and furnishing. In some states, some people donated buildings. So all we needed was to try to do some furnishing. That is the only financial transaction I have had. On Wednesday I was asked to write my statement.

“I wrote my statement within two hours, I remained there for several hours thereafter, almost about 7 or 8 hours later. On Thursday I went down there I was there for almost another 10, 11 hours doing absolutely nothing. Apart from people coming to say sit down here and I sit down nobody said good morning or good night to me from morning till almost about 10 to 15 minutes, they would ask me one or two questions, “can you help us put down this your explanation.”

On his discussion with Eduware, Dokpesi said, “Eduware confirmed those were the only moments he met with me and that was the basis of the contacts he had with me and no more.

Asked whether Eduware ran errands for him, he said, “No I never said I sent him on any errand or had anything at all to do with me. Then they insinuated that “But Eduware you told us that you met him at a meeting with IBB and chief which you attended”. And I said there couldn’t have been such a meeting which he attended with me. It was September 29th it was LEADERSHIP 50th anniversary ceremony which General IBB came as a special guest of honor.

“We attended that ceremony and they wanted to reach me earlier before we left for that ceremony but I was not available. I had to go to his guest house to wait for him because immediately after that ceremony he was going back to Minna and the venue of the function would not be a proper place for us to meet and discuss what ever it was he wanted to see me for.

“So I went to his guest house to wait for him. While I was waiting for him, a lawyer called me from Port Harcourt which coincidentally is the same lawyer to this Renaissance Network telling me that he wanted to see me urgently on the PDP nomination /election primary guidelines which had been issued. That there were some sorts of lacuna that he was not aware whether I had taken note of. So I said come and see me.

“When he came in I was not able to see him the day he came in. He called one the next day that he was going to be going back to Port Harcourt that it was very painful that he came all the way from Port Harcourt and he had not been able to see me. And I told him I was somewhere in Maitama. So he came in a taxi with this Eduware to the gate. So I asked the lawyer inside to be able to have the discussion.

“And we had the discussion it was not an issue we could finish on that day, not on the next day but on the third day. So I asked him to come and meet me in the house. He came with two other lawyers to the house, on the third day. So I asked him to come and meet me in the house. He came with two other lawyers to the house. On the third day, he met me with four lawyers at me office and we reviewed the implications of the points he had raised. So there was not time that I had any type of contact, any type of message or errand for that gentleman called Eduware.

On whether Eduware was at the meeting with the lawyers, Dokpesi said, “No”
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The Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), the nation’s sole government approved collective management organization for musical works and sound recordings has announced that come October 1, 2010, the era of free music on Nigerian air waves and in public places will be gone forever. The announcement was made by COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji, at the Boardroom of the society in Lagos during the signing of a royalty collection agreement between COSON and Olusola Adekanola & Co, one of the nation’s foremost indigenous firms of chartered accountants.

By the agreement, the skills and resources of the two organizations are being aggregated to ensure that starting October 1, no organization using music in a commercial setting or in public anywhere in Nigeria is allowed to do so without the payment of copyright royalties as required by law. According to Okoroji, “The time has finally come for everyone to do their duty. We have respected the users of music. We expect them to reciprocate that respect. Any of them that is not licensed by October 1 may be attracting sanctions from us or will be exposed to the full weight of the other tools in our tool box”

At the agreement signing ceremony during the week, Chief Okoroji said that the choice of Olusola Adekanola & Co for the COSON assignment was based on the firm’s proven capacity to deliver. He said that their mandate is to use their nationwide infrastructure to reach every nook and cranny of Nigeria and collect the money due to long suffering Nigerian copyright owners. He added that beyond the collection of revenue, COSON is very mindful of the prudent, professional and transparent management of the copyright royalties collected so that at the end of the day the real copyright owners are not short changed..

The implication of the new regime is that from October 1 all broadcast media organisations, hotels, restaurants, event venues, advertising companies, banks, telecoms establishments, airlines, road transporters, oil companies and such other enterprises in Nigeria which use music in any way to aid their operations will be made to comply with the Copyright Act or face legal consequences.
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In this post we (UNIXY) are going to share our experience fending off a large Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack for a client. Generally, Website owners deal with DDoSattacks on their own. There are equipment and solutions vendors cater tothese owners and guarantee protection against these kind of attacks upto a certain threshold. The cost of hiring these vendors can range fromthousands to hundreds of thousand or millions of dollars depending onthe severity of the attack.

Our goal was to build a solution with the least amount of funds possible. This solution is scalable and can handle the worst attacks.The client’s dedicated server is not a special server but a simple quadcore Xeon managed server running the LAMP stack.The DDoS riposte described in this article can scale to stop a 10Gbpsattack or more. The good news is this solution does not require changinganything on the dedicated serveritself of the constellation. The server could be running just about anysoftware stack. This configuration will work just fine with almost allcases effortlessly..

  • Distributed Denial of Service – The Social

Before we delve into the glorious technical details, there is an important aspect of DDoS attacks that one should know about; that is thesocial dynamics that lead to the attack. The more one understands aboutthe the social aspect of a DDoS attack the easier it becomes to preventor stop it. Because once a DDoS has started, priorities shift quitedramatically and rational for making wise decisions becomes flawed.

DDoS comic

DDoS comic

DDoS attacks do not occur randomly. They are targeted and come with a motive. The motive could be revenge but most of the time the motive isfinancial. The individual or groups that conduct the DDoS attacks aremost of the time hired to complete the job. They have the resources andknow-how to orchestrate the attack while hoping to avoid getting caughtby the authorities. They have no emotional attachment to the DDoS attackitself; they have no hard feelings towards the victim. They just getpaid for what they do and nonchalantly, but meticulously, execute.

As explained, DDoS attacks are preceded by an email, post, or phone call, from the individual or group with interest, to the victim. It isalways recommended to treat strangers you meet online or offlineprofessionally and politely. The smallest altercation can lead to anegative reaction, which can escalate actions. In the face of anonymousthreats against your business or organization, remain calm and composed.

DDoS Offer in Forum

DDoS Offer in Forum

There are public markets online (please don’t ask for links) where wannabe DDoS perpetrators get to hire the attackers. Pricing varies from$5/hr to $10 for a simple non-distributed DoS attack. A DDoS, however,tends to be more expensive depending on the sheer amount of data orpackets that needs to be delivered at the target. It can range from$20/hr to $100/hr. The word used to in the circles in lieu of DDoS is to“drop;” meaning to drop a certain Web site or network off the Internet.It really means to either overwhelm the target with enough traffic thatthe equipment fails or to force upstream providers to “null route” thedestination IP at the network level. The end result is that the IP getsdropped from the routing tables and the server to stop responding to allrequests.

The fact that DDoS is not cheap has got to be comforting to an extent. It means that it is only a matter of time before the DDoS“client” runs out of cash. This in itself is encouraging. Keep that inmind should you begin to lose patience. Perseverance is omnipotent.Denial of service attacks are considered a crime and are punishable byFederal law in the US and by the police in the UK. As we will explain inthe technical part of this article, DDoS attacks are almost impossibleto trace to back to the individual or group that are orchestrating theattack. Because of the distributed nature, it requires cooperation fromseveral network engineers that work for upstream providers.

Distributed Denial of Service – The Technicals

First things first, What is a DoS? what is the difference between a DoS and DDoS? A Denial of Service (DoS) is an attack originating fromone source or one system that results in the service in question beingunavailable to its legitimate users. It denies its very users accesseither because the service runs out of available resources or has beentricked to deny access to legitimate users. For example, a DoS attack ona Web server can cause it to run out of resources and stop respondingto requests. A DDoS, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated attacksince the attack originates from hundreds or thousands or nodes.

A DDoS attack is almost impossible to trace back to the source due to its distributed nature. DDoS orchestrators call the nodes andcontroller system a “bot.” With a few commands, the bot owner caninstruct infected nodes from around the world to attack a target. Thebot systems are hosted and controlled via the Internet Relay Chat(IRC) system or via a direct connection port connection. The nodes usedto attack the target are made of compromised Windows and Linux nodesfrom around the world.

Before we present our solution, we need to discuss the two types of DDoS attacks that exist. On one hand you have attacks arebandwidth-based and seek to saturate the connectivity link. On the otherhand, you have attacks that are packet-based and seek to saturate theprocessing capability of the equipment. In other words, they seek tooverwhelm the processing power of the CPU and memory or fabricof the routers or switches. All equipment has hard limits when it comesto their ability to handle a certain number of packets per second.Routers and switches are no exception.

Capacity of networking equipment - Mbps vs pps

Capacity of networking equipment - Mbps vs pps

For example, take the above specification for a Cisco 6500 firewall. Each module is able to handle 5Gbps or 2.8 million pps. This firewall sure looks like it can handle a 5Gbpsattack. Great! However, should there be a packet-based DDoS attack, onewould only need a 1.5Gbps payload to saturate it. That’s 2.8 million pps* 64 Bytes = 1.5Gbps. So bandwidth capacity means nothing by itself andsmall packets can cause havoc.

Our client was facing a 2Gbps DDoS attack that is packet based. It sought to force routing equipment along the way to start droppinglegitimate packets. This caused the upstream to null route the IP toalleviate the burden on other customers that are behind the link. Thisis the typical reaction from all upstreams as they seek to protect theirmany other customers from feeling the pinch of the attack. We weregiven one last chance to “fix” things before the IP could be routed backin. Here is how we were able to fend off the attack and keep the serverrunning.

We have deployed what we call a “constellation” of reverse proxy VM or VPS nodes running the high performance Web server Nginx. The VM nodes werepurchased from several providers given they are located at separatefacilities. Essentially, we are off-loading and “splitting” both packetprocessing and bandwidth consumption across several data centerfacilities (physical routers & carriers).

Nginx constellation

Nginx constellation

The configuration of the Nginx nodes is a typical reverse proxy configuration with the usual extra kernel security configuration. So fora 2Gbps attack and with 20 VM nodes, the bandwidth consumption per nodeis a maximum of 2GBps / 20 = 100Mbps. That’s a 100Mbps load per VMnode, which is reasonable enough and is below the threshold for gettingone’s IP null routed by the provider. One could add more and more Nginxnodes to the constellation without issues.

So how is 20 VM nodes going to be affordable? VM prices have dropped dramatically over the last year. For the above configuration, a VM cancost between $5/mo and $10/mo. That’s an average of $8*20 = $160/Mo.Knowing that most DDoS attackers have the attention span of a gold fish,the $160 is all you need to send your attacker and his accomplicepacking.

Total cost for averting a 2Gbps attack

Let’s talk more about the Nginx constellation configuration. The Nginx front-end nodes will run in proxymode caching static files and requests. The more aggressive the DDoSthe higher the time-to-live for cache objects should be. This preventsthe Nginx nodes from proxy-passing requests to the quad core node.Although, if the main node has idle CPU and plenty of memory it wouldn’thurt to put it to good use to alleviate the burden on the Nginx frontnodes. Your domain’s A records is going to be the IP of the Nginx frontnodes configured in round robin fashion. DNS round robin has itsshortcomings in terms of not having control over how long (bad) recordsget cached by resolvers around the world. But in this case, it does notmatter much. Just be sure to set high TTL for the records so your DNSserver does not collapse under the enormous volume.

Nginx DDoS Constellation

Nginx DDoS Constellation

There are tons of online tutorials that go over the installation of Nginx as a reverse proxy so be sure to read up on it. But we will listsome of the peculiar settings that are needed to handle a large scaleDDoS. Of importance is the number of Nginx worker processes and workerconnections. Those values will need to adjusted gradually and higher tohandle different kind of attacks depending the VM resource allocation.But you should set them at least as high as the following:

worker_processes 8;
events {
worker_connections 4096; # Be sure to set ulimit -n 4096 or more

Keep in mind that one still needs to gear up for the event by setting kernel and system variables on the Nginx nodes. Simple things likeper-IP rate limiting, flooding rate limits, and syn cookies should beenabled without a question. Here are some measures you can implement:

net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
# source validation / reversed path
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
kernel.pid_max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65000


In brief, here are the elements that constitute our solution:

  • Nginx reverse proxy constellation
  • DNS round robin records
  • Security at the Nginx front end level
  • Know the social and technical dynamics behind DDoS attacks

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Obasanjo, grandfather of corruption – Reps
By Alexandra Mede, Rotimi Akinwumi and Sola Shittu, Abuja

Federal lawmakers reacted angrily to former President Olusegun Obasanjo on Thursday, calling him the grandfather of corruption, in a tit-for-tat over his allegation that members of the hallowed legislature brim with sleaze, greed, and graft, milking the country dry, and doing little to justify their fat allowances.
Former military President, Ibrahim Babangida (left); former Head of State, Muhammadu Buhari; and former President Olusegun Obasanjo; at the presentation of a book, PRAXIS, in honour of Niger State Governor, Babangida Aliyu, at Sheraton Hotel, Abuja ... on Thursday.
Photo: Tunde Olaniyi.

House of Representatives Minority Leader, Ali Ndume, insisted that Obasanjo lacks the moral right to pronounce them corrupt because he instituted corruption in Nigeria.

Ndume, in his address to mark the end of the 2009/2010 legislative year, said the minority parties in the House also knock President Goodluck Jonathan for failing to provide good leadership..

He asked Jonathan to concentrate on governance rather than scheming to circumvent zoning to run for office next year.

Ndume acknowledged that the allegation of corruption against the National Assembly (NASS) may not be entirely false, but said his grouse with Obasanjo is that he institutionalised corruption when he was in the Villa between 1999 and 2007.

His words: “I am not in total disagreement with Obasanjo, but I would have preferred he says either Nigerians are corrupt or Nigerian politicians are corrupt. But for him to single out the (NASS) is not fair.”

And even if that is the case, Ndume stressed, the NASS has 80 per cent Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members, and Obasanjo is “the father and grandfather of the PDP. If his children are corrupt, then we know what the father is.

“Is it not during Obasanjo's era that corruption moved from the lowest level to the highest level? It was during his tenure that he shared N50 million to each member of the House in order to extend his tenure.

“It was also during his tenure that NASCON, TANSCORP, NITEL and all others were sold to his girl friends, cronies, and others. That is the foundation of corruption in this country.”

Ndume said the NASS is not better when it comes to corruption, but taking the case of budget padding, which Obasanjo spoke of, “if the budget comes and there is nothing for my constituency, I will not support it without having something for my people. But that is because of the government failure.

“If the government is not building hospital in my constituency and I need hospital in my constituency, I will make sure that in the budget of N4 billion, at least N30 million is made available to build a primary health care centre in my local government.

“It is also true that if I have my way, I will determine who the contractor is. You cannot bring somebody from Lagos or Ogun State to do contract in my local government. The (NASS) position is that if the government is doing its work everywhere, there will not be the need for constituency projects.

“When Obasanjo was the President, we know what he did in eight years and his people are better off now. Go and check his account and assets now after eight years as President and you will get the answer to who is corrupt; whether it is the (NASS) or the whole country.”

Ndume affirmed that there is corruption, which should be tackled holistically.

“Look at the whole budget of N4.6 trillion, how much is coming to the (NASS)? How much is going to recurrent expenditure? Only 25 per cent is going to capital expenditure that affects more than 150 million Nigerians.”

He declared the administration of Jonathan a disaster, saying the President erred by refusing to sign the 2010 supplementary budget when the year has less than five months to wind up.

He equally took a swipe at Jonathan for failing to meet the expectation of Nigerians who reposed so much hope in his leadership when fate brought him on board as President.

“Most disturbing to us is the ongoing debate in the PDP on the zoning of political offices, particularly the office of the President. This ordinarily is supposed to be a PDP affair, but again, it has been given a different colouration by people whose aim is to create confusion.

“We are worried that (Jonathan) has allowed himself to be distracted by this unnecessary debate, thereby leaving issues of state to suffer.

“We are surprised that instead of striving to initiate efforts to solve some of the pertinent and pressing problems, particularly in the power sector where he doubles as the Minister, the President has failed to make any impact in the area.”

Ndume said Jonathan surrounds himself with “a hoard of sycophants” and “failed politicians” who hijack the smooth running of government business and fan the embers of disunity and set agenda for the next elections “with the intent of playing godfathers” whereas “there is nothing to show that this government can be trusted.”

He noted that Jonathan has abandoned the Presidential Advisory Committee (PAC) he set up to help bring reprieve to the nation.

“We call on Jonathan to concentrate and excel in his present job as a sitting President instead of seeking to be a Presidential candidate in the next election when he is yet to deliver on the subsisting mandate.”

In any case, the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) has begun probing the allegation made by Obasanjo against the lawmakers.

ICPC Chairman Emmanuel Ayoola disclosed at the sixth edition of the Chairman’s Guest Forum in Abuja on Thursday that “we will use the allegation made by Obasanjo that the (NASS) is corrupt to question the size of allowance of the lawmakers.

“We will commence investigation on the legal propriety on the size of the allowance, we want to know whether any criminal offence has been committed on the size of the allowance and if we find something we will tell the world what we have found.”

Ayoola said the ICPC is reviewing activities that will cleanse Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) corruption and is also investigating how lawmakers utilise funds for constituency projects.

“We have already collected data from most of the state Houses of Assembly in regard to the practice they adopt in the management of constituency projects to enable us assess which aspects of the execution of such projects run contrary to the ICPC Act.”

He expressed satisfaction with the increase in the number of petitions received by the ICPC, describing it as a measure of the growing revulsion of the citizens about corruption.
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Inter Milan midfielder Wesley Sneijder is adamant former boss Jose Mourinho will manage Manchester United in the future.

The 26-year-old Dutch star won Serie A, the Champions League and the Coppa Italia with the Nerazzurri under the stewardship of Mourinho last term, but the Portuguese tactician has now moved on to Real Madrid.

Sneijder is convinced he will take over at Old Trafford when Sir Alex Ferguson retires and also believes he could be offered the England job at some point..

”English football excites him more than any other football in Europe and I don‘t think it‘s a question of if he returns to the Premier League but when,” he told the News of the World.

”I think it‘s written for him to take over Manchester United in a few years. One great manager will retire and another one will take over.

”But if he was offered the England job alongside the Manchester United one in a few years I am sure he would take it. He likes the daily interaction with players too much to take on an international job alone.

”Jose and I became good friends at Inter and, from conversations we had, I know he thinks he could really do something with the England players.

”When he takes the United job, the English FA must offer him the national post as well, and from conversations we have had I think he would take it, in fact I know he would.”

Sneijder believes Mourinho would be able to handle both jobs at the same time, and that he would not see the England post as a part-time role.

”We are talking about the best coach in the world, and it has been done before successfully,” he added.

”His other job would be in the Premier League, so he would be working with and watching the relevant England players every week, it would be perfect for him.

”With Jose, success always follows him but it‘s not always because he has the best players, it‘s because he makes you believe you are the best players.

”The confidence and belief he gives you is amazing, and when he is at a club it is his players and staff against the rest of the world.

”With the quality of players England have, a coach like Jose would surely make them favourites.”

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Beverly Naya, Britain-based Nigerian model and actress has finally pitched her tent in Nollywood.

Beverly Naya

The sexy actress who has modeled and acted extensively in the UK and America, took Nollywood by storm last year when she played the female lead role in Lancelot Imasuen’s award-winning movie “Home In Exile.”

Here, she had a steaming kiss session with ace-actor Desmond Elliot. In this thrilling encounter, Beverly who hails from Delta State takes HVP through her world of fantasy, her passion and the reason behind her homecoming to make her mark in Nollywood amongst other sundry issues.


My root and my dream world

I’m a Nigerian born and raised in England. I am from Delta State and I know I’m from Ibuzo, the Igbo speaking Delta region. I had my formal education in the UK. I graduated from Roehampton University in London where I studied Script writing and Film making. Prior to that, I had studied Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy for my first degree at Brunel University.

I was brought up by a rod-sparing mother who pampers me with the good things of life. I did not encounter any incidence of child rivalry or juvenile inconvenience. I enjoyed all the parental attention because I’m the only child, so my mum says I’m spoilt. Even at that, I have a mother who has always been there and is supportive. There is this natural flow of communication and understanding between us.

We hardly have frictions because we have developed a bond to an extent where we make statements even in our silence mode. The bond is so strong. She is my manager, my supporter and in fact, she is my mentor who nudges and urges me on. My father shuttles between the US and Nigeria while my mum and I are back in Nigeria settling down to embrace what the country has to offer.

With this arrangement, there is bound to be some gap (with her dad) but we communicate as much as we can. The best he can do is to support my career and that he does. But one cannot compare motherly love with paternal because while the former is always more physically available, the latter is out there on the field trying out his hands on different things.

My growing up days were wonderful and full of memories that I love to relay all the time. I’m certain it is impossible for anyone to have a perfect childhood, but I feel mine was quite reasonable because my mum did a great job. I had no issues with my childhood. I was born and raised in London. I enjoyed the atmosphere in which I grew up.

I lived there with my mum and it has been a memorable experience for me. I have been coming to Nigeria for the past three years and I love every part of my homecoming. I’m more at home in Nigeria now than in the UK even though I have lived better part of my life there. I lived in London from birth till I was six months old when I later relocated to Atlanta, then Chicago and thereafter returned to London when I was eight years.

Preference for Nollywood

With all sense of modesty and humility, I have a career I’m in love with it at twenty-two years. A career totally different from what my friends in London are facing right now. Its a career in which I have endless prospects and fulfilment, nothing could have been more joyous than this. We should also not lose sight of the fact that London is not really working at the moment.

The effects of the last global economic recession is still there for all to see. We should not forget easily also that London is owned by whites and definitely, whites will get jobs faster and easier than blacks. But here it is different. So, why shouldn’t I come back to my own country where I know that I will always be accepted, appreciated and loved. I think those are the major reasons I came back. I love where I grew up. I appreciate all the things I’ve learnt and I’m willing to apply them here.

Yes, I had in-depth study of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. I could have secured a white-collar job in any company of my choice out there but the truth is that I would not have found peace and satisfaction doing so. When the talents for acting ignited in me, I knew right away that this was what I wanted to do. I have passion for it. Honestly speaking, it was overwhelming coming out tops in my college but I believe that it buttresses my deep-seated interest in acting to a large extent.

Studying Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy wasn’t with my heart. So I decided to find myself another route and I fell in love with acting and dancing. I love the fact that I could escape from who I was and become someone else. When I got an award for acting in college, I was overwhelmed because I never saw it coming at all. That experience made me believe that I can. I have acted in movies and done theatre shows. I played a lead role on a Ben TV programme called ‘Dynamite’ and a documentary titled ‘The American Dream’, which won me the Prince’s Trust Award.

Playing female lead role in Lancelot Imasuen’s Home in Exile

I had this opportunity to showcase the stuff I’m made off. I played the female lead in the movie which was a very challenging role for me. Desmond played Dave while I played Julie. The plot is as interesting as it is suspenseful. For me, it is very challenging while at the same time didactic. It stretches me to my full capable limit. I enjoyed the set; I enjoyed everything about the movie. The established actors were very open and so supportive.

They made me feel at home and I was able to discharge my roles flawlessly. It was one experience I will live to cherish for a long time. Also, it was an opportunity I grabbed with my two hands. It was wonderful working under the direction of one of the industry’s best hands, Lancelot.

Erotic scenes

It was all pure acting. The roles must be delivered according to mood of the scenes. It must be seen by the audience to be real. Personally, I did not get involved but professionally, Julie was seen doing all those things she did in the movie. Let me emphasize here that Nigerians are sophisticated and conscious enough to know the difference between reality and make-believe. I don’t really think issues arise from kissing or playing romantic scenes in films.

Artistes encounter challenges when they find it difficult to detach themselves from roles they are often seen playing. There are artistes who get stuck to particular roles and as a result, become stereotyped as the very characters they play. Julie had to act as if she was actually in a relationship with Dave(Desmond Elliot). And she did just that.

My career revolves around professionalism. I am careful about the way I carry myself. I wouldn’t want to be in the predicament of losing a contract because someone lacks professionalism. I handle myself with dignity. I know I’m a beautiful woman and men would always make advances even outside the industry but I try as much as possible to be polite in turning them down.


I’m in a relationship with my career at the moment. Of course, men come in droves, both with genuine intentions and ulterior motives.
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