by (100)

After a six-year hia-tus, Nigeria's flagship beauty pageant, ‘Miss Nigeria,' is set to return to the country's social calendar. And for the first time in the history of the pageant, it will be activat-ed in three continents; Africa, Europe and North America.Photo:

Miss Nigeria organiser Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, flanked by past miss Nigeria winners. Binta Sukai,Vien Tetsola and Ms Lawani


executive officer, and creative director of the pageant, Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, disclosed this at a media parley which held at Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos. According to her, that the new ‘Miss Nigeria Pageant' will once again showcase positive attributes of the Nigerian woman, namely - elegance, poise, talent, intelligence and as well as beauty.She noted that ‘Miss Nigeria' historically has been a role model to the Nigerian society at large, and a spokesperson for national volunteerism and charity, while using her title to educate millions of Nigerians on issues of importance to herself and the society.

Mrs Oshinowo-Soleye added that in years past, pageantry was a family affair, and promised to bring back the family friendly pageant, reminiscent of a time when opportunity came with responsibility, and womanhood was held in the highest regard.Miss Nigeria returns after six yearsFellaz are the 2010 Malta Guiness street dance winnersCast members Montego Glover, David Bryan and Chad Kimball perform after their play Memphis won best musical at the American Theatre Wing's 64th annual Tony Awards ceremony in New YorkMiss Nigeria organiser Nike Oshinowo-Soleye, flanked by past miss Nigeria winnersShe further disclosed that unlike other pageants, the new ‘Miss Nigeria Pageant' will have no swim wear segment, as the contestants would be judged on poise, intelligence, cultural values as well as beauty.

She restated Miss Nigeria's is commitment to empowering young women. This year's winner, she said would win a full scholarship to be educated in any institute of higher learning of her choice, anywhere in the world; a luxury car, one year's salary and accommodation in Lagos, a year's wardrobe from leading Nigerian designers, as well as gifts from sponsors.The winner of the pageant will also spend her year in office working for the Miss Nigeria Foundation. She will also work with federal and state governments' ministries of culture, tourism, health and women affairs.

In addition, she will also work on special projects on behalf of international NGOs like the World Health Organisation and UNESCO. Call for entries into the pageant is expected to last between June and July, with zonal castings in five Nigerian cities, New York and London between July and August. The final event comes up on September 25 in Abuja where the new queen will be crowned.

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Chuka Umunna "humbled" by Streatham victory .Once hailed as the UK young Obama and one of the top ten black Politicians in the UK The Boy wonder has finally done it calling it a humbling experience .With the UK Election in a Hung Parliament and Gordon Brown still holding on .We Congratulate Mr Umunna for a Landmark achievement.

Labour’s Chuka Umunna, said he was “humbled” by winning a close fought contest to take the Streatham seat.

Mr Umunna, standing for the first time, took the seat with a 3259-vote majority.

He hauled a massive 20,037 votes, beating his nearest rival, Lib Dem candidate Chris Nicholson, who received 16,778 votes.

He called the victory “a quite extraordinary night”.

He said: “I was born and bred in this constituency and the fact so many of my neighbours,
close friends and people I know in the community and that I am tasked to
represent them is something that makes me deeply humbled.

“I know our party will do everything we can for the residents of this fantastic place.”

Mr Umunna has ensured the seat remains in Labour hands after Keith Hill MP stepped
down this election after 18 years in the job.

Chuka Umunna (born October 1978) is a Labour MP, political activist and commentator, and an employment lawyer. In March 2008, he was chosen by local Labour Party members as the party's prospective parliamentary candidate for the Streatham constituency, following the retirement of Keith Hill MP. He is of mixed Nigerian, Irish and English descent.[1] He was elected to parliament in the general election of May 6th 2010.
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The dramatic search for James Ibori, the former Delta State governor who has been declared wanted for financial misdemeanour, by the Nigerian Police and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), may be nothing but a ruse.

Sources who spoke with NEXT over the weekend said that not only is Mr. Ibori hiding in Agbor, a town in his home state, but the two anti corruption agencies, the EFCC and the police, are aware of Mr. Ibori’s whereabouts. Contrary to reports that the former governor has been hiding in his country home in Oghara, he is allegedly hiding with a friend of his in Agbor, a small town which is about 2 hours away from Oghara.

Multiple sources in the Nigerian security circles told NEXT that the EFCC is aware of Mr. Ibori’s current location and that this would not be the first time that the anti corruption agency would be feigning ignorance of his whereabouts.

“The EFCC knows that Ibori is not in his hometown. When the EFCC first said that they were looking for Ibori and went looking for him in Oghara, they knew that he was right here in Abuja. He was at that time in the Kwara Guest House, in Asokoro,” a source said.

The police’s charade

Behind the elaborate display shown by the Nigerian police in a bid to arrest Mr. Ibori, was an apparent decision to do the contrary, sources said. Security sources who spoke to NEXT said the authority chosen to effect Mr. Ibori‘s arrest, showed that the police was not really interested in arresting the former governor.

“If they really wanted to arrest him, why would they pick the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), for works and for operations to be in charge of the operation? Why not use the DIG in charge of the Force Criminal Investigation Department,” a security source queried.

“The police intelligence is fully aware of Ibori’s movement but there appears to be the lack of operational will,” our source added.

The police spokesman, Emmanuel Ojukwu however denied that the police has any knowledge of Mr. Ibori’s current location saying that the police is still looking for the former governor.

“We are still looking for him wherever he is. I cannot say that the police is aware of where he is but all I can say is that we are looking for him,” Mr. Ojukwu said.

EFCC responds

The EFCC also says that it is at the moment working on a new strategy to beat Mr. Ibori to his game. A strategy which the commission says it is no longer interested in sharing with the Nigerian public.

“We don’t want to discuss this because every information we give out gets back to him [Mr. Ibori],” the spokesman of the commission, Femi Babafemi, told NEXT in Abuja.

Mr. Ibori’s spokesperson, Tony Elumunor, however said that Mr. Ibori’s current location is not relevant and should not be a subject of public debate.

“The man you are talking about is a private citizen and he is not on the run but simply obeying the court ruling which asked that everyone should maintain the status quo,” Mr. Elumunor said in a telephone interview with NEXT..

In the last two weeks, media reports have placed Mr. Ibori in several places; Oghara- his home town, the Niger-Delta Creeks, and as having escaped the country en route Dubai. The latest location,

has in history served as a refuge for a larcenous prince who ran away from his home town.

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Two soldiers (names withheld), are now being detained in connection with a case of burglary in the home of the General Officer Commanding (GOC), 82 Division of Nigerian Army Enugu, Major General Muhammad D. Isah.

Saturday Independent gathered that the burglars removed $250,000 belonging to the GOC.

Isah, who was said to be out of town when the burglary was carried out, returned to discover that the money was no longer where he kept it.

Upset by the discovery, the infuriated GOC was said to have vowed in ‘Allah’s name’ to fish out those behind the nefarious act and deal with them mercilessly.

Our sources disclosed that the Army chief immediately set up an investigation team comprising of military police officers and ordered the interrogation of some soldiers known as “his boys” in the barracks.

It was learnt that under serious interrogation, two of the soldiers confessed to the crime.

The two GOC boys told the investigators that they removed the money in installments in order to beat the security network in the home of their boss who was away when they struck.

Saturday Independent gathered that the two thieving soldiers would face a court martial soon.

Efforts by this reporter to speak with the Assistant Director of Army Public Relations, 82 Division of Nigerian Army, Enugu, Lt. Colonel Sagir Musa, yielded no fruits as at the time of going to the press on Friday.

At several occasions, the reporter called his two GSM lines and the response was “not available.”..

However, the news of the burglary in the GOC’s home has created anxiety in the barracks.

A soldier, who pleaded anonymity, told Saturday Independent that he has never heard such a despicable story in his 25 years of service in the Nigerian Army, saying people could conclude that the Army was harbouring criminals.
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• Obama's Nuclear Summit Yields Early Dividends

A report that past Nigerian leaders stole more than $89.5 billion from the national purse over a period of 38 years, from 1970 through 2008, has cast a shadow on efforts by Acting President Goodluck Jonathan to attract fresh foreign investment, which is part of his agenda in Washington.

Jonathan flew to the American capital on Sunday for the global nuclear security summit that began on Monday.

According to the findings of international illicit financial outflow watchdog- Global Financial Integrity (GFI), Nigeria lost more money through illegal outflows than any country in the world during the period.

The top five countries are Nigeria ($89.5 billion) Egypt ($70.5 billion), Algeria ($25.7 billion), Morocco ($25 billion), and South Africa ($24.9 billion).

In total, Africa lost $854 billion in illegal financial outflows.

The report paints a grim picture of the looting of resources and estimated that developing countries are losing as much as $1 trillion every year.

“The amount of money that has been drained out of Africa – hundreds of billions decade after decade – is far in excess of the official development assistance going into African countries,” said GFI Director Raymond Baker. “Staunching this devastating outflow of much-needed capital is essential to achieving economic development and poverty alleviation goals in these countries.

“Sub-Saharan African countries experienced the bulk of illicit financial outflows with the West and Central African region posting the largest outflow numbers.”

The report said illegal financial outflows from the entire region outpaced official development assistance at a ratio of at least two to one.

“This report breaks new ground in the fight to end global poverty with analyses and measurements of illicit financial outflows never before undertaken.

“As long as these countries are losing massive amounts of money to illicit financial outflows, economic development and prosperity will remain elusive.”

Baker recommended transparency in the global financial system as a solution to the problem.

Back on the summit, President Barack Obama’s effort has started reaping early dividends as China has agreed to work with the United States on possible sanctions against Iran and Ukraine’s decision to rid itself of nuclear bomb-making materials.

Obama said the risk of nuclear attack has increased, calling it a “cruel irony” after the end of the Cold War.

He noted in his opening address to the first full day of the summit on Tuesday that the risks of nations going to war with nuclear weapons have decreased.

Nevertheless, he told representatives from 47 countries that, “The risk of a nuclear attack has gone up.”

Obama was speaking of the threat of terrorists getting their hands on nuclear materials.

He had opened the summit on Monday night after two days of meetings with selected Presidents and Prime Ministers of the 47 countries assembled to recharge efforts to keep nuclear materials out of terrorist hands.

China’s incremental move toward U.S. ambitions to sanction Iran and Ukraine’s plans to get rid of highly enriched uranium put some wind in Obama’s sails as he presses global leaders to join him in locking down all nuclear materials within four years.
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A computer screen in a Beijing internet cafe shows the new <br / Chinese-language Google search home page, 23 March " border="0" height="170" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="226"">
Chinese users are being redirected to the site

China has said Google's decision to stop censoring Chinese search results is "totally wrong" and violatesits promise to abide by local laws.

The US giant is redirecting users in mainland China to its unrestricted Hong Kong site,although Chinese firewalls mean results still come back censored..

Beijing said the decision should not affect ties with Washington.

Google threatened to leave the Chinese market completely this year after cyberattacks traced back to China.

Chinese internet users will have no regrets if Google withdraws
Chen Yafei
Chinese information technology specialist

Google's move to shut its mainland Chinese search service is a major blow to China's international image, the BBC's Damian Grammaticasreports from Beijing.

It means one of the world's most prominent corporations is saying it is no longer willing to co-operate in China'scensorship of the internet, our correspondent says.

China has moved to further limit free speech on the web - Google's own websitesand the e-mail accounts of human rights activists have recently comeunder cyber attack.

'Politicisation of commercial issues'

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters that Google's movewas an isolated act by a commercial company and should not affectChina-US ties "unless politicised" by others.

Google China headquarters in Beijing, 22 March
2000: A Chinese-language interface is developed for the website
2006: Launch of China-based search page with censored results
Mar-Jun 2009: China blocks access to Google's YouTube site; access to other Google online services is denied to users
Jan 2010: Jan 2010 Google announces it is no longer willing to censor searches in China and may pull out of the country
Feb 2010: Hacking attacks on Google are traced to mainland China
March 2010: Google says it will re-route searches to its Hong Kong-based site

The government would handle the Google case "according to the law", he added.

Earlier an official in the Chinese government office which oversees the internet said: "Google has violated its writtenpromise it made when entering the Chinese market by stopping filteringits searching service and blaming China in insinuation for allegedhacker attacks."

"This is totally wrong. We're uncompromisingly opposed to the politicisation of commercial issues, and express ourdiscontent and indignation to Google for its unreasonable accusationsand conducts," the unnamed official was quoted as saying by Chinesestate news agency Xinhua.

Chen Yafei, a Chinese information technology specialist, told Reuters that Google should have acceptedChinese regulation if it wanted to operate in the country.

"Any company entering China should abide by Chinese laws," he said.

"Google has its own credos. The fighting between Google and the Chinesegovernment is their own business. Chinese internet users will have noregrets if Google withdraws."

Google's chief legal officer, David Drummond, said earlier that providing uncensored searches through theHong Kong-based website was was "entirely legal" and would"meaningfully increase access to information for people in China".

"We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision,though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to ourservices," he wrote in a blog post.

The White House said it was "disappointed" that Google and China had not been able to resolve theirdifferences.

Sophisticated censorship

One cause of the row was Google's revelation on 12 January that it - and more than 20other companies - had been the victim of a cyber attack that originatedinside China.

Baidu headquarter logo
Baidu is the market leader for online search in China

During the attack Google lost some intellectual property and discovered that the attack was aimed at the GMail accounts of humanrights activists. This attack led Google to "review the feasibility" ofits Chinese operations.

In the blog entry posted on 22 March, Google said it would maintain an R&D and sales presence in China.

It said the size of its sales team would depend on how many Chinese peoplecan get at the Hong Kong-based site. Currently about 700 of Google's20,000 strong workforce are based in China.

On Sunday, state media in China attacked Google for what they described as the company's"intricate ties" with the US government.

Google provided US intelligence agencies with a record of its search engine results, Xinhuasaid.

While Google is the world's most popular search engine, it is a distant number two in the Chinese market, which is dominated byBaidu.

However, because of the size and growth rate of China's internet population, any loss of business there is likely to harmGoogle's future growth prospects.

Analysts said that initially Google's prospects would not be dented by shutting down as itis responsible, at most, for 2% of its annual $24bn (£15.9bn) revenue.

China operates one of the most sophisticated and wide-reaching censorshipsystems in the world.

Thousands of police officers are employed to monitor web activity and many automated systems watch blogs, chatrooms and other sites to ensure that banned subjects, such as TiananmenSquare, are not discussed.

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April 2010

A daughters Plea Written by Bimbo Bamidele
Photo Here:Late Idowu
Late Major Daniel Idowu Bamidele , was among the officers that was executed 5th of March 1986 by the IBB regime on the suspicion of conspiracy to commit treason.

In October 1983, My father heard rumors of a planned coup against President Shehu Shagari,s government. My father immediately reported this information to his GOC (General Officer in Command) who was Brigadier Mohammed Buhari, who was ironically the master planner of the coup.
My father was arrested a week later, and detained at DMI(Directorate of Military Intelligence) and he was accused of plotting a coup against the Shagari regime. Fake witnesses were paraded to give false statements against him. While the real coup plot was going on underground with the full involvement of the same DMI group of officers that was interrogating my father.

After a month, he was released based on the fact that there was no legal basis to charge him for a "one man coup conspiracy"
I remember the day my father came back home. Our house was flooded with relatives, friends and neighbors. I could feel the tension in the air when he arrived, tears of happiness, joy and relief was pouring down from my mum’s eyes.

I remember seeing my father’s bruised back and arms due to the savage beatings he received in the detention cell, just because he wanted to be a good soldier that loved democracy and civil rule, and even if he was a military officer, he was not in support of a military regime taking over a stable civilian government.

Then on the 1st of January 1984, Brigadier Buhari (My father’s GOC that he reported the rumor of a coup) was announced as the new Head of State.
Everything now became clear to my father as to why he was arrested for reporting about a coup.
He was later transferred from jos,Plateau state to Command and Staff College Jaji, Kaduna state.

Two years after, he was arrested again for allegedly knowing about the Phantom-vatsa-coup and not reporting to his superiors.
A Special Military Tribunal was set up and my father was convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad.
I remember that day, 5th of March 1986. General Domkat Bali came on air and read out the list of names. 10 officers!!! 10 fathers!!! 10 breadwinners!!!
And he adds,” Have been Secretly Executed 1 hour earlier"

Then 14 years after, On the 22nd of May, 2006. General Domkat Bali grants an interview with THE NEWS magazine, that whatever evidence the panel had against mamman vatsa and the 9 other officers were weak, and his only regret was that he could not stop the execution from taking place.

Even when Mamman vatsa,s wife, my mother, and other widows pleaded to IBB for their husbands corpses to be released to them, it all fell on deaf ears, because IBB instructed that ACID should be poured on their bodies and they should be given a mass burial.
IBB requested that the execution process should be recorded for him.

For 24 years, I’ve lived with something in my heart!
That IBB carefully selected 10 Army Officers with the highest caliber of military professionals who had acquired expensive training from Nigeria and Abroad.
IBB was present on Mamman Vatsa,s wedding day,.....................IBB was Vatsa,s Bestman!!!

Like I said earlier on in "My Campaign Against IBB" I don’t have any issue against IBB on political grounds, But on The issue of an 11 years old girl that loved her father very much, and still misses him every other day.
Don’t be deceived the real name of the man is EVIL DEVIL

"My Campaign Against IBB" I don’t have any issue against IBB on political grounds, But on The issue of an 11 years old girl that loved her father very much, and still misses him every other day."

Blogers note: Since the publication of the article Ms Bamidele is coming under intense pressure to withdraw the article from the public forum. She is standing by every word written and re affirms our commitment to make her fathers story heard. For her own security I will not be publishing her photograph, however any media interest will be welcome so we can get stories such as that of Major Bamidele out in the public forum.
Kayode Ogundamisi

For the records:

"...Major Bamidele cut a forlorn figure. He found out about the plot against President Shagari and reported the issue up the chain of command to his General Officer Commanding, Maj-Gen Muhammadu Buhari. Unfortunately for, and unknown to Bamidele, Buhari was one of the conspirators. To prevent Bamidele from leaking the plot, Buhari ordered his arrest and Bamidele was detained for 2 weeks. He was not released until after the coup had been successfully executed. Once again Bamidele learned of this current coup plot. However his experience with Buhari had taught him and unforgettable lesson. This time he kept his mouth shut and did not report the plot. Nonetheless he was arrested again, this time for not reporting the plot. "

Major Bamidele's statement in mitigation was even more harrowing:... See more

"...“I heard of the 1983 coup planning, told my GOC General Buhari who detained me for two weeks in Lagos. Instead of a part on the back, I received a stab. How then do you expect me to report this one?

This trial marks the eclipse of my brilliant and unblemished career of 19 years. I fought in the civil war with the ability it pleased God to give me. If is unfortunate that I’m being convicted for something which I have had to stop on two occasions. This is not self adulation but a sincere summary of the qualities inherent in me.

It is an irony of fate that the president of the tribunal who in 1964 felt that I was good enough to take training in the U.K. is now saddled with the duty of showing me the exit from the force and the world.”"

(May his gentle soul continue to rest in Peace)
---References: My Friend and Military Historian Max Siollun. (Research by Ken Davidson)
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I guess the isle just got tired of it all !

NEW DELHI – For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island's gone.
New Moore Island in the Sunderbans has been completely submerged, said oceanographer Sugata Hazra, a professor at Jadavpur University in Calcutta. Its disappearance has been confirmed by satellite imagery and sea patrols, he said.

"What these two countries could not achieve from years of talking, has been resolved by global warming," said Hazra.

Scientists at the School of Oceanographic Studies at the university have noted an alarming increase in the rate at which sea levels have risen over the past decade in the Bay of Bengal.

Until 2000, the sea levels rose about 3 millimeters (0.12 inches) a year, but over the last decade they have been rising about 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) annually, he said.

Another nearby island, Lohachara, was submerged in 1996, forcing its inhabitants to move to the mainland, while almost half the land of Ghoramara island was underwater, he said. At least 10 other islands in the area were at risk as well, Hazra said.

"We will have ever larger numbers of people displaced from the Sunderbans as more island areas come under water," he said.

Bangladesh, a low-lying delta nation of 150 million people, is one of the countries worst-affected by global warming. Officials estimate 18 percent of Bangladesh's coastal area will be underwater and 20 million people will be displaced if sea levels rise 1 meter (3.3 feet) by 2050 as projected by some climate models.

India and Bangladesh both claimed the empty New Moore Island, which is about 3.5 kilometers (2 miles) long and 3 kilometers (1.5 miles) wide. Bangladesh referred to the island as South Talpatti.

There were no permanent structures on New Moore, but India sent some paramilitary soldiers to its rocky shores in 1981 to hoist its national flag.

The demarcation of the maritime boundary — and who controls the remaining islands — remains an open issue between the two South Asian neighbors, despite the disappearance of New Moore, said an official in India's foreign ministry, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on international disputes.

Bangladesh officials were not available for comment Wednesday.
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Second republic politician and former governor of Kano state Alhaji Muhammadu Abubakar Rimi is dead. There is no confirmation of the exact cause of his death as at the time of filing this report. A source told us that Alhaji Rimi was attacked by gunmen in his house and shot but that he died of heart attack. We could not confirm that particular story from family sources.

In January 2006gunmen believed to be assasins killed his wife at his home. The case took a strange twist when his son was arrested and charged for killing his wife, he was later released before the police commenced trial.
In another Report :

The former civilian governor of Kano State, Abubakar Rimi is dead. Details about Mr. Rimi's death are sketchy although we learned that he died after being shot by Armed Robbers. The circumstances of the attack on Mr. Rimi remain unclear although the incident is reported to have taken place in Kano. Mr. Rimi's body was being taken to his house a few hours ago.

The late Rimi was born at Rimi village, Sumaila Local Government Area of Kano State, in 1940. He became the first civilian governor of Kano State in 1979 and was appointed Minister of Communication in 1983 after a term as governor. He was a founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party and though he defected to the Action Congress in the build up to the 2007 general elections, he returned to the PDP in December 2008 and remained with the party until his death..

In 2006, Mr Rimi's wife Sa'adatu was found dead in their Kano home. She had been stabbed repeatedly.

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Ibori's investigator attacked by gunmen

In a mafia Style take down reminiscent of the hollywood movie The Untouchables,

Solomon Yorr, an official of Nigeria's anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), is in a battle for life as medical personnel struggle to patch up his bullet ridden chest.

Mr. Yorr, in the past few weeks, has been intensely involved in the investigation of the former Delta State governor, James Ibori . He is the second-in-command of the team in charge of Mr. Ibori's investigation.

Mr. Yorr, who is attached to the Economic Governance Unit, an elite group in the commission which handles mainly cases of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), was attacked by gunmen on Sunday night in his home in Keffi, Nassarawa.

Femi Babafemi, the head of Media and Publicity of the EFCC, in a press statement yesterday, said that the operative is now receiving medical attention and has been installed in an Intensive Care Unit(ICU) in Abuja.

EFCC operatives, who spoke on conditions of anonymity, expressed fears that the attempt on Mr. Yorr's life was not unconnected with the high profile investigations that he has been handling.

Increased tempo and increased attacks

Mr. Babafemi of the EFCC told NEXT in Abuja yesterday, that the recent attacks on operatives of the commission was a result of the increased pace of high profile investigations undertaken by the commission, while debunking the idea that the recent attacks was indicative of a revamp in the quality of investigations being carried out by the EFCC.

"The steam has always been there. We are also raising the tempo of our activities. Some of these attacks are rooted in the desperation of some corrupt politicians to succeed in the 2011 elections. We had already alerted the public on the threats that we have been receiving," he said.

Mr. Babafemi said that between December, 2009 and March, 2010, two active operatives and one former operative of the commission had been killed. But he restated the determination of the anti- corruption agency to go ahead with its duties.

"The EFCC chairman, Mrs. Farida Waziri, has since directed that security should be beefed up around the officer, while she prays for his recovery. She has equally stressed that the various attacks against the agency and its officials will not in any way distract or deter us," Mr. Babafemi said.

Taking care of its own

A Lagos-based human rights attorney, Jiti Ogunye, however, had harsh words for the leadership of the anti-graft agency, who he says is not doing enough to safe guard the lives of its operatives.

"My observation is that the leadership of the EFCC may not be doing enough to protect its operatives," he said, adding that he feared that the continued attacks on operatives could demoralise their colleagues.

"For a law enforcement agency, it is important that perpetually, the capacity of that agency is bolstered such that it stays ahead of criminals or would-be-criminals. Part of the capacity should be its ability to protect its operatives. It is very important that a law enforcement agency must be able to do that," Mr. Ogunye stressed..

Mr. Ogunye dismissed the idea that the EFCC may be working harder than in the past, and insisted that the leadership of the EFCC must look inwards to solve its current challenge.

"There might be a self-inflicted disability on the part of the leadership of the EFCC, because once the leadership is compromised, then the operatives will no longer be safe. The commission must look inwards to find out what they have not been doing right to protect their operatives," he said.

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The Singular Reason he died was that by his blood we would accept salvation not by our WORKS !

The Greek word used here for "doctrine" means "teaching" and occurs a total of 30 times in the New Testament. The four gospels refer to Jesus teaching 43 times and preaching 19 times, and six verses refer to Him preaching and teaching in the same verse. This would indicate that Jesus spent twice as much time teaching as He did preaching. Jesus' teaching is the basic building block of making disciples and a stumbling block to the religious.

Why is it that a person who is seeking so hard to please God can be rejected, while a person who has not sought God at all can come into a righteous relationship with Him? This is an important question and its answer is one of the most profound doctrines in scripture. The answer is faith and its object.

The Jews were zealous for the things of God, but their faith was in themselves. They were trusting that they could earn God's favor by their acts of righteousness. On the other hand, the Gentiles had no holiness to trust in. So, when they heard the Gospel message that Jesus paid our debt for us, they readily accepted His "gift" of salvation, while the religious Jews could not abandon their trust in themselves for salvation.

The same problem exists today. Millions of church people are trying to live holy lives, but they do not have a true faith in Jesus as their Savior. If they were to stand before God and He was to ask them what they had done to deserve salvation, they would immediately start recounting all their acts of holiness such as church attendance, giving receipts, etc. Regardless of how good our actions are compared to others, they always come short of the perfect standard of God. The only response to this kind of question that would grant us entrance to heaven is to say, "my only claim to salvation is faith in Jesus as my Savior." Let Him be the object of your faith today. He is all you need.

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Hundreds gathered in Abuja on Wednesday for a march to the
presidency to demand that that ailing leader, President
Umaru Yar'Adua make a public appearance.

President Yar’Adua, 58, has not been seen in public since his presumed return to Abuja about two weeks ago in an air ambulance from Saudi Arabia, where
he was flown for medical treatment for heart and kidney conditions.

The secretive manner he was ferried into the country has raised suspicions that his kitchen cabinet led by his wife, Turai had planned to use him
as pawn in their power game to checkmate Acting President, Dr. Goodluck

Barred from Aso Rock

Thousands who joined the Save Group (SNG) to protest the continued absence of President Umaru Yar’Adua were stopped by the police from taking their protest to the Presidential Villa yesterday in Abuja. This is the second protest organised by group in Abuja,

“Section 144 must be invoked,” Yinka Odumakin, the group’s spokesperson, said. “We are tired of a president we cannot see. We need a president we can see, who can talk to us, who can govern. Not one they will be telling us that he said; somebody saw him drinking tea, somebody saw him playing with his grand children. We want to see him and if we cannot see him, we want a functional president.

Diary of a protest

The protesters had trickled in, first in dozens and then in hundreds, to the Unity Statue, beside the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, to demonstrate their displeasure at the state of affairs in the nation.

Buses from Lagos later arrived, bringing in more protesters. Carrying placards with different inscriptions, such as ‘Jonathan, Get decisive now;’ ‘We must know Umaru’s health status;’ and ‘Turai, leave 9ja alone,’ the protesters patiently listened to the speakers.

But just as they began their march to the villa, they were stopped. John Ahmadu, an Assistant Inspector General of Police, explained to the leaders of the SNG that the acting president, Goodluck Jonathan, was on his way to the nearby Transcorp Hilton Hotel, and the protesters had to wait for his motorcade to pass. The protesters reacted with loud crises, but Mr. Ahmadu stood his ground.

“We are here to give you all the necessary protection while you march,” he said. “Because we want to take care of those who may want to hijack your good intentions for a bad intention, please we urge you to go with our people orderly. Until you leave, we shall not stand down.”

The march continued after Mr. Jonathan’s passage and the crowd, now split into about three sections, sang choruses to show their displeasure.

The protesters were, however, stopped again when they got to the Bullet Junction that leads to the presidential villa. They were told by the police boss that they could not go beyond that point.

After over 20 minutes of waiting at the point, and placating speeches by their leaders such as Tunde Bakare, Femi Falana, Najatu Mohammed, and Abdur-Rahman Ahmad, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Yayale Ahmed, arrived to receive the protesters message.

‘This is our message’

“When we received your request that you will like to hand over a letter to Acting President Jonathan, he directed the Secretary to the Government, in my own person, to come and receive it. I find it very easy and natural to come and face you because yours is a demonstration of democracy in action in Nig.eria,” Mr. Ahmed said, despite being booed all the way by angry protesters.

“Your three basic demands are noted,” he said. “One, you want to know the status of your president; it is because you love your president that you want to know his status, because you elected him. Secondly, you want us to take constitutional ways of dealing with it. This government is a creation of the constitution and we will do what the constitution says. Thirdly, we are aware of your concern regarding credible election in this country. Only two weeks ago, the Acting President handed over, again, Uwais committee report unedited, to the National Assembly.”

An assembly of drama

The protesters then moved to the National Assembly to submit the same demands, only to yet again be stopped at the gates by stern looking mobile policemen.

Despite several minutes of discussion between the SNG leaders and the police, the protesters were not allowed into the compound of the National Assembly. But for the intervention of Messrs. Falana and Bakare, the protesters were ready to confront the police.

“Their (members of the National Assembly) days are numbered,” an angry Mr. Bakare declared. “Whether by election or by divine intervention, their days in the National Assembly are numbered. Since they refused to allow Nige.rians, for whom the institution is built, to enter their premises, they can die inside. Nige.ria will flourish again. Nig.eria will conquer our conquerors.”

When contacted, however, the leadership of the Senate denied issuing orders to security officials to bar the protesters from entering into the premises of the National Assembly.

The Senate’s deputy spokesman, Anthony Manzo, said “Certainly, Wole Soyinka and his group are welcome anytime. We are ready to receive anybody that embarks on meaningful protest.”

However, the police officers had claimed they were acting on the orders of the leadership. Two rows of the officers interlocked their elbows to form a formidable barricade.

The Sergeant-at-Arms of the National Assembly, Okere Emeka, who is in charge of the security of the complex, was not immediately reachable to clarify who gave the orders to bar the protesters.

One of the demands of the Save Nigeria Group is that the lawmakers should begin the process to remove Mr. Yar’Adua from office. Mr. Manzo however said the Senate is not contemplating that yet.

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RK1 review from

Everyday RK-1 ft Mykal Rose

great beats with better lyrics . RK1 has distinguished himself as a lyric master . Thief thief a real nomer for our

nation . Lets call out the Fela genome and focus on non - commercial music ! but shoutouts to ozav n bunmi cool but biodun is back in

naija .. ! Mykal rose supports well although i miss Zelly's bomba clat raps in this jam.. great song my take 8/ten #

Na lie !

This is my jam totally RK1 ! Na lie na lie na lie ! instrumentals are crazy good play with the chopper intro .

lyrics still very strong with great social observations that pertain to naija and show the interests of RK1 as a

music blogger with the people in mind yeaj Liars Na lie ! naija musicians lets go tothat level ! Rk1 has just raised

the bar ! Social Reggae/Rapblogging could never be better .. . Strong vocal presence as usual ... RK1 confirmed jam

nice nice Bside we finally have lift off ! ! 9/ten

Go home ! kick the party pumping massive dancehall I expected a good chorus i got it ! background bass beats plus a

steady jump around will get folks jigging on the dance floor ! No body will go home with this RK1 joint and lest i

forget the lyrics are the signature stamp ! 7/ten !

Everyday ft Gregory Isaacs and a brief cameo by Zelly rock !
GI said some pidgin here ! lol ! But this is a spiritual song as far as i am concerned ! must have taken a lot of meditation to put three accomplished Jam Masters . Great Cut , a bit short but quite heavy on the strong beats

my take on this track 8/ten !

listen to tracks ; Everyday for the thief ; The opera Jam Awesome !

Producer Site by Jake Sala listen to all RK1's songs here

Label: Indamix Records

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Tery G wanted by police

From time to time, news of artistes defaulting on performance agreement filter in and when they (indicted artistes) are contacted by the press over such matters, they manage to defend themselves. Only last month, pop singer D’banj’s manager; Sunday Are exonerated his act in one of such allegations involving millions.
Now, the baton’s swinging in marijuana-smoking, talented producer turned artiste- Terry G’s direction. The young man accorded with production credits for hits like ‘Aiye Po gan’, ‘Pass me your love‘ and Free me now (which he sang), has been accused of fleeing with the sum of N500, 000, being payment for his performance at a graduation party at the University of Benin.

The money was allegedly paid directly to the producer himself by Cyril Emiko son of Surveyor G.T Emiko for special guest appearance at Cyril’s graduation party which held on the 29th of January this year. In addition to the performance fee, Terry allegedly collected money for five return tickets for his travel party.

The party was publicised all over the campus. Hotel rooms were allegedly booked and vehicles made available to convey the artiste and his crew when he arrived. Cyril was disappointed and aghast when the artiste refused to show up without reason and has received no refund ( as at press time).

Hence, it was a furious father who called up Dele Abiodun; the president of Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria (PMAN), this week, to lodge complain.

Unfortunately, Terry G is not a member of PMAN and the aggrieved father, Surveyor Emiko – who sponsored the party with the sum of N750, 000, is threatening to get the police involved and possibly go to court over the loss.

When a call was placed through to the artiste’s mobile phone, the receiver who said he was Terry G’s Personal Assistant said, ‘Are you the only one that does not know that Terry G is out of the country? Have a good day, gentleman’. And the line went dead.

While we await the controversial singer and producer’s return to hear his side of the story- if he will comment, friends of Terry G are urged to wade into the matter and seek a calm resolve
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Sexy Girls: 'Misadventure by another name'

Onoshe Nwabuikwu

This is the film to wipe my tears from My Sister's Tears. Judging from its title, it would be nicely without depth, all flash and glamour. Alas, alas. Here I am, grappling with cultism and lesbianism none of which is established.



Ken (Nonso Diobi) the leader of a campus gang hands his sister, Ifeoma (Benita Akpofe), to his female friends who also happen to be a member of the Yellow Babes, an all female cult. They initiate Ifeoma after killing her boyfriend, Charles (Raheem Caz Chidiebere). Before all of this, Ken has been 'raking' and boasting, puffing and lots of flaring of nostrils the way only Nonso Diobi can. It's all "sound and fury signifying nothing". He ends up accidentally shooting his sister as he pursues Zita (Mercy Johnson) and NK (Uche Obodo).

There's supposed to be a lesson somewhere but I have to consult my ophthalmologist and optician to see it. All I see are unanswered questions: How does Ifeoma manage to switch to the cult when there isn't that real pressure and knowing her brother could've protected her? How does Ken conveniently disappear till after the initiation?

I did make one discovery not exactly earth shattering, but I now know that Mercy Johnson, even in her two-sizes-too-small, buttons-about-to-pop shirts, cannot do 'area babe,' which is surprising, considering her humble beginnings. She's too much 'the' Mercy Johnson, to carry this role. She goes through the motions - but she doesn't lose herself and the viewer obviously can't forget she's 'the'... Not with the close ups on those famous curves and breasts.
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Aloysius Katsina-Alu

The Supreme Court led by Justice Aloysius Katsina-Alu, a notorious wheeler dealer, today took a first step in several sources within the judiciary and political circles described as a broad effort to thwart any meaningful political change in Nigeria and, in the short term, a plot to pave the way for former President Ibrahim Babangida and former Governor James Ibori to steal power.
This morning, a seven-man panel of the apex court unanimously ruled that Arthur Agwuncha Nwankwo, presidential candidate of the People's Mandate Party (PMP) and his running mate, Muhammad Abdullahi, had a valid case in challenging the election of Umaru Yar’adua in April 2007. The legal challenge, brought by way of appeal against the election of Umaru Yar’adua and Goodluck Jonathan, received what a senior advocate characterized as “a surprise and unusual boost from the Supreme Court.” .

The case had earlier been thrown out by the presidential election petition tribunal headed by Justice James Ogebe on September 3rd 2007 for lacking in competence.

A highly knowledgeable source told Saharareporters that the apex court’s decision to overturn Justice Ogebe’s ruling must be seen in the context of the grave power play that has paralyzed Nigeria’s governance and cast presidential leadership in a serious crisis. Loyalists to both Yar’adua and Jonathan are currently engaged in a grim brinkmanship over which faction is to exercise power – even as Yar’adua remains bedridden and has not been seen or heard from by Nigerians ten days after his purported discharge from a Saudi hospital.

Today’s judgment, which was delivered with five justices in attendance while two were absent, concluded that Mr. Nwankwo’s appeal was meritorious, ruling that it set aside the September 2007 judgment for being null and void. The Supreme Court subsequently remitted the case to the lower court to be adjudicated by a fresh panel to be constituted by the President of the Court of Appeal.

Three sources, two legal authorities and the third a top PDP politician, told Saharareporters that the case could prove tricky especially at the time when the country badly needed a way out of its present political logjam.

“I can tell you that today’s judgment represents a move by the Supreme Court leadership in conjunction with some political operatives on the Yar’adua side of the political equation to use the court to ease out Dr. Goodluck Jonathan from office by annulling the election at the reconstituted Court of Appeal,” said one of the sources.

Our informants stated that, once the election is annulled, the PDP would decide not to appeal the verdict at the Supreme Court. “Instead, the party would welcome the chance to present another set of candidates to replace Yar’adua and Jonathan – claiming that its original presidential candidate is incapacitated,” said one source. He added that the ruling party would most likely hand its ticket to Babangida, with Ibori as the vice presidential candidate. “The duo would then be positioned to steal victory in early elections that might be ordered by the Court of Appeal,” said one of our sources.

Our political sources said the apex court’s judgment is part of the ruling party’s covert designs to shut out new candidates that are likely to emerge to challenge a weakened PDP in elections scheduled for 2011.

A legal expert told Saharareporters that the apex court’s decision is also suspicious since a majority of the same court had ruled last year that Yar’adua’s election was in order – despite detailed evidence of substantial violations of the electoral act.

“I am highly disturbed by this ruling,” said a Port Harcourt-based senior advocate, adding that the verdict “smacked of political adventurism of the worst kind.”

Since January, Justice Aloysius Katsina–Alu has led the apex court. Known for his close ties to serial criminal Ibori as well as former Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa, both prominent members of the Yar’adua “kitchen cabinet,” Katsina-Alu is notorious in legal circles for his penchant for corruption and meddling in cases to derail justice.

Last week, Justice Katsina-Alu pulled one of his suspicious moves when he intervened to halt the scheduled ruling of the Court of Appeal to decide the gubernatorial election in Sokoto State. One lawyer told us that the Chief Justice’s intrusive maneuver in that case, exclusively exposed by Saharareporters, was unprecedented in the history of the Nigerian judiciary.

One of our sources said that the new Chief Justice appeared to be positioning the courts to help the Ibori faction of the PDP to reestablish control both of the party and Nigeria.

But in a short interview with us, the lead lawyer to the plaintiffs, Nnabuike Edechime, explained that his clients actually wanted the Supreme Court to annul the 2007 election by invoking Section 37 (1) of the 2006 Electoral Act. The act states: “If after the time for the delivery of nomination paper and before the commencement of the poll, a nominated candidate dies, the Chief National Electoral Commissioner or the Resident Electoral Commissioner shall, being satisfied of the fact of the death, countermand the poll in which the deceased candidate was to participate and the Commission shall appoint some other convenient date for the election.” Mr. Edechime explained that the electoral commission should have rescheduled the 2007 election when Adebayo Adefarati, the presidential candidate of the Alliance for Democracy, died on March 29, 2007, just before the election. He said it was proper for the courts to nullify the presidential election on account of Adefarati’s death.

Asked if he was aware that the ruling might have interesting political implications at this time, Edechime said he thought the annulment of the election would be the best way out of the political logjam besetting Nigeria at the moment.

Today’s ruling took place in the presence of James Ogebe and John Fabiyi, two justices who played a role in upholding the legitimacy of Yar’adua’s election at the lower tribunal. After Ogebe and Fabiyi handed victory to Yar’adua, they were hastily elevated to the Supreme Court.

Today’s case was presided over by Justice George Oguntade, who was absent from court. Justice Walter Onnoghen, who was also absent, wrote the ruling. Other justices on the panel are Olufunmilayo Adekeye, Mahmud Mohammed, Francis Tabai, Ikechi Ogbuagu and Muhammed Muntaka Coomasie.

Wole Olanipekun and Damina Dodo, both senior advocates of Nigeria, represented Yar’adua/Jonathan while Kanu Agabi (SAN) represented the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and 40 others.

Edechime, Mirabel Edozie and Uba Chukwuka represented the plaintiffs, Arthur Nwankwo and the Peoples Mandate Party.
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Classic Case of Californication as Students get X-rated surprise in class DVD Teacher seen having sex in video; district tells parents to destroy the disk ELK GROVE, Calif. - A Northern California elementary school teacher sent her students home for the summer with a video of class memories, only the DVD included six seconds of her having sex on a couch. Officials at the Elk Grove Unified School District asked families of the teacher's 24 students to get rid of the DVD after the unintended clip was found spliced in a scene where children were sharing stories in class. "Just destroy them," said spokeswoman Torrey Johnson. Johnson said the teacher, whose name isn't being released, sent the DVD home with her students from Isabelle Jackson Elementary on the last day of class Friday. She learned of the mistake after a parent called her. She then called all the parents to ask them to destroy the DVD. The school district, located just south of Sacramento, initially sent a letter home to parents asking them to return the DVDs, but then asked parents to simply destroy them. Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.
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Hasbro has unveiled the design of the new 75th anniversary edition of their classic board game, Monopoly, set to hit stores in fall of 2010. "Monopoly: Revolution Edition" is slick and round instead of dull and square, with debit cards and an ATM instead of paper money and a banker, clear plastic representations of the classic tokens (bye-bye, little boot!), and clips of popular songs (like Rihanna’s "Umbrella," Daniel Powter’s "Bad Day," and Beyonce's "Crazy in Love") that play after certain actions.

This is not the first game to get a modern reboot (there’s an update to the classic Trivial Pursuit, and Scrabble got a face-lift for its 60th anniversary), but Monopoly’s changes will undoubtedly appeal to the 21st century's techie youngsters. For one thing, the adjusted-for-inflation prizes are more impressive.

Players can collect $2 million dollars for passing “Go” instead of a mere $200 — practically what the average kid gets for losing a tooth these days. But it's bound to annoy die-hard fans of the comforting classic version, who might send it directly to jail come next fall. (At least they can take comfort in the fact that Monopoly: Revolution retains the classic Atlantic City-based street system.)

So far, the Internet echo chamber's biggest criticism focuses on the new version's tight security. It seems that when it comes to Monopoly, half the fun comes from cheating by stealing from the till when nobody's looking, a loophole the new version closes with its fancy electronic banking. (However, an electronic banking version has actually been on the market for years.) Surely our nation's tech-savvy youth will somehow find a way to game the "Monopoly" system, assuming they can be pried away from screens long enough to start a game.
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Oyo evacuates 650 indigenes From Isa Abdulsalami (Jos), Oghogho Obayuwana, Emeka Anuforo (Abuja), Iyabo Lawal (ibadan) and Alex Olise (Lagos) RELIGIOUS fundamentalists allegedly trained in Taliban were yesterday named as the executioners of the recent mayhem in Jos, Plateau State. Prior to the violence, the state chapter of the Advisory Board of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), claimed that security agencies were inundated with reports that some Islamic sect had trained their members in Sudan to carrying out a Jihad and ethnic cleansing in Jos. The group claimed that over 600 armless Christians were killed by the fanatics in the January 17 crisis. But the state police command had earlier put the death toll at 323. At a press conference yesterday, the Plateau State Chairman of PFN, Dr. Sam Alaha, who made the allegations, added that over 1,000 Christians were displaced in the crisis. According to Alaha, four Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) buildings in Rikkos, destroyed in the 2008 crisis but rebuilt were again destroyed in the latest crisis. He listed the affected churches as ECWA Jos Jarawa; ECWA Mai Adiko; Redeemed Christian Church of God, Bukuru; two Assemblies of God Church Bukuru; Church of God Mission, Bukuru and many others. He said this was apart from business premises, homes, schools and others, which were also damaged, adding that the pastor's house of ECWA Church in Mai Adiko was burnt. Alaha said: "A similar invasion took place at the ECWA Church Nassarawa (Gwong) by military personnel. The pastor's office, house and bedroom were forcefully entered, file cabinet were ransacked and soft drinks bought for guests who were attending a leadership seminar in the church were consumed by the invading military operatives and other things looted. "Churches, houses and cars belonging to about 10 PFN pastors in Bukuru were burnt and damaged. Many reports of carnage, atrocities and destructions are still coming in. We sympathise with all those who have lost their loved ones and valuable property. May God give you all the grace to bear these irreplaceable losses." Alaha stated that the Jos crisis was a well- planned, long-timed and systemised approached Jihad. He said in 2009 during the Boko Haram crisis in Borno State, the Chief Imam of Bauchi Sheikh Mohammed Bala Ahmed, disclosed to the press that the Boko Haram fighters were a group of 3,800 Nigerians, trained as fighters in Sudan, with a mission to invade Jos. The cleric said since the Jos fight had waned, the Talibans went under to train others in the bush in Bauchi and other places. "They therefore turned this violent spirit on the city during the last Bauchi Boko Haram crisis. These trained fighters are the reason why the Jos crisis cannot end. These Taliban-trained fighters brought into our dear city of peace insist on trying out their acquired killing skills. Until this root is traced and totally excised, we see our city still smoking in their hands even without provocation. There is no denying the fact that some innocent Muslims were also affected by the Talibans' modus operandi but this could have been avoided if the Sunday morning attack did not happen." He claimed that a systematic programme of ethnic cleansing was being undertaken by the Hausa/Fulani in Jos, adding that the present happenings proved to them that there was a motive to ethnically cleanse Jos by the Hausa/Fulani. Alaha said that since the 2001 crisis, when Angwan Rogo was initially cleansed of all Christians, it had been followed by the same cleansing of all ethnic groups that are not Hausa/Fulani and the acquisition of cheap abandoned property in their dominated areas, adding that Muslims from other tribes other than the Hausa/Fulani extraction were also targets. As a way forward, he suggested that government should implement findings and recommendations of previous panels and commissions while the state government should form an anti-religious riot vigilance group to work as a first response body to any uprising before the police arrive. He stated that the issue of security agents taking sides with people of their faith should be checked, asking, "can anyone imagine what happens to Nigeria if all security agents sent to quell religious riots decide to pitch tent with people of their own faith? This issue must be carefully looked into and measures taken to forestall a recurrence." Meanwhile, the Chief of Army Staff Lt- Gen. Abdurahman Dambazau, has denied that soldiers were partisan in quelling the Jos crisis. In a reaction yesterday in Lagos, the Army boss, described the claim by some section of Jos community, that soldiers assisted Muslims to wreck havoc on Christian residents as unture. "Now, the Chief of Staff (Operation) in Jos is a Christian by religion and a Yoruba by tribe, the Garrison Commander, who is responsible for deploying troops during violence is also a Christian and Yoruba by tribe. How do you think such persons will direct his men to kill his Christian brothers and sisters," he said. At the Oyo State Governor's Office, Ibadan, it was a pathetic site yesterday as victims of Jos crisis, including indigenes, youth corps members and some non-indigenes relieved their experiences during the violence. The returnees, who were among the 650 persons so far evacuated by the state government in the wake of the bloody clash, fought back tears as they narrated their experiences to reporters with many vowing not to return to the troubled city again. Apart from Oyo State indigenes, victims from neighbouring states of Edo, Ogun and Ondo were also among those evacuated by the state government and were received by Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala. Chairman of the Yoruba Community in Jos, Alhaji Asimiyu Ajani, who was the Director of Blessing Tailor in Jos, recalled how he lost his multi million naira fashion centre and one of his apprentices to the crisis. Ajani, who said he spent about 39 years in Jos, expressed regrets that what started as a mild misunderstanding between a native and a settler, could degenerate into a major crisis resulting in the loss of innocent lives and wanton destruction of property, especially of non-indigenes. He said: "The crisis started Tuesday last week and the next day, we were woken from sleep and forced to abandon our property for the safety and since then, we had been taking shelter in different places like the police barracks, churches and mosques and left with only the clothes we have on." Sixty-nine-year-old Moses Adegboyega said what he laboured for in the last 29 years were lost to the crisis. Some of the corps members who took turns to speak with The Guardian said they might not return to the troubled state again. One of the corps members, who identified herself as Mutiat Akintunde, said she never knew she would come out alive of Jos. Alao-Akala assured the victims of government's readiness to assist them, saying arrangements had been put in place to ensure that they learn a vocation after which the government would give them start -up funds. Addressing a press conference in Jos, Mr. Joseph Sangosanya, who was supported by a human right activist, Dr. Tor Lorapuu, said that the coalition supported the ban of commercial motorcycles in the Bukuru/Jos Metropolis and suggested that there should be a joint task force and not just the military alone. Sangosanya advised government to make available fuel as it has banned the open sale of petrol in Jerry cans. He advised the Inspector-General of Police and the Federal Government to transfer the culprits that were apprehended during the November 2008 and January 2010 crisis back to Jos for prosecution. An international donor agency, Oxfam GB said yesterday that the number of sufferers of the effects of Jos crisis had increased. In its statement yesterday, Lesley Agams, the group's country director, said Oxfam "wishes to draw attention to the food and social security of the poor and vulnerable, and amongst them women and children, with whom we work to overcome poverty and suffering in Nigeria. Oxfam further said: "The reports from our partners and staff say the situation in Jos and environs have impacted severely on the poor and vulnerable as many have lost their small holdings and are now incapacitated by their poverty in being able to recover quickly and sufficiently from the drastic disruption of their normal daily routine and livelihoods systems."
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