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Majority Would Vote Against Obama NOw some of the comments are just right out racist but it is good to know Yar'adua even though he has been out of office for 50days can still say At least no be me people hate like this ! A year into his tenure, a majority of Americans would already vote against Pres. Obama if the '12 elections were held today, according to a new survey. The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll shows 50% say they would probably or definitely vote for someone else. Fully 37% say they would definitely cast a ballot against Obama. Meanwhile, just 39% would vote to re-elect the pres. to a 2nd term, and only 23% say they definitely would do so. Obama's first year in office has been marked by an unemployment rate that surged to 10%, an increased commitment of troops to Afghanistan and a health care battle that has taken a serious political toll on the WH. Obama's approval rating is down to 47%, the poll showed, a 14-point drop since the April survey. 45% disapprove, up 17 points from April. Only 41% say they trust Obama more than Congressional GOPers, while 33% pick the GOP over the WH. That 8-point gap is down from a 21-point edge Obama sported as recently as Sept. Just 34% say the country is moving in the right direction, down 13 points since April, and 55% say it is off on the wrong track, up 13 points over the same period. But as GOPers focus on taxes and spending, that message seems to be causing Obama the most harm. Among those who believe Obama's policies have moved the country in the wrong direction, 45% cite spending and government regulation as a top cause for their opposition. Meanwhile, those who think Obama's policies are moving the country down the right track largely cite long-term benefits of his initiatives. In the meantime, health care legislation is by no means popular, but a majority of Americans don't oppose the legislation yet. 44% said they support the legislation under consideration, down 5 points from the last poll in Sept., while 46% oppose it. The poll, conducted by Financial Dynamics, surveyed 1,200 adults between Jan. 3-7 for a margin of error of +/- 2.8%. For more on the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll, see Ron Brownstein's take on a distrustful America and the withering green shoots after a year under the Obama admin. 172 Comments Pass healthcare and cap and tax and it will be a landslide against Ocommybammie. whitewashed | January 14, 2010 10:02 AM Grrr.... I think humans will treat Master fairly at the next election. He's got a tough job and most humans know that. I think race is playing into this discussion too. Here's what I think: Bo Bo | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM It takes some folk longer to wise up than others. geng;his kohn | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Never, never put an empty suit in the WH. Paul1931 | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Obama is a clown. Ronnie | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM wake up people we can not let the goverment have this much power over us we are the producers not ant goverment! timmy mclaughlin | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Many fools who voted for this bum now realize that he is a liar and a statist and a real danger to the Republic. John | January 14, 2010 10:05 AM LIAR, bait and switch never again show your birth cert you lying scum us | January 14, 2010 10:07 AM This is what happens when you let an inexperienced amateur take the job. 1. Remember if you have managed more than two people in your life you have more experience than Obama did when he became president 2. Want to know how Obama thinks? Just ask any left wing sophomore at your local university. He has about the same insight and experience as they have. Elleno | January 14, 2010 10:07 AM Chains we can believe in... perhaps it took this presidential debacle to wake people up. Just because someone "sounds" good and gets lifted up by the main stream media doesn't mean they're qualified for the job or good for our nation. We can now ony hope that he doesn't mess things up too badly while he remains if office. Lynne | January 14, 2010 10:08 AM This guy is a joke, spend spend and spend more, what wait we can tax you to pay back money that someone else lost. BS. Marco | January 14, 2010 10:08 AM THE greatest mistake the American people ever made. God help us get through this. Return to the Lord, people, get your discernment back, and begin rebuilding the foundations. Paul B. | January 14, 2010 10:09 AM he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America Obama, Holder, Koh, Bauer, these are the ones we must fight against as you all have no idea that everyday they try to weaken us seriously | January 14, 2010 10:10 AM OBAMA WAS A BIG MISTAKE !!!! HE IS A FRAUD CREATED BY THE MEDIA, WITH NO EXPERIENCE OR QUALIFICATIONS TO BE PRESIDENT. jamie | January 14, 2010 10:10 AM You fuckin' idiots! We tried to tell you! Stan | January 14, 2010 10:11 AM Palin 2012: Energize America Dan | January 14, 2010 10:11 AM Every day of Obama is one day closer to Sarah. you bet'cha! Ed | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM So much for obamatardomania. Kiss off POSident Obolshevik. Greg in Austin | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM As a former Democrat in 2008 I am happy and proud to say I was not fooled by him one bit he is a liar liar liar he is ruining our great Country anna | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM He is in way over his head! Greg | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM I love how people who have no clue as to what he is doing say things like, "I still think race plays into this." Now if those people are looking for race based thoughts, turn to people like Harry Reid and Bill Clinton, but those people are either unaware of what was said or have rationalized it away. astralweeks | January 14, 2010 10:13 AM It is refreshing to see the American citizens 'finally' realize what a nightmare of a President and congressional leadership that is in place. These people are turning what was once an idea of a private sector nation and economy to one where everyone is on the government Dole, the govt. regulates every aspect of our lives, and they have sold out to internationalists. The first step is to oust the congress in 2010, and put anyone or anything in the White House in 2012 that actually cares about the founding principles of this country. Obama is clearly NOT that person! read original article to see more hate filled comments
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Launching the childrens social network at ! Tell your kids Tell your nieces,nephews,cousins etc ! "I would Die for my child ! " Screamed a woman at the Bus Stop ! i listened, intially thinking she was mad but as my bus drove off i understood that statement and I agreed.It is one of those unconditional Statements.Not yet a mother but already I understand the selflessness my own mother showers upon me even at her old age and i know the privelege of being someone's child. What would you do for your child ? Would you die for your child if you had to ? May 27th Childrens Day . A fun Day for the kids, no school ! fun at the parade with a march past for some ! What today means to the ones blessed with rich parents or guardians is fun.For others, it means just another day of poverty,poor health and low class education. what does today mean to you ? What kind of Future are we preparing for our kids ? We cant all leave and go abroad .think about it . we say our kids are the future but what future are we leaving behind for them. Obasanjo once said 30years ago " the kids are the leaders of tomorrow".That tomorrow is here and OBJ and his gang are still leading our nation astray. In this article the primary UN childkeeping force UNICEF has spoken a lot about the status of the Ni.ger.ian Child but they have not spoken about what is in store for them in the Future.A future filled with Education and Technological Advancement.A future where Engineering and Computers will play a massive role for our Nation .I wonder why Technological Education was omitted in their Press Release for today ?Their focus was the disparity between girls and boys within the educational system. Think Well about May 27 2009 .It is Childrens day 1979 + 30years . Noelene Joshua works for a london child care Charity fund.Thanks noel. READ ON’s Children’s Day: UNICEF calls for accelerating progress on girls’ education ABUJA, 27 May 2005. Today millions of children across the nation are celebrating’s Children’s Day on the theme: “Educate the girl child, educate the nation”. UNICEF welcomes the choice of this theme and joins all children in calling on policy makers, local authorities, religious and traditional leaders, school authorities, the media and all parents to accelerate progress on educating girls. “Providing quality education for all children is a must”, said Barbara Reynolds, UNICEF Deputy Representative. “However, because girls are participating in much fewer numbers and for shorter periods, particular attention to girls is essential, not only for the development of the country, but to fulfill the right of every child to education.” “We need to ensure that as many girls as boys attend school throughout the country, if we are to achieve universal primary education,” she added. A recent UNICEF publication, “Progress for Children”, reporting on progress made on primary education, shows that the current rate of progress in is too slow to achieve gender parity by end 2005 and universal primary education by 2015, the target dates for’s achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals. In, about 7.3 million children do not go to school, of whom 62% are girls. Last January, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child*, in its observations of the second report submitted by, expressed concerns that universal education has not been realized in, partially because it is neither free, nor compulsory, despite the Constitutional guarantee. They also underlined the high illiteracy among girls and women and the gender and regional disparities in school enrolment. Recommendation was made to prioritize equal accessibility to educational opportunities for girls and boys from urban and rural areas. girls are still disadvantaged in their access to education. As a result, all do not register for school and those who register do not attend regularly, and eventually drop out or learn very little. The gender gap favoring boys has remained consistently wide in over the last ten years. In the Northern part of the country, the number of children out of school is particularly high and the proportion of girls to boys in school ranges from 1 girl to 2 boys and even 1 to 3 in some States. To address this issue, UNICEF supported the “25 by 2005” global initiative for the acceleration of girls’ education in order to achieve gender parity in 25 countries by 2005. is one of the 25 countries selected for this fast track action. In 2003, the Ministry of Education adopted the Strategy for Accelerating Girls Education in In 2004, the Ministry also launched the Girls’ Education Project, supported by UNICEF and DFID, in order to focus interventions on States with lowest enrolment rate for girls. The collaborative efforts made by government, civil society and development partners have yielded results especially in the southern part of the country as well as in pilot projects in northern States. It has demonstrated also that boys benefit from programs that are developed to improve education for girls, as boys face many of the same problems. The Universal Basic Education (UBE) Commission has been implementing projects that provide more schools, better qualified teachers and gender sensitive textbooks and curriculum. However, to create the policy environment at the State levels were the bulk of these interventions are most required, the UBE Act needs to be urgently domesticated by all States and translated in very concrete programmes. Educating girls is a national priority. Each year a girl is in school is a progressive step toward eliminating poverty, advancing sustainable human development and controlling preventable illnesses. Providing education, especially to girls, is also an adequate strategy for stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. All children must have the chance to attend school. As celebrates children, let’s listen to their voice asking for an equitable access to education. Launching the childrens social network at ! Tell your kids Tell your nieces,nephews,cousins etc !
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