they (11)

12166300684?profile=originalThe glamorous lovers’ day celebration on Monday turned bloody at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) when gunmen killed two students. Daily Sun gathered that the clash was between two rival cult groups, namely, Black Axe and the Buccaneers,’ over a female student allegedly snatched by the Capone of the Black Axe for Valentine celebration.


The action of the Capone , the source said did not go down well with the other group leading to the clash.
A student who witnessed the shooting said besides the two cult members who were shot dead, about four others sustained injuries and were ferried out of the campus by their leaders to shield their identity.

The sources said the cult members who carried out the attack were not UNILAG students but members from another campus, adding that the attack was carried out in a commando style with sporadic shooting.
An undergraduate student of English Department told Daily Sun that the Buccaneers’ group attacked the Black Axe members while another student returning from the Mosque said those who carried out the killing were not from UNILAG because they did not cover their faces.

It was learnt that as soon the shooting started, students scampered for safety while others took cover behind the wall and under cars packed around, while others ran into the halls to avoid being hit by stray bullets. 
A senior lecturer who confirmed the killings said the university management had met to curtail any reprisal attack while security personnel had taken over the investigation of the deadly cult clash.
When Daily Sun visited the troubled institution yesterday, there was uneasy calm, as most staff and students rebuffed efforts made by the reporters to get their comments.

However, one of the students who resides at Sodeinde Hall, said there was sporadic gunshots outside the premises which caused panic everywhere. 
It was gathered that the crisis, which erupted when the students were at the peak of lovers’ day celebration, created stampede on the campus as people ran for safety.

One of the victims of the attack reportedly ran into Sodeinde Hall for help, from where he was taken to the hospital.
Although the Hall Master of Sodeinde Hall declined comments on the issue, one of the officials, who wouldn’t want his name published, said the attack could not be linked to any cult group. He said there was increasing speculation that the perpetrators of the attack could be fighting for love. Efforts made by Daily Sun our reporter to ascertain the identities of the victims were unsuccessful.
The news bulletin of the university, Information Flash (ISSN 08195540) also captured the incident, while assuring the staff and students of the university of adequate security.

“The attention of the universities authorities has been drawn to the incident which occurred in one of the Halls of Residence in the late hours of Monday, February 14, 2011 where two persons were reportedly injured in fracas. The university management has commenced investigation into the unusual incident, in particular at a time when preparation for the first semester examinations due to commence on February 21, 2011 are in top gear. Security has been intensified to ensure safety of life and property on campus. Law enforcement agents have been involved to assist the university in this respect,” it said. 
Daily Sun learnt that students are leaving the campus because of the fear of reprisal attack while some parents called their wards on phone to return home until the situation is brought under control. 

The Deputy Registrar Information of UNILAG, Mr. Dare Adebisi refused to pick his calls or replied to text message sent to his phone.
When the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr. Samuel Jinadu (DSP) was called thrice, he promised to contact the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in the area and did not call back as at the press time....

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A Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has called for a debate, on the economy, among all the presidential aspirants on the economy.Photo Atiku ? this man looks like a Hitman sha

Abubakar, a former vice-President, made the call after submitting his nomination form at the PDP national secretariat on Tuesday in Abuja.

The Adamawa State- born politician said the economy should be the main issue in the 2011 election campaigns.

“The issue of economic recovery for Nigeria cannot be a matter of wishful thinking nor of rhetoric. It is a subject for rigorous analyses and provision of well-thought, viable, practicable and sustainable strategy,” he said.

Abubakar said that all aspirants must be able to tell Nigerians how they intended to confront the challenges of the economy and reposition it for the benefit of all at the shortest possible time.

He said, “Of all the aspirants that have declared interest in the presidential election, I consider myself the most qualified to address the daunting economic challenges facing the country.

“I am the only one who has successfully managed a business and you need extensive knowledge of the private sector to combine its potential with the authority of the public sector to address this challenge.”

The former vice-president said his approach to resolving the economic crisis in the country was contained in a 47-page Policy Document he presented on August 15, 2010 while announcing his intention to contest the 2011 presidential poll.

He said, “We are faced with a job crisis of monumental proportions. Unless we evolve strategies to dealing with the teeming population of young people churned out almost on a daily basis, we may risk the destruction of the next generation.

“If we fail to channel the energies of this huge population, they could be a potent force for instability and social unrest.”

Abubakar, however, stunned journalists when he said that he was not aware that the President had declared his intention to vie for the PDP ticket.

“I didn’t see it (declaration). Honestly, I didn’t watch it,” he said.

Twenty seven out of the 28 PDP governors were among thousands of people that attended Jonathan’s presidential declaration at the Eagle Square on Saturday in Abuja. The event was shown live by some public and private television stations nationwide.

On the reported move by some politicians to produce a consensus presidential candidate among the Northern aspirants, Abubakar said, “There is a process for the emergence of a consensus candidate in the North. It shows that North is even more united if “they” agree to bring out a consensus candidate.”

He also said he was not aware of the support that Jonathan was getting from the northern states.

Reacting to the challenge, the Presidential Adviser to Jonathan on National Assembly Matters, Senator Mohammed Abba-Aji, said the President was ready for such a debate.

“We are ready for it (debate) anytime. The President has talked about all the aspects of the economy when he declared. If they want more, we are ready for them,” he said.

Another aspirant, who is also the Kwara State Governor, Dr. Bukola Saraki, also expressed readiness for the debate.

“We are ready for the debate. That is what we have been calling for. Without such an issue-based debate, we will not be able to get the best candidate. Saraki is ready for it,” one of the governor’s aides, Mr. Billy Adedamola, said.
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Rosh Hashanah DAY !

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, literally "head of the year," Israeli: Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈʁoʃ haʃaˈna], Ashkenazic: ˈɾoʃ haʃːɔˈnɔh, Yiddish:[ˈrɔʃəˈʃɔnə]) is a Jewish holiday commonly referred to as the "Jewish New Year." It is observed on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar.[1] It is ordained in the Torah as "Zicaron Terua" ("a memorial with the blowing of horns"), in Leviticus 23:24. Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), or Asseret Yemei Teshuva (Ten Days of Repentance) which are days specifically set aside to focus on repentance that conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashanah is the start of the civil year in the Hebrew calendar (one of four "new year" observances that define various legal "years" for different purposes as explained in the Mishnah and Talmud). It is the new year for people, animals, and legal contracts. The Mishnah also sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and sabbatical (shmita) and jubilee (yovel) years. Jews believe Rosh Hashanah represents either analogically or literally the creation of the World, or Universe. However, according to one view in the Talmud, that of R. Eleazar, Rosh Hashanah commemorates the creation of man, which entails that five days earlier, the 25 of Elul, was the first day of creation of the Universe.[2]

The Mishnah, the core text of Judaism's oral Torah, contains the first known reference to Rosh Hashanah as the "day of judgment." In the Talmud tractate on Rosh Hashanah it states that three books of account are opened on Rosh Hashanah, wherein the fate of the wicked, the righteous, and those of an intermediate class are recorded. The names of the righteous are immediately inscribed in the book of life, and they are sealed "to live." The middle class are allowed a respite of ten days, until Yom Kippur, to repent and become righteous; the wicked are "blotted out of the book of the living."[3]

For secular Jews

It would happen each fall around the Jewish new year. At the very time when renewal was in the autumn air, Arnold Barnett, an engineer from Moorestown, would go into a mild funk. His wife eventually figured it out: He was less than enamored with high holiday synagogue services.

"He simply wasn't engaged by what went on inside our Reform synagogue, or with the traditional approach to Judaism," said Ellen, 70. "I knew he was struggling. So sometimes, I would just go to services alone."

Then last year, the Barnetts saw a small notice in a local Jewish newspaper about a recently formed group in South Jersey. "We went to a meeting that was focused on Jewish history," Arnold, 71, recalls, "and that was something I could relate to. It was much more appealing."

And so the Barnetts will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, which begins Wednesday at sundown, by meeting Sunday with like-minded members of South Jersey Secular Jews - a group of people who may or may not believe in God, but do believe in caring about the world and one another, respecting and understanding Jewish history, and celebrating a culture that has meaning and emotional pull.

"The most important aspect of secularism is the survival and continuity of the Jewish people," said Paul Shane, a native New Yorker now living in Philadelphia and married to the daughter of Holocaust survivors.

Shane, 75, a member of the more established Philadelphia Secular Jewish Organization, believes humans are responsible for what happens on Earth. The here and now is central, and actions speak louder than words.

That philosophy resembles traditional Judaism. But secular Jews and traditional Jews part company when it comes to accepting religious dogma.

If you're secular, God is optional. (Traditional Judaism has "God at its heart. That's not an option," said Rabbi Ethan Franzel of Main Line Reform Temple Beth Elohim in Wynnewood.) Also, life-cycle events are handled individually - for instance, there are no set burial or wedding traditions in secular Judaism.

Of course secularism, in which one adheres to cultural norms rather than religious ones, is hardly new. During the Renaissance, from 1450 to 1600, and the Enlightenment in the 18th century, many Jews shed the God-oriented elements of their Jewishness, according to Shane, a professor of social policy at Rutgers University in Newark. That shedding also continued in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What's different today is that a growing number of secular Jews are finding one another, forming groups, and practicing the social responsibility Judaism requires - minus the synagogue.

Rifke Feinstein, executive director of the national Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations, says there are approximately 2,000 affiliated secular Jews in the United States. But because seculars typically are unaffiliated, and therefore uncounted, estimates for the entire American secular population range from 8,000 to 40,000.

In the Philadelphia area, there are six such organizations for secular Jews - including the five-year-old South Jersey Secular Jews - all under the local umbrella cooperative venture called Kehilla for Secular Jews.

For many people, discovering that such an organization exists has been a relief.

" 'I thought I was the only one!' is what people often express when they discover that they are not alone in their secular relationship to their Jewishness," said Larry Angert, 59, a member of 11-year-old Shir Shalom: A Havurah for Secular Jews. "The Jewish tent is big, and there's room for all of us in it."

Some local secular groups, like Philadelphia's Sholom Aleichem Club, which started in 1954, and Philadelphia Workmen's Circle, founded nationally in 1900 to aid Jewish immigrant workers and to promote Yiddish, have graying memberships. Bob Kleiner, 85, of Elkins Park, a retired sociology professor at Temple University, and his wife, Frances, a teacher of Yiddish, both long active in the secular movement, lament that younger people are not actively involved in these historic groups.

But the formation of new groups, such as South Jersey Secular Jews, is evidence the movement still has traction.

Credit Naomi Scher, 64, of Cherry Hill, whose children attended the Jewish Children's Folkshul, another Kehilla group, which is a parent-run cooperative held at Springside School in Philadelphia. About 100 children receive their Jewish education, not in a traditional Hebrew school but in classes that nourish social justice and individual responsibility. Bar and bat mitzvah aspirants undertake personally meaningful projects that they ultimately share with the entire Folkshul community.

Although Scher formed relationships with parents of her children's classmates, commuting to Philadelphia became burdensome once her children graduated, and in 2005, the retired social worker decided to start a secular group closer to home.

What began as a gathering of eight to 10 people now regularly attracts 30, meeting monthly with speakers who address social and political concerns, Scher said.

Deborah Chaiken, 74, of Palmyra is delighted to have a group close to home. "In the formal Jewish community, I felt that I didn't really have a voice. Here, I know that I do."

Dues are $25 a year, and participants are asked to bring food for potluck dinners. Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill..

South Jersey Secular Jews members Cary and Bilha Hillebrand of Cherry Hill call the group a welcome addition to the local landscape. For Bilha, 54, the philosophy of the group is more in keeping with that of her native Israel, where the majority of the population leads a more secular lifestyle.

"We are not in any way antireligious," says Cary, 60. "We hold the belief that we are responsible for what happens to ourselves and to the world. And to us, that's the essence of what religion is, and should be."

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April 28, 2010. We here at are 100% supporters of President Obama. At first we thought about SUPPRESSING this new report . . . but we figure that it would be better to know about what Republicans are trying to do to the prez.. Photo Alleged Obama Lover

According to a new report, Republican operatives are looking to pay as much as $1 million to anyone willing to discuss the president's relationship with a 35 year old woman named Vera Baker..

And according to one weekly tabloid, Vera's limo driver is SNITCHING!!! Here's what Vera's limo driver is saying:
"I took [President Obama] to various locations while he was looking for campaign funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 pm, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. She didn't ask me to wait or to be taken back to her friend's home - or to her home"

Well .. . . we ain't gonna believe NOTHING about the prez unless we have more solid evidence.
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Minister justifies N138billion loan

The federal government yesterday strived to explain away its determination to borrow $915m from the World Bank. The Minister of Finance, Olusegun Aganga, who was speaking at the presidential villa shortly after the signing of the 2010 budget said the loan will be spent wisely. "The most important thing for us is to make sure that in spending we get good value for the money spent, that it is spent in areas where we generate both social and economic returns; that is what is critical.".

He refuted speculations that the money will be used to finance the 2010 budget saying the administration was planning to raise a bond of about $5oo million from the international market for that. Mr Aganga who said the entire deal has been misrepresented, sought to clarify the matter: "This is absolutely wrong. We are not borrowing a billion [US dollars] to fund the budget. I think what they are referring to is something which we are working with the World Bank on. The World Bank, as you know, helps a number of developing countries and that [amount] is just a quantification of the work they are doing - which is broken down to quite a few segments. So, it is not one billion dollars borrowing up front; it doesn't work like that. It has nothing to do with the budget."

He also explained that government was looking at securing other sources of revenue, which could include sales of some assets and the possibility of raising a bond. However, he down-played fears about the potential for waste in the nation's spending plan.

He said, "I think the most important thing we should understand is that in a recession, there is nothing wrong about spending. In fact, if you look at any of the Western world they all have deficit[s].

Spending wisely

Mr. Aganga said all sectors of the government will be held accountable for its spending and promised that the new administration would be heavily focused on the proper execution of the budget. He announced that the Minister of Special Duties, Ernest Olubolade, had been mandated to handle the issue.

"It is ok to spend but it is important that you spend wisely and people are held accountable," he said. Mr. Aganga assured the nation that the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund to replace the old Excess Crude Account was a step in the right direction.

"As you know, the budget is based on benchmark of $67 per barrel - where oil is trading today. So obviously, over time, we will hopefully accumulate some excess reserve and the idea is how we build some fiscal policy around it or prudential guideline[s] around it to make sure that that is properly managed."

A reluctant support

At yesterday's sitting of the House of Representatives, a motion moved by the deputy leader, Baba Shehu Agaie, urging the lawmakers to approve the World Bank loan to fund the nation's "infrastructural deficit" was vehemently opposed by members of the minority parties. Although the session degenerated into rowdiness, the opposition could not stop the over 270 members of the Peoples Democratic Party, from approving Mr. Jonathan's request.

The approval followed a discussion that the leaderships of the Senate and the House had with the executive on Tuesday night.

The chairman of the House finance committee, John Eno, said members had to approve the request since the executive had complied with the relevant laws requiring it to forward such requests to the legislature for approval.

He recalled that the executive had in the past ignored this law and praised the acting president for not just forwarding a request for approval of the fresh loan, but also formally submitting the external borrowing plan of the government.

He also argued that since the money being requested for was already factored into the budget as a funding item, it was only right to approve the request.

The chairman of the committee on rules and business, Ita Enang, who also spoke in favour of the motion, said the acting president complied with Section 21 of the Debt Management Office Act, which he said allows the government to borrow upon the approval of the National Assembly.

Mr Enang, a PDP member from Akwa Ibom, reminded his colleagues that in the 2010 Budget passed by the National Assembly, there was a provision for borrowing to fund the document, adding that the legislature has already committed itself.

Those who opposed

But the deputy minority leader, Abdulrahman Kawu opposed Mr Jonathan's request, although he said he was one of the leaders of the legislature that met with Mr. Jonathan on Tuesday night on the plan to take a fresh loan. A member of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) from Kano State, Mr Kawu said history will not forgive the lawmakers who approved the loan. He faulted the procedure for considering the request for the loan, regretting that members were only given the 235-page external borrowing plan just before the plenary commenced. He argued that the lawmakers would have no time to read it before voting on the request.

Also, the Minority leader, Mohammed Ali Ndume, who also objected to the request, said it would not only amount to mortgaging the future of Nigerians,

it may also return the country to another era of huge indebtedness from which it came out only few years ago when its debt was forgiven by the external creditors.

He recalled that at the meeting with Mr Jonathan, the acting president merely said that the World Bank was willing to give Nigeria $915 million, but did not clearly seek for approval.

Mr Ndume, who is also the ANPP leader in the House, said "There was no opportunity for me to say our mind. That does not mean we (minority parties) are in support. It is not fair. We have just been given this voluminous borrowing plan and you want us to read it now before we approve. It is not fair. Those people that want us to borrow must come here to explain," he said.

Despite the opposition, members voted overwhelmingly for the approval of the acting president's request when it was put to vote, forcing Messrs Ndume, Kawu and other members of the ANPP to leave the chamber.

Unnecessary loan

At a press conference, Mr. Ndume explained that the country does not need to obtain the fresh loan since, according to him, it makes about $800 million daily from oil.

"As at today they are telling us that we are producing 1.02 million barrels of crude a day and the market price is about $80. If you can make that money one day why should you need the loan? If you multiply that, you get more than $800 million," he said. "Why would you go and mortgage the future of our children?"

The minority leader, who admitted that the opposition had already lost the battle to stop the loan, lamented that members of the House approved it without knowing the implication of doing so. He added that they may have done so because certain things, which he did not disclose, were dangled before them by the government.

Mr. Ndume also revealed that Mr. Jonathan and Mr. Aganga also discussed the plan to increase Value Added Tax (VAT) from five percent to 10 percent and also bring two bills to the legislature.

Throwing more light on why he could not object to Mr. Jonathan's request for the loan during the Tuesday night meeting, Mr. Ndume explained "We (members of the leadership) went in a bus and when we got there we ate food first and the acting president said the finance minister will brief us. The minister said we had problems with some sections of the budget. He said they selected nine critical ministries (to review).

"But after that I was the one who complained that how can one man (finance minister) review what (budget) 469 members (of the National Assembly) did? After that the chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriation (Iyiola Omisore) was also hard on them."

Also speaking at the press conference, the chairman of Public Accounts Committee, Usman Adamu, who is also a member of the ANPP, wondered if Nigeria could manage the loan since it could not manage its own resources efficiently.

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Introduction by Abi John Balogun (weboga) & Paul Adams How many Bankers OR very well paid Bank Workers you know that have been sacked ? A banker is the guy that knows about banking ,The fellows that actually know what Profit & loss and Risk and Depositors funds as relating to interest means .A banker is not the guy that drives the MD to work or the guy that makes certain the MD hasa nice time on weekends and trips abroad ? Just because you wear a tie to work does not make you a banker .A banker is not the Guy that seats in the Tellers seat and takes a cheque from you and gives you back cash.O yes he may look real important but He aint no Banker ! or even the Nice lady that makes everyone queue up and still manages to get us to smile on cue whilst we wait for the sweet voice to say "Cashier numer X" ,That is a customer Service Representative that works in a Bank ! So why are the Bank Workers getting sacked instead of the Bankers ! Or does'nt the CBN have the right to put a stop to these Layoffs ? The Sacked bank MDs/CEOs can live on their stolen funds that the EFCC will never ever know about for their next Ten Lifetimes ! Cecilia Ibru is one of the Ibrus for crying out loud ! That Family is loaded ! Oceanic Bank is just a drop in the ocean of their Investments . Sanusi I believe has done some good but he has also done some HARM ! great harm in the final de terracing of the common man working in the Bank ! How many of the layabout CEOs,Regional Managers and other Managers that are looked upon as Demi Gods in the Banking industry have been sacked ? Who recommends the sack ? what is the criteria ? Is Bad Belly involved or Sexual harassment and all the Targets every banker is made to cough out monthly used ? Or are they sacking the lowly paid staff in large numbers so that they can keep earning their arm robber salaries ! Why not Publish the names and positions of these people sacked so we can see the cadre and functionality they have been rendering to their respective banks . The ground always suffers when Elephants are fighting ! The Bankers that engaged in unethical practices that put the Nation in this quagmire should be fished out and Sold into depositors funds slavery and made to work back their lossess ! What is a risk management Consultant and you earn a minimum of 2.5million Naira a month as salary .Yet you keep risking and losing money ! IT is like they have all these degrees,appelations and certifications for NOTHING ! Sanusi let it be on your head the families that will bear the brunt of these layoffs because solving one problem and creating another will not absolve you . The monies and properties recovered from these hoodlums in Corporate Suits should be used to subsidise bank workers that have been sacked .There must be some amelioration of some sort or else what are they to do until they "find" Jobs in the already saturated market ! ! ! Sanusi, We await your solutions,Looks like although Soludo had no solutions he at least did not put "San san" inside bank workers garri. Impress us once more as we no longer hear your voice anymore abi you are holding baba go slows hand in saudi or wherever you people are keeping him . Main Article by Next media While our nation’s circus show of shame went on in Abuja and Jeddah last week, another issue of relevance was playing out in the banking industry. And this was the aftermath of Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi’s reforms of the banking sector. Sanusi’s hurricane might have swept through the banking sector, mowing down banks’ chief executives and directors, however, the real casualties are beginning to show, and they are the over 8,000 men and women bearing the brunt of the reforms through job loss. Oceanic Bank, Bank PHB Plc, UBA Plc, First Bank, GTB are laying off workers in response to the fall out from the reforms. It is, on the surface, easy ascribe the retrenchments in the banks on the Sanusi tsunami that took off in the middle of 2009, but the sacking of chief executives and directors was not the immediate cause. Long before the Sanusi putsch many senior bankers made quick money from brisk business in the confines of their offices and lived flamboyant lives comparable to those of celebrities of the entertainment world. Soon, it became clear that despite being a private-sector driven industry the principal actors in the banking business had abandoned all pretence at corporate governance and fiscal accountability, toying with depositors’ money by giving out questionable loans, managing a bloated workforce, doctoring their books to impress the public, and opening unserviceable branches. The result was an over-staffed industry, incurring huge salary bills every month, operational liabilities and losses in excess of N100 billion. In the light of all this, it is not inappropriate to view rationalisation of staff as an expected consequence, if banks are to rightly address this anomaly. The sacked workers are not employees of CBN in the first place and to disabuse the minds of critics that it did not order the retrenchments, the CBN issued a release stating, “... the Central Bank of Nigeria has never directed commercial banks to sack staff or rationalise branches as reported. Banks are private enterprises and the decision to engage or disengage staff is best left to the managements and boards of the institutions. These decisions are taken on the basis of business imperatives”. Nonetheless, our sympathy goes to the affected workers, many of whom are young people either just beginning to live life on their own or raising a family. Given the state of the nation’s economy, losing a well paying job in the bank is a predicament that many people will not take lightly. It is frustrating and depressing. What is being experienced in the industry now should serve as a lesson for future operations, and a pointer to the need for vigilance in monitoring and regulating the banking sector, to guard against the ugly practices that have become the norm in the industry. Chief amongst these are the questionable employment conditions of service for staff, characterised by the practice of ‘casualisation’ of workers and the abuse of female bank staff. Reports are rife to the effect that many banks, rather than properly recruit workers, resort to a cost-saving ad hoc arrangement of periodic hiring and dismissal. This is a practice that devalues the profession and contributes to the lowering of ethical standards of practice. In the same vein, female bank workers are faced with employment conditions that compromise their future plans. Oftentimes, their brief includes unrealistic targets that open them to unethical and immoral practices that compromise their dignity. We view these developments as part of the general corruption that compromised the banking sector where the rot started from the top. We urge the managements of our banks to exhaustively explore all avenues to ensure that the rationalisation is reduced to a barest minimum. One way to do this would be for the banks to reduce staff salaries, especially at senior levels. Some unjustifiable allowances of management staff would very easily pay the wages of significant numbers of persons further down the corporate ladder. Advertising, branding and sponsorship budgets, which ballooned irresponsibly during the consolidation era, as banks struggled to rebrand and reposition themselves within and beyond the country, should be curtailed, and the savings therefrom used to save jobs. We cannot afford to send such a huge number of educated and experienced persons into the job market. Before now, the virtual collapse of entire industries, like textiles and tyre manufacturing, rendered thousands of people jobless. We have to take every step possible to ensure that the banking industry does not complicate an already serious unemployment crisis. The cost of doing this will be nothing compared to the price we will have to pay for the alternative: flooding our streets with jobless professionals who are as desperate as they are savvy.
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Introduction by Abi John Balogun (weboga) & Paul Adams How many Bankers OR very well paid Bank Workers you know that have been sacked ? A banker is the guy that knows about banking ,The fellows that actually know what Profit & loss and Risk and Depositors funds as relating to interest means .A banker is not the guy that drives the MD to work or the guy that makes certain the MD hasa nice time on weekends and trips abroad ? Just because you wear a tie to work does not make you a banker .A banker is not the Guy that seats in the Tellers seat and takes a cheque from you and gives you back cash.O yes he may look real important but He aint no Banker ! or even the Nice lady that makes everyone queue up and still manages to get us to smile on cue whilst we wait for the sweet voice to say "Cashier numer X" ,That is a customer Service Representative that works in a Bank ! So why are the Bank Workers getting sacked instead of the Bankers ! Or does'nt the CBN have the right to put a stop to these Layoffs ? The Sacked bank MDs/CEOs can live on their stolen funds that the EFCC will never ever know about for their next Ten Lifetimes ! Cecilia Ibru is one of the Ibrus for crying out loud ! That Family is loaded ! Oceanic Bank is just a drop in the ocean of their Investments . Sanusi I believe has done some good but he has also done some HARM ! great harm in the final de terracing of the common man working in the Bank ! How many of the layabout CEOs,Regional Managers and other Managers that are looked upon as Demi Gods in the Banking industry have been sacked ? Who recommends the sack ? what is the criteria ? Is Bad Belly involved or Sexual harassment and all the Targets every banker is made to cough out monthly used ? Or are they sacking the lowly paid staff in large numbers so that they can keep earning their arm robber salaries ! Why not Publish the names and positions of these people sacked so we can see the cadre and functionality they have been rendering to their respective banks . The ground always suffers when Elephants are fighting ! The Bankers that engaged in unethical practices that put the Nation in this quagmire should be fished out and Sold into depositors funds slavery and made to work back their lossess ! What is a risk management Consultant and you earn a minimum of 2.5million Naira a month as salary .Yet you keep risking and losing money ! IT is like they have all these degrees,appelations and certifications for NOTHING ! Sanusi let it be on your head the families that will bear the brunt of these layoffs because solving one problem and creating another will not absolve you . The monies and properties recovered from these hoodlums in Corporate Suits should be used to subsidise bank workers that have been sacked .There must be some amelioration of some sort or else what are they to do until they "find" Jobs in the already saturated market ! ! ! Sanusi, We await your solutions,Looks like although Soludo had no solutions he at least did not put "San san" inside bank workers garri. Impress us once more as we no longer hear your voice anymore abi you are holding baba go slows hand in saudi or wherever you people are keeping him . Main Article by Next media While our nation’s circus show of shame went on in Abuja and Jeddah last week, another issue of relevance was playing out in the banking industry. And this was the aftermath of Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi’s reforms of the banking sector. Sanusi’s hurricane might have swept through the banking sector, mowing down banks’ chief executives and directors, however, the real casualties are beginning to show, and they are the over 8,000 men and women bearing the brunt of the reforms through job loss. Oceanic Bank, Bank PHB Plc, UBA Plc, First Bank, GTB are laying off workers in response to the fall out from the reforms. It is, on the surface, easy ascribe the retrenchments in the banks on the Sanusi tsunami that took off in the middle of 2009, but the sacking of chief executives and directors was not the immediate cause. Long before the Sanusi putsch many senior bankers made quick money from brisk business in the confines of their offices and lived flamboyant lives comparable to those of celebrities of the entertainment world. Soon, it became clear that despite being a private-sector driven industry the principal actors in the banking business had abandoned all pretence at corporate governance and fiscal accountability, toying with depositors’ money by giving out questionable loans, managing a bloated workforce, doctoring their books to impress the public, and opening unserviceable branches. The result was an over-staffed industry, incurring huge salary bills every month, operational liabilities and losses in excess of N100 billion. In the light of all this, it is not inappropriate to view rationalisation of staff as an expected consequence, if banks are to rightly address this anomaly. The sacked workers are not employees of CBN in the first place and to disabuse the minds of critics that it did not order the retrenchments, the CBN issued a release stating, “... the Central Bank of Nigeria has never directed commercial banks to sack staff or rationalise branches as reported. Banks are private enterprises and the decision to engage or disengage staff is best left to the managements and boards of the institutions. These decisions are taken on the basis of business imperatives”. Nonetheless, our sympathy goes to the affected workers, many of whom are young people either just beginning to live life on their own or raising a family. Given the state of the nation’s economy, losing a well paying job in the bank is a predicament that many people will not take lightly. It is frustrating and depressing. What is being experienced in the industry now should serve as a lesson for future operations, and a pointer to the need for vigilance in monitoring and regulating the banking sector, to guard against the ugly practices that have become the norm in the industry. Chief amongst these are the questionable employment conditions of service for staff, characterised by the practice of ‘casualisation’ of workers and the abuse of female bank staff. Reports are rife to the effect that many banks, rather than properly recruit workers, resort to a cost-saving ad hoc arrangement of periodic hiring and dismissal. This is a practice that devalues the profession and contributes to the lowering of ethical standards of practice. In the same vein, female bank workers are faced with employment conditions that compromise their future plans. Oftentimes, their brief includes unrealistic targets that open them to unethical and immoral practices that compromise their dignity. We view these developments as part of the general corruption that compromised the banking sector where the rot started from the top. We urge the managements of our banks to exhaustively explore all avenues to ensure that the rationalisation is reduced to a barest minimum. One way to do this would be for the banks to reduce staff salaries, especially at senior levels. Some unjustifiable allowances of management staff would very easily pay the wages of significant numbers of persons further down the corporate ladder. Advertising, branding and sponsorship budgets, which ballooned irresponsibly during the consolidation era, as banks struggled to rebrand and reposition themselves within and beyond the country, should be curtailed, and the savings therefrom used to save jobs. We cannot afford to send such a huge number of educated and experienced persons into the job market. Before now, the virtual collapse of entire industries, like textiles and tyre manufacturing, rendered thousands of people jobless. We have to take every step possible to ensure that the banking industry does not complicate an already serious unemployment crisis. The cost of doing this will be nothing compared to the price we will have to pay for the alternative: flooding our streets with jobless professionals who are as desperate as they are savvy.
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Majority Would Vote Against Obama NOw some of the comments are just right out racist but it is good to know Yar'adua even though he has been out of office for 50days can still say At least no be me people hate like this ! A year into his tenure, a majority of Americans would already vote against Pres. Obama if the '12 elections were held today, according to a new survey. The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll shows 50% say they would probably or definitely vote for someone else. Fully 37% say they would definitely cast a ballot against Obama. Meanwhile, just 39% would vote to re-elect the pres. to a 2nd term, and only 23% say they definitely would do so. Obama's first year in office has been marked by an unemployment rate that surged to 10%, an increased commitment of troops to Afghanistan and a health care battle that has taken a serious political toll on the WH. Obama's approval rating is down to 47%, the poll showed, a 14-point drop since the April survey. 45% disapprove, up 17 points from April. Only 41% say they trust Obama more than Congressional GOPers, while 33% pick the GOP over the WH. That 8-point gap is down from a 21-point edge Obama sported as recently as Sept. Just 34% say the country is moving in the right direction, down 13 points since April, and 55% say it is off on the wrong track, up 13 points over the same period. But as GOPers focus on taxes and spending, that message seems to be causing Obama the most harm. Among those who believe Obama's policies have moved the country in the wrong direction, 45% cite spending and government regulation as a top cause for their opposition. Meanwhile, those who think Obama's policies are moving the country down the right track largely cite long-term benefits of his initiatives. In the meantime, health care legislation is by no means popular, but a majority of Americans don't oppose the legislation yet. 44% said they support the legislation under consideration, down 5 points from the last poll in Sept., while 46% oppose it. The poll, conducted by Financial Dynamics, surveyed 1,200 adults between Jan. 3-7 for a margin of error of +/- 2.8%. For more on the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll, see Ron Brownstein's take on a distrustful America and the withering green shoots after a year under the Obama admin. 172 Comments Pass healthcare and cap and tax and it will be a landslide against Ocommybammie. whitewashed | January 14, 2010 10:02 AM Grrr.... I think humans will treat Master fairly at the next election. He's got a tough job and most humans know that. I think race is playing into this discussion too. Here's what I think: Bo Bo | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM It takes some folk longer to wise up than others. geng;his kohn | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Never, never put an empty suit in the WH. Paul1931 | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Obama is a clown. Ronnie | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM wake up people we can not let the goverment have this much power over us we are the producers not ant goverment! timmy mclaughlin | January 14, 2010 10:04 AM Many fools who voted for this bum now realize that he is a liar and a statist and a real danger to the Republic. John | January 14, 2010 10:05 AM LIAR, bait and switch never again show your birth cert you lying scum us | January 14, 2010 10:07 AM This is what happens when you let an inexperienced amateur take the job. 1. Remember if you have managed more than two people in your life you have more experience than Obama did when he became president 2. Want to know how Obama thinks? Just ask any left wing sophomore at your local university. He has about the same insight and experience as they have. Elleno | January 14, 2010 10:07 AM Chains we can believe in... perhaps it took this presidential debacle to wake people up. Just because someone "sounds" good and gets lifted up by the main stream media doesn't mean they're qualified for the job or good for our nation. We can now ony hope that he doesn't mess things up too badly while he remains if office. Lynne | January 14, 2010 10:08 AM This guy is a joke, spend spend and spend more, what wait we can tax you to pay back money that someone else lost. BS. Marco | January 14, 2010 10:08 AM THE greatest mistake the American people ever made. God help us get through this. Return to the Lord, people, get your discernment back, and begin rebuilding the foundations. Paul B. | January 14, 2010 10:09 AM he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America he wants to hurt America Obama, Holder, Koh, Bauer, these are the ones we must fight against as you all have no idea that everyday they try to weaken us seriously | January 14, 2010 10:10 AM OBAMA WAS A BIG MISTAKE !!!! HE IS A FRAUD CREATED BY THE MEDIA, WITH NO EXPERIENCE OR QUALIFICATIONS TO BE PRESIDENT. jamie | January 14, 2010 10:10 AM You fuckin' idiots! We tried to tell you! Stan | January 14, 2010 10:11 AM Palin 2012: Energize America Dan | January 14, 2010 10:11 AM Every day of Obama is one day closer to Sarah. you bet'cha! Ed | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM So much for obamatardomania. Kiss off POSident Obolshevik. Greg in Austin | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM As a former Democrat in 2008 I am happy and proud to say I was not fooled by him one bit he is a liar liar liar he is ruining our great Country anna | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM He is in way over his head! Greg | January 14, 2010 10:12 AM I love how people who have no clue as to what he is doing say things like, "I still think race plays into this." Now if those people are looking for race based thoughts, turn to people like Harry Reid and Bill Clinton, but those people are either unaware of what was said or have rationalized it away. astralweeks | January 14, 2010 10:13 AM It is refreshing to see the American citizens 'finally' realize what a nightmare of a President and congressional leadership that is in place. These people are turning what was once an idea of a private sector nation and economy to one where everyone is on the government Dole, the govt. regulates every aspect of our lives, and they have sold out to internationalists. The first step is to oust the congress in 2010, and put anyone or anything in the White House in 2012 that actually cares about the founding principles of this country. Obama is clearly NOT that person! read original article to see more hate filled comments
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It has been revealed how Super Eagles striker, Obafemi Martins, extranvagantly squandered about N3.1 trillions while a player of Newcastle.MartinsadvertisementHis former management company, NVA Management Limited who has dragged the player to court over breach of contarct, told the jury how the player’s account almost went red because of his lifestyle.Obafemi Martins was paid £75,000, but allegedly squandered the earnings on an extravagant lifestyleA former Premiership footballer routinely blew his £75,000 a week wages in a matter of days and was constantly overdrawn, a court was told yesterday.Obafemi, ex-Newcastle striker 25, was paid the handsome salary after he joined the club for a £10million fee in August 2006.But despite his extraordinary earnings, his former management team yesterday claimed they repeatedly bailed him out after his bank account continually slipped into the red.The High Court heard that the Nigerian international player would withdraw £40,000 in cash from his bank account at the end of the week.But that would only last him two days, the court heard, as he topped up with a further £25,000 on the Monday morning.He was always overdrawn and repeatedly relied upon NVA Management Limited to ‘manage his life’, the High Court was told.Martins, who owned several fast cars including a top of the range Porsche 4X4, spent the money funding an extravagant lifestyle of luxurious penthouse homes and fine dining.He is now being sued by his former management company which claims that he still owes them 300,000 for sorting out his finances.He told the court that Martins would withdraw £40,000 for the weekend, followed by another £25,000 on the Monday.‘Despite earning these vast sums of money he was constantly overdrawn,’ added Mr Tennink.He said the firm, which looks after the affairs of several footballers, film and music stars, said that Martins had agreed to pay them for simply managing his life.It was under their stewardship that Martins agreed a £2million image rights deal ‘simply for being Mr Martins’.It’s claimed Martins was constantly overdrawn despite earning £75,000-a-weekHe also had lucrative sponsorship deals with various companies including Pepsi and Nike but had not been paid.When the company stepped in to run his affairs they sorted the unpaid contracts, bringing in thousands of pounds.They also organised visas when he travelled to Italy, where he once played for Inter Milan, and sorted out his passport, his mortgage and property valuations.They even arranged critical illness cover and were constantly running up and down the motorway from their London offices to Newcastle in a bid to do all that he required.‘But surely these were things a secretary could do?’ asked Judge Richard Seymour QC, referring to the size of fees charged.‘It was a Jeeves-type of role that they performed.’Mr Tennink protested that managing every aspect of his life was just part of what they did, and asked the judge to bear in mind the sort of figures these players earned.He said Martins had come to them in July 2007 and had agreed a fee of around £300,000 plus 20 per cent of any sponsorship monies they managed to acquire on his behalf.“He asked for these services to be carried out,” Mr Tennink told the court.Before they managed his affairs, Martins had not been paid a penny for his image rights for the use of his name on Newcastle shirts and mugs and had received nothing from his sponsorship deals.He could not even find the contracts he had originally signed, Mr Tennink added.Martins paid the company £67,500 in January last year and another £25,000 in April last year.But the question for the court to decide, said Mr Tennink, was whether there was a ‘binding obligation’ for him to pay the outstanding bill of over £300,000.After Newcastle were relegated from the Premiership last summer Martins was sold for £9million to German Bundesliga Champions Wolfsburg.Martins, who once owned a penthouse apartment overlooking Newcastle’s exclusive Quayside, is fighting the claim.The hearing is scheduled to last for three days.
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Our boys blew it! but they tried their best

By Ifeanyi Ibeh The Golden Eaglets on Sunday failed in their quest to become the first team in the history of the FIFA U-17 World Cup to defend the trophy after losing by a lone goal to Switzerland at the National Stadium in Abuja. The Eaglets also failed in their bid to become the first host nation in the history of the cadet tournament to win the trophy.
And it was all due to the team’s inability to convert the numerous chances that came their way in the encounter, watched by a capacity crowd at the 60,000-seater stadium. The turning point of the encounter arrived in the 63rd minute when Haris Seferovic nodded the Swiss into the lead from a corner kick for his fifth goal of the tournament. Five minutes earlier, the towering striker of local Swiss side, Grasshoppers, had found himself face-to-face with Golden Eaglets goalkeeper Dami Paul but he failed to bring a save out of the Nigerian keeper who unlike his opposite number in the Swiss goal, Benjamin Siegrist, was mostly on holidays. Swiss hero Siegrist was undoubtedly the hero of the Swiss team as he pulled off save after save to deny the Golden Eaglets a fourth world title, especially in the first half. The opening 45 minutes was played at a frenetic pace and the Golden Eaglets could have shot into the lead as early as the 4th minute through Abdul Ajagun but his shot from the edge of the area was cleared off the goal line by a Swiss defender with Siegrist well beaten. A minute later, Siegrist was on hand to make three saves in quick succession, the first two from the boots of Stanley Okoro, and the third from a speculative long range effort by Aigbe Oliha. The Golden Eaglets continued to make incursions and appeared the more likely side to open scoring, especially through Sani Emmanuel, who was handed a rare start by John Obuh, and the hardworking Ajagun who continued to prove more than a handful for the Swiss defence who had the Aston Villa goalkeeper to thank for keeping the score line barren at the half way point of the game. Emmanuel should actually have put the Eaglets in front a minute into the added time, but a minute after seeing his tame effort easily saved by Siegrist, the youngster failed to curl his shot past the goalkeeper after making his way into the Swiss vital area. More heroics The second half saw Siegrist continuing with his heroics, first, in the 58th minute from Stanley Okoro, and then in the 69th minute from Emmanuel, six minutes after his side had shot into the lead. In the 78th minute, the 17-year-old pulled off, perhaps, the most important save of the day when seconds after seeing his crossbar rattled by a Nigerian header, he used everything at his disposal, from his hands to his legs, to keep out the ball from going into the net in the midst of a sea of Nigerian legs. And by the time the Uruguayan referee, Martin Vazquez, blew for the end of proceedings, Nigerian fans at the venue had started filing out of the stadium and weren’t around to witness the presentation ceremony that saw Golden Eaglets midfielder, Ramon Azeez, claim the Bronze Ball with his industrious team mate, Emmanuel, carting home the Golden Ball as the tournament’s Most Valuable Player, alongside the Bronze Boot after finishing as the tourney’s third leading scorer with five goals. But considering all the controversies that trailed the Nigerian side, particularly on the actual ages of the players all through the duration of the championship, does anyone feel that justice has been served?
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1. All Three are public people (obviously) so are accountable before Men and God2.They are all Christians although Mr ibrahims parents are both Muslims3.Two of them have a lot in common Asiwe & ibrahim (ibrahim publishes asiwes online articles)4.One of them is much more succesful than the other two that have something in common5.One is a Man of God !6.Although no man is perfect Only God is perfect A close friend has had dealings with all three of these men and We came to the conclusion that Just like the otedola/dangote feud This is a case of there is more to it than meets the eye.Or the more you look the less you see !Now read about the latest "SMEAR CAMPAIGN ON PASTOR CHRIS " This is WORTH READING !I sometimes used to think there was substance in their accusations but I saw Saint Azuh's Article and I had a rethink read onAlthough Azuh is a Christ Embassy Acolyte this still makes a bit of sense .Rejoinder:Christ Embassy: Anatomy of Smear Campaign - By Saint AzuhOrdinarily, stories and personal attacks against the activities of Christ Embassy Church in South Africa, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, his family members and everybody that has anything to do with the church would have been ignored or taken as the usual journalistic prying but for the well-established concern that such reports have become episodic and now very irritating.How else would anybody describe the use of words and language in stories that concern Pastor Chris and Christ Embassy Church by just one news website- huhu news, if not to say that it makes a mockery of the very rudiments of journalism?It is very curious that within a very short span of time Huhu and its print collaborator, the National Mirror Newspapers have ran over ten stories on one person and the organization he represents. Haba!As a journalist and media analyst vast on reportage- investigative, development and even mischief, it is very surprising that a media outfit can run stories every week on one particular individual. The only import of this is that such outfit or some of its reporters/editors are on a clearly agreed smear campaign or vendetta for whatever reasons.A look at this vexed issued of the reportage of Chris Oyahkilome and Christ Embassy Church by Huhu and Mirror Newspapers would clearly establish the above allegation.On continuous basis, Huhu had ran over ten reports on one person. Some of the reports: Christ Embassy: Haleluyah or Highway to Hell; South Africans Vow to Sack Christ Embassy; Christ Embassy: Concealed Sex Scandal Exposed Part III and this means that there are parts I and II; Crisis Rocks Christ Embassy South Africa over Scandalous Dealings; South Africa: Christ Embassy’s Night of Bliss Scandal Victims Account.Others are: South Africans Vow to Sack Christ Embassy… As authorities humiliate Chris Oyakhilome at airport; Red Alert: Chris Oyakhilome‘s Christ Embassy Plc Initial Public Offer of N3bn….. Employers Beware; Christ Embassy (South Africa): Pastor offered me R10 000 to sit in a wheelchair.... stand up and walk; South African Authorities Close-In On Christ Embassy; .Six members barred from entering South Africa- .Internal feud deepens, as top pastors struggle with moral woes; and Christ Embassy South Africa: Christian & Kenneth Oyakhilome bribery scandal revealed • Tom Amekhiena unleashes assault and battery on a church member • Open challenge to Chris Oyakhilome.The question is: why this particular interest in Christ Embassy and Pastor Chris? Is Christ Embassy the only church or rather Nigerian church in South Africa ? And why is it that a Nigerian took it upon himself to fight for the coalition of South African churches and South African government against his fellow Nigerian from the same south-south region? These are very curious or rather interesting issues?It is very unfortunate because those of us that have followed Huhu had a very different believe of what Emmanuel Asiwe, the publisher represents and that may have been why some of us joined in the campaign for his immediate release when he was recently arrested by security agents in Nigeria for alleged wrong reporting, misinformation, blackmail, and felony against the government.Interestingly, any experienced reporter would agree that the entire library of stories on Christ Embassy South Africa by Huhu were just rolled out from two story lines. And for whatever reason, Huhu decided to always re-write and re-run the stories with even a spec of new rumour in Soweto main market as an update.Although this is an aside, those of us that joined the campaign for your release from detention were meant to believe that you are operating from one of the western countries. And now we are confused. Is Huhu/Emmanuel Asiwe based in South Africa or in Europe/America?Huhu should be more interested in improving the quality of both its reports and the website rather than embarking on flimsy campaign of calumny to pull down another young Nigeria in his calling. Without bias, Huhu should look at other offshore news websites including Saharareporters, Pointblanknews, Thetimesofnigeria, Gamji, Ngex amongst others and see how it can line up with their mindsets.Nigerians especially those of us at home are really proud of the offshore web-based news media outfits as they have been at the forefront of canvassing issues of national concern and challenging the nation’s leaders to accountability rather market women’s busy-body journalism.Another interesting aspect of the smear campaign against Christ Embassy Church is the now clearly established relationship between Huhu website and National Mirror Newspapers. Is Asiwe a staff or on the payroll of National Mirror Newspaper? And if not, why is it that the newspaper runs all the Huhu Christ Embassy South African stories verbatim on its cover?Even when all the national newspapers published in this country on April 26, 2009 had on their covers stories and issues on the Ekiti re-run election of Saturday April 25, Mirror, a newspaper, had as its lead story on the cover: “Christ Embassy in Crisis” , a story of an alleged event that happened in September 2007 according to the newspaper.This should concern any practicing and credible journalist as it borders heavily on the sense of judgment of what is news by the editors of Mirror. How can any editor lift a stale story wholesale from a website and slam it on the front page as lead?Initially, the smear campaign by National Mirror newspaper was interpreted as a personal vendetta by its former publisher, Emeka Obasi. Now, the ownership has changed but the smear has continued and it couldn’t have been on the instruction or support of the new owner- Jimoh Ibrahim.National Mirror should help Nigerians see it as a newspaper with credibility.. Sometime ago, offensive pornographic pictures were ran on its cover purported to be some wayward female students of the University of Port Harcourt with some expatriates. It was however later confirmed by this writer (an alumnus of Uniport) in the newsroom of the organisation that the pictures were lifted wholesale from a pornographic site on the web and re-captioned.Needless to say that this kind of journalism cannot help the Mirror and its editors especially now that the newspaper is trying to re-brand under its new owner- Jimoh Ibrahim who is “well known” in this country and beyond. A word is enough for a wise. We all know the right thing. Let’s do it.SAINT AZUH (Lords and Kings), CHRIST EMBASSY ABUJA , UTAKO SATELLITE CHURCH ( controversies now come to light1.Who really is jimoh Ibrahim and how did he make his fortune ?2.Can there be smoke without Fire in the Case of Pastor Chris ?3.Is Asiwe looking for Cheap Publicity ?9jabookers please make your commentsThanks !
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