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SPAR, the world’s largest supermarket chain now has an outlet in Lekki, underscoring the growth in foreign investors’ confidence in the Nigerian economy.
Speaking at the official commissioning of the departmental store, the grand patron of Spar Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo said he is very happy over the partnership of Spar and park and shop, adding that despite the situation of all manner of meltdowns in the country, that investors still have the hope and courage to invest largely in Nigeria, which is good for the economy of the country.
“I did not hesitate to accept the invitation when they brought it to my house because it is great to encourage investors especially in a situation where there is all manner of meltdowns, we have hope and courage to invest, it is also good for the economy of our country.
Those apostles of doom, who do not believe in Nigeria, an occasion like this should prove to them that there are more good things than bad in Nigeria. We should encourage anybody who wishes to invest in Nigeria, either Nigerian or foreigners” he stated.
He urged Nigerians to also try and produce things that the store will sell and not just buying from them, adding that he prays that when the supermarket is in full swing, that everything in the store will be made in Nigeria products.
The Chairman of Park & Shop, Asiwaju Solomon Onafowokan, said it is a dream come true for the directors of Artee Group to have the privilege of bringing Spar, the world’s largest supermarket chain to Nigeria for the conducive shopping delight of their various customers.
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Obama used Facebook and Online media to promote His presidential campaign and it worked .Goodluck Jonathan has decided to go the same winning way and win the youths .
• Charges Nigerian youths


President Goodluck Jonathan, yesterday, tacitly revealed his intention to contest the 2011 presidential election, saying he would set up a Facebook account for the poll.
The proposed account, he said, is “part of my contribution to the (election) debate” and that it would focus primarily on the exchange of ideas..

Facebook is a popular social network interactive site with millions of subscribers globally.

Jonathan, who spoke at the 26th Convocation of the University of Port Harcourt, on the second day of his visit to Rivers State, also harped on the urgent need for national transformation and harnessing of the unchallengeable power and good in the Nigerian youth. He urged Nigerians to register as soon as the voter registration exercise commences and be ready vote.

“Once we can successfully prevent a few people from determining the outcome of elections, all elected leaders immediately come into the service of the general good. There will neither be accountability nor development when political leaders owe their privilege of power to the narrow interests of the few. I believe every major challenge that we face as a country can be confronted by the power of the vote,” he said..

Stressing that “our political process is a work in progress,” Jonathan appealed to Nigerians, particularly the youths, to come back into the process, adding that the stakes were too high “for us to abandon our right to re-order the present and determine the future.”

The President, whose address dwelt mainly on the nation’s youths, paid glowing tribute to the undying spirit of the Nigerian as represented in the youths.

“There is an unchallengeable power of good in the Nigerian youth and we must recognize and harness it with a view to deploying its potential. With 70 per cent of our population below the age of 35, we are a strong and sturdy community, determined to defend our collective interest. Challenging times need to be challenged by the overwhelming strength of vision.

“It is in this regard that as I settle down to the duties of office, I will be depending on the ideas, energy and co-operation of all Nigerians to bring our dream to reality. There can never be a better time for national transformation than now,” Jonathan said. He commended the Vice Chancellor, Prof Don Baridam, whose tenure expires in July, for his uncommon achievements.

Earlier, the Vice Chancellor said the Federal Government has approved the establishment of the Centre for Energy Studies in the university, adding that when functional, the centre would facilitate studies in nuclear energy and related disciplines..

Baridam, who recalled the assassination of two staff of the institution, including its Chief Security Officer, Mr Amadi Wali, observed that such violent killings and threats have become commonplace in the nation’s university system and urged the government to tackle insecurity in universities and the larger society.

Highpoint of the convocation was the award of certificates, first degrees and post-graduate degrees to 5,922 graduates and the award of honorary doctorate degrees to some eminent Nigerians, which included a former Chief Justice of the Federation, Justice Mohammed Uwais; Managing Director of the World Bank, Dr. Ngozi

Okonjo-Iweala, who was represented by her father; a former Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof Sylvanus Cookey, Prof Aniezionwu Okoro, and Mr Donald Duke, former Cross River State Governor.

Also honoured was the Oba Akran of Badagry, Dr De Wheno Aholu Menu-Toyi I, who is the new Chancellor of the univeristy.
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Prospective Ghanaian travelers who are eager to ply their skills in Europe now have a better option to avoid the tribulations which illegal migrants are subjected to travelling across the Sahara Desert.Through a scheme which is to become operational next March, 1,000 skilled Ghanaian workers are to be engaged in Italy annually for a two-year contract, making it unnecessary for them to risk the Sahara route.The job-matching scheme which is being jointly organized b Ghana’s Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare, the Labour Department, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Ministry of the Interior of Italy.The Director of the National Migration Bureau, Mrs. Adelaide Anno-Kunu, told the Daily Graphic that the programme was to encourage legal travel among Ghanaians and curb the incidence of illegal migration to Italy and other European countries.According to a World Bank report, an estimated 70,000 of Africa’s most qualified people leave each year and he continent spends $4 billion to replace them with expatriate workers. A BBC report indicates that many of the immigrants pay human smugglers to get them across the Sahara or the Mediterranean Sea but die on the way.Many Ghanaians have migrated to other countries, especially in Europe and the Americas, through illegal channels. Some of them, including highly qualified professionals, often find themselves engaged in menial jobs in those countries.Some of the illegal migrants are languishing in jails in Europe, Latin America and Asia. In Trinidad and Tobago, 22 Ghanaians who are alleged to have illegally migrated there recently, are reported to be languishing in prison.Mrs. Anno-Kunu said by March next year the government would advertise the job opportunities in Italy and spell out details of the requirements for prospective applicants, adding that it would offer the jobs to persons whose expertise were needed in Italy.She said the stakeholders would come up with a policy and a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on how to streamline the travel formalities.For instance, she said they would consider whether prospective employees needed to pay for their travelling expenses or the employers would do that.Besides, Mrs. Anno-Kunu said the MoU would require the employers to ensure that the employees returned to Ghana after the two-year contract.She stressed the need for the beneficiaries to return home after the end of their contracts to make way for others to also benefit.She said 12 officials from the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare, the Labour Department and the IOM would undertake the project of identifying matching jobs in Italy, register applicants and begin a training programme by the middle of June this year.She said the 12 officials, comprising verification, data entry and cultural orientation officers, would have their final training in Rome, Italy, between September and October this year.Mrs. Anno-Kunu explained that the training was to build the capacities of the officers to identify quality job opportunities in Italy vis-à-vis what pertained in Ghana.They would also learn how to enter the information of applicants in a database and teach them about the cultural perceptions and the climate of Ital, she said.The main causes of migration in Africa are conflicts, poverty, political reasons an environmental degradation, according to the United Nations Secretariat Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division.Source: Daily Graphic
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