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Do you know all your friends on facebook? Olasupo Olanrewaju‘s story is a reminder that one should think twice before clicking on the ‘add‘ button when a friend request is received, writes TOYOSI OGUNSEYE.

Nothing about Olasupo Olanrewaju gives him away as a fraudster. Instead, his soft-spoken and gentle demeanor endears the 30-year-old man to most people.

Olasupo, therefore, has no problem making friends. In fact, his courteous nature makes the ladies love him. Unknown to most of the women, there is more to Olasupo than meets the eye.

The native of Ondo State, who claims to have an Ordinary National Diploma in Marketing from the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, utilizes the internet and all forms of social media to woo women. When he meets a lady, he introduces himself as a modelling agent who is in search of beautiful women to grace the billboards of multinational companies. If the lady agrees to work with him, he arranges a location in a part of Nigeria where she does not live. That is, if the woman lives in Abuja, he will ask her to meet him at a specific hotel in Benin or if she lives in Owerri, he will ask her to meet him in Lagos.

Ironically, Olasupo does not live in Nigeria. ”I live at Number 13, Ndam Amoarko New Town, Accra Ghana,” he says. According to him, he started living in Accra three years ago after his uncle who resides in Ghana asked Olasupo to stay with him. He says, ”I produce commercial jingles and I also have a barbing shop in Accra. I started living in Ghana in 2007.I went to Ghana with an uncle of mine who is into buying and selling. My uncle felt I could do better in Accra; that was why he took me along with him. When I visit Nigeria, I stay at Olunloyo, Ibadan.”

Olasupo, the sixth of his parents seven children, says that his first job after leaving the polytechnic, was as a marketer with Mutltichoice, ”Before I went to Ghana, I was living in Abuja where I worked as a contractor on the ninth floor of the Federal Ministry of Information and Communication. I used to repair computers when I was there. Just after my OND in Marketing from the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, I was living in Lagos. I was also producing commercial jingles and was involved in musical concerts for about seven years. I used to market for Mutichoice in Lagos. I did not go for my HND because I wanted to travel abroad.”

So desperate was his bid to travel overseas that Olasupo decided to con aspiring models on the Internet. Using facebook, which is one of the most common social networks, he searched for pretty ladies and added them to his friends‘ list. Once the lady agrees to his friend‘s request, Olasupo then sends a message to her inbox introducing himself as a modelling agent that has a fantastic offer for her. If the woman indicates any interest in the offer, Olasupo goes for the kill- he arranges a meeting in a city different from where the lady resides.

Without much persuasion, Olasupo tells SUNDAY PUNCH his modus operandi, he even volunteers information that he is not asked. He says, ”I am involved in fraudulent activities on the internet. I go online in search of models and pretend as if I have a genuine modelling outfit. I use facebook most of the time but I also use twitter and Niger Pals to search for girls. Basically, there are some platforms for models on these networks. I select randomly and contact them by sending a message to their inbox saying that I am a modelling agent. I will tell them that there is an auditioning for models that I want them to participate in by sending a message to their inbox. I ask the models for their pictures and ask them to send it to I also add them as my friends on facebook. We exchange phone numbers and I give them an address to meet me outside Lagos for their auditioning. I ask them to meet me outside the city where they live because it is safer for me and they bring a lot of money along with them if they are travelling outside their state. I have 10 victims so far.”

Olasupo, who bears Olasupo Davids on facebook, claims that he started this fraudulent activity about four months ago, ”I was involved in it last year; I stopped and went back to it again this year.”

When his victim gets to the hotel where he is to meet her, Olasupo teaches her the basics of modelling and catwalk on the first day. The next day, he dashes into her room very early in the morning and tells her that she should hurry up because they would be late for the audition. The highly expectant lady runs into the bathroom to have her bath, leaving Olasupo with her belongings in the room. He strikes at this point and steals all her belongings and disappears into thin air.

This was what happened to Abioye Olamide and Olaoye Folashade. In Abioye‘s case, he met her in a bus at Ado-Ekiti. ”I told her that I was a modelling agent and that she looked like a potential model. We then exchanged phone numbers.” He searched for her on facebook and they became friends. He then sent her a mail that read, ”You are hereby invited for the audition for a pictorial modelling billboard job for a visual advert. This will be coming up on August 24 and 26, 2010. You are to come with your costumes because you will be taking pictures and video at the audition venue. Your entry code is #NH-134. Venue is Governor‘s Centre, Akure/Ilesha. Time is 8a.m. We shall be looking forward to having you here, kindly print out this letter and come along with it. You will not be allowed without it. ”

The address on the mail is Gudtainment International, Plot 153, Mallam Rabiu Avenue,Off Maitama Road, Abuja which Olasupo says is not genuine.

When Abioye got to Akure, Olasupo taught her how to cat-walk and told her that they would go for the auditioning the following day. The next day, Olasupo asked her to have her bath because they were late for the event and made away with her belongings when she was in the bathroom.

In Olaoye‘s case, Olasupo invited her to Benin from Abuja after he met her on facebook. While she was also in the bathroom at Boston Hotel, he says he made away with all her belongings. He was also able to take N200,000 from her account because her Automated Teller Machine password that the bank gave her was in her bag. When Olaoye came out of the bathroom and noticed that Olasupo had gone with everything she had, she reported to the Central Intelligence Bureau in Benin.”

The spokesman of the Lagos State Police Command, Frank Mba, says that the police in Benin, were able to arrest Olasupo‘s friend, Lucky, who was the one that reserved the room in the hotel.

Olasupo says that he knows Lucky, ”We lived in Accra together and he is also involved in the same fraudulent activity. In fact, we use the same e-mail address.”

When Lucky was arrested, the police got a list of the next victims he and Olasupo were targeting and Olaoye got in touch with one of them through facebook. Olaoye told the lady, who was identified as Blessing, to play along with Olasupo.

Blessing, who resides in Owerri, was given an appointment at the Lakeview Hotel, Trade Fair, Lagos. When she got there, she met Olasupo waiting for her in the reception. Unknown to him, Blessing was a bait. Shortly after, the police from the Trade Fair Police Station arrested him at the hotel.

Mba says there is a lot to learn from Olasupo, ”There are so many Olasupos‘ out there. We need to learn how not to give our personal information to strangers. All the ladies that fell prey to Olasupo did not know him, yet they added him as their friend on facebook and agreed to meet a stranger in hotels. Also, once the bank gives you your ATM password, change it immediately.”

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Pa Amodu, OLDEST GRADUATE IN TOWN ...He earned his first degree at 73, still targets PhD

Pa Alimi Olarenwaju Amodu, popularly known by his admirers as the ‘youngest student,’ is a 73-year-old man whose story is unique. From Pa Amodu, the saying that what the mind can imagine the man can accomplish comes true. For him, the brain is like a battery and if charged, it works effectively. His educational activities have shown that no time is late for one to achieve his heart’s desires...

PHOTO:Pa Amodu in class at LASU


At 60, the Lagos-based Ibadan indigene retired from the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), as a clerk, after which he went back to his hometown to engage in farming. During the time, he attended a professional course in Agriculture. At 68, in 2005, he returned to Lagos, with the quest to have a university education.

Shortly, he enrolled for a diploma course in Philosophy at the Lagos State University (LASU). Two years after, he converted to a degree course in Sociology, in the same university. After all challenges and struggles, he graduated last January, in Sociology. Now, he plans to go for his Master’s degre and afterwards, PhD.

Perhaps, one would want to know why the grandpa is still struggling, with those young enough to be his grandchildren, to acquire university education up to doctorate degree level in the eve of his life.

Saturday Sun had an encounter with the supposed oldest graduate in Nigeria and he told the story of his journey.

He said: “Though I am old, I still believe that I can achieve my heart’s desires. I had my early education in 1945, at St. Andrew’s Primary School, Aba Oke Village, in Oyo State. That time, there was no means of transport and it was not easy for me to go to school. My father was an active farmer, so, I used to go to the farm before going to school. But in spite of the stress, I passed very well because I have always been a determined person. Having passed standard three, I moved to Ibadan and my first point of call was St Paul’s School, Yemetu. There, I read up to Standard Four and proceeded to St. David’s School where I obtained standard six certificate in I952. I was lucky to meet Mama Morakinyo, our class teacher, who did her best to give us a good foundation. Former Secretary to Oyo State Government, Dr. Adebisi, was my classmate. We used to close at 6pm, as a result of tutorial,” he said.

Pa Amodu was an intelligent pupil and would have continued his education, but for lack of finance. Yet the obstacles did not stop him from doing his best as a young man.

Meanwhile, having obtained the Standard Six certificate, which was an outstanding qualification those days, Pa Amodu secured a job at Costain West Africa. He worked there briefly and moved to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Ibadan in 1958, as a clerical assistant. In 1962, he was transferred to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) to assist in establishing the Medical Records Department. In the process, he attended overseas correspondence courses to upgrade his status.

“While in service, I had the interest to further my education because I knew that I have the brain. I attended some overseas courses. And in 1987, I registered for the GCE, but I did not do well. At the second attempt, I made five papers, which qualified me for university admission. So, after my retirement in 1992, I went back to Ibadan to farm. After sometime, I returned to Lagos with the intention to go back to school. When I told my children that I wanted to go back to school, they did not believe me; they asked how I could go back to school when I was supposed to be resting, but I insisted and told them that the brain is still active. I only needed to charge it. At a stage, they agreed to sponsor me to any level. Later, I enrolled for a diploma in Philosophy at LASU in 2002. In 2004, the university placed an advert for admission, I did the exam and passed and they offered me admission in Sociology; so I had to switch over,” he stated.

Narrating his university experience and activities, he said: “Though it was challenging, I enjoyed it because I have been able to achieve much. I studied Sociology for five years, and by the grace of God, I did not have any carry over. During my university days, I discovered that the brain is like the battery and if charged, it will start working again. Take, for instance, if you don’t charge the handset battery, it will stop working; so also the brain. The moment one stops reading, the brain will go down. Therefore, the brain battery needs regular charging to remain effective. I really enjoyed my university education to the fullest. I observed that there is discipline in LASU. One needs to behave well and work hard to make it there.

“As an elderly person, the school authorities respected me, but they never compromised disciplining me when necessary. We were always asked to put off our phones, while the lecture was on. There was a day I forgot to put off my phone, and it rang during lectures and our class coordinator seized it. Also, when I was in the 100 level, there was a day I slept off while lecture was on and my lecturer asked me to stand up. After sometime, he warned me not to sleep and later asked me to sit.

Thereafter, he asked me what I ate before coming to school, and when I told him that I ate rice, he advised me to always take tea instead to avoid sleeping in the class. In LASU, one has to work hard in order to pass exams. If they give you assignment, they give you deadline and there was no variation of the rule for an old student.”

At 73, one would expect that Pa Amodu should be thinking of relaxing and enjoying his investments, having trained many graduates, but he has a different plan for himself.

“I work according to my name, Olanrewaju (someone that always looks forward). I am someone who always wants progress and I still crave to contribute my quota anywhere I find myself. In fact, I want to be more relevant. My main aim is to be addressed as Dr. Alimi Olanrewaju Amodu. Then, after my doctorate degree, I hope to be a consultant or I may go into business. I am still strong at 73. I read always, sleep between 10 and 11pm and wake at 3am. If you come to my house, you will see my library. My final exams at LASU was on January 28. And the result so far was good. By the grace of God, I will commence my master’s degree programme in Social Work. Thereafter, I will go for my PhD. I decided to enroll after retirement because I want to have enough time for my education and I thank God that I have good children who really support my ambition. They cater for my education and other needs and they have promised to support me achieve my goals,” he stated.

As an elderly person among the young, Pa Amodu garnered himself so much respect that fostered good relationship among him, his lecturers and course mates. Because he actually integrated well with the system, many students got so close to him, so as to tap from his gifts and the wisdom and experience of his age.

“My relationship with the lecturers was so cordial, and they did their best to put me through. They saw me as a father and a student as well and I took them as my lecturers and children. In fact, we related very well. My relationship with my course mates was great and exciting. Even as we have graduated, we still relate. I was their key informant because I was always at the library reading. I gave them relevant materials without charge. Almost everyone in my class liked me and I played the role of a father to all of them. They respected me, as a father, but when it was time for the real business, you hardly know who is older; we played, chatted and studied together. My first grandchild is in the 200 level in the University of Lagos. That shows that most of my classmates were of my grandchildren’s age. You can see that I am now competing with my grandchildren. All my children graduated before me, and I struggled to graduate before my grandchildren.”

The advantages of his going back to school at old age are so enormous that he cannot forget them so easily. Before he enrolled in school, he could not read or write without eyeglasses. And when he got admission, he used it during lecture. But a miracle happened and he regained his sight. Today, he does not use eyeglasses again. Pa Amodu narrated: “One day, I forget to wear it. While lecture was on, I was seeing as if I was wearing the glasses. When I wanted to adjust it, I did not find anything on my eyes. So, since that day, I have not used glasses again. The more I read the more I see clearly. In fact, it was like a miracle.”

In as much as he enjoyed his educational career, Pa Amodu also met a lot of challenges, but put extra efforts to meet the required demands. “As an old man struggling with those of a different generation, I had a lot of challenges in the process. I had to struggle to board the bus and sometimes, trek in order to catch up with my lectures. I also studied day and night to ensure that I passed my exams and assignments because at my age I cannot cheat. It is just unimaginable that a grandfather should cheat where his children are the examiners and his grandchildren the course mates. I always go to the library to read. My experience in LASU opened my eyes to the truth that it is very difficult for people to survive in this country due to lack of encouragement. The government has no provision for the aged and does not encourage them in any way. So, it was just by sheer perseverance and resolve that made me succeed.”

Interestingly, Pa Amodu’s seven children, Ade, Funmilayo, Dr. Akeem, Morenike, Niyi, Sikira and Azzez, who initially did not support the decision of their aged father to return to school, but later gave him full support, were surprised at how their father excelled in an environment dominated by young people. They were later to describe their father as one who believes that learning has no limited time in human life.

One of his sons, Dr. Akeem Amodu, a senior lecturer at the Leads University, Ibadan, who spoke with Saturday Sun, admitted that he opposed his father’s decision to return to school at old age, but after much pressure, he accepted his position.

“Really, when our father told us that he wanted to enroll for his first degree at LASU, after his retirement, we advised him not to do that, because, having worked for many years and retired, the next thing is for him to rest, so that we can take care of him. But, when we saw that he was serious, we allowed him. Since then, we have been sponsoring him and we are ready to sponsor him to any level he wants to go,” he said.

At the beginning, Pa Amodu trained and sponsored the education of his seven children, and at the end, the children now sponsor Pa Amodu’s education. One good turn or investment really deserves reciprocity, you may say.
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After the recent launching of the multi million dollar satellite and its eventual succesful failure to stay in the earths orbit , maybe Pluto will accept it some industry pundits say . So we can browse the internet and maybe an MTN base station in Mars ! .Now, Some brainiacs and original Naija Rocket Scientists have come up with another brilliant masterplan ! Let us make Handsets !

The Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT), plans to start producing handsets and computer hardware in the country in less than two years.


To this end, the company has completed and commissioned a locally made Printed Circuit Board Micro Electronics Centre, manned by NIGCOMSAT engineers.

The centre will focus mainly on the production of printed circuit board - which is the basis for electronic systems - for computers and handsets.

The Managing Director of the company, Ahmed Rufai, who disclosed this at the commissioning of the centre on Tuesday in Abuja, said it will have diverse implications on the electronic industry. "Imagine if all the basic electronics we use are produced in Nigeria. Everything you are holding today is imported. But our projection is that in less than two years, we will have standard handsets produced locally. We are also talking to some local computer assembly companies to use our mother boards produced here."

Manufacturing capacity

Mr. Rufai said that at the moment, the centre has the capacity to produce 500 handsets a day and can also produce good quality mother boards for computers. He added that within the next two years they will be able to perfect the products. "What we have here is the prototype. We just want to show the concept that it can be done," he said.

He explained that NIGCOMSAT engineers have been trained to produce these boards, utilising the best international standard to bridge the gap in the Information Communication Technology industry in Nigeria and Africa at large.

He also said that the technology is a spin off from the Know-How Technology Transfer and Training of over 100 Nigerian engineers in China, UK, US and the United Arab Emirates, adding that the satellite technology encompasses all engineering aspects. "It therefore affords these talented engineers the opportunity to look at this aspect of engineering, which is rare on this continent," he said.Mr. Rufai explained that this technological intervention is crucial in the achievement of Nigeria's vision to be amongst the top 20 economies of the world in the year 2020, and the realisation of the present administration's seven-point agenda since technology is the driver of every economy.

Furthermore, he said the revenue prospect for printed circuit board is high, as China has an annual production capacity of six million valued at $80billion (N12trillion), which if replicated in Nigeria will have a great impact on the socio-economic life of the nation.

Technological revolution

Alhassan Bako Zaku, the Minister of Science and Technology, while commissioning the project said the project has marked the onset of a technological revolution in Nigeria.

"It will not only impact on our technological advancement, but also, the socio-economic effect will be positively felt especially in the area of job creation for the youth. In the area of education, the microelectronic centre will also serve as a learning ground for our undergraduates to receive hands-on training and firsthand experience in electronics manufacturing, as the centre is fully equipped to meet their educational needs," he said.

The minister said the centre will also serve local manufacturers and reduce production time and costs - as before now, they had to import the circuit boards for the manufacture and assembling of local electronic products - thereby moving Nigeria from a resource to knowledge based economy.

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