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Dear Readers, Many things happen to us in life that is beyond us, or should we call it fate? Our writer today has disappointed her parents and she needs your advice in order to make things right. Read and advise her. Thanks. your 9jabook advertisement here call 07083793511 Dear Readers, Please, help me. I don’t know how to clear this mess I got myself into. I hate to cause my parents pains, but what I have done, or should I say what I did, is causing them more than pains. It has become a serious heartache. I love my parents dearly, and they love me too, they have done too much for me. I have no option but to be a good child. Please, help me. If I say I am like the proverbial child born and raised with a silver spoon, I would not be wrong. My parents have just two of us, my senior sister and I, after they had waited on the Lord for the fruit of the womb for 10 years. My sister came at a time my father's family had given up on mummy and they had encouraged him to take another wife. Instead of taking another wife, daddy stood by his wife and directed all his energy into making his business work; that was why he had enough to give us the best when we came. My sister and I had the best any child could ask for. When I was born, I learnt, dad was away from the country on a business trip and his best friend, Uncle Macaus, who we all call Unce Mac, came to the hospital to take mummy and I home. In fact, mum told us that during my christening, he stood by her and did not allow her to miss daddy too much. Uncle Mac and dad are childhood friends, people who really did not know where they were coming from thought they were related and, most of the time, neither of them bordered to correct the impression. Uncle Mac and his wife, Aunty Tina, did not wait on the Lord like our parents did, their kids came faster than we did and they are blessed with two kids too, a boy and a girl. Their children were like our big brother and sister. Unfortunately, Aunty Tina, who had also become mummy’s good friend, died about seven years ago and Uncle Mac refused to take another wife. Because of the relationship Uncle Mac and dad had, he was always in our house and sometimes, he would take my sister and I out when we were growing up. By then his own children were away in the boarding school and later, they went to high school. When I finished my secondary school, just like my sister, I went to the US for my university education, where I read Economics. My sister finished before me and came back to Nigeria for her youth service and started working. It wasn’t a strange thing for my uncle to stop over and check on me whenever he came to the US and he happened to be close to me. Aunty Taiwo, I don’t know, how or when or what brought it up, but I discovered that Uncle Mac and I became attracted to each other. Initially, I felt it was a childhood fantasy, of course, I was no longer a child, I was in my late teens, but how else can I describe what I felt for the man who could more or less be called my father? I tried all I could to fight this feeling, but all the while I was trying, I never knew Uncle Mac felt the same way. As I stated earlier, I really cannot remember who made the first move or how we started, but I started to date my father’s best friend or should I say my father’s brother. In fact, he deflowered me, and because of this singular action, he loved me very much. Having an affair with him when I was in the US was very easy, because my parents were not there and everyone who saw us together never gave it much thought, as no one would think being with my uncle all the time was a big deal. Just like mummy asked me a few weeks ago, “why did you do this to us, what can Mac give you that we can’t give you, even more?” I did not go into the relationship with Uncle Mac for financial gains or whatever he would give me. My parents are comfortable enough to give me the best of every thing, but something, call it fate, call it anything, brings us to do things for which others or rather people will look us you and think we have actually gone crazy. When our affair started, Uncle Mac became a frequent visitor to the US. The first person who guessed that there was more to our relationship was my sister, when she came over for holiday. We stayed together in dad’s house. She asked me some questions but I lied to her. I really did not know why I lied to her, because we were so close and we did tell each other everything; but I kept this to myself. Maybe, if I had told her, she would have opened up to me, she would have told me Uncle Mac had made a pass at her too, but she refused to fall for him. That is another angle to my tale of woe. I finished my course and came back to the country for my youth service. Initially, I didn’t want to come home but daddy insisted. I wanted to stay back and start my Masters Degree immediately, but dad refused to bend the rules. When I came home, I was not lucky in Port Harcourt, and I am not so sure that my parents did not have a hand in that. Well, after orientation, I started my NYSC and seeing Uncle Mac became a little difficult. Guess you know what it is like when you love someone with your whole heart, but you have to keep your feelings to yourself as your little secret. Uncle Mac and I started travelling out of town to see each other. Sometimes, I would leave work to meet him out of town. I could remember a particular day that I almost missed my flight back to Port Harcourt when I came to Lagos with Uncle Mac. I did not tell my parents I was travelling, I wondered what would have happened if I had missed my flight that day. Do not let me bore you with these little details, but I loved Uncle Mac. I really do not know how my parents got to know, but on a day after I returned from the office, mum called me and spoke with me about this issue. I denied, of course, I couldn’t have admitted or confided in her. She told me in strong language that she and dad would be very disappointed in me if they discovered it was true. Mum went further to tell me that Uncle Mac was a womanizser and that young girls were his speciality, but to my ears, she sounded funny because I had never met any other lady with Uncle Mac, I felt she said this to paint him black before me. I honestly do not know who fed my parents with stories of my movement with Uncle Mac; the second time they spoke with me about him, dad even told me the name of the hotel where I went to with him, but, of course, I denied that, too. My parents were to travel to Lagos for a cousin’s wedding. Infact, we were supposed to travel together, but I told them I would stay back. Uncle Mac had travelled to Abuja on a business trip and I knew he would come to town that week-end. As soon as my parents left, Uncle Mac and I spoke on phone and he told me he had made arrangement for hotel accommodation for us for the two days my parents would be away. I checked into the hotel without delay. He came straight to meet me. The unthinkable happened that night when a knock at the door ushered my parents into the hotel room. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Uncle Mac was as shocked as I was. How did my parents know I was there with Uncle Mac? Were they not supposed to be in Lagos? What happened? Daddy has not said a word to me since three weeks ago. The only thing he said to Uncle Mac was: Why, Mac? Why did you do this to me? You know I loved you like a brother and I would not have done this to you? His words to Uncle Mac almost broke my heart. Dad was almost sheding tears. I would have made a case for myself, before him and everybody if I had not later learnt that Uncle Mac had asked my sister out once and that he had actually slept with and even impregnated our house maid, Aunt, Julie. I was not too young when it happened. Auntie Julie had an abortion which almost claimed her life. I thought he loved me. He had even asked me several times to be his wife. When I raised the issue of age difference, he would always tell me it didn’t matter as love is no respecter of age. Uncle Mac has disillusioned me, I am really hurt about his deceit. I would have been dwelling on that now, if I did not have to contend with my daddy. Although mum is equally angry with me, she let out her anger by giving me a piece of her mind. But dad’s silence is killing me. I really think he is dissappointed in me, I have always been his favourite. Please, advise me on what to do. Maryan. originally written by Monica Taiwo and culled from the The Tribune
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Madam Jane didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she allowed her ex-boyfriend spend the night in her home without the consent of her husband. When her husband got to know about it the next day, he was furious. But because he loves his wife dearly, he didn’t know how to handle the situation.advertisement The question Bridget AMARAEGBU sought answers from some of celebrities is, ‘was it right for his wife to have allowed her ex spend the night in their home?Enjoy it.No way, not in my own house — Lurrenz, MusicianNo, way he can’t spend the night in my house. My dear, a lot of things can happen in one minute. What I’m saying is that no matter how much we love each other, it is not advisable to give the devil any opportunity to ruin our home. Though, it’s very possible that this ex- lover just got stranded and was looking for refuge, I don’t think my house is the best place for such to happen. At worse, I can afford to pay his hotel bill for just that night, considering the danger that can befall him if he’s left in the dark. But he won’t sleep in my house for any reason.Again, I ask myself questions such as why should he be stranded around my house? Can’t he find his male friends to assist him? What about his relatives? Of all his friends, why did he remember my wife for such assistance? The fact that I’ll pay for his accommodation will be based on the love I have for my wife and I won’t even pay for more than one night, after which he should be able to find his way, unless he has an ulterior motive.Even if he hasn’t got a hidden agenda, I’ll not be comfortable if after one night he still can’t find his bearing. And you should not blame me for taking any other action. I want you to understand that most men will not even hear of it.Things that like this can lead to divorce in many African homes. We are not in the western world where nearly everything is obtainable. Some of them may not really bother if their spouse is having another affair or not. But the mind of the average black man is full of jealousy with issues such as this.And if you ask me what I’ll do if the ex-lover in question was my girlfriend, I’ll like to put it straight here that my ex-girlfriend cannot come around my matrimonial home. If she’s stranded around my house, I’ll seek the consent of my wife and together, we’ll put her in a hotel so that peace can reign.There’s no reason why anybody should allow trouble to smell around his home for no serious reasons when there are other options.I know so many men who can’t stand their women having a chat with another man. In fact, there’s a particular neighbour of mine who doesn’t allow his wife to chat with his friends and he has a good reason for doing that. No matter how much those friends of his try to persuade him, he’ll tell you that his wife is too young to handle such chat, and I don’t blame him. Since he already knows that his wife is too young, it’s better for him to shield her from danger. I’m not saying that any of those friends would begin to toast her but he has to be cautious to avoid temptations.Sometimes, when you hear that one partner is being unfaithful, it may not be intentional but as a result of the situation he or she found himself, don’t forget that the spirit may be willing but the flesh will be weak. That is why it’s better to avoid any short cut the devil can use to destroy your marriage. We’ve heard stories where unfaithful partners were bewitched, and so on. We read them on the papers and watch related issues in the movies.So, what are we talking about?Let’s all pray that we have a happy and peaceful home because it’s only God that can sustain our homes but then we should also make our own effort.Why not, I trust her — GT Guitarman, MusicianMy answer is yes. Do you know why? Because she is my wife and confidant. I don’t see any reason why I cannot trust her. Trust is the word that should hold any relationship and I believe that once that trust is not there, then a relationship as sacred as marriage should not hold in the first place. I won’t marry a woman who doesn’t love me because it’s only when a relationship is not built on love that the people involve find it difficult to trust themselves. I’ll like to give my spouse that opportunity to prove her love for me.I won’t allow a visit — Henry Ojo, Creative artistHonestly, I don’t know where you get all these inspirations from but if you insist that it’s a true life story, then I’ll tell you my mind. The truth remains that I’ll not allow my wife’s ex to even visit my house, not to talk of spending the night in my house. No forget say na from clap dem de follow enter dance…o. From spending one night, he may have to visit again and before you know it, so many things might begin to happen.Another thing is that any woman who can bring her ex- boyfriend to her husband’s house is mad. As far as I’m concerned, she can lodge him in the hotel and do whatever she likes with him there but not in my house.It’s an assault to marriage — Amaka Johnson, ModelMy dear, such a thing is not advisable because no matter how much love we profess for each other, I’ll never be comfortable with myself as long as this ex-lover of his is in the house. Anything can happen when a man and woman who are not related are left alone in the same house.While I was growing up my grandmother always reminded us that you don’t keep yam and goat together and come back to find them the way you left them, no way, and I believe her.Apart from the fact that he can also do whatever he likes with her elsewhere if he doesn’t want me to know, I’m still better off if he does it outside my knowledge. Sleeping with her in our home will mean an assault on my marriage.No, old firewood no dey quench — Ebeye Amanda, ActressNo, I’ll not allow that to happen. Is it that she can’t find any other place to spend the night? I’ll only be a fool to think that nothing will happen between them that night because anything can happen. Do you still remember that saying, old firewood no dey quench? I don’t even expect her to still have my husband’s contact in the first place because they should have been separated long before now. So what is she still looking for in his home if not trouble?It’s not my business if he goes looking for her elsewhere but it won’t happen under my roof, never.Many things can happen in one night — Fragrance, MusicianAh! No way, eeh too many things can happen in one night. I can’t trust any man to the extent of allowing his ex-girlfriend to come spend the night in my matrimonial home. At worse I can rent a room for her in a hotel but she won’t sleep under the same roof with me and my husband. That one is not safe at all and that’s my personal view on this issue, any other persons opinion is welcome.
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You have no reason not to work for humanity

We all are called to do the work of charity. In this case, there is no barrier and by that I mean how much you have. Sometimes we think it’s meant for those who have enough but let it be clear that human wants are insatiable for even the rich are still wanting for more wealth like the famous Oliva Twist. Charity as the Holy bible says covers a multitude of sin. This implies that God Almighty has every authority to forgive our iniquities just because we partake in the work of helping humanity (i.e. charity). Again, it does not mean we frequently sin and then take the antidote ‘charity work’ to cancel our debt. Not at all, we are made special by the creator of all things to control the environment we live in. You are never on your own as you cannot do without the other, so no man is an island. Something came to mind when I am concluding this writing about the parable of the rich fool in the bible who parked his rich harvests in the stores and was throwing party. He never woke up the next day as God demanded his soul. If one keeps wanting and remained insatiable in life, he may get full satisfaction in the grave and who knows what next?Today we have charity organizations, philanthropists and international bodies doing the work of charity. The common truth here is that they are not paid back reason because the clients are not poised to pay, instead they reap and that’s practical love. The work of charity does far more than donation. Charity in our various homes gives rise to a better society because the home is the fundamental part of the society where various characters abound. Contributing partially or immensely in moral upbringing of people around you is charity as well. This time around is it more than making donations as money could not buy you life; life eternal. Let’s build our homes with charity and love so that the society will improve. Helping others morally is very important while giving alms is nice as well but let’s merge the two (i.e. helping morality and doing almsgiving). If I keep giving to someone without giving morals or exhibiting true love through character, the beneficiaries see it as ordinary thing. Please note that the author is writing with experience using the teachings of Christ Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Here he refers to the feeding of the 5000 men by Christ Jesus. At first they love listening to his sermons, secondly he performed miracles but Christ himself feeling for them demanded that a miracle be made and that was the multiplication of few loafs of bread. Remark that he (Jesus Christ) fed the moral food first before the perishable bread.Like the author stated initially, we are all stakeholders in the work of charity. There should not be excuses here because you are given all it takes to exercise your right as real humans. Your conscience tells you better when you are doing anything to salvage the world. No matter how little you have, ensure you share with others. See that the candle does not lose any light igniting the other candle as so is charity. Give and you receive.
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A good friend showed me the way to a home boutique last week. These are prized haunts in uptown Johannesburg because they suggest by their very size and inherent uniqueness that the goods they harbour will be imported, from a limited inventory and therefore exclusive, truly one in town. Shoe shopping is a pastime that makes most women’s eyes light up. So I drove behind her in happy anticipation of irresistible bargains and pleasant female bonding. It was not to be and I knew that deep down. Soon to be fifty-six is a far cry from twenty five when the threshold for pain and discomfort in pursuit of beauty is as sky high as the heels that are now the current fashion. I did try a pair, the lowest of the highs available with the latest thick, curving, heel and a vamp that thrust the arch of the foot forward and encased it in wide leather bands that allowed a glimpse of the toes, a traditional seductive hide and seek effect. Yeah, right. But there was no way to walk in those structures without cringing at each step and how unsexy is that? Those shoes may have been to die for, but I was not prepared to. Somehow when you are young and female, you do not think like that, and you are not expected to either. Joseph Wayas, Second Republic Senate President knew a thing or two where that was concerned. In a story he recounted himself, he announced he had a peeve about women, especially fine young women, in cheap scruffy shoes. He never let them walk into his presence. He once sent a young lady who had came to see him out of his office with money to get herself a pair of befitting shoes before she came in to see him again. We all know how that goes, the scrutinizing stare that starts at your feet first and ends up at your face. It puts a whole new meaning to Shakespeare’s description of the eyes as the window to the soul. Only your shoes. Women especially have honed this skill of instantaneous assessment, grading and filing to a fine art. Men are not bad at it either but their parameters tend to be far more humane and generous, as exemplified by the former Senate President. For a young working girl, next to rent, and possibly a car, shoes are a major budget priority. Cheap or expensive, they cost a lot to maintain. First of all Nigerian streets are not kind to shoes and delicate heels do not have a chance. The tips come off and once that happens the lining on the shank peels and tears. So no matter how well groomed you look on top, your shoes tell the story of the struggle that is your life. In the old days, right beside the famous Balogun market in downtown Lagos, the shoe emporium of choice, were a slew of repair shops, Lady Cobbler was one of them if I remember correctly. Today shoe repair kiosks dot our city landscapes. If you ever wondered why shoes in the markets look squeezed out of shape, just imagine the conditions under which they were “imported” and say to yourself ditto for the Nigerian garment retail trade. Long after rush hour in Lagos one would drive by a trail of shoes and slippers on a highway, a testimony to the scramble to get transport and in one glance you would get a window into the soul of life in Lagos, for a majority of its population. For the other minority in the old GRA (government reserved area) bastions stilettos, kitten heels, Manholo Blahniks and Christian Laboutins can work. Its out of the air conditioned house, into the air conditioned car and up the air conditioned elevator in clean, freshly pressed clothes all things, especially diesel and generator, being equal. It is still high maintenance albeit at a different level. On the streets though, the corner shoe kiosks with heaps of sturdy, wide heeled sandals, made of strong, synthetic material, fashioned for balance comfort and unimpeded movement, tell the story of how the other majority navigate the streets of their lives. More women in trousers is part of the tale, it’s easier to get on to a motorbike. Smaller shacks and a reduced ‘inventory” relates to how much a trader can carry on an Okada More people walking on bridges and highways, describes the expanding urban centres and a buying capacity that is still shrinking. Those shoe littered streets are less evident now in Lagos with an augmented public transport system and attention now paid to cleaning the streets. But the pressure is unceasing.
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Special Shakara Advert for today is : For a Competent Computer Instructor and Mobile Computer Engineer call Adebola 07083838410 Get your Advert today sent to thousands for no F.E.E ! Yes you heard right ! powered by EXCLUSIVE INSIDE ASO ROCK Written by Jide Ajani Sunday Vanguard and Adapted by Weboga and Akin Osunlaja Is Yaradua a Strange man ? is he one of those eccentric Teachers we all remmeber in school (yoruba were or kolo mine was my Art Teacher Mr Isuosuo we used to call him tolotolo because of his long neck .My apologies sir but that your cane no dey rest ) Lets come back to the the number one Teacher in naija and the First gentleman as rumors abound that Turai his beautiful wife wears the sokoto or trousers in Aso rock.They are rumours please, no one should conclude. . Ok some People get the "Idea" that 9jabooks pimomynaija Editors& bloggers dont Like The HNIC (head Naija in charge ) But that is not true . We always try to give a fair judgement of the man.His health, his reputation and Above all his Suitability for office .Our friends at Sunday Vanguard have a very different view from this piece below.For a second one might think They were talking about Obama ! READ ON all comments with (PMP Pimp My President is from Us ) ! Enjoy ! This report presents insiders’ accounts of how President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has been running the affairs of state, depicting true life situations, inside Aso Rock Presidential Villa, Abuja. This report was pieced together using words of very close presidential aides and former ministers. This is by no means an endorsement of Yar’Adua’s presidential style as he is known to operate a close-knit administration it is, however, an attempt to open him up to Nigerians.( pmp:Thanks E be li ke say dem don settle you ) WAITING TO SEE MR. PRESIDENT State Governors Come And See-O Just last Tuesday, May 20, 2009, some state governors experienced what it meant to wait to see President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. The day depicted a typical day in presidential affairs. In the last two weeks, the earliest time the President has closed from office, according to sources inside Aso rock Presidential Villa is about 8.15pm. In fact, many governors have had to sit all day waiting for him. After last Tuesday’s National Economic Council, NEC, meeting, presided over by Vice President Goodluck Jonathan, some of the state governors made a push to see President Yar’Adua. Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State, Peter Obi, Anambra State Governor, and Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, wanted to have an audience with him. All three of them had to contend with the hectic schedule of the President.(PMP some schdule ! who is his secretary that governors have to wait for him have they not heard of appointments before ?) ANOTHER MEETING IN THE VILLA Yar’Adua’s Charge To Power Minister Earlier, in late March, President Yar’Adua made an unusual confession to the effect that he “can hardly sleep again because of the power situation”. It was immediately after this that he gave a blank cheque to Lanre Babalola, the minister of Power. At a meeting in Aso Rock Presidential Villa, between the Minister of Power, Lanre Babalola, Vice President and Petroleum Minister, Rilwanu Lukman, Eng Emeka Ezeh, Bureau of Public Procurement Director General; Michael Aoondoakaa, Attorney General of the Federation; Tanimu Yakubu, Chief Economic Adviser, as well as top officials from the Ministries of Petroleum, Power and NNPC, the President reportedly told the Power Minister: “Anything you need to succeed, I will give you. If anybody stands in your way and you want him or her out, just tell me and I will clear such a person for you. But I want results. I can hardly sleep again because of the power situation. I made a pledge to Nigerians that by the end of this year, they will enjoy stable electricity and it is a pledge I intend to keep. My name and credibility is at stake on this issue.” Even when Vice President Goodluck Jonathan chipped in that the credibility of everybody in the administration is at stake, including that of the Minister himself, it did not take President Yar’Adua long to charge back: “No, it is my credibility that is at stake. How many Ministers of Power have we had and who remembers them? If things fail tomorrow, Lanre (the minister) is a young man. He will simply dust his CV again and begin to look for another job but Nigerians will remember the promise I made.”Since then, President Yar’Adua has been getting a daily update from the Ministry and directed that the Minister can see him anytime he wants. Sunday Vanguard was made to understand that the Power Minister now has unfettered access to President yar’Adua. In fact, the minister is said be to provide a daily briefing to President Yar’Adua on every of his efforts. .(PMP so the power minister now has quick access to him . I see .perhaps he should have quick access to NEPA CV ? Which president of naija needs a CV for another Job with the Fat Pension in Ghana must go bags they are awarded during office they dont need a CV ) PRESIDENT YAR’ADUA’S DAILY ROUTINE As a devout Muslim who takes his prayers very seriously, President Yar’Adua rises from bed any time between 5am and 5:30 am. He says his prayers. That is apart from special prayers he offers in the middle of the night. President Yar’Adua starts receiving visitors from around 8am. He resumes in office by 9.30am from whence official work commences. But before that day starts, President Yar’Adua, just as was revealed by Alhaji Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari in his auto-biography, meets with his personal staff, especially the State Chief of Protocol and Principal Secretary. .(PMP thank God he prays no comment .insha allah they will be answered ) The first thing Yar’Adua does in the office is to go through the summary of newspaper stories and editorials for the day. This is the forte of Olusegun Adeniyi; the summary is usually prepared by the office of the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity. After this, there is a briefing by State Chief of Protocol for the assignments of the day and the Principal Secretary for whatever directives President Yar’Adua wants to give. All these are routine. What is not routine is the closing time. There is no fixed time. President Yar’Adua normally returns from office to the house, within the same Presidential Villa between 6pm and 10pm This has become the norm in recent times. Before, he would leave office between 6PM and 7PM. There is what a source described as ‘night-runs’, that is visits, which would begin around 9.30pm. But since he started closing late, night visits have been cancelled. But occasionally, there are some people Mr. President would still see at night..(PMP night runs ? wetin be that ? sounds very maradonaish with lots of magomago spiced with some jibiti .ok we hear it is meeting with the power minister. good work guys ! We wish you guys had a 20generators like we do in our apartment block or Block of Flats ) PRESIDENTIAL MANNERISMS And whereas President Yar’Adua cracks jokes, he stays within the confines of decency, Sunday Vanguard was reliably informed. “Mr. President is a human being .(PMP are we sure ? ) and, therefore, he cracks jokes, normal jokes but definitely not dirty jokes”, a minister told Sunday Vanguard. During meetings, information available to 7 suggests that the President is a good listener and does not interrupt when someone is making his point. However, he is blunt, while at the same time, he is said to put his points of view across politely. President Yar’Adua does not suffer fools. .(PMP no comment ) Sunday Vanguard was made to understand by another former minister that “it is part of his nature to listen to you and correct you if he thinks you are wrong. He gives you the appropriate guidance that you need to do your work instead of allowing you to beat about the bush. He, however, allows one a lot of initiatives. He does not give you a job and then follow you around. What he expects is results”. Sunday Vanguard learnt from one of the ministers who was dumped during the cabinet reshuffle that one minister almost lost her job because Mr. President was very angry about her attitude to work. MR. PRESIDENT’S SHORT AND LONG MEETINGS Yar’Adua’s type of meetings, Sunday Vanguard went about asking people: Does he like them sharp and short? President Yar’Adua can be unpredictable at times..(PMP o yes like NEPA and the promises he made ) Ordinarily, Yar’Adua would rather have his meetings short and sharp. However, this does not in any way mean that he would sacrifice expressiveness on the alter of time limit. He is said to allow each person at meetings to be as expressive possible as .And therein lies the irony. Allowing people to express themselves very well have sometimes led to long meetings, some of which have gone on to last for as long as six to seven hours. Yar’Adua can be meticulous even to a fault and that is why some people think his administration is just too slow. He places much premium on strategic planning. Therefore, his actions are well thought out and he does not react instinctively to issues. SYCHOPHANTS, PLEASE SHIFT When you visit a state governor and his commissioners want to address him, they all use the appellation, ‘His Excellency, The Governor of Kuturu State, Governor I-Done-Chop’. In most cases, the 11-word prefix ends up being repeated more often than the real sense to be made. Sunday Vanguard gathered that Yar’Adua would rather prefer Mr. President, as against the practice some tried to introduce in the very early days of his presidency which was: His Excellency, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, President Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. Now, when a minister prefixes every sentence with this 17-word (not minding the compound word C-in-C), won’t the sense be lost in whatever sense is to be made? “ He prefers Mr. President”, Sunday Vanguard was told, “essentially because it saves time and does not tend towards sycophancy. But he is too polite to stop those who enjoy making all those introductions. HIS MOUTH, HIS FOOD Some argue that President Yar’Adua is endowed with good stature. Others insist that it is a function of his health. Between these two extremes lay the fact that Yar’Adua is not a very heavy eater, not a glutton of sorts. He is said not to eat much. .(PMP you see how the man lepa you dey talk say him no dey chop ? ) Sunday Vanguard confirmed that he eats biscuits and drinks tea a lot, especially in the office. That way, he keeps his metabolism in check..(PMP Abeg make una give the man food ! nobody want talk say yardy no well ! Feed him please !) ADMINISTERING NIGERIA Whereas Yar’Adua may be a good listener who respects other people’s opinion, especially because he has walled himself with young intellectuals who are both enlightened and exposed, it is his background as a teacher that enhances his capacity to patiently guide his subordinates to do the right thing. Sunday Vanguard was made to understand that President Yar’Adua rebukes, politely, officials of state in camera and praises good work in the open. In fact, during the cabinet reshuffle, President Yar’Adua was said to have written and personally signed letters of appreciation to some ministers who were retained. Even those who were shown the way out got their own letters from President Yar’Adua appreciating their contributions to nation building at a time like this. AS A COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF As part of the character of President Yar’Adua not to dwell on presumptuousness, but rely on hard facts, he is said to have a listening ear. He is said to listen patiently to his service chiefs. Not being a professional soldier, Yar’Adua is said to ascertain the correctness of decisions by encouraging everyone to participate in discussions. He is, however, firm but the need for the military to remain professional in the discharge of their duties remains very strong. He doesn’t pretend to know everything..(PMP that is quite obvious he doest not ! ) YAR’ADUA’S HEALTH IS HIS WEALTH .(PMP are we talking about the same person here I know Obama is a chain smoker but What does wealth and health have to do with yaradua ? his wealth ok but cant this people just come out straight and say the man is ill ! we wish him good health but with a job like the one he has ! well..) Some more discerning observers have come to the conclusion that there is nothing abnormal about Yar’Adua’s health. As Yar’Adua himself has said, he is not superhuman, therefore, he is like any other human being that falls sick and gets well. When he visited Vanguard premises during the campaigns of 2007, the same question was posed. His response was that it is evil of any individual to wish death upon a fellow human being. The expression on his face betrayed his anger. But he continues to confound critics of his health. During a briefing with State House Correspondents recently, on his position on the electoral reform, Ekiti rerun election and Halliburton bribery scam, the President was on his heels for more than an hour. Even the correspondent s were astounded. During the campaigns at the Events Place in Victoria Island, Lagos, Yar’Adua addressed the business community for over two hours standing. PRESIDENTIAL WEAKNESS President Umar Musa Yar’Adua is said to be too patient and that constitutes a weakness. .(PMP tell that to MEND , tell that to the ijaw people TELL that to the marines ! patient ? e no waste time bomb Niger Delta !) He is said to lead his staff to arrive at decisions more accurately by emphasizing the need to rely on facts rather than sentiments. He is quick to admit faults and accepts correction even from subordinates..(PMPmaybe he should accept some of the correction of his citizens ) But would some people not exploit this? Well, as President and C-in-C, it is for him to be circumspect. But is he? Yes, some politicians very close to him insist. HIS WIFE, HIS CHARM Turai Yar’Adua, Nigeria’s First Lady, is said to play her role as a wife and a mother at home. She is said not to be involved in state administration..(PMP ok ok ok ok ! Rumours ! My best friend says there is one about the president wearing the Apron ) This is a far cry from the impression that people outside have of President Yar’Adua’s family. Nay Sayers insist that President Yar’Adua is dominated by Turai Yar’Adua. None has, however, come out with any proof. (Woman na Woman o ! We no need proof ! ) But if a man’s likeness for his children and his grandchildren, and the fact that he makes out quality time to spend with them means he sops to his wife, then President Yar’Adua is very guilty because he loves his grand children and really makes out time to be with them..(PMP maybe he should remember he is a Father to the nation and the kids living on the streets need his attention too ) Yar’Adua insists that Turai’s activities as First Lady must remain low key, and as much as possible should not involve state funds. BETWEEN PRESIDENT YAR’ADUA AND VICE PRESIDENT JONATHAN The relationship between both men is said to be very cordial. He understands that he needs the confidence and respect of his deputy. This he believes should be earned through mutual respect and understanding. Therefore, Yar’Adua carries his deputy along, ensuring that the Jonathan has enough work to do. Vice President Jonathan, too, has the confidence of his boss because he (deputy) continues to carry himself with dignity. Jonathan, Sunday Vanguard gathered, will hardly do anything without his boss’ consent since he has played that role elsewhere before – at least he was described as the docile deputy to Diepreye Alamieyeseigha of Bayelsa State, only to outfox him and become governor. Most of the stories being peddled that Jonathan a mere handbag may not be particularly true, according to Aso Rock insiders who should know. Some even query Jonathan’s relevance on account of the onslaught in the Delta. But it does appear as if some people fail to recognise that the Vice President is the Vice President of Nigeria and not Vice President of Ijaw nation. Fortunately, the VP understands his roles and responsibilities. .(PMP Mr badluck jonathan will bomb his mother's house to remain VP PERIOD ! ) PRESIDENTIAL STRENGTH Yar’Adua’s strongest point is what some ministers describe as his sincerity of purpose and the commitment to lead Nigeria out of the woods and take her to the comity of great nations. One of his handlers told Sunday Vanguard that “he has a vision of a great Nigeria that is politically stable and economically prosperous” In fact, President Yar’Adua is said to have told some of his aides that a four-year tenure is like a long-distance race rather than a 100 metre dash race and “you don’t run a 400 metre race like 100 metres if you truly want to succeed. If you watch the Olympics, successful athletes build momentum gradually and thereby end in a strong way.” “That has always been his style”, Sunday Vanguard was told. Of course some people are very good at drawing applause in their first year in office by simply playing to the gallery but at the end of their tenure when you look back there is hardly any concrete achievement you can point to. By December 2011, some predict, Yar’Adua “wants to be able to look back with satisfaction for the difference he has made in the lives of Nigerians in the area of critical infrastructure, including power, transportation, security, food security, human capital development and wealth creation. By the end of this year for instance, the dredging of River Niger, which has been mere talk since independence, would have been done. All is set for it and “we’re just waiting for the water level to rise; it is already slated for between July and December and the contractor has been mobilised for the job. Also by year ending, railway, as mode of transportation would be back to Nigeria with the holistic plan for which Nigeria will sign an MOU with General Electric next week”, another ministerial appointee, added. Yar’Adua: 24 months of uncertainty .(PMP YOU ALL GOT THAT RIGHT ! hope it is not another 24months ) .(PMP over and out ! The rest of this article is what Fela calls Demo ! maybe it is the whole article itself .) Dapo Akinrefon & Charles Kumolu IN what many described as a script of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, President Umar Yar’Adua sold his seven point agenda to party stalwarts and maybe other Nigerians, as a campaign slogan. In most quarters, this was viewed as a part of the factors, needed to sell candidate Yar’Adua to Nigerian voters. Sure, the agenda may not have failed in all areas as many think, but it does not neglect some areas where it seems promising. Unfulfilled pledges: Power sector. The average Nigerian appears not to have felt any impact of the seven point agenda. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, had promised fixing Nigeria’s troubled power sector, in 1999. Following this pledge a former head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, was given the assignment of helping to resuscitate the sector. Same was Yar’Adua, whose sole campaign slogan, was declaration of state of emergency on the power sector. Yet, power supply has plummeted from what it was in May 29, 2007. The bottomline is that there is concern among Nigerians and foreign investors alike at the slow pace the President seems to handle the crisis. The promises- Power and energy, Food and security, Wealth creation, Transport sector, Land reforms, Security, Education, Anti corruption war, Electoral reforms Wealth creation and human capital development Productivity growth, equity, poverty eradication and security, have remained it its pre-2007 state. Though the 2009 budget provided adequate provisions to address the issue of wealth creation, human capital development and guarantee of security to life and property, yet, most Nigerians have remained wretched. Niger Delta The emergence of Goodluck Jonathan as Yar;Adua’s running mate, then, however, was expected to douse the tension in the creeks. But that was far from what the people yearn. Even the creation of a ministry for the region could not stop the anger of an impoverished people. These experiments, only heightened the crisis in the oil rich region. As at the time of filing in this report, booming guns are threatening the lives of the people in the creeks. Pledges realised Though far from the seven point agenda., what this administration appears to have realised, is uncertainly about its direction. Aside, the functionality of the rule of law, most aspects of Nigeria’s life have been at a low ebb. Security Internal security in this dispensation, has remained in it its pre 1999 state. The growing insecurity in the Niger Delta, explains much about the spate of insecurity in the last two years. Today, Abuja, Kano, Lagos, Port-Harcourt, Maiduguri & Onitsha have remained the highest crime spots in the country. Anti corruption Promise: “We are determined to intensify the war against corruption, more so because corruption is itself central to the spread of poverty. Its corrosive effect is all too visible in all aspects of our national life. This is an area where we have made significant progress in recent years, and we will maintain the momentum.” The war against corrupt on seems to be heading Nigeria to nowhere Electoral reforms Promise: We acknowledge that our elections had some shortcomings. Thankfully, we have well-established legal avenues of redress, and I urge anyone aggrieved to pursue them. I also believe that our experiences represent an opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Accordingly, I will set up a panel to examine the entire electoral process with a view to ensuring that we raise the quality and standard of our general elections, and thereby deepen our democracy.” Verdict: The Uwais report on the reforms, has remained at the mercy of some powerful forces. Yar’Adua Govt In Figures * 24.893 billion, Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Yar’Adua’s first year in office (2008). * N2.67 trillion the budget proposed by President Yar’Adua to the National Assembly for 2008. It was increased to N3.049 trillion by the NASS and Yar’Adua now says he can’t implement it. * 6,000 megawatts the total electricity capacity targeted by the Federal Government by December up from current average of 2000 megawatts. * N628.875 billion the intervention fund for the power sector in 2009 of which N288.223 billion is FG’s contribution. * N50 billion - aggregate allocation to the Niger Delta in 2009. * 3,293 kilometres of road earmarked for construction and rehabilitation. * 12,000 hectares of arable land to be irrigated. A KITCHEN CABINET Those who see the President more than other people and those to whom the President relates with respectfully are as follows: Engineer Emeka Ezeh, the Director General of the Bureau of Public Enterprise. Chief Mike Aondoakaa, Minister of Justice and Attroney General of the Federation. Dr Lanre Babalola, Minister of Power, Yayale Ahmed, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF Alhaji Adamu Aliero, FCT Minister (by virtue of his position as landlord) Tanimu Yakubu, Chief Economic Adviser Abba Ruma, Agriculture Minister Dr Muhtah Mansur, Finance Minister Sarki Mukthar, National Security Adviser, NSA
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Dangers in using a generator at home.

Deadly Gas Avoid it.Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is present in the exhaust produced in gasoline engines. Boats release carbon monoxide through the exhaust ports of vessels that are either idling or underway and exhaust from generator sets. When inhaled, carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in tissues.What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may include nausea, dizziness, confusion, headache and fainting; however, people often mistakenly attribute these symptoms to too much alcohol, sun, and noise, or to motion sickness from the water or exhaustion. Exposure to carbon monoxide in large amounts or for a long duration results in death.Traditionally, carbon monoxide poisonings have occurred in many homes that have poor ventilation and the use of generators.How can I protect my family from carbon monoxide?There are many ways to protect your family from the dangers of carbon monoxide.Use a Carbon Monoxide Detector – These detectors is easy to use in or homes where we have generators. They sense a moderate level of carbon monoxide present in the environment and you see the level of the danger when the colour in the detector changes alert the occupants of the danger. This is available for only N1, 200How can I get more information about carbon monoxide?To learn more about the dangers of carbon monoxide, view our website or call 08033912991, 08033464575 For a copy of the pamphlet and advice on this silent killer in our environment. or write to Infineon Nigeria Limited, 81, Allen Avenue Street, Ikeja Lagos. Distributors wanted nationwide
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The future of Social Networking is in your wallet! ...and the wallet of your closest friends, and their closest friends, and so on and so on. Forget the hype about total networks on each of the many social networking platforms ... it's just that... hype. There is no point in building a platform of social networks without also providing the means, method, and support system to allow those Network Creators and their members to make money... lots of money! The halcyon days of Social Networking version 1.0 are OVER my friends. The world economy, and the Web 2.0 economy, are now into RED ALERT mode. Unless you plan on surviving the financial "nuclear winter" by living off your rich uncle's inheritance money, you need a PLAN on how you can build a home-grown, bootstrapped business that can generate real profits through Social Networking. The Secret is in getting back to Basics - Human Nature 101 Humans are pack animals. Call it a "herd" mentality. We like to believe that we think for ourselves, but in reality most of us follow the lead of the others around us and try to pick up the signals of "danger" or "opportunity" in our immediate environment. This reactionary mechanism can be harnessed by those who understand it. If Network Creators are provided with a means, a method, and a support system to create MICRO ECONOMIES within their own particular niche, then the entire world of Social Networking will be turned on its head. They can draw other members of their own "herd" who have similar interests and who likewise are spooked by recent economic events to focus their energy and spending on focused activities, both business and pleasure. These members will also want to participate in the profit-generating potential of a niche Network that is empowered with the proper membership tools. Rather than thinking that people simply want to create destinations based on a hobby, activity, business, or a sport - we should be thinking that people want to create ECONOMIC destinations based on these niches, and give them an ability to utilize the wealth of information and interaction that goes on within each of them. It's the DATA stupid! It is patently absurd for a platform to suggest that Network Creators can create any sort of network they wish and take their data with them -- when in fact it is technically impossible without hiring a special developer to write custom tools or programs at a cost exponentially higher than that platform's premium membership fees. Why would a person interested in creating profit waste time with this nonsense? Instead, the future of Social Networking is with platforms that provide INHERENT TOOLS that give FULL CONTROL to the Network Creator to build MICRO ECONOMIES that generate extremely valuable DATA from the interactions between the members of that niche network. This data can be recycled within the network itself for a multitude of purposes that perpetuate the financial cycle, including, but not limited to: 1. Cross Marketing between members; 2. Trading Posts / Barter exchange between members; 3. Advertising by members to others that come to the niche network for information; 4. Reselling of premium content generated by members themselves; 5. Aggregation of data by many members regarding shared events or reference points, where the sum of the whole is worth more than the individual pieces (crowd-sourcing); Who shall lead us to the Promised Land? One word... TRUST! Is the Emperor wearing any clothes today? Are you being told one thing and then given another? Does the leader of your platform have a history of behavior that is contradictory to the goals that they promote publicly? These are all relevant questions to ask. Those who survive the present "panic mode" will do so because they turn LOCAL instead of GLOBAL, and try to focus on making the most money from the smallest group of similarly situated members. They must also TRUST that the PLATFORM they choose has a business model that is designed to make this possible. Once a Network Creator commits to building a network on a platform, it can be a DISASTER if that Platform's leader decides to exact a pound of flesh and BAN or DELETE the Network or Network Creator from the platform - destroying months of work and hundreds of thousands of valuable data objects. When smaller IS better! The PLATFORM must not have a goal of creating the greatest number of total networks. This merely creates a dilution of the Platform's capital and resources. Rather, the Platform must create tools and services that allow a SMALLER group of networks to make a larger NET PROFIT. The less mouths there are too feed, the more likely it is that the tribe will survive. Why would a Platform brag to its tribe members (Network Creators) that it has hundreds of thousands members ... when the reality is that all of these tribes are feeding from the same plate of Platform resources? The only possible rationale would be an desire to sell out the tribe to a bigger tribe down the road since the more mouths there are to feed, the less resources are available for each tribal member. Instead of trying to grow infinitely large, a platform should give each member the tools to go out and hunt and gather for themselves... with each successful kill being shared up the chain with the tribal leader (Platform). This symbiotic method ensures the survival of both the indidudal Networks as well as the platform as a whole. Who's your Daddy? Let us not forget the most important three letter word in the dictionary... FUN! It is a proven fact that people who are having fun are more willing to spend money. Can you say "VEGAS" anyone? Why should Social Networking be so serious? The future of Social Networking involves a RELAXED and self-effacing educational process for Network Creators. The PLATFORM must have an open and supportive environment for the Network Creators who are trying to learn how to build profitable MICRO ECONOMIES. It should not be PUNITIVE or RETRIBUTIVE towards those who express their opinions, fears, concerns, or complaints. The Successful Platform will be the one that LAUGHS AT ITSELF when necessary, while also making sure that there is no hypocrisy in their own actions. It is FINE to be the guardian of the greater good and to sequester trolls when needed, but this does NOT mean censorship of those who indicate that the platform's PROMISES have not been met. And when the time comes for an explanation... PUHLEASE... "just the facts ma'm"... no hyperbole or double-talk!
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