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advertisement n December 2010, an ambitious campaign was launched by the President tagged, "Bring Back the Book," in an effort to revitaliz...

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1.Doesn't receive calls in your presence,often walks away from you to receive his/her calls.

2.You dare not read his/her text messages or you always find his/her "inbox" empty.

3. Will always want you to inform him/her of your visit before you come.

4.His/her words are not consistent,you will often detect lies.

5.He/she is fast to always accuse you of not trusting him/her,you don't trust ?.You feel i am not being faithful?If he/she is always concluding like that then it's very likely he/she is being unfaithful truly.

6.He/she most time introduces you to the opposite gender as a friend and not as a girlfriend/boyfriend.Beware it's very likely the person you 've just being introduced to is also his/her hidden friend(lover).

7.Looks at you funny sometimes

8.Goes on outings without informing you as before

9.Complains about almost everything you do

10.Stops being very intimate usually the ladies

What are your experiences ?

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What Naija Girls Must Know About Violence Love

Violence love is never new to us. It happens every day with all kind of people. Violence in any form isn’t love it’s just to maneuver you. It has the possibility of killing somebody even if the person never meant to kill.You can even notice more signs as time goes on for example short signs of bad-tempered envy, endless phone call or an enquiry to know your whereabouts and who you go out with every time. Initially, you have a sense of pride that you are desired and wanted.Violence love is quite devastating; victims of such relationships are either dead or end up in hospital. Just as you think, nobody has ever taken it seriously. Nobody believes violence love would ever happen to him or her. It’s dangerous for you to involve in any form of violence love.The more time you spend in violence love the more deadly it becomes. It’s better imagined than experienced because you think the one you truly love will change. Except you walk out of violence love your partner may not change because habits are die hardNkechi, a 20 year old undergraduate once said, “Prince’s name rings bell in campus. I never knew why he prefers me to other girls because he’s rich; He rented a house for me and furnished it, lavished me with money and made me feel unique. Not quite long, four months to be correct he suddenly changed. He started calling me names and seriously warned me never to give any guy my attention. I couldn’t believe him till the day he threatened to kill me with his gun if I ever thought of leaving him.According to John Dobson in his book; Love must be tough, girls must be tough too with love. It doesn’t mean you should be strict in relationship no! It simply means that those real instances of abuse that threatens relationships must be noticed and promptly dealt with within the context of love.If violence is not quickly dealt with in relationship, Partners may one day use “violence means” at the slightest disagreement to settle differences. The earlier the better, or else those violence acts will become habit that is difficult to break!
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Question: DID YOU KNOW WOLE SOYINKA's Daughter works in the Presidency ? Since OBJs Tenure until NOW !

Well Read On

Ejusdem Generis is Latin for "of the same kind," used to interpret loosely written statutes. Where a

law lists specific classes of persons or things and then refers to them in general, the general

statements only apply to the same kind of persons or things specifically listed. Example: if a law refers

to automobiles, trucks, tractors, motorcycles and other motor-powered vehicles, "vehicles" would not

include airplanes, since the list was of land-based transportation.

Our interpretation for Ejusdem Generis

if a law refers to Nigerian Leaders who have been Soldiers, Politicians, and other corruption-powered

People, "People" would not include writers (wole soyinka), since the list was of Presidential-based


Lagos—political calculations and/or miscalculations could solidify certain sainthood, definitely, it is

possible, it could diminish it. Furthermore, alleged Sainthood could come crumpling, turn to dust,

albatross, because man is just ordinary mortal despite alleged provocation at lunacy of actionable

journalistic responsibilities.

It is definitely, colossally disparaging that “Our Dear” respectable enough Noble Laureate is struggling

today to get away from “his friend IBB”—it must be tough on him despite his “pretended ignorance” at

Remi Oyeyemi’s article, ignorance of RepublicReport’s publications, ignorance of other institutional

publications in print and electronically by Nigeria Media out-lets, who got frustrated by Soyinka’s

unending romance with “Evil Genius” Ibrahim B. Babangida. This dubious romance dated back to 80s &

90s,when IBB appointed Soyinka—Chairman Federal Road Safety Commission [FRSC], an appointment

that “triggered” massive recruitment of Sea-Dog secrete Cult-Members to become Road Marshals to

protect the citizenry by the eminent professor, reports say.

Obviously this is followed by numerous visits to Aso-Rock of any administration in power [military or


Nobel Laureate Soyinka admitted visited former President Obasanjo administration Headquartered in

Abuja, [1999-2007] many times.

Reporters observed that it was unusual for Soyinka to visit a sitting President in Aso Rock:

In response, the Nobel Laureate disclosed that he used to visit former President, Olusegun Obasanjo

in the Presidential Villa until he became disappointed in the retired General.

“Well, you know, people tend to forget that presidents are human beings, first of all, and they have

relationships. I used to visit Obasanjo, at least when I thought there was something in him to benefit

the nation. When I found there is nothing, I stopped. So it is not unusual for me to visit presidents,”

he said.

Wole Soyinka’s daughter was appointed Special Assistant to the presidency by Obasanjo

administration. She still serves in that capacity today under the present presidency. Obasanjo later

impregnated her according to News of the People’s Magazine, “Obasanjo impregnates Wole Soyinka’s

daughter, Mrs. Onijala, married to Mr. John Olutola Onijala, a Nigerian diplomat; breaks the marriage,

and husband seeks divorce.” People Magazine, February 12, 2008.

Some reports accused Wole Soyinka of, “Following the Money” all the time.

“Wole Soyinka we knew and read about yesterday is not the same Wole Soyinka that we know and

read about today, something is definitely a-mix from my crystal ball” one commentator added.

Despite major national, regional and international difficulties and challenges that we face, we are

encumbered with ‘op-ed’ rejoinder by Soyinka sweating and defending the indefensible such as, “Edo-

Rally & Tea Summit with IBB” under the invitation of Governor Oshomole’s “One-Man One Vote”

political symphonies at Edo-State-house. Who could have believed any iota of Wole Soyinka’s partial

admittance of fundamental elements of truisms of IBB’s interview two-weeks ago published in

Nigerian-Compass, RepublicRpeort, and now Remi Oyeyemi at SR?

“However, Ibrahim Babangida, in the account offered by Oyeyemi, was absolutely correct in one

aspect. I have no personal problem with him or with any other individual to whom I openly identify as

a political adversary. Babangida does however have a huge problem of political deficit with me, and

with the nation, and that is the albatross that constitutes his problem. I affirm that, if the State

House stewards had offered me tea with IBB, I would have declined, but it would only have been to

request something a little stronger, since I am no tea drinker. I am happy to note that Oyeyemi’s

strictures do not extend to having a drink with anyone on the other side of a profound political divide”

Professor Soyinka. How come it took you over two-weeks to react to troubling allegations until friend

sent you the link?

“Whose truth is this? Obviously Oyeyemi’s, not that of anyone else who was present in Oshiomole’s

visitors’ lounge, the airport, the Ikeja arrival lounge, or listened to my brief statement with the media

at Ikeja. Since when did the Oyeyemi of the world appropriate the right to interpret events at which

they were not present, and assign a ‘truth’ to the state of mind of the characters involved. What are

the credentials of Oyeyemi as a mind-reader? Has he spoken to Oshiomole? To his staff who organized

the event? To the team which whisked me to the airport? To Akande, Tinubu, Fayemi etc etc to whom

I spoke while organising my exit from Oshiomole’s guest house? Is any of that melodrama of any real

interest to busy and serious-minded people? Who is this faceless individual to compose his own

spurious scenario in his feverish mind and attempt to foist it on your readership?” Soyinka

Take it easy eminent professor—it is really tough on you these days—we indeed live in an interesting

time. Our eminent Professor of literature is asking Remi Oyeyemi to explain “earthshaking details of

this tea session:” “Was it milk, cream, sugar, biscuits on the side?” were served by Edo State house


“Did Babangida really say we had tea together? I am learning of this weird claim for the first time. So

what should I do? Sue him for defamation? Oyeyemi owes it to his readers to unravel the earth-

shaking details of this tea session. Was it with milk? Cream? Sugar? Biscuits on the side? After all,

Oshiomole’s visitors’ lounge was constantly filled, from the beginning to the end. Someone must have

noticed some sinister details. The stewards must remember whom they served tea, and in whose

company. Oyeyemi should do his homework. Obviously these are weighty matters on which the future

of the nation depends” Wole Soyinka.

This is too mundane a defeatist expletives coming from our eminent professor of literature.

Authoritative source said, “Some virtual-truisms are disturbingly and holistically missing in these

dialogues, definitely disappointing his colleagues’ sensibilities at current prevailing intellectual culture”

that is bedevilled by intellectual fraud, however.

“Please, spare yourself and us the likes of those who throw around words like ‘truth’ and ‘integrity’

until they have learnt to respect their adjunct – ‘responsibility’” Wole Soyinka.

Evidently someone is not telling the whole truth about these exchanges of “editorial responsibilities”

—but what one thing is clinically clear in this dialogueis:—Professor of literature Wole Soyinka is

struggling to-get-away from IBB, because of their past political and secrete-cult-affinities—obviously,

it’s TOUGH on Nobel Laureate, “Tea Break In Naija” Rejoinder, notwithstanding.

Read full Wole Soyinka Rejoinder communication to Remi Oyeyemi’s article below:

Tea Break In Naija, Written By Wole Soyinka

While this intervention has been triggered off by an ‘op-ed’ in your online journal by one Remi

Oyeyemi, I have to let you know that I have taken the trouble to respond more out of a concern for the

editorial responsibilities of your journal than anything else. This is not the first such abuse of

SAHARAREPORTERS and, curiously enough, a former occasion had to do with the same subject

I.B.Babangida. I shall begin by acknowledging the extreme generosity of your contributor in allowing

me one full week of grace to respond to an interview I had never seen, nor knew anything about. In

his article, the sanctimonious Oyeyemi has again graciously imposed a deadline, albeit unspecified. I

shudder to think what would have happened if a concerned reader had not sent me a link, wondering

what this was all about. Virtual decapitation?

Now, to some pertinent issues: I remain in ignorance also of how the Nigerian media reported the Edo

incident. Beyond my brief comment on return to Ikeja airport, I declined to give any interviews on the

incident. I left the airport before the AC delegation. By agreement en route from Benin, they would do

the talking. My only interest was to return to my US engagements without further loss of valuable


There is a deplorable tone of pomposity, of dictatorial conceit in Oyeyemi’s article that sets one’s

teeth on edge. Here is an article premised on a profusion of ‘ifs’, ‘maybes’, ‘mightbes’, ‘it is possible

that’, ‘alleged’, ‘reportedly’, yet filled with conclusive judgmental expressions and smug

censoriousness. Setting up oneself as a judge of political moralities requires a more rigorous approach

to the marshaling, and presentation of suppositions and facts. You do not impute a ‘cover-up’ on such

feeble, convenient, purely speculative terms – and over such trivia!

A surprise encounter, totally unexpected that took place in the presence of, and involving at least

thirty others in the reception room of a state governor is not, by any stretch of imagination, an

encounter to be tendentiously described as taking place ‘behind closed doors’. This was in the ‘public

domain’, and it is presumptuous for anyone to require that I give an account, as a public duty, to what

was clear to everyone in that formal and open space as a fortuitous encounter, and one with all

conversation audible to all, including a swarm of reporters and photographers that accompanied

Babangida into that lounge.

However, Ibrahim Babangida, in the account offered by Oyeyemi, was absolutely correct in one aspect.

I have no personal problem with him or with any other individual to whom I openly identify as a

political adversary. Babangida does however have a huge problem of political deficit with me, and with

the nation, and that is the albatross that constitutes his problem. I affirm that, if the State House

stewards had offered me tea with IBB, I would have declined, but it would only have been to request

something a little stronger, since I am no tea drinker. I am happy to note that Oyeyemi’s strictures do

not extend to having a drink with anyone on the other side of a profound political divide.

The purists of political contact are welcome to their position, but they should learn to mind their

language. ’Behind closed doors’! Is there no longer any respect for truth?

As already stated, I indeed met and exchanged ‘pleasantries’ with Babangida. When I discovered what

had brought him into Oshiomole’s visitors’ lounge – in company of at least some twenty-odd other

guests, including Governor Sylvia of Bayelsa – when I found that he had been invited to the rally, and

that David Mark was also invited as Guest of Honour, I organized my leave-taking as fusslessly and

efficiently as I know how, with a fortuitous timing that enabled me to hitch a ride in the chartered

plane that brought AC leaders to Edo. I especially did not want to embarrass my host, Adam

Oshiomole, who – I still feel – had invited me with less than expected candour and error of judgment.

I find Oyeyemi’s article pretentious, pompous and irresponsibly misleading. SAHARA REPORTERS could

have punctured this soufflé by contacting me and drawing my attention to Babangida’s interview. They

know how to find me. Other media have taken similar action in the past, sometimes only to decide not

even to publish my response when they judged that the issue merited no more than transient curiosity

– in journalese, considered unnewsworthy.

“But he owes the rest of us the TRUTH (my emphasis) that this was what transpired, and that he

changed his mind after having tea with him (IBB) that he did not want to be seen in public with him.

Misleading (?) the public that he turned back from Benin airport when this was not what happened…”

writes Mr. Remi Oyeyemi.

Whose truth is this? Obviously Oyeyemi’s, not that of anyone else who was present in Oshiomole’s

visitors’ lounge, the airport, the Ikeja arrival lounge, or listened to my brief statement with the media

at Ikeja. Since when did the Oyeyemi of the world appropriate the right to interpret events at which

they were not present, and assign a ‘truth’ to the state of mind of the characters involved. What are

the credentials of Oyeyemi as a mind-reader? Has he spoken to Oshiomole? To his staff who organized

the event? To the team which whisked me to the airport? To Akande, Tinubu, Fayemi etc etc to whom

I spoke while organising my exit from Oshiomole’s guest house? Is any of that melodrama of any real

interest to busy and serious-minded people? Who is this faceless individual to compose his own

spurious scenario in his feverish mind and attempt to foist it on your readership?

Tea is beginning to assume mythological proportions in Nigerian affairs – sadly and tragically, from

Tam David-West to Moshood Abiola. Perhaps this is responsible for the fictive ‘tea-party’ of Oyeyemi’s

imagination. If the fact that my arrival in Ikeja in an aircraft with AC leaders confused the press

awaiting the retreat, that element, that ‘weighty atom’ of tea leaves – even if it were real – is so

disproportionate to the main issue, which is that we all declined to participate in that rally, that I

cannot find the energy to pillory the media on its account. What remains is not even a storm, but

mere froth in a phantom teacup.

Did Babangida really say we had tea together? I am learning of this weird claim for the first time. So

what should I do? Sue him for defamation? Oyeyemi owes it to his readers to unravel the earth-

shaking details of this tea session. Was it with milk? Cream? Sugar? Biscuits on the side? After all,

Oshiomole’s visitors’ lounge was constantly filled, from the beginning to the end. Someone must have

noticed some sinister details. The stewards must remember whom they served tea, and in whose

company. Oyeyemi should do his homework. Obviously these are weighty matters on which the future

of the nation depends.

Please, spare yourself and us the likes of those who throw around words like ‘truth’ and ‘integrity’ until

they have learnt to respect their adjunct – ‘responsibility’.

Wole Soyinka

Wole Soyinka, Nigerian Media And The Edo Rally

To assume that our icon and respected professor of English Literature, Professor Wole Soyinka is

adjudged a “Saint” by many in Nigeria and the world would probably be a correct assumption. There is

nothing wrong in this because as we all know, the pantheon of saints is filled with men and women

who were once ordinary mortals. Given the length and substance of contributions of the revered

Professor to struggles for social and civil development in Nigeria and his constant quest for a fair

political system for the country, it is one’s candid opinion that he deserves his sainthood. When a

human being reaches the pedestal of sainthood, he is no longer a private property. He is like a comet.

He draws attention wherever he goes and wherever he shows up. He becomes the barometer with

which others are measured. He becomes the standard to which many aspire. He becomes the property

of all those who adore him and those who worship at his feet. He becomes a public figure whose all

acts and utterances would elicit more than ordinary interest and scrutiny. He is passionately admired

and reverently regarded. In the eyes of his devotees, he could hardly do any wrong. As a result of this,

much would always be conceded to him while much more would continue to be expected of him.

Responding to a “saint” who has many non-questioning admirers, is a difficult task because such a

venture is fraught with danger- yes, the danger of being misunderstood. But as Professor Soyinka

himself would testify as a proud son of Oodua, in Yorubaland we respect our elders very tremendously,

but we are never afraid to ask them questions and hold them accountable. Thus, in this follow up that

would be my final commentary on this issue regardless of what serves as its concomitants I would

maintain the respect I have for the revered Kongi in full.

I am sure that the Professor would be disappointed if I fail to respond having suggested in his “TEA

BREAK IN NAIJA,” that Remi Oyeyemi is “irresponsible.” He claimed that I, REMI OYEYEMI am “a

faceless individual.” WOW!! This is an incredible claim by a Professor known for his intellectual

prowess and diligence. After reading his piece, my first inkling was to let the matter rest. But it is

difficult to let the highly esteemed Professor get away with the less than classy act of calling this

writer “irresponsible” and a “faceless individual.”

It is amazing that this eminent Professor who accused me of not doing my “home work” is actually the

one who failed to do his home work. In his response to my initial piece, he implied that he has many

friends in the media who have decided against using some stories or articles about him (Soyinka) that

they deemed unworthy in the past. If he had bothered to ask around the same media circles that he

boasted about, at least one or two people would have told him that REMI OYEYEMI is not “faceless.”

Going beyond that he could have picked up his phone to speak to some of the political personalities

that he mentioned were on the plane with him on his escape from Benin to Lagos, and some of them

would have told him who REMI OYEYEMI is.

Professor Soyinka used the word “abuse” to describe the publication of my article by

SAHARAREPORTERS. In my book the use of this word is in itself an “abuse” by my dear Professor.

Needless to say that SAHARAREPORTERS is an unbiased medium that has often allowed the

publication of all sides of an issue. To use such words to describe the medium’s act of publishing my

article is a misuse of the word “abuse”. It is a serious challenge to have to say this about the

distinguished Egba Englishman famous for his seminal command of grammar and dexterous aptitude

for the use of diction.

The Professor suggested that SAHARAREPORTERS ought to have reached out to him and ask him about

the details of what was in my article, most of which have been in the public domain except the

questions that I raised. Wole Soyinka is advocating censorship? This is stranger than fiction! I am

flabbergasted about this because I know how the Professor has always condemned censorship in the

Nigerian society when some of our media houses were closed down especially during the era of the

deadly duo of Generals Mohammadu Buhari and Tunde Idiagbon. What could have changed in the years

gone by to get him to wantonly exhibit the same attitude that he called “dictatorial conceit” in

describing my article? Is this a case of “pot calling the kettle black” when Professor Soyinka accused

me of “deplorable tone of pomposity ……. that sets one’s teeth on edge.”
Before we move one, for purposes of clarity, it is important that the following “pertinent issues” as

Professor Soyinka called them in his response are noted by the readers:

a. Did Professor Wole Soyinka get to Oshiomole’s House in Benin or not?
b. If he did, why was the Media led to believe that he turned back at the Benin Airport?

c. Why was it not reported in the Media that he met with IBB in Oshiomole’s Home before deciding

not to attend the rally?

d. Why must Kongi wait until IBB’s controversial interview before telling the public that he actually

met with IBB whom he wishes the world to believe he is not supporting, in Benin as he admitted in his

response to Remi Oyeyemi?

e. Why did Kongi have to wait for Remi Oyeyemi’s article and about 54 days after the fact to now

suggest to the public (in Tea Break in Naija) that the Media reports of his visit to Edo State were not

very accurate?
Professor Soyinka wrote the following:

“…..I remain in ignorance also of how the Nigerian media reported the Edo incident. Beyond my brief

comment on return to Ikeja airport, I declined to give any interviews on the incident. I left the airport

before the AC delegation. By agreement en route from Benin, they would do the talking. My only

interest was to return to my US engagements without further loss of valuable time.”

The reports of what allegedly transpired in Edo State came out in all the national dailies on April 30,

2010. The Ibrahim Babangida’s interview came out 44 days after on June 13, 2010 in the COMPASS

Newspaper. My article which was a reaction to IBB’s interview was actually submitted within 30

minutes of its completion on June 20,2010. If the media had misreported what transpired in Edo State

in regard to Professor Soyinka as he implied in the quote above by claiming to be ignorant of “how the

Nigerian media reported the incident,” the esteemed Professor had 44 days to set the record straight,

before IBB had the chance to open the can of tea. But Professor Soyinka did not do so for reasons best

known to him.

Since he also admitted in the quote above that “By agreement en route from Benin, they (the AC

delegation) would do the talking,” where then is the fault of Remi Oyeyemi if Professor Soyinka’s

friends gave less than complete version of events to the Nigerian media? It is assumed that before the

Professor would agree that these friends of his (the AC delegation) should do the talking, he must

have had a modicum of trust in them and believed that they would do a good job of it. If Professor

Soyinka believed that the Nigerian Media did not do a good job reporting the events that occurred in

Edo State, where was he in the previous 44 days before the IBB interview? And what is wrong if Remi

Oyeyemi seeks clarification about the confusing reports?
Professor Soyinka was upset that my “article premised on a profusion of ‘ifs’, ‘maybes’, ‘might bes’, ‘it

is possible that’, ‘alleged’, ‘reportedly’.” It is surprising that my highly esteemed Kongi did not know

that the reason for that was because I, as a public commentator and admirer, was giving him benefit

of the doubt which I believe he richly deserved. I wanted him to come out and clear the air about the

insinuations that IBB was making in his interview. He has done that, but he was greatly mistaken by

trying to blame Remi Oyeyemi for omissions that are patently Wole Soyinka’s.

Then Professor Soyinka made the following confession:

“…..I indeed met and exchanged ‘pleasantries’ with Babangida. When I discovered what had brought

him into Oshiomole’s visitors’ lounge – in company of at least some twenty-odd other guests,

including Governor Sylvia of Bayelsa – when I found that he had been invited to the rally, and that

David Mark was also invited as Guest of Honour, I organized my leave-taking as fusslessly and

efficiently as I know how, with a fortuitous timing that enabled me to hitch a ride in the chartered

plane that brought AC leaders to Edo.”

Professor Soyinka needed to have gone beyond this mere confession to show Remi Oyeyemi’s

“irresponsibility.” Where in all the MEDIA REPORTS was it reported that the Professor “indeed met and

exchanged ‘pleasantries’ with Babangida?” It meant that if IBB, who probably have a different motive

for the revelation of that happenstance, did not reveal such in his COMPASS interview, the world would

have been made to believe that our revered Professor turned back from the Benin Airport? Doesn’t the

Professor know that it is better that the world be made aware of what happened as soon as it

happened rather than let it filter out? Does he not know that it would look “somehow” if this is heard

third hand? Does he not see the ramification for his credibility in this context? Does he think this

would be an issue if he had made the happenstance public before now rather than allow his friend IBB

do this?

With due respect, after Professor Soyinka made the above quoted confession that he actually met IBB

and exchanged pleasantries with him, it is highly preposterous, for the highly esteemed Professor to

contend that he finds “Oyeyemi’s article pretentious, pompous and irresponsibly misleading.” How is

Remi Oyeyemi’s article “misleading?” Have you not just confirmed and confessed to exchanging

“pleasantries” (whatever that means) with IBB? What is “pretentious” about Remi Oyeyemi’s article

when he (Oyeyemi) insisted that there was nothing wrong if you chose to drink tea with IBB and still

not support him, but just make that clear to the observing public so that your actions were not

misinterpreted? It is inaccurate to describe Oyeyemi’s article as “pompous” when all he was trying to

do is to get clarification to an obvious obfuscation, except that our esteemed Professor thinks he

ought not be questioned about his acts and utterances when such are unclear?

If this were to be the case it would be very unfortunate. Apart from the fact that it is against our

culture in Yorubaland to shut up a younger person who has a legitimate concern, Professor Soyinka has

put in about five decades of fight to creating a society where no one would be above the law and

everyone could be held accountable for their choices and actions. To try and suggest now that he has

to be an exception to this rule is rather baffling and confusing. Even the Great Obafemi Awolowo was

not immune from constructive criticism from both friends and detractors alike. So, why is Wole Soyinka

an exception?

In his “Tea Break in Naija,” Professor Wole Soyinka jabbed adroitly like Joe Frazier, pummelled nimbly

like George Foreman and deftly danced around like Mohammad Ali as he employed his arsenal of

diction to challenge the credibility and pertinence of my article. But dexterity at the usage of grammar

and adept application of Lexis and Structure to convey an abstract idea in a mechanically accurate way

does not necessarily equate unassailable facts. Some of the facts are as follows:

a. That it is true that Professor Wole Soyinka met IBB in Oshiomole’s house in Benin;

b. That Professor Wole Soyinka did not turn back from Benin Airport to return to Lagos as claimed in

the media;

c. That Professor Wole Soyinka contracted the Press Briefings on the Benin Saga to his political

friends some of whom I also happen to know;

d. That Professor Soyinka has a duty to check the media reports of the Benin Saga and ensure that

he was not misrepresented, but he chose not to do so;

e. That the ignorance claimed by Professor Soyinka about “how the Nigerian media reported the Edo

incident,” seemed a second thought and appeared to be a ploy to absolve himself of responsibility

about the inaccurate media reports (as he now suggests) on the Edo incident;

f. That Professor Wole Soyinka did not shun the Benin rally because of Babangida as the media and

the rest of us were made to believe but because of David Mark and he (Soyinka) confirmed this in his

article responding to Remi Oyeyemi;

g. That Remi Oyeyemi is not “irresponsible” as claimed by Professor Wole Soyinka in his article “TEA

BREAK IN NAIJA” for asking the germane questions that clarified these issues.
Professor Soyinka wrote inter alia:

“However, Ibrahim Babangida, in the account offered by Oyeyemi, was absolutely correct in one

aspect. I have no personal problem with him or with any other individual to whom I openly identify as

a political adversary. “ (emphasis mine)

This is very incorrect. Presently, I am not a reporter, just an op-ed contributor or public commentator. I

was not reporting from Edo State. The account referred to is not my account. It is IBB’s account of

events as reported in the interview granted to COMPASS Newspaper. It is amazing that Professor

Soyinka would falsely attribute this to me to make a case of “irresponsibility” when it was clear that

this was quoted as coming from COMPASS in my previous article. However, Professor Soyinka does not

have to be defensive about his relationship with IBB, more so they have worked together before. All of

us have the right to change our views or opinions about events and personalities.

Thus when Professor Soyinka added, “Babangida does however have a huge problem of political deficit

with me, and with the nation, and that is the albatross that constitutes his problem,” he was just

addressing the heart of the matter. This is the reason why dalliance with IBB should not be shrouded

in a cocoon of secrecy so that others might not misinterpret and have unnecessary suspicions. It is

also begging the question that Professor Soyinka would suggest that it was wrong for his choices and

actions to be scrutinized by members of the public like Remi Oyeyemi when in fact he is not just a

public figure he is also a celebrity adored by many and taken seriously by not just a few.

My highly esteemed Kongi also wrote as follows:

“Did Babangida really say we had tea together? I am learning of this weird claim for the first time. So

what should I do? Sue him for defamation? Oyeyemi owes it to his readers to unravel the earth-

shaking details of this tea session. Was it with milk? Cream? Sugar? Biscuits on the side?”

Sincerely speaking, I did not expect Professor Soyinka to be unduly ridiculous as he manifested in the

above quote. With due respects to the esteemed Professor, the questions in the above quote sound a

little languid as far as the issues at stake here are concerned. All Professor Soyinka had to do was to

call for a copy of the COMPASS Newspaper interview that I referenced in my article to confirm what

Babangida said or did not say. Remi Oyeyemi did not make anything up. The basis of my article was

the IBB interview which portrayed the Professor in a less than candid manner. All that was needed was

that the revered Professor should clear the air. Babangida has made his own revelation for whatever

reasons known to him, it is now up to Professor Soyinka to tell the world any yet unknown aspects of

the happenstance that IBB might have mischievously withheld and to sue IBB if he so desires. As to

“the earth-shaking details of the tea session,” it is one’s hope that the Professor would not wait until

another revealing interview comes out before he scrambles to scribble another tenuous defence of his

acts of omissions and or commissions.

Between Remi Oyeyemi and Wole Soyinka, only one person has worked for Babangida in the past and

that person is NOT Remi Oyeyemi. Thus for those readers who are quick to conclude that this criticism

of Uncle Kongi is as a result of my fondness of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida I am recommending the

following past articles by Remi Oyeyemi to them – QUESTIONS IBB MUST ANSWER published on July

12, 2002; A TALE OF TWO TRAITORS published on December 27, 2002 and FALAE’S IBB GAMBIT

published on August 25, 2003 all of them on I have been involved in the media

either directly or indirectly for about 25 years now. I do not need any publicity stunt. And this is not

one either.

Hopefully by now, the highly esteemed Professor would have discovered that I, REMI OYEYEMI, am not

“faceless.” This he would have found out if he did a better home work in the media and political circles

that he was quick to flagrantly flaunt before rushing his rejoinder for publication. It is hoped the

esteemed Professor would cease throwing around words like “home work” until he is able to lead by a

personal example and spare the rest of us sanctimonious preachments. Regardless, I still maintain

that everyone has the right to drink tea, “something stronger” or whatever with whomever he so

chooses and can politically support whoever catches his or her fancy. But there is no reason to be

defensive and camouflage actualities from those who expect candour and openness from us. Simplicita.
And this is my final word on this issue.

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April 28, 2010. We here at are 100% supporters of President Obama. At first we thought about SUPPRESSING this new report . . . but we figure that it would be better to know about what Republicans are trying to do to the prez.. Photo Alleged Obama Lover

According to a new report, Republican operatives are looking to pay as much as $1 million to anyone willing to discuss the president's relationship with a 35 year old woman named Vera Baker..

And according to one weekly tabloid, Vera's limo driver is SNITCHING!!! Here's what Vera's limo driver is saying:
"I took [President Obama] to various locations while he was looking for campaign funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 pm, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. She didn't ask me to wait or to be taken back to her friend's home - or to her home"

Well .. . . we ain't gonna believe NOTHING about the prez unless we have more solid evidence.
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President Barack Obama “is in excellent health” and likely to remain able to carry out his duties for the rest of his term, his doctor said on Sunday after completing Obama’s first routine medical checkup since he assumed office.


But Obama, 48, continues to struggle to stop his 30-year smoking habit and needs to modify his diet, said Dr. Jeffrey Kuhlman, a Navy captain who led the medical team that performed Obama’s physical.

The examination also found that Obama’s cholesterol count has risen to borderline high levels since his last publicly released medical records, though his pulse rate and blood pressure remain normal.

Obama exercises at least six mornings a week and plays basketball and golf. But the president has chronic tendinitis in his left knee area, occasionally takes a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for that condition and needs a modified exercise regimen, including a lower leg muscle strengthening program, Kuhlman’s report said.

Obama’s cholesterol increase comes at a time when his wife, Michelle, has started a program to fight childhood obesity.

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said the increase was attributed to the president’s diet. While Obama often eats healthful meals prepared by the family’s chef, Sam Kass, he also takes advantage of around-the-clock food available to him during long workdays at the White House, Gibbs said.

“I think it’s a few more burgers and a few more desserts over the past year,” he said.

Cholesterol measurements can vary among laboratories.

Presumably, Obama’s cholesterol has been tested at other times. But the findings and the laboratories that performed the tests are not publicly known.

So it is possible that Obama’s cholesterol has fluctuated over recent years and represents such a variation.

Doctors see a rise in cholesterol like Obama’s occasionally, said Dr. Martin L. Kahn, a professor of cardiology at New York University who is not connected with Obama’s case. “Usually that is a lever for the doctor to recommend more aggressive dietary changes and cigarette cessation to warn a patient, ‘Look what you are doing to yourself’,”’ Kahn said in an interview.

“Nutritionists tell us that a very little extra food each day adds up to a measurable amount at the end of a year,” Kahn said.

As for Obama’s smoking, Gibbs said the president had tried to quit, but had “admitted lapses.” It is not known how frequently Obama smokes, or what the figure is for his total “pack years,” a standard measure of a smoker’s risk for diseases like lung cancer.

Gibbs referred reporters to the president’s own words from last June, when he was asked about his smoking addiction while signing a law aimed at keeping children from starting to smoke. The president noted that 90 per cent of smokers began on or before their 18th birthday.

“I know - I was one of those teenagers,” Obama said. “I know how difficult it can be to break this habit when it’s been with you for a long time.” He added: “I would say that I am 95 per cent cured, but there are times where I mess up.” Michelle Obama admonished him to quit smoking when he started his campaign in 2007, saying, “He couldn’t be a smoking president.” Obama chews nicotine gum to cut down on his smoking.

“Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes,” Obama said last June at a White House news conference. “Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No.” Kahn said he might recommend an exercise stress test “as a baseline” for the future but would not do further procedures “unless he had a calamitous stress test.” Obama showed no evidence of heart disease from an electrocardiogram and a test known as an electron beam CT scan that looks for calcified areas in coronary arteries that may be evidence of coronary artery disease.

“The CT heart scan findings are somewhat reassuring” because if it were positive, “it would be a worry,” Kahn said.

Other standard blood tests showed no evidence of diabetes, heart and metabolic disease. They included triglycerides, 46; high density lipoprotein, 62; and low density lipoprotein (so-called bad cholesterol), 138. These can be compared to 44, 68 and 96 in 2007.

The president’s pulse rate of 56 and blood pressure of 105/62 are normal.

Kuhlman, who is physician to the president, chief White House physician and director of the White House medical unit, said that Obama agreed to release the results of his checkup, which took place at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.

While there, Obama visited 12 military service members receiving treatment and rehabilitation for injuries suffered in Iraq and Afghanistan. The White House declined a request to interview Kuhlman.

Another CT scan known as a virtual colonoscopy or CT-colongraphy showed no evidence of colon cancer. Gibbs said that no sedation was required during the test, so it was not necessary to invoke the 25th Amendment, which would have temporarily transferred power to Vice President Joe Biden. A previously undisclosed medical examination of Obama in July 2008 by a congressional doctor was not conducted for any specific issues, Gibbs said. It came one month before Obama formally accepted the Democratic presidential nomination.

A standard group of tests, including those for thyroid function, were normal. A PSA test for prostate cancer was normal: 0.70 compared with 0.6 in 2007.

Kuhlman recommended that Obama get his next routine checkup when he turns 50 in 2011.

One oddity of the report: Obama weighed 179.9 pounds with his shoes and workout attire on, which is not the usual way to measure a patient’s weight.

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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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Special Shakara Advert for today is : For a Competent Computer Instructor and Mobile Computer Engineer call Adebola 07083838410 Get your Advert today sent to thousands for no F.E.E ! Yes you heard right ! powered by EXCLUSIVE INSIDE ASO ROCK Written by Jide Ajani Sunday Vanguard and Adapted by Weboga and Akin Osunlaja Is Yaradua a Strange man ? is he one of those eccentric Teachers we all remmeber in school (yoruba were or kolo mine was my Art Teacher Mr Isuosuo we used to call him tolotolo because of his long neck .My apologies sir but that your cane no dey rest ) Lets come back to the the number one Teacher in naija and the First gentleman as rumors abound that Turai his beautiful wife wears the sokoto or trousers in Aso rock.They are rumours please, no one should conclude. . Ok some People get the "Idea" that 9jabooks pimomynaija Editors& bloggers dont Like The HNIC (head Naija in charge ) But that is not true . We always try to give a fair judgement of the man.His health, his reputation and Above all his Suitability for office .Our friends at Sunday Vanguard have a very different view from this piece below.For a second one might think They were talking about Obama ! READ ON all comments with (PMP Pimp My President is from Us ) ! Enjoy ! This report presents insiders’ accounts of how President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has been running the affairs of state, depicting true life situations, inside Aso Rock Presidential Villa, Abuja. This report was pieced together using words of very close presidential aides and former ministers. This is by no means an endorsement of Yar’Adua’s presidential style as he is known to operate a close-knit administration it is, however, an attempt to open him up to Nigerians.( pmp:Thanks E be li ke say dem don settle you ) WAITING TO SEE MR. PRESIDENT State Governors Come And See-O Just last Tuesday, May 20, 2009, some state governors experienced what it meant to wait to see President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. The day depicted a typical day in presidential affairs. In the last two weeks, the earliest time the President has closed from office, according to sources inside Aso rock Presidential Villa is about 8.15pm. In fact, many governors have had to sit all day waiting for him. After last Tuesday’s National Economic Council, NEC, meeting, presided over by Vice President Goodluck Jonathan, some of the state governors made a push to see President Yar’Adua. Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State, Peter Obi, Anambra State Governor, and Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, wanted to have an audience with him. All three of them had to contend with the hectic schedule of the President.(PMP some schdule ! who is his secretary that governors have to wait for him have they not heard of appointments before ?) ANOTHER MEETING IN THE VILLA Yar’Adua’s Charge To Power Minister Earlier, in late March, President Yar’Adua made an unusual confession to the effect that he “can hardly sleep again because of the power situation”. It was immediately after this that he gave a blank cheque to Lanre Babalola, the minister of Power. At a meeting in Aso Rock Presidential Villa, between the Minister of Power, Lanre Babalola, Vice President and Petroleum Minister, Rilwanu Lukman, Eng Emeka Ezeh, Bureau of Public Procurement Director General; Michael Aoondoakaa, Attorney General of the Federation; Tanimu Yakubu, Chief Economic Adviser, as well as top officials from the Ministries of Petroleum, Power and NNPC, the President reportedly told the Power Minister: “Anything you need to succeed, I will give you. If anybody stands in your way and you want him or her out, just tell me and I will clear such a person for you. But I want results. I can hardly sleep again because of the power situation. I made a pledge to Nigerians that by the end of this year, they will enjoy stable electricity and it is a pledge I intend to keep. My name and credibility is at stake on this issue.” Even when Vice President Goodluck Jonathan chipped in that the credibility of everybody in the administration is at stake, including that of the Minister himself, it did not take President Yar’Adua long to charge back: “No, it is my credibility that is at stake. How many Ministers of Power have we had and who remembers them? If things fail tomorrow, Lanre (the minister) is a young man. He will simply dust his CV again and begin to look for another job but Nigerians will remember the promise I made.”Since then, President Yar’Adua has been getting a daily update from the Ministry and directed that the Minister can see him anytime he wants. Sunday Vanguard was made to understand that the Power Minister now has unfettered access to President yar’Adua. In fact, the minister is said be to provide a daily briefing to President Yar’Adua on every of his efforts. .(PMP so the power minister now has quick access to him . I see .perhaps he should have quick access to NEPA CV ? Which president of naija needs a CV for another Job with the Fat Pension in Ghana must go bags they are awarded during office they dont need a CV ) PRESIDENT YAR’ADUA’S DAILY ROUTINE As a devout Muslim who takes his prayers very seriously, President Yar’Adua rises from bed any time between 5am and 5:30 am. He says his prayers. That is apart from special prayers he offers in the middle of the night. President Yar’Adua starts receiving visitors from around 8am. He resumes in office by 9.30am from whence official work commences. But before that day starts, President Yar’Adua, just as was revealed by Alhaji Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari in his auto-biography, meets with his personal staff, especially the State Chief of Protocol and Principal Secretary. .(PMP thank God he prays no comment .insha allah they will be answered ) The first thing Yar’Adua does in the office is to go through the summary of newspaper stories and editorials for the day. This is the forte of Olusegun Adeniyi; the summary is usually prepared by the office of the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity. After this, there is a briefing by State Chief of Protocol for the assignments of the day and the Principal Secretary for whatever directives President Yar’Adua wants to give. All these are routine. What is not routine is the closing time. There is no fixed time. President Yar’Adua normally returns from office to the house, within the same Presidential Villa between 6pm and 10pm This has become the norm in recent times. Before, he would leave office between 6PM and 7PM. There is what a source described as ‘night-runs’, that is visits, which would begin around 9.30pm. But since he started closing late, night visits have been cancelled. But occasionally, there are some people Mr. President would still see at night..(PMP night runs ? wetin be that ? sounds very maradonaish with lots of magomago spiced with some jibiti .ok we hear it is meeting with the power minister. good work guys ! We wish you guys had a 20generators like we do in our apartment block or Block of Flats ) PRESIDENTIAL MANNERISMS And whereas President Yar’Adua cracks jokes, he stays within the confines of decency, Sunday Vanguard was reliably informed. “Mr. President is a human being .(PMP are we sure ? ) and, therefore, he cracks jokes, normal jokes but definitely not dirty jokes”, a minister told Sunday Vanguard. During meetings, information available to 7 suggests that the President is a good listener and does not interrupt when someone is making his point. However, he is blunt, while at the same time, he is said to put his points of view across politely. President Yar’Adua does not suffer fools. .(PMP no comment ) Sunday Vanguard was made to understand by another former minister that “it is part of his nature to listen to you and correct you if he thinks you are wrong. He gives you the appropriate guidance that you need to do your work instead of allowing you to beat about the bush. He, however, allows one a lot of initiatives. He does not give you a job and then follow you around. What he expects is results”. Sunday Vanguard learnt from one of the ministers who was dumped during the cabinet reshuffle that one minister almost lost her job because Mr. President was very angry about her attitude to work. MR. PRESIDENT’S SHORT AND LONG MEETINGS Yar’Adua’s type of meetings, Sunday Vanguard went about asking people: Does he like them sharp and short? President Yar’Adua can be unpredictable at times..(PMP o yes like NEPA and the promises he made ) Ordinarily, Yar’Adua would rather have his meetings short and sharp. However, this does not in any way mean that he would sacrifice expressiveness on the alter of time limit. He is said to allow each person at meetings to be as expressive possible as .And therein lies the irony. Allowing people to express themselves very well have sometimes led to long meetings, some of which have gone on to last for as long as six to seven hours. Yar’Adua can be meticulous even to a fault and that is why some people think his administration is just too slow. He places much premium on strategic planning. Therefore, his actions are well thought out and he does not react instinctively to issues. SYCHOPHANTS, PLEASE SHIFT When you visit a state governor and his commissioners want to address him, they all use the appellation, ‘His Excellency, The Governor of Kuturu State, Governor I-Done-Chop’. In most cases, the 11-word prefix ends up being repeated more often than the real sense to be made. Sunday Vanguard gathered that Yar’Adua would rather prefer Mr. President, as against the practice some tried to introduce in the very early days of his presidency which was: His Excellency, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, President Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. Now, when a minister prefixes every sentence with this 17-word (not minding the compound word C-in-C), won’t the sense be lost in whatever sense is to be made? “ He prefers Mr. President”, Sunday Vanguard was told, “essentially because it saves time and does not tend towards sycophancy. But he is too polite to stop those who enjoy making all those introductions. HIS MOUTH, HIS FOOD Some argue that President Yar’Adua is endowed with good stature. Others insist that it is a function of his health. Between these two extremes lay the fact that Yar’Adua is not a very heavy eater, not a glutton of sorts. He is said not to eat much. .(PMP you see how the man lepa you dey talk say him no dey chop ? ) Sunday Vanguard confirmed that he eats biscuits and drinks tea a lot, especially in the office. That way, he keeps his metabolism in check..(PMP Abeg make una give the man food ! nobody want talk say yardy no well ! Feed him please !) ADMINISTERING NIGERIA Whereas Yar’Adua may be a good listener who respects other people’s opinion, especially because he has walled himself with young intellectuals who are both enlightened and exposed, it is his background as a teacher that enhances his capacity to patiently guide his subordinates to do the right thing. Sunday Vanguard was made to understand that President Yar’Adua rebukes, politely, officials of state in camera and praises good work in the open. In fact, during the cabinet reshuffle, President Yar’Adua was said to have written and personally signed letters of appreciation to some ministers who were retained. Even those who were shown the way out got their own letters from President Yar’Adua appreciating their contributions to nation building at a time like this. AS A COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF As part of the character of President Yar’Adua not to dwell on presumptuousness, but rely on hard facts, he is said to have a listening ear. He is said to listen patiently to his service chiefs. Not being a professional soldier, Yar’Adua is said to ascertain the correctness of decisions by encouraging everyone to participate in discussions. He is, however, firm but the need for the military to remain professional in the discharge of their duties remains very strong. He doesn’t pretend to know everything..(PMP that is quite obvious he doest not ! ) YAR’ADUA’S HEALTH IS HIS WEALTH .(PMP are we talking about the same person here I know Obama is a chain smoker but What does wealth and health have to do with yaradua ? his wealth ok but cant this people just come out straight and say the man is ill ! we wish him good health but with a job like the one he has ! well..) Some more discerning observers have come to the conclusion that there is nothing abnormal about Yar’Adua’s health. As Yar’Adua himself has said, he is not superhuman, therefore, he is like any other human being that falls sick and gets well. When he visited Vanguard premises during the campaigns of 2007, the same question was posed. His response was that it is evil of any individual to wish death upon a fellow human being. The expression on his face betrayed his anger. But he continues to confound critics of his health. During a briefing with State House Correspondents recently, on his position on the electoral reform, Ekiti rerun election and Halliburton bribery scam, the President was on his heels for more than an hour. Even the correspondent s were astounded. During the campaigns at the Events Place in Victoria Island, Lagos, Yar’Adua addressed the business community for over two hours standing. PRESIDENTIAL WEAKNESS President Umar Musa Yar’Adua is said to be too patient and that constitutes a weakness. .(PMP tell that to MEND , tell that to the ijaw people TELL that to the marines ! patient ? e no waste time bomb Niger Delta !) He is said to lead his staff to arrive at decisions more accurately by emphasizing the need to rely on facts rather than sentiments. He is quick to admit faults and accepts correction even from subordinates..(PMPmaybe he should accept some of the correction of his citizens ) But would some people not exploit this? Well, as President and C-in-C, it is for him to be circumspect. But is he? Yes, some politicians very close to him insist. HIS WIFE, HIS CHARM Turai Yar’Adua, Nigeria’s First Lady, is said to play her role as a wife and a mother at home. She is said not to be involved in state administration..(PMP ok ok ok ok ! Rumours ! My best friend says there is one about the president wearing the Apron ) This is a far cry from the impression that people outside have of President Yar’Adua’s family. Nay Sayers insist that President Yar’Adua is dominated by Turai Yar’Adua. None has, however, come out with any proof. (Woman na Woman o ! We no need proof ! ) But if a man’s likeness for his children and his grandchildren, and the fact that he makes out quality time to spend with them means he sops to his wife, then President Yar’Adua is very guilty because he loves his grand children and really makes out time to be with them..(PMP maybe he should remember he is a Father to the nation and the kids living on the streets need his attention too ) Yar’Adua insists that Turai’s activities as First Lady must remain low key, and as much as possible should not involve state funds. BETWEEN PRESIDENT YAR’ADUA AND VICE PRESIDENT JONATHAN The relationship between both men is said to be very cordial. He understands that he needs the confidence and respect of his deputy. This he believes should be earned through mutual respect and understanding. Therefore, Yar’Adua carries his deputy along, ensuring that the Jonathan has enough work to do. Vice President Jonathan, too, has the confidence of his boss because he (deputy) continues to carry himself with dignity. Jonathan, Sunday Vanguard gathered, will hardly do anything without his boss’ consent since he has played that role elsewhere before – at least he was described as the docile deputy to Diepreye Alamieyeseigha of Bayelsa State, only to outfox him and become governor. Most of the stories being peddled that Jonathan a mere handbag may not be particularly true, according to Aso Rock insiders who should know. Some even query Jonathan’s relevance on account of the onslaught in the Delta. But it does appear as if some people fail to recognise that the Vice President is the Vice President of Nigeria and not Vice President of Ijaw nation. Fortunately, the VP understands his roles and responsibilities. .(PMP Mr badluck jonathan will bomb his mother's house to remain VP PERIOD ! ) PRESIDENTIAL STRENGTH Yar’Adua’s strongest point is what some ministers describe as his sincerity of purpose and the commitment to lead Nigeria out of the woods and take her to the comity of great nations. One of his handlers told Sunday Vanguard that “he has a vision of a great Nigeria that is politically stable and economically prosperous” In fact, President Yar’Adua is said to have told some of his aides that a four-year tenure is like a long-distance race rather than a 100 metre dash race and “you don’t run a 400 metre race like 100 metres if you truly want to succeed. If you watch the Olympics, successful athletes build momentum gradually and thereby end in a strong way.” “That has always been his style”, Sunday Vanguard was told. Of course some people are very good at drawing applause in their first year in office by simply playing to the gallery but at the end of their tenure when you look back there is hardly any concrete achievement you can point to. By December 2011, some predict, Yar’Adua “wants to be able to look back with satisfaction for the difference he has made in the lives of Nigerians in the area of critical infrastructure, including power, transportation, security, food security, human capital development and wealth creation. By the end of this year for instance, the dredging of River Niger, which has been mere talk since independence, would have been done. All is set for it and “we’re just waiting for the water level to rise; it is already slated for between July and December and the contractor has been mobilised for the job. Also by year ending, railway, as mode of transportation would be back to Nigeria with the holistic plan for which Nigeria will sign an MOU with General Electric next week”, another ministerial appointee, added. Yar’Adua: 24 months of uncertainty .(PMP YOU ALL GOT THAT RIGHT ! hope it is not another 24months ) .(PMP over and out ! The rest of this article is what Fela calls Demo ! maybe it is the whole article itself .) Dapo Akinrefon & Charles Kumolu IN what many described as a script of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, President Umar Yar’Adua sold his seven point agenda to party stalwarts and maybe other Nigerians, as a campaign slogan. In most quarters, this was viewed as a part of the factors, needed to sell candidate Yar’Adua to Nigerian voters. Sure, the agenda may not have failed in all areas as many think, but it does not neglect some areas where it seems promising. Unfulfilled pledges: Power sector. The average Nigerian appears not to have felt any impact of the seven point agenda. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, had promised fixing Nigeria’s troubled power sector, in 1999. Following this pledge a former head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, was given the assignment of helping to resuscitate the sector. Same was Yar’Adua, whose sole campaign slogan, was declaration of state of emergency on the power sector. Yet, power supply has plummeted from what it was in May 29, 2007. The bottomline is that there is concern among Nigerians and foreign investors alike at the slow pace the President seems to handle the crisis. The promises- Power and energy, Food and security, Wealth creation, Transport sector, Land reforms, Security, Education, Anti corruption war, Electoral reforms Wealth creation and human capital development Productivity growth, equity, poverty eradication and security, have remained it its pre-2007 state. Though the 2009 budget provided adequate provisions to address the issue of wealth creation, human capital development and guarantee of security to life and property, yet, most Nigerians have remained wretched. Niger Delta The emergence of Goodluck Jonathan as Yar;Adua’s running mate, then, however, was expected to douse the tension in the creeks. But that was far from what the people yearn. Even the creation of a ministry for the region could not stop the anger of an impoverished people. These experiments, only heightened the crisis in the oil rich region. As at the time of filing in this report, booming guns are threatening the lives of the people in the creeks. Pledges realised Though far from the seven point agenda., what this administration appears to have realised, is uncertainly about its direction. Aside, the functionality of the rule of law, most aspects of Nigeria’s life have been at a low ebb. Security Internal security in this dispensation, has remained in it its pre 1999 state. The growing insecurity in the Niger Delta, explains much about the spate of insecurity in the last two years. Today, Abuja, Kano, Lagos, Port-Harcourt, Maiduguri & Onitsha have remained the highest crime spots in the country. Anti corruption Promise: “We are determined to intensify the war against corruption, more so because corruption is itself central to the spread of poverty. Its corrosive effect is all too visible in all aspects of our national life. This is an area where we have made significant progress in recent years, and we will maintain the momentum.” The war against corrupt on seems to be heading Nigeria to nowhere Electoral reforms Promise: We acknowledge that our elections had some shortcomings. Thankfully, we have well-established legal avenues of redress, and I urge anyone aggrieved to pursue them. I also believe that our experiences represent an opportunity to learn from our mistakes. Accordingly, I will set up a panel to examine the entire electoral process with a view to ensuring that we raise the quality and standard of our general elections, and thereby deepen our democracy.” Verdict: The Uwais report on the reforms, has remained at the mercy of some powerful forces. Yar’Adua Govt In Figures * 24.893 billion, Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Yar’Adua’s first year in office (2008). * N2.67 trillion the budget proposed by President Yar’Adua to the National Assembly for 2008. It was increased to N3.049 trillion by the NASS and Yar’Adua now says he can’t implement it. * 6,000 megawatts the total electricity capacity targeted by the Federal Government by December up from current average of 2000 megawatts. * N628.875 billion the intervention fund for the power sector in 2009 of which N288.223 billion is FG’s contribution. * N50 billion - aggregate allocation to the Niger Delta in 2009. * 3,293 kilometres of road earmarked for construction and rehabilitation. * 12,000 hectares of arable land to be irrigated. A KITCHEN CABINET Those who see the President more than other people and those to whom the President relates with respectfully are as follows: Engineer Emeka Ezeh, the Director General of the Bureau of Public Enterprise. Chief Mike Aondoakaa, Minister of Justice and Attroney General of the Federation. Dr Lanre Babalola, Minister of Power, Yayale Ahmed, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF Alhaji Adamu Aliero, FCT Minister (by virtue of his position as landlord) Tanimu Yakubu, Chief Economic Adviser Abba Ruma, Agriculture Minister Dr Muhtah Mansur, Finance Minister Sarki Mukthar, National Security Adviser, NSA
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