true (8)


12166312265?profile=originalI've often heard Nigerians say, "you cant make it in Nigeria with being a corrupt citizen; in Nigeria, honesty doesn't pay". 
I often laugh when I hear such because it's obvious to me that people who believe such crap aren't using their heads. Because if they were, they would know that just isn't true.

Why would I say that? It's simple.Picture this:
When your car gets bad, which mechanic do you take it to? Is it the honest one or the corrupt one? When you are selecting a bank, is it the one that has a reputation  for fraud or the one that has integrity? When you want to buy a car, do you go to the corrupt car dealer or the one that will be honest with you?When you want to buy drugs, do you go to the pharmacy that has a reputation for selling fake drugs or the one that is known for selling only quality drugs?Even a bad man wants a good wife and a corrupt politician looks for those with integrity he can trust. 
I could go on and on giving your more examples.
So you see integrity is even in high demand in Nigeria because it is scarce.So it's absurd to say that you cant make it in Nigeria without being corrupt.



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jpeg&STREAMOID=3KNDIwJ7qMKwgqd8difoxS6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxTQs48J1m4ZP3bTGfvm7_NhnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=400Demola Adegbile met Olufunmi between 1980 and 1981, when she accompanied her friend to visit his flatmate. "I remember telling her that she looked like someone I want to spend the rest of my life with," he says. "If that's love at first sight, then, that's it."



But it definitely wasn't love at first sight for her.

"I didn't want to marry initially because the women in most marriages around me then had been brutalized, traumatized and suffering." However, she believed in friendship and wanted to have fun with him. Eventually, she changed her mind after finding out that he was "trustworthy, open-minded, sincere and caring". "Always, we talked about everything and I looked forward to being with him, so when he proposed, I couldn't resist saying, yes," she says.

Mrs Adegbile adds that her husband didn't initially have much money. "It was a bit tight," she says. But since money was not her focus, she contented herself with his numerous good qualities. "I cut down my taste as a single lady," she says. Prior to then, she had led an expensive life that included downing her lunch with a bottle of wine. Mr Adegbile was able to convince her that a bottle of Coke would do just as well until things got better. "He worked on me to help me see that the future was bright," she says.


Tough Times

The couple admit that they have had issues like other couples, but that they tried not to display anything in public because they wanted to maintain the image of a happy couple. For example, Mrs Adegbile confesses that her mindset of not wanting to be "under" any man initially affected their marriage.

"Being strong-willed," she says, "I always argued and wanted to have my way in any discussion." This often led her husband to switch off for days. She decided to change when she observed what she described as the "not palatable" result of always insisting on her way of doing things.

Mr Adegbile adds that they experienced other issues, the kind that come with two people with different backgrounds living together. "For example," he says, "she likes to sleep with the lights on and I don't."


Relationship Tips

Friendship is the first ingredient that Mr Adegbile ascribes their long-lasting union to. "At the time we met, I wasn't looking for a wife," he says. "When friends get married, they last longer." In addition, he set his mind on getting married only once and staying there. "Knowing that I couldn't leave made me try to make it work," he said.

Mrs Adegbile adds that communication is essential. "Keeping a secret is out of it. It kills the marriage."

"Our friendship makes it easier for me to communicate with my wife," Mr Adegbile says. "No matter what issues come, you can always resolve it," he says, adding that, every month, he took his wife out and they both wrote a list of things they didn't like about each other and talked about ways to tackle issues. Along the line, their lists started decreasing until they eventually disappeared, he says.


Staying Sweet

The couple say that they have never used sex as a weapon against each other. "I have a healthy sex life with my husband," Mrs Adegbile says. "Sex is not just having intercourse. Romance is the major part of sex." She adds that her husband prepares her for the "golden moment". He starts to make moves hours before the time. The inception of GSM and Blackberry, etc, have made things sweeter, she says, as they send "sweet nothings" to each other in advance.

"I call him ‘Sweet' because he is so sweet," she says. Her husband also calls her Sweet.

"Marry your friend," is the advice Mrs Adegbile has for singles. "Be open. A friend helps you have someone to share your life with."

"Loads of ladies and guys look out for husbands and wives in a way that is equivalent to getting another piece of furniture," Mr Adegbile says. "Marry your soul mate."

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EVERY four years, just before newly elected state and federal governments take over, Rio de Janeiro’s drug gangs start to throw their weight around. This time has been no exception. Just over a week ago, they began hijacking cars and buses, ordering out their occupants and setting them alight, in a show of force and an attempt to terrorise the city. They have become more media-savvy than they were the last time around: rather than murdering policemen, as they did in 2006, they are trying to demonstrate their ability to paralyse the city during the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016.

The government has also changed its strategy since then. The last time, police went into the favelas (shantytowns) all guns blazing; killed residents (not all of whom were gangsters); and pulled out weeks or months later once the status quo was restored. But Rio has now developed a public-security policy, and gained the political will to see it through. One at a time, thirteen favelas have been endowed with “Pacification Police Units” (UPPs), a permanent community-policing presence that can stop drug dealers from toting heavy weapons and terrorising residents. The plan is to reach 40 slums by 2014. Once public order is securely restored, health-care, community centres and so on will follow—and eventually, it is hoped, there will be no space left in which the bad guys can operate..

Rio is in some ways an incredibly gorgeous city: great beaches, startling mountains and some lovely, if shabby, architecture. But it brings to mind a face that is beautiful until its owner smiles, revealing teeth that are rotten stumps. Wherever you are, you can look up at the hills and see the favelas, home to hundreds of thousands of people living in unalleviated poverty, ill health, and lacking legal protection. Up there, in the hills, the state has ceded control to drug traffickers and militias made up of off-duty and retired police officers. Up there, teenagers sporting machine guns patrol the streets and carry out gut-wrenchingly sadistic murders, and no one is punished. But rather than looking at what is right in front of them, for decades the authorities and many of the better-off have simply averted their eyes.

How come Rio ended up like this? It has never had an effective police force, says Elizabeth Süssekind, a criminologist at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio. Its police are underpaid and receive little training, and until recently were pretty much armed and then left to their own devices. They could torture and kill within prisons, or carry out revenge attacks inside the favelas with complete impunity, and had neither the organisational structure nor the know-how to do much else. Such folk were easy to corrupt, and throughout the 20th century gangs running the Jogo de Bicho (Animal Game), an immensely popular, lucrative, and formally illegal lottery, provided the money to do so. When Rio became a major transit point for cocaine trafficking to Europe in the 70s and 80s, a fallen police force accommodated these new criminals too.

Julia Michaels, an American writer and journalist who has lived in Rio for many years, points out another consequence of the weak, corrupt state: an emphasis on personal relationships to the exclusion of almost everything else. Brazilians naturally focus on friends and family, she thinks, and there is a very weak idea of the common good. And Brazilians’ famous optimism may play a part too: someone who always thinks everything will turn out fine is less likely to push for much-needed change. When I ask the taxi driver who brings me up to the Complexo do Alemão, the scene of the recent action, what he thought of the week’s events, he says that he believes “good always triumphs over evil”, despite much evidence to the contrary in Rio in recent years.

A consequence of the focus on friends and family is a surprising heartlessness towards everyone else. Professor Süssekind says that some of her neighbours expressed disappointment that the police had not just gone into Alemão and “killed them all”. Another person asked her, Marie Antoinette-like, why “those people” were living “up there” anyway. On my flight to Rio from São Paulo, where I live, the woman next to me said, very firmly, that Rio was fighting a “civil war” and that of course the armed forces would end up shooting innocent bystanders; it simply could not be helped. For such people, what is happening is not an inexcusably belated attempt to extend the protections and privileges of citizenship to the poor, but the punishment of poverty itself as a crime.

But this is an old story, and there is a new one being told in Rio now. I heard it today at one of the entrances to Alemão when I asked Marco, a member of a state police special-forces unit, how things were going today. He said nothing of war or victory, instead simply calling the situation “calm”, and the residents “receptive” and free to come and go as they pleased. Renê, a 17-year-old resident of Complexo do Alemao, went from 2,000 followers on Twitter to 22,000 during the last week, as people from Rio and beyond followed his updates on what was happening. Ms Michaels told me of a teacher she met in a school on the edge of the now-pacified Borel favela, who explained that before, she was not meant to look out the window, or point out the sights to visitors. Now she can look wherever she wants.
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Some revelations will SHOCK you but this publication is genuine and has been circulating on the Pages of Media Websites . READ ON ! We are tax payers residents in Lagos who are desperately desirous of accountability since taxes have recently become major revenue of Lagos State government. In the developed societies where a similar revenue regime operates, associations such as ours have acted as Government Watchdogs, which is why some of us have decided to take up the gauntlet of championing the cause of taxpayers in the state. After all if we don’t pay our taxes, government can charge and eventually jail us. In the last ten years, tax revenue has come to constitute about 75 per cent of government revenue base, yet, the government never bothers to render account to tax payers in Lagos . In the last three years alone, a colossal sum of 1.1 trillion naira was budgeted by Fashola’s government with the government itself affirming that it has consistently recorded a minimum of 75 per cent of budget performance out of which 80 per cent came from Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). This is 30 per cent more than the entire budgets recorded by successive governments between 1992-2007-a period spanning 15 years. Today, the total tax revenue of Lagos on a monthly basis hovers between N14 and N17 billion naira while federal allocations come to N6 billion Naira monthly. This is more than the revenue of seven states put together on a monthly basis. But how has the governor been spending the money? While we note the heavy investments in roads and environmental infrastructure mainly and commendably so, there is the need to question some of the ways the governor has been expending tax money which in our opinion reflects financial recklessness, mismanagement, gross constitutional violations and abuse of office. Set below are some of the expenditures which the government claimed to have incurred on behalf of ‘Lagosians’ and which we feel were mere avenues to corruptly enrich some privileged individuals in and out of government and to which the state House of Assembly under the tutelage of ‘governor emeritus’ otherwise known as the Lion of Bourdillon has become an accomplice covering up a lot of misdeeds on the part of the executive. Just last week, it was alleged that each member of the House was given a sum of 20million naira through a lawyer member of the House from the Lagos west senatorial district, the constituency of the governor emeritus himself. When this was about to be leaked to the press, the Lion of Bourdillon used his powerful media contacts through two of his former aids who are media chieftains to suppress the leakage. Were this not to be the case, we would have otherwise sent these complaints to the House of Assembly. But since we no longer trust this pliant House of Assembly, we have decided to go public with the following: 1. Last year, Fashola (BRF) gave N250 million to Rotimi Akeredolu led Exco of NBA for the NBA conference held in Lagos . At a time when Lagos teachers and doctors were on strike for improved welfare package. 2. The BRF government within 6 months, January to June 2009 spent N420 million on hiring of private security – to guard who – despite his heavy investment in the Police Force through the State Security Trust Fund. 3. BRF spent N1.5 billion to demolish the Bank of Industry (BOI) building, paying a company introduced by one Tunji Olowolafe in cash transfer only for him and his cronies to claim the land adjacent to it. 4. BRF government awarded part of Western Avenue ( Funsho Williams Road ), about 2 kilometres road for N7.7 billion just between Abalti Barracks and Costain. And without the construction of any bridges, the project was carried out by Julius Berger. This project must certainly be investigated. 5. Between January and June 2009, the BRF government claimed to have fuelled 225 vehicles in his office alone with N135 million. These figures amount to about N800, 000 per day, at a time that petrol was sold for N65 per litre and government always get it cheaper, but BRF claimed to have bought it at N85 per litre. 6. Also between January and June 2009, BRF’s Chief of Staff and PAs expended N290 million in sending TEXT Messages and phone CALLS on their lines. 7. It is also very sickening to know that the BRF government awarded the construction of a road and drains inside Gbagada General Hospital for over N1.8 billion to the same Tunji Olowolafe’s company (DEUX Projects Limited). 8. The sum of 1.5 billion naira of un-appropriated funds, without approval was claimed to have been spent on demolition of Oshodi. 9. The Helicopter Deal – was a big fraud. The helicopter was not built for any kind of emergency evacuation, rescue or to even combat urban fire. Over N5 billion has been spent on the two helicopters. And, the seal of Lagos State is not on it, and it is not even in Lagos but in the Niger Delta making money for some private people in government. The whole helicopter deal stinks to high heavens; it constitutes the biggest governmental fraud of all times and confirms the rot in the State. See ThisDay December 19, 2009 10. The SSA (Media) to BRF spent N183 million in 6 months on press coverage and on editors outside the approved budget but funded directly from the Governor’s Office. 11. In a State where children are sitting on the floor in classrooms, where unemployment is rampant and poverty pervasive. BRF paid a lady wife of a controversial pastor over N600 million in 2 years for Xmas Decorations for about six streets in Lagos. 12. In Six months between January and June 2009, BRF spent on several faceless organisations, subventions, grants and donations and they quickly pocketed N2 billion. THE RIPPING OFF OF LAGOS – ESSENTIAL DETAILS 1. The BRF government recklessly increased and paid over 60% increase on the LASU – IBA road awarded by the Bola Tinubu government for N6.2 billion but was jerked up to N10 billion less than 2 weeks that BRF came on board. 2. Also, the Tinubu administration awarded the construction of City Hall for N2.3 billion. BRF only changed the floor tiles to marble tiles and increased the contract sum to N5.2 billion. This project was increased by 126%. 3. Publishing of INDICATOR Magazine, is falsely presented to the public as a private magazine but is actually co-ordinated by Tunji Olowolafe and Hakeem Bello, SSA (Media) to BRF with government money. 4. BRF recently gave a media-related Permanent Secretary, and some others the sum of N100 million to do a soap opera on himself. They are presently in London recording the film. 5. The BRF government has failed woefully in the area of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in three years. Yet, BRF is paying the PPP boss in Lagos State N2 million per month in violation of the Constitution, when even commissioners recognised by the Constitution are receiving N300,000 per month. The PPP guy is the highest paid government official presiding over a non-performing and failed parastatal. 6. The Beautification Programme of Fashola administration is reeking with corruption. In a State where there is no water, where over 90 per cent of the road in Lagos is in a deplorable state of disrepair, he is spending over N13 billion on planting grass and flowers. Most of the money was spent to import Palm trees from Niger Republic , a sahel region when Lagos is in the rain forest which explains why most of them have dried up... 7. Also, it is important to note that the renovation of classrooms of usually 12 blocks plus one which was done for N26 million by the Tinubu administration up till 2007 was increased to N53 million with the collaboration of the housing commissioner who is supervising projects in the education ministry. 8. CCTV project was awarded to BRF’s relation who claimed to be acting for CISCO. The contract was awarded for $62 million dollars, while the rejected quote for the contract was $30 million. It is important to note that this is only a pilot scheme. 9. BRF’s wife travels abroad once bi-monthly and takes N30 million per trip from the State coffers, apart from her monthly running cost. 10 The mother of all rip off is the award to DEUX PROJECT LIMITED, a company owned by the powerful Tunji Olowolafe 11 out of 19 contracts in the Lagos State Ministry of health between January and August 2009. Out of N5.6 billion naira contract in the Ministry of Health, Olowolafe alone collected N5.1 billion worth and was paid 70% upfront in cash. OTHER QUESTIONS 1. Why did BRF divert N1.85 billion in the Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation to a project that was not originally provided for in the budget and promptly awarded to Olowolafe? 2. Why is Lawyer BRF’s administration illegally deducting funds from the statutory allocation of the Local Governments in Lagos State ? 3. Why was the Mayegun Scheme which was sold to Olowolafe and other friends and cronies against public interest without any independent valuation by relevant agency of government? Why is the size of the scheme shielded in secrecy? Why was N5.2 billion for which the land sold untraceable? Where is the over N2 billion loan borrowed to sand-fill the place? What is the fate of the Tourism and Art-craft sellers chased away from the place? 4. Pinnacle – why did the governor and his cronies engage in questionable transfer of 400 hectares of land to Pinnacle, South Africa, when it is known that the company is almost bankrupt and the ABSA Bank now owns over 60% of the Company. What nature of PPP is this? The world is watching! 5. Why was the illegal sand-filling of about 1 km in the Badagry – Marina awarded for N1.5 billion out of which N700 million has been paid and yet the contractors and the Tourism Ministry have completely destroyed all the historical relics and artefacts in the area? It has also created an environmental disaster for West Africa because of greed. And it appears the Commissioner has been settled. FASHOLA AND CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS 1. Flagrant and deliberate disregard for the Appropriation law passed by the Lagos State House of Assembly, in violation of Section 120 of the 1999 Constitution. 2. Criminal diversion of funds without due approval of the Lagos State House of Assembly, in further violation of Section 120 (3) of the 1999 Constitution. 3. Indiscriminate award of contracts without due process, without following the laid down financial regulation as well as the public procurement guidelines. The payment of such contracts is in violation of Part (E) Section 120(4) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 4. Most Ministries, Departments, Parastatals sometimes do not know when contracts are awarded in their names and for what purpose, they only find out later. And they don’t know when payments to contractors are made by the State Treasury Office. This is in further violation of Section 121(2) of the 1999 Constitution. 5. Illegal and unwarranted deductions from the statutory Allocation of the local governments. This is in direct contravention of Public Revenue Provision of the 1999 Constitution and in violation of Section 162 sub-section 6, 7 and 8. 6. Opening of illegal and unconstitutional Dedicated Accounts which is contrary to the provision of the 1999 Constitution and which Revenue Monitoring Agency is unaware of. This act is in direct violation of Section 120(1) of the 1999 Constitution. 7. Office of the Chief of Staff which is unknown to the Constitution has more staff than any other Ministry in Lagos State . This violation is very grave as it is in direct breach of the Governor’s Oath of Office in the 7th Schedule of the 1999 Constitution Section 13 and a gross violation of Sections 192, 193 and 208(2d) of the 1999 Constitution. 8. Indiscriminate borrowing by the Ministry of Finance without legislative approval, which the Finance Commissioner calls Bridging Loans, is a grave assault on Fiscal Federalism, a coup against Financial Regulations and a shameful and criminal violation of Section 120(1), (2), (3) and (4) of the 1999 Constitution. 9. Concentration of over 70% of Lagos State Government contracts in the hands of one Tunji Olowolafe. This is the clearest indication of the betrayal of trust by Governor Fashola, it is against the Oath of Office he swore to, it is a violation of Sections 14(4), 15(5) and 17(2a) of the 1999 Constitution on which social objective of a just, free and equitable social order is founded. 10. Arbitrary use of Special Expenditure Vote for activities not originally provided for under the Appropriation Law. This is a further betrayal of Fiscal Federalism and a violation of provisions of Section 120(3) and (4), and Section 123(1) and (2) of the 1999 Constitution. 11. Payment of 70% up-front to persons and cronies for contracts not yet executed. Similarly, this is a contravention of Section 120(4) of the 1999 Constitution. 12. Giving arbitrary donations to selective professional associations and faceless organisations for acting as sycophants without appropriate authorisation by relevant constitutional bodies. This is a clear violation of sections 120(4) and 123 of the 1999 Constitution 13. The fraudulent purported acquisition of 2 Bell 412 EP Series Helicopters from a Canadian firm constitute a flagrant violation of Section 123(1) and (2) and Section 120(4) of the 1999 Constitution. 14. Furthermore, the award of contract of courts and other Judicial Infrastructure as well as procurement for the Judiciary in Lagos State by the Attorney-General, Tunji Olowolafe and Governor Fashola is in gross violation of Section 121(3) of the 1999 Constitution. In all these aberrations, the Lagos State House of Assembly has kept mute, and the House has become inept, achaic, drab, docile and inefficient. All the noise by Mr. Speaker about accountability and probity be only to enable house members line their pockets and feed fat on the sweat and toil of the people of the State? Is it also true that they have been given their own share of the loot, they are maintaining undignified silence over the report of the ad hoc Committee set up to look into the books and activities of the Lagos State Government pursuant to Section 103 of the 1999 Constitution with powers expressly provided in sections 1a, b(i) and (ii), as well as Section 129 1 a b c and d. We are aware that the report has been submitted since November 2009, so why is the Lagos State House of Assembly still sitting on the report? This is just a tip of the ice berg of financial recklessness by the Lagos executive led the seemingly performing governor Fashola! More soon .
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In Punch Newspapers on Thursday 28th January 2010 a group called ‘The True Face of Lagos’ took out a 2 pg advertorial in pgs 44 and 45 where they accused our erstwhile Governor Fashola, our Attorney General Supo Shasore and a Mr. Tunji Olowolafe of financial recklessness. They claim also that the Law makers in the house had been shielding the Governor from probe as they have been bribed and their ‘lion of bourdillon’ had bribed the press to avoid leakages. The advert was signed by a Mr. Kasali Martins and another Dr Tunde George. The punch newspaper also wrote their report based on the advert and said they spoke to our former Governor Asiwaju Bola Tinubu who said he does not work in governor’s office, BRF does not take instructions from him and that he is not BRF’s boss. This advertorial by this seemingly faceless group was interestingly only placed in Punch Newspapers. Not in other papers like Next and This Day where some investigative journalism would have gone to the bottom of all their spurious allegations before reporting the story. It is interesting also that they care so much about the people of Lagos and only Punch readers have been privy to their grave concerns and the consequences of their action. The lawmakers thus based on this advertorial started impeachment proceedings against our action Governor the very next day. Again this was reported in Punch Newspapers the next day, Friday 29th January 2010 in pg 12. There will be a probe that will be led by a group of 6 ad hoc committee. A name in the group is Mrs Adefunmilayo Tejuosho, the disgraced former deputy speaker that was ousted last year is now trusted to be inquisitor of a Governor who has put the State on the World map! These are indeed interesting times in politics in Nigeria. We want to warn the law makers especially this group of 6 to be careful they do not succumb to temptations that would lead to setting Lagos on fire. They should not agree to be weapons in the hands of satan. We are not faceless but a group of professionals of all works of life. We are going to do all to see that after 10 years we have for the first time a patriotic, forward thinking, hard working, Godly man who is there truly to serve to lead us that he stays there. We know those behind this faceless group and they will fail. We were ambitious when BRF agreed to answer the call to be governor that asiwaju would be big enough to let him do the work whilst he takes care of the politics involved. What asiwaju seems to forget also is that but for him giving us this governor, we would be petitioning all the looting that took place under his administration that caused some commissioners to resign for fear of probe as the treasury was practically empty. He probably now would be in kirikiri with his co megalomaniac of the Lagos PDP, Bode George courtesy of the EFCC. At least they can say which contracts they feel were awarded and figures, who knew what was given to whom under the Tinubu regime? What are BRF’s real crimes? 1, Asiwaju wants the state to pay his company alpha beta N4 Billion every month and more as our revenue rises, to which BRF says ‘ No sir, I need the money to build roads, bridges, hospitals, courts, rail lines, houses that I promised my people when I took the oath of office which means something to some of us. It is interesting True Face of Lagos mention anything about Alpha Beta in their advertorial. Asiwaju already collects revenues from Lagos State higher than some state revenues. In the whole of BRF’s cabinet, the Judiciary, and the executive there are only a handful of BRF’s own people. Majority defer to Asiwaju and still BRF keeps working with dignity. Asiwaju owns practically half of Ikoyi, nearly all of Lekki several properties abroad. He still is not satisfied and publically denounces BRF as being stingy. What does BRF own? Asiwaju took delivery of his own private jet last month, True Face was this acquired from his pension? 2, Lagos State Government wanted to buy helicopters as one of the ways to raise revenue, asiwaju with all his cronies like Muiz Banire, Afikuyomi decided that he would supply the helicopters. BRF says ‘ No sir, anything else. This is not a contract. It has to be given to those who can maintain service and manage them. This was awarded to Caverton Helicopters who not only put up the best bid but also submitted a Business plan on how best to service the choppers such that they will earn their cost in just 2 years and they have started working. The same Punch Newspapers in today's review 31st Jan on page 7report on the good work the choppers are doing. 3, The Martin Luther King award for outstanding Governance that was given to BRF. Asiwaju was furious! He could not even help but comment on BRF’s star that is shinning too bright. What he should know is that it is not by power or by might but from above. Even BRF could not brighten his own star. It is God that does that and can Asiwaju challenge God now? He should please ask his beautiful and very kind wife Remi, who goes to Church toread and explain Ezekiel 28 v2-19 to him and the consequences. As usual BRF knowing his former boss as usual showed such deference he did not go to collect the award himself. He did not ask friends and use money from the State’s coffers to take out Congratulatory messages to himself as is the norm of recipients of even less prestigious awards like the ‘Ikorodu Hall Of Fame’. He needs also to read the story of King Saul and David. He would understand how God works. The Truth. The truth will always be the truth no matter where it is being told and for how long. To use some of the issues raised in the advertorial. 1, The Western Avenue road contract awarded to Julius Berger. The Committee should probe it and all other Julius Berger contracts awarded under Asiwaju’s Government as the CEO of JB Engr Salami is Asiwaju’s long time best friend. 2, Our investigations show that under the Civil Service Rules and which BRF’s government stictly adheres to, a situation that did not give under Asiwaju’s time, whenever a contract is to be awarded, let us take the Contract awarded to Deux limited by the Ministry of health. A memo is raised by the Director of the ministry to the Perm Sec with a list of companies who bid. It is the Perm sec who vets this list of companies and recommends the best 3 based on their reputation, their past performance, their financials and then recommends these 3 to the commissioner. The Commissioner for health in Lagos State is Dr Jide Idris- Asiwaju’s 1st cousin. The commissioner now presents these 3 companies to Exco which is made up of 40 members including the deputy governor and the governor. It is the Exco that now award the contract to 1 company. Any company in our estimation that can bribe 40 people and then perform really should get that contract however unlikely that is. Deux limited from our findings a construction company that also specializes in Health service delivery are popular with Lagos state because they are patriotic. They get the work done with their own funds and then await payment and are owed a lot of money by the state. They have in their employment close to a thousand lagosiansand only in comparison very few expats. They work in Abuja, Portharcourt and not justLagos. Above all their initial introduction into Lagos was the closeness of Olowolafe and Asiwaju. The fallout is Asiwaju refusing to be advised to allow BRF work. We have had enough and despite what is going on at the centre, Lagos is our own and we wont let Tinubu who afterall is from Osun State and cannot understand the pride we have in BRF, pull us down. We are rising up and reject all this godfatherism. Tinubu regrets his choice of BRF but what he should realize is that it was not his choice. It was the choice of God. We are not faceless and we would use our professionalism to put the truth out there. We are Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Bankers, Accountants, Nurses, Teachers, Home makers who have influences with embassies, international chambers of commerce, foreign governments and have a wide reach. What you decide and stand on does not stay in Lagos. We are not all from Lagos State but we have our livelihoods here and pay our taxes here. Our roots are here. This is the beginning of getting Lagos’s much needed freedom from Tinubu. It has gone on too long. There will be plenty of activities to this end and we will call on you all to stand and speak up. Eko o le baje! Eko o ni baje. Adebola Olasewere. Abidemi Dabiri. Kehinde Olusi
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You have no reason not to work for humanity

We all are called to do the work of charity. In this case, there is no barrier and by that I mean how much you have. Sometimes we think it’s meant for those who have enough but let it be clear that human wants are insatiable for even the rich are still wanting for more wealth like the famous Oliva Twist. Charity as the Holy bible says covers a multitude of sin. This implies that God Almighty has every authority to forgive our iniquities just because we partake in the work of helping humanity (i.e. charity). Again, it does not mean we frequently sin and then take the antidote ‘charity work’ to cancel our debt. Not at all, we are made special by the creator of all things to control the environment we live in. You are never on your own as you cannot do without the other, so no man is an island. Something came to mind when I am concluding this writing about the parable of the rich fool in the bible who parked his rich harvests in the stores and was throwing party. He never woke up the next day as God demanded his soul. If one keeps wanting and remained insatiable in life, he may get full satisfaction in the grave and who knows what next?Today we have charity organizations, philanthropists and international bodies doing the work of charity. The common truth here is that they are not paid back reason because the clients are not poised to pay, instead they reap and that’s practical love. The work of charity does far more than donation. Charity in our various homes gives rise to a better society because the home is the fundamental part of the society where various characters abound. Contributing partially or immensely in moral upbringing of people around you is charity as well. This time around is it more than making donations as money could not buy you life; life eternal. Let’s build our homes with charity and love so that the society will improve. Helping others morally is very important while giving alms is nice as well but let’s merge the two (i.e. helping morality and doing almsgiving). If I keep giving to someone without giving morals or exhibiting true love through character, the beneficiaries see it as ordinary thing. Please note that the author is writing with experience using the teachings of Christ Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Here he refers to the feeding of the 5000 men by Christ Jesus. At first they love listening to his sermons, secondly he performed miracles but Christ himself feeling for them demanded that a miracle be made and that was the multiplication of few loafs of bread. Remark that he (Jesus Christ) fed the moral food first before the perishable bread.Like the author stated initially, we are all stakeholders in the work of charity. There should not be excuses here because you are given all it takes to exercise your right as real humans. Your conscience tells you better when you are doing anything to salvage the world. No matter how little you have, ensure you share with others. See that the candle does not lose any light igniting the other candle as so is charity. Give and you receive.
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Na Only 4 Niaja

There are some many things that qualifies one to be called a true born Naija Person..I say the things dem plenty well well..Also,there are many things that are found only in Naija..I mean ways of life..talking,and other things. Check out the List 1:Its only in Naija that Young Guys eat Beans and Bread?2:Na 4 Naija U go hear say Thief dey Rob 4 Church.3:In Naija,When they bring Light(Electricity)Everybody shout Up Nepa4:In Naija,even when you koboless,you can dress like a millionaire.5:In Naija,Men dont give their fellow Men Lifts on the way,except they have booby(U know what i mean)6:Na 4 Naija when you are in a public means of transport,u dont interact..everybody carries a long face.7:In Naija,You can get almost anything in its fake version..Shoes,Clothes,jewry,currency,women ..even these days,their are fake Leaders.8:In Naija no Sociall security.9:Na only for Naija You see People with lots of Cars wasting away in their 4 only naija u see politicians spending their ill-gotten wealth on parties and no one talks,afterall na chop i chop...What a country!...yet we still believe things go work out some day...''The Choosen Leaders are not yet Born" He go better!
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The News is not complete without a mention of the Federal Governments Amnesty to the Niger-Deltan Militants..Day in,Day out we are fed with juicy news from that Region..The Niger-Deltan Region has been in the spotlight of late with not too pleasnt news ..Bombing of Oil Pipelines,Kidnapping of Expatriates and Nigerians alike etc...The Recent one was the Invasion of some communities by the Army under a spcial unit called JTF(Joint Military Taskforce)They left behind their regular trademark..(sorrow,tears and Blood)apologies late Fela Kuti.. Now,then Government have extended the Olive branch to the Militants to lay down their Arms for the sake of Peace and to enable them develop a Region they abandoned for 50 years..Thats not the issue here,the main reason they are offering the militants amnesty,is to ensure that they continue siphoning the Oil wealth..because the Militants have promised to cripple the oil sector if their demands are not meant these include;The Unconditional release of Henry Okah,return To true Federalism and Resource Control..blah..blah..blah..I think this is a right move in the midst of the present situation of things in the Region..All said and done,i honestly believe that we the great people of the Country-Naija need amnesty..Yes i think we need to be liberated from the hands of selfish Leaders who get into power solely to enrich their pockets..We need amnesty from Epileptic Power Supply,Corruption,electoral malpratices (Infact we dont elect,they just appoint)I want to use this medium to call on the FG to extend her hand of amnesty to the entire citizens of this country.
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