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Jacob Zuma's three first ladies

The question that has had South Africa's media all of a twitter is: "Who amongst Jacob Zuma's three wives will be the country's next first lady?"Mr Zuma, a Zulu, has married at least five women since 1973 and has 19 children.Mr Zuma has remained close to his ex-wife, who will also be at the ceremonyThe 67-year-old is still married to his first wife Sizakele Khumalo, to Nompumelelo Ntuli, 34, whom he married in 2007, and to his most recent wife Thobeka Mabhija, described by the South African media as a 35-year-old "Durban socialite".Another wife, Kate Mantsho Zuma, committed suicide in 2000, and he divorced Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma in 1998, but she remains a close political adviser and has served as a minister in government.Saturday's inauguration ceremony - the first for a polygamous president in South Africa - may have provided a hint.While Mr Zuma's three wives were all said to be present, only first wife Sizakele Khumalo accompanied him on stage.He introduced her to the crowd but then added: "You will see other wives some other time."HonestyPolygamy is still common in rural KwaZulu Natal, where Mr Zuma is from.According to political analyst Protas Madlala, many Zulus who are Christian have turned away from the practice, but it persists in rural areas because of the low standard of education and enduring poverty there.Traditionally, the whole family would live in the same compound, with each wife maintaining her own round house, or rondavel.People who stick to the traditions say that they may have more than one wife, but Christians maintain strings of mistresses, hidden awayPolitical analyst Protas MadlalaThe first wife is usually expected to have some say in choosing the subsequent wives, to make sure the husband does not choose someone she will quarrel with."The man is expected to rotate his nightly visits," says Mr Madlala."I am a Westernised African, with an education, so I wouldn't go for a polygamous marriage," Mr Madlala says."But rural poverty definitely plays a part in keeping the tradition alive. Parents may depend on the bride prices that are paid, and may ask their children to go into it."He says that although polygamy is not as common as it once was, traditions are associated with openness and honesty."People who stick to the traditions say that they may have more than one wife, but Christians maintain strings of mistresses, hidden away."Sexual politicsBy being closely associated with traditional practices, including polygamy, Mr Zuma has managed to create an image of himself as a straight-talking honest man among rural supporters across South Africa's ethnic lines, Mr Madlala says.Nompumelelo Ntuli cast her ballot alongside Mr Zuma in AprilThis despite a well-publicised rape trial where Mr Zuma admitted having unprotected sex with a family friend who was HIV positive.Mr Zuma was acquitted of the charge.But the furore did not seem to matter to Zulus, who voted for Mr Zuma in their droves, abandoning the traditional Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party."Many people I spoke to said they voted for Mr Zuma, not the African National Congress," Mr Madlala said.He suspects that support came through amongst rural Xhosas too.But should sexual politics have an influence over voters' choices?Steven Friedman at the University of Johannesburg says not."If as a politician you believe it is OK to rape or treat people with violence then that will have an effect on the way you deal with public challenges.""But if you think it's OK to marry five women I don't think it would."Mr Zuma is deeply committed to traditional beliefs, he says."But I'm sceptical if the electorate cares much about it."TraditionSo why has there been such a flurry of media articles about who will be the "first wife"?A lot of the media speculation has been driven by American news values, something that doesn't really have much to do with South African political cultureSteven FriedmanUniversity of JohannesburgThe ANC has said the matter is a personal one and there is no protocol to dictate who Mr Zuma should choose to be his "first wife".It has also been suggested that one of Mr Zuma's daughters could take on the role.But Mr Friedman says there is nothing in the constitution about any role for the president's spouse."A lot of the media speculation has been driven by American news values, something that doesn't really have much to do with South African political culture."So does Zulu culture indicate who will get to shake Barack Obama's hand or take tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace?Mr Madlala says it is likely that Mr Zuma will not have to choose one woman to be his official companion at state occasions or visits.The Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu frequently takes more than one of his five wives with him on visits, he says."It may be that to avoid antagonising some of them he takes them all to state occasions."Or he may rotate among them, like the nightly visits."
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More banks are sacking their workers as they struggle to adapt to the new corporate governance instituted by the Central Bank of Nigeria in its move to clean up the industry. Yesterday, Wema Bank Plc sacked about 500 workers nationwide, including 25 top management staff, while First Bank of Nigeria Plc is also involved in a dispute with a labour union for allegedly forcing workers to resign.
Tunde Olofintila, a spokesperson for Wema Bank, who confirmed that the bank had sacked some workers, said the number was less than 500. He however refuse to disclose the number of workers affected. "Some people have been disengaged already, and as I speak, some are still receiving their letters," he said. "I cannot tell you how many people would be affected. This is because letters are still being distributed to various people and I won't want to give you a figure that would later be incorrect. The whole process would have to be completed before an accurate number can be gotten, but I can assure you that it is not up to that number that you are talking about" he said. New management Mr. Olofintila also said that the development followed efforts by the new management that resumed in June 2009, to sanitise the bank. "When the new management took over, all the staff members were called together and addressed at the management's inaugural gathering. There, we were told that processes would be streamlined, and roles will be matched to ensure effective production," he sai. "Apparently, there are roles that overlap, but we were assured that the streamlining process would lead to a more effective operation and service delivery." On June 10, a new management team led by Segun Oloketuyi, who is a former Executive Director, Skye Bank Plc, took over to be assisted by Ademola Adebise (formerly of Accenture) and Taiwo Adeniji (of Africa Finance Corporation) as executive directors. While emphasising that the immediate challenge facing the new management is the institution of corporate governance in the bank, Mr. Oloketuyi also said that the new team intends to pursue a strategic and sustained transformation plan, which will reverse the fortunes of the bank. He said these would be accomplished in three phases - stabilising the bank, preparing it for growth and finally growing the bank to take its rightful place at the fore of the financial services industry. First Bank denies allegation First Bank, however, denied forcing its workers to resign under the guise of voluntary resignation. A top official of the bank who spoke under anonymity said, "nothing strange has taken place, only the usual movement because, some people just came in and some people have left; there's nothing extraordinary in staff movement so far." The Union comes calling In reaction to the development,bank unions have indicated their readiness to challenge any bank that indulges in indiscriminate sacking of its workers. Peter Esele , the president of the Trade Union Congress said that the union had already issued a statement on the layoff, after hearing that First Bank was planning a huge staff lay off. "What we addressed in the statement was on the basis that they were planning to. The management of the bank has, however, replied that there is nothing like that in their agenda," he said. "One of the things that give us the leverage to challenge bank actions pertaining to their staff is that the bank staff must have an extension of this union in their bank. Bank officials must be members of the union before we can talk on their behalf."
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