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_51548171_011308970-1.jpgThe number of people who see Brazil as having a positive influence in the12166303660?profile=original world is rising rapidly, according to a BBC World Service poll of 27 countries.
The country is now regarded positively by 49%, compared to 40% last year - the largest jump by any of the 16 nations respondents are asked to comment on.
South Africa, host of the 2010 World Cup, posted the second biggest rise.
Germany remained the most popular country, while the image of the US improved for the fourth year in a row.
The UK achieved the second highest positive rating, continuing a steady rise in its fortunes since 2006.
More than 28,000 people across the world were interviewed between December 2010 and February 2011 by international polling firm GlobeScan and the Program on International Policy Attitudes (Pipa) at the University of Maryland.
Female president..
"The growing credibility of middle powers is the story this year, especially Brazil and South Africa," said GlobeScan chairman Doug Miller.
"The jump in positive views of Brazil follows the successful democratic transition from President [Luiz Inacio] Lula da Silva to Dilma Rousseff, Brazil's first female president."
Views of the country were predominantly positive in all but two of the 27 countries - China and Germany.
In China, 45% rated Brazil's influence as positive, but only marginally fewer, 41%, rated it negatively.
In Germany the proportion of those polled who rated Brazil's influence negatively - 32% - slightly exceeded the 31% who rated it positively.
In general Brazil is regarded very favourably in the American countries polled - the US, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Mexico - and in all Western European countries included in the survey, apart from Germany.
Views of Brazil in two fellow members of the Bric group of countries - Russia and India - are less negative than they are in the fourth members of the group, China, but still only lukewarm. Most respondents in both countries said they were neutral towards Brazil, or offered no opinion, but only 29% in India and 37% in Russia had a positive view.
Positive views of South Africa's influence jumped from 35% to 42% overall, with big improvements in the US and Canada, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and South Korea.
Overall, positive ratings increased for 13 of the 16 nations respondents were asked to rate.
"While last year relatively dour views of nations were prevalent - perhaps reflecting the mood of the economic downturn - the mood now seems to be relatively upbeat," said Pipa director, Steven Kull.
US recovery
The average ratings of the three most negatively viewed countries - Iran, North Korea and Pakistan - went from bad to worse, however.
In 2007, the US was among the countries with the lowest ratings, but it has climbed quickly up through the rankings since then.
Focusing on polling results from 15 countries where the survey has been carried out every year since 2005, positive views of the US outnumbered negative views in 2010 for the first time, and are now 12 points clear. That leaves the US roughly in the middle of the league table of 16 countries.
The most negative views of the US are found in majority-Muslim countries, though opinions in Indonesia have undergone a marked shift in the last year, with positive views of US influence, at 58%, now more than twice as prevalent as negative views (25%).
In Turkey views remained negative overall, but there was a 22-point increase in positive views (now 35%) and a 21-point drop in negative ratings (now 49%).
In Egypt, however, while views of the US improved in 2010, they tumbled again this year. In the 2011 survey - carried out before the revolution that toppled President Hosni Mubarak - negative views rose 21 points to 50%, while positive views dropped 19 points to 26%.
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Whatever's going on...the Earth Is Shaking! Shaking like never before!! Causing people to open their eyes.

I wonder why insurance companies call a thing like this mornings earthquake an “Act of God”? I’ve spoken to 5 people back home since the quake this morning, and all have unanimously agreed: it was terrifying, people are scared, questions are being asked and disbelief “that it could happen to me” is in the air. As it did happen, & as no one died, miraculously, where then do we find answers to the questions? Geologist’s, scientists, council members, civil defense…etc? I submit a higher source: God & His Son Jesus whose been given “All authority in heaven and on earth.” – Mt 28:18

In doing so we have to change our western mindset of Jesus to the real one. As Wesley said, “I want the whole Jesus & the whole Bible.” And as history (His story) belongs to Jesus (Is 46:8-10; Rev 1:8), this is our only key for correct interpretation of a 7.1 event like this mornings.

It’s not a nice subject to look at, nor is it politically correct or practical by our standards, but one of the main Biblical & historical self revelations of God & His Son Jesus, is that He is Judge: the Judge & only Judge, leading history, and doing as He pleases in His infinite goodness toward all (Ps 115;3; 145:16). Especially in the west, as a revolt against an over emphasized understanding of God as a Judge, we have let the pendulum swing way to far in the opposite direction. Now, for the most part, we’re told about a Jesus who is merely a sentimental King & nothing more than humble shepherd resembling a heavenly Santa Clause or Tinkerbell.

While Jesus truly is a good shepherd and a willing friend to all (Mt 26:50), He is also the righteous Judge of the earth who loves justice, hates sin & who patiently uses the least severe means to wake the most amount of people up to come to Him for life & grace (Gen 19; 2 Tim 4:1; Ps 5:5). He is described in scripture as the One who will administrate the end-time plan of God with specific fierceness to crush wicked & sinful nations in judgment (Rev 6-19). Also from the history of nations we learn that He is the One who claim’s sovereignty over national calamities: “If there is calamity in a city, have not I the LORD done it?” (Amos 3:6) He also says “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.’” Is 45:7. And in Romans 1, as the good news of salvation is framed, God reveals that His “wrath… is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men who suppress (hold back) the truth…in unrighteousness”. It is from this wrath that salvation is offered freely and fully to us in Christ.

Today, as of lunch time no one had died as a direct result the quake and only a few people were severely injured: this is, in light of His glory, His persistently scorned goodness, His command and our moral standing before Him, a light wake up call to us (Christchurch & New Zealand). This morning “He did not give as our sins desevred. (Ps 103:10)”. Rather, He gave us a city wide wake up call to a nation in need of His presence and power to save us.

But why earthquakes? Why shaking then? There is one purpose in His mind. He wants people woken from sin and into satisfying life with Him. He is looking to shake and expose dangerous foundations under our lives to draw us to Himself where we cannot be shaken: God Himself. He says in Haggai 2:7, “I will shake all nations, and THEN they will come to (Me, Jesus) the Desire of all nations.”

Hebrews 12:26 “he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.”” 27 This phrase, “Yet once more” indicates the removal of things that (can be) shaken…in order that things that cannot be shaken may remain.

Things that remain are lives, hearts & choices built upon Him: His life, His truth & His Spirit. In a short while from now, life will likely go on as usual… for a time.

Where will you be building?

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On the wings of the 2010 Felabration that just ended in Lagos, one of Fela Anikulapo-Kuti's wives, Kevwe, speaks with CHUX OHAI and ADA ONYEMA about her life with the late Afrobeat musician. How did you meet Fela? I used to take food to an uncle of mine known as Gabriel Okpaku. He had a studio. I would take the food to him there. One day, when I got to the studio, he locked me in the dark room and walked away, leaving me in company with Fela, who was visiting him at the time. I had sex with Fela that day. Later, Fela said he wouldn't like me to live in the same house as his boys in the Mosalasi area. He took me to his first wife, Remi, who was Femi's mother. The first day I saw her, I was shocked because she was very light and her hair was as long as that of a white woman. Fela left me in her care and asked her to take care of me. I told her everything about myself and she said that if I should take her word and be like a daughter to her, there would not be any problem....

Which year was this?

That was in 1972. He had just recorded the popular album, Shakara.

Did you eventually marry Fela officially?

Yes, I did. I was one of the 27 women Fela married in one day. His friend took us to his house first before we were taken to a high court for the wedding. The people at the court said we were underage and that Fela should be arrested for even thinking of luring us into marriage. Eventually, they threw us out and we went to his friend's office and from there to the late Dr. Beko Ransome-Kuti's residence. By that time, Fela's house had been burned down. So he rented a hotel where 12 herbalists were invited to conduct the wedding ceremony.

Which one of Fela's house was burnt? Was it the one in Mosalasi?


Were you living with Fela then?


Can you describe what happened?

I was an eyewitness. What happened was this: Femi was learning to drive a car. On his way back, the police arrested him for one reason or the other. The policemen who made the arrest argued with Fela's boys, who appeared to be drunk at the time. A fight ensued and one of the policemen fell to the ground. The others ran to nearby Abalti Army Barracks and reported the matter to some soldiers. Before the soldiers arrived, the boys had already gone into hiding inside Fela's compound. The police came in and told Fela that they wanted to arrest his boys. But Fela said he was not going to allow that and they threatened to bring in the army. By this time, Fela had fortified his residence, which was walled, with a live electric wire and anybody that touched the wire would be electrocuted to death. When this was going on, he told his mother that he wanted to activate the wire; but she said he should let the police go into the compound as long as they had a search warrant. Also, she said if they didn't come with one, he should be ready to wage a total war with them. Of course, it turned out that the policemen did not come with a search warrant and they came in company with many soldiers. All of them surrounded Fela's compound at once. He had no choice other than to turn on the electricity, thereby activating the wire on the fence. In the process, some soldiers were electrocuted. That was why their colleagues came back forcefully and threw fire into the generator that supplied the electricity and the generator burned out. Having destroyed the power generator, the soldiers were able to gain entry into Fela's home. When they got in, they shot five girls to death instantly. I still remember their names. They were Patience, Kemi, Kehinde and Taiwo, alongside two white men, who were standing at the front gate of the compound. I didn't remember anything else until I woke up to see myself in Abalti barracks.

Was it on the same day that Fela's mother was killed?

Yes, the soldiers killed his mother on that day. They came in with arms and were prepared to kill everybody in sight. Immediately they started shooting, I went to hide in the toilet. But they found me and beat the hell out of me. I saw them go upstairs to Fela's mother and carry her. At that point, I was in pains and half-conscious. But I knew they threw her downstairs. They were really determined to kill.

After you got married to Fela, what happened?

After the marriage ceremony, we went to Ghana for the honeymoon.

All the 27 wives?

Yes, all the 27 wives with Alex Conde, the one that married the late Chief Okotie Eboh's daughter. He took us to Ghana for the honeymoon and from there Fela brought other girls. The other wives were always jealous because Fela paid a lot of attention to me. Fela used to tell us to smoke marijuana or he would not accept us as his own people..

Were you smoking marijuana before you married him?

No. He introduced me to smoking. Whenever I refused to smoke, he would get angry and disgrace me in public.

What made you think that the other women were jealous?

Who is Mama Mosun?

She is the one they call Najite or Damiregba Anikulapo-Kuti. She has made herself Fela's only surviving wife in the house, whereas she is not.

How old is your son?

He is 28 years old now.

Where is he now?

He is in Lagos. He used to attend Babcock University.

Who has been funding his education?

My godmother, Mrs. Aduke Bademosi.

Why did it take you so long to make this revelation?

Because I swore on oath to late the Remi Anikulapo-Kuti that I would not spoil anything for her, as long as she was alive. We had an agreement that I could go ahead and spill it after her death. She was a great woman and I respect her a lot.

Aren't you going against your promise to her now?

No. It was her dream to see the relative of Fela and I settle down as man and wife.

She wanted you to marry Fela's relative?

Yes, she wanted me to marry Fela's relative. She used to tell me that Fela's relative was very fond of me. She was even the one that took me to the hospital to save my pregnancy. She was always there for me.

You abandoned your son, didn't you?

I did not abandon him.

So what happened?

After Fela named my child, one of the wives poisoned my baby's food. Unknown to her, I had seen her do it and decided to drop the feeder. Unfortunately, another house mate mistakenly took the feeder and fed her own baby the poison and the baby died. That was how I left Fela's house.

When did you leave Fela's house?

Between 1982 and now, where have you been and what have you been doing?

Well, I have been in England.

Are you back to Nigeria?

I will say fully because I don't want to reveal more secret.

Did you come home when Fela died?

Yes, I was here for his burial. That day was very dark.

It's been more than a decade since Fela died, how do you keep body and soul together?

It's by God's grace.

Do have any plan to remarry?

I will remarry if I see somebody that will love me the way Fela did.

You haven't told us your age

I'm 50 years old.

At the time Fela died, there was this rumour that he died of complications arising from HIV/AIDS infection. What was your reaction when you heard it?

It was a lie.

When you heard it, were you not afraid?

I wasn't afraid because I had faith in what I believe in. If he died of AIDS, how come it did not affect me? Fela had slept with me more than anyone else in that house. I should be the first person to be infected with HIV/AIDS.



Have you gone for HIV/AIDS test?

I did all the tests in England. There is nothing wrong with me. I'm healthy. I'm a nurse.

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Questions Arising : IS HENRY OKAH JOMO GBOMO ? Who is Jomo Gbomo ? there are photos of Jomo Gbomo on the web but he seems to be a guru Internet User as he is the one that sends all these emails ? Why cant he be tracked ? Or is the CIA really helping The FG in this case ?
The former leader of Nigeria's armed group has said he was arrested because he refused to tell the group to retract a statement claiming responsibility for last week's deadly attacks in the capital, Abuja.

Henry Okah, currently being held in jail in South Africa, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that he received a phone call from a "close associate" of Goodluck Jonathan, the Nigerian president, telling him to urge the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (Mend) to withdraw its claim for the bombings, which killed at least 10 people and left 36 others injured on the 50th anniversay of Nigeria's independence.
Photo 1 Henry Okah confirmed Photo 2 Jomo Gbomo

"On Saturday morning, just a day after the attack, a very close associate of President Jonathan called me and explained to me that there had been a bombing in Nigeria and that President Jonathan wanted me to reach out to the group, Mend, and get them to retract the earlier statement they had issued claiming the attacks," Okah said.

"They wanted to blame the attacks on northerners who are trying to fight against him [Jonathan] to come back as president and if this was done, I was not going to have any problems with the South African government.

"I declined to do this and a few hours later I was arrested. It was based on their belief that I was going to do that that Jonathan issued a statement saying that Mend did not carry out the attack."

'Unpatriotic elements'

Jonathan, who hails from the country's south and has declared his intentions to stand in next year's presidential election, said investigations had revealed Mend, which is fighting for a greater share of Nigeria's oil wealth, knew nothing about the attacks.

He said the bombings had been carried out by a small group based outside Nigeria, sponsored by "unpatriotic elements within the country".

Nigeria will be holding elections in January almost a year after Jonathan assumed the presidency after the incumbent president failed to complete his term due to illness and eventual death.

Jonathan's predecessor, Umaru Yaradua, came from the northern state of Katsina and Nigeria has an unwritten agreement for the presidency to alternate between the mainly Muslim north and the largely Christian south.

Al Jazeera did not get any immediate reaction from the Nigerian government about Okah's claims.

Meanwhile, the authorities have released nine people they arrested in connection with the bomb blasts on Monday, including an aide for Ibrahim Babangida, the country's former military leader.

Raymond Dokpesi, the director of Babandida's campaign to become the ruling party presidential candidate, was questioned by the country's intelligence services over the blasts, an aide said on Tuesday.

Dokpesi, who also owns one of Nigeria's leading television and radio stations, was summoned to the State Security Services (SSS) on Monday, Kassim Afegbua, a spokesman for Babangida, told the AFP news agency.

"He was released yesterday and is to report back today at about 3'oclock (1400 GMT)," Afegbua said.

"They said it is to do with complicity in the bomb incident of October 1."

Several media reports on Tuesday said text messages found on the mobile phone of one of the nine suspects arrested by the state secret police led to the summoning of Dokpesi.

Threats of fresh bomb explosions heightened yesterday, as the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) said it would wreak more havoc should the Federal Government repatriate and put its leader, Henry Okah to trial over the October 1 bomb attack in Abuja.

Spokesman of MEND, Jomo Gbomo during an online interview with the Daily Sun maintained that the group was responsible for the bombings, which coincided with the parade ceremony during the nation’s 50th Independence anniversary.
If Okah is repatriated, he contended, he would not get fair trial because the MEND leader has always been blamed for what he is not involved in.

“We will come down very hard on the system because it will be another Ken Saro Wiwa kangaroo trial.
“Henry Okah has always been blamed for what he is not involved in. This is not the first-time, so, it is not coming as a surprise to us. If he was not arrested during the Bonga and Atlas Cove attacks, he would have been blamed as the mastermind,” he said.

More Bombings In store

Gbomo has averred that MEND had made its point with the bombings in Abuja and would employ the same method of attack on military targets. This, he explained, would happen when the group declares resumption of hostilities.
He, however, tendered apology to the families of innocent Nigerians that lost their lives to the Abuja explosions, saying, it was not their intent to kill them.
According to him, “Our apology stems from the avoidable loss of innocent lives as this was not our intent. We wanted to use the opportunity to blame the security agencies for not playing their roles considering the forewarning we gave them.

“We have made our point and we will use this method of attack on military targets after we declare a resumption of hostilities.”
Reacting to President Goodluck Jonathan’s statement that MEND was not responsible for the attacks but perpetrated by terrorists, Gbomo asserted: “It is an obvious political comment which any smart person can see through.”
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The Independent National Electoral Commission said yesterday that it will need more time to conduct next year’s elections. The Commission has for a while bemoaned the fact that the new electoral act does not give it adequate time to arrange for credible polls.Photo:Inec Boss

After a two-day retreat in Calabar, Cross River State, the commission said it shall explore legal ways to get the additional time it required. A statement by Paul Kaigama, the Commission’s secretary said, “Having examined the Commission’s detailed Action Plan for the voter registration and elections, the Retreat noted that the timeline for the implementation of this Plan is very tight.”

A plea for more time

He said, “Consequently, the commission shall endeavour to engage all the relevant stakeholders with a view to exploring all legal avenues for extension of time to enable the commission to deliver on the aspirations of Nigerians for a credible voters’ register and free, fair and credible elections.” Attahiru Jega, the commission’s chairman has repeatedly harped on the ardous task of conducting a vital voters’ registration exercise and general elections within six months of his taking office.

The task was made harder by the late release of approved funds by the federal government. President Goodluck Jonathan also took many weeks to assent to the new Electoral Act which the commission needs to conduct the election.

The commission appealed to all political parties to adhere to the Electoral Act and conduct their congresses and primaries within the law.

Barely six weeks to the commencement of the voters’ registration, as stipulated in the timetable released, the commission is yet to officially name the IT firms that are to provide the 120,000 units of Direct Data Capture Machines, needed for the exercise.

Mr. Jega’s aide, Kayode Idowu, told NEXT yesterday that the companies will be announced by the chairman “when the time is ripe,” further fuelling concerns about the ability of the body to conduct successful polls in the face of obvious time constraint.

At several fora, Mr. Jega himself has said the commission would prefer an extension of the election timetable, which is time-bound by the electoral law. The more time available to the commission, the better its chances of doing a good job, he had argued.

However, the commission said if it succeeds in getting more time, although it will affect key dates in the elections timetable, the inauguration date of May 29, 2011, will remain “sacrosanct”, the commission said.

In the other decisions arrived at the retreat, the commission urged the National Assembly to enact a law for the establishment of an Electoral Offences Tribunal, in the hope that “there is the need to severely punish electoral offenders to serve as deterrent to others.” The Commission also said it has developed a software which will be field-tested before the commencement of the voters’ registration, and vowed to ensure strict compliance to legal provisions governing the conduct of congresses, conventions and primaries by political parties.
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BARRING any last minute change by the authorities, new states may be announced on October 1, to coincide with the 50th independence anniversary of the country.

A source told the Nigerian Tribune in Lagos, at the weekend, that the thinking in official quarters was to make it a special gift for the agitators for new states on the historic date.

The source hinted that the plan was for President Goodluck Jonathan to announce the new states in his national broadcast to mark the independence anniversary.

But the source was silent on the level of collaboration of the presidency with the National Assembly, which had received hordes of memoranda for new states.

There was also no clue on the number of states that might be created, though the authorities had said the whole exercise would be based on merit.

About 25 requests for new states had been tabled before the National Assembly by various groups to replace the existing 36 state structure.

Some of the proposed states include Lagoon state from Lagos; Oke-Ogun from Oyo; Oduduwa from Osun and Savannah from Borno.

It will be recalled that the Senate President, David Mark, recently promised the creation of new states in line with the yearnings of the people.

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For all his reputation as the nation's Top Talker, Barack Obama took his sweet time giving a maiden Oval Office address to the country. And waiting another nearly 60 days to speak nationally

about the oil spill that’s become the worst environmental disaster in

the nation’s history..

Obama, the first modern president to pass his first full year in office

without addressing the country from his historic desk, had the setting

right. Just back from a day-and-a-half on the gulf coast listening,

reassuring, talking tourism, eating seafood. He wore the proper suit,

had the requisite flags and family photos in the background.

For 18 minutes he delivered the words crisply and forthrightly, though too often distracting anxious viewers with his fidgeting hands like the lecturing professor he once was. Or wait! Was Mr. Cool nervous?

Obama had the firmness down OK: Make no mistake etc. We will hold BP accountable etc. He....

...had the God references. The talk of real live shrimpers devastated. An American way of life threatened. And though he likened the spill more to an epidemic, he also brought in the requisite battle

metaphors. And, in case anyone hasn't heard by now, Obama mentioned once

again the Nobel Prize winner in his cabinet, Stephen Chu,

who hasn't been able to stop the oil leak either.

But there was something wrong. The first two-thirds of the president's remarks read just fine (Full text over here on The Ticket as usual). By

golly, we’ll get the money, we’ll clean it up, no matter how long it


Barack walks to the Oval Office shortly before his national speech

6-15-10" class="asset asset-image

at-xid-6a00d8341c630a53ef0134846e6c81970c " src="" style="width: 320px; margin: 6px 6px 6px 4px;">

But watching the president and hearing him was a little creepy; that early portion of the address

was robotic, lacked real energy, enthusiasm. And worst of all specifics.

He was virtually detail-less.

After almost two months of waiting through continuously contradictory reports, an anxious American public wanted to know, HOW are you going to accomplish all this?

Even Obama's cheerleaders over at MSNBC were complaining. "Where was the How in this speech?" demanded Keith Olbermann. Seriously.

Everyone's assumed that fixing the leak was a given since Day Four, which was still five days before the Democrat got his big plane and presidential entourage down


Local gulf coast officials are tearing out their hair trying to comprehend and comply with seventeen (as in seven more than 10) federal agencies falling all over

themselves to do The Boss’ bidding and help and impose and superimpose

their visions and regulations on what is a war zone with hundreds of

ships and some 30,000 people involved, many of them frightened. And all

of them inexperienced on a disaster of this scale.

Trust me, the president said, tomorrow I'm going to give those BP execs what-for. As CBS' Mark Knoller noted on his Twitter account, the president has allotted exactly 20 whole minutes this morning -- 1,200

fleeting seconds -- to his first-ever conversation with the corporation

responsible for the disaster.

Then, he's got an important lunch with Joe "I Witnessed the World Cup's First Tie" Biden.

Well, just-believe-in-my-change-to-believe-in may have been good enough to win Obama's party primaries and the general election in 2008 and drag along into office enormous congressional majorities of fellow

party travelers.

But after yelling "JOBS!" for a year and getting a protracted Democratic intra-party fight over Obama's beloved healthcare instead, Americans wanted some Oval Office specifics Tuesday evening on

stopping the uncontrolled undersea oil escape.

Instead, Obama was like a Harvard-trained nurse talking vacation to a new patient bleeding all over the ER floor. Hello, could we please stop the blood flow here before we discuss the long-term recovery?

Obama’s delivery did not really come alive until the end when the ex-community organizer got into his favorite Big Picture stuff. Memo to American Homeowners: Do not call

Obama over to fix your leaking roof – or

pipe. Have him design a new house, no, better yet an entire neighborhood

or city

from scratch.

Following the advice of his chief of staff, Rahm "I Got a Rent-Free Apartment from a BP Adviser" Emanuel, Obama is determined to leave no crisis unused. When he got into the decades-long

fossil fuel addiction rehab stuff, his eyes shone. His delivery punched


Now, that is an issue that requires greatness. Another galactic reform out of Hyde Park. It sounds swell unless mega-trillion-dollar federal deficits are on your mind, which voter

polls now show ranks with terrorism as Americans' top fears.

Obama’s historic presidential campaign was not only big in terms of an

unprecedented three-quarters of a billion dollars to win. It was about

Big Promises. He was going to change America, radically reform the

entire education system, healthcare, comb the entire federal budget

line-by-line, oh, and change the 200-year-old partisan ways of the

capitol. About the only big change the White Sox fan didn't promise was

getting the Cubs a World Series ring.

It was all impractical, of course. But the country wanted to believe.... his change to believe in. And it did, handing complete control of the federal government over to Obama and his Democratic party. And today, after 17 months of lop-sided Democratic majorities now nervously

confronting midterm elections Nov. 2, about 60% of Americans would like

the new healthcare bill repealed. And they're hinting they'd probably

like some more Republicans in Congress too.

President Obama has said he doesn’t sense an appetite to address something as large as the

illegal immigrant issue this year. But suddenly – watch the left hand

over here because he wants you to not focus on how long it’s taken him

to take charge of the spill – he thinks there’s a compelling need to

spend a motorcade full of moola that the federal government doesn’t have

in order to change the country’s energy habits.

And we've gotta start that right now because of an underwater leaking pipe 40 miles off Louisiana that we haven't plugged and don't really understand how it broke in the first place. So let's do the electric car

thing and build more windmills now.

And if, by chance, the nation’s politicians end up fighting over an energy plan during the next five months until the voting, maybe the politically damaging healthcare regrets and hidden costs will drown in

all the words like so many thousands of seabirds in all the gulf’s

still-surging oil..

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Girls smoke more than boys in Naija

The 2010 World Tobacco Day (which is today) focuses on the need to ban all forms of

promotion of tobacco even with a new direction to fight the recruitment of the womenfolk into smoking, In clubs,bars,malls & even some schools Ladies are not just boozing like the guys they are also puffing and beating the guys at it says the World Health organisation .

It may sound odd, but the World Health Organisation says more girls than boys smoke tobacco; giving new reasons why the anti-tobacco crusade must now address the womenfolk.

When on Friday, WHO called for a special protection of women and girls against tobacco, it was not as if the organisation had assumed the other members of the society needed not to be shielded from the harmful effects of what is perceived globally to be an addictive consumption.

It was because global researches have indicated a growing, worrisome trend in the habit of women and girls who take tobacco as a thing of glamour and status. WHO’s new direction of campaign is to press home the focus of this year’s World Tobacco Day..

WHO’s Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, said, “The trends in some countries are extremely worrisome,” adding, “Tobacco use is neither liberating nor glamorous. It is addictive and deadly.”

This 2010 campaign theme, “Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women, focuses on the harmful effects of tobacco marketing towards women and girls. It also highlights the need for governments to ban all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship and to eliminate tobacco smoke in all public and work places as provided in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,” according to the global health body.

Nigeria, where the campaign against smoking has been gaining ground through the efforts of the Environmental Rights Action, is ranked among countries which WHO Director-General said the trend is pretty worrisome.

Smoking may be one habit that is generally perceived to be rife among males, but a recent survey, according to WHO, shows that there is a growing rate of tobacco use amongst girls and women. Women and girls are said to represent 20 per cent global smoking population.

“In half of the 151 countries recently surveyed for trends in tobacco use among young people, approximately as many girls uses tobacco as boys. More girls use tobacco than boys in some of the countries, including Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Cook Islands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria and Uruguay.

“Women are a major target for the tobacco industry in its effort to recruit new users to replace those who will quit or die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases. The leading preventable cause of death, tobacco use kills more than five million people every year, about 1.5 million of whom are women,” says WHO on Friday.

And what is the nexus between tobacco and women? Or better still; what is the attraction? After strategic manners in which the anti-smoking campaigners across the world had tackled the recruitment of youths into smoking by tobacco manufacturers and marketers, there is said to be a new path manufacturers and marketers are following to force smoke down the throats of women. By linking smoking with beauty, young girls are easily fascinated and are consequently recruited into the habit.

Analysts are of the view that the same method employed in using the media to present slim girls as paragon of African beauty is being promoted to make young girls believe that their beauty is incomplete without tobacco addiction.

But it is not only those who engage in the practical habit of direct smoking that are considered to be smokers. Passive smokers abount through their inhaling of smokes in public places.

The inclusion of Nigeria amongst countries considered to be having a disturbing rate of smoking girls further reinforces the points being raised by Nigerian crusaders that the government needs to act fast before tobacco-related diseases add to its alleged unenviable record in health management.

Programme Manager of the Environmental Rights in Nigeria, an affiliate of the Friends of the Earth, Mr. Akinbode Oluwafemi, said the focus on the need to save women and girls from smoking, which is the theme of this year’s tobacco day, should compel some persons in high places to act fast.

“It will interest you that the chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Senator Iyabo Obasanjo-Bello, is a woman. And we believe that where the interests of women are concerned, a woman in the status of the senator should use her position to ensure the welfare of her fellow womenfolk,” say Oluwafemi.

His call is on the strength of a bill which was said to have been presented to the Senate by a member, Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora which, according to him, is yet to be passed into law.

Among other things, the bill seeks to ban smoking in public and end all forms of promotion of the product in the country.

Mamora, who spoke with our correspondent on Sunday, said there had been deliberate moves to scuttle the bill at the National Assembly, adding that some of his colleagues who swore to defend the wellbeing of Nigerians were engaging in acts that are inconsistent with their oath of office.

Mamora said, “No amount of propaganda; no amount of purported job creation by the British American Tobacco can justify the number of lives being destroyed through the use of tobacco. This is because certain incontrovertible evidence have been established linking tobacco use to various diseases.”

In a separate statement on the 2010 World Tobacco Day, Oluwafemi called for the passing into law of the bill as a sign of government’s readiness to recognise the global concern for the health of its citizenry.

He stated, “It is a fact that dangers are associated with smoking. The World Health Organisation estimated that 5.4 million people die every year due to tobacco-related diseases, with majority of these deaths happening in developing countries.

“Tobacco is the only consumer product that is guaranteed to kill half its consumers if used according to manufacturers’ intention. It contains more than 4,000 dangerous chemicals harmful to the body.

“It is also a fact that stringent measures aimed at reducing smoking in Europe and America have driven the tobacco industry to developing countries like Nigeria, where the industry continues to flout regulations, marketing to young and impressionable youths, and hooking them on smoking.”

Indeed, another recent survey, according to Oluwafemi, also shows that two persons die each day in Lagos hospitals as a result of tobacco-related ailments.

With the theme of this year’s event, many expect that the focus will now shift to demystifying those messages being sold to girls which make them embrace smoking as a way of upping their beauty profiles.

Perhaps, that will compel manufacturers and marketers to also review strategies. But then, the health of the citizenry is at the centre of it all.

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April 28, 2010. We here at are 100% supporters of President Obama. At first we thought about SUPPRESSING this new report . . . but we figure that it would be better to know about what Republicans are trying to do to the prez.. Photo Alleged Obama Lover

According to a new report, Republican operatives are looking to pay as much as $1 million to anyone willing to discuss the president's relationship with a 35 year old woman named Vera Baker..

And according to one weekly tabloid, Vera's limo driver is SNITCHING!!! Here's what Vera's limo driver is saying:
"I took [President Obama] to various locations while he was looking for campaign funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

"About 10:30 pm, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. She didn't ask me to wait or to be taken back to her friend's home - or to her home"

Well .. . . we ain't gonna believe NOTHING about the prez unless we have more solid evidence.
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Four bundles of goodluck: Okada rider gets more blessings; car, house, scholarship for quadruplets

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Four months after Mr Mathew Amoke and his wife, natives of Akpa Edem in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State were blessed with a set of quadruplets, two males and two females, the couple have returned the children to God, Who has brought new hope to them through the babies. Already, they have received God’s favour with their new kids given scholarships, and their one-room apartment changed into a flat, as well as a car donated to them.

The quadruplets in church


Daily Sun had broken the news of the arrival of the quintuplets to an Okada rider father who had appealed for help from public-spirited individuals.

As the quintuplets were dedicated to God at the Winners Chapel, Nsukka, their father said: “I am grateful to The Sun newspaper, Winners Chapel.”

The quintuplets were delivered through a caesarean section at the Bishop Shanahan Hospital, Nsukka.

The four new born babies christened Mathew, Mark, Miracle and Favour were ushered into the church which perches atop the Nsukka hills with tumultuous ovation from the enthusiastic congregation who had been waiting eagerly for their entry.

Describing the kids as international children, the officiating pastor in charge of the Church, Peace Efemena, thanked God for the children and called on the congregation not to relent in their support and assistance for them, describing them as rare gifts from God.

He disclosed that a scholarship scheme has been endowed for the babies courtesy of some members of the Church who have also relocated the family from a one-room apartment to a two-bed room flat.

Pastor Efemena also told Daily Sun that a car has been donated to the kids by philanthropists.

His words: “Our founder Bishop Onyedepo has a very large heart for welfare of the people, so in our branches we emulate him. That is why some of us here have decided to give scholarship to the quintuplets. Besides, we also relocated them from their one room apartment to a two bed room flat. We are very much concerned about the lives of the kids because they are God’s special gift and we see them as future pastors. I urge the couple to stop getting more children. They should concentrate on giving them proper up bring both spiritually and physically.”

In a chat with Daily Sun, the father of the babies said: “I cannot thank God enough for what he has done for me. May his name be glorified forever. I thank him for opening my eyes to choose where to worship him. It is only him that can adequately compensate our pastor and my brothers and sisters in the church for their love and assistance to us.

“My gratitude goes to The Sun newspapers for exposing us to the global community from where we have been getting assistance. In fact, somebody in Europe called us, saying he saw The Sun publication about the quintuplets in the Internet.

“Caring for four kids at a time is an enormous task, but by the Grace of God, we are coping, we are still appealing to the Nsukka Local Government to come to our aid. The kids are yearning for favour from the state governor, Dr. Sullivan Chime and his wife whose love for the under privileged is unequaled. Any financial help to us can be paid to the kids account at the Intercontinental Bank, Nsukka Branch number – 0012110000558931.
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Federer States Nadal Lacks Drive & Consistency

pic2184.jpgWorld number one tennis player Roger Federer has stated that he has more drive than his main rival, Rafael Nadal. Also mentioning that despite talk of a calendar Grand Slam sweep his main focus for the season was to retain the world number one ranking.

International, the 16th of February 2010 [PDN]: Since his Australian Open win last month, talk has intensified over the possibility of Federer completing a clean sweep of the Grand Slams this year, especially since his main rival, Nadal, struggles to overcome persistent knee injuries. “I’ll try, that’s for sure,” Federer explained when questioned about the possibility of him completing a sweep of the Grand Slams. “But it’s not even number one on my to-do list. I’ll just try to defend my number one position.”

Federer acknowledged Nadal’s threat to his success, although mentioning that he did not believe the Spaniard had the ambition and drive to be the world number one. “The first moment when I became number one in the world was six years ago now and it was a magical moment in my career,” Federer said. “It was pretty special and I always wanted to get back there. Some people have that drive more than others who’ve been number one. Rafa doesn’t seem like he cares as much for number one, or he doesn’t show it.” Federer stated to an unnamed news agency reporter.

The other players believed to be able to ruin his chances of completing the Grand Slam sweep according to Federer, are: Novak Djokovic, Andy Murray, Juan Martin Del Porto and Nikolay Davydenko. Federer also mentioned that he thought Briton Murry was now on top of Nadal’s game after the Australian Open failure.

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The British government has come up with tougher rules to stop people abusing the student visa system to remain illegally in the United Kingdom.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson said 30 per cent of migrants who came into the UK were on student visas and a number were adults taking short courses, not degrees.

Following the confirmation that Farouk AbdulMutallab, the Nigerian accused of attempted bombing of a United States airliner on Christmas Day,was a student in London between 2005 and 2008, the British government had been under severe pressure from opposition parties to tighten visa requirements, especially for students.

With the public's confidence in Nigeria's education system constantly on the decline, thousands of Nigerians annually seek to study in the United Kingdom.

The new rule, however, will not have much effect on Nigerians with the requisite qualification who genuinely intend to study in the UK.

But it could affect those wishing to use the students' visa window to bring their dependants to work in the UK during and after their studies.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, under the new rules, effective immediately, successful applicants from outside the EU will have to speak English to a level only just below GCSE near-GCSE (equivalent of Senior Secondary School Certificate) standard, rather than beginner level as at present .

Also, students taking courses below degree level will be allowed to work for only 10 hours a week, instead of 20 as at present.

Those on courses, which last under six months, will not be allowed to bring dependants into the country, while the dependants of students on courses below degree level will not be allowed to work.

Additionally, visas for courses below degree level will also be granted only if the institutions they attend are on a new register, the Highly Trusted Sponsors List.

The Home Office would not confirm reports the changes may cut visas issued this year by tens of thousands.

A spokesman told BBC that a review of student visas had been ordered in November. In 2008/9, about 240,000 student visas were issued by the UK.

News of the new measures comes a week after student visa applications from Nepal, northern India and Bangladesh were suspended amid a big rise in cases.

Last year the UK introduced a system requiring students wishing to enter the country to secure 40 points under its criteria.

However, the government has faced criticism that this has allowed suspected terrorists and other would-be immigrants into the UK, only for them to stay on despite their visas being temporary.

Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, the home secretary denied the system had been lax before.

"We closed down 200 bogus colleges," he said. "By 2011, we will have the most sophisticated system in the world to check people not just coming into the country but to check they have left as well."

He said the UK remains open to those foreign students who want to come to the UK for legitimate study.

Alan Johnson: "If you are coming here for a course that is under six months you can not bring your dependents"

"We are the second most popular location for people going into higher education," he said.

"We have to be careful that we are not damaging a major part of the UK economy, between £5bn and £8bn."
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There are 20 more al-Qaeda-trained bombers like me, Abdulmutallab confesses - Releases more information on accomplices to security agents - Judge postpones trial indefinitely By Seyi Gesinde with Agency Reports Saturday, January 9, 2010 After his arraignment on Friday, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian, charged with trying to blow up a United States (US) airliner, has confessed to security agents that 20 others were being trained to carry out similar attacks. Advertisement ! advertisement here call or twitter:systemini linkedin:systemini tel +234-0806 495 0565,234-07083793511,234-07058888394 44-7894214683, According to CBS reports, British intelligence officials said while being interrogated, Abdulmutallab had “boasted that close to 20 other young Muslim men were being prepared in Yemen to use the same technique to blow up airliners.” During his first public appearance at a US court sitting in Detroit on Friday, none of Abdulmutallab’s family members showed up, but “in the front rows sat a delegation from the Nigerian embassy in Washington,” BBC reported. He pleaded not guilty to the six-count federal charges filed against him, arising from his botched Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit. Officials from the two US top security agencies, the CIA and FBI, leading the investigation, said Abdulmutallab has since offered useful information which will help in his trial. In one of the charges, Abdulmutallab allegedly stitched two highly explosive substances into his clothes, and tried to detonate them as the plane carrying 290 people approached Detroit. But the device failed, and instead, Abdulmutallab was arrested after being overpowered by passengers and crew. Five minutes before the case was due to start, BBC reported that Abdulmutallab had hobbled into the court, “perhaps because of the injuries sustained or the leg irons he was wearing. “Considering the violence of the attempted crime, Room 100 of the US district court in Detroit was surprisingly calm, just an hour ahead of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s first appearance. “Seating was limited to those who had queued outside on the frosty pavement for a pass several hours earlier.” Abdulmutallab reportedly wore leg shackles and walked slowly into the court room, after which he sat in a chair and for several moments, listened and nodded to his lawyers. “He looked up slowly, his eyes staring with a slightly vacant look at the court. His shoulders were hunched,” BBC reported. The court appearance lasted less than three minutes, after which the presiding judge said there would be further proceedings at a later date, BBC reported. The six-count federal charges: *Attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction *Attempted murder within the special aircraft jurisdiction of the US *Wilful attempt to destroy and wreck an aircraft *Wilfully placing a destructive device in or near an aircraft which was likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft *Two counts of possession of a firearm, that is, the bomb, in furtherance of violent crime. During court session Abdulmutallab declined to enter a plea during his first court appearance to all the charges filed against him after which the judge entered him for a “not guilty” plea. “He confirmed his name and its spelling, as well as his age in a soft voice, prompting the judge to ask him to speak up. “Asked if he had had time to read the indictment, he answered “yes.” He also confirmed he understood the charges. “Asked if he had taken any drugs in the previous 24 hours, he said he had taken some pain killers,” BBC reported. Abdulmutallab was treated for burns after his arrest at Detroit Airport. Penalty If found guilty, AbdulMutallab faces life imprisonment. Little emotion “Abdulmutallab stayed standing, neither aggressive, nor cowed. “It was hard to read his thoughts, hard to tell what he has been thinking in the 14 days since the attempted bombing. “His lawyer told the court he would not be applying for bail. “The judge said there would be further proceedings at a later date, and after a little more procedure, that was it. Less than three minutes in all. “As the court rose, and the judge left the chamber, Abdulmutallab turned to his left to walk out of the court. “Then - in the first display of any real interest on his part - he craned his neck to take a look at the front row of the public gallery. “It was hard to read any emotion on his face as he looked for anyone he knew, a family member perhaps. “And then he walked slowly out.” BBC reported
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Are You Feeding Your Soul? Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? And I’m not talking about your physical body when I ask this question — I’m talking about your spiritual body. Has your soul been getting the nourishment it needs to grow in health and strength, or have you deprived it from the Word it so desperately needs? If what you see in the mirror doesn’t even begin to reflect what you know you can be, it’s time to make a change, time to dive into God’s Word and receive all the love and forgiveness He has been waiting to give you . . . a time to release your life into God’s hands. The Word tells us, But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:16-18 NLT). You may not like what you see now, but just wait. Rely on God’s faithfulness and perfect timing and begin to make changes when God shows you it is necessary. And soon, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Look where God moved me from. Look what He saved me from. I stand blessed where I am all because of the transforming grace of God.” An Evangelistic Tool The following is an evangelistic tool. Feel free to use this tool to lead someone to the Savior. It can also be used in your church. Tony lead the members of our church through this process, and then commissioned them to offer the good news to those they come in contact with in the course of their day. This is one of our outreach programs for this year. OPENING QUESTION: Has anyone ever shown you from the Bible how you can be sure you are on your way to heaven? Would you allow me to show you? I. First the Bad News a. The Problem: Every person is a sinner before a Holy God and unable to save themselves (Romans 3:10, 23). b. The Penalty: Every person is under the sentence of death and will be forever separated from God because of their sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23). I. Now the Good News a. The Provision: Through the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ, God has addressed the sin problem for us (Romans 5:8, 17-21). b. The Pardon: God offers a free pardon and eternal life to all who place faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10; 4:4-5). CLOSING QUESTION: Would you like to trust the Lord Jesus Christ right now as your personal Savior? PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising from the dead to save me. By transferring my total trust to You alone as my Savior, I now receive the forgiveness for my sins and the free gift of eternal life that You offered me.
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The Federal Executive Council on Wednesday in Abuja approved the issuance of provisional licences for the establishment of seven new private universities in the country. Nigeria currently has 96 universities, comprising 27 federal, 35 state and 34 private universities. The seven private universities are Wellspring University, Evbuobanosa, Edo State; Paul University, Awka, Anambra State; Rhema University, Obeama-Asa, Rivers State; Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun State; Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State; Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu-Nike, Enugu State, and Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Abuja. Speaking at the post FEC briefing, which was chaired by Nigerian president, Umaru Yar'Adua, the Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili, and her Minister of State counterpart, Ikra Bilbis, said the Minister of Education, Sam Egwu, presented a memo to the council seeking the approval for the issuance of provisional licences for the establishment of the new private universities. Mrs. Akunyili said FEC approved the memo after considering the country's rising population. "Considering our rising population and this administration's desire to improve skills and enhance standards as one of the seven-point agenda Council, therefore, considered and approved the issuance of provisional licences for the establishment of the seven (7) private universities," she said. The Minister of State for Education, Aisha Duku, who also spoke at the briefing, said the universities had to undergo rigorous screening before getting the provisional licences. Ms Dukku added that currently, out of the 96 universities in the country, only 34 are privately owned, and that more universities are needed to take care of the millions who need admission. She said that over one million candidates applied for university admission this year through the Joint Matriculation Examination and only about 220,000 could be accommodated. She also said contrary to popular opinion that private universities are concentrated in one part of the country, the seven approved private universities are evenly distributed. Two of them are situated in each of the three zones in the South, while one is in the Federal Capital Territory.
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More outrage greets Ojukwu’s war threat BY OUR REPORTER More Nigerians have continued to express their disgust over the comment credited to Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu that there would be war in the country if the Appeal Court rules in favour of Andy Uba. Uba, the 2007 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had approached the court to seek a validation of the mandate handed to him in the April 14, 2007 election on the strength of which he was sworn in as the governor of Anambra State. Ruling on the matter has been reserved for today. Ojukwu, who was the presidential flagbearer of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in the 2007 election, had, in what many had criticised as potentially treasonable and threat to national peace, warned the court not to grant the petition of Uba. The threat had since sparked off a flurry of open rebuke from eminent Nigerians, particularly sons and daughters of Anambra who feared such remark from a man who spearheaded a civil war in the country that claimed millions of lives was capable of inciting the public and consequently create an atmosphere of chaos to undermine the democratic process. advertisement The latest of such rebuke came yesterday from Anambra True Democrats (ATD), a group of progressives from across the various political parties in the state. In a statement signed by its National Co-ordinator, Chief Bernard Odenigbo, the group said it was riled by the chants of war from the man who allowed his ego and personal ambition to rule his head and in the process dragged the Igbo people into war against a country their sons and daughters laboured so hard to build. The group also warned those who predicted that victory for Andy Uba would create constitutional crisis to have a rethink, stressing that Nigerians should start imbibing the virtue of respecting judgement of courts even when it hurts them. “To say that victory for Uba would create constitutional crisis is tantamount to judicial ambush and intimidation and we urge the court to do what it considers the right thing. In any sane society, the law is not interpreted to suit the caprice of an individual or group of individuals who think they have the machinery for propaganda; the law is as spelt out by the court of law. To do otherwise, amounts to judicial thuggery and this is what Ojukwu and his tribe of war-mongers and violence brewers are trying to do. We condemn it,” the statement said. “The case of Anambra is very tricky because politicians of lewd moral values have succeeded in fouling up the environment. It is, therefore, in the interest of Anambra people that a bit of judicial activism is deployed to stave off the crisis which the likes of Ojukwu and a few other politicians in the state are plotting to forment during the February 6, 2010 governorship election. We believe the judiciary can help clean up the mess by giving the judgement that is both expedient and logical,” the statement said. In a veiled response to the Soludo Campaign Organisation and the Coalition of Human Rights Organisations in Anambra State, the group said as true democrats we have no choice but to obey the decision of the court, adding that it was the same court of law that made Peter Obi governor. “If Peter Obi became governor on the strength of pronouncement by a court, why can’t the same Peter Obi and his supporters believe in the ruling of the same court of law when it hurts them? “Selective obedience to the ruling of a court is not acceptable to the people of Anambra State and to all true democrats in the country”, the statement said
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Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota: 11 Nigerians face federal charges for credit card scam By BOB VON STERNBERG leven people have been charged in federal court in the Twin Cities with fraud for a counterfeit credit card scam that allegedly netted them more than $650,000. The defendants were charged last week with using the bogus cards to withdraw the cash from more than 170 automatic teller machines in the metro area. According to the criminal complaint filed last week in U.S. District Court, the defendants obtained personal information about customers of Capital One Bank from an online source based in the Ukraine. With the stolen information in hand, the defendants allegedly manufactured the counterfeit cards with that information. They were then able to obtain new personal ID numbers from the bank which allowed them to withdraw $652,205 from the teller machines. According to the complaint, some of the stolen money was converted into cashier checks and used to purchase vehicle parts or vehicles with salvage titles; the vehicles were then shipped to Nigeria, and sold at inflated prices. Some of the defendants allegedly recruited Nigerian residents in Minneapolis to buy vehicles at auto auctions, giving them cash to make the purchases. According to a U.S. Secret Service affidavit, one of the defendants bragged about how he could not "get caught conducting his illegal activity" because he was "very good at covering his tracks." Charged with one count of bank fraud and one count of access device fraud are Adekunle Kayode Ayeni, 27, Yewande Mariam Sholebo, unknown age, Adewale Alba Alli, unknown age, Olayemi Lateef Banjoko, unknown age, Idowu Ayinla Sadiq, unknown age, Abiodun Banjoko, unknown age, and Oyetoyin Oseni Atobatele, unknown age, all of Fridley; along with Bashiru Adelumola Fowoshere, 36, and Titilayo Abidewi Fowoshere, unknown age, both of Ramsey; Oriyomi Enitan Olowosago, unknown age, Brooklyn Park; and Ajibola Alli Fowoshere, 34, address unknown. Eight of the 11 were arrested last Friday, when they also made their initial court appearance. Three remain at large.
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The search for survivors from a migrant boat that sank off Libya has been called off with more than 230 people presumed dead, an official has said.Michele Bombassei, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), also said about 100 bodies had been recovered.Twenty-one migrants were rescued from the boat, which sank early on Sunday.The survivors said it had capsized because of bad weather and people panicking when the boat began to leak.Another boat carrying 357 people was rescued by Italian authorities and towed back to the Libyan capital, Tripoli.The boats were on the route used by smugglers to bring mainly African migrants illegally from Libya to Italy.See map of main migrant routes to EuropeMore than 31,000 people attempted the perilous crossing last year, a sharp increase from 2007.The journey is often made in ill-equipped, overcrowded boats, and many would-be migrants die.The boat that sank on Sunday capsized about 15km (9 miles) west of Tripoli."Unfortunately we have been told that the search operation has been stopped," Mr Bombassei told the BBC.Survivors said the smuggler, an Egyptian, was among those who drowned.Mr Bombassei, who visited the survivors at a centre near Tripoli on Wednesday, said the amount they were charged for making the journey depended on the nationality of the migrant."There were some guys who said they paid the equivalent of 300 euros (£270) and others who paid 1,000 [euros]," he told the BBC."The smugglers want to make as much as they can so they are very flexible."Some survivors the capsized and rescued boats were quoted as saying they had paid even more.Many of those rescued from the boat that sank have kidney problems after drinking large quantities of sea water, the IOM said.Italy is to start joint sea patrols with Libya aimed at stemming the influx of migrants in May.But the patrols have long been delayed for political reasons, including negotiations over compensation demanded by Tripoli for Italy's colonisation of Libya.

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