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As the 2010 World Cup draws to a close this weekend in South Africa, women across the globe, especially wives of players from participating countries, are eagerly awaiting the return of their husbands back home.

While millions of football fans have been enjoying the thrills of the World Cup since last month, women, who were denied access to their husbands say they can’t wait for their heartthrobs to return home after Sunday’s final at the Soccer City stadium.

As flowers without water wither away, Menaye Donkor, wife of Ghana’s Sulley Muntari said 2010 World Cup has been great in South Africa but she is happy now that her hubby, who scored a fantastic goal against Uruguay, is due home.

•Sunley Muntari (left) and Menaye.

Speaking on South Africa Broadcasting Corporation, SABC Fashion Show, Menaye praised Ghana’s squad for doing Africa proud. “Ghana made all of us proud and I think my lonely nights are over now. Sulley will soon come home and then we’ll talk about the games as a family”.

•Muntari’s Menaye. Photos: Tunde Oyedele.

Worst hit are the ladies who escorted their husbands to South Africa. They have been coping alone in the hotels as coaches of participating teams do not want them near their husbands to avoid distraction in camp

Caroline Celico, wife of Brazil’s star, Kaka said: “I missed him a lot but I’m not the only one. Some women are used to this because the players travel all the time. But’s it’s hectic in South Africa. I’m, however, happy that the World Cup is over and my man will see me once again,” Caroline said.

•Kaka’s wife, Caroline.

If the women have a choice, may be they would have protested but the wealth from football gives them their daily bread and limelight.

Amaia Salamanca says she can’t wait for the sweet whisper of Spanish star, Ramos, but she must wait until after Sunday’s final against Netherlands to welcome her Real Madrid husband back home.

•Didier Drogba (right) and Lalla.

“I miss Ramos, especially when I see some couples hugging around. I’m happy Spain are playing well, but I have told him the rooms are getting too big for me,” Amaia jokingly said

From the parting statement made by Super Eagles skipper, Nwankwo Kanu immediately after Nigeria crashed out of South Africa 2010 World Cup, it was evident his wife, Amarachi, would be glad he was heading home.

•Nwankwo Kanu (right) and Amarachi.

Kanu, who played just a match for Nigeria at the tournament, was answering questions from international journalists when his wife called to ask when he would join them.

His response was so funny that the journalists at the Mixed Zone of Durban Stadium burst into rounds of laughter. “Oh, you want to know what next I plan to do for the Eagles now that Nigeria has crashed out of the World Cup? Okay, I’m going to meet my wife and kids, who are here in South Africa. They are missing me and I need to go and give them a treat to enjoy the rest of the tournament,” Kanu said as he parried the question.

A close friend of Kanu said Amarachi called her husband to be sure he was not attacked after the last game in which Nigeria drew 2-2 with South Korea.

Amarachi, P.M.Sports gathered, has been a good mother caring for their kids while Kanu was in camp. But, the Igbo lady was quoted as saying she could not wait to welcome her hubby back, especially with the chilly weather of the host country.

Also, Didier Drogba’s wife Lalla, Soma, wife of Matthew Booth of Bafana, say they would hold tight to their husbands immediately after the tournaments before they travel for club assignments again.

•Didier Drogba (right) and Lalla.

“The only language I will like to listen to is: ‘I love you’. That’s what Drogba tells me and I’ve missed that, Lalla said of his Chelsea of England and Cote d’Ivoire hubby....

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Facebook’s co-founders Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moscovitz have both expressed some measure of disapproval where the highly anticipated film The Social Network is concerned..

Moscovitz published a frank assessment of the upcoming movie tonight on a Q&A site, saying the trailers seemed “a lot more exciting” than the actual goings-on during Facebook’s earlier days.

(Interesting side note: The Q&A site linked above is Quora, a startup made by several former Facebook employees. It’s a small world after all — especially in Silicon Valley.)

Zuckerberg, currently Facebook’s CEO, had some negative comments about the film when he took the stage at the D conference last month, saying he wished the movie had not been made. Moscovitz wasn’t completely down on the movie; however, his mostly sarcastic comments did belabor the point that the film is anything but historically accurate — at least from his perspective.

“It is interesting to see my past rewritten in a way that emphasizes things that didn’t matter,” he wrote — “things that didn’t matter” referring to a breach of contract/IP theft lawsuit brought by fellow Harvard students Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss in 2004.

Calling the movie a “dramatization of history,” Moscovitz continued to write, “A lot of exciting things happened in 2004, but mostly we just worked a lot and stressed out about things; the version in the trailer seems a lot more exciting, so I’m just going to choose to remember that we drank ourselves silly and had a lot of sex with coeds.”

When it comes to the film’s portrayal of Zuckerberg, Moscovitz is at once cautiously pessimistic and fawning.

“The plot of the book/script unabashedly attack him, but I actually felt like a lot of his positive qualities come out truthfully in the trailer (soundtrack aside). At the end of the day, they cannot help but portray him as the driven, forward-thinking genius that he is.”

Moscovitz currently heads up Asana, a Silicon Valley startup who counts a few Facebook and Google heavy-hitters among its staff. When not drinking and carousing with coeds, they build project management software.

What do you think of the trailers so far? How would you feel if someone made a movie about you and your company? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Lessons learned from a hacker.

June 13, 2010


My wife and I were just settling in for our week-long 10th anniversary trip in the Ozark mountains. We had a great week planned,with lots of hiking and site seeing, even a trip to an old car museumwhich I love to go to when we visit there. I woke up the morning afterwe arrived ready to get started, only to see that there was a voice mailon my phone from 6 a.m. It was Amin Motin, my helpdesk manager,informing me that a number of my sites had been hacked into…

As you may be aware of, three of my servers were hacked into last week, resulting in a number of my sites displaying the hacker's "look atwhat I can do" message as the home page. Fortunately no data was lostfrom any of the databases, and the sites were restored back to theirproper working order within a matter of hours after I reported the issueto my server host.

It would appear that my computer got a keylogger-style virus installed on it, despite the fact that I only use a Mozilla browser(which I didn't think was targeted by such things, but apparently due toits popularity growth this is no longer the case). I often scan the"black hat" and "software cracks" forums for references to my ownsoftware so I can close any loopholes those guys find to try and rip offmy software, and I can only imagine that the virus came from one ofthose sites. Shame on me for getting busy and not updating my virusprotection software.

Well, long story short, I had these 3 server's open in a shell (SSH) window, and next thing you know the hacker was logging in and doing histhing.

The virus has since been removed, the servers restored to their normal working condition and all passwords changed.

This is not the kind of thing I wanted to deal with while I was away on my 10th anniversary with my wife, and it's certainly not the kind ofthing she wanted me to have to deal with on such a special occasion.However, the matter was resolved within a few hours of my reporting itto my web host, which allowed my wife and I to enjoy the rest of ourtrip in peace. It could have been a whole lot worse, to say the least,had I not had such fantastic support from Amin, my customers and my webhost.

I wanted to share with you the lessons I have learned from this incident in case they will help you.

1. Having strong passwords is not enough.

It doesn't matter how "unguessable" your password is if a keylogger gets installed on your computer and the hacker gets the password sent tohim by the virus. It's also not enough to rely on your virusprotection software, because a brand new virus may not be detected.

That's why I've had my host block all shell (SSH) and FTP access from all IP addresses except my own. So unless the hacker manages to breakinto the data center where my servers are, or breaks into my house andsits at my desk, even if he has the passwords it won't do him any good.

Since I never do any SSH work away from home, this works just fine. But even if I did need to access the server via SSH from somewhere else,I can always log a ticket with my web host to get the IP addresstemporarily added to the "allow" list.

2. Having loyal customers is a beautiful thing.

Within an hour of the hack, there were a dozen emails sitting in my inbox from customers and colleagues informing me of the issue andoffering to do whatever they could to help. Within two hours there weretwo dozen emails.

I can't even being to describe how good it made me feel to know that my customers and associates all have my back, and were willing to go theextra mile to help me resolve the problem if they could do anything tohelp. That really lets me know that I'm running this business the way Ishould.

Thanks to everyone who alerted me and offered to help. It is VERY much appreciated.

3. Having a responsive host is vital!

It wouldn't matter much if I knew about the hack while out of town if my web host was slow in responding. That certainly was not the case!Within a few hours of my notifying my host, they had the problem cleanedup and everything set right.

I was informed later that two of their top-tier systems administrators were set on the task. It wasn't long before they knewexactly how the hack occurred, what to do to close the hole, and how totighten security to prevent any such incidents in the future.

I always knew that my web host's service was top notch, but you REALLY know you're in good hands when something like this happens andthey're on the ball. I am SO glad I switched hosts a couple of yearsago. My previous host was incredibly slow to respond no matter howurgent the matter.

In case you're wondering, my server host is:

I cannot recommend their services highly enough. Their response time even on trivial issues is incredible, and when it really matters,they're on top of things in a flash.

Disaster Averted

The situation certainly could have been a lot worse than it was. I cringe to think how things would have gone had I still been with my oldweb host (which shall remain nameless — but it was a BIG host, which youthink would have great support, but didn't). I could have beenstressing it out all week long waiting for things to get corrected IF Ihad even known about what happened. I might have been obliviouslyhiking through the mountains while a dozen of my sites were down for aweek. Just thinking about that grows gray hairs on my head!

But things didn't work that way. Everything was set right the day I reported it to my fantastic host, thanks to being informed by Amin andmy customers and associates. Because all of the links in the chain werestrong, disaster was averted, and the security of my servers are nowfar stronger than they were before.

I have certainly learned a lot from this situation, but the biggest lesson can be summed up in these smile-evoking words: I'm in good hands.

Please post your thoughts and questions in a comment below.

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For only $1,900 a month, you can rent an apartment President Obama lived in during his years at Columbia University.

The apartment itself is shabby, a one-bedroom, third-floor walk-up. And while living there is unlikely to shed any light on the issue, it’s interesting that so little is known about that era of Obama’s life.

Obama spent two years Occidental College in Los Angeles, transferring to Columbia University in New York City in 1981 and graduating two years later. Little is known about Obama’s time at Occidental, but even less is known about his time at Columbia.

The president did not release his transcripts from either school during his campaign for the presidency, as John McCain, John Kerry, George W. Bush and Al Gore did. Occidental and Columbia have said they are prevented by federal law from releasing the transcripts.

Obama’s thesis on nuclear disarmament, on which he spent a year at Columbia, has apparently been lost. Obama says he doesn’t have a copy and his professor at the time thinks he lost it when he moved a few years ago.

Obama barely mentions his years at Columbia in his two autobiographies. He has said he didn’t know many people at Columbia and that he spent most of his time in the library reading, “like a monk.” Indeed, Fox News contacted 400 of Obama’s former classmates – no one remembered him.

Some of Obama’s Columbia classmates have since come forward, saying they remembered Obama there. Both schools have confirmed Obama was their student.

Columbia is where Obama “stopped getting high,” he wrote, which his old roommate verified to reporters.

To the New York Times, Obama “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.” A spokesman told the Times Obama “doesn’t remember the names of a lot of people in his life.”

At Occidental, Obama was better known by classmates. There, he gave what is thought to be his first public speech. In it, he urged his school to disinvest from South Africa because of apartheid.

In “Dreams From My Father,” Obama wrote he socialized with black students but also “the foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets … When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling constraints.”

A professor at Occidental, Roger Boesche, told the Los Angeles Times Obama was “a very thoughtful student and a very curious student … You didn’t take my European Modern class without wanting to think about deep ideas.”

The White House did not reply to a request for comment.

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This is no rumour but confirmed. Fire from the neighbouring house razed Ibori's car in his house in Victoria Island Lagos.
This incident took everybody by surprise, as Ibori aka Ogidigbogbo himself has so many problems hanging on his neck with the metropolitan police of London and Goodluck waiting for him in Naija.
The fire actually emanated from the Club neighbouring his house.

From reliable sources inside, valuables worth millions of Naira, and Ibori's personal valuables have been lost to the fire.
It is being speculated that, the fire emanated from the generator house of their neighbour.
That is the situation, for now.
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Call girl breaks waist running from clients in two on one Orgy that went bad,very Bad

After an all night sex, call girl jumps from four-storey hotel to escape from insatiable clients. Adelani Adepegba and Fidelis Soriwei report.

In the world of a girl identified as Eyiye, one of the major things that count is money. And it does not matter if she has to exploit her body to get it. This she had been doing for sometime until last Monday when she encountered two friends who literally took her through the valley of the shadow of death, right in a hotel room in Abuja .

Eyiye, from Edo State was one of the hordes of girls who came to the Federal Capital Territory believing they could make ends meet by soliciting for patrons at roadsides for a fee.

Eyiye who claimed to be a student of an unnamed higher institution in the FCT was approached by Alphonsus Nnadi, 26, and Tony Agbo, 25, for an all night sexual intercourse on Sunday evening, and after negotiations, struck a bargain.

The friends agreed to pay her N8,000 and she went with them to the Capital Lake Hotel, Jabi, where they got a room on the third floor.

The two men descended on Eyiye and had their fill of sex, with each of them doing four rounds till day-break, according to their statements to the police. In the morning, the girl was tired and weak from the long night, but Agbo was not yet done with her as he allegedly insisted on having one more round, which Eyiye felt she could not endure. She protested that she was weak and hungry, but Agbo did not see that as a problem.

He offered to get her meat-pie and a drink. Nnadi, who was also tired from the exertions of the night, asked his friend to lock the room and go with the key "because the girl may sneak away with my expensive phone if I slept off."

After Agbo had left to fetch the food, Eyiye asked Nnadi to get hot water from the bathroom to massage her raw private part. Immediately he left, she wrapped the thick bed blankets around herself and dived through the window to the ground, breaking her waist and sustaining other injuries. Hotel staff and sympathisers rushed to her aid and called in the police who assisted in taking her to the General Hospital, Gwarinpa, Abuja.

Eyiye in an interview explained that she decided to take the risk of jumping from the third floor of the hotel when she heard Nnadi and Agbo discussing how to kill her and cut out her private part for rituals. She said they were speaking in "Rivers (State) language." She complained that she was only paid N4000 instead of the N8000 they agreed to give her. "I decided to jump because they wanted to kill me for ritual. I heard one of then telling someone on the phone that I have the type of vagina they were looking for," she alleged.

Nnadi who hailed from Imo State had a different version of the incident when he spoke to our correspondents on Wednesday at the Life Camp Police Station where he and his friend were being detained. He explained that he and Agbo had a cordial evening with Eyiye when they took her to the room.

"I offered to get her a job if she would quit being a harshie (harlot) and I even allowed her to use my phone. If I was a ritualist, would I have done that? I believe it was because she heard me speaking on phone with a client about a real estate deal running to N45m. Maybe it was what the girl heard and she thought I was a ritual killer. I swear to God am a Christian, it is quite unfortunate that this happened, but I have no intention of using the girl for ritual," he defended himself.

Agbo from Benue State, said what got him involved with Eyiye was his wet clothes which prevented him from going to work early. "I was sticking around waiting for my clothes to dry when I decided to have another round with her. It's a lie that we wanted to kill her because I came back voluntarily when Nnadi called me on phone from the eatery when I went to get snacks for her when the police came after she had jumped out of the room. Am happy she didn't die because that would have been a different thing altogether," he said.

Policemen at the station stated that preliminary investigation indicated that what transpired between the trio was a normal sexual transaction which however went awry.

For now, Eyiye is nursing her raw and bruised parts while her erstwhile lovers rue their misdeed.
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He was said to have brought her from Egypt

Criticisms continued to trail the alleged marriage of former governor of Zamfara State, Senator Ahmed Sani to a 13-year old Egyptian girl.pix200707062243171.jpg

The former governor reportedly paid $100,000 as bride price to the parents of the minor.

But in a statement made available to our correspondent in Lokoja on Monday, the National Council of Women Societies condemned the action of the senator, describing it as shameful.

Speaking through its National President, Hajia Ramatu Usman, the umbrella women’s organisation said Sani’s action did not come to Nigerian women as a surprise because, according to them, many northern governors had been using religion as an excuse for not passing the Child Rights Act.

She further stated that the council had been mounting a campaign against young girls being given out for marriage at ridiculously early ages of 12 or 13 years, adding that the action was against all reasoning.

According to Usman, “Vesico vaginal fistula has been attributed to under age marriages due to the practice of early marriages in Nigeria, where young girls are given out for marriage at ridiculously early ages as 12 or 13 years. They get pregnant and when they are ready to deliver, their pelvises are so small for the babies to pass through.

“The baby gets stuck in the birth canal and in some cases dies. The baby‘s head wears a hole between the birth canal and the bladder (VVF) or rectum (RVF).

“So, when the dead baby is eventually delivered, the young mother is left with a dead child and she begins to drain urine and/or stool continuously. She develops sores on her skin and smells horribly from the constant drips of urine and stool on her clothes.”

The body therefore advised parents to avoid giving out their under age daughters in marriage in order to check cases of this health risk, which it said is particularly common in the northern part of Nigeria.

The statement further said, “It is a shame that while we are seeking ways to view closely what pushes parents into giving out their underage daughters into early marriages, a former governor of a state is celebrating this act of child trafficking and abuse.”

It also called on well-meaning Nigerians to mount pressure on northern governors to immediately commence work on the Child Rights Act.

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Twenty-four-year-old Miss Gladys Chinwenwa Nwankwo, a graduate of Computer Science of the Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, has cause to be eternally grateful to God. She had embarked on a trip to Sokoto State for the National Youth Service on March 2, 2009 when the bus she was travelling in ran into armed robbers between the Zamfara and Sokoto boarder.


The bandits had blocked their bus and opened fire on it for about 45 minutes after which six persons were killed and many others, including her, were seriously wounded.

The incident happened at Zamfara-Sokoto boarder between 9 and10 O’clock in the morning, after they have had a hitch-free all night journey.

The attack

Each time I remember that incident, I feel very strange. But I thank God who saved my life that day, not because I am more important to those who died, but because of his grace upon my life. He just chose to make me live.

A sound echoed like that of gunshot and I thought that our tyre had burst. Somebody in the bus told us that it was a gunshot. We all lay down on the floor of the vehicle. After a while, the driver and the conductor ran to the back of the vehicle to take cover. Those shooting were outside and for about 45 minutes they were still spraying bullets on the vehicle. They probably wanted to ensure that .every living thing in that bus was dead before they came in to rob. If not, why should people just open fire on travellers who did not resist them?

They were speaking languages we could not understand. The doors of the vehicle were wide open and they did not enter. They just kept shooting at the vehicle like people who had made up their mind to kill every one inside before coming in.

At that juncture, the conductor just ran out and told them to shoot him instead of shooting us as we are only youth corpers. They stopped shooting and ordered us to come down from the bus and we all came down. But by this time three people had already died inside the vehicle.

Then they saw an Hausa boy that had a dagger hanging on his left shoulder and shot him on the spot, making the number of dead persons four on the spot.

Before we got to the hospital, two other people died, making the number of dead people six, all boys. While we were on the ground, where we lay face down, we heard gunshot and I thought that they were shooting us one after the other, not knowing that it was policemen who were coming to our rescue. There was exchange of fire between them after which the robbers ran away. While we were outside, they entered the vehicle and were carting away our luggage, tearing them with their knives and searching for money and other valuables. They collected phones, but I was lucky that my phone fell down on the step by the door side and they did not see it.

My bullet wound

While I was inside the vehicle, I felt some sharp pains when they were shooting. I looked at it and saw myself in my own pool of blood. I removed my scarf and tied it on the spot to stop the bleeding. At that time the pain was not felt much. After that I called my pastor on phone and he assured me that nothing would happen to me. I noticed that the bullet in my arm was moving about. The police people, who came, took us to the hospital and called NYSC officials who came and transferred us to Usman Danfodio Teaching Hospital, Sokoto. There, they started giving us treatment and booked a date to operate on me and brought out the bullets.

On the appointed date, I was operated upon and the bullets, about six of them, were removed from my hand and that was after a week and three days. But unknown to me one was still lodging in my head. After six days, I felt like scratching a portion of my head that was making me uncomfortable.

While I was doing that one of the bullets fell down from my head, followed by blood. My fellow corpers started shouting and they took me to the clinic where I was given first aid after which I went to the hospital where I was treated.

When I saw the list that I would be serving in Sokoto State, I was not happy because I had prayed and hoped that I would be posted to Delta State or any of the mid-western states. I felt that since there are many companies there, if I am posted there, I might be retained in the company I served.

But when the posting came out and I knew that there was nothing else I could do, I prayed to God to lead me safely to the place. However, on Saturday, preceding the Sunday that I was to travel, I saw myself in a hospital in the dream, with a big hole in my hand and I was being treated. I was not shown what brought about the wound.

When I woke up, I told my elder sister about it and she rebuked me, saying that it was like the service had gone into my head. That did I think that I was the first person that has gone for service. Because of what she said, I just prayed ordinarily, not going extra mile as would have done in situation of that nature.

The journey

On Sunday morning, at about 8 O’clock, I left our house to Ezenwata transport, which goes to Sokoto, purchased my ticket and was told to come back before 4p.m and so we should try to be at the terminal before 4 O’clock. I went back to church at Kingdom Citizens Ministries and waited till after service. Then, around 3:00p.m, I went back to the bus terminal and by 4p.m., we took off.

I prayed in the Church and was sure that God would see me through. Ours was a direct bus to Sokoto and we travelled peacefully throughout the night into the next morning. At about 9-10 O’clock, I noticed that our vehicle had stopped between Zamfara –Sokoto boarder and the hoodlums struck.

When we got to the hospital, I phoned my uncle and told him, but asked him not to allow my mother to know about it, because if she does, she would not believe that I was still alive and she might kill herself before I come back.

My uncle encouraged me to be strong that he would be praying for me, and he was calling me every day till the day I came out from the theatre.

It was NYSC that paid the bill for the treatment. On the appointed date, I was operated upon, after a week and three days.

In all, I thank God who did not allow me to be shot dead by the robbers. If not for him, I would have been dead by now. I was the only girl that was shot. However, I thank NYSC officials in Sokoto State for taking good care of me and my colleagues who went out of their way to show me love. I know that some of them will read this interview, and I want them to know that I appreciate every bit of their assistance to me and to tell them that God will surely reward them for their kind gesture.

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Fraudsters relocating from Nigeria -Report

Fraudsters relocating from Nigeria -ReportAgency reporterFraudsters are beginning to move out of Nigeria to neighbouring countries in the region, according to a report by PCworld, an international news web site about technology based in the United States and United Kingdom.This is just as an Australian-based woman is receiving back part of the money she lost to con-men, Empowered Newswire reports.Besides, a 2009 report from the Internet Crime Complaint Centre, disclosed that although internet scams are common in Africa, countries on the continent made up only 10 per cent of the reported number of complaints, with the US and UK comprising more than 75 per cent of the total.In its report, PCworld, released a report quoting an internet security expert, Steve Santorelli, as saying that con-men were relocating from Nigeria.Santorelli, who is the director of Global Outreach, said that while it was generally perceived that the 419 scams originated in Nigeria, there is now "a growing perception that the miscreants involved have now started relocating to neighbouring countries." Santorelli is the director of Global Outreach, an internet security research firm.PCworld also reported that "greed and the desire to make quick money have been given as major reasons why people fall into these scams, but gullibility and loneliness have also been advanced as reasons why people continue to pay attention to scammers."The report also quoted another IT expert, yaw Owusu, as saying , "The more naïve, the less educated and less exposed a person is to different people, a variety of life experiences, the more susceptible he or she becomes to scams of any form."Meanwhile, media reports from Australia stated that a Queensland, Australia woman who was conned out of more than $40,000 in an online scam would get some of the money back courtesy of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. The EFCC had reportedly recovered some of the money" from which the scammed Australian woman would get a cheque.The local media report said the "56-year-old woman was tricked into helping a 25-year-old Nigerian university student who posed as a middle-aged British widower needing money for medical and travel expenses."The student was convicted and sentenced to 19 years in jail by a Nigerian court last year..According to PCWorld "The campaign to freeze accounts associated with former Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha and former Zaire dictator Mobutu Sese Seko led to the birth of Internet scammers, who were posing as family members with stash of millions of dollars to hide from the authorities."The report quoting Bill Zimmerman said "As ICTs (became) more sophisticated, advance fee scams evolved to take advantage of new mediums such as instant messaging and online social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Ning), and in the process became the global phenomenon (they are) today."
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As the Police reverted from the gunshot wounds that was alleged to have slaughtered Rimi saying it was heart failure. The

Driver of the late Abubakar Rimi yesterday gave a blow-by-blow account of how the former Kano Stategovernor died, saying Rimi began gasping soon after he saw wounds in his brother’s head after a brush with armed robbers on Sunday night.

Alhaji Haruna Abdullahi, who worked with the Rimi family since 1979 when the late politician was elected governor, said their vehicle was forced to stop by a gang of armed robbers along the road to Darki/Gadar Janna near Wudil, south-east of Kano.

“The robbers had completely taken over the road when we approached Darki/Gadar Janna,” he said. “It therefore became compulsory for us to stop, otherwise they would shoot at us.”

“As we stopped, they searched us and collected our money and our handsets. They also beat my boss’ younger brother who was seated right behind me. The security aide to my boss was sitting at the front.

“The robbers were armed, but they did not use their weapons. They asked for money and we gave them. They asked me to open the boot and when I opened it, they searched all our luggage, including that of my boss, but one of the bags was difficult to open.

“At that time, I tried to frighten them by telling them that the police could come and open fire on us all.” Abdullahi said one of the robbers responded by saying: “to hell with the police!”

He said after the robbers were done with them, they asked them to proceed on the journey. As they moved on, Rimi said to him: “You see what robbery is nowadays. These men have now cheated us.” The deceased then said he would never travel at night again, because this was not the first time they encountered robbers.

“They have robbed us once and robbed us twice, therefore we should not fall victims again,” the driver quoted the late Rimi as saying.

He said at that point, Rimi’s brother Alhaji Sule Sa’a told them he was injured in the head and arm by the robbers. Rimi asked to see the wounds and immediately he saw them, he started coughing and gasping. He said as they got to Wudil town, Rimi’s son Nura rang the guard, whose hidden cell phone was not taken by the robbers.

Abdullahi said Nura suggested to them to take the late Rimi straight to hospital instead of coming home, though they assured him that Rimi was not physically attacked by the robbers.

“At that moment my boss started sweating to the extent that Alhaji Sa’a advised me to put on the car air conditioner. As we approached Gano town, my boss said to me ‘take me to Classic Clinic as soon as we get to Kano.’” At the Classic Clinic, Abdullahi said, “after he was examined by a female doctor, we were asked to take him to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH).” He said Rimi was already unconscious by the time they got to the teaching hospital.

“We—myself, Nura and the bodyguard—lifted him into the emergency ward. They later asked us to leave the room so that he could take fresh air. So I came out, but shortly Nura came out and started calling friends and family members to inform them that my boss was dead,” Abdullahi said.

Rimi, a former minister of communications and presidential aspirant, died Sunday night of complications from high blood pressure an hour after he had an encounter with armed robbers on his way back to Kano from Bauchi. (Daily Trust)

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U.S. moves to remove Nigeria from terror list
By Chinedu Offor, Correspondent, Washington DC

Pressure by Abuja to get Nigeria off America’s terrorist watch list seems to have paid off as Washington has promised to “revisit the issue.”


A senior White House official said President Barack Obama could de-list Nigeria as a “goodwill gesture’ to Acting President Goodluck Jonathan when he visits later this month.

Aides disclosed that Obama had discussions with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, as well as with Justice Department and Homeland Security officials before taking the decision.

The change of heart may have been further encouraged by reports that Nigeria has installed scanners at the airport in Lagos and plans to do so at other exit points, a key requirement by the United States.

Nigeria’s argument was made anew by Adebowale Adefuye, Nigeria’s Ambassador to the U.S., when he presented his letter of credence to Obama at the White House..

Adefuye told Obama that Jonathan asked him “to again convey Nigeria’s shock at this and urge you to revisit this issue as soon as possible.”

He pleaded that the attempt by Farouk Abdulmutallab last December to bomb an American plane was a one-off incident which should not have warranted the classification of Nigeria as a country of interest in the fight against terrorism.

“On our part, we promise our continued co-operation with United States institutions in the fight against terrorism while pledging to sustain ongoing efforts in Nigeria aimed at effectively preventing terrorist networks from operating within our borders as well as West African region,” Adefuye said.

He noted that the U.S., one of Nigeria’s closest allies, has identified with the nation at all times.

“Indeed, the history of Nigeria’s 50 years of statehood will be incomplete without a mention of the proactive role of the United States in supporting us in our quest for sustainable political stability and economic development.

“United States’ interest in our economic and political well-being has been one of the critical factors for the progress recorded in our effort to consolidate our democracy and deliver its dividends to the people of the country.”

As a leader on the African continent, Adefuye added, Nigeria has “consistently worked with the U.S.” in protecting and promoting sustainable global peace and security, and “it is proud of its contributions” to United Nations peace keeping activities.

“This factor has helped in fostering peace and sustainable development on the African continent and has contributed significantly to international peace. An estimated one million Nigerians and Nigerian-Americans live, study, and work in the United States, while over 25,000 Americans live and work in Nigeria.

“These populations have played tremendous roles in enhancing social and economic co-existence for both countries. They have further cemented our relationship by their contributions to sustainable economic and social development in our two countries.”
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By Kingsley Omonobi

* As petitions flood Aso Rock, contract inflation, money laundering, misappropriation of funds cited

Indications emerged in Abuja yesterday that Acting President Goodluck Jonathan has barred all ministers of the just dissolved executive council of the federation from travelling out of the country in the next one month.

The restriction is to ensure that the ex-ministers would be available to provide answers to possible questions concerning their ministries as the nation awaits appointment of new ministers. Consequently, the ex-ministers have been told to make their movements within the country known to appropriate authorities and no ex-minister must travel outside the country within the period..

Presidency sources said the decision to bar the ministers from travelling out of the country was not unconnected with petitions that had started flooding the Presidential villa over the sins committed by many of the ministers while in office, particularly as it concerned contract inflation, money laundering, misappropriation of funds and other unimaginable deeds.

As a result, the source said that the federal government panel inaugurated by Acting President Jonathan last month, has been given the go-ahead to move into the ministries now that there are no stumbling blocks to examine the petitions so far received, adding that from all indications, some of the ministers may be made to face anti-corruption charges if found wanting.

It was gathered that some ministers, particularly those said to have been directly in charge of Power, Agriculture, Aviation and Water and Petroleum Resources, are said to be on the front list because of the volume of petitions regarding their conduct while at the helm of affairs of the ministries.

It was further gathered that security agencies, especially those saddled with security at the various exit outlets of the nation, have been intimated of the federal government directive and urged them to ‘politely turn back’ any of such minister that may claim ignorance and wanted to travel.
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Jonathan bars ministers (AKUNYILI) from making public comments

"WHAT IS THIS ACTING PRESIDENTS PROBLEM does he not know that this script is for real and not some kind of movie where he is acting president ! Your Goodluck will soon Run out Plus Your goodwill IF You continue to play to the GALLERY !
Jonathan Was never King I am begining to think we need a David ! "

All the 42 ministers in the Federal Executive Council have been barred from making public statements, our correspondent has learnt.

Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan in the movie Airport Drama

Also, regional or group meetings of ministers, which flourished since cracks appeared in the cabinet, have been outlawed.

The order was handed out at the FEC meeting by Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday.

However, Jonathan told the ministers that if it became imperative for any of them to make a public statement, then his approval must be secured, a source in the Presidency told our correspondent.

The directive came against the background of concern expressed by governors on Tuesday in Abuja over public utterances of the Minister of Information and Communications, Prof. Dora Akunyili, in which she criticised the cloud of secrecy in the Presidency concerning President Umaru Yar'Adua's health.

Akunyili had in an interview granted many newspapers on Sunday claimed that a cabal existed in the corridors power.

According to her, the cabal's hold on government must be broken if the secrecy around the President's health should become a thing of the past.

Also, Jonathan frowned on regional or group meetings of ministers, which seemed to have characterised Yar'Adua's 93-day medical sojourn in Saudi Arabia .

According to Presidency sources, the ministers tended to confer along the North and South divide.

The most noticeable members of the ministerial cliques were the Minister of Special Duties, Mr. Michael Aondoakaa; Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Dr. Sayyadi Abba-Ruma; and Chief Economic Adviser to the President, Dr. Tanimu Yakubu.

Before Jonathan entered the Council chambers for the FEC meeting, a Presidency source said the ministers were jittery, following an earlier information that he would dissolve the cabinet.

But the Acting President had a last-minute change of mind on the dissolution.

He reportedly told the ministers that he had suspended the idea and enjoined them to face their jobs squarely and avoid divisive tendencies.

"At the FEC meeting, the Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, ordered ministers to stop making public statements.

"He also warned against regional or group meetings of ministers, which was the rule rather than the exception during President Umaru Yar'Adua's absence.

"Henceforth, ministers wishing to make any public statement must get clearance from the Acting President.

"The order was given because of comments of some ministers that were thought to be heating up the polity. Again, he told the ministers that cabinet dissolution had been put on hold.

"He seems to have gauged the political temperature and realised that such a measure now would have fractious consequences on the Presidency."

Despite Jonathan's assurance to the ministers, a cabinet source said the feeling that their days were numbered pervaded the Council chambers.

Besides Akunyili's memo to FEC on the need for Yar'Adua to comply with Section 145 of the constitution, which attracted an unusual focus on the FEC, Aondoakaa's unguarded attacks on her dragged the cabinet in the mud.

Aondoakaa has since apologised to Akunyili.
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Yesterday, Lagosians got some relief as beef made a return to their meals. This is because the cattle sellers at the Lagos State Government Abattoir Complex, Oko-Oba in Agege, allowed the animals they had in stock to be sold and slaughtered, after the Cattle Dealers Association (CDA) and Food Stuff Merchants' Association of Nigeria reportedly suspended their seven-day warning strike over the weekend.jpeg&STREAMOID=ABkBie89WAeVBFA_JddE5S6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxQGjaD5SzKqxNtVpHXuukQcnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-

Beef and tomatoes became scarce since early last week as the transporters, who brought them in from the northern part of the country, stopped transporting the commodities into the markets in the South-West region due to what they called the ‘exorbitant taxes and levies' imposed on them by the state officials. Although the Lagos State governor, Babatunde Fashola, on Wednesday, attempted to persuade the striking cattle transporters to resume their trade immediately, the strike stretched into the weekend, causing residents to resort to alternative options.

Comeback beef

However, it was a welcome cacophony of meat hacking and price haggling as hundreds of cattle were slaughtered at the Oko-Oba Abattoir, even if it was still above the usual price. This place had been devoid of activities since last Tuesday as no cattle was killed there. The northern cattle traders allowed the sales because, as We gathered, it was becoming too expensive to feed them, while the negotiations continued.

"The cattle owners said they didn't want the cows they brought in to die for nothing," a butcher, Akeem Alake, said in Yoruba. "They said the money they were using to feed them was too much so they are selling them off." The butchers, however, complained that they were buying for far above the normal market price.

The pace of work at the meat market was markedly higher than normal, as butchers, porters, knife carvers, and drivers of meat delivery vans tried to make up for lost time. However, an old hand in the market, Mumeni Ashipa, called for caution.

"With the rate at which people are buying and killing these cows, the whole thing may finish before night, because, as I'm talking to you right now, no truck has entered Lagos yet. All cattle you are seeing here are those brought in before the strike and they cannot last more than today," he said.

We found very few tomatoes, pepper or beef for sale over the weekend and Monday at the markets in the Agege Local Government Area. When found, the price was too high for consumers.

"The tomato seller said two (fruits) for fifty naira," a bachelor, Ayo Oriola, said. "I couldn't buy it, so I'm going to buy tin tomatoes and turkey wings now."

Paying too much

A cattle trader, Quaseem Olushola, who brings in his animals from Gombe, said he supported the strike. He said it costs him more than 300% to pay officials for his cargo to pass through states in the south than in the north.

"A trailer will carry maybe 30 to 50 cows and the state will collect N10,000 as ‘Veterinary money" from us, no matter how many is in the trailer," he said. "In the north, they collect about N1, 500 but once we get to Kwara (State) we begin to pay big money."

Reports say the state government is currently trying to meet the demands of the traders to forestall a repeat of the action
culled from NEXT
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A boy steps boldly into the night traffic and waves a gun to bring the cars to a halt, clearing a path for a motorcycle which screeches into the intersection. Riding pillion is another boy, brandishing a machinegun.

Later two teenagers, also riding pillion on motorbikes, flash their guns at other motorists; nearby, a boy can be seen taking aim with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight. Other youths wander the street smoking crack.

For residents, the junction between the busy Dom Helder Câmara and dos

Democráticos, in North Rio de Janeiro, has become known as the Corner of Fear — and video footage of daily life there has shocked a nation already familiar with guns and violence.

PHOTOS:Youths flaunt guns on the streets of Rio de Janeiro

The latest images, captured by undercover journalists from the Rio tabloid Extra, have exposed the city’s criminal youth culture in a manner that echoes the journalistic investigation featured in the film City of God.

The age of the criminals — one pistol-toting boy is 12 — is obvious cause for alarm, but so is the seeming impunity with which they act.

The video footage has provided a glimpse into the city’s underworld that hardly touches Rio’s wealthier citizens.

Local newspapers rarely show at first hand the violence that permeates the city’s slums (favelas). Since the brutal torture and murder of the journalist Tim Lopes — who was caught filming secretly in the Vila Cruzeiro favela in 2002 — Brazilian reporters have been reluctant to take their cameras into slum areas. Any reports that are filed tend to come from correspondents talking from inside armoured cars, or are images showing the aftermath of a shooting.

“What is shocking is this parallel power, the fact that they are very young,” said André Cabral De Almeida Cardoso, 41, a teacher. “They are so brazen about it.”

Valera dos Santos, 34, a maid who lives in a favela in São Paulo, said: “My God, I’ve never seen pictures like this. It’s absurd, they’re just boys.” Rio_1__690618a.jpg

The journalists who captured the images were also taken aback. “Even knowing the reality of what could happen, you are still shocked by the glamour that these weapons represent in the arms of minors,” said Fernando Torres, 27, one of a team of three who spent four nights undercover at the Corner of Fear.

“These images are desolate,” said Lucy Petroucic, 56, a translator. “These boys have become little Taleban who think they have nothing to lose.”

Within hours, police arrested one of a group of bandits shown in the video and promised that changes were on the way. Luiz Fernando Pezão, Rio’s Deputy Governor, told reporters that a new police base would open nearby in May. Rio_2__690599a.jpg

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She may be a bitch but she is definitely Yaradua's bitch !

Since returning her critically ill husband to the country in the dead of the night yesterday, Turai Yar’Adua has in the last twenty-four hours effectively seized control of the apparatus of government, shoving aside Goodluck Jonathan and unilaterally causing a reversal of the decision by the National Assembly to name him Acting President.

She has a combination of factors working to her advantage: on the one hand, her husband is back in the country and expected to resume Presidential functions; on the other, the state of his health renders him incapable of exercising any presidential authority, automatically creating a vacuum for a proxy.

This bizarre scenario is what Mrs. Yar’Adua is exploiting, with urgency and precision. Yesterday, she instigated a series of puzzling actions, aimed at curtailing the movement and powers of the Acting President.

These include the deployment of two members of the brigade of guards to barricade the “presidential seat”, allegedly to prevent Mr. Jonathan from sitting on it to preside over the meeting of the Executive Council of the Federation; and the early afternoon ransacking of Mr. Jonathan’s office by personnel of the State Security Service (SSS).

Not long after that action, the President’s spokesperson, Segun Adeniyi issued a statement announcing that, “while the President completes his recuperation, Vice President Jonathan will continue to oversee the affairs of state.” There is however no evidence that the Acting President is in any position to oversee Nigeria’s affairs, as he spent most of Wednesday holed up in his office or home, as ignorant as the rest of the country about happenings in the corridors of power. In the vacuum, the First Lady is in absolute control, not only of the affairs of state, but also of access to the President.

Acting in the dark

Over 20 hours after arriving in the country, no public official has yet seen Mr. Yar’Adua, NEXT findings reveal. It emerged yesterday that even Mr Jonathan, has not seen or spoken to Mr Yar’Adua since he returned to the country. A highly placed source in Aso Rock revealed this Wednesday, adding that a political stalemate is in the offing between the two men.

The source confirmed that the Mr. Jonathan was completely unaware of the president’s homecoming until just a few hours before his plane landed in Abuja. In addition, all the security and army personnel that were dispatched to the airport did not receive their orders from the Acting President’s office.

Two army units, the 4th battalion and Guards brigade, were deployed to secure the road leading to the airport and escort the presidential convoy back to Aso Rock.

According to our source, “300 carefully selected officers were secretly deployed and conveyed in 25 vehicles for the operation. Even the weapons were released to them at night.” The directive for this deployment was not issued by the Acting President who is also the present commander in chief of the armed forces of Nigeria. This caused a little pandemonium among the ruling class who wondered who deployed the men.

“The Acting President did not give orders for the deployment of the troops and neither were we consulted on such.

So we all wondered if the army was just acting on its own. Maybe it was the Chief of Defense Staff, or the Chief of Army staff or the National Security Adviser who deployed them; you know they all never liked Mr. Jonathan. We don’t know even up till now,” our source stated.

A President held hostage

The list of persons who are being denied access to the President by the First Lady is growing.

Apart from the Acting President, none of the Ministers or Presidential aides has seen or spoken to Mr. Yar’Adua. Not even Segun Adeniyi, Mr. Yar’Adua’s senior special assistant on media and communications, who issued a press statement on behalf of the President has seen or directly heard from him, NEXT findings reveal.

The Chairman of the Governors’ Forum, Bukola Saraki, and the Chairman of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Vincent Ogbulafor, have also been unsuccessful in their attempts to see Mr. Yar’Adua.

“They are preventing everyone from seeing him. None of us, except his wife and his security aides have seen him since his arrival. Right from the airport, they hid him from everybody. The Vice President even tried to go see him yesterday, but was disallowed by Turai,” a senior government official stated.

At the moment, no one outside the tiny inner circle has any details about the current state of the President’s health. A widely-quoted NEXT exclusive story in January reported that he was “seriously brain damaged.” Our investigations continue to point to a man who remains incapacitated and clearly unable to function as President, contrary to Mr. Adeniyi’s statement that the President had been “discharged” by his Saudi doctors.

We have it on reliable authority that since the President’s arrival in the country on Wednesday, his critical condition has necessitated his continued stay in the Ford E-250 intensive care ambulance that picked him at the Abuja airport. He is expected to be in the ambulance until the intensive care unit that will receive him is retrieved by Julius Berger from Katsina and re-installed in House 7 within the grounds of the Presidential Villa.

Sources also said that the President was carried on a stretcher aboard the ambulance that airlifted him into the country. The arrival of the President in the early hours of Wednesday was engineered to take place in utmost secrecy. Just before midnight on Tuesday, the military units sealed off the presidential wing of the airport and cordoned off the area, ordering all airport staff to move to the international wing. The airport was sealed off from journalists and other visitors who had begun to gather at the presidential wing.

The air ambulance conveying the President landed at 1.45am in a remote section of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport runway. Tarmac floodlights were also dimmed, heightening the covertness of the operation.

Sinking deeper into confusion

A brief private meeting between Mr. Jonathan and the ministers held in place of the customary Wednesday Executive Council meetings, which Mr. Jonathan has consistently chaired in the absence of Mr. Yar’Adua. The meeting, which traditionally starts at 10.00am, was postponed by Mr. Jonathan as soon as news of the President’s arrival broke.

The Ministers were duly notified.

A minister confirmed that the instruction to postpone the council meeting came from Jonathan.

“I received a call at about 8.30 from his secretary saying that our meeting would be postponed,” the minister said. “I was asked to come directly to the conference room by 2 (o’clock) where they would explain why the meeting did not hold.” The minister went on to say that many of his colleagues did not know about the arrival of the President until Wednesday morning. “Some of us were hearing it from you people in the media as of this morning,” the minister said. “As for me I have not spoken to him since he left and that remains so.” The failure of the meeting to hold is just one of the many manifestations of the deepening confusion that has plagued the country since news first broke on Tuesday evening of Mr. Yar’Adua’s return.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister of Information, Dora Akunyili announced that the Mr. Jonathan would be meeting with Mrs Yar’Adua on yesterday evening. Even though a source said the meeting was not at Mrs Yar’Adua’s behest, but an attempt to stave off a constitutional crisis, the fact that it is taking place at all is yet another pointer to the significant role that the President’s wife will be playing in the current power configuration.

It remains unclear what the agenda of the meeting will be, but a source insisted that the ongoing political stalemate cannot be dispelled until the Acting President meets with the President. “Until the Acting President receives a secure directive from the President, the executive council cannot fulfil its duties,” the source said.

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AMIDST the controversies trailing the dramatic return of ailing President Umaru Yar'Adua from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came reports that the government of the Islamic kingdom was responsible for his untimely return.


Nigerian Tribune was informed by a very competent security source that the government of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) embarked on a subtle 'blackmail diplomacy' against Saudi Arabia, a development which, according to the source, almost put the Islamic Kingdom in the 'dock'.

The source also gave an insight into how the air ambulance, which brought in the ailing president, was acquired. A frontline construction giant and a former governor from one of the South-South states were said to have brokered the deal that provided the air ambulance.

The multimillion dollar air ambulance was provided by a medical firm in Los Angeles, California, in the United States, after the said construction giant contacted some highly-placed officials of its home government to intervene on its behalf.

According to him, the intelligence community in the country was in the know of the planned return of the sick president, but that the information was not fully shared with the acting president, Goodkuck Jonathan, until very late.

"People still do not understand the undercurrents of this dramatic return. Left for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it would not have allowed the president to leave its soil without fully recovering from his ailment, but then, here is a situation that has put it as a collaborator in the whole saga.

"It got to an extent that the US government and the European Union had to engage in a subtle blackmail diplomacy with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia that it had not done too well as regards the secrecy surrounding the health of the Nigerian president since he arrived in the Kingdom for treatment.

"Of course, we know that if the government of Saudi wanted to be off the dock, it had a duty to correctly advise those very close to the president to quickly take him home rather than attracting unnecessary international attention to the respected kingdom known for its close ties with the United States.

"It was a very simple thing they did: allow the president stop subject to see him or take him to your country and maintain the secrecy of his sickness because the situation was already drawing Saudi Arabia to the international arena as part of Nigeria's political impasse until Jonathan was made the acting president two weeks ago.

The source said this was not the first time the Saudi authorities had tried to make close allies of the president see the need to allow people to see him.

"The first time they attempted to bring the ailing president into Nigeria, the man collapsed and they had to go back to the drawing board; but this time round, the construction giant and the former governor played key roles in approaching a Los Angeles-based medical firm for the air ambulance," the source said.

It will be recalled that Lagos lawyer, Femi Falana, had, last week, threatened to drag the government of Saudi Arabia before international adjucation bodies for its alleged role in the Yar'Adua health saga..

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Media reports claiming that Mallams Nasir El-Rufai and Nuhu Ribadu are set to rebuff government's invitation to join in nation-building have recently been circulating the rumour mills and have been brought to the attention of these preeminent gentlemen.
We the undersigned, acting not on the instructions of these patriots who have enviable and proven track-records of service to the Father-land and whom are committed to the task of re-engineering this country into its rightful place of leadership and prominence in the continent and within the community of nations; hereby state unequivocally that Mallams El-Rufai and Nuhu Ribadu are willing to support the efforts of His Excellency, The Acting President Goodluck Jonathan to set our nation on its proper course, give hope and pride once again to the polity and deliver on the promise to our people.

Both the former FCT Minister and the former EFCC Chairman are willing to put the uncomplimentary events of the past behind, dissociate themselves from these rumours and are available to support the task of nation-building in any way possible.

We are unable to ignore the alleged assassination a few days ago of Danjuma Mohammed, a former EFCC investigator. Being aware that some elements continue to work relentlessly to rule this nation by proxy through intimidation and acts of terrorism, we urge all fair-minded Nigerians to disregard the afore referred rumours and chalk them up to the machinations of persons who are desperate to keep the nation under their thumbs and in perpetual slavery to their selfish ambitions and aggrandizement. Those statements emanated neither from Nasir El-Rufai nor Nuhu Ribadu.

Nigerians are not intimidated. We are not terrorized. May the gentle soul of the departed rest in peace.

G5 – Olowo





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Fake SSS officer nabbed after extorting N6.4m from victim

Thursday, March 4, 2010
A staff member in the office of the Head of Service (HoS), Anambra State, Mr. Chibuzor Cyril, has been nabbed by the State Security Service (SSS), Anambra State Command for impersonation and extortion.



Paraded before newsmen yesterday, Chibuzor, who is in his late 30s was said to have posed as a staffer of the SSS and defrauded a businessman in the state to the tune of N6.4 million.

He was alleged to have been going about claiming to be an SSS officer and duping unsuspecting members of the public but luck ran out on him recently when the new state Director of the SSS, Mr. Ekpenyong Ita in the process of reorganisation, got a tip-off of the escapades of the fake officer.

Parading him, the state Director, Ita said Chibuzor had been collecting N31,250 weekly from the proprietor of a popular recreation centre in Awka, Be-Joy Centre and presented fake receipts he had been issuing the businessman.

He said Chibuzor had at the last count, collected a total of N6.4 million from the businessman and issued receipts for money collected. “He is a civil servant and he is working in the office of the Head of Service (HoS) of Anambra State. Since the year 2007, he has been going around business houses, impersonating the State Security Service and extorting money from them. He has also been acting as a clearing house and a go-between for kidnappers and their victims..

“In a particular incident he duped one businessman of about N6.4 million. He was collecting N31, 250 every week in the name of settling director of SSS and zonal director of SSS. As you know, there is nothing like zonal director of SSS, no nomenclature like that.

“He has been collecting money for birth experiences, death experiences, travelling money and the rest of them. He has been collecting this money since 2007 until the law caught up with him and we want to use this opportunity to inform Anambra people that our services are free,” the SSS boss said. The director further said Be-Joy proprietor was paying Chibuzor the sum of N31,250 every week to protect him from being kidnapped by hoodlums.

Ita, however, warned the public against going into business with anybody in the name of the SSS, stressing, “we do not collect money; we render services because we are here for the people. People like this use psychological intimidation to extort money from people.” Meanwhile, Chibuzor Cyril who is presently helping the SSS with its investigation confessed that he had been collecting N31,250 weekly from the owner of Be-Joy Centre Point, adding that the money collected was used to settle some personal problems.

The suspect, however, denied the allegation that he collected his victim’s Mercedes Benz car under false pretence, insisting that the businessman asked him to buy the vehicle if he could raise funds for it.
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Court jails banker for stealing from the dead From Tunde Oyedoyin, London A 35-year old banker, who systematically stole £32,200 from the dormant account of the late Anthony Fatayi - Williams, was jailed for two years at the Cambridge Crown Cour, last Thursday. advertisement 26-year old Fatayi-Williams, a nephew of former Minister, Chief Tom Ikimi, was one of the victims killed in the blast in Tavistock Square (near Euston Station), when terrorists attacked London on July 7, 2005. During the trial, the Court heard how Paul Walsh, who worked at the Market Hill branch of HSBC in Cambridge, used a dummy card to access the account after secretly increasing the dead victim's £14,940 credit limit to £38,100. In all, Walsh made 102 transactions before his bosses found out. To hide his carefully crafted plans, Walsh, who admitted false accounting, fraud and theft, redirected correspondence from Fatayi-Williams' accounts to himself, through the bank. But his employers sacked the professional studies officer in 2007, after his bosses found out. The court held that there had been more than a year's delay in issuing the death certificate; hence, the account had not been closed by November 2006. Walsh exploited this delay, plundered the account until his bosses found out in 2007, and subsequently sacked him. Sentencing him, Judge Jonathan Haworth said: "Clearly you were a trusted employee of the bank and are guilty of a gross breach of that trust." Walsh did not limit his activities to Fatayi -Williams, he also hacked into another dormant account, stealing £750
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