married (11)

12166298090?profile=originalwhat if my girl was called aharit instead of arit

My girl has always been my closest friend but not one day has she ever told me her

real name . She said her name is arit and many times i go Aight ? and she says Right

. Not one day has she dared to put it all together and say AHARIT !

I wondered why she would never tell me her real name . I wondered not for long as I

asked her to marry me . to which she immediately agreed . She had been waiting for

this for ages .

Now we are about to get married it is just a few days or even weeks away .

And I asked her for the last time What is your name Arit

And she said AHARIT and I looked at her and understood . AHA RIGHT !

He sold his birthright for a meal of porridge He ignored the 'Aharit' . That which

comes After . Show me Temptations and I will ask for the AHARIT .

Now we shall soon be together for ever even after the AHARIT !


Happy Valentine


Ephesians 4:2

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
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A North Carolina woman is alleging that "American Idol" winner Fantasia Barrino engaged in an affair with her husband, and says in court documents that the pair "recorded" their sexual encounters.
Paula Cook, who separated from her husband, Antwaun Cook, in June, filed the documents -- seeking child custody, alimony and other monetary support -- Wednesday in Mecklenburg County District Court.
The documents allege Antwaun Cook began the affair with Barrino, 26, in August 2009 after the pair met at a Charlotte-area T-Mobile store where Cook is employed.
Barrino -- the 2004 winner of the popular Fox show and an eight-time Grammy nominee -- treated Cook to a lavish lifestyle over the course of their affair, flying him to Atlanta, Georgia; Miami, Florida; New York; Los Angeles, California; and Barbados, the documents allege.
The pair "have at times recorded their illicit sexual activity," according to the documents.
A month after Paula Cook separated from her husband, Barrino is alleged to have interrupted a phone conversation between the estranged couple, telling Cook, "He don't want you. Maybe the next time you get a husband you'll know how to keep him. That's why he is here with me," according to the documents.
Barrino has appeared publicly with a tattoo on her left shoulder reading "Cook," an apparent tribute to Antwaun Cook, who is said to have a similar tattoo in the same place on his shoulder, according to the documents.
The alleged affair was first reported in November by gossip magazines and websites.
Barrino and her record label Sony Music declined to comment on the documents Sunday.
Paula Cook says that as a result of the affair, her husband became more and more withdrawn from their marriage, attributing late nights and other absences to work, the documents say.
"As [Paula Cook] contemplated ways to save her marriage and family, [Antwaun Cook] and Ms. Barrino continued to enjoy their open and notorious relationship without her knowledge and/or consent," the documents say.
Paula Cook is seeking custody of her two children, ages 6 and 2, with Antwaun Cook, as well as child support, alimony, attorney's fees and ownership of the couple's former marital home..
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Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage that included a White House run when their sunny relationship offered a counterpoint to President Bill Clinton's philandering.

According to an e-mail circulated among the couple's associates on Tuesday, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration."

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider confirmed the statement came from the Gores, but declined to comment further.

The Gores were telling friends they "grew apart" after 40 years of marriage and there was no affair involved, according to two longtime close associates and family friends, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The associates said the Gores, over time, had carved out separate lives, with the former vice president on the road frequently. One of the associates said: "Their lives had gotten more and more separated."

Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush. He has since campaigned worldwide to draw attention to climate change, which in 2007 led to a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."..

The Gores, who were married on May 19, 1970, at the National Cathedral in Washington, crafted an image as a happily married couple during his eight-year stint as vice president in the 1990s and a presidential candidate in 2000. The couple famously exchanged a long kiss during the 2000 Democratic presidential convention.

The image of their warm relationship stood in sharp contrast to the Clinton marriage rocked by Bill Clinton's affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, a scandal that hung over Gore's own presidential campaign.

Al Gore at the time said his wife was "someone I've loved with my whole heart since the night of my high school senior prom."

On Halloween, Al and Tipper Gore would dress up in costume and greet trick-or-treaters who made their way to the vice president's mansion. One year, she was dressed as a puppy and he was dressed as Underdog.

Tipper Gore was a co-founder in 1985 of the Parents Music Resource Center, which pushed for parental warning labels on music with violent or sexually explicit lyrics. The group drew the ire of musicians ranging from Dee Snider of Twisted Sister to Frank Zappa, who said warning labels were unnecessary and a danger to freedom.

Tipper Gore later became friends with the late Zappa's wife, Gail, and played drums and sang backup on daughter Diva Zappa's album in 1999.

The Gores have four adult children, Karenna, Kristin, Sarah and Albert III.

In a letter written to then-girlfriend Tipper as a 17-year-old college freshman, Al Gore wrote: "Mother's having a fit about me riding the motorcycle back to Harvard. Dad's mad at my long hair."

Gore later held his father's former seats in the U.S. House and Senate for 16 years. He first ran for president in 1988 at age 39, but drew little support outside the South.

A subsequent bid in 1992 was derailed after the Gores' 6-year-old son almost died after being hit by a car in 1989.

"It was a very spiritual time for both of us," Tipper Gore later wrote. "In Al's case, he decided to write a book and not to run for president in 1992."

The book was "Earth in the Balance," and Al Gore ended up in the thick of the 1992 campaign anyway — as Bill Clinton's running mate.

Tipper Gore, who has acknowledged treatment for depression after Albert III's accident, is a vocal advocate on mental health issues.

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He was said to have brought her from Egypt

Criticisms continued to trail the alleged marriage of former governor of Zamfara State, Senator Ahmed Sani to a 13-year old Egyptian girl.pix200707062243171.jpg

The former governor reportedly paid $100,000 as bride price to the parents of the minor.

But in a statement made available to our correspondent in Lokoja on Monday, the National Council of Women Societies condemned the action of the senator, describing it as shameful.

Speaking through its National President, Hajia Ramatu Usman, the umbrella women’s organisation said Sani’s action did not come to Nigerian women as a surprise because, according to them, many northern governors had been using religion as an excuse for not passing the Child Rights Act.

She further stated that the council had been mounting a campaign against young girls being given out for marriage at ridiculously early ages of 12 or 13 years, adding that the action was against all reasoning.

According to Usman, “Vesico vaginal fistula has been attributed to under age marriages due to the practice of early marriages in Nigeria, where young girls are given out for marriage at ridiculously early ages as 12 or 13 years. They get pregnant and when they are ready to deliver, their pelvises are so small for the babies to pass through.

“The baby gets stuck in the birth canal and in some cases dies. The baby‘s head wears a hole between the birth canal and the bladder (VVF) or rectum (RVF).

“So, when the dead baby is eventually delivered, the young mother is left with a dead child and she begins to drain urine and/or stool continuously. She develops sores on her skin and smells horribly from the constant drips of urine and stool on her clothes.”

The body therefore advised parents to avoid giving out their under age daughters in marriage in order to check cases of this health risk, which it said is particularly common in the northern part of Nigeria.

The statement further said, “It is a shame that while we are seeking ways to view closely what pushes parents into giving out their underage daughters into early marriages, a former governor of a state is celebrating this act of child trafficking and abuse.”

It also called on well-meaning Nigerians to mount pressure on northern governors to immediately commence work on the Child Rights Act.

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All does not seem to be well between the Nollywood screen diva, Bukky Wright and Fathia Balogun.

Both women are divorcees and perceived to be doing well in the movie industry of the Yoruba genre. we can also confirm that the 2 of them have penchant for running after married men for social economic security, which is the reason why they have perpetually remain single parents with many children.


Fathia Balogun

Our checks revealed that Fathia and Bukky are among the most sort-after actresses in Yoruba movie industry. Aside acting, they have both excelled in other endeavors. Years back, these two maintained a cordial relationship, especially, during the last election where Bukky Wright campaigned for the present Governor of Lagos State. The only actress this mother of 2 invited to join her in the project was Fathia Balogun and a lot of people envied their relationship. We gathered that few months after the election, the two Nollywood actresses started drifting apart, as most of their colleagues had already predicted. The story in town is that these two actresses are no longer on talking terms and they avoid each other like plaque but nobody can figure out the real cause of this cold war between these screen divas. A source confirmed that there is also a rift which borders on superiority between them and that there can never be two captains in the same ship, and also that Fathia Balogun chose her friends and not the other way round and due to her no-nonsense attitude, she can’t maintain a cordial relationship with Bukky Wright.


Bukky Wright

Meanwhile, it was gathered that Bukky Wright on her own is striving hard to stand out in everything and among her colleagues. She is equally a no-nonsense person and this has made things rather difficult for both of them. Also the envy and jealousy which has taken over the movie industry is also one of the factors why a lot of Nollywood actresses prefer to keep to themselves and make friends with people who are not in the entertainment industry as they are sure their secrets will be safe with such a person. Apart from the general reason these stars are not close, there is also the issue that Yoruba movie stars are believe to always want to know the source of each other’s success, and some even go as far as getting close to that same person in question and this at the end of the day causes misunderstanding among these stars. But this according to painstaking investigations is not the reason these two Nollywood actresses avoid each other.

We can however, disclose that the real issue for the unhealthy rivalry between them is that Fathia Balogun has been engaging in movie business with Corporate Picture boss, Rasaq Abdullahi, for years, as his (Corporate Picture) company sells her movies and Fathia also coordinates some movies and produce by this same marketer, and she has equally done business with a lot of other Nollywood stars in the industry, but lately, Bukky Wright has equally maintained a cordial relationship with the same marketer. Ever since he sold “Omotara Johnson”which was produced by Bukky Wright, people are beginning to feel, there is more to this sudden relationship and have seen it as an attempt by Bukky Wright to hi-jack corporate picture boss from Fathia. Also Fathia is said to be equally uncomfortable with the sudden relationship, this is said to be one of the reasons these two celebrities avoid each other like a plaque. Besides further checks have it that both are secret lovers to the successful movie marketer, and it was also gathered that the man at the centre of the storm has been satisfying them well both in cash and in kind.

It is on record that Fathia, controversially divorced her husband owing to the love affairsbetween him and the corporate picture boss. His estranged husband is also a popular actor, in the movie industry, who is know and addressed as Saheed Balogun
We gathered that Fathia had granted so many interview with the press where she vowed never to return to Saidi's life and that she's through with marriage. Industry source confirmed to that Bukky Wright initiated Fathia into lesbianism, and when the duo realised that same man was also going to bed with them, that grossly contributed to the impasse between them.

For Bukky Wright she cannot be particularly traced to any man as her husband despite the media overkill she got in the recent time that she remarried. Investigations have it that she can do anything for money as she is persistently linked with a Lagos based socialite and drug baron, Bolaji Saheed. It was disclosed that Bukky Wright had vowed that nothing on earth would make them break even has she moved into Bolaji’s residence in Magodo GRA, she is also most times, seen cruising around town in her guy's latest Lincoln Navigator Jeep which he bought some days after they broke up the last time until she later broke up with him when Bolaji accused him of promiscuity and lesbianism. Thereafter she hooked up with Ogun State Governor, Gbenga Daniel. Gbenga Daniel gathered that he battered his First Lady mercilessly when the poor woman accused His Excellency of deep romance with Bukky Wright. The common saying in the lips of many now is that most Nollywood stars whether male or female are not responsible, their movies though may help to preach and teach morals in the society but they themselves unfortunately are not practising what they preach. Undoubtedly this assertion is not far from truth, as cases of immorality/promiscuity in the Nollywood has become one too many.

culled from huhuonline

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How much is staying married to Tiger Woods worth?

It's amazing what a difference $60 million U.S. can make, but is that sum enough to keep Tiger Woods and his wife, Elin Nordegren, together for another two years?Following the last week of crazy-go-nuts reports about the golfer's infidelities, Woods and Nordegren have revisited their pre-nup agreement, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. And the changes they've allegedly made would give Nordegren the right to walk away from the marriage with nearly $60 million — so long as she sticks with Woods for two more years.When the couple married in 2004, their pre-nup stated that Nordegren would be entitled to $20 million U.S. if they split after 10 years of marriage. According to the Sun-Times, that original pre-nup has since been rewritten so that Nordegren would take an extra $55 million if their marriage weathers a full decade.Plus, the Daily Beast reports that Woods — whose fortune is estimated at close to $1 billion U.S. — transferred $5 million U.S. to his wife's personal account around the same time the pre-nup was revised.The couple has been bunkered down inside their home, undergoing sessions with a marriage counsellor "several times daily," the Sun-Times reports, and various sources speculate that the revised pre-nup is a bid to preserve what remains of the Woods family's home life. (Good luck with that. The paps have already put $250,000 on the heads of Nordegren and the couple's two young kids, the Daily Beast reports.)As for the alleged shenanigans that have led to more bad "hole-in-one" jokes than you've heard outside of senior's day at the country club, there's plenty of headlines being generated about Woods' purported mistresses. (But then, when half of Las Vegas' service industry has come forward with affair allegations, that's to be expected.)First up, Woods is rumoured to have offered Jaimee Grubbs — the one who confessed to an affair earlier this week — a job and a condo, RadarOnline reports. "From what she told me, he said she could stay there for free and sort of manage the property," one of Grubbs' former co-workers told the website. (He promised her a sweet future of groundskeeping and harassing tenants? What woman could say no?) The snitch also says Grubbs also used to wear a red shirt to work when Woods was playing a tournament because it was "something special that they shared" — much like their bodily fluids, allegedly.Another alleged mistress, Las Vegas nightclub manager Kalika Moquin, is denying affair rumours to Us Weekly. "It's completely untrue that there's anything more than a professional 'How are you doing? Are you enjoying your time in Vegas conversation (with Tiger)," she explained to the mag. However, one of Us Weekly's sources says, "She was absolutely sleeping with him. She brags about it!" — perhaps noting that you don't need to have a conversation to have a good time in Vegas.As for Rachel Uchitel, the alleged mistress whom we've been hearing about since Woods yanked U.S. smuthounds away from their Thanksgiving dinners, she cancelled a news conference scheduled to take place earlier Thursday, TMZ reports. Uchitel — who previously denied the affair — now tells TMZ she was lying about the denial (confusing!). And, according to various outlet, it was her texts to Woods — not Grubbs' — that led to the argument between Woods and Nordegren, which preceded him smashing up his SUV.
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Did you think your marriage would last forever on the day of your wedding? Or were you full of dread and trepidation? According to a rather interesting study by USA Today , each year, loads of couples walk down the aisle even when they sense their relationship is doomed ! The paper consulted several sources (marriage counselors, sociologists, academics who study relationships) and found that a surprising number of brides- and grooms-to be are none too thrilled when the wedding bells ring. Author Carl Weisman, whose in-depth interviews with divorced Americans are compiled in a new book, "Serious Doubts: Why People Marry When They Know It Won't Last," surveyed 1,036 people while researching his work and found a common thread: "They all ignored their inner voice," he told USA Today. "They knew it wasn't going to last." The print edition of the article (not online) included Weisman's top 11 reasons why folks who wound up in failed relationships went through with the nuptials (even when they had serious doubts). We've compiled them below. Let them stand as a fascinating cautionary tale, the worst reasons to get married to anyone, ever. 1. Did not want to be single anymore 2. Thought my partner was the best I could do 3. Thought I could change some aspect of my partner 4. Felt family pressure 5. For financial reasons 6. There was an unplanned pregnancy 7. To escape my family 8. Figured I could make it work 9. Partner pressured me 10. Wanted to have children 11. It seemed like the next logical step With this nagging doubt, I thee wed DOes This apply to us as Nigerians ? Please comment as the number of divorces and separations in Naija is increasing !
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This man married his OWN daughter so she would be allowed to stay in Britain - and the Home Office knows about itA Nigerian Home Office worker 'married' his own daughter to get her a British visa, the Daily Mail can reveal.The extraordinary scam was apparently executed by Jelili Adesanya while ministers turned a blind eye.Mr Adesanya, 54, has lived here for more than 30 years and holds a British passport, but wanted his daughter, her husband and their four sons to join him from Nigeria.He faked a wedding ceremony complete with a photograph of the happy 'couple' which helped fool immigration officials that his daughter, Karimotu Adenike, was really his wife.Miss Adenike, who is in her mid-30s, was duly granted permission to live in the UK.The pair are waiting for her to be granted a permanent right to remain before they undergo a quiet divorce and attempt to bring the rest of her family here.It is expected she would try to remarry her real husband to get them all visas.But despite being tipped off two years ago, the Home Office seems to have done nothing to stop the scam by one of their own workers.Until recently, Mr Adesanya was employed as an occupational health nurse for the Home Office, working with immigration officials at Gatwick airport.A whistleblower sent letters to the High Commission in Lagos and the UK Border Agency including specific details such as names, addresses, passport numbers and even a copy of the wedding photograph.When there was no response, he sent emails to then Home Secretary Jacqui Smith and ministers Vernon Coaker and Phil Woolas on February 1 this year. He heard nothing.Mr Adesanya, who came to Britain in 1976, flew back to Nigeria on May 29, 2007, and held the bogus wedding ceremony a few days later at a register office in Ikorodu, Lagos.A source said: 'They paid people to attend the wedding so that the British High Commission in Lagos would believe it was genuine. The commission then gave Karimotu Adenike a two-year settlement visa in October 2007.'On her settlement visa application form, of course, she did not mention that she already had a husband and four children.'The date of birth on her Nigerian passport is not her real date of birth.'Miss Adenike is believed to have aged herself by ten years on her wedding certificate to disguise the age gap with her father.Although her settlement visa expired last month, she is hoping to be given the right to remain.David Burrowes, the Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate and Shadow Justice Minister, was also tipped off by the whistleblower and wrote to the Home Office.This time there was a reply, but it said that although the matter was 'under investigation', no further information would be provided because it could 'breach of our obligations under the Data Protection Act'.Mr Burrowes told the Mail: 'I am very surprised and concerned that no action appears to have been taken, because the allegations are extremely serious.'Mr Adesanya, who lives with his daughter in Dagenham, Essex, vehemently denied the plot and said he had never been questioned about the allegations.He said: 'Married my own daughter? I have never heard anything like this in my life. I deny it. She is my wife, not my daughter.'However, asked to confirm his 'wife's' date of birth, he said he did not know without checking her passport, and refused to allow her to speak for herself.Unbeknown to him, his daughter had confirmed the arrangement when she told a friend she would shortly apply for her own British passport and 'divorce daddy'.Last night Jonathan Sedgwick, from the UK Border Agency, said: 'These individuals are already under investigation, and I want to make it clear that abuse of our immigration laws will not be tolerated.'If we identify marriages which we believe are not genuine, we will challenge them and prosecute where appropriate.'We are determined to send home any foreign nationals convicted of these types of crimes once they have served their sentences.'
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IT was victory for women as the current administrative policy of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) compelling a married Nigerian woman to produce a letter of consent from her husband as a condition for issuance of international passport has been declared unconstitutional by the Federal High Court in Port Harcourt. The presiding Judge, Justice G.K. Olotu, made this declaration in a suit by Dr. Priye Iyalla-Amadi, wife of renowned author, Elechi Amadi, against the director general of the Nigeria Immigration Service (first defendant) (NIS), (second defendant) and the service itself. Justice Olotu, in his judgment, said this requirement for processing of application for international passport as it concerns married women, is a violation of Section 42 (1)(a) of the 1999 Constitution and Article 18(3) of the West African Charter on the People's Human Rights, being discriminatory on grounds of sex, hence unlawful and unconstitutional. Following the loss of her international passport, Dr. Iyalla-Amadi had applied to the NIS for the issuance of another passport and the officer who attended to her request gave a list of documents that she would attach to the her formal application, among them a letter of consent from her husband. Irked by this condition, the plaintiff protested against it on the ground that a mature adult citizen of the country like her should not require the consent of any person before she could be issued a Nigerian passport, but her protest fell on deaf ears, thus the decision to file the suit against the NIS. The defendants did not really dispute the facts adduced by the plaintiff in their counter-affidavit but sought to justify the requirement of a letter of consent from the husband of a married woman who wants to be issued a Nigerian passport on the basis that Nigerian married women are classified alongside with minors by the government as persons who require consent from the head of the family. NIS argued that the requirement for consent was put in place to perpetuate the authority of the man over his wife, no matter the status she had attained in society. It also stated that the requirement was set to avoid unnecessary breakdown of marriage institution in the country. Another argument advanced by the NIS was that obtaining a Nigerian passport from the Federal Government by a Nigerian is a privilege, hence any person applying must fulfil all the conditions laid down by the sole agent of the government, which is the NIS. But counsel to the plaintiff urged the court to declare the requirement unlawful and unconstitutional on the ground that it discriminates between Nigerian citizens on grounds of sex, contrary to Section 42 of the constitution. She added that the requirement offends the equality of citizens' principle enshrined in Section 17 (1) and (2) of the 1999 Constitution. Iyalla-Amadi' s counsel argued that the condition for issuance of passport to married women violates internationally- accepted standards of non-discrimination against women, which to Nigeria is a signatory. Justice Olotu explained that he had directed the plaintiff and the defendants to present the facts they wished to rely on for and against the plaintiff's action. According to him, while the plaintiff complied with the order of the court, the defendants did not. He also stated that the defendants did not challenge the averments in the affidavits of the plaintiff. He observed that the defendants seemed to have thrown in their towel after filing what he called their spurious and sociological dissertation in the name of counter-affidavit. The judge observed from the wordings of the constitutional provisions in Sections 17 (1) (2) and 42 of the 1999 Constitution that all citizens of Nigeria are put on the same pedestal irrespective of sex and status. Olotu declared that the policy is obnoxious, repugnant and unconstitutional, stating that the defence of the defendants merely showed that the policy was a cunning, surreptitious and high-powered calculated attempt to subjugate women as if they are still in the medieval times. According to him, "this kind of policy has no place in the 21st Century Nigeria."
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The eastern part of Nigeria parades a classical nature of beauty in its feminine strain .But thier beauty comes at a cost .It was revealed recently to the media about a ladies club where membership was wholly given to well placed ladies who were Ibos .Investigations on the club brought to light ;the interesting secret sides of this establishment .All the ladies who were members were engaged and were also bisexuals.They were all married to well-placed men within the Nigerian society .I ask what do this women really want .They have everything .But they want what marriage cannot give to them- The sensuality and feel of the body of another ''xx chromosone''.
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Robbers kill Christ Embassy pastor, newly married couple ...Pastor’s fiancée goes into coma, hospitalized Mr. Chris Ipigbhe, a sub-pastor at one of the Christ Embassy’s satellite parish, Baruwa, at Ipaja area of Lagos, had just attended an evening service that fateful Wednesday , where he personally mounted the pulpit to preach. He never had the premonition that it was going to be his last sermon, as he was later shot dead by some dare-devil robbers shortly after. The robbers also allegedly killed no fewer than four persons, including a newly wedded couple. Daily Sun gathered that the substantive pastor was said to be away and had asked the sub-pastor to take charge. The up-coming pastor did just that and was said to be seeing off one of the church members, an elderly woman, as it was already dark, when they ran into some armed robbers, who were operating in the same compound where the woman he was seeing off lives. “She begged the robbers, who were holding sway at the gate, not to harm the pastor. She told them he was his son and that they were coming back from the church” our source said. The pastor was said to have been ordered to lie face-down while the female member was asked to raise her two hands to the sky. Unfortunately for the pastor, some of the robbers who were operating upstairs were said to have come downstairs with their loot when they saw the pastor and the woman “serving their punishment” and appeared not to be satisfied. One of the bandits, allegedly shot the pastor ripping open his stomach and his intestines gushing out. After shooting their victims, the robbers allegedly operated from room to room, carting away money and other valuables belonging to the residents of the two-storey building. The rattled woman was said to have screamed for help until her co-tenants, who were also victims of the robbery incident rushed out to help her to take the pastor to a nearby hospital. Two residents, Francis Alumhe and James Igbape narrated how the victim was referred to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), adding that he later gave up the ghost. Alumhe, who claimed to be the deceased’s bosom friend said the pastor, visited him in his office earlier in the day, adding that they were together till 2 pm that fateful day. The pastor’s fiancée, who was said to have travelled to Abuja, came back the same day her husband to-be was brutally killed by the robbers. Daily Sun gathered that when she arrived at the Airport, she made several phone calls to the pastor, unknown to her that he was in a coma as result of the gunshot. The lady, who arrived in the house to be told that the pastor was shot right in her house, as he was seeing her mother off, also became unconscious and was taken to the hospital. She was at the hospital, receiving treatment when Daily Sun visited. Meanwhile, police operatives at Ipaja were said to be investigating the tragic incident and have vowed to fish out the bandits and to bring them to book. The bodies of the victims were said to have been deposited in the mortuary for autopsy as investigations continue.
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