husbands (4)

Defrauding women searching for husbands

Ms James commenced her journey to the unknown when she responded to an advertisement that promised to help her in the choice of a life partner. However, by the time she realised what had hit her, she has lost millions of Naira, writes TOYOSI OGUNSEYE

L-R: Daniel Adebanjo, Adebayo Olalere, Sesan Ajibode and Babatunde Alausa

Lola James (not real name) was worried that her parents had refused to approve of her fiancé. She simply couldn��t understand why almost all the members of the family disliked him. She had done everything within her power to convince her parents to bless the union, to no avail..

As she thought about this matter that had been bothering her for months, she decided to read a soft-sell magazine (name withheld) to take her mind off her worries. When she got to page 18 of the magazine, she saw an advert with the title, ��Old woman with old power Mama Ijebu.��

The advert, which was full of grammatical errors, reads, "For your financial problem, love powder, do as I say, quick sales, favour soap, progress at work, for political appointments, love me only to stop your husband from extra marital affairs, win contracts, to receive money from relatives, home and abroad, loot winning, to win land cases and court cases, promised and fail, ill luck, to regain your husband or wife back, for you to marry the man/woman of your choice, protection against witches and wizards. We also cure fibroid, low sperm count, diabetes and stroke. Come and see the power of old."

Apart from two phone numbers on the advert, no traceable address was provided.

James became interested, especially when she read, "for you to marry the man/woman of your choice" part. She immediately called one of the numbers on the advert and spoke with an old woman who identified herself as Mama Ijebu. James told the old woman that her parents had refused to allow her marry the man of her choice. She was then instructed to pay N6,000 as consultancy fee into a bank account that was given to her by Mama Ijebu.

After confirming the payment, Mama Ijebu asked James for her residential address and sent her son to give her a black soap, which she was to use for three days. Mama Ijebu called James after three days and inquired if she had any dream. The lady told the herbalist that she did not have any dream while using the soap.

James said, "The old woman told me that I would need spiritual cleansing because my problems were deep. She asked me to go to Iyana-Ipaja Bridge, where I would meet her son who would take me to a river for the cleansing. When I got there, I met the young man that Mama Ijebu sent to my house with the black soap. He was holding a black polythene bag and he led me along a bush path to a flowing river. When we got there, he brought out a calabash and chanted some incantations. Then I heard a voice from the calabash that asked me to narrate my problems. I did, and I was asked to pay N100,000 for prayers to be a great woman."

That was the beginning of the scam that succeeded in making James to part with N3.6m. As the ritual progressed from one level to the other, she was either asked to put down money for the purchase of horses for rituals, or she was told to pay for an exercise aimed at chasing witches away from her. The syndicate sold all sorts of lies to get money from her.

She however did not know that Mama Ijebu was a con man until her fiancé, who suspected that something was amiss, raised an alarm. She said, "My fiancé noticed that I had become very secretive. One day, he looked through my phone contacts and saw Mama Ijebu��s number. He called her and was really shocked at the old woman��s voice. He asked me who she was and I lied that it was a former classmate of mine. He did not believe my story. Unknown to me, he had saved Mama Ijebu��s number on his phone and after some investigations, he discovered that I was being told lies. We then reported the matter to the Public Relations Office of the Lagos State Police Command."

A female police officer then called Mama Ijebu��s number and told her that she had a problem. The police woman was asked to pay N5,000 into another bank account, which she did. Mama Ijebu then sent someone with a parcel to her. That was how Daniel Adebanjo was arrested.

It was discovered through Adebanjo that Mama Ijebu is actually a man in his forties whose real name is Ishola Arowoya. Adebanjo told the police that he met Arowoya three years ago when he wanted to travel abroad. He said, "Arowoya collected N350,000 from me and promised that he would give me charms that would make the embassy to give me a visa. I did not get the visa or my money. It was when I was frequenting Arowoya��s house for my money that he sent me to three people, including the policewoman, to give them concoctions that he prepared for them."

Through Adebanjo, Babatunde Alausa, the man that played the role of Arowoya��s son, was also arrested. Alausa, 23-year-old furniture maker said, "I live at No. 8, Rafatu Street, Sasha, Lagos. I got to know Arowoya through my former boss, who was his friend. After my boss died, I started living with Arowoya in 2009 because I had nowhere to go. I knew he was always placing adverts in newspapers.

"In June this year, he sent me to give James a black soap in her house at Oshodi. After three days, he gave me a black effigy and asked me to meet James at Iyana-Ipaja. I took James to the river and the sound she was hearing from the calabash was Ikechukwu��s voice. Ikechukwu works with Arowoya. We connected a pipe from the other side of the river and it was I.K. that was speaking into the pipe, even though James thought that it was a god that was speaking. Arowoya was also in the bush, but James did not know. When we were in the bush, James asked the gods for long life and wealth. The first time, James withdrew N60,000 from an ATM for us. When she gave us the money, we showed her a ��Ghana-must-go�� bag that contained fake dollars and pound sterling. I.K. told her that she would need $1,000 and 1000 pounds to mix the money in the bag before she could take the bag away. I got N12,000 from the N60,000.

"The next time we saw her, she brought N350,000 to mix the money. She also paid N1.5m for us to purchase three horses for sacrifices. We told her that the three horses were necessary for the rituals that would make her family love her fiancé. We went to the abattoir and got the blood of cows, which we put in a calabash to deceive James that the blood belonged to the horses. Then, she paid another N500,000 for the ritual that will win the love of a lady in James family that hated her fiancé. In all, we collected N2.2m from her. On my part, I got N12,000, N35,000, N150,000, N75,000 and N70,000 respectively all the times James paid."

Alausa disclosed that Arowoya imitated the voice of an old woman by using a handkerchief to cover his mouth while speaking to his victims through the phone.

Two other suspects, Sesan Ajibode and Adebayo Olalere, were arrested when they went to the police station to secure Adebanjo��s bail. The police arrested them because Arowoya��s number was on Ajibode��s phone, while Olalere was suspected to be a member of the syndicate.

Ajibode denied knowing Arowoya. He said, "I don��t know Arowoya. It is Adebanjo that is my friend. His wife was the one that called me and said her husband was in detention. She also gave me Arowoya��s number and I saved it on my phone. I just came to the PPRO��s office to bail him."

Olalere also denied knowing Arowoya, "I don��t know him. I am a pastor and Adebanjo��s wife is a member of my church. That was why I came for his bail," he said.

The PPRO of the Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Frank Mba, said the crime was challenging because it affected the victim materially and psychologically. Mba, a superintendent of police, said such adverts were also in regular newspapers. "These adverts are not restricted to soft-sells alone. The media must join the police in fighting this crime by making it a matter of compulsion for every advert to carry a full office or residential address. The advert that James saw did not have a full address.

"The media can also come up with internal rules that are patterned towards knowing your customer. For example, photocopies of identity cards, driving license, utility bills of the address in the advert should be collected. Finally, media houses can insist on making the advertisers sign indemnity notes. These rules may not be applied strictly, especially for well-known companies; but they may be important if the advert raises questions or suspicions."

Mba also said that the police are after Arowoya.
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A really Strange Tale indeed Read On !

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Marriage is a common cultural institution. In Nigeria, it comes in variants, according to the culture group. But it is not known of any ethnic group where it is allowed that a woman would marry two husbands at the same time.

But that pattern of marriage would not have happened until some 16 years ago when a set of twins in Kogi State introduced a strange dimension to marriage by taking one wife and having children from her.

While brothers and close friends kill each other over a woman and for encroaching on each other’s territory, these strange ones scored a weird first in standing the culture of their people on the head. Because this was not acceptable in their world, their father fought the arrangement for as long as he lived. When his pestering became so unbearable, the first known woman to have married two husbands same time, same day and lived and had children for them had to dump the relationship.

Wags in the community have put their finger to the conviction that the strange twins eventually died after their peculiar marriage arrangement was forcefully severed. Yes, they accepted, to do their father’s bidding, but could not contract any other marriage as separate individuals, as demanded by family, until they both died mysteriously.

A peculiar world

The villagers of Ayetoro-Gbede and Ayekunle-Gbede, Ijumu Local Government Area of Kogi State witnessed the unusual two young men, who were born about 40 years ago and died the same year four years back. They carried on like they had their private world oblivious of what the tenets of culture taxed them to do. That defiance made them step outside defined lines to take one wife and had children from her.

They were simply known as Taiwo (Towo) and Kehinde (Koido), the general accolade for twins in Yoruba. But they called each other Oba, short for their surname - Obadero. Like an oba (king) even as they called each other, they carried like institutions to themselves and died as mysteriously as they lived.

Saturday Sun had to find out the truth in the story in Kogi State that the two were more than enigmatic. They had everything in common and did everything together. They said the same words, when speaking and joined their buttocks when defecating.

What was responsible for this unusual act was explained by their stepmother and aunt, Awawu Obadero and Racheal Ologe. “The reason for that unusual closeness and attachment was because they came with one placenta at birth and against our tradition of dividing it into two before burial, theirs was not divided. Thus, naturally, they began acting as an individual.”

Because the twins are late as well as their parents, the family home looked deserted when our reporter visited. But their stepmother, elder sister and son are the few inhabitants left. When asked to tell the story of the twins, the old woman, Awawu Obadero, excused herself and went to call the twins’ elder sister from a nearby market. They came back and the story began.

Reliable tale

“The twins’ mother had died when they were barely four years old”, their sister started. “Right from their infancy, they did things in common. They had left home to fend for themselves at about 10. Later, they settled in Ayetoro-Gbede doing bricklaying, farming and other odd jobs. It was there they met their wife, Toyin (not real name), who they shared, in defiance to everyone’s objection. She bore two children for my brothers - Kulu, a female and Ibrahim, a male. Kulu is now married, while Ibrahim stays here in the family house. It was at the time our father insisted that they got married separately that strange and tragic things began happening to them.”

Wife of two

Saturday Sun spoke to the twins’ wife, Toyin, who now lives in Ayetoro-Gbede. She pleaded that her picture should not be published because she has just moved on with another man after the double take.

She said: “I knew Taiwo and Kehinde (her late twin husbands) since adolescence. We met when we were laying bricks in Ayetoro. They were both strange and adorable to me because they did and had everything in common. Both had approached me the same time. They used to say the same word at the same time. Strange even to me, I did not accept or reject their advances. I soon became inseparable from them anywhere they went. I must have been carried away by the way they did everything in common. They felt hunger, urge to urinate and others, the same time. They even expressed love the same manner and time. They were very interesting lovers. So I could not resist them. Even the villagers used to say that only I understood their weird ways.”

The strange wife of two husbands had fondness for the two and possibly would have loved them dearly and equally as they did her. “I called one Iye-Oho, and the other Oba-Oho,” she revealed.

The special woman never held anything back about the affection she had for the duo. It would have been a sizzling double take for her as she revealed that her two late husbands had sexual urge the same time and expressed love, sex and romance the same way. You might be going too far to inquire if any of them was particularly better in bed than the other or if one of them gave her better deal.

Putting asunder

After giving birth to Ibrahim, the second child, father of the weird twins, Eleha Obadero, began putting pressure on them to marraige separate women, in line with customs and tradition. “They did not like that because they had grown so attached to me. I did not also like the idea and so I withdrew from them. It was then they relocated to Ayegunle-Gbede, their hometown. But they never married another woman. Though I was told they tried several women, it never worked out. I had to join them later, hoping things would be better, but their father gave no chance for this re-union till they died in strange circumstances. Then I left with my daughter, Kulu and returned here,” the woman of history narrated.

One child, two dads

Fourteen-year old Ibrahim, the only son of the twins, also confirmed that his granddad at a time pestered his late fathers to get married separately and it was not long after this that tragedy struck. He said: “It is true that my grandfather wanted my fathers to get married to different women. But it wasn’t long after this that strange things began to happen to them. He used to also say that Taiwo was more likely my father, as I behaved more like him.”

But the handsome teen knows, without any doubt, that he has peculiar identity, as, perhaps, the only young man in his world who could be excused to fill a form stating double paternity instead of one, like others. And as a young child growing up, he would not have lacked paternal care, not with two fathers ever present with him.

Strange deaths

Four years ago, after the twins had accepted to toe the line of custom and accept to marry the prescribed way, they died.

Their stepmother, Awawu Obadero said: “ Kehinde was smitten by snake in his farm one day and unusual of him, he did not reveal it until late in the night when it was too late to remove the venom. He died shortly after. After his death, Taiwo immediately became a shadow of his former self and was always saying he would join his brother. In less than a year later, he fell ill and died.

Okilo, the village ballad, told Saturday Sun: ‘If you asked one of them a question, the two will answer at once, saying the same word. They urinate on the same spot. They were very identical and so you cannot differentiate them. They had only one wife whom they were always going out with. They loved her so much. They reigned as strange twins in this village and died the same year.
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In many households today,there are young girls employed as housemaids while some are
teenagers, some in their 20s, some are even as young as 10 years old. However, while some women treat them well, some maltreat them and more often than not, the husbands sympathise with them by reprimanding their wives.

The constant harassment or abuse from the wife towards the maid can ignite sympathy from the husband towards the maid, because this is something he sees all the time and can generate a soft spot for her .And while the wives may take sympathy and reprimands lightly, if the maid in question is 10-years old or so, it can precipitate discord in the family if the maid is a fully developed teenager or is in her early teens. The wife may accuse the husband of developing interest in the housemaid and some housemaids may also capitalise on the man’s sympathy and disobey the wife. In this situation, it only takes the grace of a true righteous person to control his emotion so as not to commit anything outside his religion or what he and his wife share which boils down to love . .

It is not out of place to give to the needy, show them that you care for them, love them as if they are your own. It makes them work for you without any fear or favour, but when you decide to be difficult or wicked to them, there will always be a problem in one way or the other.

We spoke to a marriage counsellor, from Living Church Suleja, Mrs. Kemi Magbadelo, who said that husbands should not sympathise with the housemaid, instead, they should hear from both sides, that is, the wife and the maid, as it would enable them have a balanced story.

“When the wife maltreats the housemaid, my advice is that the husband should call the wife and talk to her properly, but if such attitude continues, he should allow the maid to leave the house because she can cause a problem in the home. This is because when there is constant quarrels between the wife and the maid, it will be better to save the marriage and allow the maid to go away.

“They can decide to get a male or a house help that can come and go home that same day. I prefer the house help because they are better and some of these maids are demonic,”she said.

A sociologist from the Kogi State University, Thomas Imoubu Gomment, said that the possible reasons why husbands sympathize with the maid , “include pity, passion, emotions, affection and dehumanization. It is an abuse. It is morally and religiously wrong. It is barbaric. It creates an inferiority complex in the abused house girls. It makes them hardened, deviant as a result of stigmatization from their mistress. It kills their initiatives and makes them retarded. On a general note, it is a family related crime according to criminologists,”he said.

Malam Ibrahim, an Abuja resident said he does know why women, as mothers, maltreat housemaids, instead of treating them like their own children or sisters, adding that this has been a source of quarrels between him and his wife.
“Normally, my wife is not a hard hearted person, but surprisingly, she is very harsh to house girls. She shouts at them, and then one day, I saw her slap one house girl who is about 14 years old. I was angry and talked to her against that. And became angry, accusing me of wanting to marry the girl and sent her away. I call on women to see these housemaids as a trust. If a girl isn’t behaving the way you want, instead of you to maltreat her, just send her away,” he said.

Another incident that happened in Kaduna was that the affected woman( names withheld) had to be hospitalized for two weeks after her husband got married to her younger sister’s housemaid. The housemaid was also maltreated and even beaten by the grown up children in the house for the slightest mistakes. She was treated like a slave.

The man who was then a senior customs officer, was based in Lagos with his wife. He got to know the housemaid through his wife’s younger sister( names withheld). Explaining to us how it happened, the lady whose housemaid married her older sister’s husband said: “ It all started when I sent my housemaid ,Rabi to help my sister do some house chores whenever they are in Kaduna. Unknown to me, my sister’s husband had seen the village girl and even developed interest in her. It got to a peak, when Rabi told me that she was going back to her vllage in Katsina”, she said..

“About three months later, we were shocked to realize that my sister’s husband was getting married, not to anybody but Rabi, my former housemaid. It was a terrible experience. My housemaid became my sister’s mate. My sister spent over two weeks in hospital because of that incident,” she said.

Hajiya Amina, a housewife, said though she didn’t maltreat her housemaid, but she felt that some women do so to control the housemaid.

“Actually, such women see them as slaves because they are domestic servants. They expect them to be perfect and be at their beck and call. A simple accident of breaking a mug will make some women deduct the money of the mug from the maid’s salary. And I think the husbands sympathise with the housemaids because men are less wicked towards children than women, which is unfortunate, since women are supposed to be kind hearted as mothers ,”she added.

Charity,a housegirl in Gwarinpa, Abuja, said she spent a year in Lagos where she was maltreated. The woman will beat her and some of the delicacies she cooked would not be given to her.

According to her, she was overwhelmed when her new employer gave her everything they ate and did not abuse or beat her. “They are good people,” she said.

By Nuruddeen M. Abdallah & Favour Haruna
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! Zainab vs Nafisatu . Bauchi vs kebbi One winner will emerge . Who ? Mummy Turai !


The return of Umaru Yar’Adua in a vegetative


state, with the reality of his not being able to ever function as president, has set two of his daughters, Zainab and Nafisatu, both married to sitting governors ,at war path over whose husband will be vice president to Acting President Goodluck Jonathan. The former is married to Kebbi State Governor, Saidu Usman Dakingari, while the later is fourth wife to Bauchi Governor, Isa Yuguda.

Sources close to the Yar’Adua family told Thursday night that since reality has dawned on their mother, Turai, is set to anoint either Yuguda or Dakingari as a VP candidate that would protect the interest of the family.

It was however learnt that Turai is more disposed to Yuguda considering his role during the drama. He was in Saudi Arabia, and was later in the US to, aside from be by his wife’s side that recently gave birth, he was also scouting for a hospital that could provide better service for his father-in-law. As for Dakingari, he is seen by turai as laid back, but our source said that his wife, Zainab, is the apple of Turai’s eye.

Both Yuguda and Dakingari are among those on the list of PDP hopefuls for the coveted office of vice president further gathered that in the last few days Turai has been speaking with her kids, and some top brass of the PDP concerning who works with Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan as VP She has told the PDP she would submit a name soon, but the disagreement between Zainab and Nafisatu is delaying the move..


According to our sources, the sisters have for a while now been campaigning for their husbands. Turai who is close to feisty Zainab, wants them to agree within themselves as per who she should anoint for the PDP, but the sisters are yet to agree.

Said our source” it has been fight to finish between them. They cannot agree on who they should present to the mother. Turai although is close to Zainab, cannot take sides so she wants them to sort it out. This arose when, Turai realized it is over for her husband, so to protect the family’s interest, she wants a son-in-law to step in”

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