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ENGLAND football captain John Terry's dad is today sensationally caught on video selling deadly COCAINE.In scenes that will shock the millionaire Chelsea ace, Ted Terry, 55, fixed a deal to supply an undercover News of the World team with the illegal Class A drug.SCROLL BELOW TO SEE DRUG DEAL ON VIDEOAs he handed over three wraps of coke in the toilet of an Essex wine bar, Ted trousered £40 profit and told us: "The stuff's all right. I get off on it."Ted heaped SHAME on the England captain by fixing a secret drug deal - then asked an undercover News of the World investigator not to mention his famous son.After selling three grams of cocaine to our man, who pretended to be buying for his wealthy boss, Ted insisted:"This is just between me and you. DON'T tell him that I'm John Terry's dad. I can't have this going back, I'm not saying that they'll say anything, but you never know."You CAN'T tell them I'm John Terry's dad. I've just got them a load of gear."The entire deal was captured on video at the Unit 4 wine bar in Chafford Hundred, Essex, on Thursday.And while Chelsea skipper John, 28 - who today faces his biggest Premier League match of the season against Manchester United - is worth £10 million and rakes in £160,000 a week, dad Ted, 55, was happy to arrange the sale of illegal cocaine for a profit of just £40, the price of a gram for himself.The scandal comes just seven months after John's mum Sue embarrassed him with an £800 shoplifting raid on Marks & Spencer and Tesco.We launched our investigation two months ago following a tip-off that Ted was laying on drug transactions. Our team watched him at the bar where he spends most afternoons drinking lager just a few yards from his home.We saw first-hand how the father of the man leading the nation's bid to win next summer's World Cup boasts of a close relationship with his loyal and trusting son, who has no idea of his shady sideline.Ted bragged how his boy had given him a £15,000 Rolex watch as an early Christmas present.Holding court with his drinking pals, jobless Ted revealed he doesn't need to work because John had bought him a mortgage-free house and tickets for luxury family holidays to Dubai and Florida.On Thursday Ted, who is separated from John's mum, was dressed in three-quarter length shorts, sweater, white socks and trainers - and sporting a Remembrance Day poppy - as he propped up the bar at his local.Our reporter. who was posing as a chauffeur was also at the bar, with his 'multi-millionaire clients' sat across the room.The investigator explained to Ted and his pals how he would be taking the boss and his guest to a lap dancing club later that night.As our man asked advice where to take them, Ted's mate Leon chipped in and asked if they took drugs and wanted to buy cocaine.Ted's eyes lit up at the prospect of a money-making deal and he seemed keen to muscle in and get Leon out of the way."I ain't being funny," he interrupted. "But with the sort of money he's got he ain't gonna buy s*** like we get round here."I mean, he's a f***ing multi- millionaire. You don't pay 40 quid a gram for s*** when you're a f***ing multi-millionaire!"Ted then turned to another pal and said: "These geezers want a bit of Charlie, a good bit though." Seizing the opportunity, Ted asked our man: "How much does he want?"Then he hustled to make a profit on the deal asking: "Is he treating the boys? Tell him we'll get him it if he treats the boys to an ounce each."After being asked if the cocaine Leon could supply was good, Ted pulled our man to one side and scoffed: "Don't talk b****cks! You can't go around giving them f***ing s***."No, you can't f***ing do that. You'll get the sack!" Feigning familiarity with the drugs scene, our man claimed that he usually bought from a dealer in west London, to which Ted replied: "Yeah but it's normally s*** though, innit?"I could get you a bit. How much would you want?"The reporter told him it would be three grams of cocaine and asked the price. Ted said: "Three grams? £120. It's £40 each."He promised that his supplier would visit the bar to drop off the drugs within 15 minutes - provided the punters had ready cash."Have they got the money?" he demanded. "Because they're not gonna pay on f***ing Barclaycard or nothing like that are they?England captain John Terry's father is caught selling deadly cocaine"Go and get the money. When YOU'VE got the dosh I'LL phone him. But I ain't gonna say come over here if you ain't got the dosh on you."Me mate don't want to be hanging about. It ain't the sort of business where you drive round with loads in your car, or else you'll get a tug (caught by the police)."D'you know what I'm saying? All he wants to do is come over here, go bosh, bosh, cash, see you later, bye and that's it."At that point we asked Ted if the stuff he could lay on was any good."Yeah, it's all right," he boasted. "I get off on it. It's not that bad."I mean, you could get f***ing better. I mean they're multi-millionaires, I'd think they could get better anyway."My mate, he's the b****cks - he never runs out."He's always got it. He's not like a lot of these people you phone and they go, 'Oh I ain't got none until next week, I've got to wait for me money to come.' He's only a young kid and he works his b****cks off and he's got loads of money."Ted then disappeared outside to phone the dealer. He came back a few moments later and said: "Sorted. You've got to sort out the money though."Our man handed him two £50 notes and two £10 notes.As he counted it, Ted calmly said: "He ain't paying for mine then? He should have treated me shouldn't he, for getting it for him?"So our man went back to ask the boss for an extra £40 - the price of a gram for Ted - for setting up the deal.Ted's grin returned when he was handed another four tenners. He said: "Honestly mate, it's good stuff."And, pointing to pal Leon across the bar, he added: "Better than HIS anyway!"After receiving a phone call Ted left the bar to meet his cocaine supplier who was waiting outside in a car. He returned with a swagger a few minutes later and beckoned our man into the toilets.Ted then handed over three packs of white powder wrapped in paper ripped from a comic, and whispered: "It's good stuff, try a bit."Ted disappeared into a cubicle for five minutes. Afterwards he approached our man asking him for his verdict on the cocaine, asking: "Was that all right, yeah?"To convince Ted he had taken some, our man told him it had numbed his gums, a common side-effect of the drug.Ted replied: "Numbs the gums? Well it will do, proper stuff weren't it? I said it's all right didn't I?"With an eye on setting up more deals between the pusher and his wealthy new contacts, Ted said: "If they're happy with it, talk to me and I'll talk to him and I'll most probably be able to get you discount."I can most probably get it f***ing cheaper but he don't know you, so he's charging you the right price, know what I mean?"But if they want whatever, then I'll sort you out."Ted then repeated his boast that the cocaine was good quality and not cut with cheap additives to make the drug go further.Talking of his supplier again, he said: "He don't, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop. . . he earns what he earns and he's happy with it."It was at that point Ted urged our man not to identify him as John Terry's dad.But it didn't take long for him to change his mind. Soon he was revelling in telling our party all about his superstar son.Downing pint after pint, Ted held court with his views on football.He even invited our men to watch his boy play at Stamford Bridge and urged the fake multi-millionaires to BUY his own favourite team, West Ham.As we left the bar Ted told us: "My lifetime dream is to see my son put a West Ham shirt on."I'd die a happy man to see him walk out that tunnel."I'm the proudest man around here, honest mate. My son. . . I've been very fortunate with what he's achieved."After today's revelations John might not be so proud of his dad.A Home Office-approved lab confirmed the drugs were genuine, and illegal.The shocking dossier of video evidence is now available to the police
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Check point tragedy

Check point tragedy: Groom’s dad shot dead after weddingTunde Oyekola, Osogbo - 09.11.2009Pandemonium broke out at the weekend, in Osogbo, when an anti-riot policeman shot and killed a septuagenarian simply identified as Jacob Odediji.Odediji and members of his family were returning to Lagos from Oyan, the venue of the wedding of his son when the incident happened.The wedding and reception of Odediji’s son, according to the sources, took place at Saint Peter Anglican Church, Oyan, Osun State.Odediji was hit by the gunshot fired by one of the anti-riot policemen who mounted a road block in front of Osogbo Steel Rolling Company.One version of the report revealed that the driver of the deceased refused to stop when he was stopped by the police for routine check.Another version of the story said Odediji’s driver refused to part with N20 demanded from him by the policemen.The sources said further that the policemen were said to have been angry by the attitude of the driver of Odediji and pursue the car to Ota-Efun area before opening fire at the occupants of the vehicle.It was gathered that Odediji died instantly while another occupant of the vehicle sustained injuries and is currently receiving treatment at Osun State Hospital , Asubiaro, Osogbo.Apparently sensing danger, the policemen at the checkpoint immediately took to their heels for fear of mob attack.When contacted, the Police Public Relation Officer (PPRO) Clement Akinola (ASP) confirmed the incident.
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With an estimated $10 billion inflow of foreign exchange from its citizens abroad this year, Nigeria yesterday emerged the sixth highest destination of remittances from citizens of developing nations in the Diaspora. The World Bank, which gave the figure in its Migration and Develop-ment Brief released at the weekend said in the updated remittance flow table, India, China and Mexico retained the top three positions among developing countries and attracted funds up to $52 billion, $49 billion and $26 billion respectively. The other constituents in the top 10 list include — Philippines ($19 billion, 4th), Poland ($11 billion, 5th), Romania ($9 billion, 7th), Bangladesh ($9 billion, 8th), Egypt ($9 billion, 9th) and Vietnam ($7 billion, 10th). The multilateral institution predicted that total remittance flow to developing countries, including India, will be around $317 billion this year, a lower-than-expected fall from the year-ago level, but will return to the recovery path in years to come. The projected remittance flow this year would represent a 6.1 per cent fall from the 2008 level against the earlier expectation of a 7.3 per cent dip. As per the newly available data, the officially recorded remittance flow to developing countries reached $338 billion in 2008, higher than the previous estimate of $328 billion, it said. The report further said that remittance flows this year as well as in the days to come is likely to witness certain risks, and are expected to slow down “in a lagged response to a weak global economy”. In the coming days, remittance flows in all regions are likely to face three downside risks: a jobless economic recovery, tighter immigration controls and unpredictable exchange rate movements. “With this sluggish pace of recovery, remittance flows are unlikely to reach the 2008 level even by 2011,” the World Bank said as remittance flows could witness significant risks, pursuant to the global slump. So far this year, South Asia saw better-than-expected remittance flows. Remittance to Pakistan rose by 24 per cent in the first eight months of 2009 on a year-on-year basis. For Bangladesh, it was 16 per cent and for Nepal, 13 per cent. Regarding India, the report said among other factors, “exchange rate depreciation and widening interest rate differentials encouraged remittances to India for investment purposes.” Besides, developing countries with migrants in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and the Philippines have experienced smaller decline in remittance flows. However, remittance flows to countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region until the third quarter of 2009 show larger declines than expected earlier.
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It is over a month into the new school session, but it is still a sitting affair for some pupils at Aunty Ayo Girls Comprehensive Junior Secondary School in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Thursday when NEXT visited. With a policy that requires school pupils to bring chairs and lockers for class use to school, the situation in Aunty Ayo is true of many public schools in the state. A majority of the pupils have to make do on the floor pending a time when their parents will buy the required furniture. Aminat Yunus, a junior secondary school one (JSS1) pupil said she had passionately looked forward to secondary education, and the facilities that would come with it. According to her, receiving lectures on the floor never featured in those expectations. She said: "It's not convenient to write on the floor at all, but that is where those of us without chairs and lockers write. I am still waiting for my own; my parents have not made them for me yet." Adunola, another pupil of JSS1 is also eager to have her ‘own furniture', even though she, along with her friends have devised a method of writing, which she considered effective under the circumstance; they have been writing on their school-bags, placed firmly on their legs. Ms Adunola said: "That is what we do, and it's easier that way. Another one is if you have a friend that has bought her furniture; she may invite you to join her." Earlier in the day, a Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meeting was held to address the issue among others. According to the PTA Chairperson, Mr. Adeleye, who spoke to NEXT on the phone after the meeting, the issue featured prominently in their meeting. He said that the Association has sent letters to the State Government in the past over the issue, without getting the desired response; except for a specification of what type of furniture to provide, and with what material. He also added that the situation was also affected by the relocation of a satellite campus of the Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) which used to hold its lectures within the premises of the secondary school. Some of the pupils benefitted from the furniture provided by LASPOTECH before it moved. "Now, we have been told that the chairs we make for the students should be made of mahogany wood, and that it should be double, and that means it should long enough to take two students. So the names of the students (pair) will be written on the seats," said Mr. Adeleye. He added: "We (Parents) can't continue to wait for the government and leave our children to sit on the floor; that's why the parents have to make the chairs for their children. If any parent does not do that, there is nothing else we can do; his child will be left to sit on the floor." Earlier this year, at a press briefing marking the second anniversary of this administration, Sarah Sosan, the deputy governor had said," I don't think the standard of education is low. We need to improve on factors and we've been doing that through the rehabilitation of science laboratories, provision of libraries, putting of furniture in place, and so on. We are also aggressively putting structures in place to reduce congestion in our schools. I am proud to say that our public schools in Lagos are wonderful. Who says that the public schools are not good enough?"
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Bankole, Deputy Buy 18 Bullet-proof Vehicles - Each Costs N85m - Bankole, Deputy ReactSpeaker of the House of Representatives, Honourable Dimeji Bankole and his deputy, Honourable Usman Bayero Nafada, are said to have acquired nine bullet-proof cars each for their official use and in preparation for 2011 governorship elections in their respective states.Bankole is from Ogun State while Nafada is from Gombe. Their governors are respectively serving second terms and their seats will be vacant in 2011.The Speaker had, on many occassions, denied eyeing the governorship seat, but sources in his state have continued to link him with a possible shot at the Ogun Government House.The multi-million naira vehicles are now in Abuja, while the presiding officers sometimes put some of the cars in their official fleet. Sources confirmed in Abuja that each of the vehicles was acquired for between N50 and N85 million and that the deputy speaker, most of the times, acted as a catalyst for the acquisition.It was also gathered in Abuja that the cars are mostly parked at a rented apartment being used as a Guest House by the Speaker. Information, available to the Saturday Tribune, indicates that the speaker acquired the first bullet-proof car shortly after he resumed office in November, 2007, adding that the car was in his fleet during his first official trip to Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.It was gathered that because of the sensitive nature of the cars, the National Assembly had, through the outgoing Clerk of the National Assembly (CNA), Alhaji Nasiru Arab, requested for End Users Certificate (EUC) from the office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) to ensure the clearance of the first bullet-proof car acquired for the Speaker.It is not clear whether those acquired after that were also granted the required EUC. A source said that some of the cars in the fleet of the speaker and his deputy included two Range Rover Sport cars each; Two Mercedes Benz bullet-proof cars and two Toyota Land Cruiser jeeps each.It was gathered that three of such cars each are also being cleared for the use of the officers. A source said: “There is a lot of secrecy about the location of many of the cars, but there is nothing to hide about the ambition of these two presiding officers. Initially, they were said to be seeking a return to the National Assembly to retain their seats so as to help the president in his second term bid, but the conclusions have been reached now with the lavish acquisition of bullet-proof cars.”There are also issues with the pricing of the cars, which sources said, are on the high side. It was gathered that costs of new vehicles are not supposed to be more than N15 million higher than the regular ones, but that most of the ones purchased by the legislators have been bought at exorbitant prices.There were also allegations, during the week, that the House of Representatives was short of cash, prompting some unusual borrowings.But the spokesman of the House, Honourable Eseme Eyiboh, told the Saturday Tribune that the allegations against the speaker and his deputy as well as the allegations that the House was lacking fund were unfounded.Eyiboh denied knowledge of the importation of 18 bullet-proof Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) by the presiding officers of the House for the 2011 general elections.He also rejected speculations that the House has overshot its budget, prompting it to engage in borrowing to meet up its expenditure. Eyiboh, Chairman of the House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, who spoke with Saturday Tribune in Abuja, said that it was not possible for either the Speaker or his deputy to import such vehicles as there was no budgetary allocation for them.Sources at the Office of the Speaker are insisting that the vehicles in question were those that had earlier generated controversy following the decision of the National Assembly management to replace the vehicles in the convoys of the principal officers of the House earlier in the year.The sources noted that the vehicles, which were ordered at the time, were only just being delivered and argued that they were certainly not as many as 18 that had been rumoured, maintaining that they had nothing to do with the 2011 ambitions of the officers.According to sources, which spoke with Saturday Tribune in confidence, the purchase of the vehicles followed a presentation by security details attached to the Speaker, who have strongly recommended the replacement of fleet of vehicles because they had gone out of shape.“The particular incident, which prompted that recommendation, was when the flag-bearing car of the Deputy Speaker had to be towed from Gombe to Aso Rock Villa for repairs after it broke down,” the sources disclosed.Speaking on the allegation, Mr. Hameed Bello, Special Adviser on Media to the Deputy Speaker, dismissed the existence of the bullet-proof vehicles for the principal officers as he observed the speculation was the handiwork of mischievous politicians.“The onus is on those who are saying it to prove the allegations. We have to be careful what we do because this is the era of politics,” he told Saturday Tribune.However, he remarked that if individual members were to buy vehicles that were personal to them, it was not the business of the House of Representatives.
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Seven tips for observing a Daniel Fast or Daniel's Diet 1. Be specific Daniel was very clear in his objection to the Babylonian diet. He defined his objection immediately. Daniel 1:8 The king’s food was likely not kosher, against Jewish dietary laws. Daniel and his friends had vowed against wine. The king’s food could have been offered up to idols or demons. Write out and sign a commitment that outlines Why you are fasting. How long you are fasting. From what you are fasting. 2. Fast as a spiritual commitment The Daniel Fast involves a spiritual commitment to God. "Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself." Daniel 1:8 Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance! 3. Reflect inner desire by external discipline Most people desire better health, but don't discipline themselves to say no to junk food, and other unhealthy foods. Our physical health is more than answered prayer. Our physical health is normally linked to many of these factors: Your food choices. The level of your spiritual commitment, as reflected in constant prayer during the diet of Daniel and his friends. Your time commitment. If you determine to fast for a certain time, keep it. For example, if you determine to fast ten days, don't stop on day nine. Your testimony commitment. Your fast is a statement of faith in God. You want God to heal your body. Faith is foundational to the Daniel Fast. 4. Pray to see the role of sin in your relative health or sickness Read James 5:13-20 KJV You have freedom in this Daniel Fast to modify it according to your personal physical and spiritual needs. You can modify these guidelines as you feel led by the Lord. If you feel that it would be more productive for you spiritually or physically to avoid certain foods or spices, that would be great. If you feel led by the Lord to eat only vegetables and drink only water, then do so! The main thing is to decide ahead of time how you are going to apply the Daniel Fast. Then stick to your commitment for the length of time you have decided to fast. Some people feel that it is good to make a permanent lifestyle change to the Daniel Fast. Daniel didn't do his "fast" for a limited amount of time. It was his lifestyle. Daniel asked for permission to avoid the kings delicacies over a ten day period. Then, if he was still healthy looking, he could continue his "diet." Daniel's reason for his "diet" are given in Daniel 1:8 The Message Bible "But Daniel determined that he would not defile himself by eating the king's food or drinking his wine, so he asked the head of the palace staff to exempt him from the royal diet." Daniel seemed to eat only things planted for harvest and drank only water. You may want to keep it simple and eat only vegetables and drink only water. If in doubt about a certain kind of food, read the guidelines! Send us your ideas of additional foods to eat, recipes, and menus to add to this page. Whole Grains: brown rice, oats, rolled oats, oatmeal, barley, corn, popcorn, wheat Legumes: dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, green beans, green peas, peanuts, etc. Grain legumes include beans, lentils, lupins, peas and peanuts (includes natural peanut butter). Fruits: apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, breadfruit, cantaloupe, cherries, coconuts, cranberries, dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes, grenadine, guava, honeydew melons, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, melons, mulberries, nectarines, oats, olives, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon, etc. Vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, any peppers, any potatoes, radishes, rutabagas, scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, etc. Seeds: all nuts, natural peanut butter, natural almond butter, sprouts, ground flax, all whole grain products, etc. Liquids: spring water, distilled water, filtered water, 100% all natural fruit or vegetable juices If you have questions about other foods, check out our Questions and Answers page! Foods to Avoid Basically, you want to avoid the King's food. By application, that means that we are avoiding all those things that the Jews couldn't eat. We're also avoiding foods that only royalty in ancient days could afford. It wasn't until recent history that most Americans could afford to eat meat or poultry. In most of the world today, very few people can afford to eat any kind of meat or processed foods, like the following items to avoid. Send us your ideas of foods to avoid. Meat, because Daniel didn't want to take the chance of eating non-kosher food and/or meat that was offered to idols. white flour and all products using it white rice, white bread, hominy and pasta fried foods foods or drinks with caffeine carbonated beverages, including diet sodas Wine, beer or any other alcoholic drinks foods containing preservatives or additives refined sugar (see some substitutes) high fructose corn syrup chemical sugar substitutes margarine, shortening, animal fat, high fat products Please do not post this copyrighted information in any form at another website. You may print copies for free distribution, with credit to If you have questions about other foods, check out our Questions and Answers page! Send us your Daniel Fast questions.
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Pa Soludo: Police arrest suspects

•We are happy, but sober, says family Anambra state Police Command yesterday said some people had been arrested in connection with the kidnap of Pa Simeon Soludo, the 78-year-old father of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate in the February 6, 2010 governorship elections in Anambra State, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, who was released Wednesday night by those who abducted him from his family house about 10 days ago. advertisement But a deputy Commissioner of Police in the Command, Mr. Oshodi Glover, told journalists at the Soludo family house in Isuofia that the command was still working on the matter and would like to be discreet about it at the moment. “Please, don't let me reveal anything yet. There will be time for that and not now,” he said. Oshodi, who was accompanied by Mr. Chris Ezike, an Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of the Inspector General of Police's monitoring team, however denied knowledge of any ransom paid. This came as the Soludo family expressed gratitude to God for the release of their patriarch, saying they were happy but sober. They also took a swipe at the insinuation that they masterminded the kidnap adding that anybody peddling such is cursed. Meanwhile, the Soludo Campaign Organisation, yesterday evening in a statement signed by Dom Obiekie ,said it was relieved to receive information that Pa Soludo had been released and thanked Anambra people for their concerns while the man was held in captivity for 10 days. The statement read in part: “the Soludo Campaign Organisation was relieved and delighted to receive information from the Divisional Police Officer in Aguata local government area, Mr. Samuel Dang, who announced that the 78 year old Pa Simeon Soludo, has been released by the kidnappers who have kept him in captivity for 10 days. “According to the police, he was released around 10pm on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 along the Uga Road in Aguata. Pa Soludo, father of the PDP governorship candidate for the Anambra State 2010 election Professor Chukwuma Soludo is now undergoing medical examination to ascertain his health condition following the physical, psychological and emotional trauma which he experienced in the course of the unfortunate incident. “After his medical examination and treatment, the Soludo family would have a quiet reunion with their patriarch. There would be no formal briefings. “Meanwhile, we acknowledge with thanks, the concerns shown by individuals and groups, including friends, well-wishers, associates and the media during this trying moments.”
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Look who's coming around after all.Joe Jackson, who previously said that he spends most of his time in Las Vegas and that his estranged wife, Katherine, would handle the raising of Michael Jackson's children, is now petitioning the estate for his own monthly stipend.Saying he has no steady source of income aside from $1,700 a month from Social Security, Jackson stated in court documents that he had relied on his son for support up until the King of Pop's death. Michael gave money to his mom, which she in turn, acting as an agreed-upon go-between, gave to Joe.Michael did not provide for Joe in his will, rather splitting his estate among his mother, children and various charities.But that doesn't mean the King of Pop's estate is legally prohibited from providing for Joe, his lawyers insist.The administrators of Michael's estate were "either ignorant or negligent" by not apportioning an allowance for Joe, states the petition filed yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court.Meanwhile, a judge has approved $26,800 in monthly support for Katherine and $60,000 a month for the care of Michael's three kids.Joe is 81 and, in addition to suffering a stroke in 1998, suffers from diabetes, ulcers and other ailments, according to his lawyers, and Michael, knowing his dad was in ill health, supported him for many years.A list of the Jackson family patriarch's itemized expenses included $1,200 a month in rent for his Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.Maybe figuring Joe will just have to eat in more often, a judge denied a request for an expedited hearing on the matter.
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Madam Jane didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she allowed her ex-boyfriend spend the night in her home without the consent of her husband. When her husband got to know about it the next day, he was furious. But because he loves his wife dearly, he didn’t know how to handle the situation.advertisement The question Bridget AMARAEGBU sought answers from some of celebrities is, ‘was it right for his wife to have allowed her ex spend the night in their home?Enjoy it.No way, not in my own house — Lurrenz, MusicianNo, way he can’t spend the night in my house. My dear, a lot of things can happen in one minute. What I’m saying is that no matter how much we love each other, it is not advisable to give the devil any opportunity to ruin our home. Though, it’s very possible that this ex- lover just got stranded and was looking for refuge, I don’t think my house is the best place for such to happen. At worse, I can afford to pay his hotel bill for just that night, considering the danger that can befall him if he’s left in the dark. But he won’t sleep in my house for any reason.Again, I ask myself questions such as why should he be stranded around my house? Can’t he find his male friends to assist him? What about his relatives? Of all his friends, why did he remember my wife for such assistance? The fact that I’ll pay for his accommodation will be based on the love I have for my wife and I won’t even pay for more than one night, after which he should be able to find his way, unless he has an ulterior motive.Even if he hasn’t got a hidden agenda, I’ll not be comfortable if after one night he still can’t find his bearing. And you should not blame me for taking any other action. I want you to understand that most men will not even hear of it.Things that like this can lead to divorce in many African homes. We are not in the western world where nearly everything is obtainable. Some of them may not really bother if their spouse is having another affair or not. But the mind of the average black man is full of jealousy with issues such as this.And if you ask me what I’ll do if the ex-lover in question was my girlfriend, I’ll like to put it straight here that my ex-girlfriend cannot come around my matrimonial home. If she’s stranded around my house, I’ll seek the consent of my wife and together, we’ll put her in a hotel so that peace can reign.There’s no reason why anybody should allow trouble to smell around his home for no serious reasons when there are other options.I know so many men who can’t stand their women having a chat with another man. In fact, there’s a particular neighbour of mine who doesn’t allow his wife to chat with his friends and he has a good reason for doing that. No matter how much those friends of his try to persuade him, he’ll tell you that his wife is too young to handle such chat, and I don’t blame him. Since he already knows that his wife is too young, it’s better for him to shield her from danger. I’m not saying that any of those friends would begin to toast her but he has to be cautious to avoid temptations.Sometimes, when you hear that one partner is being unfaithful, it may not be intentional but as a result of the situation he or she found himself, don’t forget that the spirit may be willing but the flesh will be weak. That is why it’s better to avoid any short cut the devil can use to destroy your marriage. We’ve heard stories where unfaithful partners were bewitched, and so on. We read them on the papers and watch related issues in the movies.So, what are we talking about?Let’s all pray that we have a happy and peaceful home because it’s only God that can sustain our homes but then we should also make our own effort.Why not, I trust her — GT Guitarman, MusicianMy answer is yes. Do you know why? Because she is my wife and confidant. I don’t see any reason why I cannot trust her. Trust is the word that should hold any relationship and I believe that once that trust is not there, then a relationship as sacred as marriage should not hold in the first place. I won’t marry a woman who doesn’t love me because it’s only when a relationship is not built on love that the people involve find it difficult to trust themselves. I’ll like to give my spouse that opportunity to prove her love for me.I won’t allow a visit — Henry Ojo, Creative artistHonestly, I don’t know where you get all these inspirations from but if you insist that it’s a true life story, then I’ll tell you my mind. The truth remains that I’ll not allow my wife’s ex to even visit my house, not to talk of spending the night in my house. No forget say na from clap dem de follow enter dance…o. From spending one night, he may have to visit again and before you know it, so many things might begin to happen.Another thing is that any woman who can bring her ex- boyfriend to her husband’s house is mad. As far as I’m concerned, she can lodge him in the hotel and do whatever she likes with him there but not in my house.It’s an assault to marriage — Amaka Johnson, ModelMy dear, such a thing is not advisable because no matter how much love we profess for each other, I’ll never be comfortable with myself as long as this ex-lover of his is in the house. Anything can happen when a man and woman who are not related are left alone in the same house.While I was growing up my grandmother always reminded us that you don’t keep yam and goat together and come back to find them the way you left them, no way, and I believe her.Apart from the fact that he can also do whatever he likes with her elsewhere if he doesn’t want me to know, I’m still better off if he does it outside my knowledge. Sleeping with her in our home will mean an assault on my marriage.No, old firewood no dey quench — Ebeye Amanda, ActressNo, I’ll not allow that to happen. Is it that she can’t find any other place to spend the night? I’ll only be a fool to think that nothing will happen between them that night because anything can happen. Do you still remember that saying, old firewood no dey quench? I don’t even expect her to still have my husband’s contact in the first place because they should have been separated long before now. So what is she still looking for in his home if not trouble?It’s not my business if he goes looking for her elsewhere but it won’t happen under my roof, never.Many things can happen in one night — Fragrance, MusicianAh! No way, eeh too many things can happen in one night. I can’t trust any man to the extent of allowing his ex-girlfriend to come spend the night in my matrimonial home. At worse I can rent a room for her in a hotel but she won’t sleep under the same roof with me and my husband. That one is not safe at all and that’s my personal view on this issue, any other persons opinion is welcome.
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Kizito Egeonu emerged today as the wi.n.n.e.r of the Etisalat 9jillion promotion of $1,000,000 million. Mr. Egeonu a twenty year old 400 level medical student of the University of Jos said he was surprised when he realised he had picked the lucky number that won him the prize money. "When I woke up this morning, I never thought I would w.i.n the money, I can't still believe it. It was unexpected when the money behind my number was revealed," said Mr. Egeonu "For a million dollars in my life makes a lot of difference for me and my family. I am very happy and I appreciate the support of my family in going ahead with this promotion," he added. Mr. Egeonu emerged as the regional w.i.n.ner from Kaduna with three of his siblings: Justina Egeonu, Gerald Egeonu and Judith Egeonu. Each of them also won N1000,000 each. Steven Evans, the chief executive officer of Etisalat said: "Today represents the end of a long process in the game show. It was meant to show that Etisalat has arrived and is here to stay in Nigeria and catch people's attention." Since the game show which started in June, 2009, the firm has given out N56 million to subscribers nationwide and 4,320 mobile phones. Other partners of the game show advised the to spend his money wisely. Ms. Bola Adeshola, an executive director of First Bank said: "He is a worthy winner. That we partner with Etisalat is not for the transaction but for the relationship. This is a platform for you to spend the money wisely by investing in your education and your life."
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What 9ja Girls Must Learn from Rihanna.

The case of Rihanna with her former boyfriend Chris Brown is a lesson for every girl. You can’t tear a girl into pieces and expect her to be herself. Her courage is what every girl must emulate. Although there’s rumor that she only acted on the way she did because the police actually saw what was going on behind her and Chris’ door. If the police hadn’t gotten involved she would have covered her bruises with makeup and continued on.Anywhere is not time to argue. At least Chris, her former boyfriend was sentenced to five years probation and community services in August and has publicly apologized. Her courage alone is what matters. Especially for girls who’ll not tell anybody that their boyfriends beat them up. Those who’ll cover everything even when they’re wounded both physically and emotionally. Those who’ll rather suffer in silence and consider such abuse a big secret.I know Rihanna is a celebrity, but what she passed through is peculiar to every woman and girl. Abuse is common in relationships. And, girls must be tough with love to overcome abuse.Being tough with love doesn’t mean you should be strict with your guy no! It simply means that those real instances of abuse that threatens relationships must be noticed and promptly deal with within the context of love. It’s common to see girls who’re carried away by love. They take “shits” from guys all in the name of love. Most guys take advantage of the so-called love. They’ll deliberately cheat on you, snap or command you around before their friends. If you don’t quickly deal with those minor abuses, they’ll one day use their fist on you at the slightest disagreement. And turn you to foot mat where he dusts his feet.Also, some girls have lost their hard earned self-respect and dignity .Due to economic pressure they transferred their financial burdens to their lovers. There’s nothing wrong asking your guy for money it’s okay. But once he finds out that, you depend solely on him for money. He may take your love for granted. He’ll now feel your love is bought over with money. He’ll believe he who pays commands and should dominate the relationship and becomes Mr. Right. Even when you’re abused, he believes you can’t do anything. Your guy takes advantage of you especially when they’re broke and try to reconcile with him.FROM
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love narrow?

My soul feels a connection with yoursSo powerful, so strong,There is no room for doubt.You must be my soul mate,My other.My cosmic twin.Two halves of the same falling star.And yet, in all this world,You found me.Alone and hurting.Hopeful and hesitant.Wishing and wanting.I needed you like I had never needed anotherAnd you were there to answer my call.My knight in shining armor,You rescued me like the maiden fair;And my essence recognized your’sFor the wonder you are.You leave me breathless and buoyant,Ecstatic and awestruckAt the miracle that is us.And in my heartI know that each dayOur devotion to each otherCan only strengthen and grow.You are my life, my heart,My soul, my mate.A lifetime of love and dedicationAwait us.I vow to adore you, more every dayAs your magnificence continually unfolds to me.I vow to cherish youMore sweetly than any other could ever dream possible.I vow to love you, with a heart that belongs only to you,More each moment than the one before.I vow to be faithful to you,Because what we share is sacred and no other could ever compare.You continually dazzle my senses.Share eternity with meAnd together we will blind the world withThe strength of our love
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After a two-year break, the MUSON Festival Jazz Nite returns tomorrow, November 6 and Saturday, November 7 at the Shell Nigeria Hall of MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos.The jazz component of the annual music festival was last held in 2006 when acclaimed Grammy award winning guitarist, Earl Klugh performed alongside Lagbaja.South African master guitarist, Jimmy Dludlu will headline the two-day event starting by 7pm daily. He will be supported by six Nigerians including jazz trumpeter, Biodun Adebiyi and vocalist and guitarist, Beautiful Nubia.Others are jazz contrabassist, Bright Gain, Mfon Umana, Pure and Simple (Ifiok Effanga and Nathan McDonald) and the 5 YZ Men, a group of five young musicians currently pursuing a diploma certificate in music at the MUSON School of Music.Dludlu will be supported on Friday by Pure & Simple, Beautiful Nubia and Biodun & Batik while the 5 YZ Men, Mfon and Bright Gain will perform alongside him on Saturday. Popular radio personalities, Dan Foster and Tosyn Bucknor will anchor proceedings.
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NEARLY a month after he beat a Nigerian into a state of coma, it was yesterday confirmed that the culprit, a German construction company expatriate has been shipped out of the country following the insistence of Senators that he be prosecuted for the attack within the precincts of the Senate Building . advertisement But a middle ground was reached following a letter of apology from the management of the company to the Senate leadership for the misdemeanor of the 52-year old German, Rainhardt Fleischer, who had gained notoriety for attacking junior workers of his company whenever they ran foul of him. A report written by the police was said to have indicted him, and pushed for his prosecution for what was described as "serial violence". A Senate source said yesterday that the German's international passport was returned to him, after which the police ensured that he was "monitored to the airport" and flown out. "It was not clear if the police did this secretly but they made sure he left the country," the source said. Also, the worker who slipped into coma was said to have fully recovered. "We made sure that he was returned to his post in the National Assembly, and we are watching to see if they will victimise him because we know if a Nigerian had done what he did, it would have been a different thing, he is so lucky he got off so lightly because the Senate President wanted the full length of the law applied in his case," the source added. Last October, it was a regular working morning for John Adeniyi in the Senate Building of the National Assembly, but by evening, he was lying in coma in a hospital in Abuja because he received a kick in his groin from Fleischer. Fleisher spent that night at the Police post of the National Assembly as the Senate Leadership waded in asking for a report on the attack by the expatriate of a German-based construction company, which built the Senate Building and is maintaining the structure. The Police insisted getting the passport before the German could be released. It began, according to witnesses at the Senate Building, as a routine check by the German supervisor. He saw John Adeniyi standing and sought to know from him why he was not doing anything. As John wanted to explain, the German demanded for his identity card. Adeniyi declined. Fleishcher allegedly pulled out his camera to take the photograph of the technician, but the local worker resisted the move. In a flash, the German's foot flew into the air and hit Adeniyi who collapsed and hit the ground convulsing. The Nigerians rushed to take on the expatriate until security men and policemen in the National Assembly moved in and prevented the infuriated legislative workers and the giant German construction company. The German was slammed into detention while the local worker was rushed to the Julius Berger clinic, according to eyewitnesses in a state of coma. "We understand that this is the second time this particular German was attacking Nigerian staff under his watch and were shocked that two weeks ago he allegedly did the same thing. The Senate Leadership has asked for a report and we may not release until tomorrow (today)," a police source said in Abuja last October. It was gathered that the frantic efforts being made by the officials of the construction company to get the expatriate released that day was considered "nauseating" by the management of the National Assembly which was insisting that "whoever is responsible for this kind of attack in the country's National Assembly should be made to face the full brunt of the law." The management was said not to be impressed by the position of the company's staff that the expatriate had a history of high blood pressure, and had in fact fainted when he was thrown behind bars in the Assembly Police Post. "I am shocked that Nigerians are the ones coming to talk to us to have someone who attacked a Nigerian in the country's National Assembly to be released. They are telling us how the MD (managing Director) sent them, and telling us such annoying things, but unknown to them, the Senators who have heard about it are furious and are putting pressure on the office of the Sergeant-at-Arms and the police to ensure that due process is followed," a source said then.
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More outrage greets Ojukwu’s war threat BY OUR REPORTER More Nigerians have continued to express their disgust over the comment credited to Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu that there would be war in the country if the Appeal Court rules in favour of Andy Uba. Uba, the 2007 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had approached the court to seek a validation of the mandate handed to him in the April 14, 2007 election on the strength of which he was sworn in as the governor of Anambra State. Ruling on the matter has been reserved for today. Ojukwu, who was the presidential flagbearer of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in the 2007 election, had, in what many had criticised as potentially treasonable and threat to national peace, warned the court not to grant the petition of Uba. The threat had since sparked off a flurry of open rebuke from eminent Nigerians, particularly sons and daughters of Anambra who feared such remark from a man who spearheaded a civil war in the country that claimed millions of lives was capable of inciting the public and consequently create an atmosphere of chaos to undermine the democratic process. advertisement The latest of such rebuke came yesterday from Anambra True Democrats (ATD), a group of progressives from across the various political parties in the state. In a statement signed by its National Co-ordinator, Chief Bernard Odenigbo, the group said it was riled by the chants of war from the man who allowed his ego and personal ambition to rule his head and in the process dragged the Igbo people into war against a country their sons and daughters laboured so hard to build. The group also warned those who predicted that victory for Andy Uba would create constitutional crisis to have a rethink, stressing that Nigerians should start imbibing the virtue of respecting judgement of courts even when it hurts them. “To say that victory for Uba would create constitutional crisis is tantamount to judicial ambush and intimidation and we urge the court to do what it considers the right thing. In any sane society, the law is not interpreted to suit the caprice of an individual or group of individuals who think they have the machinery for propaganda; the law is as spelt out by the court of law. To do otherwise, amounts to judicial thuggery and this is what Ojukwu and his tribe of war-mongers and violence brewers are trying to do. We condemn it,” the statement said. “The case of Anambra is very tricky because politicians of lewd moral values have succeeded in fouling up the environment. It is, therefore, in the interest of Anambra people that a bit of judicial activism is deployed to stave off the crisis which the likes of Ojukwu and a few other politicians in the state are plotting to forment during the February 6, 2010 governorship election. We believe the judiciary can help clean up the mess by giving the judgement that is both expedient and logical,” the statement said. In a veiled response to the Soludo Campaign Organisation and the Coalition of Human Rights Organisations in Anambra State, the group said as true democrats we have no choice but to obey the decision of the court, adding that it was the same court of law that made Peter Obi governor. “If Peter Obi became governor on the strength of pronouncement by a court, why can’t the same Peter Obi and his supporters believe in the ruling of the same court of law when it hurts them? “Selective obedience to the ruling of a court is not acceptable to the people of Anambra State and to all true democrats in the country”, the statement said
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The Golden Eaglets lived up to their billing last night at the National Stadium in Abuja when they defeated New Zealand 5-0 to book a place in the quarter finals of the ongoing FIFA U-17 World Cup.Our boys were always going to be the favourites going into the tie against the unheralded New Zealanders, who are more renowned for their prowess in rugby, and they wasted little time in making their intentions known to the All Whites, when Edafe Egbedi opened scoring in the 14th minute following superb work down the flanks by Terry Envoh.Ten minutes later, Stanley Okoro made it 2-0 for our boys when he was quickest to react in the area after the New Zealand goalkeeper, Coey Turipa, failed to get a firm grip of Mohammed Aliyu's thunderous drive from well outside the penalty area.Egbedi then made it 3-0 for our boys in the 28th minute with his second goal of the match when he got on the end of a short pass in the penalty area before curling a beauty of a goal inside the far post to effectively end any hopes the New Zealanders may have nursed regarding a fight back. Any comeback aspirations nursed by the All Whites were, however, dashed five minutes later when Cameron Lindsay was ordered off the pitch for a nasty tackle.Second halfWith victory now a certainty, our boys resorted to entertaining the crowd upon resumption of play in the second half but it wasn't until the 75th minute mark before cheers were to reverberate once again around the magnificent National Stadium when super-sub, Sani Emmanuel,latched onto a sublime pass from the impressive Okoro with his first touch of the ball before dribbling around the onrushing goalkeeper to slot into an open goal.Five minutes later, the petite Emmanuel was once again on the receiving end of another Okoro pass and wasted little time in shooting through the legs of the goalkeeper for the fifth and final goal of the game, and with it a ticket to next Tuesday's quarter final match in Calabar where they will be up against South Korea who, a few hours earlier, edged out Mexico in a penalty shoot-out after both sides failed to find a winner after over 120 minutes of pulsating end-to-end football action.Korea and MexicoHaving taken the lead courtesy of a 45th minute goal by Guillermo Madrigal, it took the resumption of fireworks in the second half for the Koreans to make good their pre-match claim that they were not intimidated by the football pedigree of the Mexicans. But the Koreans,who wasted a lot of goal-scoring chances, had to wait until second half stoppage time before pulling back on level terms with the Mexicans through the hard-fighting Dong Jin Kim.The Asians proceeded to dictate the pace in the ensuing extra-time against the jaded Mexicans but failed to grab a much needed goal. And with both sides remaining level, the inevitable penalty shootout had to come into play for the first time in Nigeria 2009 where the towering Korean goalie, Jin Young Kim, stopped Mexico's first spot kick before his teammates skilfully converted all their kicks to leave the Mexicans broken-hearted.Also through to the quarter finals are the pair of Spain and Uruguay who will meet each other for a ticket to the semi-final also on Tuesday. Spain had it easy against Burkina Faso, defeating the West Africans 4-1 in Kano while Uruguay had to wait until extra-time before dispatching a stubborn Iran side 2-1 in Calabar.
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In Nigeria text message is a big revenue earner in the mobile industry. People love to text and so is money being made by those who are involved in text messaging business. According to, over 15 billion text messages are sent yearly in Nigeria. The number is still growing as the country’s tele-density moves into the 60 and 70 million text messaging subscribers. And since the people love text messaging, both to send and receive, it’s growing into one of the most powerful market plat forms in the world after the internet. And with the internet bulk sms is made even more useful as companies can brand their text messages with their names to make consumers read them immediately they are received. The internet also makes it easier for you to sell wholesale bulk sms to your customers anywhere in the country. The service works like one opening an email account on yahoo. You will open such accounts for your customer with has all the facilities for sending bulk sms. Once they signs up with you they are your customers as long as that relationship remains. The question now is what’s in it for me? How do I benefit? How do I make money from all these? What is the market outlook like for a sustainable investment? What are the returns on investment? And as these questions juggle your mind, take a look at a business with all possibilities for mega profit – and that is wholesale Bulk sms service. I call it the business for the ‘simple” man. If you have been looking for an online business that will make you regular income, I recommend wholesale bulk sms business for you. Trust me, it’s a bomb in money making on the internet. MARKET POTENTIAL: The market potential is huge it’s determined by the number of subscriber base in the country, we are now heading for 70 million subscribers out of the population of 140 million, according to 2006 census. Imagine we have grown in the last couple of years gone by already. So, the figures keep growing and that is how the market potential keeps increasing for you to make more profit. PROFIT POTENTIAL: Bulk sms business is a volume driven business – with greater advantage for growing customer base. As a wholesale bulk sms reseller you have a platform that helps you retain your customers – once they sign up with you they are bound to stay with you – buying sms regularly from you. And with the ongoing tread, If you have just 1,000 customers signed up with you, and each of them are able to buy up just 5,000 sms monthly – that’s N5 million income – but your profit could be around N500,000 to N 1 Million monthly. Good business isn’t it? I will be showing you how to tap into this huge messaging business from a low start up of N20,000. For beginners, while I will also be showing you all the mega money making text messaging businesses you can start with shoestring budget. See the full detail course outline below:- - Discover the billion naira secret of bulk text messaging business – a practical step by step guide you can follow easily. - How to make N200,000 to N500,000 monthly reselling bulk text messages to big and small corporations, banks, oil companies, insurance, NGO’s, Churches, Schools, individuals, etc - How to create your own wholesale bulkSMS website – the secret I use… - How to operate your own bulk SMS advertising, marketing & promotion business from the comfort of your home or office. - How to set up and run your own money making SMS information service offering, stock alert, traffic report, prayer guide, SMS promo, sports alert, government campaign. - How to build your own database of millions of GSM users with ease - How to build and operate your own bulk SMS website that guarantees N200,000 to N500,000 monthly! FREE Bonuses: my Do-It-Yourself Step-By-Step-Guide on “How to make #40,000 weekly selling and printing recharge card for the comfort of your room! Don’t miss this opportunity to start making money from a low start up from as low as N20,000, while some requires more Who Should grab this offer? - Those who want to start up recharge card business profitably. - Working class parents who are looking forward to retirement business of their own - Small business owners who are seeking additional source of income. - Investor who want to invest in business with quick return on investment. - Those who are seeking for reliable business that can guarantees regular income. - Business opportunity seekers who are interested in business with strong fundamentals and high consumer patronage. - Students with strong entrepreneurial drive, who are seeking to distant themselves from unemployment after graduation, etc. Note: It’s important you order now and grab a copy . so you don’t forget later and miss this opportunity. The first 20 people to order will get my Do-It-Yourself Step-By-Step-Guide on “How to make #40,000 weekly selling andprinting recharge card for the comfort of your room!” rush now and order a copy Bank Name GT Bank plc Account Name Abi Balogun Account Number 201112168110 after payment send your name,gsm phone number,email address,location and the caption"bulk sms" to 07083793511 the price i s#1,000
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Dear UMARU YAR`DUA – By Rufus Kayode Oteniya

How are you and your German medics? I am sure they are trying their best to ensure you are able to stand on your feet. Their best will always be good as long as the Divine Healer wants. Don’t worry, we are also praying that this vibrant Nation will have a strong and living leader since we know that no nation can rise above its leader. A dying leader can not lead a living nation.The creator knows how best to answer our prayer. You may stay clear of ‘eating apple’ for the moment since I can vouch that you do not have any business with the Filipino women. How is Turai? We are all amazed with the way she is steering the wheel and holding firm to the front seat of the nation. She’s really a wonderful first female President. How is Zainab with Usman Saidu Nasamu Dakingari? I do hope she has overcome her struggles with the other Kebbi state first ladies. The office of the state first lady is naturally hers. Other wives can relegated to deputy first lady, senior assistant deputy first lady and assistant deputy first lady.How are A’isha Nafisat and her hubby, Isa Yuguda doing in Bauchi State house? I hope Isa is not finding tough time with Farida over the N39.1 billion illegal loans he took from FinBank without the approval of his state House of Assembly. I trust you’d come to his aid. Anyway which father-in-law would not rescue such a loyal in-law who could abandon the party that brought him to power to join his papa-in-law without losing his gubernatorial seat.How is your third point agenda coping with her boyfriend, Alhaji Abdurrahman Musa Bashir Rahamaniyya and the heavy burden of non performing debts? Make sure you call Lamido Sanusi to order so that Farida can let him off the hook. As a future in-law, can’t they simply understand that he has the right to decide which loan to pay back and which one to hold back. How are the other points of the agenda? Any gubernatorial suitors in sight for them? If you care, I overheard that Governors Muazu Babangida Aliyu and Murtala Nyako of Niger and Adamawa States respectively are about to increase their fleets of first ladies with some under 20’s (do not say I told you because they are classified state secrets). You know I would not fancy being given the Gbenga Aruleba’s kind of VIP treatment.How is your brother-in-law, Comptroller General of Customs, Abdullahi Inde Dikko and his forged certificates making waves around the nation? I wonder what our people want to bring out of this. Can’t they just understand that an acquaintance with the president (sorry, first gentleman or President’s husband) covers a multitude of forgery. Some people cannot just read between the lines that this country belongs to just a few of us. They should know that it’s your country and you can do whatever you want with it. If you like you can make the most perverting lawyer in the land your Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) or the Authorised Government Fraudster. Aondoakaa’s handling of your godfather, Ibori’s cases is an embarrassment to the nation but highly commendable by you and the gang of government robbers who make your inner caucus. Once you sanction his actions, who else should care?Lately, I have been having a running battle with some 140 millions of this ‘poor’Nation who claim to be disturbed by your ‘slow and unsteady’ approach to the affairs of the nation. I keep telling them that everyone has his/her pace of operation. Even with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day, then what is wrong if you don’t move at the pace they’d expected. They should have remembered that Bukola Saraki said you needed 2 years to diagnose the problem of the nation and I am also adding that you need another 2 years to gather your team, 2 years to plan your strategy, 2 years to assign responsibility and 4 years to execute your 7 pointless agenda. At this rate, Vision 20, 2020 will certainly become a reality by 2200 A.D provided the other nations wait for us. Unlike your uncle Sege, you may not need to ask for a third term, you may simply request for the unused term of MKO.I hear a lot of hullaballoo regarding your ineptitude, inefficiency and irrelevance but trust me! I do always join aunty Dora to blindly defend and rebrand you before the ‘poor compatriots.’ When does an unelected Commander-In-(CT)hief start to account to the electorate. Only OBJ, Iwu and a few others who were instrumental in bringing you to this exalted but exhausted position have the right to ask how you are performing. Now that El Rufai and Nuru Ribadu are asking, I think they have the audacity and the right to do so and you must answer them by yourself since both are apparently among the few who smuggled you into the Aso Rock as I may not know what to tell them.What about the 6000 MW at the end of the year? We all know it will take your government another 3 years to get to that somewhat very low target. The problem is what we would have to tell the people. I think I have a bright idea. You can tell them that you utilize the money meant for the project to settle and resettle the Militants. Then ask the people which one they prefer, whether to have electricity and have the militants around kidnapping the CBN looters or their fathers or have peace without electricity.Thanks for subverting Uwais’ Report. The people seem not to understand our ‘do or die’ politics. If they do, how could they expect such ingenious report to see the light of the day. They have forgotten that PDP has a pact to rule for another 60 years. With this, may be they can understand your plight that the only problem you have with a ‘free and fair’ election is that you can never be sure of who wins. Umaru, I really sympathize with you. I am one of the very few who understand you and your position. I know how much your health is failing you and I understand the pains of dialysis. I know how much you struggle with Turai for authority and how much you are undermined by those you put in top positions because they know you barely manage to stand on your feet. I know how much you suffer seeing the nation going down without any wit of what to do to intervene. I know how much unwilling you were to take this office that is much bigger than your imagination having failed to perform too well at even a state level. I know how much Oluṣẹgun Mathew Okikiọla Arẹmu Ọbasanjọ used you just to kill the wild dreams of both infamous Abubakar Atiku and Badamosi Babangida in spite of your initial objection. I know all.Now that you have been used and coerced into power, now that you sure have bitten off much more than you can chew, there is only one honourable option left. Obasanjo may be blamed for forcing you into power in your dying state but no one but you will receive the culpability for holding on to it. The only acceptable option is to throw in the towel and Nigeria and Nigerians will celebrate with you. One man should not hold back the destiny of the giant of Africa . You exit is the rebranding Nigeria needs at the moment. Our star wants to shine again.You have failed a nation that was filled with high hope and euphoria when you publicly declared your assets. Of what use is it, when you have taken a step forward and 100 steps backward? You have almost totally drained all the country’s foreign reserve. Your own war against corruption is to fight the anti corruption crusaders thereby allowing free for all looting. You court the most corrupt and you are not even ashamed to call them your friends. You boycott UN general Assembly for an unspeakable event in Saudi. Not even under the despondent Abacha were our Universities closed for up to 111 days.Umaru, a word is enough for the wise. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, only a fool wait to learn from his own mistakes. Go now before we start making the kind of intercessory prayers we made for Abacha. God still hear the prayers of his people. Nigeria is tired of retrogression.Sincerely,Rufus Kayode Oteniya
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Nigeria’s continued importation of petrol (PMS) and other petroleum products has been traced to various interests in the past and present administrations, and some senior executives in the state’s Petroleum Corporation, NNPC and PPMC who have made a fortune from awarding contracts for fuel imports.FAT CAT NNPC GMD Mohammed BarkindoOur checks show that the country’s four refineries have not operated at full capacity since the late 80’s due to corruption, sabotage and poor management. Our source in the petroleum department revealed that funds earmarked for maintenance of the refineries were deliberately misappropriated by the big guns at the corporation to ensure the refineries fail. “The trick is to keep the refineries down by every means possible, so that they can make money from awarding contracts to import petrol” he said.Nigeria, a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), has four refineries, three in the Niger Delta cities of Port Harcourt and Warri, while the fourth is in Kaduna, northern Nigeria. These refineries have a total refining capacity of 445, 000 barrels per day if fully operational. As at the time of filling this report, only the refineries in Port Harcourt are running with a capacity to refine 210,000 bpd of crude. Warri and Kaduna plants are currently shut-in due to repairs at the Chanomi Creek pipeline.Our investigations further revealed that the biggest beneficiaries of petroleum imports contract from the various Nigerian administrations since the early 90’s till date are Trafigura Group, Glencore, Vitol Holding VB and Gunvor, which is reportedly linked to Russian Prime Minister, Putin. According to the source, Vitol’s operation in Nigeria represents the interest of General Aliyu Muhammed Gusau, a former security intelligence chief.“The fact is that, whether the refineries operate at full capacity or not, these guys will continue to feed fat from the proceeds they get from awarding contracts to import petrol. It is a systemic structure that was put in place since the IBB time to ensure they continue to award these contracts to their interests and friends”.Nigeria, The world’s 8th largest producer of crude has spent over $1 billion on repairs and maintenance of it’s refineries since 1999, and has not recorded any significant improvements in it’s local refining capacity. The state depends on massive importation of PMS to sustain local demand and has lost billions of dollars in the process.
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