1. To single-handedly dash the hopes and aspirations of one's nation in thefull glare of other nations
2. To karate-kick your way out of the greatest stage/spotlight ever known toman
3. To destroy/zap/siphon the energies of teammates plus 140 million peoplethrough unexplainable stupidity
4. To act foolishly, unintelligently or irrationally and IMMEDIATELY regret theaction by falling on your knees
(Etymology: Derived from the dreadful match between Nigeria and lowly Greece atthe 2010 Soccer World Cup)
"Please, please, do not KAITA what we have been building for 50 years o!Oloshi!"
"I don't care what people say, I will KAITA the multi-billion dollarplan!"
"That man, you know, the hopeless, useless, visionless, KAITAingguy!"
"I was KAITAing until I met Jesus!"
1. Sabotage
2. Incapacitate
3. Destroy/Demobilize
4. Jeopardize
5. Impair
6. Implode
7. Shege Banza!
KAITA (Kai-ta)
n. Kai*ta
A term that describes a temporary but kaitastrophic loss of mental competencyand faculty.
See also Instant Amnesia.
KAITAISIS (Kai-ta-i-sis)
n. Kai*ta*i*sis
1. A new mental sickness recently discovered by Neurosurgeons. It affects thevictim's ability to think right or make right judgement especially when itmatters most.
2. Victims often confuse the game of soccer for a karate session. Its derivedfrom the new word KAITA
KAITARIZATION (Kai-ta-ri-za-tion)
n. Kai*ta*ri*za*shen
Kaitarization is the act of being turned into a useless mongol OR a ShaolinTemple soccer player.
KAITA-KAITA (Kai-ta-kai-ta)
n. Kai*ta*kai*ta
Kaita-Kaita means unprecedented confusion and unimaginable pandemonium
Usage: "Kaita-kaita don burst!"
KAITA (Kai-ta)
n. Kai*ta
A highly explosive bomb needed more in Iraq than in Nigeria
Usage: "Allied Forces just dropped the K-Bomb! Yes! The Kaita! Ladies andgentlemen, the war is over!!!"
KAITARACT (Kai-ta-ra-ct)
n. Kai*ta*ra*kt
A one-of-a-kind eye defect that makes a soccer player see another player as aJabulani Ball to be kicked
Usage: "Pity, he suffered from a sudden chronic case of Kaitaract"