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skip to main | skip to sidebarDISCOVER THE SECRETS BEHIND SUCCESS IN MAKING MONEY ONLINENOTE:IF YOU ARE THINKING TOWARDS FRAUD IN WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT VIEWING NOW OR YOU THINK I AM HERE TO CHEAT YOU OR TEACH YOU HOW TO DEFRAUD OTHERS, THEN YOU ARE AT THE WRONG PLACE BECAUSE I AM ONLY HERE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE CLEAN AND EASY MONEY WITH THE STEP BY STEP SUCCESS INSTRUCTIONS.Hello FriendYou Are Welcome To (, with humility and respect allow me to be your personal tour guide to the most lucrative and dynamic home business available today, over the next few minutes you are going to discover how you can achieve massive amounts of wealth in complete financial freedom with the most powerful turnkey systems on the internet.You are obviously very lucky to have stumbled upon my website. I want you to consider today as one of the most important days of your life. By the time you are through reading this instructions you are never going to forgive yourself for having a limited income and for not knowing the secrets am about to reveal...until after you've made your first N10 million.Actually,Right now, there are several good things going on around you, but you can never be able to take advantage of them or enjoy them if you do not even know that they exist.As a good example, before 1956 when oil was discovered in Nigeria at Oloibiri, we had lots of oil right under our feet, but we never made a single penny out of it - because it's existence was a total secret to us.Well!!Here is your chance! If you are serious about making real money! and i mean achieving total financial freedom, You really are in the right place at the right time!You are about to discover a business that will give you the lifestyle many can only dream about, a business that will provide you with a passport to the ultimate lifestyle.I assure you that my website will be both a guide and a challenge to you. A guide by introducing you to an outstanding business opportunities and a challenge because you won’t have any valid reasons for remaining where you are in life after learning what it contains.I will show you proven information; ideas, methods and techniques on how you can Make money Online, everyday. Starting within the next 24 hours. Using any of the never Revealed Secrets of Online money-making which lots of people do not want you to know!I wonder every time I hear someone say that there's no money to be made on internet.Those who try to tell you that you can't make a living online:*Haven't tried affiliate marketing, or;*Haven't followed the RIGHT business plan, or;*Are so greedy that they don't want you to share in the wealth.If you're interested in acheiving massive amounts of income in complete financial freedom I can honestly tell you this is unlike anything you may have heard of before! That's because What you'll get here is complete STEP by STEP directions so you can do this on your own as an independent Person! I will teach you the exact same systems I have been using to make well over $500 per week!DID YOU KNOW THAT.......*The internet is the biggest marketplace in the world,Online transactions in 2007 amounted to over USD $180 BILLION and is estimated to grow to USD $263 billion in year 2010? (Source: Credit Suisse; World leading Financial Services group).*The popular website which offer you email services for free is worth over USD $40 BILLION.*The popular Search Engine, is worth $180.83 BILLION, and it is currently the biggest media company in the world. It is bigger than notables like Time Warner, the company which owns Time Magazine, CNN & America Online; it is bigger than Viacom, the owners of MTV and Paramount Pictures. In fact, Google is worth more than all the companies quoted in the Nigerian Stock Market combined! This includes Mobil, OANDO, Nigerian Breweries, Zenith and all the other banks (combined!). A single share costs more than $450 and it is projected to reach $600 a piece sometime next year -that's more than N50,000! a piece (compare this to that of say Zenith bank that sells for lessthan N50!).*In June 2005, the owner of Newscorp, Rupert Mudorch paid $580 million to buy Can you also believe is free to use?*Also on October 9, 2006, paid $1.65 Billion to acquire just like MySpace also has nothing for sale too - it is completely free to register and use.*Ask yourself this question: "Why would Rupert Mudorch, and several other companies and individuals too numerous to mention, spend so much money to acquire websites which have nothing for sale?" Besides, "How are these websites worth so much and how did that much money come about?"*The answers to the these questions are the secrets to making money online, and the reasons why the Internet is so overwhelmingly profitable. These answers are what I will reveal to you.THE GOOD NEWS IS..............!You do not have to start something as big or as complicated as Google, MySpace or Yahoo to make money Online. I only used the few examples above to show you the huge money making potential which the internet represents. What you really need to learn is how small players like you and me can earn a reasonable income in our own 'little' way...if you'd call earning as much as N 600,000 monthly - little.OKAY, SO WHAT PROFITABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ARE OPEN TO YOU AS A BEGINNER IN NIGERIA ?This program contains my years of experience packaged into an easy to follow system, that includes everything you need to know and everything you need to do, to be very successful.As you can see, I've already taken all the risk of discovering these things on your behalf, all you have to do is profit & benefit from my years of hands-on Internet experience...while avoiding several of the costly mistakes that I made.Making money Online is exactly as it is in offline businesses, where you can only get paid : by engaging in an economic activity which benefits and adds value to other people's lives.But Making money online is easier than offline if you followed the right plan because online job requires a very little effort in order to produce massive financial rewords.These Ideas Are:1: Easy to make money from2: Suitable for any Nigerian3: Absolutely simple to run4: If you can check your email yourself you can do it!5: Few hours of browsing a week could be enough for you.TOP 10 GREAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE':NO.1 OPPORTUNITY 1 Affiliate Marketing/Google Adwords?"Discover How You Can Earn $500 weekly through the Easiest, Fastest and Cheapest Business in the World"Affiliate Marketing is unarguably the world's easiest, cheapest and fastest business to start. It is so cheap that you can start it with less than $25 (N2,900), so profitable that some people earn more than $1 million dollars from it annually, and so fast that you can begin earning money from it in less than 1hour! And the earning potential keeps increasing daily.You do not need to own a product, service or website of your own and about 2 hrs of browsing a week would be enough for you if you are ready.Let Me Explain......Affiliate Programs: More than 350 million times daily, people from all over the world use to search for products and services they want to purchase online. More than 90% of these people have credit cards or other means for online payment (e.g. PayPal). At 350 million searches daily, you will agree with me that gets lots of visitors.Affiliate programs involve your partnering with different websites on the Internet which have items for sale. These items could be phones, books, furniture, electronics, cars, jewelries, web hosting, bags, boats - you name it!Forming a partnerships like this is very simple. It only involves your filling out a form - just as if you are opening a new email account!Now, since lots of people are already searching for lots and lots of different products and services to purchase. You simply partner with any website/company which their products are in demand and then place adverts on for them. For each sale you help any website/company you partner with, they pay you a commission (a percentage).These adverts you place on Google are called Google AdWords. They appear to the right of your search results. If you have used Google to search for anything before, you must have seen the AdWords adverts placed by other people.On the average, commissions are about $30 (depending on the product). You can easily earn more than $500 daily from doing just this. Don't worry if you do not completely understand it right now, it's really very simple and I will make it clearer for you.Google AdWords: They are those little text boxes that appear to the right of your search results on It is a very efficient advertising system developed by Google. It costs you only $5 dollars to register and you are charged only when someone clicks on your advert. The minimum cost per click is about $0.05 (5 cents).Most people want to know…How do they know the sale was made through your advert?Whenever you choose an affiliate product to promote from an Affiliate Website such as,, you are given a special unique tracking code (Link) which is used to know whenever someone buys through your advert. And whenever someone does, the sale is unfailingly credited to you. In most cases a "cookie" (small computer program) is placed on the persons computer so that you are still credited with the sale if the person comes back to buy, say within the next 6 months!*Note: no longer accepts registrations from Nigeria. However, I'll show you how you can get a United States address and how to collect your checks.My best Affiliate Network is because they specialize only in digital downloadable products such as ebooks,softwers etc. I prefer promoting digital downloadable products in place of tangibles like Cell Phones, Plasma TV's, Toys, Cars etc because digital products sell like hot cakes! Their prices are mostly not expensive and additionally people are mostly on the Internet for information, hence people buy them more. Additionally, you could earn as much as 75% commissions on each sale from your adverts. Note that the owners of tangible products like cars, watches, etc cannot afford to pay you as much as 75% commissions - that's why ClickBank is my sends out commission checks on the 15th of every month. To sign up for Google AdWords costs only $5 and is free to join. I'll get back to this.NO 2.OPPORTUNITY 2 Make Money Google Adsense‘’Earn money by just sitting in between and millions of Online advertisers’’Let me ask you a question...Do you know how newspaper companies make their money?My guess is that you answered from the sale of their newspapers at N80 – N150/copy. Well, I wouldn’t actually leave that out but let me reveal their secret to you right now; the bulk of their income comes from the advertisement space they sell in their newspapers.Google Adsense is Pay-per-Click (PPC) program. Google displays their ads (adverts) in your website and if some one clicks the google ads (adverts) in your website, you will be paid for each click.Some websites you can create around AdSense at free of cost include:*Dating and Social websites e.g,, FaceBook etc*Forums e.g., .com etc*free weblogsYou get sent a check when you earn up to $100. It is the revenue source behind all the websites i listed above.You will learn how you can make profit by following the simple & easy steps to set up your free weblog and make huge profit from google adsense.NO 3. OPPORTUNITY 3 Make Money by Filling Paid Online Surveys‘’Discover How to Make as Much Money as You Want, Just By Having an Internet Connection, Some Spare Time, and an Opinion!”By participating in a survey you are giving companies your opinion on different products and services, it is much more cost effective for the company than doing it through the mail or on the telephone. By filling out an online survey you help the companies to serve the needs of the consumer better.Doing surveys for pay requires nothing more than an internet connection and your opinion. If you can sign your name and click a mouse, you can make extra cash right away.All you have to do is to register your name and password with a website that offers this kind of job, they will immediately send them to your email just open your inbox and click on a survey link.It takes just a few minutes to answer basic questions about your shopping preferences, and then, with a click of the mouse, there’s money in your account. Anywhere from £10-£100 for just 15-20 minutes of your time, while you lounge in your comfortable clothes and listen to music, or even watch TV.For instance, if you do only four (4) surveys a day, at $20 per survey, you can make $480 per week, $2120 a month, or $23,440 a year!I have done all the research for you and in a platter of gold i am giving you 20 great money making survey websites that pull in unlimited dollars for you, if you can play your card right.NO 4 OPPOORTUNITY 4 Make Money From Email Marketing and Newsletter Publishing."Make money from publishing e-Newsletters, e-Zines and from email marketing"Learn how you can start an Online publication plus how to build a HUGE database of people who you can regularly sell your products and services to.You can set up all the content you want to send to your readers for a full year in a single day - and then forget about it! Whenever the dates you have chosen arrive, you newsletter or e-zine autoresponder will automatically send your publication to all your subscribers.Publishing a newsletter costs you almost nothing because you only pay for the autoresponder service.NO 5 OPPORTUNITY 5 Make Money By Owning An Online Shop/Store."Own the perfect shop or store. Expand your customer base from just your state, city or street to everybody in Nigeria and watch your sales go to the roof!"Keep your doors open 24/7 and make sales round the clock. Expand from a small timer to a BIG nationwide store.Tips on how you can use OPM included.NO 6 OPPORTUNITY 6 Make Money By Investing Online."The Best Profit On The Online Investment World"HYIP...Does It Really works....?For example there are people who say that it is impossible to open a click bank account in Nigeria, well i will show you how to do that. Also there are people who say that Internet business is a scam and that people don't make genuine money on the Internet. Well from their point of view they may be right. But they are not. I know of people, i mean Nigerians who make as much as $50,000 every month from their online businesses.You see just because something didn't work for you doesn't mean that it is not real. The reason for this is because H.Y.I.P, an acrostic for High Yield Investment Program is something that was working years ago and all of a sudden it stopped and ever since people start to say that H.Y.I.P is a scam but the truth is that not all HYIP are scams just in the same way not all pastor's are fake!Meanwhile once in a while, you should try someone investment because i do too!. Recently i started sharing with my clients and customers about someone H.Y.I.P that i know and have tested that works very well.One of them is . A great H.Y.I.P company. They use to pay 27% for every investment you make for four days but recently i think they have reduced it to 10% because everyday more and more people are discovering about them.For every investment that you make [they have 3 different investment plans] you will get 10% returns in four days time. That means if you put in $50 in four days time your money will be $55. That is a $5 added.Many of my students have make good money from this website and i think they are fantastic,the minimum amount you can invest is $5 . Think about it, i put in $500 and in 4 days time i will have $50 profit without doing anything. Invest the whole money back and in a month time i would have made more than $350 as profit without doing a single thing!More on that later...My advise is that you start with something small and when you start seeing the result you can increase the figures.The reason i gave this investment secret is because it is a lazy and sneak way to make cash. It is better to have N1 million somewhere that it will be multiplied than just putting it in a bank where you would see almost any interest.There's simply no way you won't make money from at least one of these TEN businesses!Below are the additional businesses that you are going to learnNO 7 OPPORTUNITY 7 Make Money By Online Currency Trading/ePayments & Account Funding.‘’Make money Online buying and selling money’’Learn how you can earn money funding e-gold, Credit Cards & PayPal accounts for peopleNO 8 OPPORTUNITY 8 Make Money By Taking Your Present Offline Business Online And Make It 100 Times More Profitable.‘’Multiply your present income by 100%’’Learn how you can dramatically increase the profitability of your present business by taking your transactions online. Learn how you can begin selling your products and services online, increasing your customer base thereby boosting your profits.N0 9 OPPORTUNITY 9 Make Money from Website Designing and hosting."Learn web designing in 1 day! Plus make money selling or reselling Online 'Plots' "Web designing is absolutely ten times easier than you think and besides you do not even need to know how to write HTML, CSS or JavaScript codes to be able to design a website. You can easily use website templates or What You See IS What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver to easily design websites.Using templates or WYSIWYG editors makes the design as simple as typing up a document in Microsoft Word!NO 10.OPPORTUNITY 10 Make Money From Pay Per Lead Programs''Where Dreams Come Alive....''Infact, this is one of the MOST easiest ways of making money!As i previously told you the secret behind the financial success of famous websites like google, yahoo, myspace, facebook and hi5 etc is: they are well known by many people and this will expand their chances to make huge money by advertising and offering different services.I wasn't expecting too much when I joined. But I've been pleasantly surprised.This is the easiest job I've ever had and I'm loving it,you really should give it a try,Test it out and see for yourself.These pay per lead programs are easy to join and start making money in less than 30 minutes because all what you are required to do is to refer (lead/derive/direct) others to sign up or download a free software through your special link that will be given to you, they dont even need to buy any thing and you will get paid for directing them, this is because the website needs you to introduce it to more people and thats precisely means their success.For some time i have dedicated some of my time and energy in helping Nigerians gain ground when it comes to making a living online and today i can boast that without any exaggeration i have presently been able to help more than 100 Nigerians make good money online.READ THIS AND NEVER WORRY ABOUT MONEY AGAINAre you ready to take charge of your financial future? Well, For those who want turn their financial lives around this year. I have prepared a SUCCESS KIT ebook package that will help you achieve it and lots more. This success kit is called: 'The eSuccess Wealth Package' (2009 Edition) and it is going to make a lot of difference in your finances.This Book is not a theory, but a practical step by step guide with pictures. It teaches about the 10 businesses in detail so that people with little or no Internet experience can understand and apply what it contains.I've spent a lot of time and money to get this secrets. With this Book you don’t have to. All you need to do is follow the step by step directions and you can start earning money within the next 24hours. As long as you have the ambition and can follow simple instructions, I can train you to be very successful at this!Take a few minutes to read through it and gain the KNOWLEDGE you need. Remember, KNOWLEDGE is the key. Many things in life can be taken from you: your car, your house, your job. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your KNOWLEDGE. With it you can do anything, achieve anything, and get anything.You know! It’s a matter of fact that doctors, lawyers and other professionals have income exceeding $10,000 or more per year but very few of them actually ever have time to really enjoy their wealth!WHY!?Because as soon as they stop working their income simply stops!"You must be in business for yourself; you'll never get rich working for someone else"In essence, by working for someone else (at least full time) you allow your happiness and future to rest in the hands of other people...including that of your wife, children and dependants. You leave your future blank and unstable, and you lose the present and future benefits you will receive from a successful personally owned and easy to run business.Lots of simple & profitable Part-Time businesses you can begin today do not even require your presence to run. You can start some with Zero naira capital and most are very easy to learn! Which means that you can learn them.This does not mean that you should quit your present job - if you have one. You can easily combine your present work with other simple to run businesses - which require very little time. In the end, you significantly increase your income every month while still doing almost the same amount of work!You can let today's technology tend your business while you go about yours, enjoying the lifestyle and collecting the rewards. No longer do you have to be chained to a desk or tied to a phone or imprisoned in the corporate world with a boss as the warden. Set your own hours, your own dress code, and most of all, your own work space. This is an enviable opportunity that can be yours.The very BEST way of making money is to take something that’s clear, very easy and which already has complete tools you need to start making “instant” income! And that’s precisely what i have for you!Esuccess™ Online Services Limited [Registered Company Under The Laws Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria-With The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Reg. no:03336] Presents:Step By Step simple instructions on how to easily makeHuge money online in Nigeria 2009 edition(10 profitable opportunities)The ESUCCESS 12 Topics:CHAPTER 1-Step by step on how to make money from google adwords/affiliate marketingCHAPTER 2-Step by step on how to easily make money from google adsenseCHAPTER 3-Step by step on how to make money by filling paid online surveysCHAPTER 4-Step by step on how to make money by email marketingCHAPTER 5-Step by step on how to make money by owning an online shop/storeCHAPTER 6-Step by step on how to make money By Investing OnlineCHAPTER 7-Step by step on how to make money by currency tradingCHAPTER 8-Step by step on how to make money by Taking Your Present Offline Business OnlineCHAPTER 9-Step by step on how to make money by website designing and hostingCHAPTER 10-Step by step on how to make money from pay per lead within 30 minutesCHAPTER 11-How to open a ClickBank Account & A Paypal Account in Nigeria...CHAPTER 12-How to make $50 a day from your Paypal Account.In addition to these:If you follow through with what In the eSuccess book and don't give up on yourself, you will completely change your life by learning how to make money for yourself. I honestly want you to be successful at this, so please contact me if you have problems! I'm always happy to receive your email and I will gladly contact you as quickly as possible.BONUSES....Because I care about your total success in Life, I've Included these other materials (with your eSuccess Package) to guarantee you achieve everything you desire in life. These ebooks are simply a MUST for any serious Student of Success.FREE BONUS 1:Adsense Secrets,What Google Never Told You About Making Money With Adsense....The Internet Leading Authority On Adsense.FREE BONUS 2:Learn Everything you need to know about investing in the NigerianStock Market..FREE BONUS 3:Comprehensive Forex Trading Tutorial Manuals.FREE BONUS 4:The Successful Affiliate Strategies,Learn More Than Eight Powerful Methods To Boost Your Affiliate Commissions.The Adsense Secrets & Forex trading tutorial manuals (conditional) The next people to order before Saturday 4 July 2009 will get these manuals at my expens.First, I would like to show you that I am good for my word.I have been using this brake-through underground system for over a year now with no one knowing.However before launching this to you I decided to let some well respected marketers take a look. I didn't ask them for anything in return but within days unsolicited testimonials came flooding in. Here's just a few of the reviews of eSuccess™.''Hello TOOCHUKWU,I was amazed at how much detail you go into in this book. Not only do you show people exactly what they need to do to set up profitable bussines,but you also give the essential step-by-step 'how to' information as well.It's such a simple system that makes it easy for anyone to set up multiple profit pulling system in no time at all! Thanks for letting me review, Mr.Brad Callen.''"Hi Esuccess,I could never thank you enough for what you have done for my financial life. Your personal help alone with your program took me from a measly N500,000 yearly income job to making over US$30,000 in just 3 months. It's an amazing feeling to never have to see that damn 'boss' we all dred ever again. I owe you.Thanks--George obi. Portharcourt, Rivers State."''Hello TOOCHUKWU,Whenever someone comes to me and ask "Ade, how do I find a profitable job?" "How do I set up my system?" "How do I generate more money?" I say,eSuccess!You've made a name for yourself doc ;-)I am so happy. Thanks for your hard work eSuccess.!You really changed my life Good luck and god bless, --Mr.Adekunle.Victoria Island, Lagos.""Hello Mr.TOOCHUKWU,Having just finished the Book I can tell you I'm incredibly impressed (if not a little shocked) at how much you've managed to expand esuccess, adding in a whole bunch of new tricks and tips.I can't see how anyone who follows these steps can fail to make money.This step-by-step blueprint is a goldmine for anyone who takes ACTION.big man! Thanks For Giving This at a LOW Price. --Mrs.Victor Akomas Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, Illorin, Kwara."''Hi Team,You guys are the best! We received the esuccess package 2 weeks ago and it is going so well! Within 3 days of having the affiliate Lead program online, we have started earning commissions! We're up to about $75 per day now, and increasing. Why didn't we know about esuccess before? We have been struggling for the past 2 years to earn money online. We didn't even dream of earning $75 bucks per day! Incredible! If you ever start a testimonial section on your website, feel free to ad our happy words to it.Ps: Special thanks to our support manager Mr.Ramat. You have been extremely helpful and patient with us. Much appreciated! Best regards,--Carol & Derick Main--, Asaba, Delta State''"Good Morning eSuccess,Your books should be at least 10 times what you're charging, as someone implementing your advice could easily make it back in a day! I've already installed several of your suggestions, and in a matter of hours my CTR has jumped off the meter! Thank you --Engr.Michael Sam.Benin City, Edo State"''Hi TOOCHUKWUI am filled with joy to have taken the step to order your products,Having just read the first two chapters i was impressed.Thanks! --Charles M. Ibadan, Oyo State."If you have any questions after you purchase eSuccess!™, you won't be alone. I provide you with 24/7 tech support through our online discussion forum.YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL...Successful people learned how to achieve Success by simply looking at what successful people are doing and Learn from them. They are usually looking for the Actions that will Make them successful and follow them. These are the things that will make changes in their Life that leads to a better Future.I have been long enough in online business to know all these and I am sharing them with you the best honest way I can.With my guidance and your dedicated effort of just Few hours, you can be earning cash from this program and be on the Leader Board.So if you want to be one. All what you have to do is to know what it takes and give it all that. Much like walking the walk and talking the talk,I would be happy to help you learn how to make this business work for you.WHAT DOES ALL THIS COST...This package costs just N25,000, yes that's the price considering the fact that you're buying a 'license to print money'. But for a limited time only, we are giving it all away at an introductory price of N10,000 if you place your order before July 18, 2009However, we do require as a condition that you write us a sincere testimonial to let us know how good you find our Package. Let me add that your testimonial might be used in our national advertising.Price Before 18 July =N10,000Buy Today & Save =N15,000What's it worth to have a better life..?Don't worry it's not a miss print... It's going to cost just N3500Why?Like I said earlier in this letter... I want to help the little guy like you out. Most people would charge you hundreds or even thousands of dollars for this information but think about it... Would that really help out someone who has wasted thousands in the past and is in debt?No it wouldn'tSure I'd make a ton more money if I placed an expensive price tag on this but this is not my quality of purposefulness.Also I want to give you so much value and totally over deliver on this product that if I ever release anything in the future you'll trust me just like anyone who has already done business with me does.I am also available to coach you in real time. I'll offer you a 24 hrs online support.There's more...I want you to be comfortable and confident when you order for eSuccess™. So as soon as you read it, I’d like you to take it for a test drive. And here’s the important part…I won’t consider this sale final until you’re satisfied. And you can take up to 4 weeks to make up your mind.But after you complete your first survey, you’ll be hooked. And once those cheques start flooding your mailbox, everyone’s going to want to know what’s going on. That’s when you tell them about eSuccess™.I've decided to take all the risk away from you and guarantee your success as long as you have the ambition and can follow simple instructions.You are presently losing money because you do not know these secrets!. So don't order, you can go ahead with your present state of living and continue hoping that you will someday win Who wants to be a millionaire or even a lottery.You Clearly Only have 2 Choices...1) Let me take the risk and grab yourself a copy of eSuccess™ along with all the bonuses and start making a full time income online.OR2) Leave this page now to only regret it forever. The bonuses won't last long and I don't plan on selling this for long before I go back underground quietly making thousands from my own online niche companies. The die is now cast and your decisions, the seeds of your tomorrow are always in your hands - sow them accordingly to reap the bountiful dividends you desire.The distance between success and failure can only be measured by one's desire.Give Yourself a chance and learn how to take advantage of an opportunity that will change your life and improve your financial situation.Success is a choice! and the choice is yours!If you want to order, I insist you do so entirely at my risk. That is why your eSuccess Package comes with a...30 day, No Risk, 100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.There is absolutely NO RISK on your part with this 100% Money-Back Guarantee.What this mean is; I want you to order the eSuccess™ Package without feeling you might buy what will not benefit you. After all, I am a very respected consultant and my reputation is at stake. Therefore, I want you to order this package it, use it, make money from it...and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with it. Simply let us know for an immediate refund of your purchase price. You simply can't lose!HOW TO ORDER YOUR E-SUCCESS PACKAGEPay to any branch of Guaranty Trust Bank nationwide N10,000Account Name: OGUDEBE PETER NJAHAccount Number: 511249354110DIAMONDBANK A/C: 0592000006428A/C NAME: NWANKWOR TOOCHUKWU JP"Receive your eSuccess™ Package within 24 hours!"IMPORTANT!This process is required for proper delivery and record keeping purposes,This is done usually within 24 hours of the receipt of your payment details.After making your payment, send a notification email to with the Subject: 'Payment Made'. Please include the following details in your email:1. Name2. Phone number3. Address and4. Payment slip number.After sending your notification email to us, your payment will be confirmed. And you will receive your package within the same 24 hours.Contact Details#144 KilyariOld GRAMaiduguri Borno State08061134101TO YOUR SUCCESSHome "Dedicated to Your Success""2009"© eSuccess™-All Rights Reserved. '2009'
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Characteristics of a 'True Lagosian

A true Lagosian does not waste his/her money on 'luxuries' such asvacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, washing machines, and dishwashers.This is because it is more economical to spend hours every day manuallywarming food on a stove, sweeping floors with a bent back, and washing.Extra money should be spent on necessities like highly advanced cameraphones, which will only be used for making voice calls!A true Lagosian never makes appointments on time. It is ok to be latefor 30 minutes to one hour. If you're a big man or big woman, then youcan delay an appointment by up to 4 hours withouit an apology. If yourhost gets angry or decides to cancel your meeting due to your lateness,it simply shows that he/she needs to learn patience and respect.A true Lagosian believes that thieving leaders should be prosecutedexecuted, because the punishment should fit the crime. That is whypetty thieves in Lagos are usually lynched when they are caught. Atrue Nigerian knows that stealing and killing are basically the samething - afterall, most of us have never stolen in our lives.A true Lagosian believes that we are morally superior to the people wholive in developed countries. This is why we are not the second mostcorrupt nation in the world, and there is no crime in Nigeria.A true Lagosian doesn't know how much time is taken by common taskslike housekeeping, cooking a particular meal, or making a frequenttrip. When you ask, "how long will it take?" the answer is "a shortwhile. just wait for me". Ask, "will it take up to 30 minutes?" andthe answer is "just wait". That is why we don't need timers inNigeria. We are a patient people!Eko o ni baje
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1999Clifford Orji the celebrated Cannibal and alleged Human Spare Parts Marketer, now 43, was arrested in February 1999, by the police, under the bridge along the Apapa-Oshodi expressway. He was subsequently charged before the Ebute-Metta Magistrate’s Court, on 19 February.Items reportedly found on him at the time of his arrest are a cheque for the sum of N88,000; cell phone, allegedly sent to him by his brother, Linus, Managing Director, Crocodile Nigeria Limited. Other items were identified as fresh and roast human flesh, bones and some women underwear. His arrest was celebrated in the media. At a time, it was speculated that he had died in custody.June 2009 Introducing Innocent Orji no apparent relation to Orji Uzor KaluAs the South East is reeling under the problem of kidnapping, one of those behind this crime has made a shocking revelation on the activities of kidnappers. He said that apart from collecting ransom, kidnappers have killed many of their victims and policemen. He also said that at one instance kidnappers killed, roasted and ate their victim.Innocent Orji Clifford Orji's Brother in food These are a part of the revelation of General Innocent Orji, who claims to belong to the high command of the Biafra Liberation Force (BLF), a unit of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB). The police recently nabbed the suspect, who was on a wanted list in connection with the kidnap on March 17, 2009, of two Chinese nationals and a Nigerian in a new auto plant in Nnewi, Anambra State.Orji, also called ‘B’ Stone or Biafran Stone, had been linked with the invasion of a police station in Anambra, during which sophisticated arms were looted and an undisclosed number of cops killed, among many other criminal acts. He met his waterloo on Friday, May 29, more than two years after the three victims – Niu Guiqiang, Sylvester Unigwe, both of who survived the ordeal and Feng Shenyi, who died in the hoodlums’ bush camp, were abducted in Nnewi and taken to a hideout in Ebonyi State.Orji had run into a police checkpoint in Onitsha, as a passenger on a commercial motorcycle with army uniforms. This had aroused the suspicion of policemen, who quickly took him into custody. A few days later, he was paraded along with 18 other kidnappers and robbers at a press conference organized by the Anambra State Police Commissioner, Amusa Bello, with Governor Peter Obi in attendance.Meanwhile, Orji has made a startling revelation on the activities of kidnappers. He revealed in a confessional statement to the police, which also in video, that his group had set a policeman ablaze as well as killed, roasted and ate another victim. He revealed that his group received financial and material support from an Nnewi-based businessman (name withheld), who drafted a hit list for them.The 28-year-old Orji, from Ebonyi State, said: “I am in charge of this gang operating under MASSOB. I schooled at Asaokpa Aja Primary School Over-rail from 1788 to 1994. I also schooled at Eziama High School, Aba from 1995 to 1999. I later learned tailoring work for a year under one Emelike at Jiakpu Street, Over-rail, Aba. When I finished learning, I worked for him for some time on payment basis.After I was appointed the Commandant to be training MASSOB members on military parade from one province to another. Before the gang and I left for Edda, one army officer was training us at Ojoto (in Anambra) on military tactics. While at the Ojoto camp, one Ikechukwu, whose surname I don’t know, with one MASSOB chairman whose name I do not know but hails from Awka, brought N400,000.00, saying they went round collecting money from one chief (name withheld) and that the N400,000 was what they realized from the public.“After our stay at Ojoto, we then moved to an abandoned prison yard at Nnewi. At Nnewi, the army officer with us called Chukwuebuka led our boys on morning jogging and therein burnt down Nnewi Central Police Station. They also killed some policemen and snatched two AK 47 rifles. Later in the day, the police invaded our camp and scattered us. Chukwuebuka, who hails from Ideani (in Anambra), ran with one of the AK 47 rifles snatched from the police at CPS, Nnewi. We later regrouped at Edda, in Afikpo South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. It was at Edda that Ejiofor, one of our members, asked me how much Ikechukwu brought from chief and I told him that it was N400,000.00. He said that the chief gave us N1 million, and not N400,000.000. I then called Ikechukwu and relayed the information I heard, and he denied same and I gave him two weeks to bring the balance of the money (N600,000). I insisted that he should bring the balance. When he failed to bring the balance, I instructed Ejiofor to go and arrest the chief who gave the money.The chief’s arrest and kidnap of ChineseEjiofor went on the mission with nine other members. He was arrested and I asked how much he gave to us and he said that it was N1million and not N400,000.When chief asked us what he would do to secure his freedom. I told him to pay N50million, but he said that he could only give us N20million, as he had no much money. He thereafter called his manager to look for the money. Chief instructed his manager to bring the N20million with one of his vehicles.In the process, Chief said that he was not the only one to be arrested. Chief gave a list of names to Ejiofor who brought same to me. I can only remember three names for now: The Chairman of Innoson Group (Chief Innocent Chukwuma), and the owner of Capital Oil, Nnewi. There were about seven names on the list, but I can only remember these names I mentioned above.After the release of Chief, about two months and some weeks, we went for the arrest of the (chairman of) Innoson Group. It was Ejiofor who led the operation. My group went to Innoson Group, but missed their target, but they arrested two Chinese men with one black man and brought them to the camp. We later released the black man on payment of N10million and he promised to bring more N10million for the release of the two white men. Suddenly, the Nigerian Army attacked us at the Edda camp. Some of us were killed, arrested and some ran away. I escaped with the two white men and with some of my members. After two days, we got to Erei, where I disguised myself, by giving one of the white men my uniform and putting on his own dress.I then handed over the two Chinese men to one Okpai, Incredible and Miliki, to take care of them while I left to search for food. I left with three of my members to search for the food. The names of those who went with me were Ogbuebuke, Garbros and Ishmael. As we were going towards Ohofia area, the Nigerian Army pursued us and we ran into the bush. We were inside the bush for about three days and we later found our way out. I later learnt that my boys I left behind at Erei had been scattered by the Nigerian soldiers. I was also informed that the Nigerian Army had rescued one of the white men.After three to four months, I asked Miliki and Incredible about the remaining white man. They told me that the remaining white man died from cold occasioned by three-day rain that fell on them and that he was buried at Edda, in Afikpo South LGA of Ebonyi State.Edda campFrom the money we realized, five of us married from it. They are Sunday, Diwila Living Stone, Heavy Stone and Innocent. I do also paid my boys N20,000 every month and also gave money to take care of their family problems when such arose. The structure of the camp at Edda was as follows: The Centre building was known as Defence Headquarters and it was where I used to stay; X1 – This sector is headed by our armourer called G.O.D. and the said armourer is now deceased. He died while preparing explosives, which went off in the process; X 2 – this sector is headed by Ejiofor; X3 – this sector is headed by Miliki.All the sectors will report daily events to Okpai, who will, in turn, report to me as the General. It was the army officer by name Ike, with one other boy, simply called Abala, that led me to one Emeka at Abala, where I bought eight G.3 rifles at the cost price of N200,000 and one revolver pistol I also bought for N100,000 each. I also bought the seed (the bullets) for N300 each and I bought 1,000 pieces.I do not know where the dead Chinese man was buried at Ugwufe Edda. It was Incredible, Bruce Bunker, Papa Wamba, Francis, None and Onyema that can know where the dead Chinese was buried as I left him with them at Erei. The Erei is located between Ohofia and Cross-River.”My waterlooIke, an Army officer based at Lagos, called me on phone, informing me of the death of his mother in-law. He requested that I should accompany him to the burial at Nteje. I then left Aba and met him at Upper Iweka. He then called one Sunday who told him that he was at Obodo Ukwu road. He brought some army uniforms from his bag and told me that he bought them for us to regroup. He gave me the uniforms and instructed that I should hand over the unsowed and sowed uniforms to the said Sunday at Obodo Ukwu. He said Sunday resides at Obodo Ukwu Road, Okpoko (Onitsha). I told him that police were too many on the road and that he should talk to Sunday by himself, but he said that wherever I was arrested by the police I should call him. As I was going on top of a motorcycle the police stopped us at Upper Iweka and I called him. He told me that he was called on phone that his pregnant wife had major operation and that he was on his way back to Lagos. He called an army officer at Onitsha to come and rescue me. Before the arrival of the soldier, I had been transferred to this place. I know too well that I have been declared wanted for series of crimes I took part.Why I joined MASSOBYes, I wanted to join the Nigerian Army, but I was blocked by lack of what we the Igbo call ‘IM’ (ima mmadu). I was fit, in terms of training, in terms of race, in terms of anything, I was very, very fit, but at the end of the whole thing, due to some people knew the high-rank officers, and I did not know anyone, my name was out of the game. I tried it two good times, no way before Mr. Chima introduced me to MASSOB, and I said if that is the case, if Biafra could be actualized, I would be one of the Biafran solders.I doff my hat for the policeI am very, very proud of the Nigerian Police. How they did the investigation of this my case marvelled me. It is not good to judge any man by hearing from one man. Make sure the two persons are there before you judge. I have been here for some days, and in this my case, I have seen how serious the police are with the investigation and the seriousness with which my I.P.O. and co-officers have been taking my statement. Right inside me, from my heart, I know I have sinned against heaven, against God. I have sinned against the angels, and even against the land. I am not even worthy to live, but if there is any way they will allow me to live, let them put me straight in the police and I will work. I thank God that I have been arrested. I was declared wanted, but I could not just come out like that.CharmsThe one that I wear on my neck is for my protection, so that nobody will arrest me. Other ones are ordinary rings. Razor was used to put marks on our bodies for successful travel so that nobody can arrest us.Killing of policemanYes, a policeman was thrown into a fire by Ike. It was done by Ike u, the Nigerian Army operator.Another man roasted, eatenThat is correct. A man was roasted and eaten. I went to Aba to buy some food items. By the time I came back, I got the information that one man was killed and eaten. And our native doctor whose name is Eni from Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, roasted the man and ate him. But, it was not only Eni that ate the man. It was Eni, his master, and another man called Onunu Ekwensu.Women in kidnap businessWe have many women, but in this particular security of a thing, that is BLF (Biafra Liberation force), there are no women.Our armsThe first guns we had were double-barrelled guns. The first one was given to us by one Sunday and the other one was given to us by one reverend, Reverend Ekeh. We got the guns to keep on the movement, thinking that that was the way Biafra would be actualized. Today, I thank God that I have known everything. If my life will be spared, I must be a policeman.Adapted from click to join 9jabookAdapted and Rewritten by Choochoo Chuks J & Akin Osunlaja from Daily sun
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Many still trapped click to join 9jabook Monday, June 29, 2009 LAGOS — RESIDENTS of Oyingbo and environs in Ebute-metta, Lagos Mainland Local Government woke up yesterday to the sight of a two-storey building, reportedly built about 45 years ago, reduced to rubble after a downpour on Saturday night. Rubble of the collapsed 2-storey building at the Iddo Lagos Terminus As at the time of filing this report, 13 persons were confirmed dead while 30 others were said to have been rescued from the rubble through the combined efforts of rescue workers which include officials of the Lagos State Traffic Authority (LASTMA), Red Cross and the police. The injured persons are presently at the Lagos Island General hospital where doctors are said to be battling to save their lives. Victims were said to be mainly children and residents who were fast asleep during the downpour. The cause of the building collapse was not clear but sources said a ‘terrifying noise’ was heard after a thunder storm while it was raining. According to sources, the collapsed building was originally planned and erected as a warehouse, but was converted to a two-storey residential building later. Rescue operation at the collapse building site Many people still feared trapped The ground floor was still used as a warehouse while the top floor was residential quarters for workers of the Nigerian Railways. Electronic equipment, sources said, used to be stored in the warehouse. When Vanguard got to the scene yesterday, rescue work was still ongoing with a view to ascertaining whether people were still trapped in the debris. A member of the Nigerian Red Cross rescue team who did not want his name in print told Vanguard that thirteen dead bodies were pulled out of the rubble while fifteen others who were rescued alive but were in critical conditions have been taken to the hospital. Chairman of the Lagos State Red Cross Society, Deacon Timothy told Vanguard that they had to remain at the scene to provide medical assistance to the injured persons, most of who have been rushed to the hospital for better attention. He added that an information centre has been opened for collation of data for those still looking for their missing relations. A source at the site of the collapsed building said many other people were still trapped in the debris adding that the building actually collapsed around 3.00am during the heavy downpour. “We heard a loud noise after a thunderstorm during the rain and later discovered that it was a building in the Iddo- terminus. Some of us rushed there because it was still raining heavily and discovered that many people have been trapped. We could hear people screaming for help but we were helpless because the time was still past 3.00am. So we contacted the police.” Lagos state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Frank Mba, said he could not confirm any casualty figure yet as he was still expecting more information from the policemen on the ground. click to join 9jabook He however said that immediately the report of the collapsed building got to the police, they moved to the scene and cordoned off the whole area to ward off people who might capitalise on the situation to loot.
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Life Is Fine

Life Is FineI went down to the river,I set down on the bank.I tried to think but couldn't,So I jumped in and sank.I came up once and hollered!I came up twice and cried!If that water hadn't a-been so coldI might've sunk and died.But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!I took the elevatorSixteen floors above the ground.I thought about my babyAnd thought I would jump down.I stood there and I hollered!I stood there and I cried!If it hadn't a-been so highI might've jumped and died.But it was High up there! It was high!So since I'm still here livin',I guess I will live on.I could've died for love--But for livin' I was bornThough you may hear me holler,And you may see me cry--I'll be dogged, sweet baby,If you gonna see me die.Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!
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Practicing Sin- by G. Craige Lewis

The EX Daily Word for June 1, 2009Practicing Sin1John 3:7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one whopractices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one whopractices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning.The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; andhe cannot sin, because he is born of God. By this the children of God andthe children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practicerighteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.This is something that we don't hear about often. But it's in the bible.1John talks about us not practicing sin if we are born of God. So, why areChristians practicing sin on a daily basis, living in sin, or defending sinwith "once saved always saved" doctrinal beliefs? Well, it's becauseperilous times are here! People are wanting what they want! They want tofulfill every sinful or fleshly desire they had when they were in the worldand use God's grace to protect them. But the underlying factor stillremains. If you are truly born of God, you do not practice sin. So what areall these "new" Christians that practice sin born of? Well, they have a formof godliness but deny the power. A homosexual that sits in church, plays theorgan, directs the choir, preaches in the pulpit, and carries on with hishomosexual lifestyle is not born of God. How do i know? Because the BIBLEtold me so. It says that if you are born of God, you do not practice sin!So, what's all the fuss about? People just don't want to believe the entirebible. How can you serve under a homosexual pastor? How can you allow ahomosexual to lead your worship in church? How can you allow someone that isliving with their boyfriend or girlfriend to hold a leadership position in yourchurch when the bible says that those that do these things are not born ofGod? If you are not born of God, then you are of the devil, right? So then,why are we allowing people to practice sin and yet be leaders in ourchurches? Would Jesus allow that? Would Jesus allow a believer that is nothis kindred to lead his people? NO WAY! So, this form of godliness is not ofthe true God, but it's of the antichrist. To deny the power of God isblasphemy and an unpardonable sin according to Mark 3:28. People hear me. Iknow most churches are not on this page anymore and many of them are on theprosperity page, or the motivational page. But this is in the bible. If youare truly born again, you do not practice sin. If you are practicing sin,you are not born of God and will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Surewe all have gotten off or may get off every now and again. But the beautyof it is that true birth in God will cause you to overcome the sin of the world.You will not continue in sin if you are truly born of him because to be trulyborn again means that you are not the same and deliverance will come! So,i would suggest that you be born again! If you have been born again and youare practicing sin, then be born again AGAIN! Do it til you stop practicingsin. You should never think you have it made because of eternal security. Be bornof God and there will be no question of whether or not you are eternally secure.Suggested Reading: 1 John 3 in it's entirety! (The NAS Version)©2009 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved
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…….Youths are vital organs of the society. A society without youths is like education without certificate. Consequently, this society has no future and no prospect. Many communities are in a state of brouhaha as a result of animosity exhibited by their youths. A society is favorable and progressive when the youths are recognized and have the love the society. The effects of youths in the society will not be over-emphasized.In recent times, the challenges that lead to unhappy situations amongst youths are enormous;• Socializations had been a major issue for the youth today. One of the major factors is more of an economic effect. While decades back the mother stayed to home to tend her offspring, today's mothers have to work to support their family. There is a high divorce and teen pregnancy rate which is to blame to the high economic needs. Some of the major problems caused by this are the young children who are looking after themselves. Families are disrupted through divorce, separation, desertion or death. Without stability and a set pattern that children can depend on, and the lack of love and nurturing, children can easily become involved in delinquency.• Lack of Education/Illiteracy• Unemployment• Intimidation/Sexual harassment from employers• Distractions/Deceptions from the opposite sex and many more.These are mare distractions. Take no notice of these and claim what belongs to you.You are left with choices to make. Your choice will either make or mar you. People consult their Parents, Friends, etc while making their choice of life. Some people might even decide to go on their own but whichever way we choose,” DO NOT FORGET YOUR CREATOR”. Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths- Proverb 3: 5-6.The time to make your choice is now. Any good choice is always blessed by God.A time has come for every youth to be liberated from the shackles of ignorance and primitivity, from financial nakedness, despite the status quo of the economy, no matter your academic level, where you are, who you are, and your condition.As the law of nature states, a body will continue in its state of rest unless it is acted upon by a force.So, get up and start something, call upon your Creator and He will definitely direct you. Believe and you will make it. Ask questions and you will surely get the right information that will enable you succeed.*Be useful to yourself and to the society*How do I go ?.........................
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Zimbabwe of Nigeria • Abuja satellite settlement, where booze, meat and sex rule Advertisement are the hottest sites in naija right now Amazing selected articles & Videos.Great music! and best of ALL YOU GET F.R.E..E AD.VER.TISI.NG CRE.DIT ! wow ! join now ! click to join 9jabook now where your space is really yours There may be regrets and gnashing of teeth in Zimbabwe, in southern Africa, because of politics. However, there is another Zimbabwe, where people are happy and constantly making merry. In this Zimbabwe, in Nigeria, just like the zimbabwe money is sextillion & abundant now and is still cheap like the money there are assorted food and drinks. There are also different kinds of meat and fish. And women are there for the asking, for those who need their services. Located about 25 kilometers from Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Zimbabwe is the lure of all city dwellers around it. Visiting patrons to this bubbling place are always welcome by things that would make them happy. For one, there is always music blarring from the giant speakers. And those who could gyrate take to the dancing floor. Indeed, on a typical day in Zimbabwe, there is no dull moment. Activities at the little hunts and canopies are always at their peak. People drink, eat and make merry. The location and setting Situated on a plain, grassy valley crisscrossed by a river and overlooking the highway on the Abuja/Keffi Road is a suburb called Uke, in Nasarawa State. It consists of no more than a few thousand people who live in houses roofed with rusty corrugated iron sheets. The houses are Roasted chicken generally grouped together in residential areas some distance away from the highway. At the upper end of this suburb, just by the riverside is the famous Zimbabwe. Indeed, what started as a local foodstuff market in a place called upper Uke, in 1980, has now metamorphosed into a full-blown market, with such magnetic forces that pulls the small and big in the society to its fold. According to Alhaji Jibril Abubakar, who holds the traditional title of “Garkwa Uke” (Defence Minister), “it started as a small market in a place called upper Uke and when the then District Head of Uke, Alhaji Abdullahi Hassan visited the area, he noticed the existence of the market and decided to upgrade it to a full-fledged market. “From then, the market began to attract people from Keffi and Masaka. Originally, people used to come and buy foodstuff, like yam, pepper and tomatoes at a very cheap price of 10 kobo. That was how it started.” The erudite defence minister, who is an illustrious son of Uke, told Saturday Sun that the market was relocated from its original place, in 1986, to its present position following the overbearing presence of palm wine tapers and local brew (burukutu), who flooded the market with their products. The reason for the relocation, at the instance of the district head, was to maintain its original status as a foodstuff market. “The palm wine tapers started bringing their product and other local drinks to sell. This was against the original purpose of the founders of the market. The presence of these drinks at the market started attracting large crowd of people, who travelled far and near to buy fresh and original palm wine.” In 1997, according Abubakar, the district head of Uke summoned a meeting of elders on how to upgrade the infrastructure of the market for the purpose of generating revenue. It was then agreed that shops be erected at the market and let out to interested people. “This is how the market has become a big one today.” The name Zimbabwe Narrating the historical background of the market, Abubakar said: “The name (Zimbabwe) was given by a local musician. Its original name was “Upper Uke Market. Zimbabwe was given by a local musician and it was generally accepted and since then it is called by the name.” In Nasarawa, Abuja and other neighbouring states, the name Zimbabwe rings a bell. It is a bubbling place. Indeed, Zimbabwe is so popular that any girl that has not been taken there by her lover would not be happy. Life at “Zimbabwe” is exhilarating. Its atmosphere is alive with adventurous spirit and resourceful people. Although it lacked the eye-pocking state-of- the-art edifices of the cities, it is a kind of heaven. Its serene and calm atmosphere is not only magnetic but also infectious. The environment is in a cocoon of marina trees that provides a cozy atmosphere needed to rewind after a hectic day. Investigations revealed that the main centre of attraction at Zimbabwe is the fresh palm wine that is cheaply available in large supply. Aside from palm wine there are other side attractions, including fresh fish, chicken and fish barbecue, fish pepper soup and others. According to Abubakar, “anything you want, you can get it at Zimbabwe at a relatively cheap price. For instance, you don’t need to go to fast food joints for fresh fish and chickens. That is why people come from Abuja and other places to this place. A keg of palm wine is N100 in Zimbabwe, as against the N500 in Abuja, while a full litre of the product is between N300 and N400, as against the Abuja price of N1, 500.” Security Security in Zimbabwe is tight and manned by vigilance group selected from the host community. Abubakar boasted that there has not been any reported incident of theft at the market. “There is no security threat here. There is a local security outfit, Yanbanga, put in place by the community to provide security at the market and so far, there has not been any case of theft or burglary in this market. The community supplies them with all their operational needs. Every month, they meet with the elders of the community to brief them on security matters and to update their operational methods. “The market closes at 10pm everyday. Anything after that, no body is allowed access into the premises except shop owners who must identify themselves. In fact, there is no recorded incident of theft or car snatching here,” he said. High accident rate In every good thing in life, there is also a side effect and so it is with the Uke community. What the market has offered them with the right hand, in terms of social and economic gain; it takes back with death occasioned by road accidents. “The only problem we have on ground here is the high rate of accidents, which has claimed so many lives. People get knocked down while trying to cross the road to the other side of the market. You know after drinking some bottles of alcohol, some people would just jump into the road in their unsteady conditions and sometimes oncoming vehicles knock them down. The community has lost many of its sons to road accidents. In fact, we are now thinking of relocating the market or pushing farther away the highway.” Effects on the youths Advertisement are the hottest sites in naija right now Amazing selected articles & Videos.Great music! and best of ALL YOU GET F.R.E..E AD.VER.TISI.NG CRE.DIT ! wow ! join now ! click to join 9jabook now where your space is really yours The presence of exotic cars and their influential owners in the market is a tonic of encouragement to youths of the area, according to the Garkwan Uke. “The sight of these flashy cars has, more than anything, encouraged our youths to work harder in their human endeavours. Although the marvel of the presence of these rich men acts as an encouragement to them we advice them to work towards having theirs rather than going into uncanny means of acquiring wealth,” he said.
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With the growing number of broken homes in Nigeria and a SIGNIFICANT increase in single parenthood Though my critical theological mindset sometimes criticizes and tend to jigsaw around the seeming fundamentalism that characterizes Femi Awodele's intellectual and oftentimes meaningful didactics on the Christian life, I also tend to respect his efforts at publishing these series, especially the ones he titles Home Improvement Series. However, my reflection on these series and the rational question of why we get married refuses to be abated by whatever I read, watch on television, or experience in the clinical marriage therapy world. The point is not to adjudge or argue the biblical principles on marriage but to sincerely ask the rational question: Why do we get married? Tyler Perry the popular black american Movie director has theatrically brought this comical and singular question almost to our doorsteps via television, making each viewer truly question the rationale for marriage, particularly if such a person is unhappy with their choice of a spouse. However, this digest goes deeper than Perry's moviedom to examine the true motivations that push us to believe that life is worthless without marriage. Several sub-questions then arise: Advertisement are the hottest sites in naija right now Amazing selected articles & Videos.Great music! and best of ALL YOU GET F.R.E..E AD.VER.TISI.NG CRE.DIT ! wow ! join now ! click to join 9jabook now where your space is really yours 1) Are human beings naturally engineered to be married? 2) Are married couples truly happier than unwed but committed couples? 3) Is the adult truly unfilled without marriage? 4) Doesn't official marriage seem to cause more chaos than anyone needs? 5) Why bother getting married? 6) Is it not better to have everything but the rings? This writer has been fiddling with these rational aspects of this issue and the yet burgeoning popularity of marriage. 7) Is Marriage really a CONTRACT ? A 2009 study by the Times Magazine shows that "--- more than five million unmarried couples cohabit in the U.S., nearly eight times the number in 1970, and a record-breaking 40% of babies born in 2007 had unmarried parents (that's up by 25% from 2002)." And we are not analyzing the segments of babydaddies or babymamas, the young and the accidental but couples who take up everything and give everything but the rings. Sociologists has dubbed this phenomenon as the committed unmarried (CUs), the happily unwed (HU), the unwed committed (UC); the Brad and Angelina, the Oprah and Stedman, the Goldie and Kurts of our world. While these couples may be disparagingly described as the famous unmarried, their group extends beyond the corners of Hollywood to our local streets and neighborhoods where we now see couples who are committed to a lack of legal commitment. And they are as happy as the truly married couples society shows us. Another study from John Hopkins University notes that unmarried parents in Europe stay together longer than married parents in the U.S. Many other researchers (Cabrera, 2008, Maryland University) have also argued that the longevity of marriages is not because the relationship is rubber stamped by the Church or the State but by the fact and presence children. Having children is "--- a decision that a couple makes to strengthen commitment and move in together"; that commitment is more important than the marital status per se. As a Catholic theologian, this writer understand the goals and purpose of marriage to be more expansive than just the procreation of children, yet ecclesiastical and biblical doctrines weave around human experience to be practical. Street interviews on the subject bring up many conjectures, some without any line of thought processing: 'so that we can live together; so we can have children; to have a solid commitment; to make our relationship official'. "Unwed committed" can live together, have children together, have a solid commitment, and if the public official commitment is what is desired, an advertisement can be placed in the papers reading "We are now official". With such deflated arguments my church folks argue that marriage makes a relationship divine, 'that something bigger than both of you bring you together and helps you succeed in it'. This is a valid faith argument, but not an empirical and rational one. Even so, the divine transposition of human limitations in marriage does not take away mistakes, strife, chaos, stress, fights and divorce. Ask an elderly married couple if they ever thought of divorce, and they will answer: 'divorce, no; committing murder, yes, and several times'. As my unwed committed friends would ask: who gave Eve's hand to Adam in marriage? The musical artiste, Beyoncé sang the lyrics "if you like it, then you should have to put a ring on it." Others would say "the plus sign on the pregnancy test told me it is time to marry; I fell in love because I was tired of dating jerks; I got married because I met my soul mate and we are best friends; we communicate well and we both agreed on our future and I love and respect him." What happens if you loose that pregnancy in the second trimester, or when your sweetheart turns out to be a jerk overnight, or you catch him sleeping with your best friend just before the wedding? In the American Association of Retired Persons magazine, Modern Maturity (May/June 1995), Linda Stern describes the various socio-economic demographics: social security earning limits, capital gains limits, Medicaid eligibility limits etc. and states that some time, long married couples divorce to remain eligible for benefits or in order to avoid financial disaster. One then would question, why did this couple marry in the first place and for how long? Overall, official economic policy makes marriage a bad option for too many people. Yet, there is the seeming pressure from culture, emotions, social status, and religious motivations to get married. Are these pressures good enough to induce us into marriage? Why did David Letterman finally marry his partner of 23 years and the mother of their five year old son, just in the third month of this year? Was Letterman unhappy for the past 23 years, and if so why did he choose to officially marry her? Would Letterman be a happier man now, having married his previous unwed committed sweetheart? No one seems to rationally know these answers or the reason why we get married. Is it some force of nature or a divine engineering in humans that gravitates us towards marriage, if so can the human mind rationally unravel it? No matter how the human mind works on the marriage phenomenon, the 'no spouse in the house' group have their own arguments on why they should not get married: You get the couch to yourself; you can watch whatever TV channel you like, without arguments; no one snores; you know where the bar of soap has been; smelly socks and skidding under-wears are not that big of an issue when you are only washing your own; you don't have to buy those stupid flowers; there are no curfews; if you mess up your finances you have no one to blame but yourself; Las Vegas is at back on the list of vacation considerations; you will never trade your interest in miniskirts for minivans; and without a spouse you can still have a descent social life. Even women feel this same way. Anne Wright of the Sage Magazine (2007) interviewed 30 women on the basic question: "why get married". She found out that many women "don't buy the myth that you to be married to be happy and complete." Medical advances in fertility have extended the childbearing age range, meaning that women can put off having children later or have none. Women are earning graduate degrees, making them more self-sufficient with little or no reliance on men. The high divorce rate is a discouraging factor for others to attempt marriage, and is creating a large pool of single women who may settle down to a partner than a husband. The numbers of single women in New Mexico, 52,559 in 2004 rose to 106,622 in 2003 with the dual deduction that women are not getting married and/or are less likely to stay in troubled marriages than in previous years. Perhaps, some of these divorcees never bothered to reflect deep on the reason why they got married in the first place. Obviously, marriage is more than a love affair, where boy meets girl and they are happy for a moment, and then go their separate ways. Marriages conjure a committed state, companionship, love, and the procreation and education of children; but are these features exclusive to the married state? Even the unwed committed do as much, do they not? The desire to entrench marital values makes us argue that marriage brings satisfaction and happiness; yet happiness is not a tangible and extrinsic value that you purchase or acquire, it comes from within. And are married folks truly happier or more satisfied than the unwed committed? The fact is, any couple can make a lifelong commitment to one another; being heterosexual and saying "I do" in the public doesn't make you more special, respectable or caring than the next person. The fact is, you don't have to do it to be happier than the rest of us. The unwed committed are not inferior to the married committed, and not committing suicide does not make you a health freak. The vanity in this argument is that unwed committed are purposively living their life as a photographic negative, defined not the persons they are but by the choices they refused to commit to. Sitting at the feet of elderly married couples, one would hear galling counsels like: marriage is patience, endurance; marriage is a sacrifice or something you really have to work at. So if marriage is such a hellish pain, why do it? Australian is turning its head on this one, by initiating fixed-term marriages, just like mortgages and car notes; five years, 10 years, or perhaps 20 years and you are done. So why marry at all if you can survive just five year in it? When a couple stands at the front of friends and family to take the marriage vow, they inherently want to believe that their commitment is lifelong. No one takes those vows with the intention of giving it a short. Yet parts of the vow, 'till death do us part' adds to the sense of failure when we can't deliver this promise. Comically, we are a generation of legal contracts: work contracts, internet contracts, cable contracts, cell phone contracts; and when these contracts are about to expire we shop for better deals. Marriage is also a contract, though we would add, a lifelong contract riffed with arguments, stress, fights, misunderstandings, deceits, unforgiveness, accusations, mood swings, heart-breaks, and betrayal amidst momentary satisfaction and happiness. It is becoming clearer that marriage bears a less relationship to having children. By 2026, The Australian Bureau of Statistics project that couples without children will be the commonest type of family in Australia, a 44% of all families. In the same token, married couples are not really happier than the unwed committed. Though marriage is meant to be forever, people can already live together without being married, so why is it necessary? What rational reasons push us to marriage? Why do we get married? click to join 9jabook now where your space is really yours
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When husbands become unfaithful most wives find it very hard to stomach such betrayal. They go to any length to restore their homes which they guide so jealously. So, what solution would you proffer to a girl friend that snatches your husband? Advertisement are the hottest sites in naija right now Amazing selected articles & Videos.Great music! and best of ALL YOU GET F.R.E..E AD.VER.TISI.NG CRE.DIT ! wow ! join now ! click to join 9jabook now where your space is really yours Excerpts: MRS. JOSEPH No, I don’t need to pay her a dime. I have no issues with her but with my husband. We will sit and sort it out amicably, mind you, sorting it out does not mean taking it violently with him, no. It is quite unfortunate and disappointing that despite the care and love showered on some men, they still engage in extra-marital affairs with other ladies or women, who may not have the smallest quality as the house wife, so why should I pay her? What I would do is to check myself and we will sort things out. Finally, there’s no need knowing the girl friend, I don’t want to know her for reason because she might be embarrassed at what I would do. DOLA AMOSU Such bargain has ruined so many homes rather than creating solutions. It has pushed many families into bankruptcy, structured some to the road of abject poverty; it has made some hypertensive. When a girl becomes too close to my husband, I would ask these questions: Who is the problem, who is the cause, my husband or the girl? Basically it should be my husband. If he does not give her any attention; she would have shifted her target to somebody else. If he threatened her, she would not try it the second time. So, there is no negotiation that can work out between the girl and me. If I give her money, she would come back for more, and when I fail to meet up, it would eventually lead to blackmail. So, I won’t start something I cannot accomplish. I have no business with the girl, and the only thing I can offer her is give her a stern warning to desist from my husband. The next point of call should be my husband, we both need to sit down and talk because he should give me reasons why he is cheating and also give me solutions to the problem on ground. I have no time to pet any irresponsible girl. I would not. IFEYINWA OKPARA Going by conventional understanding, paying off one’s husband’s girl-friend could be the best option to save some people’s marriages but to some other people, that will not work. Biblical wisdom is profitable to direct, it would lay the right foundation without option of pay-off or running into unnecessary debt neither creating an atmosphere for anxiety and hypertension. Paying her off would not stop her from her mission, but would rather send her the signal that she has so much control over your husband and your home. The monetary resolution gives her an edge over you. The wife has no alternative than abide by all the girl friend’s commands. On the other hand, the girl might agree to stop disturbing the man but what if the husband himself would not let her be? So, the best option is winning his heart over again. MRS. KOLADE ONIYIDE No, I won’t pay her a dime; rather I will call her and talk to her the way a good mother would talk to her daughter. I will advise her in her best interest to quit the mission if she wants peace for herself and if she wants to live long; because it is a curse for a young lady to date married men. If she does not yield to my warning, I’ll report her to her parents and hope that they will call her to order. If nothing positive comes up, then I would not be held responsible for any action I take. Although my husband has a role in this, so I will not apportion the entire blame on the poor girl. I believe some ladies who do such still find heart to heed to warning from anybody who threatens them. So, if my husband did not give her the courage to continue she will stop at once if not I might resolve to threats. IDOWU HELEN Paying her off or having a deal with her won’t make things better. There are instances where wives took such decisions, thinking it was the best way to bring sanity back to their homes, but at the end, they had to regret such deed. We have seen it in movies; we have also read about other peoples’ true life stories. In most cases, when this girls demands for money, they only make empty promises but they never let go. If I were in that position, I would rather let the world know about the illicit affair than wasting my money on a demonic girl. MRS. AMOSU No, I can never do such, because she has done contrary to the will of God. I would rather advise her for her life’s sake. But if she refuses to listen, then I would report her to God because if I don’t, she might use that as an avenue to extort money from me. JENNIFER ANICHO Absolutely nonsense! Paying off my husband’s girl friend means i’m scared of losing my husband to her. Of course, it is a sensitive issue, but i will not confront my husband, no! It has nothing to do with the girl. Rather it is the wife that should be patient and should use wisdom in bringing her husband ‘home’. I would pray and counsel him and also work on myself in order to ensure that I am desirable, elegant and clean inside-out. In addition, I will make sure that l always look hot and sexy. I should be able to make my husband jealous, protective and proud of me. PAT ALOYE I don’t think so, because this issue is between my husband and I, not the girl. In other words, I have no business with the girl. It is my role to talk to my husband, we will sit and discuss that, I don’t want to have anything do with the girl. ABIBAT LAWAL No, I cannot. It is left for my husband to decide whom to choose, he should make up his mind about it. If he chooses me, he must stop seeing her and cut off every contact with her. If I decide to pay, she might use that as black mail against me; that means the more I pay, the more the black mail and the more she comes for more money. So the best bet is to face my husband and let him decide the best thing he wants for himself. After that, I will commit everything to God. I would also remind him about our wedding vows to God and those present during our wedding. OSASONA YINKA I would not pay her a dime because she might use that as black mail and keep coming for more. Rather I would want us to meet personally and talk it over and to know what her problem is. If she claims she’s pregnant for my husband, we’ll have to clear it in the law court. No monetary negotiation or plea for her.
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Indian and Nigerian governments have concluded plans to host a joint film festival for Bollywood and Nollywood to commemorate the 60th and 50th independence anniversaries of both countries respectively.The festival, which is scheduled to take place in Nigeria by January 2010, is expected to serve as a vehicle for strengthening the cultural and economic ties that have existed between the two countries over the years.Everyone knows Jim Iyke as the bad boy of Nollywood but will he also be known as the bad boy in the music industry too?“I like to stir up things a little bit so that’s what I will be doing in the music scene but the album has a little piece of something for everyone”, Jim Iyke said.“This album was a big challenge to me. Millions of naira has gone into this project. I have always been a disciple of hiphop and R&B music. I could have been an armed robber (God forbid as he giggled over it) but I chose music.”, Jim continued.The event started with a brief press conference at the Silver Bird Media Stores with Jim telling his Ghanaian fans about the birth of the “Who Am I” album.Then it was followed up with a video interview of Jim Iyke on the giant screens and short performances from Slow Dog, Puffy T, Rocky and the headline artiste, Jim Iyke himself at the Silver bird cinemas. Then back to the Silver Bird Media Store for autograph sign sessions with his fans. View photos of Jim Iyke in GhanaJim Iyke and his music entourage had to troop to TV Africa’s Sound Splash in the night to dish out some of songs to the packed fans at the TV Africa premises.The launch went on well but just a few technical problems with the sound and mic hindered the program.
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Cause lets face it there is only so much ‘benefit of the doubt’ to go round!* 1. Quality: I’m just saying my phone shoots better movies; even youtube weeps because nollywood is yet to achieve youtube standards. For a $250 million industry you’d expect someone to own some real equipment. Is it so hard to avoid (unintentionally) shaky/grainy pictures and the bad sound OMg the white noise.* 2. Skill: An almost accent should not be the some total of anyone’s acting arsenal.* 3. View: No creative angles, no interesting scenery and the general compositions are not even considered before anything is shot. I know I did not go to film school and neither did anyone in Nollywood. The room composition adds nothing to the story. It is not a metaphor for internal torment, or a foreshadowing of impending doom. It is all just blah and circumstantial. That’s why we just get the stationary overview of the room where people are talking, one-sided close-ups, fade to black and my favourite focus on unrelated inanimate object in the room. Classy.* 4. Character development: What is this character development of which you speak? You see in Nolly all stereotypes hold true. All stepmothers are evil, stepfathers are rich, uncles are all molesters, the poor are uneducated and anyone who has travelled abroad is not only wealthy, but also smart and good-looking. That why the only motivation for a character is the story in spite of everything that happed before. Forget past experiences, education and just be good or evil.* 5. Names: I guess Jessica and Sylvia are exotic names at least on this end and we appreciate their use and abuse. But seriously Beyonce, Rihanna, what are the odds? Even the actresses seem startled to addressed by these names. Please! Ignore the Bard, a Funmi by any other name is … well, not quite the same. Return to Adas and Mariams and lets get on with it. BTW as an added bonus, if you want to butcher any pronunciation you can get help from Nolly. Do they even do takes?* 6. Child stars: Sorry child bleeps [‘b’ words are such fun] they are never age appropriate. Is casting that difficult? Freaking read the script and then try to not hire your child or the children of anyone you know unless they actually fit the bill and can ACT. It is revolting to watch an overgrown child speaking in a fake sulky baby voice. To avoid this simply ask the auditioning bleeps to say the line and gage by how much you want to slap them, how appropriate they are for the part. It is also not cute when a small child stumbles (badly) through words she/he has never heard in a way that is meant to come across as innocent insight. A child would never use the word granule to describe the specks in her toothpaste. Closeup toothpaste, I’m looking at you.* 7. Use of words: On the rear occasion where you come across a worthwhile script it falls down to the actors to destroy it. Every other day of the week destruction begins with writers who make George Lucas’ romantic scenes less robotic. Sometimes they write as if they are actually translating from another language. This explains the reoccurrence of words that aren’t common in everyday use and the tendency for kids to sprout words only popular in medical journals.* 8. Sets, costumes and other disasters: Since acting is out of the question, a character must rely on his props to explain to the audience, who he really is. Luckily, Nolly is yet to run out of houses to parade in order to depict a just how vast a person’s wealth is. This is also unfortunate as the subtle art of styling a person according to their status is magic to dark even for Africa Magic. Just look at the décor and the clothes. No one seems capable of dressing the part. If they are so smart /travelled /rich /etc why are they dressed like idiots. NOBODY wears fishnet tops anymore, (well except for your average cross dressing stripper who prostitutes) ehm! Here’s an idea maybe you should hire someone to consult with on clothing decisions. Someone not already in the industry.* 9. Time: Time is Nollywood movie is measured by hair. You have your standard old man/women with powdered hairs that change from scene to scene. You have you standard extra with unchanging attachment [so your hair has remained the same for the past 6 years]. Then you have your main character with her treasure-trove of wigs.* 10. Prayer: Finally prayer is the answer to everything from possession, to lost persons and property. It can make even liars and murders forthcoming and force the materialization of whatever is needed, but only at the very last moment. The only unanswered prayers are mine; for better movies.The Nolly inner circle is more difficult to break into than Fort Knox and more pointless than a waterproof teabags. It’s the same set of people who write, star and direct. You can’t really fault them for making an easy living. Wait I guess I just did.excerpted from yamikas blog
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Spike lee the Black American Movie maker of such movies as the popular do the right thing,Malcom X etc Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival WhereNigerian film makers have been lambasted for allegedly plagiarizing creative works from other lands even as they are advised to attend international film festivals if they must make films of international standards.advertisement are the hottest sites in naija right nowAmazing selected articles & Videos.Great music! and best of ALL YOU GET FREE ADVERTISING ! wow !join now !Respected American film maker and prolific advertising director, Spike Lee, punctured Nigerian film makers, saying they bootlegged a lot of his films. Lee told at a press conference in Cannes International Advertising Festival that Nigera made huge films but regretted that a lot of plagiarism went on in Nigeria without any check.Responding to a question by this reporter on how Nigerian film makers could improve on their creating, Lee fired back:"You are from Nigeria, Lagos? Those people are bootlegging my films a lot. Let them attend international film festival like the ones held in Cannes and other places to learn how to make great films that would be of international standard.In a press conference to announce winners of the MOFILM UGC (User Generated Content) Competition, Lee, who was the competition’s jury chairman, said with the explosion of digital devices youths with creative talents would tell a great story using the new technological devices. He said with User-Generated Content, there was little limit to what youths of these days could do using digital devices.He said a lot of talents abound not only in America and Europe but all over the world. He stated that the era when people went to school to learn film making was fast being replaced by people simply deploying the digital devices with their talents to tell great stories in digital devices."You don’t have to call your God to help you get a job. You can tell great stories using these hand-held devices. And to do this creativity is very key. It is a very special thing that empowers you to tell great stories."Another important tool necessary to tell stories is the skill of story writing. In his words "You don’t have to go to school to be a good film maker. You have to work on developing your talent. You have to work on your writing skills or find someone who can write for you. Writing is key to film making. Whether it’s a piece of music, novel, play or commercial, you must learn how to write."The MOFILM competition brought together a powerhouse set of 12 brands which consisted of AT&T, Best Buy, PepsiCo, Hewlett Packard, Kodak, Renaissance Hotel, Nokia, Philips, Telstra, Unilever (Omo), Visa and Vodafone. Each brand posted a brief on the MOFILM website, which allowed entrants from all over the world upload their films and compete for the awards and prizes. Each brand selected their favorite video, which went to compete for the grand prize on set with Spike Lee.At the end of the highly competitive outing, Hiroki Ono, 23-year-old Japanese won the gold prize with $12, 000,000 cash award along with Nokia’s top prize of having his winning video "Feel the Globe" embedded into more than 10 million handsets and the opportunity to be on set with Spike Lee on his next project.Winning the silver medal was an Indian from California, the United States, Mr. Mahesh Pailor, with is video "Ordinary Creative Guy" for Best Buy, a story about his father. He received $6,000 cash with Best Buy’s top prize of $10,000 gift card.The bronze medal went to California’s Jeff Jill with his video "Larry Had the Internet" for AT&T. He received $3,000 cash along with AT&T’s top prize of $2,000 and tickets to American Idol finale.Mr. Lee commented, "I really have enjoyed the MOFILM competition. Any medium that allows creative talent to come to the fore gives them the platform to showcase their gifts, which is gratifying to me. User-Generated Content has to be a good thing for both film and advertising industries."All the winners expressed satisfaction for the opportunity to be showcased at the Cannes festival, saying they were spurred to develop their talents even further.
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Jerry is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant.The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gun point by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.""Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "...the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man.'I knew I needed to take action." " What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'"Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.Positive thinking the the first step towards a happy life.Attitude is everythingIf everyone applies just these, the whole world will live in happiness
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Barca reveal City's Eto'o bid

BARCELONA have received a 'monster offer' from Manchester City for striker Samuel Eto'o. And Barca president Joan Laporta has confirmed the Spanish giants will cash in on the Cameroon ace if he expresses a desire to move to Eastlands. Laporta said: "Eto'o has a stratospheric offer from City, which would convert him into the best paid player in the world. "It's starting to become clear that he has this monster offer. "He wants to stay but an offer like this is very difficult to refuse." Eto'o, 28, netted 36 goals last season as Barca won La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the Champions League.
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Jackson: Record sales surge

Michael Jackson's sales have instantly seen a massive increase as a result of his death.This morning, Jackson's albums had taken 14 of the top 20 places on the sales chart - even though his commercial appeal which had been largely in the doldrums for years as his strange private life overshadowed his music.The lack of new material for many years also contributed to the public indifference, although this started to reverse as Jacko fever began to grip following the announcement of his record-breaking run of O2 shows.Today the Amazon chart was topped by his first solo album, Off The Wall, which features tracks such as Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough and She's Out Of My Life.It was followed by his 1987 album Bad and in third position was Thriller, the biggest selling album of all time, with global sales estimated anywhere between 50 million and 100 million due to the vagaries of how album sales were counted historically.In fact, a further two copies of Thriller figure in the top 20, which also features an array of compilations of his material, including the recently released King Of Pop at number eight.Jackson's most recent studio album, Invincible, is at nine, demonstrating the overwhelming interest in his heritage, rather than his later recordings.Gennaro Castaldo of retailer HMV said: "We always find where a great icon dies that there's a massive uplift in their music sales as fans want to connect and express their grief through the records."We've seen this with people like John Lennon, Elvis, Johnny Cash and Frank Sinatra over the years. With Michael Jackson in particular, he was just on the cusp of a big comeback anyway and we were already beginning to see a lift in sales.Now, with downloads and the instant access they give, we can probably expect the charts to light up with his songs."The official top 10 and 20 could be dominated by his tracks and we will probably find the album charts will have high entries for Thriller and King Of Pop over the coming days because his music has not only an army of fans but also a broad appeal."
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TREMBLING with panic Jacko's little daughter Paris screamed: "Where's Daddy?" as a team of paramedics burst into their palatial Hollywood home on Thursday.Her thick brown hair matted with tears, the 11-year-old clutched her brothers Prince Michael and Prince Michael II and together they cried for their father who was lying unconscious in the bedroom.These were the chaotic moving scenes that faced emergency services when they raced into Jacko's £100,000-a-month rented pad in upmarket Carolwood Drive, Los Angeles.Click here for all Michael Jackson death and tribute storiesThe three children, who led sheltered lives as part of the King of Pop's entourage, were suddenly thrust into a nightmare their superstar dad would not survive.ZombieBut, like every chapter in the troubled music legend's life, his final moments were riddled with macabre twists and turns. We can reveal:THE kids and Jacko's personal doctor Conrad Murray thought he was playing a practical joke by PRETENDING to be dead.JACKO morbidly told a close friend he wanted to "go out like Elvis".HE had REFUSED rehab for his addictions.THOSE drug habits DESTROYED his sleep patterns and turned him into an insomniac walking around like a zombie from his Thriller video.Medics descended on Jackson's house at exactly 12.30pm, just nine minutes after the frantic 911 emergency call was made on Thursday.A source in Jackson's staff told us: "An air of crisis swept through the house like a whirlwind.A video tribute to music legend Michael Jackson"The three children had been taken to another room by their nannies, but they thought their dad was just fooling around. He often played dead and would then jump up and surprise them, so they thought he was just having a bit of fun."But when they saw the emergency trucks arrive, that really shook them. There were paramedics running upstairs and ambulance sirens blaring. The kids were terrified and started crying and howling for their dad."To save them the trauma of seeing their motionless father carried out of the house with an oxygen mask strapped to his face, the children were quickly hustled into the back of a waiting car by Jackson's sister La Toya and mum Katherine.Paris, 12-year-old Prince and six-year-old Prince Michael II were then driven to the UCLA Medical Centre.On arrival at the hospital the kids were comforted by the family who handed them crayons and paper as a distraction and got them to draw their daddy 'Get well soon' pictures - even though he already lay dead in an operating theatre. At one point they hugged their older relatives and prayed for their father.Speaking exclusively to the News of the World, Jackson's "spiritual advisor" Deepak Chopra said: "There were a lot of people there and the children were very distraught, screaming and crying."After Jackson was pronounced dead at 2.26pm weeping relatives whisked the kids back to the Jackson family's main compound-style home in Encino.It was only three short hours earlier that Jacko had been given the shot of Demerol - a powerful morphine-based painkiller he called his "health tonic" - that has been linked to his death. Chopra - who is also a well-respected medical doctor and Fellow of the American College of Physicians - confirmed to us the jab was administered.He said: "It was the most inappropriate thing you could think of. To me it's very obvious that he was given a drug overdose."TroubleBut we can reveal that Las Vegas-based cardiologist Conrad Murray, the personal physician who was by Jacko's side at the time of death, also thought his celebrity patient was just PLAYING dead."It was terrifically sad," said our inside source. "Murray told us he thought Michael was joking around, as he often did to entertain the kids. But this time, tragically, it was real. Murray tried to talk to Michael to rouse him but soon realised it was no joke. It suddenly dawned on him he was in deep trouble."Shocked that his friend and patient was fighting for life, Murray then tried frantically to resuscitate him, yelling at him to wake up.Our source added: "As he got louder he called out to other staff to help him. Others came in and saw Michael looking sickly white, collapsed on the bed. He was then dragged off the bed and another few attempts were made to resuscitate him."Murray looked close to tears and could barely speak. That's when the 911 call was made. But Murray suspected Michael was already dead."We were told that Michael had also been given a tranquilliser shot in the night and was pacing around the house frantically."He'd had a long day at his show rehearsals, which had ended after midnight. Weirdly the work left him completely wired - he was so exhausted he couldn't sleep."He couldn't sit down or stay still for a second and asked for a shot to calm his nerves."Lord alone knows how many sleeping pills he'd also popped to try and nod off. Michael was just on edge, a wreck and a complete mess. He complained that his heart and chest were pounding." Friend Chopra also revealed the star was in a morbid mindset before his death, adding: "He used to say to me he wanted to go out like Elvis, not like Marlon Brando. And I think on some subconscious level he had an inkling.Abuse"He might even have had what they call a death wish."Elvis famously died aged 42 amid huge drama at his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. Brando died at 80 due to a string of medical problems. Jackson, who blew a whopping £10 million on medication, met Chopra in 1988 and the pair remained close until his death. The medic had been determined to help the star kick his addiction to drugs.He revealed: "After the child abuse trial in 2005 Michael came and spent a week with me at my house."At one point he suddenly asked me for a prescription. He knew I was a physician and asked me for a narcotic. I said, 'What the heck do you want a narcotic for?' And it suddenly dawned on me he was ALREADY taking these and probably had a number of doctors giving him prescriptions."Jacko told Chopra he took the painkillers for backache.But the medic said: "He wasn't confronting his addictions, which is the big problem."Chopra pleaded with Jackson to go into rehab but the singer brushed him off. "I was really desperate to help," added Chopra. "But you can't help somebody who goes into denial."I think that drug addiction was responsible for his death. It was THE thing that caused his cardiac arrest."Click here for all Michael Jackson death and tribute stories
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When Tomorrow Comes . . .

Tomorrow is always very close or near, a future to get to within twenty four hours, yet, it is far, or so it seems. This future can only be got to when it is quoted in specific date. Otherwise, tomorrow is infinitesimal, a future far away, though one can call it ‘next day’ after today or this day. This time in future or near future, looks like a time at hand, but if it is not handled with care today, because it is impressionable it might backfire, and terrible. Because of this fact, that is why what is today, cannot be tomorrow.Tomorrow is highly impregnable because of its fluid nature, for it is subservient to the indomitable change.Tomorrow is a time that determines how what is projected today can turn out to be. Someone can ask our former maximum ruler, not a leader, Ibrahim Babangida, whether he left Aso Rock Villas as he had envisaged. What of his professional tribesman, Sani Abacha, the only man the cap fit to rule Nigeria according to his five political parties that he used to amuse Nigerians of a planned transition to civilian government. These men, alive or late, can tell us whether their anticipated TOMORROW turned out the way they planned for it. The immediate President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo can also tell the world how he saw tomorrow in both Jos and Yola prisons. He will be able to tell us that it was not as he anticipated it to be. It could be this way or that, because that time is beyond our peremptory transcending domain. Even there is no government that can fully determines the course of tomorrow, otherwise, economic meltdown, world over, would have been tackled by the best world economy, before we walked into it (tomorrow) from yesterday’s predictions or expectations. It is therefore expedient to note that TOMORROW cannot be precisely or accurately ascertain how it will turn out; it could be fair, it could be foul. So, while we guard against tomorrow, it is good that we remember what the scripture says; ‘unless the LORD builds the house, in vain do the builders build it; and unless the LORD watches over the city, it is in vain the watchmen keep dutifully alert. – psalms 127:1.The man who is thinking that his political party will rule Nigeria till the year of retirement, thinks that he is the master of tomorrow. Will this Nigerian nation still be a single entity where this great funny thinker hopes to see the reality of his predicted tomorrow of sixty five year. Anyway, in a democratic dispensation, people can afford to be free thinkers and outspoken. But REAL men are known in uncommon, unusual and terrible times, which is always TODAY, while TOMORROW is always UNSURE. The reason for this is because we are not the owner of tomorrow, it belongs to our MAKER.TOMORROW is ever unpredictable, hence no champion reigns for ever, except he died before he meets any challenger of his strength. A unit today may be crushed into two or pieces tomorrow. The former federation of Soviet Union is a case in point and such other broken homes.Some years ago, Nigeria fought a civil war. That war was a war of vengeance and expression of dominion rather than of social justice. Because of what the civil war was, the end of it, till date, did not create a nation where national integration, social harmony and justice is fostered. The Nigerian nation is still seen as a nation where certain people has to decide who gets hat, when and where, how and the quality of one’s character does not count. If this must be prevalent or promoted, then, the sources of disintegration, catchment area of federal character system syndrome or unjust disposition towards the masses or mineral resources, the nation’s wealth or communities where this wealth is derived from need to be handled with utmost concern, without guile. The action of the military in parts of Niger Delta region would have been uncalled for if the aggrieved people of the region.For above fifty years now, the Federal government of Nigeria has not find it right or proper to attend to the various recommendations of panels of commission to do something tangible in the region. Before the birth of militants operations in the region, why did the various succeeding government always steer clear from addressing the often highlighted problems or peculiar problems in the region? Why would the Federal government allows insensitivity reign supreme in its domain in tackling the problems in the region? Is it that the Federal government wanted a situation where the region will take up arms, only for it to swoop on the militants or region to carry out genocidal elimination of whole communities inhabited by the elderly, women, children and innocent youths?After the military destruction of the affected communities, is the federal or state government to the local government going to carry out the rehabilitation of these communities or the affected innocent as listed above are going to be left on their own in their worsened situation? Although the military or the federal thought that the battle is over, a new strategy to foster the determination of the militants may crop up and no military man or woman will be a victim of the renewed assault in the region.The insurgence of the militants is a consequence of a problem allowed to developed over the years. This ought not to be so. The right justice should have been done gradually all these years. This crisis in the Niger Delta region cannot surface in Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and those other oil rich nations. But it is unfortunate that our leaders have been too irrationally busy neglecting a vital integral part of the Nigerian nation for selfish interest. Justice should be seen to have been done to the Niger-Deltans.After the current military action in the Niger Delta, no one can predict the next new dimension that may be employed to continue the agitation in the region. What if there arise ‘operation oil companies must quit Nigeria’? No one can tell the dimension the operation may take. Not as one may be seeing today will it be tomorrow. Indeed, tomorrow is enormously unpredictable.Today, there is a new dimension in criminality which the law seriously frown at, unlike embezzlement and misappropriation of public fund by public officials. This crime of kidnapping, nay, ‘adultnapping’, because adults are now the victims of this crime, and then demand for a handsome ransom for the release of any held victim is just beginning. But when tomorrow comes, the operators of this wealth making machines may device a means where, because the bird hunter has learnt to shoot without missing, the birds will learn to fly without perching. It is not enough for the kidnappers to be trailed and nabbed, it is important to know whether unemployment is the cause of this exercise or it is sheer wickedness. As Nigeria is advancing, our leaders are taking good care of themselves while neglecting the masses, as Niger Delta has been neglected. It is better to treat public fund embezzlers as much as armed robbers and kidnappers would be treated.When tomorrow comes, the unemployed but employable graduates may decide to do something that might terrify the government. This is because they cannot continue to be commercial motor-cycle riders and GSM recharge card sellers with the certificates Nigerian Universities authority find them worthy to be given. If they have not merited their certificates, the authority of the universities would not have issued them the certifying document. Massive employment should be given to our youths or graduates, the embargo on employment should be lifted. When this is done, it is a way to pre-empt the unpredictable and unforeseen ugly tomorrow.As we await the return from Babylon of our children that have wandered away in search of greener pasture. If our leaders refuse to let Nigeria be tangibly blessed like ‘Bethlehem,’ our ‘Naomis’ might return hopelessly. When they decided to return home, if our leaders cannot contend with their famished induced suicide, they can contend with the kind of profession or job they decide to offer themselves. The job may not give peace to our leaders since the returnees have no peace. There should be appreciative provision for our people, the masses of Nigeria, so that this nation will not be turned into a nation of evil or where Satan has his headquarters on earth.
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Jackson's Lawyer Predicts Legal Wrangles

Michael Jackson's shock death at the age of 50 could be the start of a long series of legal battles, his lawyer has said.

The Jacksons' family lawyer Brian Oxman said the remains of his fortune, his property and his children could all be fought over in court.He predicted the singer's demise "will probably be the start of a long battle".Mr Oxman told CBS's Early Show: "We will have to see how that plays out in a court of law."I suspect that the death of Michael Jackson is only the beginning of the legal battles over not only his property, but also his children."He also told US Weekly that the star's three children - Prince Michael Jackson II, seven, Paris, 11, and Prince Michael, 12 - "are doing fine"."Ms Jackson (the singer's mother, Katherine) will care for them and I'm sure there will be all kinds of discussions that will take place about the kids."Jackson's two oldest children, Prince Michael and Paris, were from his marriage to nurse Debbie Rowe in 1996.After the couple divorced in 1999, Jackson took on sole responsibility for their upbringing but Ms Rowe has said she continued to see them."Michael and I are fine. I see him and the kids all the time," she told the Daily Mail.Prince Michael II was born to a surrogate mother Jackson never met.In 2002, he caused a public outcry by dangling the child - nicknamed Blanket - out of a third-floor hotel balcony in front of the world's press.Jackson always denied claims that his first two children were not biologically his."I used a surrogate mother (for Prince Michael II) and my own sperm cells. I had my own sperm cells in my other two children. They are all my children," he said.
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Tears, disbelief in city as news of Michael Jackson's death spreads The Rev. Al Sharpton, holding a black and white photo with him and Michael Jackson, speaks to members of the media in front of the Apollo Theater. Mazur/WireImage Michael Jackson performs at the MTV Movie Awards at Radio City Music Hall in New York City in September, 1995. Related News ARTICLES 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson has died Farber: Jackson will always be the 'King of Pop' A wave of shock and tears washed over the city Thursday night as New Yorkers mourned the sudden death of Michael Jackson with memories of how his music touched their lives. At the Apollo Theater in Harlem, fans stared in disbelief as the marquee was changed to read "In memory of Michael Jackson, a true Apollo legend." Spontaneous dancing broke out in the middle of 125th St. when someone began blaring Jackson's 1983 hit "Billie Jean." Hundreds of young and middle-aged fans started chanting, "Michael! Michael! Michael!" "I was walking down the street when someone told me," said Denise Blair, 47, of Harlem. "I just started crying." Standing in front of the theater where Jackson last performed in 2002, Cobar Craton, 54, reminisced on first seeing The Jackson 5 in the late 1960s. "When we were kids we went to see Michael Jackson right here before he was big," Craton said. "It was amazing. You could see the talent then. I really feel down, really sad." In Times Square, a teary-eyed Francis Ayalla held up Jackson's most popular CD, "Thriller." Ayalla, 50, of the Bronx noted that she is the same age as the 13-time Grammy winner and that his songs provided the sound track to her life. "All you can do is just keep crying. There's nothing else you can do," said Ayalla, who heard he was dead when a subway conductor announced it over the loud speakers of an uptown No. 2 train. Pedro Broges, 17, of Queens said Jackson's timeless music has a universal appeal that spanned generations. "I'm broken, just broken on the inside because I love his music, I loved his dancing and I'm so sad to hear that he's gone," Broges said. "He's the King of Pop and even though he's gone, he'll always be the King of Pop." Dena Barnes, 21, of Brooklyn couldn't believe his eyes as he and hundreds of others stared up at the JumboTron in Times Square showing the stunning news. "He's amazing," Barnes said of Jackson, adding that he had been planning to catch the moon-walking icon's comeback tour this summer. "You see Chris Brown and Usher and you see where they got it from; they got it from Michael Jackson." At the Atlantic Ave. subway stop in Brooklyn, Yudelka Albuquerque, 36, paused to take in the breathtaking news. Growing up in the Dominican Republic, Albuquerque, of Crown Heights recalled Jackson's music playing in homes and on street corners. "In my country, everybody loves his music," said Albuquerque. Brooklyn cop Tyreon Cook, 48, smiled as he remembered how he and his brothers would dance around their home pretending to be The Jackson 5. Greta Costa, 23, of Fort Greene, remained a fan even through Jackson's down years, when he was tried for child molestation: "We were around to see his rise and fall," Costa said. "I feel disappointed."
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