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FormerNigeria assistant coach Joe Erico believes new head coach Samson Siasiadeserves to earn as much as Lars Lagerback did during his short tenure.


The Swedish coach took charge of the Super Eagles for the World Cup in South Africa, delivering very little while being paid over the odds.

Erico insists that Siasia should be on par with Lagerback in terms of wages as he is likely to do a much better job in the long run, whileat the same time slamming the country’s fascination with foreigncoaches.

“The problem with us in Nigeria is that we tend to underrate what belongs to us and overrate what comes from outside Nigeria, even whensuch foreign thing is inferior to ours,” Erico told Trustsports.

“If you could afford to pay a foreign coach about 1.5 million dollars for just five months, nothing should stop you from pay a localcoach as much as that, if you are not suffering from inferioritycomplex.

“Siasia is a good coach who has paid his dues at the age_grade levels of football and an ex_international.

Siasia is currently at an impasse with the Nigerian Football Federation over his proposed wages and Erico is backing him to fightfor what he deserves.

“The time has come for the indigenous coaches to demand for what is due to them and I fully support what Siasia is demanding for from theNFF,” Erico added.

“They claim not to have money to pay Siasia, but they had money to pay Lagerback, who failed to live up to expectations of millions ofNigerian fans, just because he is white.”

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Adolf Hitler DNA samples suggest that the dictator of Nazi Germany had both Jewish and African roots.

The tests were conducted by Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, Telegraph reported. The pair tracked down 39 of Hitler’s living relatives throughout Europe and America to obtain saliva samples which ultimately suggest African and Jewish ancestry.

Based on reports by, the Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) chromosome found in the samples is rarely found in Western Europeans.

Instead, “it is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,” Vermeeren said in Knack, the Belgium magazine in which the findings were published.

Hitler’s ancestry has been questioned before as historians suggested he is of Jewish ancestry, but this time there is scientific evidence to back up the claim, and to add to it.

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The First Lady’s two-day visit to Rivers State ended in a fiasco yesterday.
All was well, until Dame Patience Jonathan and her chief host, Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi got to Okrika – the First Lady’s home town.

The governor was explaining by video his school project in Okrika, saying there must be demolition of some buildings to have space for the schools.

Mrs Jonathan cut in, grabbed the microphone and said the governor should reconsider the way he was going about the demolition. An attempt by Amaechi to explain the situation sent the First Lady boiling..

She shouted at Amaechi: "Listen!, you must listen to me!"

The governor was embarrassed, like a scolded school pupil. The audience hailed Mrs Jonathan, goading the First Lady on.

The President’s wife, however, described land as a serious issue in Okrika and told Amaechi to always avoid "must" when talking about waterfronts’ demolition. The governor never mentioned "waterfronts", but Mrs. Jonathan went on: "I want you to get me clear. I am from here (Okrika). I know the problems of my people. So, I know what I am talking. I do not want us to go into crises. We are preaching peace and we must maintain peace at any time.

"But what I am telling you is that you always say you must demolish. That word ‘must, you use is not good. It is by pleading. You appeal to the owners of the compound, because they will not go into exile. Land is a serious issue."

Downcast, Amaechi shunned a reception organised for the First Lady. The reception was, however, not on the programme.

Mrs Jonathan hurriedly left for Abuja. Her planned visit to Port Harcourt prisons, where the Chief Judge, Justice Iche Ndu, was expected to release some prisoners, was cancelled. So was her visit to the new Model Secondary School at Ebubu-Eleme, among others.

A civic reception in honour of the President’s wife was held at the Sharks Stadium, Port Harcourt on Monday. Her pet programme, Women for Change Initiative (WFCI), was launched.

This was followed by a state banquet/Award Night at the Government House, Port Harcourt, where the former Miss World, Agbani Darego, who hails from the state, and some women were honoured for their outstanding contributions to society.
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ABEOKUTA – THE Ogun State House of Assembly has alleged that theExecutive attempted to bribe it with N 1 Billion to facilitate thepassage of its request for approval of a N100 billion Bond.

The House however said that the approval of the Bond request would only be obtained after an open debate with members of the executive onthe propriety of the Bond.

Speaking at an Executive Session of the House after receiving the report of the Finance and Appropriation Committee, the Speaker; Mr.Tunji Egbetokun said “I have been personally offered goodies which Irefused. I have been offered N12 million for a single meeting by one oftheir peacemakers.

“We have been offered N1 billion but I have said that they should allow a single debate on all the issues in contention on the Bond and Ican assure them that we will move straight from the venue of the debateto plenary and pass it if we are convinced. We should have an opendebate. Let them sit with us and we will bow to superior argument, butin the absence of superior argument, the Executive should bow”

On the issue of Supplementary appropriation, the Speaker said that the House was rejecting the Bill saying that according to the findingsof the Finance committee what was needed was a realignment of theBudget.

“If they spend contrary to the Budget, it is misappropriation. All they are requesting for in the Supplementary Budget have been takencare of in the 2010 Budget”

On the non release of the funds of the House, members agreed that they should do all that could be done legally and constitutionally toensure the release of the funds even including going to Abuja.

Egbetokun explained that despite the non release of the fund of the House, Governor Daniel has spent almost N1 billion for his office asagainst the N700 million approved in the Budget.

Earlier presenting the report of the Finance Committee, Mr. Job Akintan explained that the Bond was broken down to 2010; N26 billion,2011; N34 billion and 2012; N40 billion adding that all the projectslisted to be financed or refinanced by the Bond have been given to theHouse before as to have been financed by Federal Allocation andInternally Generated Revenue in the 2010 Budget.

He said “we got debt cancellation of N26 Billion and just about three years after we are now saddled with debt of another N28 billion.And on this N28 billion, we are going to pay N48 billion in five years;so how much are we going to pay on N100 Billion Bond?

In her contribution, Mrs. Adijat Oladapo lamented that the Executive has refused to obey the law stipulating that all loans must be approvedby the House of Assembly adding that even without the approval, theState funds was been deducted from source every month to the tune ofN1.2 billion.

The Deputy Speaker; Mr. Remi Hazzan in his contribution said that the State Government has “been consistently inconsistent in theinformation been given out on the Bond issue at every occasion. Theyare desperately in need of the Bond”

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Orile- Agege LCDA amongst other local governments in LagosState, is unique in itsantecedents, its component units, and its location.

Firstly, it is made up of the original native indigenes including the Awori Communities ( OLABUA, OLAROKU, ISALE-ODON,IDOGOUN & MAGBON) a vibrant “mini – Nigeria” in the compositions of Yoruba,Hausa and Igbo people “Settlers” mainly Lagosians moved en masse to the OrileAgege L.C.D.A, an upland population which is as cosmopolitan as any other partof Lagos, and a high-brow influx of Nigerian elite in Arigbanla, Williams,Omotoye, Labak, Alexander and Oko-Oba IV housing estate.

Secondly, this admixture of urban and rural people is strategically placed at the most popular and constantly used gatewayto Lagos fromthe West Coast of Nigeria.

Thirdly, though a high density residential L.C.D.A., with a population of over 800,000 people, it boasts of avery rich cultural heritage as it is made up of 55% of its indigene which areof course the Awori people.

In one word, Orile-Agege L.C.D.A provides a milieu providentially suited for, and deserving of an instrument ofSocial and Cultural mobilization which is being put together by MapiokMultimedia and Community Initiative.


The concept is to hold an annual socio-cultural festival, to motivate and mobilizethe entire populace (800,000 strong), young and old, in Orile-Agege L.C.D.A,towards a common endeavour, that will promote the Spirit of nationalism,patriotism and togetherness.

And, in the process harness the potentials of the L.C.D.A, in such a way that it will benefit its peoplesocially, economically and culturally.

Orile-Agege 2010 (OrilAg 2010) is the proposedmedium for this social and cultural mobilization.


Motivation and Mobilization of the entire populace, young and old, towards a commonendeavour, i.e promoting nationalism, patriotism, togetherness and at the sametime making the whole world know our rich cultural heritage.


v Foistering inter-ethnic andinter-cultural interactions

v Highlighting andstrengthening cross-cultural affinities whilst at the same time, educating ourpeople about their difference with a view to exploiting these differences forthe common good, and also teaching the Youth and Old alike, our tradition,culture and norms

v To boost the profile and enhancethe visibility and viability of Agege LGA and it LCDA (Orile-Agege) vis-à-visother LGAs and LCDAs in LagosState, and the country asa whole

v To celebrate our Country’s Independence i.e. Nigeria’s 50th GoldenJubilee and to keep the spirit of the Awori people alive.


v To help our youths learn howto work together as one, how to plan and execute projects, keep them off thestreets, and assist in combating anti-social and societal ills

v To highlight the economicactivities in the LCDA thus assisting in boosting trade and commerce

v To highlight ourlocal/cultural heritage thus encouraging internal tourism and perhaps with timeeven international tourism

6. WHEN?

The proposed date is 1st of October, every year. This date is common toall Nigerians and has neither a religious nor ethnic colouration.

The first edition is the year, 1st of October, 2010


The format is as approved at the Inaugural meeting, which was held on Sunday 2nd of May, 2010, at 1, Oshobu Street, OffOrile Road, Orile-Agege, Lagos.

This section should be read pari passu the attached organogram.

a. Cultural: This would be by far the largest division. As earlier mentioned, Agege is a“mini- Nigeria”all cultural groups that express the desire to participate should be encouragedto do so.

b. Youth Organizations: Cultural, social, sports, schools, “Fanti” etc.

c. Trade and Commerce: Market groups, shop and business owners, artisans,transporters etc.

d. Special Interest Groups: Police, Navy, PHCN, Telecom companies, Fire services,Medical services etc.

e. Others: PTAs, Residents Associations, Social Clubs, Societal Associations, CommunityDevelopment Agencies etc.

A programme ofActivities, including a provisional Budget, as approved the Central planningCommittee, is attached to our letter of request for sponsorship.

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UNAD students protest hike in fees

For several hours the combined team of security operatives prevented the students of the University of Ado Ekiti, UNAD, from disrupting a public lecture organised by the university, as the students trooped out in large numbers protesting what they described as astronomical hike in school fees.

The lecture had in attendance Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Oluseyi and the state governor, Engr Segun Oni.

The enraged students who had gathered at the main entrance of the university, matched from the gate to the main auditorium, immediately they sighted Governor Segun Oni who came to the university with his newly acquired bullet proof Merzedez Benz.

Led by their president, Kehinde Okunuga, the students who had earlier sought an audience with the governor to address them and speak about what the government was doing to reduce the fees to no avail, chanted anti-government songs in which they made some unprintable remarks about the government and its educational policies.

The students leader who lamented the type of suffering some of the students were presently going through, said a lot of the students were self sponsored.

The union president disclosed that some of his colleagues who had earlier gained admission into the institution had voluntarily withdrawn their studentship since the hike in fees

Efforts by some state officials who accompanied the governor to the university and their lecturers to convince the students on the need to suspend their action proved abortive.

But Mr Governor who maintained his cool throughout the period the action of the students lasted, however told the audience when it was the time for him to make a remark that the students should decide whether they wanted the fee regime to stay or be reviewed .

The governor who happens to be the visitor to the university, said UNAD had a tradition of increasing fees in every four years, saying “the students are free to say whether they prefer annual increase or quarterly increment.”

In the lecture which is entitled’ Nigeria Defence Policy and Democracy; issues and prospects was almost marred but by the vigilant security operators

At the end of the lecture, the security operators dispatched the students who had formed a ring round the auditorium by shooting teargas canisters.
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HE started life as a broadcaster, fought in the Biafran Civil war, rose to the position of a director in the ministry before quitting what he has variously described as the drudgery of working in the ministry. He has exchanged that life with the excitement of life as probably the most recognized and famous actors in Nollywood.

His journey into stardom started on a massive high when he played Okonkwo in Nigeria Television Authorities production of Chinua Achebe's award winning book THINGS FALL APART. A role that made him the most recognized face on Nigerian nay, African television and has mostly defined his contribution to Nollywood.

A man voluble and eloquent, a national award winner, the and a man whose sons have towed his line by becoming notable actors themselves Pete Edochie (MON) has very strong views about Nollywood and what is going on in Ibo land..

We caught up with him in his Enugu Town home. With two jeeps and a couple of other cars parked in the garage he cut a perfect picture of affluence. It was ten in the morning. He had just come in from Abuja but his living room was already filled with people who had come to tap from his wealth of wisdom. He offered us palm wine when we arrived.

“We are Ibos. In Iboland we do not offer you Cocacola or Beer. Traditionally we offer our visitors Oji (Kola) or palm wine. I am a titled man and I have to observe tradition and culture. This is who we are, this is what this generation is forgetting and that is why things are going wrong everywhere? The Oji represents the things that bind us that is why it is called Oji which means 'Ojikotara' that which glues us together. So when you give somebody Kola it is an expression of the unity that we are advocating for.” We learnt several other lessons on the Ibo culture and tradition for the one hour we spent with Ogadagidi, the Ononenyi of Nteje Pete Edochie but we also came with our own questions that we wanted to ask.

IT has been a long time we have seen you in any movie. What are you doing now?

Nigeria is going to get its first Saint very soon. The Reverend Father, Iwene Tansi. The process has been going on for a long while now and it is almost complete. I decided to shoot a movie on his life which was researched very well. When I finished the movie, I took it to the Vatican and it was approved and I was told to take the film round the country which is what I am doing. The response has been absolutely amazing. We have to look into all that we have in Nigeria and stop doing movies that insult the intellect. People should start thinking about leaving a legacy for the coming generations.

What are the draw backs of the movie industry as it is presently constituted?

The people who are making movies are children and most of them are unintelligent. The person who is playing the Igwe roles in all the movies these days is Olu Jacobs. He is not an Igbo man. Simply do not understand why somebody who does not speak the Igbo language, who does not understand the culture, the mind and the psychology of a people should be the one playing those roles. This is the reason why those roles are not being properly interpreted. Have you ever seen a woman beside a Northern Emir. But I watched a film where people had to help hold Olu Jacobs wife in the movie and he basically raped her because she refused to have sex with him and he was supposed to be the Igwe in the film. That is an absolute insult to the traditional stools of the Igbo people. If he knew better he would have advised the producers of such a movie or should never have even taken part in it at all.

Haven't you done a movie from another culture that you do not understand fully?

I was part of the movie, Amina, but that was different because I grew up in the North and I understand the culture very well. You have to know a people to understand them. You also have to understand the appurtenances of office they occupy before you can apply them.

What about the new trend of governors of the South- South Sates in particular using much younger actors as advisers in their cabinets, while people like you who are matured and knowlegable and who have also been given national awards are left out in the cold?

I do not have any problems with anybody being made an adviser. personally . Ononenyi does not need anything else from anybody. I have been given so many honors in life. I am a titled man, I am the chairman of the rebranding project in Nigeria and I am a National awardee so why would I be in such a hurry to be a governor's adviser. The truth is this, if those in power choose to use little children as advisers then what they will get is the advice of little children. It is a shame really that people ignore those who have something to offer society.

There have been running issues in the Actors Guild of Nigeria AGN. Issues of leadership between Emeka Ike, Segun Arinze and the rest of them. You were invited to mediate on the matter, what happened?

I was invited alright but if people invite you into something because they think that you are wise enough and old enough to give them the advice they need to forge ahead, they should also trust that can proffer useful advice for them. One thing though that I have never done is to put my hand into something that fails. I have never been associated with failures. Whatever I have done in life has succeeded so when they called me in and suddenly people started talking about why I should be the one to settle the crisis, I took my hands away and decided to concentrate on running my life and my business. I am too old and too busy to burn my reputation.

What about the slide in quality in the Industry?

You should ask the critics and the experts. I am an actor and I make sure that whatever I do has to be of quality. You have been watching my films. You have directed and written some of them so you should know. I felt that people like Wole Soyinka would institute an award and reward excellence not the charade they do in Bayelsa. Let those who understand what we do in Nigeria be the ones who will determine who has succeeded in their calling.

Away from the pressures of work and National duties, how do you relax?

Before my kidnap I use to take walks in the evenings but I do not want to take that chance again. I stay in my house now with my people, drink my palm wine, read my books and say my prayers. I am content with myself and what I have.

That brings us to your kidnap. You have never really said anything much about it.

Because there is nothing much to say. I was coming from church when I was kidnapped. The boys who kidnapped me are a product of a system that has failed itself and its citizens. They did not do anything to me. They had utmost respect for my person and I was released promptly.

What about money? How much was paid to them?

I am not answering that question. I do not know whether money was paid to them or not. I do not know how much was paid if anything was. I think that is a private matter. The only thing is that I am doing everything to avoid a repeat performance.

Should Nigerian Film makers who are basically Ibo's, being that the first notable movie made in Nollywood was an Ibo film concentrate on making language films?

I do not know. The reason for making movies in English was to reach larger audiences but that does not denigrate from our making our films in the language we understand and in the culture we are from. I think we really should make more Ibo films and subtitle them. That way we can reach larger audiences with our message and promote our culture and traditions. Thank God now that we now have stations like Odenigbo and Kpakapndo whose sole goal is to promote the Igbo language and culture.
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Miss Universe 2010 is from Mexico

From flags to Facebook, 22-year-old Jimena Navarrete has quickly made it clear what she plans to promote as the world's newest Miss Universe — her home country of Mexico.

"I want the whole world to know about my country and my people," the Guadalajara native said after beating 82 competitors for global bragging rights at the pageant in Las Vegas.

"I imagine that they're all going crazy in Mexico right now," she said through an interpreter. "I'm extremely proud and I'm sure they're very proud, too."

She donned a flowing red dress, strutted confidently in a violet bikini, and said onstage that the Internet is indispensable and requires parents to impart family values.

The model-turned pageant queen then posed for pictures with a Mexican flag and Mexico's last Miss Universe as congratulations from her countrymen came pouring in.

"Her triumph is a source of pride and satisfaction for all Mexicans, who see in her the fruits of perseverance," Mexican President Felipe Calderon said in a statement. Immediately after her win, Calderon said on Twitter that her victory would help Mexico's image as a country.

"We won, long live Mexico!" Navarrete said on her fan page on Facebook, spurring 478 "likes" and 218 comments in about one hour.

She was cheered by Spanish-speaking reporters clamoring to talk with her after the pageant, and twice answered questions about Arizona's recent immigration law.

"Every country has the right to impose and enact their laws," she said, wearing her new sash and sparkling tiara. "But I tell you that all the Mexicans and the Latins that are living here in the United States are hardworking people — people who want to improve on their quality of life."

The Miss Universe pageant is known for grabbing headlines — and Navarrete appears ready to make her mark.

She's Mexico's second Miss Universe. Lupita Jones — Navarrete's national pageant director — won in 1991. Navarrete has been modeling since she was 15 and came to Miss Universe after winning for Jalisco, then Mexico, in the country's Nuestra Belleza pageant.

Navarrete replaces Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela. She also spoiled a bid by Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson from giving the South American country a third consecutive victory. Neither Gibson nor Miss USA Rima Fakih made the top 15 finalists.

With fans in some 190 countries watching on television and keeping tabs on social networks, Navarrete and her competitors introduced themselves while wearing over-the-top national costumes. They then danced in silver and black dresses for the show's opening number before the last 15 finalists were announced.

The final 15 walked in swimsuits while Cirque du Soleil musicians played Elvis Presley songs including "Viva Las Vegas." The last 10 impressed in their gowns while John Legend and the Roots played a soulful medley including "Save Room."

By the end of the show, seven of the top 10 trending topics on Twitter had to do with the pageant, its contestants, its judges or owner Donald Trump. The mogul co-owns the pageant with TV network NBC.

The show was without any major gaffes, except for Miss Philippines' answer when asked what her biggest mistake in life was and how she fixed it.

"In my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major," Venus Raj said.

Before the pageant, Raj was rated among the top contestants in an online poll on the pageant's website. She finished in fifth place.

Asked by Olympic gold-medal figure skater Evan Lysacek how she felt about unsupervised Internet use, Navarrete said the Internet is important.

"I do believe that Internet is an indispensable, necessary tool for the present time," she said through an interpreter. "We must be sure to teach them the values that we learned as a family."

Lysacek was one of this year's nine celebrity judges. The others were actresses Jane Seymour and Chynna Phillips; actors Chazz Palminteri and William Baldwin; magician Criss Angel; MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall; drummer Sheila E.; and supermodel Niki Taylor.

Navarrete won a package of prizes including an undisclosed salary, a luxury New York apartment with living expenses, a one-year scholarship to the New York Film Academy with housing after her reign, plus jewelry, clothes and shoes fit for a beauty champion..

Campbell won the Miss Congeniality Universe award. Miss Thailand Fonthip Watcharatrakul won Miss Photogenic Universe and a second award for having the best national costume.

First runner-up was Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillipps, while second runner-up was Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell.

Fakih, a 24-year-old Lebanese immigrant from Dearborn, Mich., spurred celebrations among Arab-Americans when she won Miss USA. Pageant records aren't detailed enough to show whether Fakih is the first Arab-American, Muslim or immigrant to win Miss USA.

Miss USA has not been named Miss Universe since Brook Lee won the title in 1997.

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Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren are officially divorced, according to a statement posted by their lawyers on the golfer’s website on Monday.

The statement said the judgement posted in a Bay County, Florida court provided for shared parenting of their two children.

“We are sad that our marriage is over and we wish each other the very best for the future,” the former couple said in the statement, which said that the children’s well being had been the “primary focus of our amicable discussions.”

“The weeks and months ahead will not be easy for them as we adjust to a new family situation, which is why our privacy must be a principal concern,” Woods and Nordegren said. Financial terms of the divorce were not released.

The couple’s marriage hit the rocks very publicly late last year when Woods, who previously had enjoyed a squeaky-clean image, crashed his car outside their house, setting off a cascade of revelations about his repeated infidelities.

Woods was forced to take a five-month break from golf as he reportedly received treatment for sex addiction. The scandal cost Woods millions of dollars in sponsorship deals and he has yet to regain the form that made him the world’s best golfer for much of his career.

Tiger Woods: the world's top ten highest divorce settlements

Tiger Woods separation from Elin Nordegren is one of the most expensive ever divorces. Here is a list of what are thought to be the ten highest divorce settlements:

1. Rupert and Anna Murdoch - $1.7 billion

Rupert married Anna in the 1960s, with the pair remaining together for 32 years, having three children. They split amicably in 1998. The divorce was finalized in June 1999 when he agreed to let her leave with $1.7 billion. 17 days later he married Wendi Deng.

2. Adnan and Soraya Khashoggi - $874 million

Saudi businessman Adnan made his money as an international arms dealer for the Saudi royal family. He then launched his company Triad, based in Switzerland, owning banks hotels and real estate across the world. He married Soraya in 1961. Their 1982 divorce resulted in an estimated $874 million settlement.

3. Craig and Wendy McCaw - $460 million

Craig made his money turning a failing TV cable service into a successful business, eventually selling for $755 million. In 1981 he then acquired cellular phone licenses, eventually selling to phone company AT&T for approximately $12 billion, becoming its largest single shareholder.

The pair met at Stanford University when she tutored him, with them marrying in 1974. In 1995 divorce proceedings were initiated with Wendy wanting her share to support a $200,000 a month lifestyle.

4. Roman and Irina Abramovich - $300 million

It had been speculated that the settlement could have left her the world's richest ever divorcee. But according to Russian news sources, Mrs Abramovich settled for $300m (£155m). The figure included the value of homes in Britain and Moscow, as well as a yacht and private plane. At one point it was thought he would have to pay a settlement of at least $1 billion.

5. Michael and Maya Polsky - $184 million

According to court records, the couple married in the Ukraine in 1975, coming to the US in 1976 with "only four suitcases and $500 in cash.

After sighting irreconcilable difference in 2003, Maya Polsky filed for divorce from energy magnate Michael Polsky. In October 2006 a Chicago judge said Mrs Polsky was entitled to at least half of the couple's assets.

6. John 'Jack' Welch and Jane Beasley - $180 million

Welch is the former Chairman and CEO of General Electric, the technology and service conglomerate in New York, now ranked as the world's largest company. The couple married in April 1989, divorcing in 2003. While Welch had reportedly written a prenuptial agreement, there was a 10-year time limit. Beasley reportedly left with amount to be in the range of $180 million.

7. Michael and Juanita Jordan - $168million

The most expensive celebrity divorce in history. The former Chicago Bulls basketball superstar married Juanita Vanoy in 1989. They divorced in 2007. It is thought negotiations between the couple added £20 million to the final deal from an initial settlement. The marriage had shown signs of trouble in the past with Juanita filing for divorce in 2002, although they announced a reconciliation.

8. Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey - $150 million

When Diamond met Marcia Murphey, he was already married to his first wife. In 1994, they separated, she citing "irreconcilable difference".

The singer claims he willingly gave her the money.

9. Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving - $100 million

Amy Irving shot to fame in 1976 when she played the lone teen survivor in Carrie. Spielberg began to make a name for himself in Hollywood, following Jaws. The pair married in 1985, but the pair broke up four years later. He gave Irving, the mother of their son Max $100 million.

10. John and Beverly Charman - $95 million

The pair met in 1969 at school. When they married in 1976 neither had significant resources. In November 2003, Mr Charman, nicknamed "King of the London Insurance Market", told his wife he was setting up residence in Bermuda and their marriage was over. He initially offered her £6 million cash, but she argued that the sum was not enough. The judge decreed a fair settlement would involve him giving 37 per cent of his assets. Mr Charman had a subsequent appeal dismissed. It is thought to be Britain's highest divorce settlement..

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China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km

BEIJING (AFP) – Thousands of vehicles were bogged down Monday in a more than 100-kilometre (62-mile) traffic jam leading to Beijing that has lasted nine days and highlights China's growing road congestion woes.

The Beijing-Tibet expressway slowed to a crawl on August 14 due to a spike in traffic by cargo-bearing heavy trucks heading to the capital, and compounded by road maintenance work that began five days later, the Global Times said.

The state-run newspaper said the jam between Beijing and Jining city had given birth to a mini-economy with local merchants capitalising on the stranded drivers' predicament by selling them water and food at inflated prices..

That stretch of highway linking Beijing with the northern province of Hebei and the Inner Mongolia region has become increasingly prone to massive jams as the capital of more than 20 million people sucks in huge shipments of goods.Traffic slowed to a snail's pace in June and July for nearly a month, according to earlier press reports.

The latest clog has been worsened by the road improvement project, made necessary by highway damage caused by a steady increase in cargo traffic, the Global Times said.

China has embarked in recent years on a huge expansion of its national road system but soaring traffic periodically overwhelms the grid.

The congestion was expected to last into mid-September as the road project will not be finished until then, the newspaper said.

The roadway is a major artery for the supply of produce, coal and other goods to Beijing.
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Power distribution firms to be sold

What appears to be a final solution to the epileptic power supply in the country was unfolded yesterday as government approved the steps for the sale of 11 power firms.

The firms are to emerge out of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). This is coming as the government expressed deep concern over the high aggregate technical, commercial, and collection losses suffered in the course of electricity generation and distribution in the country.

At present, a large volume of electricity generated by the PHCN hardly gets to the final consumer due to technical reasons, including defective transmission and distribution lines, while billions of naira is lost every day due to the inability of the power company to collect accumulated revenues from debtor consumers, including government institutions.

But as part of the strategy approved last week for the core investors in the 11 power distribution firms created out of the PHCN, the National Council on Privatisation (NCP) underlined the need for prospective bidders to demonstrate capacity to curb these losses.

How to move the sector forward

The selection of bidders, the privatization agency said, must not only be on the basis of “efficiency improvement - reduction of Aggregate Technical, Commercial and Collection (ATCC) losses that they would achieve over a five-year period, but also that the preferred bidder “yields the highest net present value in terms of consequential benefits.”

The privatisation council, chaired by vice president, Mohammed Sambo, noted that the current ATCC losses, estimated at between 40 and 50 percent of the electricity distributed through the various power distribution companies, is unsustainable and must be halted if the country’s electricity industry is to be attractive for full private sector participation..

Under the proposed strategy, private sector operators are free to acquire controlling equity interest in any of the distribution companies with a view to rapidly improving its operational efficiency, while bidders would be allowed to bid on the basis of a trajectory of technical, commercial, and collection loss improvements capacity, unlike the traditional transaction approach where bidders merely bid on price for the equity shares.

The proposed method would be built around the Multi Year Tariff Order (MYTO) issued by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), which establishes the commercial and economic indices and the financial model for the entire electricity industry.

As part of the 2001 Electricity Power Sector Reform (EPSR) initiated by the government, the PHCN Plc was in November 2005 broken into 18 new successor incorporated companies, consisting of six power generation companies (GENCOS), one transmission company (TRANSCO), and 11 distribution companies (DISCOS).

States can generate power

Apart from approving a minority equity interest for state governments interested in participating in the privatisation of the distribution companies, the privatisation council also approved the privatisation strategy for some of the generation companies and their assets.

They include the sale of PHCN non-operational assets located at Ijora, Calabar, and Oji River plants, with the divestiture method approved for the sale of Sapele Power Plc, Afam Power Plc, and Ughelli Power Plc, while Kainji Hydro Power Plc and Shiroro Hydro Power Plc are to be privatised through the concessioning process.

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Boy shoots Stepmum

ABEOKUTA- THE Ogun State Police Command, Monday, said that it had been able to arrest 1,664 suspects in the last eight month, just as a 12-year-old boy, Mayowa Abegunrin who allegedly killed his step mother with a dane gun belonging to his grand father, was paraded alongside nine other suspects. Parading the suspects at the command headquarters in Abeokuta, the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Musa Daura, also paraded two Chinese nationals, Mr. Long Chen and Yianhui Gong who were kidnapped while returning from a meeting from Lagos state. were working at the Free Trade Zone in Igbesa Ogun and were reported to have been traced by the suspected kidnappers before they were eventually nabbed at Igbesa. Daura said the murder incident took place in Amusan Sapotu, Odeda Local Government area, while other criminal cases spread across the state.. The grand father of the minor, Mr. Moses Abegunrin, 65, explained that he was at the market before he was informed that the boy had used the Gun, which was inherited from the fore fathers to murder his step mother who was on a visitation to the village. While the boy could not speak to journalists as he was weeping uncontrollably, Abegunrin said, “The boy was asked by the step mother, Modinat Abegunrin, to go and fetch knife and join them in pealing cassava but the boy refused. Witnesses told me that it was in the process that the woman beat he went inside to take the gun which I had filled with bullets over two years because I a,m a farmer. “He is my grand son, his father is an electrician, based in Lagos. He is in the village to leave with me because his own mother has divorced my son. But the police should free me because of the old age I am not the one who killed Modinat.” Daura noted that the command recorded no fewer than 12 cult cases and 173 robbery cases adding that over 5,000 life ammunitions were recovered between January and August. “Our achievement in this command is the rescue of the two Chinese nationals, it is not for us alone but for Nigeria. We were alerted and before the suspected kidnappers had not started negotiating the ransom before we stormed the place and we were successful to have rescued them. “We have recorded six cases of kidnapping in this state while 57 murder cases have been recorded. This command has been able arrest over 170 armed robbers and recovered 154 vehicles in Ogun State.”
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The man who got a minor he allegedly impregnated, arrested and imprisoned for eight months, has been arrested by the police.

For over seven days, Nadum Nwitua, the man accused of impregnating Comfort Monday, the 17-year-old inmate, who had been incarcerated while pregnant at the Kirikiri Female Prison, Apapa, for eight months, over an alleged theft of N295,000, had evaded all attempts by federal and state government officials catching up with him.

Following the intervention of the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, through the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Social Development in effecting Ms Monday’s release, Mr Nwitua had gone underground. Witnesses said he only returns to his abode at 2 Owode Street, Abule Egba, at midnight and leaves before dawn. Subsequently, police officers attached to the governor’s office and Alausa police station, arrested him on August 20, at about 6am, as he made to leave his compound. He is accused of sexually abusing Ms Monday.

Denies the charge

Mr Nwitua denied ever having any sexual relations with Ms Monday. “I have never touched her,” he said. “I have being arrested for an offence I have no idea; when everyone knows she has a boyfriend, Kennedy, who must have impregnated her. Why has he not being arrested and brought here?.” He also denied being invited by any government agency to answer any of the allegations levied against him. But Lucas Koyejo, the Assistant Chief Legal Officer of the National Human Rights Commission, produced a letter of invitation addressed to Mr Nwitua, dated August 9, 2010, alleging assault, rape, trafficking, child labour and malicious prosecution of Ms Monday, which was signed and received by Mr Nwitua’s niece, Princess, on August 11. “In view of the seriousness of the above allegations, the commission hereby request for your response within seven days of your receipt of this letter in order to make a fair and just decision in this matter,” the letter read..

Different tune

At the Police State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Yaba, Mr Nwitua began to sang a different tune. He accused the Lagos State government of conspiring against him; and boasted that the charge of impregnating Ms Monday, if proven, would show he is a man. “Comfort was given to me by her father and brother for marriage,” he said. “I paid them about N25,000. Even if I impregnated her, am I not a man? So what crime have I done? All this allegations are just lies. Everybody that is a Yoruba is a liar. All you Yorubas are all liars.” Vure Kara, lawyer to Mr Nwitua, said his client was willing to undergo medical tests to confirm whether he is the father of the baby, adding if positive, he would have committed no crime since Ms Monday is above 16 years. “Our law is clear, once a person is within the age of 16 years, the issue of having intercourse with anybody is not a crime at all,” he said. “It is only if you have sexual intercourse with any person under 16 that it is a crime. So if that happens, it will be resolved. There is always a way about it..”

Not so easy

But indications are that Mr Nwitua, who has being detained over the weekend at Panti, will be charged to a family court. This would mean he will be tried under the Child Rights Law of Lagos State, thus ensuring a stiffer penalty. “It is a criminal matter and there are several allegations against him,” Mr Koyejo said. “First of all there is the allegation of rape because he forcefully had carnal knowledge of an underage under his care and the penalty for that under the Child Rights Act is life imprisonment.”

Ademola Adeniji-Adele, the Commissioner for Youth, Sports and Social Development, whose ministry took over Ms Monday’s welfare since August 17, said both mother and baby were doing fine. He said it would be left to the court to determine when a paternity test would be carried out. “The ministry’s obligation is to the girl and the child,” he said. “Everything other thing is being handled by the police and the court. Ours is to ensure abuse in any form in Lagos State is addressed. This is what we have done and the ministry is grateful to NEXT for bringing this girl’s case to the fore.”

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Project Fame Studios located inside Murhi International premises in flames last night.


Equipment worth billions of naira were lost yesterday as fire razed Ultima Limited’s studios where MTN sponsored programmes; Project Fame and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire are recorded.

The studios, which are located inside Murhi International House, Omole junction, Isheri Road, Ojodu, were gutted by fire at about 8:30 p.m yesterday.

P.M.NEWS gathered that the fire started from an electric spark from the roof of one of the studios, shortly after the recording of an episode of the popular Who Wants To Be A Millionaire programme.

When P.M.NEWS visited the scene of the fire incident last night, the staff of Ultima Limited were seen counting their loss.

One of them, who could not control his tears, said “this is very sad. Where are we going to start from? We could not even take a pin out of the studios. I don’t think this is ordinary.”

When the fire broke out, most of the staff had gone home, having finished the recording of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Most of them had to rush back to the office following calls that their studios were on fire.

According to sympathizers at the scene of the incident, the damage would not have been that much if the of Lagos State Fire and Safety men had intervened fast.

In the words of a sympathizer identified as Wole, “when we discovered the incident, we immediately raised an alarm and tried all our efforts to bring the fire under control. But the fire service men did not come until about an hour after we called them. Even when they eventually came, they were short of water to combat the inferno immediately. We thank God that no life was lost.”

The Corporate Affairs Manager of the company, Olumide Akinlabi, was heard screaming “we are doomed! We are doomed.”

And when he eventually spoke with our reporter, he noted that “we just finished recording and I was almost home when I got the call, so I had to rush back…everything is gone.”

Meanwhile, the contestants of the on-going third edition of Project Fame West Africa have been relocated from their Academy to a nearby hotel.

Ultima Limited is a production outfit owned by Mr. Femi Ayeni.

—Bayo Adetu

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Jim Iyke is controversial in nature can not be contested. His fights, arrogance, women battering, to mention a few, during his teenage period, testified to the man he would grow up to be and he has wonderfully displayed this traits at adulthood, especially as an actor and one of the well to do dudes in the entertainment industry in Nigeria.
Jim’s secret lover, Sally, a Sierra Leonean based in Essen in Germany, is reported to have been tested positive to the dreaded disease, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus popularly referred as HIV. The highly controversial actor, Jim Iyke, before now, information at our disposal reveals, has been involved in a lovey-dovey with this married Sierra Leonean without the knowledge of the public until the affair now became a mumbo-jumbo.

Sally, we learnt, having got entangled in an illicit affair with Jim Iyke during one of his visits to Germany, couldn’t resist the crush she had on him. She became so attached to Jim to the extent that whenever Jim was in town, she would lie to her husband that she needed to
travel out of town, whereas, she would be locked in a hotel room with the brand Ambassador, Jim. In return of such good gesture, Sally, many times, would come to Nigeria to see her friend, Success, who is based in Lagos, but would sneaked out to see Jim without Success getting to know. Photo Above Jim Iyke & Sally .Photo Below Jim Iyke's Girl from the States Keturah

The relationship between Jim and Sally, later became public knowledge when the husband got wind of his wife’s adulterous moves with Jim and the quite but rich dude asked her to leave his house. The whole matter later became so complicated when the wife, Sally, told the husband that she was already carrying a baby for him.

The paternity of the baby was declined by the husband and that, we learnt, marked the beginning of her woes. After a lot of persuasions from friends and family, Sally, after she had been delivered of the baby, we gathered, opened up that Jim Iyke was responsible for the pregnancy and that he’s automatically the father of her baby. She further explained how she visited Jim in Nigeria three times without the knowledge of her husband or her friend’s, Success.
During the pregnancy period, rumour has it that, Sally contacted Jim in Nigeria to intimate him about the pregnancy only for Jim to have distanced himself immediately from her and warned her never to come to him or even call him for any reason again. Now, the baby is alive, an alleged split-image of Jim, but the sad tale about this whole story is that, Sally has now been diagnosed to be HIV positive and there is strong indication that Jim Iyke himself is likely to be sharing same status with Sally. Call it triple tragedy for Sally and you are not far from the truth. Effort to reach Jim Iyke to comment on this matter was aborted. .

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"Police kill driver, injure another in Ilorin"

Residents of Ogele, a community near Eiyekorin in Ilorin, Kwara State, were on Monday evening thrown into mourning as a policeman from the state mobile police unit allegedly shot and killed an assistant driver of a truck and injured another.

The victim, one Dele Olaniyi, died on the spot, while another assistant driver, Waheed Jamiu, was seriously wounded and as at Monday night receiving treatment at the General Hospital Ilorin, the state capital.

When our correspondent visited the scene of the shooting the body of the truck, marked Kwara XB 515 SHA, was seen riddled with bullets.

Our correspondent report that the police, which initially insisted that the truck was carrying illegal goods, were however surprised when the trunk was forced open and discovered that it contained only an empty 25-litre can.

The dead victim, who wore a white top and jean trousers, was found lying in the pool of his own blood in the front of the truck with his head riddled with bullets.

Hundreds of sympathisers gathered at the warehouse where the offending policemen was kept and tied before he was eventually rescued by a detachment of policemen from the state police command headquarters.

Youths of the community who insisted on instant justice for the mobile policeman sang war songs, demanding that the man who shot the victim be released to them.

The killed driver, who was an assistant driver with Mount Olive Farms Nigeria Limited, a commodity merchandising concern, a source told our correspondent, had driven past the police checkpoint without slowing down ‘’because the policemen were not in the habit of checking long trailers.”

Our correspondent learnt that the police were usually ‘’settled’’ on a monthly basis on behalf of the truck’ drivers to avoid harassment by the policemen manning the checkpoint. The checkpoint was however dismantled by irate youths immediately after the incident.

The policemen at the checkpoint when the incident occured allegedly fired shots at the youths when they attempted to apprehend them and injured many in the process.

Speaking with our correspondent, the farm manager, Dr. Sambo Hyelni, said that those present at the warehouse tried to rescue the policeman before he was forcefully snatched by the youths who mauled him before he was salvaged by his colleagues.

The Officer in Charge, MOPOL, Kwara command, Sadiq Abubakar, who led policemen to the scene refused to speak on the matter, maintaining that only his boss, Muktar Ibrahim could speak officially.

When our correspondent contacted the state police spokesperson, Ezekiel Dabo, he said he did not have details because “he had not received signals from those in the field.”

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‘Why we rob on bad roads’

After twice visiting Mecca, the Islamic holy city, one would expect Alhaji Idowu Saliu to live above board like Ceasar’s wife.

But the police are claiming that Saliu is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

According to them, he has been the Second-in-Command of a gang of suspected robbers who were snatching exotic cars and selling them at giveaway prices.

Saliu, with his suspected partner in crime, Saheed Onitolo, were caught with sophisticated weapons, including military assault rifles, two cut-to-size locally made single barrel pistol, 22 rounds of 2.6mm life ammunition, and five live catridges concealed under their car’s door mat.

The Nigerian Compass gathered that luck ran out on Saliu’s gang after a tip-off from a woman, who had allegedly once been robbed by the gang.

Saliu was subsequently handed over to the police at the State Criminal Investigations Department(SCID), Panti, Yaba, for further investigations.

Police spokesperson, Frank Mba, told journalists that the Lagos State Police Command is determined, more than ever, to continue in the fight against all kinds of crimes and vices in the state.

His words: “We have two suspected armed robbers here in our midst. The two suspects identified themselves as Idowu Saliu and Saheed Onitolo. They were arrested on July 12, 2010, and were subsequently transferred to SCID for a much more comprehensive investigation after preliminary investigation at the local station showed that they indeed had some connections with some robbery incidents.

“One of the vehicles that had so far been recovered from this gang, is this Honda Bulldog Saloon car. But one of the intriguing thing here is the way and manner their arms were concealed in this car as at the time the car was recovered from them. Special anti-robbery operatives from the state CID who conducted a diligent search on this vehicle, recovered military assault rifles, two cut-to-size locally made single barrel pistol, 22 rounds of .6mm live ammunition, and five live cartridge.”

The suspect were said to have neatly packed the recovered arms into the side door-mat of the car. Mba said: “This was yet another ingenious way of concealing arms by robbers. It was like having a mobile armoury in an automobile.”

Saliu, 30, who has two wives and two kids, said he took to robbery due to frustration after he was duped of N1.5million by unknown persons.

He however narrated the circumstances that led him to robbery.

He said: “I live at Ayomare Street, Sango-Ota. I am married with two children. I am a cobbler by profession, but now a confirmed robber. I traveled sometime ago and was duped by unknown persons of N1.5 million. Tunji introduced me into this robbery business, and he owns the guns we use for all our operations. Whenever I visit him at his home, at Ikoyi, Lagos, he always gives me some money.

“One day, during such a visit, he introduced me to the business of snatching people’s vehicles and since then, I have been in the business.

“We usually target roads that are not motorable. Roads that are very bad, which we know that car owners would not be able to speed on. If they get to such roads, they’ll be forced to slow down. We snatch sport cars such as Camry, Honda and other cars of that class within Lagos State. So far, I have snatched six to seven cars. I used guns to carry out the operation. We are a two-man-gang. How we operate is this: we get to an area that is not too motorable and wait, pretending as though we are waiting for commercial vehicles, and when our innocent victims get close to a point we know will be difficult for them to turn, we bring out our guns and rob them of their cars; but we do not kill. Our operations are always during night hours.

“When we snatch the cars, our Oga will send people to come and collect the cars and pay us N150,000. When Tunji, our Oga heard of our arrest, he absconded and has not been found!”

On how he was arrested, he said: “I parked my car somewhere around Egbeda. I was strolling when one woman identified me as a member of a gang that snatched her car sometimes and called on people to arrest me.

“By the time I ran to where I parked my vehicle, it was too late. Angry hands grabbed and dragged me to the police station.

“My wife is not aware that I am into this sort of business and I regret becoming a member of a robbery gang.

“I regret being an armed robber. I pray to be forgiven. I also call on all the people I have snatched their cars to please forgive me. I took to robbery because I was duped!”

The other suspect, Onitolo, 22, who claims to be an automobile engineer, however said that although he was a member of the gang, his duty was to push any snatched vehicle to a selling point.

He further revealed that although he was not receiving much money from the business compared to the risk involved, the peanuts he received had so far been useful to him.

He said his pay for shifting the snatched vehicles was around the sum of N40,000 to N50,000.

Onitolo was once an inmate at the Ikoyi prisons. He explained that he was arrested and charged to court for working on a car brought to him by a customer; a car he never knew was a stolen one. He spent eight months in prison, there he met some criminal elements, who rather than change in prison, were busy plotting their next robbery operation once they gained their freedom.

His words: “I am Saheed Onitolo, from Oyo State. I am an automobile engineer. Someone I met at the Maximum Prison, Ikoyi, called Gbenga, initiated me into the business of robbery. When we were at the prison, he was very helpful, assisting me in all ways, including giving me food. When we were both released from the prison, he introduced me to a car dealer who was incidentally our boss.

“After every operation, I drive to the stand for sales. I have only been involved in three robbery operations.”

There was also another case where policemen from Elere Police Station made startling discoveries.

Mba said: “What you have here is a recovery made from Elere Police Station. This vehicle was intercepted on July 31, 2010. Policemen from the station, who were on routine patrol, intercepted the vehicle at about 12 midnight. Immediately police sighted the bus and flagged it down, the driver sharply pulled up and several men jumped out, scampering in different directions. Like well trained and moderated police officers, the policemen restrained from opening fire on the fleeing men. This was so because, it was difficult to know why they were fleeing.

“The abandoned vehicle was later searched but nothing was found. The vehicle was subsequently towed to the police station.

“Subsequent events showed that these robbers had a way of concealing their weapons in the vehicle, and this triggered the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) to call for proper search of the abandoned vehicle.

“The vehicle was dismantled and proper search conducted. After the search, several arms were recovered from the vehicle including: three AK47 rifles, two sub-machine guns.

“The police have gone too far to look back. We thanked the state for its support and pledge to give our unalloyed support to zero tolerance in fighting crime in the state.

By Godwin Akpan and Yomi Ajiboye

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How we foiled truck diversion - Police


The Recovered truck.

THE combined efforts of both the Lagos State Police Command and the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Adeniji Adele road, Lagos, frustrated the attempted diversion of a truck loaded with 40 feet container, containing three tractors, valued at several millions of naira belonging to the Borno State government by a syndicate.

The syndicate led by one Garba Musa, now at large, in conjunction with two other suspects, Mohammed and Bello Yisa, was said to have perpetrated the act on July 12, 2010, between Apapa Wharf and Marine beach in Apapa Local Government Area of Lagos State. Two of the suspected criminals were nabbed by a team of police detectives following a tip-off.

Crime and Security gathered that the fleeing leader of the gang allegedly specialised in diversion of containers from Apapa Wharf both at the Tin can Island, and Roro Ports at Apapa business community of Lagos State. He was said to have approached one Alhaji Ibrahim Mohammed, a staff of Mowan Maritime Services Limited with the intention of transporting the container from Apapa Wharf, Lagos to Maiduguri, Borno State.

It was, however, learnt that after the deal had been struck on the cost of transportation of the container between Alhaji Mohammed and Musa, the latter was said to have engaged the sevrices of Mohammed Abass, a truck driver at Apapa Wharf to use his truck to transport the container out of the Wharf under the guise that he was to deliver the container in Maiduguri before it was later discovered that it was missing.

An insider police source at the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Adeniji Adele Road, Lagos, informed Crime and Security that after a manhunt for both Musa and the truck driver, Abass, it was allegedly discovered that the truck did not travel anywhere as agreed by the two parties.

The source, who craved anonymity, disclosed that it later dawned on the agent of the clearing and forwarding firm, Alhaji Mohammed, that Musa had an ulterior motive and that the suspect had diverted the truck and the container belonging to the Borno State government to an unknown destination in conjunction with Abass.

“In fact, that was why the representatives of the owners of the missing container reported the case to the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad for investigation,” the source said.

And no sooner the case was reported than the police swung into action and effected the arrests of both Abass and Yisa, who were said to have concluded arrangement to divert the goods in connivance with the fleeing suspect.

Meanwhile, the truck driver, Abass who cliamed to be an indigene of Nasarawa State and a resident at 2, Odofin Street, Olodi Apapa, Lagos, denied the allegation that he was working in concert with the fleeing suspect, to divert the container.

The suspect who claimed to have spent two weeks in the police cell at Apapa Police Station, Area B, Lagos State after which he was transferred to the Federal SARS stated in an encounter with Crime and Security last week in Lagos that:

“The 1x40 feet container contained three tractors and up till now, I do not know the actual value of the tractors in naira and kobo and I have since pleaded with the police to understand my innocence, just as I begged them to release me on bail,”the suspect said.

The suspect has, however, promised the police to assist them in their quest to locate and arrest fleeing Garba Musa, provided he was granted bail, adding that he had put about seven years into transportation business and that he had never experienced such in his several dealings with his numerous customers.

Also, in a chat with Crime and Security, Yisa said he did not know anything about the diversion of the truck. The suspect who claimed to be a member of the National Union of Road Transport Workers at the Marine Beach Branch, Apapa, said his duty at the park was to collect union dues of N500 on each truck that entered the park, irrespective of being loaded or not.

“I was on duty when a man came to meet me and said that the truck was loaded with his container and he gave me N200 as gift. He said that I should assist him in looking after the truck,” he said.

He also identified Musa as the man who gave him money and instruction to look after the truck, adding that the fleeing suspect also instructed him to call him anytime the truck was about to leave the park.

He added that his trouble with the police began when he saw a team of policemen that came to arrest the driver and he attempted to call the man ( Musa) on phone to tell him about the development.

“Musa asked that I should give the phone to one of the policemen, with view of speaking with him. And I did as I was instructed and I was later informed by the police that the man had during their conversation promised to come and see them, but that he has not showed up till now, hence the decision of the police to arrest me as an accomplice in the crime.”

Meanwhile, confirming the incident was the Commissioner for Police in charge of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS), Mr. Jubril Adeniji, who said that the suspects would soon be arraigned and charged with conspiracy and theft in a court as soon as the investigation into the case was concluded by the police.

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"IBB Campaigners Stranded In Minna

Rogue Candidate: Former Military Dictator, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida

Written By Francis Falola, Minna

Members of a group campaigning for the emergence of the former military dictator, Gen Ibrahim Babangida, as President in 2011 were on Saturday stranded in Minna, the Niger State capital.

Members of the group, Campaign Network for IBB, from the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, arrived in Minna on Friday for a meeting on the general’s ambition.

Most of the participants, who spoke in an interview with our correspondent in Minna, lamented what they described as neglect on the part of the organisers of the event.

They alleged that no arrangement was made for their accommodation, feeding and transportation.

Investigations by our correspondent revealed that IBB’s campaigners in 2003 and 2007 during the immediate past administration of Alhaji Abdulkhadir Kure, were ccommodated at the state-owned Shiroro Hotel.

One of the delegates, who came from Kwara State, Mr. Shittu Mohammed, while lamenting their fate disclosed to our correspondent that against the practice during Kure ’s administration none of them was given any money nor arrangements made for their accommodation.

According to him, “We are really disappointed. In the past during the previous administration of Alhaji Kure whenever we were in Minna, we were sure of a very befitting accommodation in Shiroro Hotel with free food, at the end of the exercise.

“When we are coming for this programme, the vehicle we chartered developed a fault just after Jebba. Some of our delegates had to turn back and the four of us who managed to get to Minna had to pair in an unbefitting hotel with two male and two female sleeping in a room”.

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Musa Yar'adua, the Aso Rock gunner, shows his Father's Wild Side. Image taken from "The Wild Little Ones" Yar'adua's Son, Musa

The wild teenage son of Umaru Yar'adua, Musa Yar'adua is here toying with a MOPOL weapon at the Aso Rock grounds. Do we need anymore fortune teller to reveal that a wild child like this will grow up to become a menace to the world? His father died in May from an unknown cause.

Musa posing with one of the many cars in Aso-Rock

Musa Yar'adua posing with one of the cars in Aso Rock

"Credit Crunch?" Not in the Naira House of the Yaradua's

Musa Yar'adua posing with wads of Naira Notes.

As the roads in Kubwa dey bad a big "Okada" is not a Bad Idea for a Yaradua

Musa Yar'adua on a motor bike

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