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The Lagos State Government on Thursday said giving alms to beggars on roadside is an offence punishable by two years imprisonment without an option of fine. 

It further stated that instead of risking jail term, the citizens of the state could give such alms to churches, mosques, registered orphanages, motherless babies homes or social welfare institutions in the state. 
The Special Adviser on Youth, Sports and Social Development to the governor, Dr. Dolapo Badru, said this at a news conference in Alausa, Ikeja on the performance of the ministry in social care. 
He said the government was determined to take beggars and the destitute off the street and provide them vocations and shelters. 
He said, "Lagos State frowns on giving alms to beggars. It is punishable under the law and you can get up to two years imprisonment for giving money to beggars. 
"We have places where such money could be put to good use. The government is committed to best practices in social care." 
He said that the government had formulated policies and established institutional care services in order to ensure proper rescue and integration of beggars and the destitute. 
He said that 72 complaints on begging and destitution were received and attended to in 2010, adding that government's efforts were aimed at reducing crimes in the state. 
"We are concerned about it and other issues of abandoned babies and child abuse and lack of care for people living with disabilities. Hence, we have telephone lines people can call in case they notice some of these things including 08097226696 for beggars and 08096777389 for abandoned babies," Badru said.
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From Laolu Akande, New York

AS part of its renewed military assistance to Nigeria and to help monitor the Gulf of Guinea more effectively, the United States (U.S.) is transferring the ownership of two of its well known warships to the Federal Government today in California, U.S.

The two ships - Chase and Hamilton, regarded as high endurance warships, which had been in the service of the U.S. Coast Guard in the last 43 and 44 years respectively, were recently decommissioned - (stepped down) by the U.S. authorities in March and are now being donated to Nigeria, according to a spokesperson of the U.S. Coast Guard who spoke ahead of the event where the ownership would be transferred to Nigeria.

A team of Nigerian diplomats, Federal Government and military officials are already in Alameda, California at one of the bases of the U.S. Coast Guard service to receive the offer from the Americans.   Led by the Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, Prof. Ade Adefuye, the team includes the new Nigeria Defence Attache to the U.S. Navy Captain Adefemi Kayode.

According to Sondra Kay, a spokesperson of the U.S. Coast Guard Services, two separate events will take place today, one by 9 a.m. and the other by 2 p.m. where both ships would be handed over to Nigeria one after the other in California. According to Sondra Kay,  the names Chase and Hamilton which the ships bear have now been dropped since Nigeria will now have to give the ships new names.

Both Chase and Hamilton are veterans of the US Coast Guard fleet and have been in service for 43 and 44 years and both ships have a wide capacity and weighing about 378 feet in length, according to the spokesperson.

Both ships were actively used by the US military during the Vietnam war and while Chase was engaged as surveillance ship when the US declared the war on terror after 2011, Hamilton has also been engaged on several missions including recently helping out in Haiti after the disaster of last year.

According to the US Coast Guards Services,  CGC Chase-(CGC meaning Coast Guards Cutter) "is designed as a "high endurance" cutter. Her crossing range of 9,600 miles at 20 knots, and 80 foot flight deck, capable of handling both Coast Guard and Navy helicopters, make the Chase an ideal platform for extended patrol missions.

Besides, Chase's regular missions include "enforcement of all U.S. maritime laws and treaties, fisheries conservation, marine pollution response, defence readiness, and search and rescue. CGC Chase was one of the first naval vessels built with a combined diesel and gas turbine propulsion plant."

It was added that Chase's engineering plant "includes two 3,500 horsepower diesel engines, and two 18,000 horsepower gas turbines, which can achieve a top speed of 28 knots. Two 13-foot diameter controllable pitch propellers, combined with a retractable and rotatable bow propulsion unit, give Chase high maneuverability."

When they were decommissioned in March, the Commandant of the US Coast Guards Services, Admiral Bob Papp commended both ships generously. In a statement from the US Coast Guards, Admiral Papp  said Hamilton which is 44 years old, having been commissioned in 1967 was the first US military vessel to employ aircraft gas turbine engines combined with diesel engines.

According to him, its motto , "Always first", truly reflects the ship's history. For instance Papp said Hamilton was also the first US military vessel to arrive in Vietnam during the war. Last year, the ship sailed for 205 days and covered over 50,000 nautical miles according to Admiral Papp.

On the other hand Papp disclosed that Chase won the Navy Meritorious unit commendation and the Vietnam Service Medal. Commissioned in 1968, he said Chase had been part of "virtually everyone of the US Coast Guards challenging maritime missions. Chase's motto was "There is no work better than ours!"

Valued at several millions of dollars both ships are said to be part of renewed US military assistance to Nigeria. For instance US news agency report yesterday cited a Pentagon counterterrorism training and equipment initiative known as the Section 1206 programme , which has funnelled aid to 53 countries including Nigeria.

Funding for that initiative has risen to $500 million in the Obama administration's request for fiscal year 2012, which starts October 1, and under the programme, Nigeria reportedly got maritime surveillance gear to monitor traffic in the Gulf of Guinea.

Also in 2003 and 2004, the US also gave several ships to the Nigerian military, but Chase and Hamilton are said to be some of the highest capacity ships donated to the Federal Government by the Americans.
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Man after coma of 19yrs Jan Grzebski (1942 – 12 December 2008 :"Now I see people on the streets with cell phones and there are so many goods in the shops it makes my head spin. What amazes me is all these people who walk around with their mobile phones and never stop moaning. I've got nothing to complain about."


Note:Tayo Aderinokun MD of GTBank is in a coma in a London Hospital. His achievements have led to various Milestones in the Banking industry of Nigeria. Pray for his quick recovery .


Ist Man: Terry Wallis
Man wakes after 20 years in a coma
It sounds like the plot of a movie, only it's completely true. Terry Wallis lapsed into a coma over 19 years ago after a car wreck near his home in Arkansas. He's been in a comatose state at the Stone County Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre for most of the time since that day. Last month, he opened his eyes and slowly regained the power of speech and a consciousness of the world around him.
His first word was, "Mom," which was received with delight by his mother, Angilee Wallis, who aptly called her son's recovery "a miracle." David Good, a neurological rehabilitation specialist from Wake Forest University Medical School commented that Mr. Wallis' recovery after almost two decades is so rare that statistics aren't even kept on the event.
Terry's long-term memory seems to function normally, but appears to have been frozen back in 1984. He awoke believing that Ronald Reagan was President, and asked for his grandmother who had died several years ago, remembering her phone number which everyone else in the family had forgotten.

Jerry Wallis, Terry's father commented, "You see, he's still back in 1984." James Zini, Wallis' family physician instructed the hospital to treat Terry as though he were awake and functioning, and his family took him home with them for periodic visits.

The few memories that he formed over the years were likely the results of conversations he overheard as he drifted in and out of the coma. One example of this was that Terry awoke knowing what a cell phone was, even though he had never seen one. Terry hadn't spoken to his family since 13 July 1984 when he said goodbye to his 17 year old wife and six-week old daughter and left for a drive with his close friend "Chub" Moore. Their truck smashed through a guardrail several miles out of town and plunged 25 feet before landing upside down in a creek bed below the road. They were found the next morning by the local police. Eight days later, Moore died.

Terry was placed on a ventilator, heart monitor and a feeding tube for long term maintenance care. There was nothing more the doctors could do for him. The family is understandably ebullient over Terry's miraculous recovery. Terry awoke unexpectedly when his mother entered the room and asked the question she'd become accustomed to asking on her daily visits, "Who's here? Who is it who came to visit you today?" To her amazement, this time he answered. His first words were soon followed with a torrent as he struggled to get a grasp on the changes that had taken place. Terry's language skills recovered slowly at first, a few words at a time, but now, according to his family he talks almost full time and has given interviews with reporters from around the world. His reunion with his family also included meeting his 19 year old daughter Amber, who was born just before the accident. For the first time, he was able to tell her, "You're pretty" and "I love you."


One can only imagine the difficult adjustments that lie ahead for Terry, as he adjusts to the world that is suddenly reappeared before him, and, simultaneously grapples with the challenges of his remaining medical problems. He remains a parapalegic with almost no use of his arms or legs. He is working with a speech therapist and has said that he hopes to work on walking again one day.
The coincidence that the original car wreck and Terry's awakening both occurred on Friday the 13th is an anomaly within a miracle.
Update, January 2004
It has now been almost six months since Terry Wallis unexpectedly woke up from his 20 year coma and began to talk. His friends and family have rallied around the cause of his physical and psychological rehabilitation and good progress is being made towards Terry's reentry into a world that has changed dramatically around him.

Terry's story dropped quickly from the news but the real struggle to begin his new life has just begun. Here are a few of the developments since he awoke: - Terry's language skills continue to improve and he is now able to initiate conversations with his doctors and family members. According to his father, his personality has also changed a bit. When he was asked by his female speech therapist, what she could do for him, "He told her, "Make love to me."
- Terry's wife Sandi is still estranged from the family, the result of her lack of faith that Terry would eventually emerge from his persistent vegetative state. His daughter Amber has taken an active role in Terry's rehabilitation and participates in his daily care.

The costs of Terry's care have been an enormous burden to his family, but relief may be on the way in the form of a movie deal. Scott Bakula Productions has agreed to a six-figure contract for the movie rights to Terry's story. Bakula is pitching the story to television networks in the hope of producing a show in time for the first anniversary of Terry's awakening. Rumor has it that the ubiquitous Ben Affleck will be cast as Terry and Jennifer Lopez will play Terry's estranged wife Sandi. - The Wallis family has established a fund for those wishing to contribute to Terry's care. Details can be found at
- The controversy surrounding the Terri Schiavo case in Florida has reawaken some interest in Terry Wallis. Terry's family heard about the Schiavo case and contacted Schiavo's family to offer support. Schiavo, also 39 years old, has been in a coma since 1990. Her husband has requested that her life support systems be withdrawn, allowing her to die, but her family and other supporters, including the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, have fought the move.


The Terry Wallis and Terri Schiavo cases are both in the spotlight of the difficult moral and ethical questions surrounding "personhood theory. Under this theory, people who are diagnosed with permanent loss of consciousness and the ability to think and communicate with others are defined as "nonpersons." These "human nonpersons" are theorized to have lesser rights and value than full and equal members of the human community. Other nonperson classes include embryos, fetuses, those with severe mental disabilities or advanced Alzheimer's disease. 2006 Update
Terry Wallis plans to spend the Fourth of July 2006 listening to country western music and watching fireworks at his brother's house in Harriet, Arkansas.

The miracle of his recovery has continued to impress and confound his doctors and delight his family. Since his re-awakening in 2003, Mr. Wallis' speech and memory have continued to improve, providing scientists with an opportunity for new insights into neurology and cognitive processes. A recent research paper published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation uses advanced brain scanning techniques to explore the progress of Mr. Wallis' recovery and concludes that his brain is forming new neural connections. This is contrary to the accepted medical belief that few if any neurons regenerate after severe brain trauma.
These findings could have important implications for the estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Americans currently in states of partial or minimal consciousness. Mr. Wallis' case is also often referenced in discussions of the case of Terri Schiavo, a Floridian who was removed from life support last year after years in a persistent vegetative state. Ms. Schiavo's injuries were significantly more profound than Mr. Wallis'.


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrvyZrAL4ySFMgDsee1ME6vu7XqdqRS5mWTVvYqiH5JJmudT0mimXZRkfi&width=234 2nd Man:
Jan Grzebski (1942 – 12 December 2008)[1] was a Polish railroad worker who fell into a coma in 1988 and woke up in 2007. Although widely reported as a delayed effect of being hit in the head by a train's hinged car side, the coma was actually the result of a 5-centimeter brain tumor. Over time, Grzebski's aging caused the tumor to shrink enough to relieve pressure on his brain stem, and he eventually regained full consciousness. Grzebski began to wake from his coma in 2006. Doctors had not expected Grzebski to survive, let alone emerge from the coma. He credited his survival to his wife, Gertruda Grzebska, who cared and prayed for him. Grzebski was a father of four at the time of the accident. While in a coma he gained eleven grandchildren. In an interview on 1 June 2007, with the Polish news channel TVN 24, wheelchair-bound Grzebski described his recollections of the communist system's economic collapse. "When my family spoke to me, I could actually hear them but I could not talk back. I could not send them a signal to tell them that I was still alive".
“ When I went into a coma there was only tea and vinegar in the shops, meat was rationed and huge petrol queues were everywhere.
Now I see people on the streets with cell phones and there are so many goods in the shops it makes my head spin. What amazes me is all these people who walk around with their mobile phones and never stop moaning. I've got nothing to complain about."

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A man has killed and beheaded a British woman in a supermarket on the Spanish island of Tenerife. The suspect, a 28-year-old unemployed Bulgarian man, attacked the unnamed 60-year-old woman with a knife and then fled into the street with the severed head in his hands, according to eyewitnesses. Police have identified the alleged killer as Deyan Valentinov D., but have not released a surname. Colin Kirby, a reporter for Tenerife Magazine, explained what he had seen as he walked past the shop, in Los Cristianos, Arona, which is situated on the southern point of the island at around 10.30 am. He said he had spoken to an English couple who were in the shop at around 10.30am when the incident happened. "They said this guy just walked in, pulled a big knife and started stabbing at her." He added: "I didn't see the attack but I saw the guy. I was walking past the commercial centre and I saw a small group of people outside. There was a guy from the medical centre going down the ramp and I thought perhaps someone had fainted. "I heard people shouting and screaming and making a commotion. A Hispanic looking guy, very scruffy, was walking behind me muttering to himself, carrying what I thought was a joke head by the hair, with blood. "It made me think of Clash of The Titans, gorgons. I thought … it's a joke'. The man was in his late 20s … He was a bit dishevelled, unwashed, he was wearing a jumper and trousers, when everyone else is wearing shorts. Even at 10.30 in the morning, it's boiling." Kirby said that the man ran off as security guards and others chased after him. "Security guards rushed from the shop where he'd been, chased him across the road and by this time he was pinned to the floor. By this time he was empty-handed and was on the other side of the road." "The security and the police had to hold people off – they were queueing up – they were trying basically to kick the hell out of the guy." Los Cristianos has a large expat British community. A witness told the radio broadcaster Cadena Ser that he saw the man drop the head on the pavement after coming out of the shop. "I parked my car and saw a man running out with something bloody in his hands and a security guard chasing him. He threw it to the ground. It almost hit me. "What he had been carrying was a woman's head." Araceli Perez, 33, who works for Ocean Properties, said the victim was British but of Chinese ancestry. "[The killer] was running away with her head in his hands," she said. Tenerife media were saying the killer had previous convictions for violence, she added. The Foreign Office said that not all the woman's family had been informed and they could not comment other than to confirm that she had died. "We are aware that a British national has died in Tenerife," it said. José Alberto González, the mayor, said the attack did not appear to be premeditated and had been recorded on the supermarket's security cameras. A regional interior ministry delegate, Dominica Fernández, said the suspect was believed to have entered the shop and stolen a knife, which he then used to behead the woman. The attack appeared to be random. Police are investigating to see if the vict eyanov is detained after the attack "When I was working there everyone thought he was on drugs because he was behaving really odd. "My boss told him to go away because he was pestering me and a few of the other girls. "The police drove past and he started abusing them so they turned their car around and pulled over by Bobby's Bar. "The officers got hold of him and roughed him up with their sticks before letting him go. Mrs Mills-Westley was stabbed up to 14 times before being beheaded in the horrific attack on Friday. The retired 60-year-old from Norwich had earlier tried to avoid her tormentor by taking refuge in an office doorway. She alerted a security guard in the social security office that she had been subjected to "threatening behaviour" from an unwashed vagrant.
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jpeg&STREAMOID=ly8nMVOL$e3GSsSe4BEygy6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxRmNyBpVk0ulkrwB7Q9mfFJnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=234A U.S.-based Christian group took to the streets of Manila earlier this week to preach that the end of the world is fast approaching — on May 21 at sunset, to be precise.

Volunteers from the religious group Family Radio, a Christian radio network in the United States, donned neon-coloured t-shirts and walked along Manila’s main thoroughfares, handing out pamphlets to passerby with warnings of impending Judgement Day.

The designation of May 21 came from Family Radio president Harold Camping, who predicted that date through a series of mathematical calculations and the unravelling of codes behind the Bible story of the great flood.

He was convinced that God gave hints of doomsday in the scriptures and that it was their job to decode them.

One volunteer, Kenji Hoffman, left his family and his successful job as a mechanic in the U.S to join the Family Radio crusade around the world, used his savings to get to the Philippines.

He said he believed God had left clear signs that the world was coming to an end.

“He gave Abraham warning, he gave Noah warning, he gave Lot warning and he gave Ninevites warning, and so he’s giving us warning that he is about to come,” Hoffman said.

Camping had also predicted that the world would end in September 1994, following previous calculations. After this prediction failed, he said his prediction for 2011 would definitely come true.

But few people in this majority Catholic country appeared to be paying much attention to the warnings.

“It might really happen since there’s a lot of sin in the world. It will happen, but not in the way they were predicting,” said bus inspector Rico Almasan.

“Judgement Day can’t happen on May 21.”

Gerardo Lanuza, a professor at the University of the Philippines specialising in the Sociology of Religion, said that Judgement Day groups had increased in recent years due to the unstable political and economic climate around the world.

“They want to offer people some kind of security, a type of security amidst an insecure world. It’s like okay, the end of the world is coming, what do we do?” he said.

“It’s like they’re saying we have to convince people that they have to change their way of life.”

Despite the sceptical response, members of Family Radio — which was founded in 1959 — remained unfazed.

“The world is temporal. We are seeking for an eternal one, eternal things,” said Leo Arenas, a recent convert.



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The Basis of Christianity is Simple, From The first Prophet in the Bible to The very Last .Man Needs God & God has stipulated simply I have sent many prophets but  My son I have now sent to You . You have killed Him.He is risen & seated at my right hand in Heaven . So if you are looking for the Way or are surrounded by Lies and you need a Real Life . You will Find all Three in one ."Buy" One Get Three Free
Jesus Christ aka Yeshua The King of Kings & Lord of Lords . The Lamb of God who was Slain .
John 14:6 is frequently used in sermons, signs and brochures. We wonder if it is really understood. Most often it is cited to affirm that Jesus Christ is the only way a person can be reconciled with God. We agree this verse does teach this. Without Jesus, there is simply no hope for mankind. But is that the main focus on what Jesus was saying?
"1 "Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.

2 "In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.

3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

4 "And you know the way where I am going."

5 Thomas *said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?"

6 Jesus *said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.

7 "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him."

8 Philip *said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us."

9 Jesus *said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, "Show us the Father"?"
John 14:1-9, NASB.
"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." John 14:6

We need to look at the context as well as the words.

john14.6.gif?width=184Jesus is the Way.
We find that Jesus is clearly discussing the way a person can find union with God. There is no doubt that a person can find God the Father through Jesus Christ. We must go beyond this. He is the exclusive way. We might fear there are not many roads, but why? If there is one well–marked road, is this not sufficient.

Jesus is the Truth.
He is the full revelation of God. The word 'truth' is used 22 times in the Gospel of John. If we know the Son, we also know the Father. This thought seems to tie back to John 1:1-3.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being."

Just as Truth is the very principle of God, so is Jesus Christ. Jesus was/is the Word (logos) of God. He never was created but always existed. Instead we see all things were made through Him. Everything is totally dependent upon Him. So just as truth is the backbone of creation, so is Christ. Without Him, one is simply living outside of God's revelation.

Our sinful world is much like a virus threatening to occupy God's kingdom. The world has different operating rules. It tries to usurp God's creation because it has nothing of its own.

We do not hear people saying that a virus should have equal footing with their regular genetic code. People want to get rid of the virus invasion and allow their body to normally function. We might look at all of the human race as invaded and occupied and only by being freed and restored by Christ can we be restored. The sin–sick and wayward thoughts of man are not normal. They are twisted and perverted.

Jesus is the Truth. He fully reveals the Lord's way and wonderfully enables us to be restored to it. Other religions are simply man's way of justifying their twisted lives. Only Christ leads back to God the Father. Let us not be ashamed of the Truth. Only here will we find the glorious path to true freedom.

Jesus is the Life.
He also is the Life. If we continue to use the illustration of the virus, we see that the virus lives off of what is already existent. Its path is destruction: occupy and destroy. We might live seventy years before our bodies give in to its full destructive path. But this is totally different than Life. This Life was shown in Christ who healed the sick, cast out demons and rose men from the dead. The Life is the main operating energy source.

So again, we ask, "What would we do without Christ?" We would perish. We already are perishing. Our time is limited before what was given to us at birth is wiped out. The evil operating principle of destruction is fast gaining its killing hand upon our lives. Medicines merely hold back the destructive process. We need life!

We might ask what this truth has to do with living godly lives. We need to be embrace the truth with much more confidence. We cannot think that others apart from Christ have a solution. We dare not stand around doing nothing when people are perishing. The truth is worth living and dying for. We have one life, and we must quickly eradicate every compromise of this truth. Each compromise is a twisting of the truth so that it is no longer truth. In order to be men of the Truth, we need to allow Jesus Christ fully reign in our lives. This is when the Spirit of Truth has full reign in our lives and in our sin–affected bodies.

"That is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you." (John 14:17)

"When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness of Me." (John 15:26)

Culled & Adapted from
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The Lagos State government has in a bid to check the menace caused by the influx of beggars in the state deported some 3,105 beggars and lunatics to their states and countries of origin.



The special adviser to the governor on youth and social development, Dolapo Badru, disclosed this during a briefing on Thursday in Lagos. He said about 3,044 of the beggars arrested in raids on lunatics have been deported in the last one year.

Mr Badru revealed that Sokoto State had the highest number of beggars, with 196, arrested on Lagos streets, followed by Oyo State with 83; Kano State - 75, Osun - 67, Ekiti - 21, and Ondo State - seven.

He added that a breakdown in the number of lunatics showed that Niger Republic had the highest number of beggars and lunatics arrested, with 12; Chad Republic - two and Côte d'Ivoire - one.

Mr Badru reiterated the state government's zero-tolerance for begging and destitution in the state, adding that the exercise of picking up unwanted persons from the streets of Lagos would be a continuous exercise.

He said his office would continue to work with security agencies to rid the city of the unwanted persons, adding that it is an offence to indulge the beggars who troop to the state on a daily basis to beg for alms.

On the essence of the state's rehabilitation centre at Owutu, Ikorodu, where beggars, destitutes, the mentally-challenged and drug addicts picked off from the streets are taken, Mr Badru said that the state government would continue to make provision for facilities to help rehabilitate them.

He said the mentally-unstable picked up across the state would be given adequate medical attention, while the 38 able-bodied among them suspected to be criminals have been handed over to the state task force for prosecution.

To effectively tackle the problem in the state, Mr Badru appealed to members of the public to desist from giving alms to beggars on the streets, pointing out that giving them alms would only encourage them to remain in the act which according to him has become a profession for many disguising to be beggars.

He urged members of the public to contribute their quota to the government's initiative by instead making donations to only registered orphanages, motherless babies home, churches, mosque or any other recognised social welfare institution in the state.


On adoption and fostering, Mr Badru disclosed that many applications were received from prospective adopters, locally and internationally. He said they have been screened to determine their suitability for adopting children, with 177 granted letters of approval.

He disclosed that 126 children were adopted by members of the public, with 11 released for fostering. He added that 174 children have had their adoptions legalised through the juvenile court. Furthermore, an additional 161 babies were rescued and referred to various government homes and private orphanages.

The special adviser stated that his office was currently working on new guidelines for adoption and fostering, saying it was presently relating with some countries in respect of international adoptions. The countries are Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.

"International adoption gives succour to children with medical challenges," Mr Badru said, adding that screenings were conducted for international adopters who wanted to adopt children from Lagos.

He said 152 children have so far been adopted by persons from a total of 10 countries, as follows: Italy - 20; the Netherlands - 41; Spain - 15; Switzerland - 12; Denmark - 25; Belgium - eight; United States - 16; United Kingdom - eight; Germany - two, and Canada - five.

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The 2012 American Visa Lottery has been cancelled over alleged computer malfunction at the State department.David Donahue, deputy assistant secretary of state for visa services revealed that the cancellation of the 2012 Diversity Lottery wascaused by computer programming problem.


He appealed to people who had applied for the 50,000 visa slot to wait, as the agency start over the selection process.


Donahue, in a press statement issued by the state department said, “We regret to inform you that, due to a computer programming problem, the results of the 2012 Diversity Lottery that were previously posted on this website have been voided.  They were not valid and were posted in error.


“The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law.


“If you checked this website during the first week in May and found a notice that you had been selected for further processing or a notice that you had not been selected, that notice has been rescinded and is no longer valid.


“A new selection process will be conducted based on the original entries for the 2012 program.


“If you submitted a qualified entry from October 5, 2010 to November 3, 2010, your entry remains with us.  It will be included in the new selection lottery.  Your confirmation number to check results on this website is still valid.


“We expect the results of the new selection process to be available on this website on or about July 15, 2011.


“We regret any inconvenience this might have caused”.
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Iran to blind woman's attacker with acid

t1larg.movahedi.cnn.jpg?width=234A human rights group on Saturday urged Iranian authorities not to put acid in the eyes of a man found guilty of blinding a woman who scorned him.

Majid Movahedi is scheduled to be blinded by having five drops of acid in each eye Saturday, according to Amnesty International.

It was unclear what time -- or whether -- the punishment will take place Saturday. The semiofficial Iranian Students' News Agency, or ISNA, reported Saturday that the acid punishment had been postponed and another date hadn't been established.

Movahedi was convicted in 2008 of throwing a bucket of acid on Ameneh Bahrami.

The attack blinded Bahrami, who sought to have authorities render the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.

The rights group is urging Iran to forgo the acid punishment.

"It is unbelievable that the Iranian authorities would consider implementing such a punishment," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, an Amnesty International deputy director.

"Regardless of how horrific the crime suffered by Ameneh Bahrami, being blinded with acid is a cruel and inhuman punishment amounting to torture, and the Iranian authorities have a responsibility under international law to ensure it does not go ahead."

Bahrami said it has been very difficult for her since the attack.

She says she first met Movahedi in 2002 when they attended the same school.

She was a 24-year-old electronics student. He was 19. She never noticed him until he sat next to her in class and brushed up against her. Bahrami says she knew it wasn't an accident.

"I moved away from him," she said, "but he brushed up against me again."

Bahrami said that over the next two years, Movahedi harassed her and made threats, even asking her to marry him.

"He told me he would kill me. He said, 'You have to say yes.' "

On a November afternoon in 2004, his threats turned to violence when he followed her from the medical engineering company where she worked.

As she walked to the bus stop, she sensed someone behind her.

She turned around and was startled to see Movahedi, who threw something over her. What felt like fire on her face was acid searing through her skin.

"I was just yelling, 'I'm burning! I'm burning! For God's sake, somebody help me,' " she said.

The acid seeped into her eyes, and streamed down her face into her mouth. When she covered her face with her hands, streaks of acid ran down her fingers and onto her forearms.

In 2009, Bahrami told CNN that she had undergone more than a dozen surgeries on her badly scarred face, but still imagined that in the future she would have a wedding day.

"I always see myself as someone who can see and sometimes see myself in a beautiful wedding gown, and why not?" She said.

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2011_nigeria_day_04_087_web.jpeg?w=300&h=199&width=300Last week I wrote about Computer Village, where many of the gadget-hounds in Lagos go to get their gadgety fix. But what about new technology being developed in the country? The city’s tech entrepreneur scene is small, but several people are working on changing that.

Oo Nwoye–  or @oothenigerian as he’s known on Twitter– is one of the more enthusiastic champions of this nascent scene. (That’s him on the left.) I met him two years ago in London, where he cornered me at an event and made a case for me going to Nigeria, so he was one of the first people I contacted when I finally did.

Since then, he’d moved back home. He’s working on a to-be-determined startup and spending the meantime trying to galvanize a startup community. He organized a fantastic demo day to give me a taste of what people are working on.

In the days leading up to the pitches, I spoke with half a dozen tech entrepreneurs in Nigeria who had a lot of complaints about the ecosystem. There was the ever-present emerging market complaint of not enough venture capital, but the entrepreneurs also complained about the extremely high costs of doing business in Nigeria given how small the online market is so far, the spotty infrastructure, and the lack of enough developers who want to work for startups instead of the big oil companies.

Victor Asemota (pictured at Demo Day with me to the left) moved to back to Nigeria after starting his mobile technology services company 2011_nigeria_demo_day_105_web.jpg?w=300&h=200&width=300in Ghana, lured by the juicy 150 million person population. He pays the same amount for his office space in Nigeria that he used to pay for a house and a comparable office space in Ghana. More galling: Because the infrastructure is so poor in Nigeria, he also has to provided his own power and water backups. “I have to build my own city just to live here,” he said, exasperated.

Asemota also talked about a bigger challenge to building a tech company in Nigeria: The stigma of illicit 419 scams. He’d negotiated a deal with a customer in Florida one time and was wrapping up the meeting by handing the man his business card. Simply seeing that he was from Nigeria killed the deal instantly, Asemota says. The man wouldn’t even keep his business card. I noticed at the end of our dinner, when Asemota handed me his card it listed his company as located in Ghana. And, he says, ground down by the frustrations of doing business in Nigeria, he’ll probably move back there.

So I entered Demo Day halfway through my trip, desperately looking for some hope. I found the first glimpse of it, appropriately, in a guy wearing an Obama Hope T-Shirt. His name was Gbenga Sesan, and he runs a organization called Paradigm Initiative of Nigeria. It takes small delegations of Lagos’s techies into less developed and frequently more violent parts of Nigeria to convince 13-year-olds to get2011_nigeria_demo_day_026_web.jpg?w=300&h=200&width=300 interested in computers. “If you don’t start at 13, they can’t be millionaires by the time they are thirty,” he says.

Another group called Co-Creation Hub immediately caught my attention. It is building an incubator to help entrepreneurs with business advice, funding and mentoring. Their focus is using technology to solve real problems Nigeria faces, not just copying what people read on TechCrunch. It welcomes more than just coders, but teachers, doctors, or anyone from any background that has a dramatic idea of how to make life in Nigeria better. A new co-working space to be opened later this year will operate like an open living lab for social change.

I love that strategy. I always advise entrepreneurs if they want to build a Western-facing consumer Internet company to move for the Valley; it will just be easier. But if they want to be pioneers in their own markets, focus on the problems and endemic strengths there. (And probably read sites like TechCrunch a little less too.)

So right away between Nwoye’s evangelism, Paradigm Initiative of Nigeria’s efforts to build a young generation of coders and Co-Creation Hub’s cushy nest for social change, there was a pretty impressive mix of people actively working to foster an ecosystem. Things were looking up for Nigerian entrepreneurs. The demos started, and I was impressed by many of the companies too. They ran a tight ship doing pitches of no more than five minutes, and there were only a few copy-cat Western Web ideas in the bunch. My favorites are below. I should mention there was also a Garage48 hacker event over the weekend in Lagos that I wasn’t able to attend. The demos from that day are here.

2011_nigeria_demo_day_054_web.jpg?w=300&h=200&width=300Gyst: This was one of two truly long-term, big-idea, swing-for-the-fences startups I saw in the country. (I’ll write about the other one on Saturday.) Sim Shagaya (pictured to the left) has a Harvard MBA, but don’t hold that against him. After studying in the US and bouncing around the tech and banking world, he returned home to build a traditional old media billboard business.

He’s now leveraging the cash-flow of that to build two exciting new media companies. One is a daily deal site called DealDey. The other is super exciting. It’s called Gyst, and it’s a very local business directory search engine. He hires a bunch of kids throughout the country and gives them each a smart phone with a camera. They go door-to-door, manually getting information and GPS coordinates on every small businesses in the city, gathering the information in a database. Amazingly, nothing like this exists in Nigeria– no Yellow Pages, no local search engines, no 411 service. Like most emerging markets, many cities in West Africa don’t even have a formal system of streets and addresses or a working postal system.

This is an insanely expensive and ambitious project, and it’s 100% bootstrapped by the parent company. The opportunity is huge. It’s Google on a local level combined with Yelp, JustDial,SMSOneGigwalk, and a bunch of other exciting companies who rethink cost effective ways to amass huge amounts of local data in one easy-to-access place. “It will take a long time to show the true value of this business, but we’re willing to wait,” Shagaya says. Right now the company has 20,000 business listings, and its ultimate ambition is to index every city in West Africa with more than one million people. And the company will make all that information completely free for users. Whoa.

There are obviously huge synergies between these three businesses. A daily deal site that is tied to billboards and the region’s only2011_nigeria_demo_day_001_web1.jpg?w=300&h=200&width=300comprehensive small business directory is a lot more powerful and exciting than a run-of-the-mill Groupon clone. It’s a textbook example of how industries develop in parallel, not serial, in emerging markets, utterly transforming how they develop. Imagine if Clear Channel, Google and Groupon were all the same company. And I love the ambition: Shagaya said he is focused on building nothing less than the Naspers of Nigeria.

Naspers– the South African media conglomerate– is not only one of the most dominant new media companies in Africa, it’s investing in the most important new media companies in the emerging world. One of their companies, DealFish, was even a sponsor of this Demo Day. It’s about time a continent as big as Africa has more than one new media powerhouse. This company is one to watch.

Skoola: This company has taken several years of Nigeria and Western Africa’s standardized tests and converted them into a basic test prep app that can run on any mobile phone, smart or dumb. I asked how big the market is and the whole room laughed. This is the test everyone takes if they have any ambition of higher education.

The business– which is so clear that the entrepreneur pitched in under three minutes– is a no brainer on a lot of levels. More people have phones in the developing world than toilets so it’s the ideal medium, and it’s a way to kill time sitting in traffic and further your education at the same time. It’s a perfect example of how to build a mass market product in a country like Nigeria: It’s distributed on the broadest possible platform, solving a problem a huge percentage of the population has, and priced for volume at less than $.30 per test. The company is working on French translations so neighboring West African countries can use the product too. I’m amazed I haven’t seen something like this in India. I’m sure it already exists. If it doesn’t, it should.

Traffic Nigeria: Speaking of the need to kill time in traffic, this company uses crowd-sourcing to monitor the traffic in Lagos, delivering results over the Web or SMS. Nigerian traffic is not the worst I’ve seen in the emerging world, but it’s pretty awful. As the entrepreneur put it dramatically, “You’re dying gradually sitting in this traffic, and we want to increase Nigeria’s life expectancy.”

I like the idea of attacking a local problem like this, but I’m not convinced crowd-sourcing is the right way. One entrepreneur I talked to later suggested that Traffic Nigeria should charge people for the updates (many people would gladly pay if the information was solid) and then pay motorcycle cabs or delivery guys to report once an hour or so on traffic conditions on their already traveled routes. That could be an instant local hit, and again, something that should exist in the rest of the developing world too.

But the entrepreneur behind Traffic Nigeria seemed sharp, and I have no doubt if the crowd-sourcing approach doesn’t pan out, he’ll iterate his way to a better method. The company is wisely tapping into something people feel passionate about: Everyone in Lagos talks about how brutal the traffic is and routes, meetings, days and plans are all orchestrated to avoid it at all costs.

Several other companies I met were working on important building blocks for any local Web ecosystem. My favorites in that category were Pagatech, a pretty sophisticated company that turns mobile phones into electronic wallets, and Bloovue, a Nigerian-localized ad network that hand-holds small businesses as they start to advertise on the Web and mobile devices. One cool thing about Bloovue is you can build an ad easily on a mobile phone; a small business never has to touch a computer to advertise online. The company cited the example of a woman named Judy the Cheesecake Lady. After one ad ran on Bloovue’s network she got six calls for cheesecakes within twenty minutes, and sixty calls over the next few days. She’d never considered advertising online before, and was stunned by the rapid results.

So that’s the raw, hopeful side of the Nigerian tech scene. This weekend I’ll post two stories about my brushes with the country’s no less entrepreneurial tech underworld.

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A stash of pornography was found in the hideout of Osama bin Laden by the U.S. commandos who killed him, current and former U.S. officials said on Friday.

The pornography recovered in bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive, according to the officials, who discussed the discovery with Reuters on condition of anonymity.

The officials said they were not yet sure precisely where in the compound the pornography was discovered or who had been viewing it. Specifically, the officials said they did not know if bin Laden himself had acquired or viewed the materials.

Reports from Abbottabad have said that bin Laden's compound was cut off from the Internet or other hard-wired communications networks. It is unclear how compound residents would have acquired the pornography.

But a video released by the Obama administration confiscated from the compound showed bin Laden watching pictures of himself on a TV screen, indicating that the compound was equipped with video playback equipment.

Materials carted away from the compound by the U.S. commandos included digital thumb drives, which U.S. officials believe may have been a principal means by which couriers carried electronic messages to and from the late al Qaeda leader.

Three other U.S. officials familiar with evidence gathered during investigations of other Islamic militants said the discovery of pornography is not uncommon in such cases.

(Reporting by Mark Hosenball and Tabassum Zakaria; editing by Warren Strobel)

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. 

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if you house Mad Dogs be prepared to face the Grim fact that charity begins at home ! Scary to imagine what they would do to the US if they get the chance .jpeg&STREAMOID=OfrT6aDH4ltAc5_RgPTJhy6SYeqqxXXqBcOgKOfTXxTDgMDadxzX6vZv_1pu1UrKnW_PgxgftuECOcfJwS6Jtlp$r8Fy$6AAZ9zyPuHJ25T7a9GKDSxsGxtpmxP0VAUyHL6IDcZHtmM2t7xO$FHdJG95dFi6y2Uma3vSsvPpVyo-&width=234

U.S. special forces flew in from Afghanistan to find and kill bin Laden at his hideout in a northern Pakistani town on May 2. Pakistan welcomed the killing of bin Laden as a major step against militancy but was outraged by the secret U.S. raid that got him, saying it was a violation of its sovereignty.
The discovery of bin Laden in the town of Abbottabad, near the country's top military academy, has, however, deepened suspicion in the United States that Pakistani security forces knew where he was hiding.
Bin Laden's followers have vowed revenge for his death and the Pakistani Taliban said the Friday attack by two suicide bombers on a paramilitary academy in the northwestern town of Charsadda was their first taste of vengeance.

"There will be more," militant spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan said by telephone from an undisclosed location.
The attackers struck as the recruits were going on leave and 65 of them were among the 80 dead. Pools of blood strewn with soldiers caps and shoes lay on the road outside the academy as the wounded, looking dazed with parts of their clothes ripped away by shrapnel, were loaded into trucks.
Shahid Ali, 28, was on his way to his shop when the bombs went off. He tried to help survivors. "A young boy was lying near a wrecked van asked me to take him to hospital. I got help and we got him into a vehicle," Ali said.

Hours after the bombing, a U.S. drone aircraft fired missiles at a vehicle in the North Waziristan region on the Afghan border, killing five militants, Pakistani security officials said.
It was the fourth drone attack since bin Laden was killed, inflaming another sore issue between Pakistan and the United States. Pakistan officially objects to these attacks, saying they violate its sovereignty. It also says the civilians casualties complicate its efforts to fight militants by gaining the support of local villagers.

The United States says the drone strikes are carried out under an agreement with Pakistan and it has made clear it will go after militants in Pakistan when it finds them.

Pakistan Taliban turn against state

The bomb attack was a grim reminder of the militant threat Pakistan faces even as bin Laden's discovery 50 km (30 miles) from the capital has revived suspicion of Pakistani double-dealing.

The Pakistan Taliban, close allies of al Qaeda, are fighting to bring down the nuclear-armed state and impose their vision of Islamist rule. They launched their war in earnest in 2007, after security forces cleared militant gunmen from a radical mosque in the capital, killing about 100 people. Pakistan has long used militants as proxies to oppose the influence of its old rival India, and is widely believed to be helping some factions even while battling others.
It has rejected as absurd suggestions its security agencies might have known where bin Laden was hiding.
The United States has long pressed Pakistan to tackle Afghan Taliban taking shelter in Pakistani enclaves on the border but the chance of greater cooperation with the United States appears to have been dented by the U.S. raid to get bin Laden.
The chairman of Pakistan's joint chiefs of staff committee, General Khalid Shameem Wynne, has canceled a five-day visit to the United States beginning on May 22.


"He called his U.S. counterpart ... and informed him that the visit could not be undertaken under existing circumstances," a military official told Reuters. He did not elaborate but the decision to cancel the visit came as the cabinet defense committee said it was reviewing cooperation with the United States on counter-terrorism.


The parameters of such cooperation would be clearly defined "in accordance with Pakistan's national interests and the aspirations of the people," the committee said in a statement. The military and government have also come in for criticism at home, partly for failing to find bin Laden but more for failing to detect or stop the unauthorized U.S. raid to kill him.
Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani will be at a closed-door briefing by military officials to parliament later on Friday.
Some U.S. lawmakers have called for suspending aid to Pakistan because of doubts about its commitment in going after violent Islamists.
But President Barack Obama's administration has stressed the importance of maintaining cooperation with Pakistan in the interests of battling militancy and bringing stability to neighboring Afghanistan.

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Everyday it seems like there is another miracle pill or amazing exercise machine which will mostwoman-looking-at-food-300x180.jpg definitely make you look like Beyonce before the week is out. If I have to see one more infomercial promising to help me lose 10 pounds in 10 days, I will throw my TV out of the window. We all know that there is no miracle pill or exercise-free secret to losing weight, rather, weight loss is portion control, healthy eating and, hate to break it to you, exercise.

However, there are small tricks you can use, which, while not a miracle cure, can help you change your attitude to eating, without making you go into debt to pay off the ridiculously over-priced ab workout machines. We all know the trick of using a smaller serving plate, which gives you the illusion of eating a lot of food when in reality you’re really not, but did you know there are other just as effective small mind tricks which you can use? Shine published 4 great tips you can use to help you with portion control, to ensure you don’t over eat….

1. Light a vanilla scented candle.

Supposedly, the vanilla scent reduces dessert cravings. In fact, Shine report that one group of 160 volunteers actually lost an average of 4.5 pounds each by wearing vanilla-scented patches. Smells amazing, and you don’t intake useless calories on dessert. How can you beat that?

2. Paint your dining room blue.

Blue rooms help people to eat less, as the blue tinge makes the food look less appealing. In fact research has shown that people eat 33% less in a blue hued room. While no one is actually crazy enough to go all out and paint their walls blue, you can try to achieve the same mood by hanging blue lamp-shades and paintings, or using blue plates and napkins. Conversely, red, yellow and orange colors have been shown to promote appetite, so steer clear of these in your dining rooms if possible. I guess it’s no coincidence so many fast food chains use red and yellow in their color schemes is it?

3. Put on relaxing music.

Soft, slow background music helps you to slow down and relax normally doesn’t it? So logic holds that the same would apply when eating. It has been found that soft tunes playing in the background while eating actually encourage more leisurely chewing. It combats hurry-up, stress-related eating by naturally relaxing you, which means that you eat less, because instead of wolfing down an entire plate before you know it, your body has time to digest and work out that it’s actually full. Genius really!

4. Turn on the lights.

Nobody looks their best under full florescent lighting, and the same applies when eating. It has been found that low lighting seen in restaurants works to lower eating inhibitions, making people feel more comfortable with what they’re eating, which in turn makes them eat more. Turning up the lights works as a sort of “food shaming” by making people feel more self-conscious, which helps them to eat less.I don’t know about you, but sitting in a restaurant, (or even my kitchen) which resembles a hospital, would definitely stop me from lingering over the dessert plate and make me want to just get the hell out of there!


Extracted from

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Uganda police open fire as Nigeria leader's car stoned KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan police shot at a crowd in the capital Kampala after it attacked a car carrying Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan who had attended President Yoweri Museveni's inauguration, a government spokesman said. At least one person was killed in the incident. "The car belonging to Goodluck Jonathan was stoned by mobs," said Fred Opolot, director of the government media centre. "The security shot around the area, and one person was shot dead."
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Staff of Airtel Nigeria Abuja office accuse the company of imposing unfriendly labour polices ON its Nigerian workers. - By George Emine Less than one year after the acquisition of Zain Nigeria by Bharti Airtel Ltd, crisis is brewing between the management of the company and the workers. Spanco, an Indian business processing outsourcing, BPO firm which was contracted by the new owner, Bharti Airtel Ltd, to handle customer service is having a running battle with staff of the company in the Abuja office. The workers are accusing Spanco of inhuman treatment and other unfriendly labour policies. The staff believe that working conditions were much better under Zain when two indigenous companies, HR Index and CCNL Nigeria were in charge of customer relations. Investigations by this magazine revealed that as soon as Spanco took over from HR Index and CCNL Nigeria, one of the very first things they did was to dismiss without any reason, all pregnant women at that time. The worse hit are staff in the customer care unit. Before Spanco took over the human resources of the company, the workers were entitled to three days off every week. This was reduced to two days when Spanco took over; the staff were recently notified that this will be further reduced to one day. The duty hours, which were suppose to come down since the off duty days have been reduced, have however, been jacked up. The workers are expected to be on duty for 10 hours as against seven hours previously with only one hour break. A staff of the department who craved anonymity told this magazine that this is taking its toll on his colleagues. In what seems like an utter disregard to the previous structure, Spanco has decided to jettison the earlier work arrangement where team leaders supervised the staff under their care. This is no longer the case; team leaders now take calls like every staff. “They don’t have any regard for us. The only people they treat as human beings are their fellow Indians, as if we the Nigerian staff are slaves, just to be used and dumped,” Newsworld was told. The workers are also complaining of harsh working conditions. Hundreds of workers in a crowded hall are not provided with adequate ventilation and air conditioners when there is power outage as the management complain of high cost of diesel to fuel their generator sets. This magazine gathered that the workers are facing a bleak future with the planned transfer of the customer care centre to Ogun State. This may mean laying off staff in the Abuja office because the company is not prepared to pay transfer allowances to the workers. There is a disparity in the salary of the workers. Old staff who were employed by HR Index and CCNL Nigeria, were paid N75, 000 while the new one, engaged by Spanco collect N40, 000. The old staff believe this is an orchestrated plan by Spanco to frustrate them out of work so as to employ new staff they will pay pittance. “They are doing all these to make sure we get frustrated and leave their work for them. If I leave now, the person they will employ to take over from me will be paid only N40, 000, almost half of what I am earning. So you see why they want to make things difficult for us.” He blamed the problem on the unemployment situation in the country. To make the matter worse for the workers, the company does not allow them to form a union. Every worker is dealt with as an individual and not as a member of a group. But the workers have started mobilising against the unfriendly policies through text messages. One of such messages read: “Please don’t be scared to say NO to Spanco’s 10 hrs, don’t agree to be tied down for long hours. The extra hours is what gives us time to do other stuff to compensate the salary as we cannot depend on the low sum. Cost of living in Abuja is high! If you do not act and it is implemented, the work conditions will get increasingly worse. If the schedule is published, teams working will not log on; a peaceful way to say NO until it is reviewed. Don’t try sabotage because you want to find favour because you think you will be promoted. You will not be treated differently. Please be wise, let’s all work together! We CAN! BB and sms to as many contacts and groups, Spanco IT agents and team leaders, as possible. The sooner this sms gets to management, the better. Please, keep it moving.” Some members of staff who spoke with this magazine have vowed to resist any further poor or unhealthy labour policies. “We will not surrender, but we will resist any inhuman treatment. It is time someone said enough is enough. If it is in their own country is this the way they will treat their workers? So why will they deliberately want to subject us to slavery?” In a statement, Pravin Kumar, chief executive officer, CEO, of the company had noted that “Our relationships with customers are generally life long ones; we invest heavily in building capabilities and then create sustainable models which are replicable. We intend to adopt this approach in Africa.” Is this applicable to the workforce as well? The company said it is planning to invest $20 million and employ 10,000 people across Africa in three years. Airtel has presence in seven African countries including Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC and Tanzania but its unfriendly labour policies may bring it into confrontation with labour unions. Attempts to speak with the head of the corporate department proved abortive as he was not on seat.
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Funeral Thieves Nabbed: As you mourn they Steal


Army clashes with militants in oil delta..after months of "vacation"


Man kills mother in Church Premises


Naija Mayor Dies In UK





Meet Genevieve "Junior" Could this be her Daughter ?

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Family Members Jubilate Over Dora Akunyili’s Misfortune
Top Nige.rian Celebrities Who Are Gigolos
Pakistan grants U.S. access to Bin Laden’s widows ! Na Wa o Why ? dem wan marry dem !
images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSc9r948iiXeuq-dLFbHkg-slPiLYffxqDR6fpobpdOyR6-oK5vX0UPBGjk&width=123Sarah, Duchess of York was NOT invited to Royal Wedding !
rome_1892081c.jpg?width=123Italians evacuate Rome over Massive Earthquake Prediction in 1911
Local Govt employee arraigned for raping nine-year-old girl
'Lawyer’ dupes 75-yr-old of N12m
15 first class graduates of various universities get car gift each
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Officers of the Nigeria Police Force have arrested three men who specialise in stealing from mourners in Lagos. The suspects, Mukaila Musibau, Olatunji Kayode, and Uche Mba, were arrested at about 7p.m. on Tuesday by officers of the Area F police station, Ikeja at the wake keeping ceremony of Moses Aboyede Pearce, 87, at his residence on Oluwole Street, Ikeja.

The suspects had successfully stolen seven mobile phones, wristwatches and other valuables from unsuspecting mourners at the event when the vigilant officers who were strategically positioned and acting on a tip-off arrested the suspects. The suspects had earlier that day robbed mourners at another funeral event which was held for late Veronica Ojo, who until her death was a pastor with the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Modus operandi

The robbers' modus operandi, according to the police, involved gathering information from newspapers about big funeral events, dressing up as mourners or cameramen, and during prayer sessions, or whenever people were not watching, stealing from the mourners who were usually too filled with grief to notice any crime being committed around them. The suspects luck ran out when the officers who had been briefed on the new strategy being employed by the robbers by victims from other funeral events, swooped on them while they were picking mourners' pockets during the prayer session for the deceased.

Mr Mba one of the suspects said he usually pretended to be a camera man at funeral events.

"I pretend to be a video coverage man so I will be recording people," Mr Mba said. "But when they are not looking, I will pick their handsets and other valuables from the table. Other members of my gang will pretend to be camera men taking false pictures whereas their main aim is to steal from the mourners."

Mr Musibau, a second member of the gang said the robbers capitalized on the sad state of mind of the mourners.

"There are bigger guys in our syndicate who will come to the funeral wearing fine clothes and driving big cars but their aim is to rob the mourners. We know ourselves whenever we meet at such event," Mr Musibau further confessed.

Another member of the gang, Mr Olatunji, revealed how the gang obtained information about their victims.

"We read papers. Like the one we went to, we got the information of the deceased from the PUNCH newspaper on Monday. We will read the obituary pages and see big men funeral, so we will know that other big men will come so that is how we get information about our targets," he said.

Motorcycle thieves

In another development, the Alapere divison of the police command on Wednesday arrested four persons for armed robbery. The suspects, Seyi John, Wasiu Adeyemi, Ibrahim Buhari, and Michael Gbadamosi, were arrested in a Mosque located at number 6, Onalaoluwapo street, Alapere.

The suspects, accused of stealing motorcycles, were almost lynched by a mob which attacked them with cutlasses and other dangerous weapons before they were rescued by the police. The suspects denied the allegations.

"We were just sleeping in the mosque for safety when members of the public swooped on us with dangerous weapons calling us thieves," one of them said. "But we are not thieves. We were coming from Bariga late in the night so we decided to sleep in the mosque till the next day."

Police spokesperson, Samuel Jinadu, said the suspects will be charged to court after a thorough investigation.

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The Nigerian army clashed with militants in the creeks of the Niger Delta on Wednesday, the first such skirmish for months in the heartland of Africa's biggest oil and gas industry. Soldiers patrolling near the Ayakoromo community in Delta state fought a gun battle with fighters believed to be loyal to John Togo, a militant leader still at large following raids on his camps last year, military spokesman Timothy Antigha said. "There was a skirmish between members of the joint military taskforce (JTF) who were on routine patrol and renegade militants suspected to be associates of the wanted John Togo," Antigha said. Some sources said several people were killed but there was no independent confirmation of this. Armed gangs in the Niger Delta shut as much as a quarter of Nigeria's oil output during years of attacks on industry infrastructure until an amnesty brokered by President Goodluck Jonathan in 2009 brought relative peace. The militants claimed they were fighting for a fairer share of the oil wealth for local communities, although many were involved in a lucrative trade in stolen oil and in kidnapping oil workers and wealthy Nigerians for ransom. Most of the major field commanders of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the main militant group, accepted the amnesty offer and have disarmed, but some criminal gang leaders remain, including Togo. The latest unrest appears linked to local politics rather than any renewed campaign of violence against the oil industry. The military went on the offensive after a statement issued by a group calling itself the "Coalition of Niger Delta Freedom Fighters" last week warned of attacks following the victory of Delta state governor Emmanuel Uduaghan in elections last month. The Delta state vote, part of a cycle of presidential, parliamentary and state elections across Africa's most populous nation, was marred by reports of ballot box snatching, voter intimidation and fraud. The army warned on Sunday that nobody had the right to take up arms in the name of an election dispute and that it would deal decisively with any group which tried to do so. Many security consultants say the outlook for the safety of the oil industry in the Niger Delta is as good as it has been for years following the victory of Jonathan, the first head of state from the Niger Delta, in last month's presidential race. Former MEND commanders have shared intelligence with the military to help flush out remaining gangs and the amnesty programme is continuing apace, although finding jobs for the disarmed fighters is a major long-term challenge. Oil infrastructure in the delta, one of the world's largest wetlands, is exposed and easy to opportunistically attack. Togo is one of the more dangerous criminal leaders in the region, responsible for violent armed robberies and ambushes, according to security sources. The army, navy and air force raided his camps around Ayakoromo in December, triggering fighting which killed several civilians and displaced dozens more. He escaped the raids.
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Man kills mother in Church Premises

What was supposed to be a vigil service at the Chapel of Glory Church International, Benin City turned tragic in the early hours of Thursday as the wife of a pastor of the church was allegedly murdered by her son inside the church hall. The accused, simply identified as Ovie, a native of Ozoro, administrative headquarters of Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, allegedly lured his mother into attending the service, saying he wants her to accompany him to a deliverance session at the headquarters of the church, located at No. 21 Isiuwa Street, behind Uselu market. According to sources close to the family of the diseased, Ovie who was allegedly released on bail just last week having been charged with an unknown offence, had on several occasions accused his mother of being responsible for his misfortune by “hindering his prosperity.” The relatives further claimed that the deceased was reluctant to accompany her son to the vigil. Some residents in the area, who spoke on condition of anonymity said they heard the agonising cry of the woman but could not go out to verify what was happening as it was raining. Others said they thought the pastor of the church, Daniel Ohen was conducting deliverance for one of his members, which they said was usually boisterous. Sleeping on duty They however, blamed the men of the vigilante group for failing to rescue the victim, whose agonising cry was heard from far away. They wondered why the church should continue to contribute so much money to pay the security team if they cannot secure the church premises, saying that they either were not at their duty post or were sleeping when the crime was committed. Pastor of the church, Mr Ohen, who is said to be assisting the police in their investigations allegedly arrived at the scene of the crime in company of some of the elders of the church at about 6am.Edo Police spokesman, Peter Ogboi confirmed the story. “Police are taking steps on the matter and the boy is in our custody,” he said.
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